Books of the Book: Galatians

The Seed Of Abraham

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB000007B

00:06 Welcome back to Books of the Book we have been studying
00:08 the book of Galatians and we are talking today about
00:11 the Seed of Abraham and we left off at the break
00:14 talking about the Seed not being Isaac but being Christ.
00:17 Jim I think we were going to pick up right there.
00:21 Yes, verse 16 of Galatians 3 we read where it says,
00:24 "now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made.
00:28 "He does not say, And to seeds, as of many,
00:30 "but as of one, 'And to your Seed', who is Christ. "
00:34 We made the point that the Seed is not Isaac, the Seed
00:38 it's not the lineage, the Jewish heritage as it were.
00:42 The Seed is not that which circumcision brings you into
00:46 connection with, but rather the Seed is Christ.
00:48 They were connected to Isaac, but if they weren't connected
00:52 to Christ they weren't going to be recipients of the promise.
00:55 This verse right here, if you look in your Bible there is
00:59 quotations around it because he is actually quoting from
01:03 the book of Genesis.
01:04 That's right and I think it is important for us to note
01:08 we miss a lot when we fail to realize or we forget that
01:13 all of the New Testament writers taught
01:15 from the Old Testament.
01:17 They preach the gospel from the Old Testament.
01:20 The Bible Jesus used was the Old Testament Scriptures.
01:23 Sometimes people get the idea that the Old Testament is
01:26 not gospel centered, we only stick with the New Testament.
01:30 But Jesus Himself told the disciples on the road to Emmaus
01:33 who didn't basically receive all that the prophets
01:37 had wrote or spoken.
01:39 He said you fools and slow of heart to believe all that
01:42 the prophets have spoken.
01:43 So Jesus said your foolish if you are not taking in what's
01:47 written in the Old Testament because that is the
01:49 foundation, that gives you the background of a lot of what
01:52 is being taught in the New Testament.
01:54 The apostle Paul well understood the Old Testament Scriptures.
01:56 That is what he was using so when he is writing and
02:01 quoting it is important for us to go back and find out
02:05 what the setting was, what the message was,
02:08 what the story was that he was quoting from and it will
02:12 fill out the picture for us and give us the real context
02:15 of what is being communicated.
02:17 That's right, if you look at this particular situation
02:20 we do learn something very significant by going back
02:23 to where he is quoting from.
02:24 It is in Genesis 22:18 it says, "in your seed" and again
02:31 it is the singular seed and that is what Paul is saying.
02:36 Not seeds but seed, "in your seed all the nations of the
02:41 "earth shall be blessed, because
02:44 you have obeyed My voice. "
02:47 Now I find that fascinating, it says that Abraham
02:50 received this inheritance by promise and we think it's
02:55 the promise of faith and not obedience, not anything
02:59 to do with the law, it is just faith, but yet you go
03:03 back to the exact place where God makes that promise and
03:07 it says the reason I am giving you this promise is
03:10 because you have obeyed My voice.
03:12 It only makes sense because true obedience, the kind that
03:15 has the Spirit of Christ with it is an obedience
03:19 that stems from faith.
03:21 Abraham had that faith that obeyed.
03:24 That's right in so we went through some of this before.
03:28 So we are going to go to Galatians 3:19 and continue on
03:33 where it says, "what purpose then does the law serve?
03:37 "It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed
03:40 "should come to whom the promise was made; and it was
03:44 "appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator. "
03:48 So Paul was just making the point here that the purpose
03:52 the law was given was not to cancel out that promise.
03:55 It wasn't contradictory to the promise, it actually was
03:58 working in conjunction with the promise.
04:00 The commandment was to help bring the people to
04:03 a realization of their transgression because they have
04:06 forgotten their true condition and they have forgotten
04:09 their need of the righteousness outside of themselves.
04:12 That's right and it picks up really clearly on that in
04:14 verse 23 and we have already been through these verses.
04:17 It is the foundation for where we are headed.
