Forerunner Chronicles

Try the Spirits

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000023

00:57 Hi and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
01:01 All right everybody, so...
01:03 this is going to be a quick video,
01:04 I've got to deal with this topic.
01:06 All right, just about a month ago,
01:07 Tim Lambesis which is now the former Lead Singer
01:10 of the so called, Christian Heavy Metal Band
01:13 "As I Lay Dying" which, by the way,
01:16 was convicted and sentenced to prison
01:18 for hiring a hit man to take out his wife,
01:22 well, this gentlemen made a shocking admission
01:25 in the media recently that he's not a Christian.
01:29 He's an atheist and he has been
01:32 a closet atheist for quite some time now,
01:34 and the only reason why he and the rest of his band members
01:38 which, by the way, are primarily closet atheists like himself,
01:42 the only reason why they continue to make
01:45 so-called "Christian" heavy metal music
01:47 is because they wanted to continue to receive
01:50 the steady stream of income that they were getting
01:53 from the Christian music market.
01:55 Now, listen to the words of Christian Lambesis
02:00 that he spoke in a recent interview.
02:02 You can't miss this okay, so take a look.
02:04 In this Washington Post article,
02:06 that featured the Tim Lambesis story,
02:09 Tim stated that a lot of Christian parents said,
02:12 "Yes, you can buy this 'As I Lay Dying' CD,
02:15 because they're a Christian band.
02:17 They don't even think to actually check the lyrics... "
02:20 He went on further to state that,
02:23 "We toured with more 'Christian bands'
02:25 who actually aren't Christians than bands that are.
02:28 In 12 years of touring with As I Lay Dying,
02:31 I would say maybe one in 10 Christian bands we toured with
02:36 were actually Christian bands. "
02:38 Now firstly, I'd like to say
02:41 that although his motives may be questionable,
02:44 as to why he now wants to come out in the open
02:47 and be genuine
02:49 about how he's been falsely representing himself
02:52 as a Christian for quite some time now,
02:54 nonetheless, I respect that he's done this,
02:57 and even more so, I'm happy that he's done this
03:00 because he's giving the majority of you out there
03:03 a first person or insider point of view
03:07 of the reality that
03:08 many of these so called Christian bands
03:11 aren't Christian at all.
03:13 And therefore, they're not really producing
03:15 Christian music,
03:16 and the only reason that they can get over with this
03:20 is because unfortunately so many of us out here
03:24 that are participating in indulging ourselves
03:28 in this so called Christian music
03:29 and thereby engaging in a worship experience
03:32 that truly is no worship that's acceptable to God,
03:35 we're being duped by this stuff
03:37 because many of us are just naive as Christians
03:40 or are too dangerously ignorant
03:43 of the contents of the Word of God
03:45 and if we just studied our Bibles
03:47 and we had a close relationship with Jesus Christ,
03:50 knew what God's intent and will was for all humanity,
03:53 we would not be deceived by these falsifications
03:57 of Christianity.
03:58 You see the Bible tells us in 1 John chapter 4 and verse 1,
04:02 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
04:05 whether they be of God because many false prophets
04:09 are gone out into the world
04:10 and when you think of the term "prophet"
04:12 don't just simply think of one that tells of the future,
04:15 that predicts events and talks of signs and times
04:18 because the word "prophet" simply means
04:20 "one that speaks the Word of God. "
04:21 And in this case we're talking about
04:23 those that sing the Word of God.
04:24 So, just because one is singing, "Oh Jesus, Holy Spirit... "
04:29 it doesn't mean that this individual
04:32 is filled with the Spirit of God,
04:34 because, even the devil can say the name of Jesus.
04:37 So, the Bible says, "Try the spirits... "
04:40 Now the only way you can make a difference
04:43 between whether or not this is the spirit of the devil
04:46 or the spirit of Christ,
04:48 is that you
04:49 have to first be familiar
04:51 with the character of the spirit of God
04:54 and the work that He's been
04:55 sent into this world to accomplish.
