Books of the Book: Galatians

Slave Or Son?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB000008A

00:22 Welcome to Books of the Book, I'm Pastor Mark Howard and
00:25 the director of the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism for
00:27 Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventist a training
00:30 school to train people how to share their faith,
00:32 as well as the Pastor of the Gobels Seventh-day Adventist
00:35 church in Gobels Michigan.
00:37 I'm here with my co-host, my brother Jim.
00:39 Yes my name is Jim Howard and I am also a Pastor in
00:42 Michigan Conference of the Detroit Metropolitan and South
00:46 Lyon Seventh-day Adventist church and I'm excited to
00:48 study the book of Galatians with you today.
00:50 Today we are, as Jim has mentioned, we have been studying
00:55 the book of Galatians.
00:56 In our last study together we were talking about the Seed
01:01 of Abraham and what it means to understand and receive
01:05 the Seed of Abraham, actually to become sons of God.
01:09 That was the point that Paul was getting to.
01:13 We are going to pick up on that today.
01:15 I want to tell you today of all the topics Jim in the
01:20 book of Galatians, this is one of the most precious as it
01:24 really brings out the heart of our own spiritual
01:28 experience and the affection of not only God,
01:32 for us but us for God.
01:33 We're talking about being slaves or sons today.
01:37 So what we are going to do is begin in Chapter 4,
01:41 but we are going to recap in Chapter 3 of Galatians.
01:44 If you have your Bibles with you I would encourage you
01:47 to turn with us, we are in the book of Galatians.
01:49 You go to the New Testament Scriptures Matthew, Mark,
01:51 Luke, John, Acts, Romans,
01:53 1 and 2 Corinthians and then the book of Galatians.
01:57 In Galatians were going to Chapter 3:26 and the apostle
02:02 writes, "for you are all sons of God through faith in
02:06 "Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized
02:10 "into Christ have put on Christ. And there is neither
02:14 "Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
02:17 "there is neither male nor female; for you are all
02:21 "one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then
02:24 "you are Abraham's seed,
02:26 "and heirs according to the promise. "
02:28 The idea here is Paul talking about how we can become
02:32 sons of God through faith in Jesus.
02:36 There is a lot to the sons of God that can really
02:39 make a world of difference, the world of difference,
02:42 in our own spiritual experience and I think that is
02:45 where we are going to go here.
02:46 Yes that is exactly right.
02:48 Right after this passage, and the news and we need
02:50 to review this is because after the end of chapter 3
02:53 the apostle uses an illustration to talk about
02:56 the importance of being sons.
02:58 So what we are wanting to do is to keep reading.
03:01 Let's read verses 1-7 together and that will be the
03:03 framework from which we will study today.
03:06 Verse one says, "Now I say that the heir, as long
03:10 "as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave,
03:13 "though he is master of all, but he is under
03:16 "guardians and stewards until the time appointed
03:19 "by the father. Even so we, when we were children,
03:22 "were in bondage under the elements of the world.
03:25 "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent
03:28 "forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
03:31 "to redeem those who were under the law, that we might
03:35 "receive the adoption as sons. And because you are
03:39 "sons, God has set forth the Spirit of His Son into
03:43 "your hearts, crying out, 'Abba Father!' Therefore you
03:47 "are no longer slave but a son, and if a son, then an
03:51 "heir of God through Christ. "
03:54 Now this is a powerful passage of Scripture and he is
03:57 contrasting hear Mark, the idea of a slave with a son.
04:00 He is trying to tell the Galatians you want to be sons,
04:03 and it is not just a suggestion.
04:06 That is something we will draw how right from the start.
04:08 If you look at that last verse 7, it says,
04:12 "therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a
04:15 "son, then an heir of God through Christ. "
04:19 This seems to be a tradition of being an heir of God
04:23 through Christ. - that's right!
04:25 If we are a slave you are not an heir.
04:28 The only way to become an heir is to be a son so this
04:33 is very critical to understand.
04:34 What is the difference between being a slave and being
04:36 a son? And how is it that we can be a son?
04:39 One aspect of this I just think about how
04:43 meaningful it is, it touches my heart to think about the
04:47 fact that Jesus, when referring to God said we should
04:51 pray our Father who art in heaven.
