Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr
Series Code: GAB
Program Code: GAB000011
01:11 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:15 Our Father in heaven, 01:18 what a wonderful privilege 01:19 that is to be in Your house of worship on Your holy Sabbath. 01:23 We ask Father, that as we open Your word 01:25 that Your spirit will be in this place. 01:30 Give us clear minds and tender hearts 01:34 to understand and to receive Your word. 01:38 And we thank You for hearing our prayer 01:40 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen. 01:46 I want to invite you to open your Bibles with me 01:49 to the 2 Book of Timothy, the 2 Book of Timothy 01:55 and our study today will be from chapter 4 01:59 and verses 1 through 5. 02:02 Now before we read these verses 02:04 I would like to say something about the Pastoral Epistles. 02:10 Basically, the Pastoral Epistles are 1 and 2 Timothy 02:16 and also the Book of Titus. 02:20 Now they're called the Pastoral Epistles 02:22 because they were written 02:24 to two particular pastors in the early church. 02:28 One of them of course, was Timothy 02:32 and the other was Titus. 02:36 Now you'll be probably wondering 02:38 why Pastor Bohr would preach a sermon based on books 02:43 that were written to preachers. 02:45 You might say well Pastor Bohr, 02:47 those books were written for you 02:49 they were not written for the congregation. 02:51 Why would you preach about two books 02:54 where the Apostle Paul is giving his counsel to pastors? 02:59 Well, there're actually two reasons why. 03:04 Number one, I want you to understand today 03:07 the reason why I preach as I do. 03:12 Actually, there're some people 03:14 who think that my preaching is a bit strong 03:18 and they're probably right. 03:21 But we're gonna notice in our study today 03:23 the reason why this is the case. 03:27 The Apostle Paul had some very definite counsel 03:30 that he gave to Timothy about 03:33 what his preaching should involve and I believe 03:37 that I need to accept and receive that counsel. 03:40 Secondly, even though these books 03:42 were written to these two pastors. 03:47 The Book of 2 Timothy also explains some things 03:52 about the reaction of people to the message of the preachers. 03:58 In other words not only do the books speak about 04:00 how preachers should preach 04:02 but the books actually address how people respond 04:07 to the messages of the preachers. 04:11 Now before we read this passage 04:12 I need to tell you a few more things 04:14 about the Pastoral Epistles, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. 04:20 These books really are a church administration manual. 04:27 Basically, they deal 04:29 with the governance of the local church life. 04:33 You see, the Apostle Paul had established 04:35 churches all over the Roman Empire. 04:39 He had organized churches according to the gospel order. 04:42 In other words he had established leaders 04:45 such as bishops, deacons and elders. 04:49 And because the church had been organized 04:51 it was necessary to have a manual to govern the church 04:54 to describe the duties of each of these officers 04:58 of the church and to teach them 05:00 what they needed to do to administrate the church. 05:03 So really 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are books that deal 05:07 with the administration of the local church. 05:12 Now when the Apostle Paul wrote these letters 05:15 to Timothy and to Titus 05:17 he was in his second imprisonment in Rome. 05:22 In fact he was about to be beheaded by the Emperor Nero. 05:27 And as he was there in prison awaiting execution 05:32 the Apostle Paul felt a great urgency 05:37 concerning certain heresies and teachings 05:40 that were beginning to creep into the Christian church. 05:44 In fact, in these epistles 05:45 we find a somewhat different tone 05:48 than in the other writings of the Apostle Paul. 05:51 In these epistles 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus 05:56 the Apostle Paul uses certain very key expressions 06:03 such as for example he speaks of the importance of the truth. 06:09 He speaks about the faith not having faith 06:13 but the faith, the content of the faith. 06:17 He uses the expression sound doctrine 06:21 very frequently in these letters. 06:24 It becomes very clear that the Apostle Paul 06:26 is concerned about doctrinal orthodoxy. 06:30 He is concerned about 06:31 what is been taught in the Christian church. 06:34 He is interested in the preservation 06:37 of sound doctrine because he is in prison 06:41 he is about to die 06:42 he sees heresy creeping into the church. 06:45 In fact he speaks about wolfs coming in among the flock 06:49 and not sparing the flock. 06:51 And so the Apostle Paul now speaks about the importance 06:55 of the faith the truth and sound doctrine. 07:01 Now I want to read the passage that we are going to study 07:04 particularly this morning, 07:06 2 Timothy 4:1-5. 07:13 Remember, that here the Apostle Paul 07:14 is speaking to a preacher speaking to Timothy. 07:18 "I charge you therefore before God, 07:21 and the Lord Jesus Christ, 07:25 who will judge the living and the dead 07:27 at His appearing and His kingdom. 07:30 Preach the word! 07:33 Be ready in season, out of season. 07:37 Convince, rebuke, exhort, 07:42 with all longsuffering and teaching. 07:46 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, 07:50 but according to their own desires, 07:53 because they have itching ears 07:55 they will heap up for themselves teachers 07:58 and they will turn away their ears away from the truth, 08:02 and be turned aside to fables." 08:07 Now this is the passage that we're going to look 08:09 at particularly in our study today. 08:13 And basically what we are gonna do 08:14 is go phrase by phrase and try and determine 08:18 the meaning of each phrase to find out 08:21 why the Apostle Paul is giving this counsel 08:24 to Timothy as Paul is sitting in prison in Rome. 08:29 You notice first of all that the passage begins by saying 08:32 "I charge you therefore before God, 08:35 and Lord Jesus Christ, 08:37 who will judge the living and the dead 08:39 at His appearing and His kingdom." 