04:57 Now the Bible tells us in John chapter 16 and verse 13
05:01 speaking of the Holy Spirit,
05:02 "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,
05:05 he will guide you into all truth:
05:07 for he shall not speak of himself,
05:09 but whatsoever he hears, that shall he speak:
05:12 and he will shew you things to come. "
05:14 So, Number one, the Holy Spirit's work
05:17 is to guide us into truth. Why?
05:19 Because He is the Spirit of Truth.
05:21 All He will relate to you is truth.
05:22 He will never give to you anything that is false
05:26 and His objective is to guide you into all truth
05:29 and out of all error.
05:30 The Bible tells us in John chapter 14 and verse 6
05:33 that Jesus said,
05:35 "I am the way, the truth and the life:
05:36 no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. "
05:40 Therefore the Spirit of Truth is to educate us
05:43 and to empower us
05:44 to live our lives to be like Jesus Christ
05:47 so that we can be with God the Father once again
05:50 in the realms of heaven and live with Him for eternity.
05:53 And He will never speak of Himself,
05:55 so therefore, those that are filled with the Spirit of God,
05:58 they will not be trying to seek
06:00 honor and glory and praise for themselves
06:03 like so many of these so-called
06:05 contemporary Christian music artists do
06:07 with all their bling-bling, and all this other foolishness
06:11 that they're out here doing, the Spirit of God never seeks
06:14 glory for himself.
06:16 So this is one way that you can simply try the Spirit.
06:21 As well, the Bible tells us
06:22 in the book of John chapter 16 beginning at verse 7,
06:25 where Jesus said that it was expedient for Him to go away
06:29 because if He didn't go away,
06:30 then He could not send the Comforter
06:32 but that if he went away, that He would send the Comforter
06:35 in verse 8 of John chapter 16 He told us what the Comforter
06:38 who is the Holy Spirit would do when he came to Planet Earth.
06:41 We are told there that he would reprove the world of sin
06:45 and of righteousness and of judgment.
06:48 That means, the Holy Spirit's
06:49 job is not only to guide us into all truth,
06:52 but it is to reprove us to chasten us of the works of sin.
06:56 Sin is to transgress the Law of God
06:58 according to 1 John chapter 3 and verse 4,
07:00 therefore, the work of the Holy Spirit
07:02 is not to make us comfortable in sin,
07:04 not to make us feel that we're close to Jesus Christ
07:07 while we're in sin
07:08 but it's to convict us of the sin that's in our lives
07:11 that we might repent and turn away from that sin.
07:13 And if the music you're listening to
07:15 makes you feel comfortable
07:16 when you know you're living a life of sin
07:18 it makes you feel good about yourself
07:20 when you know you're transgressing the Law of God,
07:22 that music is not of the Spirit of God,
07:26 it's not leading you closer to Jesus Christ
07:28 because it's not revealing to you true righteousness
07:31 which is right-doing in the sight of God
07:33 and by the way, according to the book of Psalm
07:35 chapter 119 and verse 172, which tells us,
07:38 "My tongue shall speak of thy word,
07:39 for all thy commandments are righteousness"
07:41 the music that we listen to should help us better understand
07:46 what God's will is as it is detailed in the 10 Commandments
07:51 and how by faith in Jesus Christ we can come up to that
07:54 high universal standard of right doing.
07:56 And finally, according to John chapter 16 and verse 8,
08:00 the Spirit of God's work
08:01 is to reprove the world of judgment
08:04 which means the Spirit of God will reveal to us
08:07 how God will judge those who are walking in disobedience
08:11 to His Commandments and performing the works of sin
08:14 and how God would judge those who by faith
08:17 are walking in the righteousness of Christ
08:19 doing those things which are pleasing in His sight.
08:23 Furthermore, when the Spirit of God
08:24 draws close unto us to reprove us of judgment,
08:27 He is simply trying to impart unto us
08:30 Godly judgment.
