Great Apostasies of the Bible

The Traitor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: GAB

Program Code: GAB000008

01:10 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:13 Our Father, and our God,
01:14 what a joy it is to be in Your house.
01:17 What a joy it is to have Your word.
01:20 A sure compass in a world that is confused
01:24 and appears to be spinning out of control.
01:28 We ask Father that through the study of Your word
01:31 You will come and inspire us.
01:33 That You will fill our lives,
01:35 that You will help us being more like Jesus.
01:39 We thank You for hearing our prayer
01:40 for we ask it in Jesus name, amen.
01:46 I'd like to begin our study today by turning in my Bible
01:49 and inviting you to turn in yours
01:52 to the Book of Psalms,
01:54 actually Psalms 48:1, 2.
01:57 Psalms 48:1, 2.
02:02 Today we're gonna study about the story of Absalom
02:08 who was the son of David, of course.
02:11 And I would like to begin by reading this passage
02:14 which describes the scene
02:17 where this story transpires or this story takes place.
02:23 It's says there in Psalm 48:1, 2 "Great is the Lord,
02:30 and greatly to be praised in the city of our God,
02:35 in His holy mountain.
02:38 Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth,
02:43 is Mount Zion on the sides of the north,
02:48 the city of the great King."
02:52 Now if you compare Matthew 5:35 you'll notice
02:56 that instead of speaking about Zion
03:00 it speaks about Jerusalem, because the city
03:03 which is been spoken of here is the city of Jerusalem.
03:07 So the story that we're gonna study today
03:09 takes place in the city of the great King.
03:12 And of course, in the Old Testament
03:14 the great king is David.
03:16 The city of the great king is Jerusalem.
03:20 And you'll notice that Jerusalem
03:22 according to this is in the sides of the north.
03:28 And the story is going to involve not only
03:31 the great king in Jerusalem,
03:33 but his very own son Absalom.
03:38 Now the name Absalom means father in peace.
03:43 And so actually it's a prophecy that we're saying that
03:47 David his father was going to have peace.
03:51 In other words his rebellion was a failure
03:55 before it even began
03:57 by looking at the name of Absalom.
04:01 Now I like to invite you to turn with me
04:02 to 2 Samuel 14:25, 2 Samuel 14:25
04:09 where we find the description,
04:11 the physical description of Absalom.
04:14 It says there and by the way most of our time today
04:17 we're going to spend in 2 Samuel Chapters 14 through 18,
04:22 so you might want to keep your finger there.
04:25 It says there "Now in all Israel there was no one
04:32 who was praised as much as Absalom for his good looks."
04:38 Actually the King James Version says
04:40 "For his beauty."
04:43 "From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head
04:49 there was no blemish in him."
04:53 So you have the son of David, beautiful, no blemish,
05:01 perfect you might say physically from head to foot.
05:07 But we're gonna find that his beauty
05:11 and his wisdom and his power
05:17 led him to rebel against his own father.
05:23 Go with me in fact to 2 Samuel 15:1-6.
05:29 And let's read about what happened with Absalom.
05:34 It says there beginning at verse 1 of chapter 15
05:39 "After this it happened that Absalom
05:42 provided himself with chariots and horses,
05:46 and fifty men to run before him."
05:49 This is normally what the king would do.
05:51 See, he is actually trying to impress people
05:54 with the idea that he is the king.
05:57 Now notice verse 2.
05:59 "Now Absalom would rise early
06:03 and stand beside the way to the gate.
06:06 So it was, whenever anyone
06:09 who had a lawsuit came to the king for a decision,
06:14 that Absalom would call to him and say,
06:18 'What city are you from?'
06:21 And he would say, 'Your servant is from such
06:23 and such a tribe of Israel.'
06:26 Then Absalom would say to him,
06:29 'Look, your case is good and right,
06:35 but there is no deputy of the king to hear you.'
06:41 Moreover Absalom would say,
06:45 'Oh, that I were made judge in the land,
06:50 and everyone who has any suit or cause would come to me,
06:55 then I would give him justice.'
07:00 And so it was, whenever anyone came
07:04 near to bow down to him,
07:08 that he would put out his hand and take him and kiss him.
07:13 In this manner Absalom acted toward all Israel
07:18 who came to the king for judgment.
07:22 So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel."
07:30 And so you have this beautiful son of David.
07:38 Now, not only beautiful but wise.
07:42 Not only wise but powerful.
07:46 Now David had faced many enemies up to this point
07:50 but the enemies that he had faced
07:51 were enemies from outside.
07:54 In other words, they were external enemies of the kingdom.
07:58 But this enemy was an enemy from inside
08:02 and it was his own son, his own image and likeness.
08:08 You see the problem with Absalom
08:09 is that he actually fell in love with his beauty,
08:14 with his wisdom, with his popularity.
08:17 He was infatuated with himself.
08:21 In fact as we read the story
08:23 we discover that he perverted his beauty.
08:26 He perverted his wisdom, his riches and his power
08:31 and he began to frame questions, on the way in which
08:36 his father David actually governed the kingdom.
