Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr
Series Code: GAB
Program Code: GAB000007
01:11 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:14 Our Father and our God, 01:16 what a joy it is to be in Your house of worship 01:18 on your holy Sabbath. 01:20 We thank you so much 01:22 that there's been a break in the rain 01:25 and we saw the sunshine this morning. 01:28 We ask Father, that the sunshine of Jesus 01:33 will radiate this place. 01:35 I ask Father, that You will speak 01:37 to our minds and to our hearts 01:40 that as we study the story, 01:42 the tragic story in many ways of King Saul 01:45 that you'll help us to learn the lessons 01:47 which will be useful in our personal walk with Jesus. 01:52 We thank You Father, for hearing and for answering our prayer 01:55 for we ask it in Jesus name, amen. 02:00 The title of our study for today is Rebellion is as Witchcraft. 02:08 Several of you have expressed 02:10 that this is a very, very intriguing title. 02:16 Actually it's not my title. 02:19 It's taken directly from the Book of 1 Kings 02:24 which speaks about the story of King Saul. 02:28 And I would like to begin our study this morning 02:31 by going to 1 Samuel Chapter 9 02:33 and I would invite you to go with me there. 02:35 We're going to be mostly in 1 Samuel 02:39 for our study this morning. 02:41 1 Samuel Chapter 9 02:43 and I would like to begin at verse 2. 02:47 We have here a physical description of Saul. 02:53 It says there "And he" that is Saul's father Kish. 02:59 "And he had a choice and handsome son 03:03 whose name was Saul. 03:06 There was not a more handsome person than he 03:11 among the children of Israel. 03:15 From his shoulders upward 03:17 he was taller than any of the people." 03:21 So you can imagine Saul very good looking 03:26 and very imposing because of his stature. 03:29 Head and shoulders above the rank and file. 03:35 But this did not go to Saul's head, 03:38 at least at the beginning, 03:40 because we're told that when God choose Saul to be king of Israel 03:44 he manifested a spirit of humility 03:48 and unworthiness. 03:51 We're told in 1 Samuel 9:21, 22 the following. 03:58 "And Saul answered and said, 'Am I not a Benjamite, 04:05 of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, 04:09 and my family the least of all the families 04:12 of the tribe of Benjamin? 04:15 Why then do you speak like this to me?' 04:19 " Why would God choose me to be the king of Israel? 04:23 I'm of the most insignificant tribe 04:26 in the most insignificant family. 04:29 I'm not qualified to be the king of Israel. 04:34 So in spite of his imposing appearance 04:37 and in spite of his good looks he felt his own unworthiness 04:43 when he was called to be king of Israel. 04:46 But in spite of his unworthiness he accepted the call of God. 04:52 And we're told in 1 Samuel Chapter 10 04:56 that when he accepted God's call and he became the king of Israel 05:00 he experienced a true conversion experience. 05:05 In fact, we're told in 1 Samuel 10:6 05:08 and we'll also read verse 9, the following. 05:13 "Then the Spirit of the Lord will come up on you, 05:17 and you will prophesy with them 05:20 and be turned into another man." 05:24 By the way that's called conversion. 05:27 You may become a new person. 05:29 And then we're told in verse 9 05:32 "So it was, when he had turned his back 05:36 to go from Samuel that God gave him" 05:40 that is God gave Saul "another heart, 05:44 and all those signs came to pass that day." 05:49 In other words God made Saul another man. 05:51 He gave Saul another heart. He gave him a new heart. 05:55 He experienced a conversion experience. 05:59 In fact we're told 06:00 that Saul was also given the gift of prophecy. 06:04 Notice 1 Samuel 10:10 the very next verse. 06:08 It says "When they came there to the hill, 06:11 there was a group of prophets to meet him, 06:14 then the Spirit of God came upon him." 06:17 That is upon Saul. 06:18 "And he prophesied among them." 06:22 Now when Saul was introduced to the people, 06:25 the people went wild 06:27 mainly because of his physical appearance, 06:30 head and shoulders above everyone. 06:33 They didn't realize that what God was looking for 06:36 was someone who had humility 06:39 and had a sense of his unworthiness 06:42 and someone who had experienced conversion 06:45 and who had received a new heart, 06:47 someone who could govern Israel with wisdom. 06:50 But we're told in 1 Samuel 10:23, 24 06:54 what impressed the people. 06:56 It says "So they ran and brought him from there, 07:00 and when he stood among the people, 07:02 he was taller than any other people 07:04 from his shoulders upward. 07:07 And Samuel said to all the people." 07:10 Even Samuel was impressed. 07:12 "'Do you see him whom the Lord has chosen, 07:16 that there is no one like him among all the people?' 07:21 So all the people shouted and said, 07:25 ' Long live the king!' " 07:28 Impressed about his physical external appearance 07:32 and even Samuel was impressed 07:35 and was caught up in this reason for exalting Saul. 07:41 Now it's important to realize that when Saul began to govern 07:46 he received a list of written instructions 07:49 on how to rule in a godly way. 07:53 We're told in 1 Samuel 10:25, the following. 07:58 "Then Samuel explained to the people 08:02 the behavior of royalty, 08:05 and wrote it in a book and laid it up before the Lord." 08:11 This actually was a copy of the Book of Deuteronomy 08:13 which has the blessings and the curses of the covenant 08:16 which told the king how to behave himself, 08:19 how to govern wisely. 08:20 So in other words Saul had written Revelation 08:23 about how to govern Israel. 08:27 But Saul not only had written Revelation 08:30 Saul also had a prophet in his midst. 08:35 Samuel we might say was his personal prophet. 