08:31 He's trying to give us divine judgment
08:34 so that we no longer live our lives
08:36 governed by the weakness of our sinful, fallen flesh,
08:40 thereby, leading us to make bad judgment calls,
08:43 falling into temptation, performing the works of sin,
08:46 and bringing death into our existence,
08:49 because the Bible tells us
08:50 in the book of Romans chapter 6 and verse 23,
08:53 "For the wages of sin is death;" the payment for sin is death,
08:57 "but the gift of God is eternal life
09:00 through Jesus Christ our Lord. "
09:02 So the Bible counsels us
09:03 in the book of Colossians chapter 3 and verse 16,
09:06 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom;
09:10 "teaching" meaning educating
09:13 "and admonishing" meaning encouraging
09:16 "one another" with psalms and hymns
09:20 and spiritual songs...
09:22 What type of songs? Spiritual songs...
09:24 What does that mean to you now?
09:25 Songs that will guide you into all truth,
09:27 songs that will teach you how to be like Jesus,
09:30 songs that will lead you into
09:32 grabbing hold of Jesus Christ by faith
09:34 that you might gain victory over sin,
09:37 songs that are spiritual songs
09:40 and "singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. "
09:44 God bless you as you follow this counsel.
09:47 As always... this is The Forerunner...
09:50 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.
10:03 My hero...
10:12 Listen, we all know what it feels like
10:15 to have people report lies about us,
10:18 false accusations made against us,
10:21 backstabbers...
10:23 sometimes you might feel like you're warring against
10:26 a whole legion of demons in this filthy sphere of corruption.
10:30 And sometimes...
10:32 sometimes you get tired of fighting don't you?
10:35 Tired of fighting for your children and your spouses,
10:40 tired of fighting for your friends, your enemies,
10:42 tired of fighting for people that do nothing else
10:45 but fight back against the truth
10:48 that you're trying to share with them to save them.
10:51 But then you remember, you remember that...
10:55 this is what you were made for, this is why God built you,
11:03 and when you remember that truth
11:07 may you approach this by
11:09 the blood of the King of the Universe,
11:11 that truth... that truth gives you strength to keep going
11:16 fighting against the lies, fighting against the evil to us,
11:21 fighting against the deceptions,
11:23 that truth gives you the strength to keep running,
11:26 keep pushing, because you're almost there,
11:30 we're almost to the end,
11:33 we only have a little bit more running to do,
11:37 before we cross the finish line, don't give up now,
11:42 don't let the hate stop you now, keep pushing, keep hoping,
11:50 keep praying, stay focused, because the truth...
11:56 the truth is never popular...
11:59 trust me.
12:03 "But he that shall endure unto the end,
12:06 the same shall be saved. " Matthew 24:13
12:12 Hi and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
12:16 All right everybody, so...
12:18 The Bible tells us in the book of Psalm chapter 49 and verse 20
12:21 "Man that is in honour, and understandeth not,
12:24 is like the beasts that perish. "
12:25 And for those of you out there that are not familiar
12:27 with the information that I'm getting ready to share,
12:30 I'm sorry to break this to you but I'm going to do it quickly.
12:32 Animals or beasts when they die,
12:33 they don't have a hope of a resurrection or eternal life.
12:37 Sorry to break that to you Pet Owners...
12:39 but that's the reality of the situation.
12:40 An animal... when it dies...
12:42 the vital energy
12:43 that is in that animal which makes it a living creature,
12:46 returns to God because God was the one that
12:48 gave that animal that vital energy,
12:50 and then that creature, simply breaks down into dust
12:53 from whence God created it and that's the end of its life.
12:57 There is no other chapter of existence that this creature
13:00 has to look forward to.
13:02 That's why the Bible says
13:03 in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 and verse 4,
13:05 "... for a living dog is better than a dead lion. "
13:08 Anyway, back in Psalm chapter 49 and verse 20,
13:10 the Bible says, "Man that is in honour,
13:13 and understandeth not... " meaning that...
13:15 a man that is esteemed as having great value...
13:18 or man that is esteemed of having great price,
13:21 and man that is esteemed as having great worth,
13:24 but he does not understand this,
13:25 he does not comprehend his position in this life
13:28 he is like a beast
13:30 that will perish.
13:31 This is a man that is living his life
13:33 without the hope of eternal life.
