Books of the Book: Galatians

The Obedience Of Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Howard & Jim Howard


Series Code: GBOTB

Program Code: GBOTB000005A

00:22 Welcome to another episode of Books of the Book.
00:25 My name is Pastor Mark Howard I am the director of
00:28 the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism in Michigan.
00:30 For the Michigan Conference Seventh-day Adventist
00:32 as well as the Pastor of the Gobels Seventh-day
00:34 Adventist church and I am here with my co-host,
00:36 my brother Jim.
00:38 Hi my name is Jim Howard and I am the Pastor of the
00:40 Detroit Metropolitan and South Lyon Seventh-day
00:42 Adventist churches and I'm glad to be here.
00:44 Will we have been studying in the book of Galatians
00:48 and what is happening here is that this church in
00:51 Galatia is a church of the apostle Paul raised up
00:54 and somebody else came in and began to preach a false
00:57 Gospel that really turned the church upside down.
01:00 The apostle has come in to address the situation.
01:04 We are in Galatians Chapter 3 today and we are going
01:06 to begin there Galatians to 3:1 so if you have your
01:09 Bibles I would encourage you to jump in here with us.
01:12 The New Testament after the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke,
01:15 John, Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and then Galatians.
01:18 Galatians 3:1 and the apostle starts out here and says,
01:24 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you
01:29 "should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus
01:33 "Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?
01:36 "This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive
01:39 "the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing
01:43 "of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the
01:47 "Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
01:50 "Have you suffered so many things in vain? if indeed
01:53 "it was in vain? Therefore he who supplies the Spirit
01:56 "to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by
01:59 "the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
02:02 just as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to
02:05 "him for righteousness. "
02:07 Not something we want to grasp here which is
02:09 interesting Jim, he brings it up 2 times.
02:12 This problem in Galatia came in, in what he calls the
02:20 hearing of faith was interrupted.
02:21 In verse 1 there it says, that they had obeyed the truth
02:26 but they had stopped obeying the truths when the hearing
02:32 of faith had stopped.
02:33 - they had switched to the works of law
02:35 as a means of justification.
02:36 I know for our viewers, if our viewers are reading
02:38 in the New King James Version, but if you are reading
02:40 in a version like the English Standard Version, the
02:42 New International Version, or some others it cuts off
02:46 that last part where it will read basically who has
02:49 bewitched you and it doesn't say you should not obey the truth.
02:53 So we picked the same idea up in Galatians 5 where the
02:56 apostle makes the same point again as it is in that
02:59 translation or those translations I mentioned.
03:03 Galatians 5:7 notice what he says, "you ran well. "
03:06 Past tense. You had been faithful, you ran well, but
03:10 he says, "who hindered you from obeying the truth?"
03:13 So the point were wanting to pick up on here is there
03:17 is something about this hearing of faith.
03:19 We are going to be talking about this today about what
03:20 the hearing of faith is.
03:22 While the people possess the hearing of faith, they were
03:26 obedient to the truth.
03:28 But when they lost the hearing of faith and began to turn
03:32 to the works of the law, they actually became disobedient.
03:35 Which is interesting. - it's just the opposite of what
03:38 you would think because when you think about the works of
03:42 the law, you think law, obedience and you think of the
03:45 focus not on faith but on obedience. - that's right!
03:48 The reality is that according to the epistle of Galatians
03:52 when they began to focus on the works of the law as a
03:56 means of justification, what they did was stop obeying
04:01 the truth and this really is not that surprising when you
04:06 read the other epistles of the apostle Paul.
04:08 He draws it out in other places.
04:09 I would like to point to one of them and it is in
04:11 Romans 10:1 he brings up this same point and it starts
04:17 this way, "brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God
04:22 "for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them
04:27 "witness that they have a zeal for God,
04:29 "but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant
04:33 "of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their
04:36 "own righteousness, have not submitted to the