04:54 I mean when you think about other religions, world
04:59 religions and their deities, you don't see the same
05:03 bond of affection that God is asking us to call Me Father.
05:08 Call Me Father, it denotes that there is more than just a
05:12 servile relationship here, it denotes there is an
05:15 affection here, there is a bond, a union and God is
05:18 calling us to that union in this passage of Galatians.
05:22 Absolutely, we are going to unpack this, these 7 verses
05:25 are so full of instruction.
05:28 I want to go back to verse 1 and look at the first few
05:31 verses here, Paul is making a point of what happens
05:35 in the growth of the Christian so let's start in verse 1
05:37 and then I'll comment.
05:39 " Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child,
05:42 "does not differ at all from a slave,
05:44 "though he is master of all
05:46 "though he is master of all," so here you have a son,
05:48 but he is in the same relation as a servant would be.
05:51 Paul is going to talk about what that means as we go
05:54 to verse 2 where he says, "does not differ at all from
05:57 "a slave, even though he is master of all," because he is
06:00 heir of what his father owns, "but he is under guardians
06:03 "and stewards until the time appointed by the father. "
06:08 And then he says in verse 3, "Even so we,
06:13 so he compares us, our experience from slave to son.
06:17 He compares us to this child who is under guardians and
06:21 stewards and says, "Even so we, when we were children,
06:25 "were in bondage under the elements of the world. "
06:29 - what's that talking about?
06:31 And these elements of the world, it's beneficial to
06:34 us as the apostle Paul uses the exact same language
06:38 in the book of Colossians so if we go forward past
06:41 the book of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and
06:46 Colossians 2:20 we are going to see a similar
06:50 illustration that will help us to grasp what he
06:54 is pointing out.
06:56 Colossians 2:20, notice what Paul says here.
06:59 "Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic
07:03 "principles of the world," now I know in Galatians it said
07:07 elements, but in the Greek language these are the exact
07:10 same terms that are a being used here.
07:12 Some Bibles will even say rudiments.
07:15 A rudiment in the Greek are talking about the very basic
07:18 building blocks of learning, your ABCs if you will.
07:22 So basic principles of the world he says.
07:27 Let's start in verse 20 again, "therefore, if you died
07:30 "with Christ from the basic principles of the world,
07:33 "why, as though living in the world, do you subject
07:35 "yourselves to regulations - Do not touch, do not taste,
07:39 "do not handle, which all concerns things which perish
07:43 "with the using-according to the Commandments and
07:46 "the doctrines of men?"
07:48 Now you know Paul is talking about how when we are
07:51 children in Galatians and were under these elements of
07:53 the world until the time appointed by the Father.
07:56 What some people have done unfortunately, not grasping
07:59 what he is trying to say is that they have read into
08:02 this and said all oh yeah, do not taste or touch but what Paul
08:05 is saying that when you come to Christ you shouldn't
08:08 have any regulations, you don't need to obey God's
08:12 commands anymore, you are led by the Spirit as if the
08:15 two would be conflicting or contrary.
08:17 What he is trying to say, let's take a practical example.
08:20 I have children Jim, you have two children and I have two
08:24 children and when our children, you viewers at home, some
08:27 of you have children, or you are children and what a child
08:30 is under his parents, but parent as that child is growing
08:33 up makes certain regulations.
08:35 Do not taste, do not touch, right? Don't touch that!
08:39 Don't eat that! Right? The basic elements when you are
08:42 growing up you have certain restrictions and regulations.
08:45 For example, this one is probably fairly common for a
08:48 parent is I don't want you playing out in busy traffic.
08:52 That is pretty easy and a no-brainer to a parent, however;
08:56 I know with my children and maybe with your children,
08:57 sometimes the children say, but why?
09:00 Why can't I go out and play in the road?
09:02 They don't understand what I understand.
09:05 They don't understand the danger we as parents understand.
09:07 So we make these restrictions and regulations.
09:11 Now here's the question, is that for the purpose of my
09:16 regulation don't play in the traffic, but why my child
09:20 becomes of age, my son turns 18 I can say hey content
09:25 yourself, play in busy traffic all you want.
09:27 Go get hit by a car for all I care.