08:41 Now that expression I charge you originally 08:45 in Greek meant to take an oath in a court of law. 08:51 And for a legal proceeding to be valid 08:54 you have to have at least two witnesses in the proceeding. 08:59 What the Apostle Paul is saying is I'm now giving an oath 09:04 before the two witnesses the Father 09:07 and Jesus Christ his Son. 09:09 In other words, I'm taking at oath in a court of law. 09:13 I'm suddenly witnessing before God that Timothy, 09:18 you are to preach the Word of God. 09:23 In other words this introductory formula 09:25 makes this very, very serious 09:28 the Apostle Paul is giving this counsel under oath 09:31 in the presence of Jesus Christ, 09:33 in the presence of God the Father. 09:36 It must be extremely important 09:38 and the Apostle Paul is saying the reason 09:40 why I'm taking this oath before Jesus and His Father 09:43 is because I'm going to be judged when Jesus comes 09:47 and you are going to be judged when Jesus comes. 09:52 Now notice that thepassage continues saying 09:54 to Timothy preach the Word. 10:00 Now the question immediately comes up 10:03 which word was the Apostle Paul talking about. 10:06 Well, if you look at the previous verses 10:09 in the immediately preceding chapter you're gonna notice 10:12 that the Apostle Paul commenced Timothy 10:15 because he has studied the Holy Scriptures 10:17 since the time that he was a child. 10:20 And then the Apostle Paul goes on to say 10:23 that every scripture is inspired by God. 10:28 So the scriptures that the Apostle Paul 10:31 is speaking about in context are the Holy Scriptures. 10:35 In other words the Bible 10:37 if you please the written holy inspired Word of God. 10:45 So the Apostle Paul says to Timothy preach the Word. 10:50 And then he says be ready. 10:53 What does that mean be ready? 10:56 It simply means be ready 10:59 at any moment to preach the word. 11:02 In fact, the next expression 11:04 is be ready in season and out of season. 11:08 That means with advance notice and with no advance notice. 11:13 In other words, you should always 11:14 have sermons in your Bible so to speak 11:21 so that you can preach if you're asked to do so. 11:24 Not only when you're told in advance 11:26 but on the spur of the moment. 11:28 In other words, you should be ready 11:30 to preach the Word of God at all times. 11:35 Now it's important to notice that in this passage 11:38 there are nine imperatives. 11:41 Now you probably know what imperatives are, 11:43 imperatives are a command, they are an order. 11:47 Here the Apostle Paul isn't saying 11:49 "you know it would be nice if you could preach the Word. 11:52 It would be nice if you're ready 11:55 to preach in season and out of season, 11:57 when it's convenient when it's inconvenient." 12:00 The Apostle Paul isn't saying that. 12:02 These are imperatives. 12:03 He is giving Timothy a command. 12:05 He is saying "Be ready to preach 12:08 when it's convenient and inconvenient, 12:11 in season out of season, 12:13 on the spur of the moment and with advance notice." 12:17 In other words, this is an order from God. 12:21 Now the question is what is Timothy 12:24 supposed to preach out of the Word of God. 12:27 How is he supposed to employ 12:29 the Word of God in his preaching? 12:32 Well, you find additional imperatives. 12:36 The first word which is used is, 12:39 be ready to preach the Word of God 12:42 in season and out of season 12:44 and then it says 'convince' 12:47 I'm using the New King James Version, 'convince.' 12:51 Now that word 'convince' means to convict of error 12:56 because you have sufficient proof 12:59 to convince someone of their error 13:01 because you have sufficient proof. 13:05 Allow me to give you two or three texts 13:06 which use the same word, 1 Timothy 5:20, 13:11 the Apostle Paul uses this word in saying 13:13 "Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, 13:18 that the rest may fear." 13:22 The translation here is rebuke. 13:24 In other words, individuals are sinning and these individuals 13:27 who are sinning need to be convinced of their error. 13:31 Also in Ephesians 5:11 the Apostle Paul says 13:35 "And have no fellowship 13:37 with the unfruitful works of darkness, 13:40 but rather expose them." 13:43 See there the word 'expose' is the same word. 13:45 It is to convict of error 13:48 because you have sufficient proof. 13:51 And then of course, you have Luke 3:19 13:54 where John the Baptist rebuked Herod 13:57 for marrying his brother's wife. 14:00 So basically, the Apostle Paul is saying 14:02 that the preacher is supposed to convict of error 14:06 because the preacher has sufficient proof that, 14:09 that's what needs to happen. 14:12 And then we have another imperative 14:14 convince is the first one, rebuke is the next one. 14:20 Now what does rebuke mean? 14:23 In the Greek language, in which the New Testament was written, 14:26 rebuke means, to warn in order to prevent an action 14:32 or in order to bring an action to an end. 14:35 To prevent an action or to bring an action to an end. 14:40 Perhaps, several texts from the New Testament 14:42 will help us understand the meaning of this word. 14:45 For example, in Matthew 8:26 14:47 we are told that the Lord Jesus rebuked the winds 14:52 when the storm was on the lake. 14:54 In other words, He was trying 14:55 to get the winds to stop blowing. 14:58 Stop their wrong behavior if you please. 15:02 Then you have for example Matthew 8:26 15:05 where the disciples rebuked the children 15:08 and try to keep them from coming to Jesus. 15:12 You also have Matthew 19:1 15:16 where, where you have a similar use of this word. 15:20 Basically, it means to warn in order to prevent an action 15:25 or bring an action to an end. 15:28 In this case it would be to prevent a wrong action 15:32 or to bring a wrong action to and end. 15:36 Now this isn't a pleasant job but it needs to be done. 15:40 The Apostle Paul is saying you must convict 15:44 you must rebuke and then of course 15:48 he uses another imperative which is to exhort. 15:53 Now this is a positive word. 15:55 It's a same word that is used to speak about the Holy Spirit. 