08:40 He accompanied Saul wherever he went. 08:44 In other words Saul not only had the benefit 08:47 of written instructions from the Lord 08:50 he also had the benefit of a prophet in his midst 08:54 to enlighten and to describe and to amplify 08:58 what was contained written in that book. 09:03 At the beginning of his rulership 09:06 Saul manifested a wonderful character, 09:11 a character of a converted man. 09:14 In fact, when he was crowned as king 09:16 there was a group of rebels they were very unhappy 09:19 about Saul being king. 09:21 We're told in 1 Samuel 10:26, 27. 09:25 "And Saul also went home to Gibeah, 09:28 and valiant men went with him, whose hearts God had touched. 09:33 But some rebels said, 'How can this man save us?' 09:37 So they despised him and brought him no presents. 09:42 But he held his peace." 09:45 It would have been very easy for Saul to say 09:47 oh, you don't want to recognize me 09:48 I'll take care of you, because he was the king. 09:52 Basically he could have done whatever he wished, 09:55 but he shows moderation and he shows calm, 09:58 he does not act rashly. 10:01 And so then Saul goes into his first battle, 10:05 the battle against the Ammonites. 10:08 And we're told that he gained a signal victory over them. 10:14 After he gained the victory 10:16 everybody of course was pumped up 10:19 and so they said to Saul, 10:20 you know what we ought to do now. 10:22 We ought to take all those rebels 10:23 who didn't think that you would make 10:25 that you would actually make a good king 10:27 and you could lead us to victory 10:29 and we ought to have all of them killed. 10:33 And even though Saul later on in his life showed rashness 10:38 and rush to action without thinking 10:42 we find that Saul said and these words are found 10:45 in chapter 11 and verse 13. 10:48 "Not a man shall be put to death this day, 10:52 for today the Lord has accomplished 10:56 salvation in Israel." 10:58 Notice that he gives honor and glory to God. 11:01 Notice that he does not act rashly, 11:04 he's actually benevolent towards his enemies 11:07 who might threaten his throne. 11:11 Now it's very important to realize that in a contact 11:14 that Saul had with Samuel. 11:17 Samuel told Saul that he should meet him at Gilgal. 11:21 In other words Samuel said, I'm gonna come to Gilgal, 11:23 I'm gonna meet you there 11:24 and wait until I arrive to make the sacrifice. 11:29 I'm going to make the sacrifice when I arrive. 11:31 1 Samuel 10:8 has that. 11:34 Samuel says "You shall go down before me to Gilgal, 11:38 and surely I will come down to you to offer burnt offerings 11:42 and make sacrifices of peace offerings. 11:45 Seven days you shall wait, 11:48 till I come to you and show you what you should do." 11:52 Now there's a prophet is saying 11:54 don't make the sacrifices until I arrive. 11:56 This is the word of the Lord. 11:58 This is the command of the Lord. 12:01 And suddenly we begin to detect 12:04 a serious flaw in the character of Saul. 12:08 He had a problem strictly obeying the commands 12:13 and the Word of God. 12:16 Now what happened like this 12:19 the Philistines had come against Israel. 12:22 They had 30,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen, 12:27 plus all of the people in their army. 12:30 We're told in chapter 13 verse 5 through 7 12:32 that the enemies were like the sand of the sea. 12:36 And of course, Israel was filled with fear 12:40 and so many of the soldiers that Saul had started to desert. 12:45 They were actually 3,000 of them originally 12:49 and they were only 600 left. 12:52 And Saul said, all of my armies are gonna leave 12:54 and the Philistines are going to be able to defeat us. 12:57 And so I need to be assured of God's blessing. 13:01 And so contrary to the explicit command of God 13:06 we find that Saul decided 13:08 that he could wait for Samuel no longer. 13:12 And we're told that he decided 13:15 to offer the sacrifices upon the altar. 13:22 Here we find Saul a man 13:24 who acted not on the basis of principle, 13:28 but on the basis of impulse thinking that 13:33 the end could justify the means. 13:39 A man who had a lack of faith in God's word, 13:42 because God had said through Samuel 13:45 I'm coming we will offer the sacrifices, 13:47 God will be with Israel, 13:49 but he disobeyed the explicit command of God. 13:52 He acted by impulse not by faith in God's word. 13:58 And right after he offered the sacrifices Samuel appeared. 14:02 And Samuel said to him, what is this that you have done. 14:05 In fact, let's read it in 1 Samuel 13:11. 14:10 It says "And Samuel said, 14:12 'What have you done?' And Saul said." 14:16 Notice, he is saying the circumstances demanded 14:19 that I disobey the Word of God. 14:21 The situation demand that 14:23 that I change God's plan and then I go to plan B. 14:27 "And Saul said, 14:29 'When I saw that the people were scattered from me, 14:32 and that you did not come within the days appointed, 14:35 and that the Philistines gathered together at Michmash, 14:38 then I said, 'The Philistines will now come down 14:42 on me at Gilgal, 14:44 and I have not made supplication to the Lord.' 14:46 Therefore I felt compelled, 14:49 and offered a burnt offering." 14:50 In other words, the circumstances demanded 14:53 that I disobey the explicit command of God. 14:58 And now notice. 14:59 "And Samuel said to Saul, 15:02 'You have done foolishly. 15:04 You have not kept the commandment 15:06 of the Lord your God." 15:08 In other words, you have disobeyed God's word 15:11 "which He commanded you. 15:12 For now the Lord would have established 15:15 your kingdom over Israel forever. 15:17 But now your kingdom shall not continue. 15:20 The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, 15:24 and the Lord has commanded him 15:25 to be commander over His people, 15:27 because you have not kept 15:29 what the Lord commanded you." 15:31 You see Saul was not the type of person who said, 15:34 God commands us to do things this way 15:37 and I'm gonna do it this way 15:39 no matter what the circumstances, 15:41 I'm simply gonna do what God says 15:44 and let the chips fall where they may. 15:47 He felt that it was necessary sometimes to violate God's word, 15:52 because the situation demanded it. 15:54 We might say that he was a situation ethicist. 