08:43 He stated to everyone in the kingdom
08:45 but he sympathized with their plight
08:49 that his father was an unfair and rigid ruler.
08:54 That they went to his father,
08:56 they would find absolutely no justice
09:00 and that if they should place him on the throne,
09:03 the plight of everyone would greatly improve
09:08 and everyone would be freer
09:10 and their cases would be listen to
09:13 and their cases would be decided with justice.
09:18 And so Absalom did everyday
09:20 as the Israelites came to the king for justice.
09:26 Now we noticed that Absalom worked at first
09:30 in an underhanded way.
09:32 He worked underground.
09:35 In fact, if you'll notice with me in 2 Samuel 15:7
09:39 Absalom actually made a request to his father David.
09:43 He said to David, I'd like to go to Hebron
09:46 to fulfill a vow that I have made.
09:50 Let's read that verse 2 Samuel 15: 7.
09:54 It says "Now it came to pass after forty years that
09:56 Absalom said to the king,
09:58 'Please, let me go to Hebron and pay the vow
10:02 which I made to the Lord.' "
10:05 You see Absalom actually had not gone to Hebron to pay a vow,
10:10 he had actually gone there to recruit
10:13 as many subjects of the king for his cause as possible.
10:18 And soon the underhanded rebellion of Absalom
10:25 becomes open rebellion among Israel.
10:30 In fact discontent soon spreads like fire.
10:34 And many in Israel begin siding with Absalom against David.
10:41 You see the rebellion which at first had been covert
10:45 now becomes open revolt.
10:49 In fact, let's notice 2 Samuel 15:10-14
10:54 on this open revolt that ensued
10:58 as a result of Absalom's catering to the desires
11:02 and wishes of the congregation.
11:05 It says there "Then Absalom
11:08 sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying,
11:13 'As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet,
11:16 then you shall say, "Absalom reigns in Hebron!'
11:22 '' And with Absalom went two hundred men
11:25 invited from Jerusalem,
11:28 and they went along innocently and did not know anything.
11:33 Then Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite."
11:38 Remember that name because
11:40 we're gonna come back to it.
11:42 "David's counselor, from his city from Giloh
11:46 while he offered sacrifices.
11:50 And the conspiracy grew strong,
11:53 for the people with Absalom
11:55 continually increased in number.
11:59 Now a messenger came to David, saying,
12:02 'The hearts of the men of Israel are with Absalom.' "
12:08 And so now the secret rebellion
12:11 has become open rebellion.
12:14 And Absalom goes among the Israelites
12:17 recruiting followers for himself against his own father,
12:21 against King David.
12:24 It's interesting to notice
12:26 the way in which David faced this rebellion.
12:30 You would think that he would stay inside the city
12:33 and he would get an army together
12:36 and he would go out to fight immediately against Absalom,
12:40 but that's not the way it happened.
12:44 In fact, we're told in the story that Absalom
12:47 when he came near Jerusalem David decided
12:51 that in order to spare the lives in the city
12:54 he would actually leave the city of Jerusalem.
12:59 And it's interesting to notice that
13:01 when David actually leaves the city of Jerusalem
13:04 the Ark of the Covenant is carried
13:07 a certain distance with him,
13:09 but then David says to the high priest,
13:12 take the Ark of the Covenant back to the city.
13:16 In other words David was now
13:18 leaving the city forsaken by the Ark of the Covenant
13:22 which was a symbol of the presence of God.
13:26 Let's read about this in 2 Samuel 15:24-27
13:33 and you're gonna notice some very interesting details
13:36 that are going to be repeated later on in human history.
13:40 It says there "There was Zadok also,
13:45 and all the Levites with him,
13:48 bearing the Ark of the covenant of God.
13:52 And they set down the ark of God,
13:55 and Abiathar went up until
13:58 all the people had finished crossing over from the city.
14:02 Then the king said to Zadok,
14:05 'Carry the ark of God back into the city.'
14:10 " And notice this.
14:12 "If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord,
14:17 He will bring me back and show me both it
14:22 and His dwelling place.
14:25 But if He says thus, 'I have no delight in you,
14:30 ' here I am, let Him do to me
14:35 as seems good to Him."
14:39 In other words, David has left the city a Jerusalem.
14:43 He is forsaken by the ark of God,
14:46 a symbol of God's presence.
14:48 And he actually says I am willing to abide
14:52 by the will of God.
14:55 If God is pleased with me
14:57 He will bring me back to the city
14:59 if not His will be done.
15:05 It's interesting to notice as David leaves Jerusalem
15:09 forsaken by the Ark of the Covenant
15:12 how he actually climbs
15:17 the ascent of the Mount of Olives.
15:21 Notice 2 Samuel 15:30, 31,
15:25 2 Samuel 15:30, 31.
15:30 It says "So David went up by the Ascent
15:34 of the Mount of Olives."
15:36 And now notice.
15:37 "And wept as he went up,
15:41 and he had his head covered and went barefoot."