15:58 We speak of the Holy Spirit as Paraclete. 16:01 We speak of the Holy Spirit as he who has called 16:04 alongside someone, the helper if you please. 16:08 This word 'exhort' means to call someone 16:11 to your side to help you. 16:14 For example, in Titus 1:9 Paul tells the elders 16:19 that they're to encourage the members. 16:22 They are to help members. 16:24 the members of the church 16:28 are told to encourage one and another. 16:30 So in other words, the work of preaching 16:32 according to the Apostle Paul 16:34 does not only involve convicting of error, 16:37 does not involve only rebuking wrong behavior 16:40 to bring it to an end or to prevent wrong behavior 16:43 but it also involves encouraging the church, 16:47 encouraging those who are listening to the preaching. 16:52 Then the Apostle Paul continues saying here in chapter 4 16:56 "that this is to be done with all longsuffering." 17:01 In other words, the preaching needs to be done with patience. 17:05 The word 'longsuffering' simply means patience 17:09 we don't use the word 'longsuffering' 17:11 very much anymore. 17:12 It means that the preacher is supposed to convict, 17:16 he is supposed to rebuke, he is supposed to exhort 17:19 or help with longsuffering. 17:23 In other words with patience 17:24 because sometimes the preaching 17:26 does not produce immediate fruits. 17:31 Now what is he supposed to exhort people with? 17:33 How is he supposed to perform this task? 17:36 Well, the fact is the passage continues saying 17:39 "exhort with all longsuffering and teaching." 17:46 Now this word teaching does not refer 17:47 to the content of the teaching. 17:50 It refers to the act of teaching. 17:54 In other words, it refers to teaching as an activity. 17:57 In other words, the preacher is really supposed to be what? 18:02 The preacher is supposed to be a teacher 18:05 because he is supposed to rebuke, 18:08 he is supposed to help, 18:10 he is supposed to convict with teaching according to this. 18:14 In other words, preaching should be teaching. 18:17 What the Apostle Paul is saying is that an individual 18:22 who is called to the gospel ministry needs to be a patient 18:27 or longsuffering teacher. 18:31 Now immediately we are asked the question 18:33 why is it necessary for a preacher to exhort? 18:40 Why is it necessary for a preacher to convict? 18:44 Why is it necessary for a preacher to help 18:48 or to come alongside someone 18:55 to encourage them why is this? 18:59 Notice the passage continues saying 19:01 and here we reach the most important part 19:04 of our study today "for the time will come." 19:11 There is a time that's gonna come. 19:14 Now what does this mean, for the time will come? 19:17 The time will come when what? 19:20 Well, let's continue reading "The time will come 19:24 when they" I wonder who are the they 19:28 that are referred to here by the Apostle Paul. 19:30 "The time is coming when they." 19:35 You know if you'll read the Pastoral Epistles-- 19:36 we don't have time now to read all of the verses. 19:39 But in the Pastoral Epistles the Apostle Paul is speaking 19:42 to members of the church. 19:45 I mention that this is a church discipline manual. 19:48 This is a church organization manual. 19:51 So when the Apostle Paul says when they the time will come 19:54 when they he is not referring to Gentiles, 19:58 he is not referring to Pagans, he is referring to people 20:01 who profess the name of Jesus. 20:03 The time is coming when they 20:06 when they will not, will not what? 20:09 Notice, when they will not endure what? 20:16 Sound doctrine. 20:19 That word 'endure' means that they'll not tolerate, 20:23 they'll not put up with sound doctrine. 20:29 What is the Apostle Paul tell Timothy 20:31 that he's supposed to preach this way. 20:32 Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, 20:38 convict, rebuke, exhort. 20:44 These are all imperatives. 20:46 Its Paul's counsel to the preacher. 20:49 And then he says the reason for this 20:51 is because the time is coming when those 20:56 who profess the name of Jesus will not tolerate 21:00 or they will not put up with sound doctrine. 21:06 Now the Apostle Paul is not talking 21:08 about teaching `as a method 21:10 the Apostle Paul is speaking 21:12 about the content of the preaching. 21:16 In other words, when he speaks about doctrine 21:18 he is talking about the doctrines 21:19 as we understand them in the Adventist church. 21:22 We have 28 fundamental beliefs, 28 fundamental doctrines. 21:26 The Apostle Paul is talking about 21:28 the doctrinal content of the scriptures. 21:30 He is saying that within the church 21:32 the time is coming when those who are 21:35 in the church will not tolerate sound doctrine. 21:39 By the way, the word 'sound' here is used elsewhere 21:42 in the New Testament to refer to someone who is healthy. 21:47 Physically healthy it has it's a word 21:49 that has to do with health. 21:51 In other words they will not endure healthy doctrine. 21:55 They'll what, doctrines we're gonna notice 21:57 that make people spiritually sick 21:59 rather than spiritually well. 22:02 Now what was the Apostle Paul talking about 22:05 when he said that they would not endure sound doctrine. 22:10 Allow me to read you 22:11 from 1 Timothy 1:9 a list of things 22:15 that the Apostle Paul talks about as referring to doctrine 22:19 which is not healthy which is not good. 22:22 First Timothy Chapter 1 22:25 and we'll begin reading at verse 9. 22:30 The Apostle Paul says this "Knowing this 22:33 that the law is not made for a righteous person, 22:36 but for the lawless and insubordinate, 22:39 for the ungodly and for sinners, 22:42 for the unholy and profane, 22:44 for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, 22:48 for manslayers, for fornicators, 22:50 for sodomites, for kidnappers, 22:51 for liars, for perjurers, 22:54 and if there is any other thing that is" what? 22:58 "Contrary to sound doctrine." 23:02 So if people are not accepting sound doctrine 23:06 it must be that they must be categorized in this list. 23:11 Are you following me or not? 23:13 And the interesting thing is that the Apostle Paul 23:15 is not speaking to individuals 23:18 who are outside the covenant community 23:20 the Apostle Paul is speaking to people 23:22 who belong to the church. 