15:58 In other words type of Robin Hood ethics 16:03 where you steal from the rich and give to the poor. 16:06 I know God says that you are not supposed to steal, 16:08 but as long as you give to the poor it's okay. 16:11 And that's the way that Saul looked at things. 16:16 That was the first step downward 16:18 on the slippery slope to perdition for Saul. 16:21 We noticed this defect in his character 16:24 that he does not live by every word 16:26 that proceeds out of the mouth of God, 16:28 he takes circumstances 16:30 and allows the circumstances to dictate 16:33 what he should do and what he should not do. 16:36 Then we got a chapter 14. 16:38 We find another step down the slippery slope. 16:42 Do you see Jonathan went against the Philistines 16:46 and he gained a signal victory over the Philistines. 16:49 In fact, Jonathan only slew 20 plus Philistines 16:54 and God took care of the rest. 16:56 Because we're told there in chapter 14, 16:58 that the swords of the Philistines 16:59 were turned upon one another. 17:01 They had confusion in the camp 17:03 and they started slaying one another. 17:07 And Saul of course had given an oath where he said, listen 17:13 and tell I am avenged on the Philistines. 17:17 No one will eat or drink anything, 17:20 everyone will fast until the evening. 17:23 That is until sundown. 17:25 That was a decree that God had not given to Saul. 17:29 You see he is actually giving his own oath 17:32 and his own decrees about what his soldiers should do 17:35 and what his soldiers should not do. 17:38 And so what happens that the soldiers that Saul 17:45 had and whom had been commanded by Jonathan 17:49 went into a wooded area and they were famished 17:51 because they've been in battle. 17:53 And suddenly in the woods they find this area 17:57 where there's honey oozing from a tree 17:59 or oozing from somewhere a honeycomb 18:02 and of course they know the oath that Saul has given 18:06 and that is that no one is to taste anything 18:09 or drink anything until the sunsets, until the evening. 18:14 And so even though all of the soldiers were worn out, 18:17 they obeyed the command of King Saul, 18:19 the unreasonable command of King Saul. 18:22 But you see Jonathan had not heard 18:24 about this command or about this oath. 18:27 And so Jonathan saw one honeycomb 18:29 and he stuck his took his staff in the honeycomb 18:31 and he took his finger and he licked the honey. 18:36 And we're told in Scripture 18:38 that the eyes of Jonathan were brightened 18:43 as a result of the honey. 18:44 In other words his strength was refurbished. 18:47 And then they told him by the way 18:49 do you know that Saul your father has said 18:51 that nobody is to taste anything until sundown on pain of death. 18:56 And Jonathan said, I didn't know that 18:58 he had given that oath or he said that. 19:01 He says besides that that's an unreasonable decree, 19:03 because all these soldiers are fighting hard 19:05 why should they fast? 19:07 Why should they not be able to drink? 19:10 In other words it was an unreasonable decree 19:13 that Saul had given. 19:16 Well, Saul then says 19:18 let's go finish off the Philistines. 19:22 And there's a priest in the midst of course 19:24 and so the priest says 19:25 I think we should consult the Lord 19:26 before we go and finish off the philistines. 19:28 Most of the work has been done, 19:30 but we should go perhaps and finish off the rest. 19:34 And so the priest says lets inquire of the Lord to see 19:36 if this is His will. 19:38 And we're told of the story there in chapter 14 19:40 that Saul was not answered by God. 19:43 In other words God gave him no answer. 19:45 What God was saying is I'm very distressed 19:48 and disturbed by the fact that you gave this oath 19:50 and this decree that your troops 19:53 could not eat or drink anything. 19:55 That is not my command that's your word, 19:57 that's your command. 19:59 You should have allowed them to eat and to drink. 20:02 And so Saul takes the silence of God 20:04 as a sign that God is disturbed 20:07 because somebody has sinned against His oath. 20:11 And so to make a long story short 20:14 it's discovered that Jonathan 20:17 has eaten a little bit of honey there in the woods 20:21 and so Saul tells Jonathan this very day you're gonna die, 20:27 because you violated my oath. 20:30 We start detecting in Saul a very interesting defect. 20:35 He goes not by the Word of God, but when he gives the word 20:40 he expects everybody to do what he says on pain of death. 20:45 And if it hadn't been for the fact 20:47 that the soldiers and the people stood up for Jonathan 20:49 we find this in 1 Samuel 14:45. 20:53 It says "But the people said to Saul, 20:55 'Shall Jonathan die, 20:57 who has accomplished this great deliverance in Israel? 21:00 Certainly not! 21:01 As the Lord lives, not one hair of his heads 21:05 shall fall to the ground, 21:06 for he has worked with God this day.' 21:09 So the people rescued Jonathan, and he did not die." 21:14 We begin to detect that Saul is becoming a bit unreasonable. 21:21 He with impunity violates the Word of God, 21:25 he imposes his own or his own oaths on pain of death. 21:31 But these were only the first steps 21:34 in the road to perdition. 21:36 We find in 1 Samuel Chapter 15 21:40 that Saul goes against the Amalekites 21:44 and God give some specific instructions 21:47 as to what to do with the Amalekites. 21:50 In chapter 15 and versus 1 through 3 of 1 Samuel 21:54 we find these words. 21:56 "Samuel also said to Saul, 21:59 'The Lord sent me to anoint you king 22:02 over His people, over Israel. 22:05 Now therefore, hear the voice of the words of the Lord." 22:08 Notice it's very clear. 22:10 "Heed the voice of the words of the Lord. 22:14 Thus says the Lord of hosts." 22:18 Is this the will of God that's been expressed clearly? 22:21 Absolutely. 