Books of the Book: Galatians

Controversy Over Circumcision

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB00002B

00:07 Well welcome back, right before our break we have been
00:10 talking about the experiences of Abraham and how God had
00:14 promised Abraham he would be the father of many
00:18 generations and after some time it didn't come to pass.
00:23 Abraham and his wife Sarah, Sarai at the time, her slave
00:28 girl Hagar concocted a plan by which they thought they
00:32 had fulfilled the promise of God by their own devising.
00:36 They had a son, Hager had a son by the name of Ishmael.
00:41 Now we pick up in Genesis 16:16, "Abram was 86 years old
00:46 "when Hager bore Ishmael to Abram. "
00:48 They thought that that was the child and that the promise
00:51 what's fulfilled until we read the next verse.
00:53 We're coming to Chapter 17:1 "when Abraham was 99 years
00:56 old," so at this time Ishmael would have been somewhere
01:01 between 13 and 14 years old and for 13 years this is the
01:04 the child that Abraham has treasured in his heart as his
01:08 own son, he is going to be the one.
01:10 - they assumed everything was going according to plan.
01:13 That's right they did until God comes to Abraham here
01:17 and He says, verse two, "I will make my covenant between
01:20 "me and you and will multiply you exceedingly. Then
01:24 "Abram fell on his face and God talked with him saying:
01:27 "As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you
01:30 "shall be a father of many nations. "
01:31 Now this is where he changes his name to Abraham, but
01:34 Abraham is beside himself and you pick that up in verse
01:36 18 where it says, "and Abraham says to God, oh that
01:39 "Ishmael might live before You!."
01:41 I mean he just couldn't understand because for 13 years
01:44 he thought that this was the promise and God shows up and
01:48 says okay Abraham now is the time.
01:49 - he had poured his whole heart into Ishmael, developing
01:52 Ishmael as being the one.
01:54 Yeah, and now God comes to him and says that Ishmael is
01:57 not the one and we pick up in verse 9 as God promises
02:01 this son to him in his old age.
02:04 In verse 9 it says, "And God said to Abraham: As for you,
02:07 "you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendents
02:10 "after you throughout their generations. This is My
02:13 "covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and
02:16 "your descendents after you: Every male child among you
02:19 "shall be circumcised; and you shall be circumcised in
02:22 "the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of
02:25 "the covenant between Me and you. "
02:27 What a sign. - when people look at that they say
02:33 why in the world of all things to make a sign of would
02:37 God appoint circumcision?
02:38 But the reality is God was dealing with a part of
02:42 Abraham's anatomy that was involved in his own concocting
02:46 of a plan and God wanted something to communicate to him
02:50 and every generation afterwards that until the flesh was
02:55 cut away, until Godhead done an operation in the situation.
02:59 Not until then would the works of man be acceptable to God.
03:03 And it's pointing to something, it wasn't pointing to the
03:07 outward type of circumcision as we find other places in
03:11 the Scripture like in the book of Deuteronomy.
03:13 That's right, maybe we can look there in Deuteronomy.
03:16 Deuteronomy gives us a little picture, a window into
03:18 what God's true intent was in circumcision.
03:21 So in Deuteronomy chapter 10:16 He says something very
03:27 interesting, He says, therefore circumcise the
03:32 "foreskin of your heart and be stiff-necked no longer. "
03:36 Now I think stiff-necked means stubborn and circumcising
03:41 the foreskin of your heart now is talking about not an
03:45 external change but an internal change. - that's right!
03:48 There is one other verse were He touches on this in
03:52 Deuteronomy and it's in chapter 30:6 and I think it is
03:55 worthwhile for us to look at efforts as well.
03:57 It says, "And the Lord your God will circumcise your
04:01 "heart", there is that again, " and the heart of your
04:04 "descendents, to love the Lord your God with all your
04:08 "heart and with all your soul, that you may live. "
04:11 So the idea of circumcision, was a sign, and outward symbol
04:16 of an inward reality of a lack of trust in self,
04:21 a lack of trust in the flesh, but a desire to trust God
04:24 with everything and to love Him with the whole heart.