23:25 You'll say how is it possible 23:27 that you could say thatall of this list of sins 23:30 that I have mentioned here could characterize 23:32 what is happening in the Christian church. 23:35 Well the Apostle Paul says that this is sound doctrine 23:39 if you reject these things in the behavior of your life. 23:45 So they're gonna reject sound doctrine 23:48 the Apostle Paul says preaching. 23:50 He doesn't says well, because they're gonna 23:51 reject sound doctrine just people and correct, 23:55 you know, don't tell it like it is, 23:57 just be smooth and soft, 23:58 don't offend anybody that's not what he says. 24:01 He says preach the word. Tell it like it is. 24:06 Now what are these people gonna want to do. 24:09 He says that they will not endure sound doctrine. 24:13 So what will they do then instead 24:17 but rather after their own what? 24:21 After their own lust they will pile up teachers. 24:28 Now in a moment we're gonna talk about piling up teachers 24:30 but after their own lusts 24:32 I want to talk a little bit about that expression. 24:35 The word 'lust' in Greek is the word 'epithumia.' 24:40 It can be used in a negative sense, 24:43 a neutral sense and a positive sense. 24:47 You know, I can give you a couple of examples 24:49 of the word being used in positive sense 24:52 basically it means desires. 24:54 For example 1 Thessalonians 2:17 24:56 the Apostle Paul says that he desires 24:58 to see the faces of the Thessalonians. 25:02 He desires, see there its positive nothing bad. 25:06 In Philippians 1:23 25:08 the Apostle Paul says that he desires, 25:10 he has a burning desire to depart 25:13 and to be with Jesus. 25:14 See, there it's positive 25:15 that the desire that he has spoken about. 25:18 But in most cases in the New Testament 25:20 the Greek word 'epithumia' means something negative. 25:24 It means wicked evil passions that are found inside the heart 25:29 which are manifested in evil actions. 25:32 Let me give you some examples. 25:34 Galatians 5:24 the Apostle Paul says 25:38 "that those who have received Christ 25:40 have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts." 25:45 See it's the lusts of the flesh. 25:48 First Timothy 9:10 the Apostle Paul speaks 25:51 about the rich who fall into many hurtful lusts, 25:56 there it's used in the negative sense. 25:58 Second Timothy 2:22 26:00 the Apostle Paul speaks to youth 26:03 in fact he speaks about youth for lusts 26:06 in the area of sexual relations. 26:09 In Romans 13:14 26:11 the Apostle Paul speaks about making no provision 26:14 to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. 26:18 In Romans 6:12, 26:19 the Apostle Paul says "do not allow sin to reign 26:23 in your mortal bodies to obey the lusts thereof." 26:28 And then you have 2 Peter 3:3 where the Apostle Peter tells us 26:34 "that in the last days people will walk 26:36 according to their own lusts." 26:39 So basically the word 'lusts' here refers to evil desires, 26:45 simple desires that are found in the heart 26:48 which express themselves in evil actions. 26:53 And so the Apostle Paul is saying that the time is coming 26:57 when many in the church will not tolerate sound doctrine 27:02 but rather according to their own sinful lustful evil desires 27:10 they're going to do something, 27:11 they're going to pile up teachers. 27:13 Now, before I talk about piling up teachers 27:16 let me ask you, you probably wonder, 27:18 how it is possible Pastor Bohr, 27:20 that this could be a description of things 27:21 that are happening within the Christian church? 27:25 The fact is folks, if we are honest with our selves 27:29 Christians today watch what the world watches, 27:32 they listen to what the world listens to, 27:35 they participate in the entertainment 27:37 that the world participates in, 27:40 they dress as the world dresses, 27:42 they eat and drink as the world eats and drinks, 27:46 they lie and they cheat as the world does, 27:51 they divorce and get married again 27:54 multiple times as happens in the world. 28:00 You know what, I'm saying the truth 28:03 and it's happening within the church. 28:06 So you're saying Pastor Bohr, you're saying 28:09 "that these individuals within the Christian church 28:12 who are being-- who are the recipients 28:14 of the message of the preacher are actually going to want 28:18 to live according to their sinful lusts." 28:21 Absolutely, but it's worse than that. 28:25 You see not only does the Apostle Paul say, 28:28 "That people within the church are going to want to live 28:32 according to their sinful lusts." 28:34 He says, "That they're actually going to try 28:36 and justify what they're doing." 28:40 And this is where we come 28:41 to the next portion of the passage. 28:44 The Apostle Paul says "They will heap up." 28:51 The New International Version translates it 28:53 "They will gather around them a great number of teachers." 28:58 Now, you'll notice in the New King James it says 29:01 "They'll heap up for themselves." 29:05 This is a reflexive pronoun which means that the teachers 29:09 are not coming and imposing their will upon the church. 29:12 It's really the church itself 29:15 which is deciding to pile up the teachers. 29:17 They are piling up the teachers for themselves. 29:21 In other words, the church wants 29:23 these teachers to be in their mists. 29:28 In other words, the teachers are not responsible 29:32 those who are heaping up the teachers are responsible. 29:37 Allow me to read you a few statements 29:39 from the Spirit of Prophecy on how Ellen White 29:41 saw the condition of the church in her day and age. 29:46 What would she say today? 29:48 Great Controversy 523 she says 29:51 "Those who are unwilling to accept the plain, 29:54 cutting truths of the Bible 29:57 are continually seeking for pleasing fables 30:00 that will quiet the conscience. 30:03 The less spiritual, self-denying, 30:07 and humiliating the doctrines presented, 30:11 the greater the favor with which they are received. 30:14 These persons degrade the intellectual powers 30:17 to serve their carnal desires." 