15:45 It says a signal of affliction.
15:48 You see, he feels forsaken of God,
15:51 ascended the Mount of Olives.
15:53 And it says "And all the people who were with him
15:56 covered their heads and went up, weeping as they went up."
16:02 So David leaves the city of Jerusalem
16:06 humbled and ascends the Mount of Olives
16:10 weeping with bared head.
16:13 With head covered and bare feet.
16:17 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 731
16:19 we find this remark
16:21 about this aspect of the life of David.
16:26 It says "In humility and sorrow
16:28 David past out of the gate of Jerusalem."
16:32 Driven from his throne, from his palace,
16:37 from the ark of God by the insurrection
16:41 of his cherished son.
16:44 "The people followed in long, sad procession
16:48 like a funeral train."
16:51 Very, very interesting way of describing
16:55 the experience of David as he has left the city of Jerusalem
16:58 and ascends the Mouth of Olives afflicted and fearing
17:04 that he has been forsaken by the presence of God.
17:09 Now you remember the individual
17:10 that I've mentioned a few moments ago Ahithophel,
17:15 he was actually a counselor of David,
17:19 but he turned against David
17:22 and he actually sided with Absalom.
17:26 Notice what we find in Psalm 41:7-9 on this experience.
17:30 You know, scholars believe that Psalm 41:7-9 is describing
17:37 this betrayal by Ahithophel against David
17:42 when he sided with Absalom.
17:44 Here David is speaking and he says
17:47 "All who hate me
17:49 whisper together against me against me,
17:53 against me they devise my hurt.
17:57 'An evil disease,' they say, 'clings to him.'
18:01 " Notice that an evil disease clings to him.
18:05 "And now that he lies down, he will rise up no more."
18:09 And then noticed these words.
18:11 "Even my all familiar friend in whom I trusted"
18:17 that's Ahithophel by the way.
18:20 "Who ate my bread,
18:23 has lifted up his heel against me."
18:29 Now little bit later on you're going to discover that
18:33 Ahithophel gives counsel to Absalom
18:37 on how to overthrow and overcome David.
18:41 But the counsel that the Ahithophel
18:43 gives to Absalom actually backfires.
18:46 And I want you to notice what Ahithophel does
18:50 according to 2 Samuel 17:23.
18:55 It says "Now when Ahithophel saw
19:00 that his advice was not followed,
19:03 he saddled a donkey,
19:06 and arose and went home to his house, in his city.
19:11 Then he put his household in order."
19:14 And notice this.
19:16 "And hanged himself, and died,
19:20 and he was buried in his father's tomb."
19:25 Are you starting to catch an interesting picture
19:27 in this story of Absalom
19:30 which is gonna be repeated on a far larger scale
19:34 later on in history.
19:37 Notice the remark in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 743.
19:43 It says here speaking about
19:45 the final battle which is gonna take place.
19:49 It says "From the walls of the city"
19:52 this is not the city of Jerusalem,
19:53 it's another city where David has taken refuge.
19:57 "The long lines of the rebel army were in full view.
20:02 The usurper was accompanied by a vast host,
20:07 in comparison with which David's force seemed but a handful."
20:12 In other words those outside are actually
20:16 far greater in number then the few David
20:20 and his followers that are inside.
20:22 "But as the king looked upon the opposing forces,
20:26 the thought uppermost in his mind was not of the crown
20:31 and the kingdom, nor of his own life,
20:35 that depended upon the wage a battle.
20:38 The father's heart was filled with love and pity
20:41 for his rebellious son.
20:43 As the army filed out from the city gates
20:47 David encouraged his faithful soldiers,
20:49 bidding them go forth trusting that the God of Israel
20:52 would give them the victory.
20:54 But even here he could not repress
20:57 his love for Absalom."
21:01 And so the battle takes place.
21:04 And in the course of the battle
21:07 Absalom actually is left hanging between heaven and earth
21:14 by his hair in a tree.
21:16 Let's read about it, 2 Samuel 18:9.
21:22 It says "Then Absalom met the servants have David.
21:26 Absalom rode on a mule.
21:29 The mule went under the thick boughs
21:31 of a great terebinth tree,
21:34 and his head caught in the terebinth,
21:39 so he was left hanging between heaven and earth.
21:44 And the mule which was under him went on."
21:49 But the story doesn't end there,
21:50 he wasn't there, he was hanging by his long hair,
21:53 but he was still alive.
21:55 And so we're told in verse 14 and 15 of chapter 18.
22:00 "Then Joab said, 'I cannot linger with you.'
22:04 And it took three spears in his hand
22:06 and thrust them through Absalom's heart,
22:09 while he was still alive
22:11 in the midst of the terebinth tree.
22:13 And ten young men who bore Joab's armor surrounded Absalom,
22:18 and struck him and killed him."
22:22 He who had aspired to occupy the heights of the throne
22:27 in the city of Jerusalem
22:29 his very father's throne in the sides for the north
22:34 now it's slain.
22:38 And I want you to notice what happened with his body.
