Books of the Book: Galatians

The Two Covenants

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB000009B

00:07 Welcome back to our study of the book of Galatians.
00:10 Before the break Mark, we were talking about this idea
00:12 drawn out by the apostle Paul in Galatians of the
00:15 two covenants, so we spent some time talking about the
00:19 old and new covenants.
00:20 We were in the book of Hebrews 8 where we discussed
00:24 the new covenant that was given to Israel.
00:27 Given to Israel, but given to all of us because we are
00:31 part of spiritual Israel.
00:32 As we look at that we recognized that the problem with
00:37 the old covenant was with the people.
00:39 The people have made promises that they weren't able to
00:42 keep, the problem was never with the agreement God had
00:45 given the law, because the law is at the heart of the
00:47 new covenant as well.
00:49 - that's right, it's interesting that some people say
00:51 the mistake was that those people said all that the
00:52 Lord spoken we will do, they should have never said that.
00:55 That was the problem! That is not what we find.
00:57 The problem was they said that and stayed apart from God.
01:01 We will look at that more in just a moment.
01:03 What I would like to do briefly to bring us into our
01:06 next section is to look back to Deuteronomy 5 to show
01:10 God's intent was never what the children of Israel were
01:14 doing in the old covenant.
01:16 Let's go to Deuteronomy 5:28 where Moses is recounting
01:21 this experience the children of Israel went through.
01:25 Beginning with the Ten Command- ments and the old covenant.
01:29 It says, "then the Lord heard the voice of your words
01:31 "when you spoke to me, and the Lord said to me; I have
01:34 "heard the voice of the words of this people which they
01:37 "have spoken to you. " And they said all that the Lord
01:39 has said we will do. And this is what he says about it.
01:41 - he says it right before in verse 27. - right.
01:44 Oh yes, that's right, we didn't read that part.
01:46 "27. You go near and hear all that the Lord our God
01:50 "many say, and tell us all that the Lord our God says
01:53 "to you, and we will hear and do it. "
01:54 So Lord heard all of that and it says in the middle of
01:58 verse 28, "they are right in all that they have spoken. "
02:02 Then he says in verse 29 and this is the key "oh, that
02:05 "they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me
02:09 "and always keep all My commandments, that it might be
02:11 "well with them and with their children for ever!"
02:14 God wanted to bless them, He wanted to give that to them.
02:18 He knew that they didn't have the heart in them to do
02:21 what they were promising to do.
02:22 Only if they came close to Him and found the Spirit of God
02:25 to enter into their experience could they have that heart.
02:28 That is absolutely true so we are coming back to
02:31 Galatians 4:22, and again we read this before and we are
02:35 reviewing it, "for it is written that Abraham had two
02:39 "sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a free woman.
02:44 "But he who was up a bondwoman" that was Ishmael,
02:47 "was born according to the flesh. " Remember the devising,
02:50 the plan of Abraham and Hagar and Sarah?
02:52 They work together, even though God had promised that
02:55 Abraham would have a child and intended for Sarah to
02:58 be the mother of that child.
02:59 They thought maybe God wants us to work it out and they made
03:02 their own plan instead of submitting to God's plan.
03:04 So it was of the flesh, it was their own plan.
03:07 It says, that child Ishmael "was born according to the
03:11 "flesh, and he of the free woman through the promise, which
03:14 "things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants:
03:16 "the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage,
03:20 "which is Hagar - for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia,
03:23 "and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is,
03:26 "and is in bondage with her children. "
03:29 Now that is a powerful statement right there and it is
03:31 offensive in fact to a lot of people.
03:33 Paul stated in his day the same goes today that
03:36 the nation of Israel is not equated to the new covenant,
03:40 the old covenant to bondage and not salvation
03:43 agreement or covenant at this point with God.
03:47 Then it says, "26. But the Jerusalem above is free,
03:52 "which is the mother of us all. For it is written:
03:56 "rejoice, old barren, You who do not bear! Break forth
03:59 "and shout, You who are not in labor! For the desolate
04:02 "has many more children than she who has a husband. "
04:05 So the whole idea we are getting here is there are these
04:08 two covenants and he equates them to these experiences.
04:12 You have Hagar the slave girl of Abraham who has a son
04:15 Ishmael and those correspond to the old
04:20 covenant given at Sinai.
04:22 You have Sarah who was promised the child Isaac in an
04:26 impossible situation where they had to put faith
04:29 in the promises of God.