30:22 Early Writings page 273, 30:24 she is writing back in the 1840s what I'm going to read now. 30:29 She says "I saw that since the second angel 30:31 proclaimed the fall of the churches, 30:33 they have been growing more and more corrupt. 30:37 They bear the name of being Christ's followers 30:40 yet it is impossible 30:42 to distinguish them from the world. 30:45 Ministers take their texts from the Word of God 30:49 but preach smooth things. 30:52 To this the natural heart feels no objection. 30:55 It is only the spirit and power of the truth 30:58 and the salvation of Christ 31:00 that are hateful to the carnal heart. 31:03 There is nothing in the popular ministry 31:05 that stirs the wrath of Satan, makes the sinner tremble, 31:09 or applies to the heart and conscience 31:12 the fearful realities of a judgment soon to come. 31:16 Wicked men are generally pleased 31:18 with a form of piety without true godliness, 31:21 and they will aid and support such a religion." 31:26 In other statement which we find in Early Writings, 31:29 227 and 228 this is this is a sobering statement 31:33 the Lord's servant says this. 31:35 "I saw a very large company professing the name of Christ, 31:40 but God does not recognize them as His. 31:44 He had no pleasure in them. 31:47 Satan seemed to assume a religious character 31:51 and was very willing that the people should think 31:54 they were Christians. 31:56 He was even anxious that they should believe in Jesus, 31:59 His crucifixion, and His resurrection. 32:03 Satan and his angels fully believe 32:05 all this themselves, and tremble. 32:08 But if this faith does not provoke to good works, 32:12 and lead those who profess it to imitate 32:14 the self-denying life of Christ, 32:17 Satan is not disturbed 32:19 for they merely assume the Christian name, 32:22 while their hearts are still carnal, 32:25 and he can use them in his service 32:27 even better than if they made no profession. 32:31 Hiding their deformity under the name of Christian, 32:36 they pass along with their unsanctified natures, 32:39 and their evil passions unsubdued. 32:42 This gives occasion for the unbeliever 32:44 to reproach Christ with their imperfections, 32:47 and causes those who do possess pure 32:50 and undefiled religion to be brought into disrepute." 32:54 Now she speaks about ministers she says "The ministers preach 32:57 smooth things to suit carnal professors. 33:01 They dare not preach Jesus 33:03 and the cutting truths of the Bible 33:05 for if they should, these carnal professors 33:08 would not remain in the church. 33:11 But as many of them are wealthy, 33:14 they must be retained, 33:16 although they are no more fit to be there 33:18 than Satan and his angels. 33:21 This is just as Satan would have it." 33:25 Powerful statements, you know, you have heard what's happened 33:29 what's been happening in the Christian world. 33:32 You know, they feel like they need to impose the law of God. 33:36 They need to have it 33:37 as monuments in front of court houses 33:39 because they see that things slipping away. 33:42 But listen folks, lives are not changed 33:44 by posting the Ten Commandments in a court of law. 33:48 Lives are changed by implanting the holy law of God 33:51 in the heart of the human being 33:53 to overcome the sinful desires in the heart. 33:56 You see, people want to be called Christians 33:58 but they want to continue living their worldly lifestyle. 34:01 And the Apostle Paul says "Timothy the time is coming 34:05 when they're not going to endure sound teaching. 34:08 They're going to pile up teachers. 34:10 That they'll teach them 34:11 that they can live in there with their sinful desires." 34:16 Now I want you to notice of interesting expression 34:18 that the Apostle Paul uses. 34:20 He says, because they have what? Itching ears. 34:27 Now what does that mean they have itching ears? 34:30 Basically what the Apostle Paul's says 34:32 is they're going to pile up teachers 34:33 they'll tell them what they want to hear. 34:37 They will pile up teachers that will tickle their ear 34:39 if you please or as the NIV expresses it "they'll gather 34:43 around them a great number of teachers to say 34:48 what they're itching ears want to hear." 34:53 We hear a lot in the world today 34:55 and even in the church about meeting people's felt needs. 35:01 By fear that many times these felt needs 35:04 are not really needs, they're felt wants. 35:08 Let me illustrate what I mean. 35:10 Let's suppose you have itch 35:14 what do you think you're most immediate need is. 35:17 To scratch, absolutely. 35:20 Your most immediate need is to scratch. 35:24 But is it perhaps the case that this might not be 35:27 your most immediate need but your most immediate want? 35:32 Let's suppose that that itch that you have 35:36 that you satisfy by scratching it is skin cancer. 35:43 Would you say that 35:44 you're most immediate need would be scratching it? 35:47 Absolutely not. 35:49 What was your most immediate need be? 35:52 It will be to go to the doctor to get the real problem what? 35:57 To get the real problem fixed. 36:00 You see many times we just want to supply our immediate need 36:05 and it's really not a need it is a what, it is a want. 36:11 And we don't want to supply 36:13 what we really need but what we really want. 36:18 You know in Jeremiah's day the same thing was happening. 36:22 Jeremiah 5:31 we're told "The prophets prophesy falsely, 36:28 and the priests they rule by their own means. 36:32 And My people love to have it so." 36:38 You know, I'm not much on the, up on the living Bible 36:42 but sometimes I read a paraphrase to see 36:44 if it catches sense of the text. 36:47 I like the Living Bible in verse 3 this is what it says. 36:51 "For there is going to come a time 36:53 when people won't listen to the truth 36:56 but will go around looking for teachers 36:59 who will tell them just what they want to hear." 37:05 Are you catching what the Apostle Paul is saying here? 37:09 Let's notice again 37:11 the Apostle Paul says "I charge you under oath." 37:14 This is under oath that I'm saying this 37:17 before God and before Jesus Christ 37:21 who is gonna judge me if I don't say it under oath. 37:24 He says preach the Word. 37:27 By the way in context that's the written scriptures 37:31 the holy inspired written scriptures. 