22:23 "I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, 22:27 how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt. 22:32 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy 22:38 all that they have, and do not spare them." 22:43 What does the word all mean? 22:45 It means just that, "All." 22:49 "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, 22:53 ox and sheep, camel and donkey." 22:56 He even gives a list of animals which are supposed to be slain. 23:01 But we're told that Saul once again disobeyed 23:04 the explicit word of God, the explicit command of God. 23:09 1 Samuel 15:9 says "But Saul and the people spared Agag 23:16 and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, 23:21 the lambs, and all that was good, 23:25 and were unwilling to utterly destroy them. 23:29 But everything despised and worthless, 23:32 that they utterly destroyed." 23:36 And with this happens God is agonizing. 23:39 It's interesting to notice how in the next few verses, 23:42 you know, the attitude of God is revealed with such clarity 23:46 and the attitude of Samuel as well. 23:49 Notice verses 10 and 11. 23:51 It says "Now the word of the Lord came to Samuel, 23:53 saying, 'I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, 23:59 for he has turned back." 24:01 Notice he's turned back, he was following 24:03 and now he's made U turn. 24:04 He was converted and now he's backtracking. 24:08 It says "'He has turned back from following Me, 24:11 and has not performed My commandments.' 24:15 And it grieved Samuel, 24:17 and he cried out to the Lord all night." 24:21 And so then Samuel after agonizing 24:23 and the Lord agonizing over this situation 24:26 where Saul has blatantly violated the command of God 24:30 and he's done things his own way 24:32 obviously we're gonna notice with the motivation. 24:36 The next day Samuel goes to meet Saul. 24:41 And I want you to notice it's a rather lengthy passage, 24:43 but it's very powerful, 1 Samuel 15:13. 24:49 "Then Samuel went to Saul, and Saul said to him, 24:54 'Blessed are you of the Lord! 24:57 I have performed the commandment of the Lord.' 25:03 " Now not only he is, he violating God's commandment, 25:06 but he is openly, what? 25:09 Lying. 25:11 "But Samuel said, 25:13 'What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, 25:19 and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?' 25:23 And Saul said, 25:24 'They have brought them from the Amalekites.' 25:26 " Notice they have brought them from the Amalekites. 25:29 Another flaw. 25:30 He didn't take responsibility for his own actions. 25:37 "So they have brought them from the Amalekites," 25:41 for the people have brought them from the Amalekites, 25:44 "Its for the people spared 25:45 the best of the sheep and the oxen." 25:47 And now notice there was a good motivation Samuel. 25:51 "To sacrifice to the Lord your God." 25:56 So I doesn't see motivation in disobeying 25:59 what God said. 26:01 By the way this is called rationalization. 26:05 It's called justifying sin 26:08 under the pretext that we're doing 26:10 what God says we're supposed to do. 26:13 And so it says "And Saul said, 26:15 'They have brought them from the Amalekites, 26:16 for the people spared the best of the sheep and the oxen 26:19 and to sacrifice to the Lord your God. 26:22 And the rest we have utterly destroyed.' 26:24 Then Samuel said to Saul, 'Be quiet! 26:28 And I will tell you what the Lord said to me last night.' 26:32 And he said to him, speak on. 26:34 So Samuel said, 26:36 'When you were little in your own eyes.' 26:40 " What is he saying there? 26:42 He's saying you were once what? 26:45 You were once humble. 26:47 You were once willing to follow my will, what I said. 26:52 Not substitute your word in place of mine. 26:55 You weren't a rationalized, 26:56 you weren't a liar as you are now. 26:58 "He says, 'When you were a little in your own eyes, 27:03 were you not head of all the tribes of Israel? 27:06 And did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel? 27:10 Now the Lord sent you on a mission, and said, 27:12 'Go, and utterly destroy the sinner, the Amalekites, 27:15 and fight against them until they are consumed.' 27:19 Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? 27:24 Why did you swoop down on the spoil, 27:27 and do evil in the sight of the Lord?" 27:30 You know, it's evil even to do 27:32 what we consider to be good under good pretexts 27:35 when God has said don't do it. 27:39 "And Saul said to Samuel." 27:42 Noticed this "But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord." 27:48 This is really self justification isn't it? 27:51 He said you are wrong 27:52 I have Obeyed the word of the Lord 27:56 or the voice of the Lord. 27:58 "And gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, 28:01 and brought back Agag king of Amalek, 28:04 I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites." 28:09 And now notice. 28:10 "But the people took of the plunder." 28:14 Perhaps seen the buck. 28:17 "Sheep and oxen, the best of the things 28:19 which should have been utterly destroyed." 28:22 And we did it for a good reason Lord, 28:23 to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal. 28:29 Are you starting to detect a series of flaws 28:33 in the character of Saul? 28:35 Slowly but surely 28:37 he's backtracking on his conversion experience. 28:40 You know, there are people 28:41 who say that once you are saved you can never be lost. 28:43 This is one of the most powerful stories in Scripture 28:46 that you can be lost after you're saved. 28:48 You can be born again and you can be lost. 28:52 If you do not persevere onto the end as Scripture says. 28:59 And now I want you to notice what Samuel's response was. 29:02 It's found in verse 22 29:04 and this is where our title comes from. 29:08 "Then Samuel said, 'Has the Lord as great delight 29:12 in burnt offerings and sacrifices, 29:15 as in obeying the voice of the Lord?' 29:19 " Is God so concerned about rituals and ceremonies 29:22 and religious practices as with obeying his voice? 