Books of the Book: Galatians

Dead To The Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB00004B

00:07 Welcome back to Books of the Book, we are studying the
00:09 book of Galatians and actually Jim you had just mentioned
00:12 1 John 3:4 and we are talking about what it means to be
00:15 dead unto the law.
00:16 We are going to go there in the book of 1 John 3:4 right
00:21 before the end of the Bible you come to the book of Revelation
00:22 have the 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude and then Revelation.
00:27 I read in the New King James version and it says,
00:30 "whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
00:34 "and sin is lawlessness. "
00:36 Now the King James version says, transgression of the law.
00:39 Sin is transgression of the law and sometimes that makes
00:43 it pretty plain obviously that sin is transgression of
00:46 God's Ten Commandment law and we see that with Paul's
00:48 writings there in Romans 7, we just looked at it.
00:51 The law that convicted him was the law that said
00:53 thou shall not covet and that kind of thing,
00:55 but some people in some of these new editions like
00:58 sin is lawlessness wonder at what it means.
01:01 What's fascinating is if you read this in the Greek
01:04 language of the New Testament, what it says is a word
01:07 for sin is Hamartia.
01:09 And the word for lawlessness is Anomia.
01:14 From the Greek word Nomos law, "a" is negative so it literally
01:18 is lawlessness, but the context there which is interesting
01:23 Hamartia means literally to miss the mark.
01:26 It would be like if you are taking target practice, a bow
01:30 and arrow and you were shooting for a bull's-eye,
01:32 and you miss the mark.
01:34 So an essence the text says in Greek to miss the mark is
01:39 lawlessness, so what would the mark be?
01:42 - the law. - The mark would be the law of God.
01:44 So in other words he is saying in this text that the mark,
01:46 the aim for the Christian is the law of God,
01:49 and that would be the standard.
01:50 You know there is a word in that verse that is key and
01:52 I think it has been in all the verses we have discussed on
01:55 the idea of the law still be valid in the New Testament.
01:58 It is a small word, but it is an important word.
02:01 The word is "is". It says that sin is lawlessness.
02:05 So when the apostle Paul was writing this, or John in this
02:09 particular case was writing this, long after the
02:11 crucifixion of Christ he was saying in present tense sin
02:16 is at this moment, breaking the law.
02:19 Falling short of the law and when you look back at all the
02:21 verses we have looked at and you will see that same
02:23 reality, the law is spiritual.
02:26 The Commandment is holy and just and good and that is in
02:29 Romans 7:12 and 14.
02:31 We found in Ephesians 6:1 wherein said the fifth
02:34 commandment is the first commandment with promise, he
02:37 is quoting the fifth commandment says in present tense
02:39 that this is the first commandment promised.
02:41 So all throughout the New Testament you will find that
02:44 those statements that relate to the law of God are in the
02:47 present tense. - that's right.
02:48 When you compare that with for example Colossians chapter
02:51 2 which talks about a law that was, it's past tense for
02:54 the handwriting of ordinances
02:56 written by Moses and it is past tense verses
02:59 the present tense law of the Ten Commandments.
03:02 It is a very good point an important point.
03:04 Another point that is brought up to me by some who don't
03:08 feel the law of God, meaning the Ten Commandments are
03:12 still valid in the New Testament is that when the Bible
03:15 speaks about Commandments is just talking about the
03:18 teachings of Christ, or the generic commands of God
03:21 for instance in Revelation 14:12 where it says here
03:24 a they, here are the patience of the saints, here are
03:27 those that keep the commandments of God.
03:28 Well they say that is not the Ten Commandments of
03:31 Exodus or in Revelation where it says later in chapter 22
03:36 Blessed are those who do His commandments.
03:38 They say that is not the Ten Commandments.
03:40 But remember as we looked at these different verses in
03:43 the context we have specifically chosen verses that quote
03:47 one of the Ten Commandments so we know what law he is
03:50 talking about, Romans 2 Romans 7, Ephesians 6,
03:56 each of these end James Chapter 2 all have in the context
03:59 one of the Ten Commandments so you know exactly what law
04:02 he is talking about.
04:04 I don't want to get this confused with the idea that you
04:06 are justified by keeping the Ten Commandments, but
04:09 just because you can't be justified by the
04:10 Ten Commandments doesn't mean they are not important or
04:12 that they don't have a place or a role.