04:31 Isaac's birth equates to a new covenant and the Jerusalem
04:37 above which is the mother of us all.
04:39 That's right, and you can see here the apostle Paul is
04:42 simply using another illustra- tion to draw out the same
04:45 truths he has been doing.
04:46 He talked about the slave verses the son, and now he's
04:49 talking about these two covenants.
04:51 They are touching on the same issue of the flesh
04:53 and the spirit and we will talk more about that
04:56 in a future episode.
04:57 Right now we will touch on a for a moment, this idea
05:00 that Ishmael was born of the flesh.
05:03 This is symbolically talking about the fact that we
05:07 cannot of the flesh, without being born again, without
05:12 union with Christ, we cannot produce anything good.
05:16 Even what we do outwardly that is good has wrong motives.
05:20 So many people think that they are a good person and
05:23 that is the natural thought some of them but the reality
05:26 is that the motives give us away.
05:29 It makes me think of the words of Jesus to Nicodemus,
05:32 that which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born
05:34 of Spirit is spirit, the spirit can't produce the flesh,
05:37 the flesh can't produce the Spirit.
05:39 In Isaiah 64:6 I think it where it says, all our
05:42 righteousness's are as filthy rags.
05:45 The best we can do, even when we are doing our very best
05:50 without that changed heart of humility, love and that
05:54 which is unselfish, the best we can do is filthy rags.
05:58 So this idea of the old covenant that is described here,
06:02 is related to this Sinai experience where they made an
06:07 attempt to fulfill God's requirements without
06:10 union with Christ, which is totally futile.
06:13 Jesus makes this point in John 15 and I thought we should
06:16 look at that briefly.
06:17 John 15:5 Jesus was speaking to His disciples and He said,
06:24 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me
06:29 "and I in him, bears much fruit for without Me you can do
06:34 nothing. " So He is the vine and the only way for us to
06:38 have anything truly good produced out of us, is to have
06:43 an intimate union.
06:44 You think about a vine and branches they are connected.
06:46 The life of one flows into the other.
06:49 More than that though, the life of the branch doesn't flow
06:51 into the vine, it's a vine that gives life to the branch
06:54 or the branch can't exist.
06:55 That was his point, if you are not connected with Me,
06:58 you can do how much? - nothing - absolutely.
07:01 Absolutely nothing. So here we have this picture of the
07:04 old covenant where it is a futile attempt to fulfill
07:07 God's requirements when we are not connected to Christ.
07:11 There's lots of people who go to church, they live a good
07:14 moral life, they don't have devotional time.
07:17 They don't spend time in prayer and pleading for purity
07:21 oh their soul, they don't spend time reading the word
07:23 and allowing the Lord Jesus to speak to their heart and
07:26 point out those rough spots drawing them into union
07:29 with Him, it's a futile attempt.
07:32 They may be going through the motions, others may look
07:35 at them as sincere Christians, but the reality is that
07:38 lack of vital life force from Christ is causing them
07:41 to only have filthy rags.
07:43 Jim the reality is, I've been there, you've been there,
07:45 you used to think you are good person and I thought I
07:47 was a good person before I came to Christ.
07:49 The reality is our standard of righteousness is very
07:52 low and we may put on our act, and we may think we are
07:56 good people, but the fact is we have issues that God
07:59 allows to come into our lives to test our character
08:02 and to prove us and show that we are not made up to what
08:06 we would be.
08:08 We may have something happen we just blow up and lose
08:10 our temper and say things we regret and then we say,
08:12 I don't know what happened I'm usually a pretty patient
08:15 person, but the fact is and what is being revealed is
08:17 my heart is corrupt.
08:19 You know when you think about it this happens often times
08:23 from a sense of self-confidence.
08:25 We begin to do what's right and making good choices and we
08:29 are close to Christ and then we leave off spending time
08:33 with Him and gradually, I've had it happen in my own
08:37 experience, those old traits of character, that flesh starts
08:41 to come out and I start acting out what I use to act
08:45 out, but I had since moved past because I did not have
08:49 that union with Christ.
08:50 So that is the vital principle that is
08:52 being spoken of here.
08:53 Well let's look further in Galatians Chapter 4:28
08:57 for a moment, it says, "now we, brethren, as Isaac was,"
09:01 "are children of promise. But, as he who was born
09:05 "according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born
09:07 "according to the Spirit, even so it is now. "
09:10 I mean if you look at the different examples in the Bible,
09:13 you will find, take Jesus and the Pharisees.
