Books of the Book: Galatians

The Obedience Of Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB000005B

00:05 Welcome back to Books of the Book.
00:07 We have been in the book of Galatians and we are studying
00:09 about the hearing of faith.
00:11 In Galatians 3 the apostle Paul talks about how the
00:15 Galatians had been obedient while they had the hearing of
00:18 faith but they turned from that to the works of the law.
00:21 Jim you had said before the break where you went to
00:26 Romans 23:23 where it's said the faith establishes a law.
00:30 Now I want us to look at an interesting passage in
00:32 the book of Romans 1:5.
00:36 It depends on which translation that you are reading
00:39 whether you will pick it up right away, but the language
00:43 of this is very interesting in the original language and
00:46 it is expressed in different versions.
00:47 I'm reading in the new King James Romans 1:5 and the
00:50 apostle Paul is talking about the Gospel of Christ and in
00:53 verse five he says, "through him" speaking of Jesus,
00:55 " we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to
01:00 "the faith among all nations for His name, among whom
01:04 "you also are the called of Jesus Christ;" and he goes on.
01:08 Now what this translation does not bring out,
01:12 but for example if you were to read it in the King James
01:16 Version or in the English Standard Version for example
01:20 it says, "for the obedience of faith. "
01:24 The NIV says, the NIV actually says,
01:29 the obedience that comes from faith, and that is
01:33 the sense that is given in the original.
01:34 So the idea being conveyed from the apostle there is
01:40 that obedience is a result of faith, that actually faith
01:45 exercising your faith is obedience.
01:48 Obedience is simply the exercise of faith.
01:50 Right, so obedience is evidence of faith, true obedience
01:53 that goes from the inside and finds its way into your
01:55 outer life. - that's right it is true there is an
01:57 outward obedience that you can render from the heart of
02:00 Bible faith is a living principle in the life
02:04 of a Christian that responds to God.
02:07 That is right, that is right Amen.
02:10 Well it makes me think about, when you talk about the
02:14 hearing of faith in Romans chapter 10.
02:17 Because in Romans 10:17 it says "that faith comes by
02:20 "hearing and hearing by the word of God. "
02:24 The component of faith that we need to remember is that
02:27 a lot of talk about how I have faith.
02:29 I'm a person of faith, but if we just have faith meaning
02:33 we believe certain things about God, if we do certain
02:37 things because we think it is what would be the right
02:40 thing to do, that is not necessarily faith.
02:42 Faith is responding to the word and if we want faith
02:46 we have to be in the word.
02:48 We have to understand the word, to see the God that is
02:51 revealed through the word and that is ultimately what
02:55 gives us the faith.
02:57 Faith exercised it's believing in the promises of God
03:01 and responding to them.
03:02 Now there is another aspect of faith that we need to
03:04 look at too and I thought maybe we can look at it in
03:09 Hebrews 11:6 it says something very interesting about
03:14 Faith. It says, "but without faith it is impossible
03:18 to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that
03:22 He is, and that He is a rewarder of those of
03:26 who diligently seek Him. "
03:28 Now this is a very powerful verse that helps us to
03:33 understand that God wants us to diligently seek Him.
03:38 If we diligently seek Him, He will reward us.
03:42 Faith is believing that God will reward you when
03:46 you diligently seek Him, not halfheartedly but if
03:49 we put our heart into it, that is what faith requires
03:53 then we will find Him.
03:55 You do remember Jeremiah says that.
03:57 If you seek Me you will find Me when you search for Me
04:00 with all your heart.
04:01 So we have to recognize that faith isn't something that
04:04 just comes easy or naturally per se.
04:07 Faith always has obstacles, in fact if something is
04:11 humanly possible and seems very easy humanly,
04:14 it doesn't require faith.
04:16 Faith is always something that we have a principle
04:19 that overcomes obstacles.
04:22 Faith is believing that God can overcome the
04:24 impossibilities of life and the reality Jim is that
04:28 faith only exist in the realm of the impossible.
04:31 If you are in the realm of the possible what is faith
04:34 needed for? You could see everything but the Bible says
04:37 we walk by faith and not by sight, it contrasts the two.
04:41 So faith is dependent on those impossible situations and
04:44 the problem I think is that there are too many Christians
04:47 who want to live in the realm of the possible.