29:27 "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice." 29:31 That means to obey is better than 29:33 ritual are ceremonies. 29:35 "And to heed then the fat of rams." 29:42 And now notice. "For rebellion." 29:45 At this point was Saul rebellious 29:47 against God's clearly revealed will? 29:49 Absolutely. 29:51 "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, 29:57 and stubbornness as inequity and idolatry." 30:02 You say how can rebellion be witchcraft? 30:04 We'll come to that in a few moments. 30:07 "Because you have rejected the word of the Lord." 30:11 See it constantly 30:12 the ideas he's rejected the word of the Lord 30:14 and following his own word and his own will. 30:17 "Because you have rejected the word of Lord, 30:20 He also has rejected you from being king." 30:26 And then of course Saul repents. 30:32 Notice what we find in verses 24 to 31. 30:36 "Then Saul said to Samuel, 'I have sinned, 30:41 for I have transgressed 30:42 the command of the Lord and your words, 30:44 because I feared the people and obeyed there voice." 30:47 See what he's doing. 30:49 Is this true repentance? 30:51 True repentance means the buck stops here. 30:54 I'm to blame nobody else is to blame. 30:58 But he's saying, you know, 30:59 I did transgressed the word of the Lord, 31:01 the commandment of Lord 31:02 but, you know, it was because of the people. 31:08 Verse 25 "Now therefore, please pardon my sin, 31:11 and return with me, that I may worship the Lord." 31:14 In other words, what he is sorry about 31:16 is that he's gonna lose his kingship. 31:19 He's not sorry because he had violated the commanded, 31:21 because he's truly repent be the case. 31:24 He's truly sorry for what he's done. 31:27 "But Samuel said to Saul, 'I will not return with you, 31:30 for you have rejected the word of the Lord, 31:32 and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel.' 31:36 And as Samuel turned around to go away." 31:38 You can just feel the desperation. 31:40 "Saul seized the edge of his robe, and it tore. 31:45 So Samuel said to him, 31:46 'The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today, 31:49 and has given it to a neighbor of yours, 31:51 who is better than you. 31:53 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent. 31:57 For He is not a man, that He should relent.' 32:00 Then he said, 'I have sinned, yet honor me now, 32:04 please before the elders of my people and before Israel, 32:07 and return with me, that I may worship the Lord your God.' 32:10 So Samuel turned back after Saul, 32:13 and Saul worshiped the Lord." 32:15 This was false repentance. 32:17 It was like the repentance of Judas 32:21 who went in through the money 32:23 when he saw that his plan had backfired. 32:27 In other words, it was repentance 32:29 over the consequences of sin and not over sin itself. 32:35 And God was already at this point 32:37 choosing the successor of Saul. 32:41 In fact in 1 Samuel 16:7 God says something 32:44 very interesting to Samuel, 32:47 because Samuel had been impressed 32:49 with the physical stature of Saul. 32:52 And so notice 16:7 "But the Lord said to Samuel, 32:57 'Do not look at his appearance 33:01 or at the height of his stature, 33:04 because I have refused him." 33:08 In other words, don't do like you did with Saul. 33:11 "For the Lord does not see as man sees, 33:15 for man looks at the outward appearance, 33:18 but the Lord looks at the heart." 33:24 And then comes the most tragic part 33:27 of the story of Saul. 33:29 This rationalizing, this liar, 33:32 this individual who blames others, 33:34 this individual who has the tendency 33:37 of constantly going against the expressed will of God, 33:41 this individual who substitutes his word 33:43 and commands on pain of death 33:45 instead of what God has commanded. 33:49 We're told that as a result 33:50 on evil spirits started tormenting Saul. 33:54 Do you remember that rebellion is as what? 33:57 Witchcraft. 33:59 When you failed to listen to the Word of God 34:02 you will end up listening to the word of another spirit. 34:05 When you seize to be under the control of God 34:09 and you rebel against God 34:11 another spirit will come to control you. 34:14 Someone in the world of your cult 34:17 whose name is Satan. 34:19 Its risky business going against the clear revealed Word of God. 34:24 We're told in 1 Samuel 16:14. 34:28 "But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul." 34:31 Notice that he did have the spirit departed from Saul. 34:34 "And a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him." 34:37 When it says from the Lord 34:38 it means that the Lord allowed it. 34:41 "And Saul's servants said to him, 'Surely, 34:44 a distressing spirit from God is troubling you.' " 34:48 But even at this point probation had not closed for Saul. 34:52 Because we're told in verse 23 that there were periods 34:54 when David came and played his harp before Saul 34:57 that the Spirit would depart. 34:58 He was not totally and completely possessed 35:01 at this point yet. 35:02 There was still hope. 35:03 Notice verse 23 "And so it was, 35:06 whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, 35:09 that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. 35:13 Then Saul would become refreshed and well, 35:16 and the distressing spirit would depart from him." 35:19 You see his destiny hung in the balance. 35:23 He could yet return to the condition 35:26 he was in at the moment of his conversion. 35:29 The spirit was tormenting him, 35:31 but spirit had not possessed him. 35:35 But then David fights Goliath 35:37 and gains the signal victory over Goliath. 35:40 And the women of Israel begins singing the glories of David. 35:45 And now we catch another flaw of Saul, 35:48 which he does not allow the Holy Spirit 35:50 to overcome in his life. 35:52 You see he is hanging onto these tendencies and sins. 35:55 He's not allowing the Holy Spirit 35:56 to get rid of them. 35:59 In fact we're told there 36:00 "So the women sang as they danced." 