22:43 We're told in 2 Samuel 18:17, 18 this.
22:50 "And they took Absalom and cast him
22:54 into a large pit in the woods."
22:58 I want you to remember that word pit.
23:00 They cast him into a large pit in the woods.
23:04 "And laid a very large heap of stones over him.
23:09 Then all Israel fled, everyone to his tent.
23:14 Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken
23:18 and set up a pillar for himself
23:22 which is in the King's Valley.
23:24 For he said, 'I have no son
23:28 to keep my name in remembrance.'"
23:32 In other words Absalom's posterity was wiped out
23:38 and they were not remembered.
23:40 And Absalom of course was buried in a pit
23:44 according to the testimony of Scripture.
23:47 Now you might think that David
23:49 when this happened actually said,
23:51 oh, you know, he got just what he deserved.
23:57 He tried to take my throne, how does he think he raise?
24:02 And yet we find that David did not delight
24:05 in the destruction of his son Absalom.
24:09 In fact we're told in 2 Samuel 18:32, 33.
24:15 There's a Cushite messenger that comes to give the news
24:18 about the death of Absalom.
24:19 It says "And the king said to the Cushite,
24:22 'Is the young man Absalom safe?'
24:26 So the Cushite answered,
24:28 'May the enemies of my lord the king,
24:30 and all who rise against you to do harm,
24:34 be like that young man!'
24:36 Then the king was deeply moved,
24:39 and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept.
24:42 And as he went, he said thus,
24:45 'O my Son Absalom-- my son, my son Absalom--
24:52 if only I had died in your place!'"
24:58 Very prophetic words incidentally.
25:01 O Absalom-- my son, my son
25:05 O that I had died in your place.
25:11 And then the story continues by saying
25:13 that David returns triumphantly to the city of Jerusalem
25:17 and in the midst of the jubilation,
25:20 of the congregation and the multitude
25:22 he has reinstate once again on his throne
25:26 from which he had been exiled
25:28 by the rebellion of his very own son.
25:34 Now the question is why did God give us the story?
25:38 Is this simply a story of events that took place
25:42 in the Old Testament during the period of the Hebrew kings
25:45 specifically during the reign of King David
25:49 or is there perhaps a greater dimension to this story?
25:53 Actually, folks, all the stories of the Old Testament
25:56 are prophecies of future events.
25:59 They are historical events,
26:01 but the historical events foreshadow
26:04 greater worldwide events in the future.
26:09 You see, we're going to discover in the next few minutes
26:13 that Absalom actually represents another rebellion
26:19 which took place in heaven.
26:22 In fact, go with me to the Book of Ezekiel
26:26 Chapter 28, Ezekiel Chapter 28
26:30 and I want to read verses 11 and also verse 17.
26:36 Here it's speaking about a being
26:38 who we know as Lucifer.
26:42 And I want you to notice
26:43 the physical description of this being.
26:47 It says here
26:50 "You were the seal of perfection,
26:55 full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
27:02 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty,
27:06 you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor."
27:12 And so we find another being perfect,
27:16 beautiful, full of wisdom,
27:20 who actually was the creation of Jesus Christ.
27:25 He was the son of Jesus by creation.
27:29 Not only was he beautiful and wise,
27:33 but he also had great riches
27:37 like Absalom had the riches of his father.
27:40 Notice what we're told in the Book of Ezekiel 28:4, 5
27:46 on this being.
27:47 It says "With your wisdom and your understanding
27:52 you have gained riches."
27:54 Now notice.
27:55 "For yourself, and gathered gold
27:59 and silver into your treasuries,
28:02 by your great wisdom in trade you have increased your riches,
28:06 and your heart is lifted up because of your riches."
28:12 Actually there were several reasons
28:13 that led to the downfall of Absalom
28:16 which led to the downfall also of this being
28:19 which we know as Lucifer.
28:21 First was beauty,
28:25 secondly was wisdom, corrupted that is
28:30 and the third place it was riches
28:32 and in the fourth place
28:34 it was a hunger and thirst for power.
28:38 In fact notice what we're told in Isaiah 14:12-14,
28:44 Isaiah 14:12-14.
28:49 You're gonna find several interesting
28:51 details in this passage
28:52 which are parallel to the text
28:54 that we began our study with today.
28:56 Isaiah Chapter 14 and beginning with verse 12.
29:02 "How you are fallen from heaven,
29:04 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
29:07 How you are cut down to the ground,
29:10 you who weakened the nations!
29:13 For you have said in your heart,
29:16 'I will ascend into heaven,
29:20 I will exalt my throne
29:22 or my throne above the stars of God,
29:25 I also will sit on the mount of the congregation
29:30 on the farthest sides" of where?
29:33 "Of the north."
29:35 What was in the north?
29:37 The city of what?
29:38 The city of the Great King.
29:40 He says "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
29:45 I will be like the Most High."
29:48 In other words, I will no longer be creature
29:50 I want to occupy the throne of my Creator,
29:54 the throne of my father.