04:40 "righteousness of God. "
04:42 So they were establishing their own righteousness and
04:46 it was a way for them to not submit to the righteousness
04:51 of God, so in many cases. - there was an obedience
04:55 it was actually a substitute for obedience.
04:57 Yeah, it was an obedience to a standard that they had
05:00 set up and they are the ones who determined what was
05:03 important and what wasn't instead of trusting what God
05:06 said was important and what wasn't.
05:08 That reminds me of another example in the Old Testament
05:12 Scripture in 1 Samuel during the reign of Israel's first
05:17 King Saul 1 Samuel 15, Saul had a habit of doing that
05:21 very thing of substituting his own standard for God's
05:24 standard and thinking that would answer to the obedience
05:28 that God was looking for.
05:29 1 Samuel 15:22, Samuel had to address Saul, God had commanded
05:37 Saul through the prophet Samuel that he was to go
05:39 against his enemies and he was going to the Amalekites
05:44 to war against them and to leave no one alive.
05:49 It was an idolatrous nation and they were not to take
05:53 any spoils, it was customary in those days to capture the
05:57 foreign king because then you could take glory to
05:59 yourself because you conquered that king,
06:01 but God said leave nothing.
06:03 Well Saul comes back from that battle and he brings the
06:08 livestock with him and brings the King with him.
06:12 He feels like he has done what God has commanded him.
06:17 So Samuel addresses him here as he sees this and he says,
06:22 In 22, "has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings
06:27 "and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord?
06:31 "Behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed
06:36 "then the fat of rams. For rebellion is the sin of
06:40 "witchcraft," and if you are reading along at home
06:44 you'll notice that 'as' is italicized.
06:47 That means it is not there in the original.
06:50 It would originally read like this,
06:52 rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.
06:54 He says who has bewitched you? The issue is the exact
07:01 same thing, Saul instead of obeying the voice of the Lord
07:07 was making certain personal sacrifices and obeying in
07:11 some areas instead of rendering a full obedience.
07:15 He was setting his own standard up.
07:17 You could say Saul was here seeking justification by the
07:22 works of the law, he was coming up with his own
07:25 idea and as long as he did what he felt was the most
07:28 important stuff that God was asking him to do, it was
07:31 okay if he weaved in a little bit of his own.
07:33 Really when we look at this situation we find that
07:38 sometimes we can set certain things that we do that
07:41 we are comfortable doing and we are okay with doing,
07:46 and those become what we feel is most important because
07:50 we are okay with them.
07:51 By doing that it becomes a substitute for obedience with
07:55 our whole heart and our whole life and that is exactly
07:59 what happened back in Galatia.
08:01 Circumcision became a substitute for obedience.
08:05 That's right and people think of it as the opposite.
08:09 They said no circumcision was obedience, but it was only
08:12 obedience in the context of a heart that was surrender to God,
08:17 where the flesh of the heart was cut away right before.
08:20 That's right, if you look at it Paul was not doing what
08:23 so many today would say he is all you really need to do
08:27 is believe, and this whole idea of circumcision, law,
08:30 that is unimportant you just need to believe.
08:33 Let's be honest about this, if the apostle Paul was
08:36 giving you the option, or if you have the option
08:39 to either just believe and that is all
08:42 you have to do, or be circumcised.
08:45 Which would be the easier route? Well just believe.
08:49 Circumcision was not exactly a pleasant experience to go
08:52 through. - not at all is specially in a day that
08:54 didn't employ a lot of anesthesia or anything else.
08:57 That's right, so clearly Paul was not giving a just
09:00 believe Gospel, he was a gospel that called on them to
09:03 do more than just render this external obedience.
09:07 And let's just clarify because I know there will be some
09:09 who will say my Bible says he says just believe in the
09:11 Lord Jesus Christ. What we mean by a
09:13 just believe Gospel is not what Paul means when he says
09:16 he believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
09:18 This is what we are greatly talking about in the rest of
09:20 our time here, but we are addressing a belief that
09:24 excludes obedience and that is not a biblical teaching.
09:28 We are going to see that very clearly.
09:29 The fact is you are saying here this is something we see
09:32 repeated in the history of Israel.