37:33 "Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season." 37:37 In other words, be ready to preach any time any place. 37:41 "Convinced, rebuke, exhort with great patience 37:49 and by teaching as a method." 37:52 Now why? 37:54 It says "For the time will come when they'll not endure, 37:57 they'll not tolerate sound doctrine." 37:58 Now the doctrine is spoken of as content 38:01 not as the method of teaching but content. 38:03 People will not put up 38:05 with sound doctrine as doctrine itself. 38:09 "But according to their own desires their own lusts 38:14 because they have itching ears 38:17 they'll heap up for themselves teachers." 38:23 Basically, teachers who will teach them 38:25 what they want to hear. 38:29 And now I want you notice what the end result of this is. 38:34 We're told at the end of this passage 38:37 "and they'll turn their ears away from the truth." 38:41 Who does the turning here. 38:44 The same one who heaped up teachers right. 38:47 This is their action as a result of piling up teachers 38:50 they'll teach them what they want to hear, 38:53 what will they do? 38:55 They'll not only listen to what they want to hear 38:58 but they will turn away their ears 38:59 from hearing the truth. 39:02 But now I want you to notice 39:04 a very interesting nuance here in the text. 39:07 It says "they'll turn their ears away from the truth" 39:11 and now notice "and be turned aside to fables." 39:17 That's an important expression, be turned aside. 39:21 Notice that this is not their action 39:24 this is someone else's actions 39:26 because that's passive, they will be turned. 39:28 They're not doing it. Somebody else is doing to them. 39:33 In other words, they'll turn their ears away from the truth 39:35 and as a result someone will turn them to fables. 39:41 They will be turned to fables. 39:45 And you'll say, what you are talking about? 39:47 The fact is folks, 39:48 that when we turn away our ear from the truth 39:53 we're allowing free reign for Satan to come in 39:57 and delude us for Satan to come in and deceive us. 40:02 That's what this passage is talking about. 40:05 In fact, they'll become victims of Satan 40:08 because they've chosen to pile up teachers 40:11 who'll teach them what they want to hear, 40:13 they turn away their ears from the truths 40:15 and as a result they're at the mercy of Satan. 40:18 They will be turned aside to fables. 40:22 It makes me think of that parallel passage 40:24 in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-13 40:26 which we studied a few weeks ago speaking about the lawless one. 40:30 It says "The coming of the lawless one 40:32 is according to the working of Satan, 40:34 with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 40:37 and with all unrighteous deception among those 40:39 who perish" now why do they perish notice? 40:42 "Because they did not receive," what? 40:45 The love of the truth that they might be saved." 40:48 So because they did not receive the love of the truth 40:52 what is gonna happen? 40:54 It says "And for this reason God will send them," what? 40:57 "Strong illusion." 40:58 God doesn't do it, it was their choice. 41:00 They turned away their ear from the truth, 41:01 they didn't want the love of the truth 41:03 so God says okay you don't want the love of the truth 41:05 you want to hear what you want to hear 41:08 and you pile up teachers that will you what you want to hear. 41:10 That's fine. 41:11 You turn away your ears from the truth. 41:13 And now who steps in. Satan does. 41:17 In fact, it says in verse 11 41:19 "And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, 41:21 that they should believe the lie, 41:24 that they all may be condemned 41:25 who did not believe the truth 41:27 but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 41:32 You know, we live in a postmodern world 41:35 where people don't want to know 41:37 anything about truth, absolute truths. 41:41 In fact, even in the church we hear people saying 41:43 don't talk to me about doctrine 41:44 or don't talk to me about truth. 41:46 What we need is a personal relationship with Jesus. 41:52 I agree we need a personal relationship with Jesus 41:55 but that personal relationship with Jesus cannot be a genuine 41:58 personal relationship with Jesus 42:00 unless we have the doctrine right. 42:06 Let me give you an example of what I mean, 42:09 The "State of the Dead," doctrine. 42:11 You know, I have often wondered how Ellen White could say, 42:13 that the devil is going to deceive many 42:16 Seventh-day Adventist to think that those 42:18 who are appearing to them are really departed relatives 42:21 when they're really the spirits of devils. 42:24 Mean as Adventist we're saying 42:25 we know that the Bible says "that the living know 42:27 they will die the dead know nothing." 42:30 I'll never be deceived because the Bible is so clear. 42:35 How in the world 42:36 could a Seventh-day Adventist be deceived 42:38 on a such a fundamental doctrine as this? 42:41 I believe there is all ways. 42:44 Number one, Satan will saturate the media with films 42:48 which relentlessly teach the reality of life after death. 42:53 Is he doing that? 42:55 Do the people actually come to believe 42:56 what they watch even if they say, oh this is fiction, 42:58 this is fiction, this is fiction. 43:00 No, eventually you come to believe it. 43:02 Other church members come and ask me 43:04 for example about the Da Vinci Code. 43:08 Hello, Pastor Bohr, how much truth is there in this book? 43:13 None. 43:16 Oh, the Gospel of Judas, new revelation about Judas. 43:19 What are we studying our Bibles? 43:25 Do we really know what the Bible teaches about Mary Magdalene? 43:30 You know, I was mentioning in my classes this morning, 43:33 I bet if I did a survey here of those who are present 43:37 and where that text is found unto 2300 days 43:40 and the sanctuary will be cleansed 43:42 you wouldn't able to tell me book chapter and verse. 