29:57 And so we're told in Scripture that this being Lucifer
30:01 began an attack against his Creator Jesus,
30:07 but he did not do it openly at first
30:09 he did it by subterfuge.
30:12 In others words, he started working
30:14 in an underhanded secret way.
30:19 He spread rebellion secretly among the loyal angels of Jesus.
30:25 He spread the spirit of discontent
30:27 and he actually began saying, you know, the God is a dictator,
30:32 God enforces the laws in a rigid manner,
30:36 He takes away your freedom,
30:37 but if you would place me upon the throne
30:40 the plight of everyone would improve
30:43 and I would certainly do you justice.
30:48 And so Lucifer began to steal
30:51 the hearts of the angels in heaven.
30:55 He aspired to overthrow his very own father by creation.
31:01 Notice how this is described in Revelation Chapter 12,
31:05 Revelation 12:4.
31:08 And there is a particular word that I want us to notice here.
31:13 speaking about this great red dragon
31:15 who is identified as the devil and Satan.
31:17 It says
31:19 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven
31:26 and threw them to the earth."
31:30 What was it that swept the third of the stars from heaven?
31:33 The what? His tail.
31:37 Now that's a strange expression
31:39 the tail of the great dragon actually
31:43 scooped up a third of the Angels and threw them to the earth.
31:46 What can that possibly mean his tail?
31:50 Well, we don't have to guess.
31:53 Notice what we're told in the Book of Isaiah 9:15,
31:58 Isaiah 9:15.
32:00 What does the tail represent?
32:02 The tail is the symbol
32:03 just like the heads of the dragon are symbols.
32:06 The horns are symbols.
32:08 We're dealing with symbols here,
32:09 so the tail must represent something.
32:12 It says there in the Book of Isaiah.
32:16 "The elder and honorable, he is the head,
32:23 the prophet who teaches lies,
32:27 " he is what? "He is the tail."
32:31 So what does it mean that of-- that his tail swept away
32:36 a third of the stars or a third of the angels?
32:39 It means that he swept them away by his what?
32:43 By his lies.
32:45 Lies about whom?
32:47 Lies about his Creator, lies about Jesus.
32:52 In fact, I want to read you a statement that
32:53 we find in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 37.
32:58 Notice how Lucifer worked in heaven.
33:01 It says "Leaving his place
33:04 in the immediate presence of the Father."
33:06 Just like Absalom left the presence of David
33:09 and went to Hebron to spread his rebellion.
33:13 "Lucifer went forth to diffuse
33:17 the spirit of discontent among the angels.
33:21 He worked with mysterious secrecy,
33:26 and for a time concealed his real purpose
33:30 under an appearance of reference for God.
33:34 He began to insinuate doubts concerning the laws
33:39 that governed heavenly beings,
33:42 intimating that though laws might be necessary
33:45 for the inhabitants of the worlds,
33:48 angels, being more exalted, needed no such restraint,
33:53 for their own wisdom was a sufficient guide.
33:57 They were not beings that could bring dishonor to God,
34:01 all their thoughts were holy,
34:03 it was no more possible for them then for God Himself to err.
34:08 The exultation of the Son of God as equal with the Father
34:11 was represented as an injustice to Lucifer, who, it was claimed,
34:16 was also entitled to reverence and honor.
34:20 If this prince of angels could but attain
34:23 to his true, exalted position great good
34:26 would accrue to the entire host of heaven,
34:29 for was his object to secure freedom for all.
34:33 But now even the liberty which they had hitherto enjoyed
34:37 was at an end,
34:39 for an absolute Ruler had been appointed them,
34:42 and to his authority all must pay homage.
34:45 Such was the subtle deceptions
34:48 that through the wiles of Lucifer
34:50 were fast obtaining in the heavenly courts."
34:56 So Lucifer basically worked in the same way
34:59 in which Absalom did by subterfuge, by secrecy,
35:05 by gaining allies on his side through lying about God,
35:09 making God look like a being who wanted to execute justice,
35:16 who had no interest in His creatures.
35:19 And so we're told that the secret rebellion
35:22 now broke into open war.
35:26 Revelation 12:7, 8
35:30 describes this open rupture, this open revolt.
35:34 We're told their in versus 7 and 8
35:37 "And war broke out in heaven,
35:40 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon,
35:43 and the dragon and his angels fought."
35:48 Interestingly enough Jesus Christ
35:52 because of the rebellion of Lucifer in heaven
35:55 as well as planting sin on planet earth
36:00 had to leave the New Jerusalem in heaven
36:05 and had to come to this earth to fight and defeat
36:10 the rebellion of his own son.
36:14 Just as David had left the earthly Jerusalem
36:18 and felt forsaken by his father
36:21 and agonize as he ascended the Mount of Olives.
36:27 And as David had said,
36:29 his will be done if he's pleased in me.
36:32 I know I will see this place again
36:35 and as David had felt forsaken by the ark of God
36:39 the same experience came to Jesus.
36:46 Because Jesus left not only the heavenly Jerusalem
36:49 he also left the earthly Jerusalem for the last time.