13:35 This is a man that if he dies,
13:37 he will not receive the gift of eternal life.
13:40 And when we think of individuals that are in honor...
13:42 primarily you'll usually think of Presidents,
13:45 Princes, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens,
13:47 so-called distinguished individuals within our world,
13:50 "so-called" famous people "so-called" famous people
13:53 but according to the Bible,
13:54 all humanity is honored in the sight of God.
13:58 You see, the Bible says
14:00 in the book of Hebrews chapter 2 beginning at verse 6,
14:03 "For one in a certain place testified, saying,
14:05 What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
14:08 or the son of man, that thou visitest him?
14:10 For thou has made him a little lower than the angels;
14:14 thou crownest him with glory and honour,
14:17 and didst set him over the works of thine hands:"
14:19 notice that from the time
14:21 that man came forth from the hand of God,
14:23 from the time that God created humanity,
14:25 He crowned us with two things, glory and honor,
14:29 He conferred upon us great value,
14:31 He esteemed us as being of great price
14:34 and great worth in His sight,
14:35 we are precious in the sight of God, why?
14:38 because He also adorned us with glory.
14:40 Now, what's this glory that God adorned humanity with
14:43 from the time that we were created?
14:44 Well, the Bible tells us in the book of Exodus chapter 33
14:48 beginning at verse 18,
14:50 when Moses was speaking with God,
14:52 he asked Him a question,
14:53 he said, "I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. "
14:56 God responds in Exodus chapter 33 and verse 19
14:59 by saying, "I will make all my goodness pass before thee,
15:02 and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee,
15:05 and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious,
15:08 and shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy. "
15:11 So, Moses asked God, "Show me your glory... "
15:14 and God responds by saying,
15:15 "Okay Moses, I'll proclaim my name to you. "
15:18 God's name and His glory are synonymous.
15:22 They are one and the same, they are interchangeable.
15:25 So, in the book of Exodus chapter 34 beginning at verse 5,
15:28 the Bible tells us,
15:30 "And the Lord descended in the cloud,
15:31 and stood with him there,
15:33 and proclaimed the name of the Lord.
15:35 And the Lord passed by before Him
15:36 and proclaimed, 'The Lord, The Lord God,
15:39 merciful and gracious, longsuffering,
15:41 and abundant in goodness and truth,
15:42 keeping mercy for thousands,
15:44 forgiving iniquity transgression and sin,
15:46 and that will by no means clear the guilty;
15:48 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
15:50 and upon the children's children,
15:52 to the third and fourth generation. '"
15:53 Ladies and Gentlemen, when God proclaims His name
15:56 it was a revelation of His glory,
15:58 God was simply declaring His character.
16:02 So when the Bible tells us
16:03 back in Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 7,
16:05 that God crowned us with glory,
16:08 He lets us know that from the time that we were created
16:10 God placed great value and worth upon us,
16:13 we are precious in His sight,
16:14 because God made with us the objective
16:17 of us revealing His character.
16:19 The Bible even tells us this
16:21 in the book of Isaiah chapter 43 and verse 7 which says,
16:24 "Even every one that is called by my name:
16:26 for I have created him for my glory,
16:29 I have formed him; yea, I have made him. "
16:31 We were made for the purpose of revealing the character,
16:35 the glory of God.
16:38 And you have to think to yourself,
16:41 how exactly did God design humanity
16:43 so that we can fulfill this grand purpose
16:47 of revealing His character.
16:48 You know there has to be some
16:50 special engineering going into this.
16:51 How did God make us to do this thing
16:54 of revealing His character?
16:56 Well the Bible tells us how in the book of Genesis chapter 1
17:00 and verse 26, which says,
17:01 "And God said, Let us make man in our image,
17:05 after our likeness:"
17:06 God made humanity in His image and in His likeness.
17:10 And what is the image of God?
17:11 The Bible tells us in the book of Colossians chapter 1
17:14 beginning at verse 14
17:16 which is speaking in particular of Jesus Christ.
17:18 The Bible tells us there, "In whom we have redemption
17:22 through his blood," the blood of Christ...