43:47 And that's the fundamental verse 43:49 that makes the Seventh-day Adventist church what it is. 43:53 So I believe that devil is gonna use the media 43:55 and he is using the media 43:57 to just bombard you with the idea 43:59 that the dead really are dead. 44:01 Secondly he is gonna use operations. 44:03 Spirit of Prophecy tells us this, 44:05 undeniably appearances of individuals 44:07 who look just like our relatives, same voice. 44:12 Third she says, that these individuals 44:15 are gonna perform miracles, 44:16 undeniable miracles in our sight. 44:20 And forth, she seems to imply 44:22 that these entities are actually gonna use Bible verses 44:25 because they're gonna know that 44:26 we are gonna say "wait a minutes. 44:28 The Bible says that the dead don't know anything." 44:31 And so they're gonna have verses 44:32 saying may be you belief wasn't right. 44:36 And then they're gonna say 44:37 what about the rich man and Lazarus, 44:39 what about the Witch of Endor, 44:40 what about the thief on the cross, 44:42 what about Paul's desire to depart, 44:44 what about absent from the body and present with the Lord, 44:46 what about Jesus preaching to the spirits in prison? 44:51 Folks, if we don't have those ideas clear in our minds, 44:55 settled in our minds we'll be flatter 45:00 for apostatizing from the faith. 45:04 Notice what Ellen White has to say 45:05 about this powerful delusion. 45:07 Great Controversy, page 552 she says 45:10 "He has" notice the devil "Has power to bring before men 45:13 the appearance of their departed friends." 45:16 The counterfeit is perfect. 45:19 Do you know what a perfect counterfeit is, folks? 45:22 It's where the federal government can't tell 45:24 the difference between a genuine hundred dollar bill and a false 45:27 or a counterfeit one hundred dollar bill. 45:30 She says "The counterfeit is perfect, 45:32 the familiar look, the words, the tone, 45:34 are reproduced with marvelous distinctness. 45:38 Many are comforted with the assurance 45:39 that their loved ones are enjoying the bliss of heaven, 45:41 and without suspicion of danger, 45:43 they give ear 'to seducing spirits, 45:45 and doctrines of devils.' 45:46 " Great Controversy page 552, page 593 she says 45:51 "This Antichrist is to perform 45:53 his marvelous works in our sight. 45:55 So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true 45:59 that it will be impossible to distinguish between them 46:02 except by the Holy Scriptures. 46:05 By their testimony every statement 46:07 and every miracle must be tested." 46:12 But how can we test it with the Word 46:13 if we don't know the Word? 46:15 You know, Jesus knew how to answer 46:17 the devil it is written because He knew 46:21 where it was written. 46:23 I fear that with many Adventist these days 46:26 we can answer it is written 46:28 because we don't know where it is written. 46:30 And perhaps, I go a step further 46:33 we can't answer the devil it is written 46:35 because we don't even know if it's written. 46:39 The fact is that Adventist need 46:40 to be the people of the book again. 46:43 We need to sit down and struggle 46:44 with the great themes of Holy Scripture, 46:46 we need to settle them in our minds, 46:48 we need to understand them, 46:49 we need to be able to explain them. 46:53 Great Controversy 625 Ellen White says "Only those 46:57 who have been diligent students of the scriptures 47:00 and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded 47:04 from the power for delusion that takes the world captive. 47:08 By the Bible testimony these will detect 47:11 the deceiver in his disguise 47:14 to all the testing time will come. 47:17 By the sifting of temptation 47:19 the genuine Christian will be revealed." 47:22 And now notice this. 47:24 "Are the people of God now 47:26 so firmly established upon his word 47:30 that they would not yield to the evidence of their sense. 47:34 Would they such a crisis cling 47:37 to the Bible and the Bible only." 47:43 One final statement from Ellen White 47:45 on this doctrine of the State of the Dead. 47:47 Early Writings page 87 she says 47:50 "Satan will have power to bring before us." 47:53 That's Adventist. 47:54 "The appearance of forms purporting to be our relatives 47:59 or friends now sleeping in Jesus. 48:01 It will be made to appear 48:03 as if these friends were present. 48:05 The words that they uttered while here 48:09 with which we were familiar 48:11 will be spoken in the same tone of voice 48:13 that they have while living will fall upon the ear. 48:17 All this is to deceive the saints." 48:21 Not the world "to deceive the saints and in snare them 48:25 in the belief of this delusion." 48:27 And then she gives us the antidote. 48:29 She says "I saw that the saints must get 48:32 a through understanding of present truth 48:37 which they will be obliged to maintain from the scriptures. 48:42 They must understand the state of the dead." 48:47 What must we understand? 48:50 Have you ever sat down to struggle with the passage 48:52 about the rich man and Lazarus? 48:55 Do you know how to explain that? 48:57 Is that clear in your mind? 48:59 Do you know how to explain absent from the body 49:01 and present with the Lord? 49:04 Do we know how to explain the passage that says 49:07 "that Jesus went to preach to the spirits imprison." 49:09 Folks, it is we're not persuaded if we don't understand these. 49:12 If we have any doubt 49:13 the devil can take advantage of that doubt. 49:17 She says "They must understand the state of the dead 49:19 for the spirits of devils will yet appear to them, 49:22 professing to be beloved friends and relatives, 49:25 who will declare to them 49:26 that the Sabbath has been changed 49:28 also other unscriptural doctrines. 49:31 They will do all in their power to excite sympathy, 49:34 and will work miracles before them, 49:37 to confirm what they declare. 49:41 The people of God must be prepared 49:42 to withstand these spirits with the Bible truth 49:46 that the dead know not anything, 49:48 and that they who appear to them 49:51 are the spirits of devils." 49:55 You know I believe that 49:56 we need to study scripture to feed our hearts. 