04:28 As long as that flesh, my own opinions, my own ideas,
04:32 and my own righteousness and devisings was getting in
04:36 the way, I couldn't love the Lord My God with all my heart.
04:39 We are getting a little picture now that circumcision
04:45 was intended to give an internal reality and what the
04:50 Jewish nation had began to do.
04:51 And Abraham understood it that way. - that's right!
04:54 but not all of his descendents. - right!
04:57 Then in time it began to be more and more looked
05:01 upon as simply a ticket, if you will, to a guarantee
05:06 to heaven if you want to look at it that way.
05:08 So rather than looking at the inward change that it was a
05:12 sign of, the Jewish nation began to rely upon
05:16 the external right of circumcision.
05:18 And the right of circumcision became their religion.
05:21 It became the substance, a sign that pointed to the
05:23 substance became the substance itself according to
05:26 the Jews and we see that in the book of Galatians.
05:28 If we go back to the book of Galatians Chapter 2
05:31 Paul is telling us and giving us this background for us.
05:35 He tells us of an experience there in Galatians 2: 11.
05:39 He says, "now when Peter had come to Antioch,"
05:43 incidentally we're talking about Acts 15 when they
05:46 went back to Jerusalem in Acts 15 the church met
05:50 together and the church in that session decided as a
05:54 whole that we are not going to impose circumcision upon
05:57 the believers, but it was after that period of time we
06:00 find these things taking place.
06:03 After that period of time there were still those who
06:05 pushed the importance of circumcision.
06:08 Engrained in the culture. - so we see this in verse 11.
06:12 "Now when Peter had come back to Antioch, I withstood
06:15 "him to his face, because he was to be blamed; for
06:18 "before certain men came from James," this is James
06:21 the brother of Jesus who resided over the council in
06:24 Acts 15 and also the head of the early church.
06:27 These people came from James, in other words they came
06:31 from their Jewish church leaders.
06:33 "Before certain men came from James, Peter
06:36 "would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came,
06:40 "he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who
06:44 "were of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jews
06:47 "also played a hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas
06:51 "was carried away with their hypocrisy. "
06:53 This was the companion of Paul, his traveling companion.
06:58 So Peter when he sees these lifetime Jews coming in, even
07:01 though he had worked with the Gentiles, preached the gospel
07:04 to the Gentiles all of a sudden feels uncomfortable to be
07:07 with the Gentiles because they are this uncircumcised
07:10 class so he gets up and stops fellowshipping with them.
07:13 I mean he had been teaching them that they totally have
07:17 the same right to the gospel as the Jews do, but his
07:20 actions betray the gospel message.
07:23 As he moves over and sits with this other group of Jews
07:27 now leaving the Gentiles bewildered, even affecting
07:31 Barnabas and some of the other leaders there.
07:36 Keep in mind this is 17 years after Paul's conversion.
07:40 That was three to four years after Peter's because he
07:44 was in 20 years and it was so engrained in him that
07:48 it was still an issue.
07:49 That is some serious peer pressure really is what he was
07:53 experiencing and it was so engrained and he probably had
07:57 a lot of doubts even though in Acts 15 it appeared
07:59 he was very firm because God had shown him.
08:02 He gave him a vision in Acts chapter 10 to help
08:05 him see that the Gentiles could receive the gospel as
08:08 well and somehow this idea of the external rite of
08:11 circumcision being the pride of Israel, being the very thing
08:14 that if you do this then you are in and if
08:18 you don't have that then you are not one of us.
08:21 That was so strong that Peter was giving sanction to the
08:27 idea that circumcision was really an external rite
08:30 ignoring the reality that circumcision was a sign of an
08:36 actual real change in the heart.
08:38 When you think about it, which is more challenging?
08:42 Is it more challenging to change your external behavior
08:48 or to surrender your pride, your selfish will, the heart
08:54 issues that challenge every one of us are far more
09:00 difficult to yield.