36:03 Did I give you the reference? 36:05 The reference is 1 Samuel 18:7-9. 36:08 "So the women sang as they danced, and said, 36:10 'Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.' 36:16 Then Saul was very angry." 36:18 Oh, now he starts having the spirit of jealousy 36:22 and anger. 36:24 And he's looking over his shoulder. 36:27 "Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him, 36:30 and he said, 'They have ascribed to David ten thousands, 36:34 and to me they have ascribed only thousands. 36:38 Now what more can he have but the kingdom?' 36:42 So Saul eyed David from the day forward." 36:46 He had no peace from that day forward, 36:48 because he was always looking over his shoulder 36:51 thinking that David was gonna take his place 36:54 and then instead of allowing the Holy Spirit 36:56 to subdue this tendency in his life 36:59 he allows jealousy to become a rage 37:03 and he begins his onslaught on David. 37:07 In fact, we're told in 1 Samuel 18:10, 11. 37:11 That Saul tried to kill David. 37:14 Anger is now manifesting itself in an evil action, 37:17 because that's why the bible says 37:19 that he who is angry with his brother 37:20 has already committed murder in his heart. 37:23 It says there "And it happened on the next day 37:26 that the distressing spirit from God came upon Saul, 37:30 and he prophesied inside the house. 37:33 So David played music with his hand, 37:35 as at other times." 37:36 But now notice the music is not going to 37:39 casts out this evil spirit whose tormenting. 37:42 It says "So David played music with his hand, 37:45 as at other times, 37:46 but there was a spear in Saul's hand. 37:49 And Saul cast the spear, for he said, 37:51 'I will pin David to the wall!' 37:54 But David escaped his presence twice." 37:59 And then of course Saul uses other means 38:01 to try and get rid of David. 38:03 He sends him on a dangerous mission 38:05 among the Philistines 38:06 with the hope that he'll get killed. 38:08 That's 1 Samuel 18:17 38:10 "Then he gives David his daughter in marriage." 38:14 So that he has closer access to David. 38:17 And then of course we have the story in 1 Samuel 19:5, 6 38:21 where Saul tries to pin David to the wall the second time. 38:24 We're told in verses 9 and 10 regarding this event 38:29 when he wanted to hurl his spear or actually hurled his at David. 38:33 It says "Now the distressing spirit 38:35 from the Lord came upon Saul 38:37 as he sat in his house with his spear in his hand. 38:41 And David was playing music with his hand. 38:45 Then Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear, 38:49 but he slipped away from Saul's presence, 38:52 and he drove the spear into the wall. 38:55 So David fled and escaped that night." 38:59 And then of course you see the terrible 39:01 the horrendous character of Saul and how much how far Saul 39:05 so-to-speak Saul has gone 39:08 with the experience that happen in the City of Nob. 39:11 I mean, Saul had the high priest killed, 39:15 he had 85 of the priests killed, 39:18 he had every man, women and child slain 39:21 and erased the city to the ground simply 39:24 because he suspected that the high priest 39:27 was sympathizing with David his enemy. 39:31 And so in the next chapters of 1 Samuel 39:34 you'll find David being persecuted by Saul 39:37 relentlessly like a wild beast. 39:41 And then you come to the 39:42 tragic end of Saul's life. 39:44 Isn't this a sad story? I mean, it's so sad, 39:50 you know, I shed a tear too last night 39:52 when I was sitting and finalizing 39:55 what I was gonna share 39:56 with the congregation this morning. 39:58 Someone who had such a brilliant start, 40:01 but because of serious flaws in his character 40:03 which he did not allow the Holy Spirit to overcome 40:06 and to conquer in his life he went down the slippery slope 40:10 to distraction and prediction. 40:13 So now comes the final chapter of Saul's life. 40:16 Do you remember rebellion is as What? 40:18 Is as witchcraft. 40:20 Now Saul is gonna live the words of Samuel. 40:24 In 1 Samuel Chapter 28 we find Saul 40:30 going to contact a witch, 40:35 rebellion is as witchcraft. 40:39 He's rebelled against God, 40:41 he's trampled on the commandments of God, 40:43 he's justified himself, he's filled with jealousy, 40:46 he's filled with anger, 40:47 he's allowed all of the evil trades 40:49 of his character to manifest themselves 40:52 when he should have allowed the subduing 40:53 influence of the spirit to overcome them 40:56 and now comes the climax of his life. 40:58 God does not answer by hearing him 41:00 or thumbing or by prophets or by in anyway 41:03 any of the traditional ways. 41:04 So he goes to consult the witch of Endor. 41:11 And it's interesting I'm not gonna read the verses, 41:13 in but do you know the word witchcraft 41:15 that we read 41:19 is the identical Hebrew word kesem 41:23 which is used 41:26 where Saul says to the witch please divine for me. 41:33 What is going to happen tomorrow 41:34 the word divine there is practice witchcraft 41:38 and trying communicate with the dead 41:40 to tell me what's gonna happen, 41:41 because the Lord is not telling me anymore. 41:46 Rebellion leads to what? 41:49 To witchcraft. Rebellion is as witchcraft. 41:53 And stubbornness is as idolatry. 41:58 An amazing statement it says in 1 Samuel 28:8, 9 42:03 "So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothes, 42:07 and he went, and two men with him, 42:09 and they came to the woman by night. 42:11 And he said, 'Please conduct a seance." 42:13 This is of the New King James translation. 42:16 "Please conduct a seance." 42:19 Actually it's the same word divine. 42:22 Divine not as in God being divine, 42:24 but to do work of divination. 42:30 "Devine for me and bring up for me 42:33 the one I shall name for you." 42:34 And so of course the purported spirit of Samuel comes up 42:38 although it's not really Samuel. 