36:53 Notice Matthew 26:30
36:58 speaking about what transpired after the Last Supper it says
37:01 "And when they had sung a hymn,
37:03 they went out to the Mount of Olives."
37:07 And you know what happened to Jesus there
37:10 in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives.
37:12 Jesus felt forsaken by His Father.
37:15 He begged His Father to take the cup from Him
37:18 if it were possible.
37:19 And as Jesus is hanging on the cross
37:21 He says Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit,
37:24 if I pleased you allow Me once again to see Your face,
37:28 allow Me once again to be in Your presence,
37:31 allow Me to be in Jerusalem again.
37:36 Now it's interesting to notice
37:37 that a very close adviser of Jesus
37:42 had a very similar experience to Ahithophel.
37:47 In fact if you go with me to John 13:18
37:52 you're gonna notice that Psalm 41 is actually quoted.
37:57 The Psalm which refers to the betrayal of David
38:00 by Ahithophel is actually quoted by Jesus
38:04 and He's applying it to whom?
38:07 He's applying it to Judas Iscariot.
38:11 We're told their in John 13:18,
38:15 here Jesus is speaking.
38:17 "I do not speak concerning all of you.
38:20 I know whom I have chosen,
38:23 but that the Scripture may be fulfilled,
38:26 'He who eats bread with Me
38:29 has lifted up his heel against me.' "
38:37 Where does that quotation come from?
38:40 It comes from Psalm 41.
38:43 But what happened with the council
38:45 that Judas actually gave to the religious leaders.
38:51 It what? It backfired.
38:55 The council that he gave
38:56 to have Jesus delivered actually backfired,
39:01 because he didn't expect the Jesus to deliver Himself.
39:06 And so what did Judas actually do?
39:09 Judas went out and just like the Ahithophel
39:14 he hung himself.
39:17 Are we dealing with coincidences here?
39:20 This is actually a repetition of history
39:23 on a much broader scale.
39:26 And then of course at the cross Satan was defeated
39:32 and Jesus ascended to heaven.
39:33 You can read it in the last three pages of Desire of Ages
39:36 also Revelation Chapter 4 and 5.
39:39 And in midst of the jubilation of the heavenly hosts
39:44 Jesus is given his crown once again
39:48 and he's given his royal role
39:50 and He sits with His Father on His throne,
39:55 because He has defeated the enemy.
40:00 Now let me ask you,
40:02 what eventually is going to happen with this enemy
40:05 because Jesus won the victory on the cross,
40:07 but the final battle is gonna take place
40:09 when the wicked led by Satan surround the New Jerusalem
40:14 and those who are outside the holy city
40:16 are far more in number than those who are inside.
40:20 In fact we're told that their number is
40:22 as the sand of the sea.
40:26 Are the armies outside the holy city
40:28 going to be destroyed? Yes they are.
40:31 And what's gonna happened to the leader?
40:35 The leader is also going to be destroyed.
40:37 And I want you to notice what's gonna happen with him
40:39 Isaiah 14:15, Isaiah 14:15.
40:45 Speaking about this being Lucifer.
40:50 "Yet you Shelby brought down to Sheol."
40:58 That's the grave the tomb.
41:00 To the lowest depths of the what?
41:04 "To the lowest depths of the Pit."
41:10 What happened with Absalom?
41:12 He was thrown in a pit
41:15 and a pile of stones were thrown over him.
41:18 What's gonna happen with this Lucifer
41:20 who became proud of his beauty and proud of his riches
41:23 and proud of his wisdom and proud of his power?
41:27 We're told that he will be defeated
41:29 along with all of his armies.
41:34 And he will be brought down to the lowest parts on the pit.
41:39 And how many of his posterity
41:42 will exist after he is destroyed? None.
41:47 Notice Malachi 4:1, we all know this verse.
41:51 Malachi 4:1.
41:53 It says "'For behold, the day is coming,
41:56 burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes,
42:02 all who do wickedly will be stubble.
42:05 And the day which is coming shall burn them up,
42:07 ' Says the Lord of hosts,
42:08 'That will leave them'" neither what?
42:11 "Neither root nor branch." Who is the root?
42:15 Satan.
42:17 Who are the branches?
42:20 His followers.
42:22 The seed of the wicked will not be named.
42:26 Their names will be blotted out according to the Scripture
42:30 from the Book of Life.
42:34 So we have these two stories,
42:37 story of Absalom and the story of Lucifer.
42:43 One story illustrates the other story.
42:49 But what does this have to say to us?
42:53 You know, there's a very important principle
42:55 involved in this story or in these stories.
43:00 And Jesus expressed the core and central lesson
43:03 that He wanted to us to learn from these stories
43:10 as He was speaking to the Scribes and the Pharisees
43:15 He expressed in a very succinct short way these words.
43:21 "And whoever exalts himself
43:28 will be humbled,
43:31 and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
43:39 Do you see this in the story of Absalom?
43:43 Very clearly.
43:45 See, Absalom was down here what did he want to do?
43:49 He wanted to take the place of David.