17:23 "even the forgiveness of sins:
17:25 Who is the image of the invisible God,
17:30 the firstborn of every creature. "
17:32 And when the Bible says Jesus is the firstborn of every creature,
17:35 it's not saying that He is a created being,
17:37 the term "firstborn" there means the eldest,
17:39 He's the chief and authority above of all of creation
17:42 and Jesus Christ as well
17:44 is the image of the invisible God.
17:48 So if we were made in the image of God,
17:50 and Jesus is the image of the invisible God,
17:54 we were made to be just like Christ,
17:58 this is why we are of so great value,
18:02 this is why we are so precious and priceless
18:04 in the sight of God.
18:06 As a matter of fact, speaking of Jesus Christ,
18:08 the Bible says, in the book of Colossians
18:10 chapter 2 and verse 3,
18:12 "In whom are hid all the treasures
18:14 of wisdom and knowledge. "
18:16 So in Jesus Christ is hidden all the treasures
18:19 of knowledge and wisdom, He is the image of God,
18:21 and we were made in the image of God,
18:23 so God desires to hide all the treasures
18:25 of knowledge and wisdom
18:27 inside of us as well because that's His design for us
18:30 to reveal His glory
18:32 to reflect the image that we were made in.
18:34 And speaking of wisdom,
18:36 look at what value God estimates wisdom at
18:39 in the book of Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 11
18:42 which says, "For wisdom is better than rubies;
18:45 and all the things that may be desired
18:47 are not to be compared. "
18:48 So, there is nothing in comparison
18:52 to the worth of wisdom
18:54 and Jesus Christ who is the image of God,
18:57 in Him is hidden all the treasures
18:59 of knowledge and wisdom, and we were made
19:01 in the image of God, meaning,
19:03 we were made to be like Christ, we were made to be vessels
19:06 in whom God could deposit
19:08 all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom
19:10 and that means there is nothing in this world
19:13 that can equal our worth.
19:15 The only thing by which our worth can be measured
19:19 is by the life of Jesus Christ who is the image of God Himself.
19:23 Ladies and Gentlemen, that's serious.
19:25 That's why the Bible says, in the book of Isaiah chapter 43
19:31 and verse 4, "Since thou hast been precious
19:34 in my sight, thou hast been honourable,
19:37 and I have loved thee:
19:38 therefore will I give men for thee,
19:40 and people for thy life. "
19:42 Humanity is so precious, so valuable in the sight of God,
19:46 that there's nothing in this world that can equal our worth.
19:49 The only thing that God can give to purchase us
19:53 is the lives of other men,
19:54 and God did give the life of another man
19:57 to purchase humanity.
19:58 The Bible tells us in the book of 1st Timothy
20:01 chapter 2 and verse 5,
20:02 "For there is one God, and one mediator
20:06 between God and men, the man Christ Jesus:"
20:10 God became flesh so that He could give His life for us.
20:16 His Son became flesh so that He could give His life for us.
20:23 The image of God died to restore those who were made in His image
20:29 and the Bible tells us more about this
20:32 in the book of 1st Peter chapter 1 and verse 18
20:36 which says, "Forasmuch as we know
20:39 that we were not redeemed with corruptible things
20:42 as silver and gold, from our vain conversations
20:45 received by tradition from our fathers:
20:46 But with the precious blood of Christ,
20:50 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:"
20:54 God could offer nothing else
20:57 to redeem us,
20:59 to purchase us back other than His Son
21:02 because in the mind of God, there is nothing else
21:06 in existence that is equal in value to humanity
21:11 to Himself other than His very own Son Christ Jesus.
21:15 The one who is the image of God,
21:17 laid down His life for those who are made in His image,
21:21 and when did Christ offer Himself as a lamb for us?
21:25 When was Christ offered as a lamb to purchase us back to God?
21:29 The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation
21:32 chapter 13 and verse 8, which says,
21:34 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him,
21:36 whose names are not written in the book of life
21:39 of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "
21:43 Before the world came into existence,
21:46 before humanity was created, before anything...