42:41 It's an evil spirits, its Satan disguise as Samuel 42:44 who now is going to speak to Saul. 42:47 Ellen White has a very perceptive comment on this. 42:51 She says in Conflict Encourage, Page 172. 42:56 "Saul knew that in this last act, 43:01 of consulting the witch of Endor, 43:04 he cut the last shred which held him to God." 43:10 See up till this point he still could have been 43:13 influenced by the Holy Spirit. 43:16 "He knew that if he had not before 43:20 willfully separated himself from God, 43:23 this act sealed that separation, and made it final. 43:30 He had made an agreement with death, 43:33 and a covenant with hell. 43:36 The cup of his iniquity was full." 43:43 And then do I need to tell you about the final end of Saul? 43:48 He committed suicide by falling on his own sword. 43:54 His body then was found by the Philistines in the field. 43:58 They strip the body of its armor, 44:01 they cut off the head, they took their head 44:06 to the Temple a Dagon and exhibited it 44:11 they hung it in the temple of Dagon 44:14 and then they dragged his body to Beth-shan 44:17 and hung it up by chains for the birds of the air to eat. 44:21 And if it hadn't been for 44:23 some friends of his from Jabeshgilead 44:25 that rescued his body and gave it an honorable burial, 44:29 he would have been eaten by the birds of the air. 44:34 Tragic story, a story that speaks to us, 44:40 because we might have had a good beginning, 44:43 but the Bible says he who perseveres 44:46 onto the end will be saved. 44:47 Ellen White says that one sin cherish 44:51 will annoy all the power of the gospel in our lives. 44:56 And by the way I would be remised not to introduce 45:00 what we're gonna speak about in the next 45:02 sermon in the series. 45:04 There's a striking parallels between Judas and Saul. 45:09 Both had a good beginning, both were chosen by God, 45:16 both overshadowed 45:18 all of the other disciples in stature and ability. 45:22 I want to share this with you. 45:24 But both were filled with arrogance 45:26 and pride and thirsted for power, 45:29 both desired to be praised and eulogized, 45:33 both were constantly warring against the will of God. 45:38 In both the devil entered their hearts, 45:43 in both they have an attempt to kill. 45:47 In one case David and the other the son of David. 45:53 In both cases after the fact they both repent, 45:58 but it's a false repentance and both commit suicide. 46:04 And in the case of Judas 46:07 the Bible says that the dogs ate his body 46:11 just like the birds were to eat the body of Saul, 46:14 because both of these individuals 46:16 went down the same road. 46:18 In our next sermon we're gonna study about 46:20 the character of Judas in the gospels. 46:23 It's interesting to notice that in Psalm 109 46:28 which is speaking about the experience of Saul 46:33 and it's quoted by Jesus about Judas as well, 46:37 it speaks about somebody taking his office, 46:40 somebody taking Saul's office, it's applied by Jesus 46:44 to speak about somebody taking Judas's office 46:47 when Matthias was elected. Let me read that for you. 46:49 Psalm 109:6-9. 46:52 It says "Set a wicked man over him, 46:56 and let an accuser stand at his right hand. 46:59 When he is judged." This is the betrayer. 47:02 "When he is judged, let him be found guilty, 47:06 and let his prayer become sin." 47:09 That's true of Saul. "Let his days be few." 47:13 In other words, he's not gonna reach 47:15 the full number of his years. 47:17 "And let another" what? "Take his office. 47:21 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow." 47:27 That is a divine prophecy about Judas. 47:29 But according to scholars the historical context 47:32 is the context of the experience of Saul, 47:37 because Saul prefigures the experience of Judas. 47:42 Now folks, the Bible tells us that it is risky business 47:49 to go beyond the word of the Lord 47:51 to change the words of the Lord, 47:52 to substitute the word of the Lord, 47:54 to not follow the word of the Lord 47:56 as it is written, as God speaks it to us. 48:00 Do you realize if you go with me 48:02 to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, 48:05 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 48:06 that this same thing is gonna happen at the end of time. 48:11 2 Thessalonians 2:9 48:14 it's speaking about the final antichrist. 48:18 2 Thessalonians 2:9. 48:22 Notice what it says. 48:24 "The coming of the lawless one 48:25 is according to the working of Satan 48:28 with all power and signs and lying wonders, 48:33 and with all unrighteousness or 48:35 unrighteous deception among those who perish." 48:38 Notice, why do they perish? 48:42 "Because they did not receive the love of the truth, 48:45 that they might be saved." 48:47 And because they did not receive the truth like Saul, 48:51 because they did not obey the commands of God like Saul. 48:55 It says "And for this reason God will send them," what? 49:01 "Strong delusion." 49:02 Doesn't mean that God deludes them, 49:03 it means that they step back from God and as a result 49:06 God allows Satan to come in and control, just like Saul. 49:11 It says "And for this reason 49:13 God will send them strong delusion, 49:16 that they should believe the lie, 49:20 that they all may be condemned 49:22 who did not believe the truth 49:24 but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 49:28 So at the end of time we're told that 49:29 those who do not receive the love of the truth 49:32 eventually God will step back 49:34 and a strong illusion will overtake them, 49:36 just like with the case of Saul. 49:40 That's the reason why in Revelation Chapter 18, 49:43 if you go with me there Revelation Chapter 18 49:45 speaking about Babylon. 49:47 By the way, Babylon is prostate Christianity. 49:49 You're aware of that right? 49:51 Babylon is a prostate Christianity 49:53 those who trample upon the Sabbath of the Lord 49:56 even though God says the seventh day 49:58 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. 