04:20 In verse 23 it says, "but before faith came, we were
04:22 "kept under guard by the law, For the faith which would
04:26 "afterward be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor
04:29 "to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified
04:32 "by faith. But after faith has come,
04:35 we are no longer under a tutor. "
04:36 So again the law was serving as that tutor that was
04:40 showing us that we were outside the will of God.
04:43 Showing us that being outside of the will of God gave us
04:46 a certain penalty of death and giving us motivation
04:50 to go to Christ to find what we needed.
04:53 That something we needed was through faith the promise
04:57 of the Spirit, we read that in verse 14 of chapter 3.
05:01 You receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
05:05 So through faith we are born of the Spirit, born-again.
05:09 This is a significant point and what it means is that
05:12 the Spirit of God writes His law on our hearts.
05:16 Then it says no longer do we need a tutor.
05:19 In other words, once the Spirit of God comes in we don't
05:24 need someone to say don't commit adultery.
05:27 We are not going to want to commit adultery.
05:30 - that's right. We don't need to say be sure and keep
05:34 the Sabbath, we're going to desire to do God's will
05:37 and to keep the Sabbath.
05:39 No longer is the wall serving in that purpose.
05:41 We have now come to a point where we agree with God
05:44 and because of that in verse 26 it makes this beautiful
05:48 statement, "for you are all sons of God through faith in
05:51 "Christ Jesus. " We become sons through faith.
05:55 That seed experience of being a part of the family of
05:58 Abraham happens through faith.
06:01 So what we need to grasp about that, that is when we are
06:03 talking about the seed and our viewers may not be grasping
06:05 the terms, some Bibles will say descendents.
06:09 The whole idea is this, the Jewish nation under stood
06:12 that through the descendent of Abraham that it was through
06:16 Abraham that the whole nation would be blessed.
06:19 They understood that blessing was them.
06:21 Anybody who was born through the line of Abraham.
06:24 Anybody who was a descendent, a literal descendent of
06:27 Abraham even unto this day Jim, there are many Christians
06:30 who understand that the nation of Israel has this special
06:34 place in God's heart because of their natural lineage.
06:38 They don't take into account certain places and things
06:42 for example in the New Testament book of John chapter 8
06:46 Jesus is talking to the religious leaders and He tells
06:50 these Jewish leaders, natural born Jews, if you were
06:54 Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham.
06:57 If you were Abraham's children? What's that about?
06:59 They were Abraham's children, but the point Jesus was
07:02 making is the point Paul is making right here.
07:05 That the understanding of the Jews was that their
07:08 inheritance was going to be based on being natural born
07:11 descendents of the line of Abraham.
07:15 Whereas, when Paul says Abraham's seed was not his
07:19 descendent, that the promise was made not through not Isaac,
07:24 but long after Isaac's line, Jesus Christ and all who would
07:28 be born of Him instead of born of Isaac.
07:32 I want to look at that real quickly in a couple of
07:36 passages, we are going to go to Romans 5:18, 19.
07:41 Romans 5:18, 19 the Bible says, "therefore, as though one
07:47 "man's offense, judgment came to all men" this is talking about
07:51 Adam, it was Adam's sin that pasted sin onto the human race.
07:55 It goes on to say, "resulting in condemnation,
07:58 "even so through one Man's righteous act. "
08:01 that would be Jesus, "the free gift came
08:05 "to all men, resulting in justification of life.
08:08 "For as by one man's disobedience many were made
08:11 "sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many
08:14 "will be made righteous. "
08:16 So it puts a contrast here between Jesus and Adam.
08:22 We see Paul doing that again in 1 Corinthians 15:22
08:29 it says, "for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all
08:35 "all shall be made alive. " And then in verse 45 it says,
08:39 "and so it is written, the first man Adam became a living
08:44 "being. The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. "
08:48 So here he actually applies this term last Adam to Jesus.
08:51 He is comparing the two and this is what he is saying.
08:54 Just as Adam was the progenitor of the human race.
