Books of the Book: Galatians

The Curse Of The Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB00006B

00:05 Welcome back, right before our break we were talking about
00:09 the purpose of the law.
00:10 Jim you are going to jump right in here to Galatians 3.
00:16 Let's take a look at Galatians 3:19, right there the
00:21 apostle Paul pretty much fore- shadows, he is thinking ahead
00:25 and knows what type of questions are coming.
00:27 In verse 19 he says, "what purpose then does the law
00:31 "serve?" If the law, like that bowl of fruit wasn't to
00:35 catch the oil, does that mean we throw it away?
00:38 If the law wasn't for justification does that
00:41 mean there is no need for the law?
00:42 The apostle Paul is trying to address that question.
00:44 He says, "it was added because of transgressions," let me
00:49 stop there for a moment.
00:50 There are many people when they look at that think well
00:53 the Ten Commandments then must have been added just
00:57 because of sin and then it goes on to say,
01:00 "till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made;"
01:04 so they must have just been added because of sin and then
01:07 they end and there is no longer a need to keep them after
01:10 the Seed has come.
01:12 We are going to address that a little more as we advance
01:14 along but I want to make this point.
01:16 When it says law, first of all this is talking about not
01:19 just the Ten Commandments, again it's that word nomos,
01:23 it just means law in general.
01:24 - our viewers if they weren't here before, the Greek
01:29 or original text of Galatians does not use a definite
01:34 article anywhere Paul is talking about law.
01:36 In other words it's not the law, but in the original it
01:39 is simply law. - that's right.
01:42 So the idea is what is the purpose of law in general if
01:45 the promise is how we are to receive the inheritance?
01:48 So he says it was added because of transgressions.
01:52 If you think about, whether it's the moral law, the
01:55 Ten Commandments, whether it's the sacrificial laws,
01:58 whether it's circumcision, the issue that was heeded in the
02:02 book of Galatians, what ever your talking about in terms of
02:06 law, the reason that they were given in part
02:09 was because of transgression.
02:11 In other words prior to any sin coming into the world
02:15 there was no need because the principles of the law
02:18 were in the heart and people were living the law
02:21 in their lives, God's creation was living out the law.
02:25 Once there was a fall, especially once God's people
02:28 went into Egypt and they came out.
02:31 In order to instruct them, in order to give humanity
02:33 a clear picture once more of His will, the law was given.
02:37 He speaks of it as being given with a specific role in
02:41 this time, but this giving of the law isn't talking
02:45 about the existence of the law in the whole.
02:48 It's talking about a picture of God's will,
02:50 a picture of God's will.
02:52 So what we are going to look at here in this next verse
02:55 it's going to begin to flush out for us what the real
02:58 purpose of the law was as proclaimed from Sinai.
03:02 So it says in the next part, "it was added because
03:05 "of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the
03:08 "promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by
03:11 "the hand of a mediator. Now the mediator does not
03:13 "mediate for one only, but God is one. "
03:15 He is simply making the point the law and the promises
03:18 both came from God and God is one.
03:20 They are not contrary to one another.
03:23 It is also interesting that he makes the point that it
03:26 came through the hand of a mediator, that it was appointed
03:29 by angels, the same things Stephen said when they stoned
03:33 him, they receive the law through the direction of angels
03:37 and have not kept it.
03:38 So both the apostle Paul, Paul is just repeating the words
03:41 of Stephen who had an active part in his own conversion.
03:45 When you say that something is received from the hand of
03:48 angels you are displaying its exalted character.
03:52 If something came to the hand of angels,
03:53 you are talking about something sacred.
03:55 - that is exactly right. Then he says in verse 21,
03:58 "is the law then against" - I want to backup Jim.
04:01 I want to backup, it is interesting in my study and I
04:04 know you have done a lot of studying" in the book of
04:06 Galatians, most commentators have
04:09 a real problem with verse 20.
04:10 They say in verse 20 wall was Paul making a point of?