09:01 Just like for a job example, people can conform to
09:04 outward things, like if I get a job and my boss wants me
09:07 to do a certain, follow certain behavior I can do it to
09:10 keep my job, but it doesn't mean I'm going to do it all the time.
09:13 It doesn't mean that it is in my heart.
09:14 That's right, that's right and if you look at Galatians
09:17 5:11 there is a verse there that really strikes me about
09:21 this and he says, "and I, brethren, if I still preach
09:24 "circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution?"
09:28 So apparently to preach circumcision would be to preach
09:32 the easy way. - that's right!
09:35 In other words to preach just making an outward changes
09:38 would be the easy way because he was calling on them to
09:41 realize the meaning of circumcision and to surrender
09:44 their will to the will of God, their heart to God.
09:47 That was creating the need for persecution.
09:50 That's right it's exactly the opposite of the way
09:52 people take it today, they that Paul in Galatians
09:54 is saying you guys are doing it too hard you have to
09:56 go the easy way.
09:57 The reality is he was speaking about the fact that you
09:59 guys are to surface, you have to go deeper.
10:01 That is exactly right, Amen.
10:03 Now circumcision is a sign as it were, of something much
10:08 more meaningful. - that's right we can pick it up in
10:14 Romans 4:11, the apostle Paul talking about Abraham
10:19 and his experience here says in verse 11 of Romans 4.
10:24 "And he received a sign of circumcision, a seal
10:28 "of the righteousness of faith which he had while still
10:32 "uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those
10:35 "who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that
10:39 "righteousness might be imputed to them also, and the
10:42 "father of circumcision to those who not only are of the
10:44 "circumcision," in other words it wasn't enough to be
10:47 circumcised, nothing wrong with being circumcised.
10:49 "But who also walked in the steps of the faith which our
10:53 "father Abraham had while still uncircumcised. "
10:56 In other words the circumcision was about a faith
11:00 experience, it wasn't an outward, the outward symbol was
11:04 only something that was tied to an inward reality.
11:07 You see these doctors and hospitals that go around with
11:10 this little badge that says they are a doctor.
11:11 Well I can steal one of those badges and put my picture
11:13 on it and walk around, but it means nothing because
11:15 I'm not a doctor. - I wouldn't be your patient!
11:17 - I appreciate that because there's not the reality.
11:20 So the sign means nothing unless there is an inward
11:23 reality there, but if there is an inward reality
11:26 the sign means everything.
11:28 It appears here in the issue that was driving the letter
11:32 to the Galatian church, they had essentially replaced
11:36 the substance with the sign. - that's right!
11:39 The apostle Paul continually is trying to take back the
11:44 true meaning of salvation and help it to become that
11:47 inward reality again because as long as we are telling
11:51 people that an outward change is going to do it,
11:54 we are robbing them of peace with God.
11:56 We are robbing them of the harmony they can have when
11:59 there will is called to be yielded to the will of God.
12:02 There is a few verses where he touches on this and
12:05 I would like to close our time here with those verses.
12:10 In Galatians 5:6 it says, "for in Christ Jesus neither
12:15 "circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything,
12:18 "but faith working through love"
12:20 That's powerful and if you go to chapter 6:15 it says,
12:25 "for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor
12:28 "uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. "
12:32 In 1 Corinthians 7:19 it says, "neither circumcision
12:35 "or uncircumcision avails anything but keeping the
12:39 "Commandments of God is what matters. "
12:40 The apostle Paul keeps taking them to the real issue
12:44 and ultimately circumcision is a matter of the heart.
12:47 That's right it wasn't about circumcision, it is about
12:50 heart religion, it wasn't whether they were or weren't
12:52 circumcised but is the heart circumcised.
12:55 Has the heart been renewed through the grace of Christ?
12:58 Wow what a powerful message and we are out of time
13:02 here today, but we are going to dive back into the book
13:05 of Galatians and the next time we will open up and talk
13:08 about what justification is all about.
13:11 So I hope you'll come back and God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17