50:01 At the end of time they're gonna be many 50:03 who are gonna say we're gonna substitute our word 50:05 instead of the word of God 50:06 and they trample under direct command of God. 50:09 Notice what happens as a result. 50:11 Revelation 18:2 " 50:14 "And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, 50:16 'Babylon the great is fallen is fallen, 50:19 and has become a dwelling place for'" what? 50:23 "Demons, a prison for every foul spirit, 50:27 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!" 50:32 That's quite a description of Babylon, 50:35 because she has rejected the truth of God. 50:37 She has filled with what? 50:39 With demons according to this. 50:42 In other words, he who does not allow 50:44 his life to be under the control of God 50:46 will inevitably be under the control of another spirit. 50:52 Allow me to read you a couple of statements in closing. 50:56 Great Controversy, Page 36. 51:00 "Every ray of light rejected, 51:04 every warning despised or unheeded, 51:08 every passion indulged, 51:11 every transgression of the law of God, 51:16 is a seed sown 51:19 which yields its unfailing harvest. 51:23 The Spirit of God persistently resisted, 51:28 is at last withdrawn from the sinner, 51:31 and then there is left no power 51:35 to control the evil passions of the soul, 51:38 and no protection from the malice 51:41 and entity of Satan." 51:44 It's a powerful statement. 51:46 That's why the Bible says if you hear His voice 51:48 do not harden your heart today, 51:50 if you hear His voice. 51:53 In another statement Ellen White 51:54 speaks about the unpardonable sin. 51:58 You know, some people wonder 51:59 what is the unpardonable sin? 52:00 The unpardonable sin was when Saul 52:04 reached the point of consulting to witch of Endor 52:08 at that point it was unpardonable, 52:10 up to that point he went down, down, down, 52:12 harden, harden, harden, harden. 52:14 But when he went and consulted the witch, 52:16 rebellion and witchcraft blended together. 52:21 The unpardonable sin is simply the culmination 52:23 of a series of disobedience is to the will of God. 52:27 Ellen white says "The same law 52:29 obtains in the spiritual as in the natural world. 52:33 He who abides in darkness 52:36 will at last lose the power of vision." 52:41 That's true, that's physically true. 52:45 "He who abides in darkness 52:47 will at last lose the power of vision. 52:50 He has shut in by a deeper than midnight blackness 52:54 and to him the brightest noontide can bring no light. 52:59 He walketh in darkness, 53:01 and knoweth not whither he goeth, 53:03 because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. 53:08 Through persistently cherishing evil, 53:11 willfully disregarding the pleadings of divine love 53:15 the sinner loses the love for good, 53:18 the desire for God, 53:20 the very capacity to receive the light of heaven. 53:24 The invitation of mercy is still full of love, 53:28 the light is shining as brightly 53:30 as when it first dawned upon his soul, 53:33 but the voice falls on deaf ears, 53:36 the light on blinded eyes. 53:39 No soul is ever finally deserted of God 53:44 given up to his own ways 53:46 so long as there is any hope of his salvation. 53:50 'Man turns from God not God from him.' 53:54 Our heavenly Father follows us with appeals 53:57 and warnings and assurances of compassion 54:01 until further opportunities 54:03 and privileges would be holy in vain. 54:07 The responsibility rests with the sinner. 54:10 By resisting the Spirit of God today 54:14 he prepares the way for a second resistance of light 54:18 when it comes with my dear power. 54:21 Thus he passes out 54:22 from one stage of resistance to another 54:26 until at last the light will fail to impress 54:30 and he will cease to respond in any measure 54:33 to the Spirit of God. 54:34 Then even ' the light that is in thee' 54:38 has become darkness. 54:40 The very truth we do know has become so perverted 54:44 as to increase the blindness of the soul." 54:49 Sobering words. 54:52 It's kind of like an alarm clock. 54:55 What happens if you sleep 54:56 through an alarm clock enough times? 55:00 The time comes when the alarm clock sounds 55:04 and you can't hear it. 55:06 You see the voice of God is like an alarm clock 55:10 says wake-up give Me your sins, 55:14 allowing our spirit to come in 55:16 and subdue the passions of your life, 55:19 the defects of your character. 55:20 Allow Me to come in and rectify it. 55:23 Unfortunately many times people say well, you know, 55:26 I can do this one time and I'll overcome it later. 55:32 Reminds me of the story of Gulliver. 55:34 You remember Gulliver's Travels? 55:36 When he went into the land 55:37 of little small people and stature 55:43 and they started tying him up with threads, 55:46 you remember that? 55:48 And, you know, Gulliver says oh thread, 55:51 I can break thread. 55:54 But what happens if you have enough threads around you. 55:57 The thread becomes rope, 56:00 because a rope is composed of a bunch of threads. 56:04 And so what happens is 56:06 we're tide according to the Bible 56:08 with the coats of our own sins and there is no escape. 56:13 And that's what the Lord wants to prevent 56:18 from happening in our lives. 56:23 Are we listening to the voice of God? 56:26 Are we obeying every known duty? 56:30 The voice of mercy and compassion 56:32 is open before us today. 56:35 All we have to do is hear His voice 56:37 and walk out in faith in the path 56:40 that He has established for us. 56:44 Folks, I pray to God 56:46 that none of us will go down the road of Saul. 56:51 Tragic story, a life that began with true conversion, 56:56 a new heart, the spirit and the life, 56:59 but because he did not allow the spirit to come in to subdue 57:03 the cherry sins and his life 57:05 they overtook his life and eventually destroyed him. 57:11 May we listen to God's voice 57:14 and may God through His Spirit 57:17 refine and noble and overcome 57:22 the defects our characters. |
Revised 2014-12-17