04:13 Then they wrestle and wrestle and I think the reason so
04:16 many people wrestle with verse 20 is because they want
04:19 to pit the law against the promises.
04:22 When you understand the reality, Paul is saying there
04:25 is look the same God who mediated the law, mediated the
04:28 promises, the same God who gave the law gave the promises,
04:31 therefore they cannot be contradictory.
04:33 They go together and go hand-in-hand so don't try to pit
04:37 them against each other and then you may understand
04:40 the truth of God.
04:41 That's right, excellent point.
04:43 In verse 21 than he begins to talk about why they are not
04:45 pitted against each other.
04:46 He asks, "is the law then against the promises of God?"
04:49 The answer is pretty strong. "Certainly not! For if
04:52 "there had been a law given which could have given life,
04:55 "truly righteousness would have been by the law. "
04:58 So here the apostle Paul is saying there is no law that
05:03 gives righteousness, that is somewhat obvious.
05:07 Righteousness is right living, it denotes life.
05:12 The law is not able to give life, only the
05:16 Life-giver can give life.
05:17 I mentioned before the break the text in Isaiah says that
05:21 God talks about those who know righteousness, speaks of
05:24 the people that know righteousness, he says, you who
05:28 know righteousness in whose people whose heart is My law.
05:32 I'd like to say that righteous- ness is right being that is
05:35 manifested in right doing.
05:37 It's not just outward it starts inwardly, but can't help
05:40 but to become outward.
05:42 1 John 3:7 says, "do not deceived, He who practices
05:48 "righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. "
05:52 There are some people who want to say righteousness is
05:56 all inward, it's always inward eye has nothing to do with
05:59 outward, but that is not true anymore than righteousness
06:02 being outward and not inward, it's both.
06:03 That's right, and you know there is something else
06:06 we discussed before is that righteousness,
06:08 when you look at the righteous- ness you can see in the law,
06:11 the law of God as it's shown is sort of like
06:14 a picture of a person.
06:17 So God's righteousness is expressed in the law sort of
06:23 the same way a picture of me expresses who I am.
06:27 Yeah you can see who I am, but the embodiment of who I am,
06:32 the fullness of who I am isn't there.
06:35 You can't get life out of that.
06:37 In the same way you can't get life out of the law.
06:40 You can only get life from a Life-giver.
06:42 So he makes the point, if there had been a law given which
06:45 could have given life, truly righteousness would have been
06:48 by the law, but there is no righteousness that can come
06:50 out of the law.
06:52 One good example of how God dealt with that is in the book
06:55 of Romans, I thought maybe we could look there together.
07:00 If you go to Romans 7, in chapter 7 you will remember from
07:04 a previous episode, we looked at verse 14 where it says,
07:09 "for we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal,
07:14 "sold under sin. " So law is spiritual but I'm carnal and
07:18 we had this disconnect, we've talked about that before.
07:23 So in verse three of chapter 8, Romans 8:3 it says,
07:27 "for what the law could not do in that it was weak
07:30 "through the flesh. " We just read in Galatians the law
07:33 couldn't give life. - that's right!
07:35 Because it was weak in the flesh.
07:36 The law is spiritual, but we are carnal. - that's right!
07:40 So because the law could not give life something else had
07:43 to be done and it says what God does right after this.
07:46 "For what the law could not do in that it was weak
07:49 "through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the
07:52 "likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned
07:56 "sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law
07:59 "might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the
08:02 "flesh but according to the Spirit. "
08:05 So from God we receive the Spirit, the law can't give us
08:10 the Spirit, but God gives us His Spirit which creates
08:14 that submission to God, that crucifixion of selfishness.
08:18 I think of it in my own life, what does that look like?
08:22 For me, suddenly I had a hunger for God.
08:24 I had an interest for the things of God.
08:27 I desired to follow God, my heart was melted by the love
08:30 of Christ and suddenly my attitude towards spiritual
08:34 things changed, that is what the Spirit can do
08:37 that the law simply cannot do.