04:14 That's what we see Paul making that point in his writings
04:18 here, is the mindset that causes people to read into what
04:22 is not here, in other words there is a mindset that the
04:25 law of God restricts us and in order to have a true
04:28 Christian liberty, the liberty is actually a liberty from
04:33 the law and thus the concept dead to the law must mean we are
04:37 free, when we say free from law or free from the thing
04:42 that held us, that freedom is the freedom to obey the law.
04:48 We picked it up in Galatians 5 where there is another
04:52 passage here a Galatians 5 that aligns with that same
04:55 point Christian liberty and we will get Galatians 5:1.
04:59 Paul says, "stand fast there fore in the liberty by which
05:04 "Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again
05:08 "with a yoke of bondage. "
05:09 I have had people approach me and say well the Bible is
05:12 pretty clear when Paul says don't be entangled with the
05:15 yoke of bondage, that is the Ten Commandments, you are free
05:18 from having to keep the Ten Commandments.
05:20 But the issue here is that is not what the apostle is
05:24 saying, we will read on here and explain that and he goes
05:28 on in verse two to say, "in deed I Paul, say to you that if
05:31 "you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
05:35 "And I testify again to every man who become circumcised
05:38 "that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. You have
05:42 "become in this estranged from Christ, you who attempt to
05:45 "be justified by law; for you have fallen from grace. "
05:49 Now those are strong words.
05:51 That can sound on the surface, to a surface reader, wow
05:56 anybody who thinks about keeping the law they are
05:59 estranged from Christ, it's Christ or the law.
06:02 We are making a key point that I think is what creates
06:05 the confusion for many, in the book of Galatians.
06:08 That is that what Paul is addressing here is not obedience
06:14 to the law, but seeking to be justified by the law.
06:18 If he was saying the other, then he by telling the
06:22 Ephesians that they should keep the fifth commandment
06:25 would have been placing them under a yoke bondage.
06:29 It would have made him to contradict himself.
06:31 He is not talking about obedience and if you look
06:34 carefully in verse four it specifically says, "you who
06:37 "attempt to be justified by law. "
06:41 He says those are the ones estranged from Christ.
06:44 The reason is, if you are seeking to be justified by some
06:47 external behavior, you really think you are okay and you
06:50 just need to go to church and do certain things and
06:53 you don't not need that personal surrender to Christ and
06:55 a deep commitment to Christ, then you are basically
06:59 saying I don't need Christ.
07:01 You are becoming estranged to Christ.
07:04 I can clean my act a little bit and that will be sufficient.
07:07 That is exactly right so this idea of justification.
07:09 this goes back to what we were talking
07:11 about the Pharisee and the publican, the Pharisee was in
07:14 the temple and he was praying, he said I'm glad
07:17 I'm not as bad as those guys.
07:18 That's right, that's right, so if obedience is not what
07:22 places you under a yoke of bondage then what does it mean
07:26 justification by law is placing you under
07:29 a yoke of bondage?
07:30 What exactly is that telling us?
07:31 It's placing us under yoke of bondage.
07:33 Absolutely and it makes me think of this idea because he
07:37 is talking about liberty, we is the liberty.
07:40 What is liberty, is liberty freedom from having to obey
07:45 God? I think to myself why would anybody who chooses to
07:48 give their life to Christ and serve Him want to be free
07:52 from having to serve Him?
07:53 Why would I want to be free from having to obey the
07:56 principles of God's government, the principles of His law,
08:01 the principles of His very character?
08:03 Why would I want to be free from that?
08:06 Is that the kind of freedom that Christianity is talking
08:09 about? - it just can't be.
08:10 I guess the best way for me to describe this,
08:13 I look back to when we were going through
08:16 our conversion experience.
08:17 Now my brother Mark is five years older than me and I am
08:21 not sure if the camera is picking it up but he has a few
08:24 more silver streaks in his hair.
08:26 That is what gives him away, but though we were born the
08:30 first time five years apart, we were born at the same
08:33 time the second time.
08:35 We had our conversion experience around the same time.