09:16 Jesus was born of the Spirit and the Pharisees persecuted
09:21 Him, they couldn't stand how principled and loving
09:24 Jesus was. - He exposed their iniquity. - exactly!
09:28 If they couldn't stop Him from teaching they had to
09:32 ultimately crucified Him, or urge for His crucifixion.
09:35 They had to get rid of him so that conviction would be
09:37 removed, the same thing happened from a story we mentioned
09:40 in a previous episode of Cain and Abel.
09:42 Abel was just doing what was right, but just being around
09:46 that bothered Cain and he persecuted him because it was
09:50 pointing out his lack, his weakness.
09:53 You may find that sometimes and I know my own experience
09:55 that sometimes you come in the presence of someone who is
09:58 not a Christian and they feel a little awkward.
10:01 You are not trying to do anything to bring any
10:04 condemnation but there is a sense of awkwardness they feel
10:08 and maybe a little bit of envy and what have you because they
10:12 know that they are not exactly where the Lord wants them
10:14 to be, that conviction is being given to them so they
10:16 might turn to Lord.
10:18 They tell themselves they are good people all the time
10:20 until they come into contact with somebody who is good,
10:23 not because of their goodness, but they have been
10:26 transformed by Christ and it is evident.
10:28 - Yeah, that is right, it's exactly right.
10:30 What we want to go ahead into verse, you asked me Jim
10:33 about this and it really hits me to continue on is
10:36 in verse 30 where he says, "nevertheless what does the
10:39 "Scripture say? Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for
10:42 "the son of the bondwoman shall not be in heir with the
10:45 "son of the free woman. "
10:46 The whole idea is that just as Hagar gave birth to a slave
10:48 child, she couldn't give birth to anything else because
10:51 she was a slave.
10:52 So the flesh gives birth to fleshly reasoning.
10:56 What the Bible is saying here is the flesh can't have part
11:01 in the salvation experience, flesh has to be removed.
11:04 So the bondwoman is like flesh, the son has all the
11:07 devisings of the flesh, all those human excuses we make.
11:11 For example, I think of the types of things that people do
11:14 when for example the Scripture calls upon them to forgive
11:18 somebody and they say, I know I should forgive them, but
11:21 you don't know what they have done to me.
11:24 Or somebody marrying outside of the faith, I know
11:28 I shouldn't marry outside the faith, I know that is what
11:31 God says, what the Bible teaches, but the person really
11:33 seems interested and they might be willing to study.
11:36 We make excuses, even though God is clear about what
11:40 His will is, we choose to do it in our own way and yet
11:44 still profess to be following Him.
11:46 We put our reasoning above His reasoning.
11:49 So Lord is saying cast out the bondwoman, cast out
11:52 those reasoning's, those excuses we so often give.
11:55 I want to go back and close with this passage here in
11:58 verse 27, or 26 and 27 because this is powerful.
12:01 The apostle Paul says, "but the Jerusalem above is free,
12:05 "which is the mother of us all. For it is written:
12:08 "rejoice, O barren, you who do not bear! Break forth
12:11 "and shout, you are not in labor! For the desolate,"
12:14 speaking of Sarah, "has many more children than
12:17 "she who has a husband. "
12:19 - that's right and he is quoting actually right from
12:22 Isaiah 54 where are he says, "Sing O barren you who have
12:25 not borne" like Sarah she was barren,
12:28 "break forth with singing and cry aloud
12:31 "you who have not labored with child! For more are the
12:33 "children of the desolate than the children of the
12:34 "married woman, says the Lord. Enlarge the place of
12:36 "your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of
12:38 "your dwellings; do not spare: lengthen your cords, and
12:41 "strengthen your stakes. " We are expanding the house here
12:43 "For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and
12:46 "your descendents will inherit the nations, and make the
12:49 "desolate cities inhabited. "
12:51 So Sarah, by giving birth to Isaac, she was desolate but
12:54 been through God's promise Isaac was born and through
12:59 Isaacs line Christ came and through all these not only
13:03 Jews but Gentiles who believed in Christ so it's in time
13:06 to enlarge the tent because all are welcome into the
13:09 family of God.
13:11 This is a powerful truth and we just hope that you too
13:13 will be willing to accept Christ and enter into
13:16 the family of God.


Revised 2023-04-24