08:58 We all descended from Adam, in the same way, and because
09:02 we descended from Adam we received what Adam passed on
09:05 to us, the nature of Adam, for fallen nature of sin.
09:09 So in the same way, those who received the nature of the
09:12 second Adam, one who came in Adam's place and lived the
09:16 perfect life that Adam failed to live.
09:19 That last Adam becomes the progenitor of the new race.
09:24 In other words, those who accept Jesus and are born of
09:28 Christ, of His Seed born of the Spirit become a member
09:33 of that Seed, that new family.
09:36 So the problem with the thinking of the Jews of
09:41 Christ's day and Paul's day where he is trying
09:43 to address them, is that their understanding was that
09:47 the blessing came from being born, and as I said many
09:51 Christians today that the blessing came from being born
09:54 of the nation of Israel instead of being born of
09:58 the true Israel, Jesus Christ.
10:01 That was the name that was given to Jacob once
10:03 he became a spiritual man and an overcomer.
10:05 It was a spiritual name that was pointing forward to
10:07 the true Israel, Jesus Christ who is going to be the head
10:10 of a new race and would pass on His nature to humanity
10:13 and then bring them into the family of God.
10:16 Amen, amen and you know when he continues in the book
10:19 of Galatians, he makes that point pretty strongly.
10:23 If we look back and Galatians 3 and I'll pick up in verse
10:27 26 so that we can catch the sense of what he was saying.
10:31 It says, "for you are all sons of God through faith
10:36 "in Christ Jesus. " Not to be honest that was something of
10:40 a heretical statement for Him to be making to them.
10:43 What? All sons of God! They believed that only the
10:46 circumcised were sons of God.
10:49 Only those that were of the direct lineage of Abraham.
10:52 If you weren't of the direct lineage Abraham then you needed
10:54 to be circumcised. - so much so that it didn't even
10:57 matter so much how you lived as long as you were
11:00 circumcised, against circum- cision became a substitute.
11:02 - a substitute for obedience, a substitute for genuine
11:06 faith and so he is making the point no, if you want to be
11:09 part of the family, you have to have the faith of Abraham
11:14 that brings this Spirit thereby being born of Christ.
11:18 Born of the Spirit of God.
11:20 It says in verse 27, "For as many of you as were baptized
11:25 "into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew
11:28 "nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is
11:32 "neither male nor female; for you are all one in
11:34 "Christ Jesus. " Now the part that really stung to some
11:39 was probably that first part.
11:41 There is neither Jew nor Greek.
11:44 I mean here Paul was saying there is no distinction,
11:46 you are all equal heirs to salvation,
11:50 the new birth question and in verse 29 he says,
11:54 "And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed,
11:58 "and heirs according to the promise. "
12:01 Isn't that powerful? - It's powerful to me because I'm not
12:04 and natural born descendent of Abraham, but I'm
12:05 a heir of that inheritance.
12:08 And there is another place where it says this and
12:10 I thought it would be valuable for us to look at it
12:12 Because the New Testament is not silent on this point.
12:19 If you look at Romans 2:28 it was either earlier or
12:23 perhaps in our last episode where we were touching on
12:28 verses 25 and 26.
12:29 But in verse 28 it says, "for he is not a Jew who is
12:33 "one outwardly, nor is circum- cision that which is outward
12:38 "in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly and
12:42 "circumcision is that of the heart. In the Spirit not
12:46 "in the letter whose praises not from men but from God. "
12:50 So when you look at this passage is pointing out that
12:54 it's the Spirit ultimately and not the letter that
12:58 makes us children of Abraham.
13:00 So the Spirit here is speaking about inwardly religion
13:03 that finds its way into the letter, into the outside,
13:07 but the letter doesn't always mean you are obeying the
13:10 spirit and so we have this beautiful picture painted for
13:14 us in the book of Galatians that any one of us
13:17 can be a child of Abraham through Christ.
13:20 May God bless you!


Revised 2023-04-24