09:28 Is that the idea? No! The reality is what I am hoping
09:32 for is that those basic principles that I lay out as a
09:37 parent will become a part of his reasoning process so when
09:42 the child matures, instead of having to be told what to
09:45 do all the time, it will be in his heart what to do.
09:49 And this is what the Bible is trying to express here
09:52 with these basic elements of the world.
09:55 One other thing I want to see there and Colossians 2
09:58 he says in verse 21 again, " Do not touch, do not taste,
10:01 "do not handle, which all concerns things which perish
10:03 "with the using-according to the Commandments
10:05 and "doctrines of men?"
10:07 And then in verse 23 he says, "these things indeed have
10:11 "an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false
10:14 "humility, and neglect of the body,"
10:17 Now he is talking about those things in the spiritual life
10:21 having using certain outward and regulations.
10:24 It is not outward religion and we will talk about that.
10:26 Outward religion is part of inward religion,
10:28 but there are those who can have outward religion
10:30 with no inward religion.
10:32 And here he says, they have an appearance of wisdom,
10:37 but he says, "but are of no value against the
10:41 "indulgence of the flesh. "
10:43 So here Paul is saying, I don't have an issue with outward
10:46 regulations, but problem is that your outward regulations
10:49 are not addressing the real issue.
10:51 That is your heart is uncir- cumcised and you are carnal.
10:54 That's right, you can't just do things because someone is
10:57 telling you to do them, you are going to have to embody
10:59 it yourself. - that's right and we have seen it and I
11:02 have done it, I'm a child who my parents try to raise
11:04 right, and what happened I grew up.
11:07 I had those principles growing up, but what did I do when
11:10 I got older? I said I don't think it's important that I
11:13 do those things and it wasn't in my heart to do them.
11:16 I went against what my parents had taught me to do.
11:19 Exactly, exactly and you know. - and that's what's going
11:22 to happen when it's not in your heart.
11:23 Umm Hmmm and back in Galatians 4 there is another passage
11:26 that touches on this idea of the elements of the world.
11:29 I thought maybe we can look at that too.
11:30 Galatians 4:8 it says, "but then, indeed, when you did
11:36 "not know God," so he is talking to these Gentiles
11:41 believers, there was a time when they didn't know God and
11:44 "served those which by nature are not gods. "
11:46 They were into idolatry, pagan religion.
11:48 vs. 9. "But now after you have known God, or rather are known
11:52 "by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and
11:55 "beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in
11:58 "bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and
12:01 "years. I am afraid for you,
12:03 "lest I have labored for you in vain. "
12:06 Now to think about this idea of serving other gods, these
12:11 Gentile believers at one time believed in gods that were
12:18 idols of wood and stone and planets or whatever else.
12:24 The Sun, so when they thought about serving God it was
12:30 all from a servile relationship.
12:32 They had a fear over war relationship with God.
12:36 They did things out of fear, or they do things only for
12:38 the reward that will come from serving.
12:41 So what they did and everything they did as a way of
12:43 appeasing god, nothing in the heart, no affection for their
12:49 god they just had to do with their god had to say,
12:51 or what their god told them to do.
12:55 So what he is saying here is do you want to go back to
12:58 that? Do you want to go back to a servile relationship.
13:01 The apostle Paul is not here against the idea of
13:04 observing things, like you were saying a moment ago.
13:07 But the idea of observing things whether it is days or
13:11 months or seasons or years or anything else as a
13:13 replacement for a genuine heart religion with Christ and
13:18 with God, so some people try to say this is saying that
13:23 the Sabbath is unimportant.
13:24 I don't think that is the case.
13:26 Well that's not even in the context of all.
13:29 The apostle Paul no problem with the observances
13:32 because he observe the Sabbath and we today observe the
13:35 communion, we observe baptism we have of observances and
13:39 there's nothing wrong with observances.
13:40 Yep we get focused on the observances in this passage we
13:43 are missing his point.
13:45 That's right, and it will take us away from the
13:47 understanding that a servile relationship is what the
13:49 apostle Paul was speaking against.
13:51 We need to dig into this a little bit deeper,
13:53 but before we do we have to take a break.
13:56 So right now take a couple minutes and
13:58 we will be right back with you.


Revised 2023-04-24