08:39 That's right, that's right and so you have this, one of
08:42 the things about the law is that it points out a condition
08:46 and it makes known to us the reality that we have no
08:50 righteousness, yet we need righteousness
08:52 if we are going to have life.
08:54 So as Paul goes on in Galatians 3:22 he says, "but the
08:59 "Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by
09:05 "faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who
09:07 "believe. But before faith came, we were kept under guard
09:12 "by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be
09:15 "revealed. " Now before when he said until the Seed should
09:18 come but now here he links faith to that.
09:21 I'm not going to comment on that but I want us to look at
09:23 the language he uses and depending on your
09:25 Bible translation, mine uses the word confined under sin.
09:30 Kept under guard by the law, I think the King James says,
09:35 shut up under sin and other translations use these similar
09:39 words, shut up, confined, kept under guard, like you are
09:43 being jailed and what the Bible is doing here.
09:46 What Paul is doing is showing the role of the law
09:48 as a disciplinarian.
09:51 In other words for the unconverted person, the law's
09:55 role our relation to the law because we are sinners,
09:58 all the law you like and do is condemn our actions.
10:01 It can't give us righteousness, it can just bear witness
10:04 to righteousness, it can show us right and wrong, but it
10:07 can't transform us because we are untransformed because
10:11 we are carnal and all the law can do is say you are carnal
10:14 you are condemned, you're on death row.
10:17 That is right. - the Bible says kept under guard by the
10:22 law for the faith which will be revealed.
10:25 So the idea is you are shut up in this prison cell and
10:30 it's an unpleasant experience until you come to the
10:35 realization that there is one door out.
10:37 - that's right, that's right and so this idea of sin,
10:41 the law revealing our sin, of course the wages of sin
10:44 is death so when the law reveals our sin it automatically
10:49 shows us we are doomed to die eternally.
10:53 So we are in this fearful mode until, like you said,
10:57 you see that the door, that door is faith coming.
11:01 Faith in what? Faith in Christ is exactly right.
11:04 Verse 23 says, "but before faith came, we were kept under
11:07 "guard by the law, For the faith which would afterward be
11:11 "revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to
11:15 "Christ, that we might be justified by faith. "
11:18 The law couldn't give us life, but it's certainly wants
11:21 us to have life. - that's right.
11:23 It says look, you are outside of My will so you are doomed
11:26 to die, the law is simply an expression of God's will.
11:30 God uses the law to show us our guilt, to give us a deep
11:34 conviction that we need Him.
11:36 That leads us to Christ. And then it says, "but after
11:40 "faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. "
11:44 So once the law fulfills its role, as a jail master,
11:48 as it were, showing us that we are outside of God's will.
11:53 We are destined to die eternally, we say oh, I need to
11:56 escape from this and we reach out by faith in Christ
12:00 and receive His sacrifice in our behalf.
12:03 We received the Spirit of God which gives us a humble
12:06 heart that now the law can recognize.
12:10 Now we do not need that law from a jail master role
12:13 anymore. - no not in the role of a disciplinarian.
12:17 Like when you're growing up as a child and your parents
12:20 tell you to do this and do that, the hope is one of
12:22 these days it will be in your heart and
12:25 you will choose to do it.
12:26 So in the will of God, before we come to Christ the law
12:31 tells us what's wrong and it's abrasive, we don't like it.
12:36 But when our heart is converted it becomes in our heart to
12:41 choose to do the things that please God.
12:44 Just like David said, now all of a sudden it is
12:46 oh how I love thy law. - that's right.
12:47 Something changes and I think of Psalms 19 were it says,
12:51 "the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul. "
12:54 We know that only God can convert the soul.
12:57 But the Lord Jesus uses the law to lead us to Himself
13:02 that we might find a humility that brings us into
13:06 Harmony, spirituality which the law is trying
13:11 to get us to have.
13:12 So now we are desirous of keeping the law.
13:15 That is just a powerful thought.
13:17 I hope you will join us next time.


Revised 2014-12-17