09:34 I'm thinking about Matthew 23 and the religion of the
09:37 Pharisees and it says in Matthew 23:23.
09:41 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!"
09:45 Now that word hypocrite comes from a Greek word that
09:48 means an actor or a stage player, you guys are actors,
09:52 you are pretenders that your religion.
09:54 "Hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and
09:59 Cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the
10:03 law: Justice and Mercy and faith. These you ought to
10:07 have done, without leaving the others undone.
10:10 Jesus didn't have any problem that they were paying these
10:15 tithes on these very minute herbs, very small herbs.
10:18 They were very particular, Jesus never condemned the
10:21 Pharisees for being a particular, what the problem was
10:25 is that they were over do certain areas of obedience
10:29 to compensate for what they didn't want to do. So for
10:32 example if they didn't want to obey in one area they
10:35 would figure well, I'll go to church twice a week.
10:37 - then they added their own laws to that to make it
10:40 okay. - if I'm with my neighbor's wife but I will go
10:44 to church more often and pay more money and that may
10:47 sound crazy but we do that very thing today.
10:50 That's what the Galatianism was, we substitute what we
10:54 feel is obedience instead of rendering obedience in
10:57 those areas we just don't want to render obedience in.
11:00 I think you hit the point which is where you want to
11:03 and where you don't want to.
11:04 I'm mean obviously you are not going to create a standard
11:07 of righteousness, or what you believe is important around
11:10 things that you do not feel comfortable doing.
11:12 You end up choosing, if you feel comfortable with that,
11:14 that becomes important and the other things well
11:17 at least you are doing these so why do I need to do these?
11:19 He reminds me of what we talked about in our last episode
11:21 where we brought up Cain and Abel.
11:24 Cain and Abel were both worshiping God, they were both
11:28 many things that God had asked. Cain did not do
11:32 everything that God had asked because he felt
11:35 I'm already doing these other things and just because
11:38 I don't bring the lamb that God asked for
11:40 I am worshiping God, I am doing these other things.
11:44 He didn't truly sense that he had a need and he needed
11:47 to trust what God was telling him.
11:49 He had too much confidence in himself.
11:51 That is right and he really wasn't obeying God.
11:53 - that is the point I wanted to make because most
11:57 Christians typically assume right off the bat the
12:00 Pharisees their big thing was obedience.
12:03 But it is really interesting if we go to John 7 and ask
12:11 the question of people,
12:13 Who was more obedient Jesus or the Pharisees?
12:17 Which Jesus or the Pharisees? It is hard for people
12:22 to answer right away, here is how I worded it,
12:25 lets ask it that way.
12:28 Who was more strict in their observance of the law,
12:30 Jesus or the Pharisees?
12:32 Oh, the answer is the Pharisees were.
12:34 But if you come to John chapter 7 and the words of Jesus
12:37 himself in John 7:19 Jesus said to the Pharisees,
12:40 "did not Moses give you the law, yet none of you keeps
12:44 the law?" And yet if we go to John 15 where Jesus speaks
12:48 Himself as he sits in John 15:10, "if you keep my
12:53 commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have
12:57 kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love.
12:59 Now the point to be understood is, but Pharisees were
13:02 not obedient to the law of God.
13:03 They were obedient to their concept of law God which was
13:06 vastly different, they were obedient to their own
13:09 standard that they had set up.
13:11 They were picking and choosing what they were
13:13 comfortable with and leave in undone because
13:15 they were feeling they were all right because
13:16 they had tipped the scales as it were.
13:19 So when we are talking about obedience we're talking about
13:23 a heart obedience that God is calling for.
13:26 One more point that I would like to add into that is
13:29 when it talks in Galatians about this justification
13:32 that doesn't come by the works of the law
13:35 but by hearing a faith.
13:37 We remember that in Romans 3:31 it says by faith we
13:41 established law so the only way to truly have obedience
13:45 is through faith, the works of the law which is
13:48 an avenue apart from Christ, there is too much self-
13:51 confidence and we can never be truly obedient to God
13:54 when we don't yield ourselves to trust Him.
13:57 That is absolutely right.
13:59 Well we have some of the things we want to jump into here
14:01 but we are going to take a break and we hope
14:03 you stay with us and we will be right back!


Revised 2023-04-24