04:50 That is where we find the rub with the law of God because
04:53 when you put the law of God is an impossibility for man,
04:56 unless he has the power of God, and it becomes a rub for
05:00 those who do not want to receive that new birth
05:03 experience. They want to have their proverbial cake
05:06 and eat it too.
05:08 If I might say it, what they are doing is they are
05:12 living in, what we call, a comfort zone.
05:14 So many Christians they live in a comfort zone even though
05:18 God may be calling them to this variety of areas,
05:21 if they have weaknesses in these areas they will avoid
05:23 them and stay within their comfort zone.
05:26 That is what the works of the law also mentally does.
05:28 It causes us to feel confident in that we are okay with
05:31 this and that substitutes for that.
05:33 So we need to be able to see that those impossible areas
05:37 that God is calling us in, those are the ones that
05:40 test and require faith.
05:42 I can think of some Bible examples when you really look
05:45 at the life of Christ you see it full of examples of
05:48 living faith and I'm thinking of one right now
05:51 with the paralytic.
05:53 You remember there was a paralytic where four friends
05:56 took him to Jesus for him to be healed.
05:59 When they got to the house where Jesus was, it was full
06:03 of people, there was the obstacle.
06:05 They could have just turned around and gone home,
06:08 but they climbed up on the Roof, they tore up the tiles,
06:13 sounds pretty radical.
06:14 They tore the tiles of the roof and they lowered
06:17 him down and the Bible said when Jesus saw their faith,
06:21 how was it that He saw their faith?
06:23 Jesus saw that they had such confidence in Him that they
06:27 were not going to let any obstacle stand in their way.
06:31 They were going to go straight to Jesus.
06:32 Then there is the story that comes to mind of blind
06:34 Bartimaeus, here is a man who was on the side of the road
06:37 and he is crying out, he hears Jesus coming his way.
06:41 He said son of David have mercy on me and the crowd
06:44 tells him to pipe down.
06:45 The Christian crowd tells him to pipe down because he is
06:49 making too much noise and so there you have the obstacle.
06:52 Here he is a blind man and he doesn't know how to get
06:55 to where he is going.
06:56 He has this crowd milling around, but when they tell him
06:58 to be quiet the Bible says he cries all the more.
07:02 When he cried all the more and pushed beyond that barrier
07:06 then we see his Faith rewarded in Jesus and He heals him.
07:10 We see a similar story with Zacchaeus.
07:12 Zacchaeus wants to see Jesus and the Christian crowd
07:15 around Jesus was too tall and some people say it is
07:18 Zacchaeus could not see Jesus and so what does he do?
07:20 - he could have gone home. - he could have gone home
07:23 it said there was no way I will ever be able to make it
07:26 to Jesus, but instead he presses through and goes ahead
07:29 actually gets himself up in a tree so he could just
07:32 happen to see Jesus come by.
07:34 And Jesus sees his act of faith and calls him down and
07:38 says this day salvation has come to your house.
07:41 Amen, I can think of the story to a woman who had a flow
07:46 of blood, for all she had she tried to find healing.
07:51 She went to every physician she could find and
07:54 she spent all her livelihood and still nothing.
07:56 Well she heard that Jesus was coming through town.
07:59 Jesus was her only hope and she went to see Jesus and
08:02 guess what she ran into? An obstacle!
08:04 The crowd was too big and she couldn't get to Him.
08:07 She thought to herself if I can only fight through and
08:10 reach the hem of His garment I will be healed.
08:12 So she reaches the end and grabs the hem of His garment
08:14 and Jesus stops on the spot and He says,
08:17 who touched Me? Of course the disciples were like
08:20 what are you talking about? Everybody's touching and
08:23 they are bumping up against you.
08:25 He said no I perceived virtue gone out for Me.
08:29 Who touched Me? That is a real good lesson for us.
08:32 If we have a casual experience where we just bump up next to
08:37 Jesus, we go to church and put in our time but we are not in
08:42 earnest and not we're not wholehearted like that woman.
08:46 If we do not have that kind of faith, then Jesus doesn't
08:50 recognize it, Jesus knows the difference between an
08:53 intentional wholehearted faith, a casual halfhearted experience.