21:50 when humanity was just a thought in the mind of God,
21:54 when you were just a spark in the mind of God,
21:58 the very thought of humanity, the very thought of you,
22:02 was so precious to God, so priceless,
22:05 God being able to commune with you face to face,
22:08 love you and touch you, and teach you about him
22:11 and how you can be like Him,
22:13 was so precious in His mind and so priceless,
22:16 that at the very time He thought of you,
22:19 He decided that He would lay down the life of His Son,
22:23 so that He can be with you.
22:25 That's why the Bible says, in Psalm chapter 49 and verse 20
22:33 "Man that is in honour... "
22:35 man that has been valued at such great worth in the sight of God,
22:40 man that is of such great price in the sight of God,
22:44 "Man that is in honor and understandeth not,
22:48 is like the beasts that perish. "
22:52 Listen Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible tells us
22:56 in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 9,
22:59 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice,
23:02 If any man worship the beast and his image,
23:06 and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand,
23:10 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
23:14 which is poured out without mixture
23:16 into his cup of indignation;
23:19 and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
23:22 in the presence of the holy angels,
23:24 and in the presence of the Lamb. "
23:26 This is the most fierce warning that God has left on record
23:31 for humanity in the Bible,
23:32 and this warning is specifically for us
23:35 you and I, that are living right here
23:38 in the last days,
23:39 because we are living during the time period
23:42 in which the issue of the Mark of the Beast
23:45 is going to be a tangible reality.
23:47 God is warning us not to fall prey
23:50 to this anti-Christ system
23:53 that will be a fusion of Church and State,
23:56 He is warning us not to fall prey
23:58 to its mark of authority,
24:01 to bow down to its system of worship
24:03 which the Bible calls The Mark of the Beast
24:06 which is in complete opposition
24:09 to the worship of the true and living God
24:12 and the keeping of His Commandments
24:14 in their totality by faith in Jesus Christ,
24:16 because very shortly from now, this anti-Christ System,
24:21 this fusion of Church and State is going to receive authority
24:25 to impose upon humanity "the mark"
24:28 because the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 13
24:32 and verse 16, "And he causeth all,
24:34 both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
24:39 to receive a mark in their right hand,
24:42 or in their foreheads:
24:43 And that no man might buy nor sell,
24:45 save he that hath the mark of the beast,
24:47 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. "
24:52 When this issue becomes a reality,
24:55 and it will very shortly from now,
24:58 every person will either be able to make
25:01 one or another decision,
25:03 either you'll accept the mark of the beast,
25:06 because you are in line with the ideology of that system,
25:10 or you'll accept its mark of authority,
25:12 because you want to continue
25:14 to live on in this System and buy and sell,
25:17 or you will reject its mark of authority,
25:20 you'll reject its false worship
25:22 and you'll be cut off from the System,
25:25 so that you cannot buy or sell,
25:28 and if in that hour you don't understand
25:33 that you are a man of honor,
25:34 you are a person
25:36 that is of great worth
25:38 in the sight of God, so much worth...
25:40 that the blood of Christ was shed for you,
25:43 if you don't understand how priceless you are to God,
25:46 so priceless
25:48 that even when you were just a thought in the mind of God,
25:51 even when He knew you would sin against Him,
25:53 even when He knew that you were going to rebel against Him,
25:56 He loved the thought of being with you so much
25:59 and the opportunity to share eternity with you so much
26:02 that "thought" was so precious to Him,
26:05 that He was willing to yield the life of His only Son
26:10 so that "that thought" could be a reality.
26:14 If you don't understand that you're a man of honor,
26:20 you will sell yourself for a loaf of bread,
26:25 for a paycheck, for some gas,
26:29 you will sell yourself for nothing
26:32 that is even beginning to equal
26:35 the great worth and value that God has placed upon your head.
26:40 You can't afford to make that decision,
26:44 that's why today,
26:46 you need to be a man of understanding.
26:50 I pray that you will be wise and ask God
26:55 to give you His Holy Spirit and empower you with His grace,
26:59 so that you might reflect the beauty of His character.
27:05 Choose wisely...
27:07 As always... this is The Forerunner...
27:11 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2015-08-25