43:52 So what he did was exalt himself.
43:56 But what happened to Absalom as a result?
44:00 He was humbled.
44:04 What a contrast between Absalom and David.
44:11 David actually humbled himself by going up the Mount of Olives
44:17 weeping with head covered,
44:21 feet without any shoes, crying out.
44:28 He humbled himself and as a result
44:32 he once again came to Jerusalem and he was exalted
44:36 among the jubilation of the Israelites.
44:39 Notice 1 Timothy 3:16 speaking about Jesus,
44:45 the Bible speaks about two mysteries by the way,
44:47 the mystery of godliness and the mystery of iniquity.
44:50 We're dealing with those two mysteries in our study today.
44:53 1 Timothy 3:16.
44:54 I want you to notice the movement in this verse.
44:58 It says "And without controversy
45:00 great is the mystery godliness."
45:05 Now what is the mystery of godliness?
45:07 God was up here was what?
45:15 Manifested in flesh.
45:17 In other words the God who was up here what did He do?
45:20 He came down, He humbled Himself.
45:26 But now notice, because he humbled Himself
45:28 I want you to notice what happens.
45:31 "God was manifested in the flesh."
45:33 Now the movement is gonna start upwards.
45:36 "Justified in the spirit."
45:37 That means that He resurrected "seen by angels"
45:42 as He's ascending "preached among the Gentiles,
45:47 believed on in the world, and received in glory."
45:51 When it says received up in glory
45:53 it's not talking about His ascension,
45:55 because the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles
45:57 has not taken place yet.
45:59 It's talking about the final receiving of Jesus in glory
46:02 when He returns to heaven with His people.
46:05 In other words He who was up here
46:07 came down and took flesh
46:10 and therefore from down here you have the movement upward
46:15 until finally He sits upon the throne again.
46:19 But there's another mystery mentioned in the Bible.
46:21 It's known as the mystery of iniquity.
46:23 There's two mysteries in the Bible.
46:25 And I want you to notice the mystery of iniquity
46:27 in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
46:31 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
46:36 This is speaking about the final antichrist.
46:40 "Let no one deceive you by any means,
46:44 for that Day will not come unless
46:45 the falling away comes first,
46:47 and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
46:51 who opposes and exalts" notice "and exalts himself
46:55 above all that is called God or that is worshipped,
46:58 so that he's sits as God in the temple of God,
47:02 showing himself that he is God."
47:07 In other words, with the antichrist
47:11 you have the opposite as with Christ.
47:14 With Christ the word who is God is made flesh.
47:19 And then when He humbles Himself he is exalted
47:24 even to the point of God's throne again and in fact,
47:29 He will be crowned at the end of thousand years.
47:33 He will be placed on His own thrown, His throne of glory.
47:37 Amidst the jubilation of all of the beings of the universe
47:41 but the mystery of iniquity functions differently.
47:45 The mystery of iniquity is when a mere man
47:49 is not satisfied with his position.
47:52 He wants to sit in the temple of God
47:56 showing himself that he is what?
47:59 That he is God.
48:00 Now what's gonna happen to this antichrist
48:03 who seeks to take the positions or the place of Christ.
48:07 Actually we're told a little later on
48:09 in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2
48:11 that this power is going to be destroyed
48:16 by the brightness of the coming of Jesus.
48:20 And so he who exalted himself will be humbled and destroyed.
48:25 He who humbled himself will be what?
48:29 Will be exalted.
48:31 This is the essence of the teachings of Jesus.
48:35 We can talk a lot of-- about a lot of things concerning Jesus
48:38 and He talk a lot of very important theological points,
48:42 but the center or core
48:44 of the teachings of Jesus is this.
48:46 He who exalts himself will be humbled
48:49 and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
48:53 Let me ask you, what do we do about beauty?
49:01 Are we filled with ourselves, because of our beauty?
49:06 What do we do with our wisdom and our intelligence
49:10 and the understanding that God has given us?
49:12 Most of the world has corrupted their wisdom
49:15 to bring glory to themselves.
49:18 What do we do with our riches?
49:20 Do we use them to glorify ourselves?
49:24 The world is filled with the thirst of power.
49:28 What do we do with the powers that God has given us?
49:31 Are they for the honoring glory of God
49:33 or are they for our own honor and glory?
49:38 You know, this makes me thinks of the story of Nebuchadnezzar.
49:41 Perfect illustration once again of the same issue
49:43 he who exalts himself will be humbled
49:45 and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
49:49 You know, Nebuchadnezzar one day goes out
49:51 to the balcony of his palace.
49:54 You find this in Daniel 4:30.
49:57 And he says these words.
50:01 "Is not this great Babylon,"
50:06 that I have built,
50:09 "that I have built for a royal dwelling
50:13 by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?"
50:20 Can you hear the conceit in those words?
50:23 Say Nebuchadnezzar lived for self.
50:25 All of his riches were for people to look at him,
50:27 all of his wisdom was to make his kingdom great.
50:31 All of his power was to subject all of the nations to himself.