50:02 I believe that but I believe that 50:04 we also need to study scripture to feed 50:07 and strengthen our minds. 50:11 It's not enough to just study the Bible devotionally 50:15 we must struggle according to Ellen White 50:17 with the great themes of scriptures. 50:20 Bible study must feed the heart and it must feed the mind. 50:24 It must be analyzed with unimpassioned reason 50:28 and it also must touch our affections. 50:33 It much reach the left brain 50:35 and it must reach the right brain as well. 50:39 But sometimes we are so caught up 50:40 in the relationship aspect, 50:42 in the feeling aspect in the devotional aspect, 50:46 that we really sit down and struggle 50:49 with the great complex problematic issues 50:53 that we find in scripture to give a reason 50:55 for the faith that is found in us. 51:00 Now folks, a few years ago a great preacher by the name 51:06 of Norman Vincent Peale you know who he was. 51:10 The power of positive thinking, do you remember? 51:13 His biggest disciple in the world today 51:15 as Robert Schuller from the Crystal Cathedral 51:18 down in Orange County in Southern California. 51:23 Do you know Norman Vincent Peale 51:25 this Presbyterian preacher claims to have seen 51:31 his dead father singing in the church choir? 51:37 Says he looked and he saw his dead father 51:40 singing in the church choir. 51:42 And he claims that one day in his study his mother came 51:46 and tapped him on the shoulder. 51:50 Now when he was asked 51:51 how did he know it was his father and his mother 51:53 listened to the reasons that he gave? 51:55 He said, first of all I saw him with my own eyes. 51:59 Secondly he said instinct whispers 52:02 that the death is not end. 52:06 Third he said reason confirms it. 52:11 Fourth he says psychic phenomena even supported. 52:17 And finally he said even science insist 52:19 that the universe is more spiritual than material. 52:24 In his answer not once that he ever quote scripture. 52:29 Now if that's happening outside the Adventist church 52:35 could it happen within the Seventh-day Adventist church? 52:40 You see folks, we need an external trustworthy standard 52:45 outside of ourselves to evaluate everything. 52:48 We can't trust impressions, intuitions, feelings, 52:51 emotions, miracles, science, preachers, voices, 52:54 none of that is trustworthy. 52:57 We can only trust fully and completely 52:59 the holy word of God but to trust the word of God 53:02 we must know it. 53:03 And in order to know we must study it. 53:07 So when the preacher gets up and preaches 53:10 a strong message don't storm the preacher. 53:16 You know we need to take it to heart when we sit down. 53:18 Well, may be what he is saying is right. 53:21 May be there needs to be a change in my life. 53:25 You know and perhaps it would help 53:27 if I sat down and study this in a fuller way. 53:32 You know, when I get up and preach it's sometimes 53:34 it sounds like I'm scolding the church. 53:36 Well, you know, I preach to myself every time I preach 53:39 because I'm in the same boat. 53:42 But I want you to know that 53:43 I have a passion for these things 53:44 because I really believe that we are living 53:46 in the last moments of time. 53:49 And the Spirit of Prophecy tells us that the majority 53:52 of those one in the church are gonna forsake us. 53:56 It says multitudes are gonna leave 54:00 like the blowing leaves of autumn. 54:02 That's sad, that's tragic it never has to happen that way. 54:07 You see folks, we need to take the Word of God 54:10 and we need to make it a part of our lives. 54:12 We need to dedicate time to the study of God's holy word. 54:15 Set aside all those things that consume our time 54:18 and get down to business and study that 54:20 which will truly feed our soul, 54:23 that will truly feed our mind. 54:25 You know, you can go to a grocery store 54:29 and you can see all these wonderful products in the shelf. 54:33 Do you know that those products 54:35 on the shelf are not gonna do any good? 54:39 Right. 54:40 Oh, I love to go to grocery stores. 54:45 You know, look at all the good food. 54:48 You know what, none of that will do you any good 54:53 unless you take the food home, you prepare it, 54:58 you put it in your mouth, you chew it, 55:03 you swallow it and you digest it. 55:08 You know this book on the shelf 55:11 is just like food in a grocery store. 55:15 Oh, yeah, there is lot of good food in here. 55:18 But unless we're opening it, unless we are chewing it, 55:24 unless we are swallowing it, unless we are digesting it, 55:29 it is doing absolutely no good to us. 55:34 You know that is what I'm saying folks, is that we need 55:36 to take the Bible, we're need to place the Bible inside 55:39 and by the way we eat through our mouth physically. 55:44 We eat through our eyes and our ears spiritually. 55:51 I like to read a text 55:52 which I have read many times before. 55:55 It's so beautiful that it bears reading again. 55:59 Psalm 119:9-11. 56:01 You know we talk a lot about the crisis 56:03 among our youth and everything. 56:05 You know the devil is wanting to steal the youth. 56:09 And you know how his most successful method 56:11 is been inventing all kinds of distractions 56:13 so they're not in the word and they're not in prayer 56:15 they're not in church, church is boring 56:18 because the church can't compete with the exciting things 56:20 that you'll see on television 56:21 with video games, we can't compete. 56:26 What is the real secret for having a youth 56:30 which is alive, which is thriving? 56:33 Psalm 119:9-11, 56:37 Psalm 119:9-11 56:41 here David is speaking particularly to the youth 56:44 and he says "How a young man can cleanse his way?" 56:50 What's the answer? 56:52 "By taking heed according to your word." 56:59 Then he says "With my whole heart I have sought you. 57:03 Oh, let me not wander from your commandments." 57:07 And here comes the key portion of the passage 57:10 "Your word I have hidden in my heart, 57:16 that I might no sin against You." 57:20 How about it, folks? 57:22 How about getting down to business 57:24 and filling our minds and hearts with God's word. |
Revised 2014-12-17