08:58 That is absolutely true and it reminds me that we all face
09:02 those situations where if we truly give ourselves to Christ
09:05 we face obstacles, sometimes they are impractical situations.
09:08 I remember when I first became a Christian.
09:11 The Holy Spirit came to my heart and convicted me of something
09:15 I had stole from my employer prior to becoming a Christian.
09:18 I was convicted that I needed to go and tell my employer and
09:22 I was so petrified because it was a fairly expensive item and
09:26 I could lose my job and I knew I'd lose my job.
09:28 And I thought Lord, this was before I was a Christian
09:30 I confessed all that, I'm newborn, why couldn't
09:33 I've done it before, now it is going to ruin my witness
09:36 in all these things but the conviction was there.
09:38 I knew it was something I had to go and make it right,
09:41 despite the obstacle and I'll tell you what, when I did.
09:44 I went and talked my employer about that thing because I knew
09:47 it was the right thing to do and I did it for the sake of the
09:50 Lord that I gave my life to.
09:52 God worked that out with my employer, not only did I not
09:56 lose my job but he was impressed with the level of
10:01 integrity that he saw from me willing to able to something
10:04 because I had gotten away with it.
10:06 So at any rate I had fought, I had seen the obstacles and
10:10 made them bigger than they really were, but the Lord
10:12 carried me through when I exercised faith.
10:14 He compelled you by His grace and you had turmoil but when
10:19 you received His grace by faith you received peace.
10:22 Grace and peace is in harmony with God and there is nothing
10:26 like overcoming that sin or obstacle and finding peace.
10:29 There may be somebody watching today, and you have got
10:31 something that you know God is calling on you to do.
10:34 But you are struggling with how you are ever going to do it.
10:37 Perhaps you learned you should return a faithful tithe to God.
10:40 You are thinking to yourself I have expenses and
10:43 there is no way I can overcome.
10:45 I have a family situation that requires more than I can do.
10:50 You are thinking that would be impossible, that is when faith
10:54 comes in, faith is not needed for that which is easy.
10:57 Faith is only needed for that which is seemingly impossible.
11:01 So God is calling on us to be faithful, to obey when it seems
11:06 impossible and that is the exercise of faith.
11:08 To obey and trust God when it seems impossible.
11:11 There could be somebody who has learned that the Seventh
11:14 Day Sabbath is something that is still valid for Christians.
11:17 They are thinking but I've got this work situation
11:19 I have to figure out.
11:21 I have too many barriers that couldn't possibly be
11:26 overcome, the same situation, faith is when we trust that if
11:31 God is asking us to do it. God will honor us if we honor Him.
11:36 If we obey God He will honor us.
11:39 That is right and we could go to Hebrews chapter 11, the faith.
11:42 Chapter and one fascinating thing about it is over and
11:46 over, I'll give you a few examples Hebrews 11:8.
11:48 It says, "by faith Abraham obeyed. "
11:51 You go ahead to verse 17 and it says,
11:54 "by faith Abraham - offered up his son Isaac. "
11:56 Verse 20, "by faith Isaac blessed Jacob. "
11:59 Verse 22, "by faith Joseph, - made mention of the
12:06 "of departing the children of Egypt. "
12:07 Verse 23, says "by faith Moses - was hidden by his parents"
12:12 These people found their faith, every time you find that
12:16 word faith it's followed by a corresponding action,
12:20 an exercise of the belief that they had.
12:23 That is Bible faith, the hearing of faith. - Amen!
12:25 Speaking of the hearing of faith,
12:26 let's go back to Galatians 3:2 to conclude
12:30 because here we were reading, "this only I want to learn
12:33 "from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the
12:36 "law or by the hearing of faith?"
12:39 The works of the law had caused them to
12:41 stop obeying the truth.
12:43 The hearing of faith caused them to obey.
12:46 We need to remember though different from what is often
12:51 misconstrued, this is what the Bible teaches.
12:54 Those that go by the works of the law do
12:57 not obey the truth.
12:58 Those that have the hearing of faith do obey.
13:01 We are hoping that as you've listened to this presentation
13:04 and as we have studied Galatians together that you have
13:07 caught a glimpse of how you can be more faithful.
13:10 May God bless you until next time.


Revised 2023-04-24