50:38 And so God hears those words.
50:42 And so God says is that so.
50:46 Well, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna remove
50:48 the pearl of reason from you
50:54 and from a human being you're gonna become like an animal.
50:59 And so the great king
51:02 who boasted about his greatness was humbled.
51:09 In fact he was humbled so much
51:12 that we're told that he had to live like the beasts.
51:15 You know, grew great big nails.
51:19 And, you know, his hair grew long
51:21 like the feathers of an eagle we're told.
51:24 You can imagine like a mad man,
51:27 because he thought that he was great because of himself.
51:31 After seven years a vegetarianism,
51:38 actually veganism
51:42 we find Nebuchadnezzar receiving from God
51:45 once again the pearl of reason.
51:48 See if God gives us reason we have,
51:50 if God doesn't give us reason we have not.
51:54 So let's not think we're so great.
51:57 Let's not be proud of our beauty, and our intelligence,
52:00 and our wisdom, and our power, and our greatness,
52:04 and our things that we have.
52:06 Let's not bring glory to ourselves
52:09 through all of these things.
52:11 Finally when he snaps out of it
52:12 we find in Daniel 4:37 these words.
52:16 Listen to the change in attitude.
52:18 "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol
52:24 and honor the King of heaven,
52:28 all of whose works are truth, and his ways justice.
52:32 And those who walk in pride
52:35 He is able to put down."
52:40 Did you catch that?
52:42 All walk in pride, He's able to put down.
52:44 And by the way, I'll just mention this verse in Job 41:34
52:50 where it speaks about Leviathan.
52:52 You know who Leviathan, is right?
52:55 Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1 is spoken of
52:58 as the coiled serpent and the dragon.
53:01 In others words Leviathan is the symbol of Satan.
53:04 And the last verse in chapter 41 of the Book of Job says
53:09 that "Leviathan or Satan is king
53:13 over all of the children of pride."
53:19 So people who are proud are whose children?
53:23 Leviathan's children.
53:27 You all know that statement in Proverbs 16:18
53:30 where it says "Pride goes before destruction,
53:35 and a haughty spirit before a fall."
53:42 The greatest grace that the church needs
53:44 these days is the grace of humility.
53:47 To realize that anything that we are
53:49 everything that we have is not ours.
53:52 The honor and the glory belongs to God.
53:57 You know, if I can speak just a moment
53:58 about my own personal experience.
54:01 I go please places and people say,
54:02 wow that was just awesome sermon.
54:05 I've never heard that before.
54:08 Where do you get these things?
54:10 You know, and there's always a temptation saying,
54:13 well, yeah, you know,
54:17 I'm pretty great nobody's seen this before.
54:23 But I've learned in the course the years that
54:26 that anything that I have
54:27 and I have to remind myself every day
54:30 that everything that I have is due to God.
54:35 I mean first of all He's the one who gave me the breath of life.
54:41 Secondly He gave me something to preach.
54:44 I didn't have this God's word
54:46 I wouldn't have anything to talk about.
54:49 And third He gave me a mouth, He gave me a tongue,
54:57 He gave me lungs and He gave me vocal cords.
55:00 So where is the reason for glory?
55:03 The book is His, the equipment is His and the life is His.
55:11 So we can't boast about anything.
55:13 That's what led to the destruction of Absalom
55:17 and it will eventually lead to the destruction of Lucifer.
55:23 I'd like to end by reading Philippians 2:5-11
55:26 or you see this movement.
55:29 Do you notice with Lucifer it says
55:31 I will ascend to the highest and I will be like the most high?
55:33 God says I'm gonna throw you down to the pit.
55:36 He who exalts himself will be what?
55:38 Will be humbled.
55:39 But notice the contrast with Jesus.
55:42 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
55:47 who, being in the form of God,
55:51 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God."
55:54 Actually He did not consider equality with God
55:56 or something to be hung on to, something to be grasped.
55:59 He was equal with God, he was caught.
56:03 "But made Himself of no reputation."
56:06 God didn't force Him. He made Himself, He chosen.
56:08 "He made Himself of no reputation,
56:10 taking the form of a bondservant,
56:14 and coming in the likeness of men.
56:17 And being found in the appearance as a man,
56:20 He humbled Himself
56:22 and became obedient to the point of death,
56:24 even the death of the cross."
56:26 That's the humbling part. Now notice the result.
56:28 It says "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him
56:35 and given Him the name which is above every name,
56:38 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
56:41 of those in heaven, and of those on earth,
56:43 and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should
56:46 confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
56:49 to the glory of God the Father."
56:52 He humbled Himself, therefore He was exalted.
56:58 How about us?
57:02 You know, we can either humble ourselves
57:04 or we will be humbled
57:09 because the humbling is our work.
57:11 He who humbles himself will be exalted.
57:13 And he who exalts himself will be what?
57:16 Will be humbled.
57:18 It's my prayer
57:20 that our experience would be one of humbling,
57:23 so that we might be exalted with Jesus very, very soon.


Revised 2014-12-17