08:37 If you were to go back to before our conversion
08:40 experience and tell us come on over we're are going to
08:44 have a Bible study of the book of Galatians, I can
08:47 imagine that I wouldn't have been all that anxious.
08:50 I remember after my conversion experience when Mark first
08:53 found - not anxious, you just would not have shown up.
08:56 Well alright, but I remember when you first found out
08:59 about me beginning to read my Bible for myself and
09:02 I was hungry for the word.
09:04 Galatians chapter 1 were the apostle Paul said that
09:08 he was called to be an apostle not from men nor
09:11 through man but through Jesus Christ.
09:13 I relate to that because I didn't have a Bible study with
09:16 someone, or evangelist did not come to me, I just read my
09:20 Bible and the Lord Jesus gripped my heart.
09:23 That was powerful, but prior to that time I wasn't
09:27 anywhere near that and I started reading my Bible and you found
09:30 out about it I remember hearing you say well, Jim he doesn't
09:34 have a religious bone in his body, and I didn't.
09:36 So if I would have been placed in certain circumstances
09:40 where to be in church all day or something,
09:43 it would have been drudgery to me.
09:45 It would have been a yoke of bondage to me.
09:48 There are many people who are going through the motions
09:51 because they believe that God is requiring it,
09:53 but in their heart they don't have the interest,
09:56 they don't have a hunger for spiritual things.
09:58 They have not yet seen their need.
10:01 I was brought to a point where I sensed a need in my
10:04 life and when I read my Bible it was like food to my soul.
10:07 But prior to being prepared for that time if
10:10 I had been introduced to it, I probably would have
10:13 been not very interested.
10:15 It wouldn't have been food to your soul and thus the
10:17 words of Jesus, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst
10:19 "after righteousness for they shall be filled. "
10:22 So we see the reality here is this idea of dead to the law,
10:27 when we go back to Galatians 2, Paul talking about him dying
10:31 to the law, notice again what he says, "for I through the
10:34 law died to the law. " In other words as the law
10:37 convicted me I saw my sinful nature, then I accepted
10:42 Christ and the cardinal nature died.
10:44 Notice how he words it, I through the law died to the law
10:47 that I might not have to worry about keeping the law
10:50 anymore? No that's not what he says.
10:51 That's not what he says at all.
10:53 He says that I might live to God.
10:54 The freedom, the liberty of a Christian life is not a
10:57 liberty from obedience, but a liberty into obedience.
11:01 Listen I was free not to obey the law of God when I was
11:04 not a Christian, I never obeyed the law of God and never
11:07 worried about it, but I was not free to obey it because
11:09 it simply wasn't in my being to do so.
11:12 But through conversion my heart was changed and the
11:15 freedom I have now is a freedom that I never had before,
11:18 and that is a freedom to serve God with my heart.
11:20 That's what Paul says, I died to the law that I might
11:23 live to God, notice verse 20, "I have been crucified with
11:26 "Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;
11:30 "and the life which I now live in the flesh
11:32 "I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and
11:36 "gave Himself for me. "
11:37 He is talking about a conversion here, he is talking about
11:39 a new experience. - Amen. If we keep reading in
11:42 verse 21, he only concludes the thought beautifully.
11:45 But before we go there I just want to take one peek at
11:48 2 Corinthians 6:11 and there is another point I would like
11:52 to make, "O Corinthians! We have spoken openly to you,
11:56 "our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us,
11:59 "but you are restricted by your own affections. "
12:02 You know people look at the problem we have in humanity
12:05 and they say we are out of harmony with God.
12:07 Well we have one or two choices, either we can remove the
12:11 requirements, the law of God or we can remove that which is
12:15 standing in the way which is our own Carnal heart.
12:18 And the reality is that the Carnal heart is what
12:20 ultimately has to go in order for us to be brought
12:23 into harmony with God.
12:24 It is a shame many Christians look at the law as the
12:28 problem, Jesus died to do away with the law.
12:30 But no, the apostle Paul says it is our own affections.
12:34 Right here concluding with verse 21 in Galatians 2 it
12:37 says, "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if
12:40 "righteousness comes to the law, and Christ died in vain. "
12:44 It is Christ's death and us dying with Him that brings us
12:48 into harmony with God.
12:49 Friends, we hope you have enjoyed this study and we look
12:52 forward to seeing you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17