Forerunner Chronicles


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000021

00:53 It is fear that keeps us separated
00:55 because fear is "False Evidence Appearing Real"
00:58 it's an acronym, F E A R...
01:00 False Evidence Appearing Real,
01:02 because most of your fear is based on propaganda.
01:15 Now why is it historic?
01:17 Because in 1999,
01:20 the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Lutheran Church,
01:24 signed an agreement that brought an end to the "protest. "
01:47 Brothers and Sisters, Luther's protest is over.
01:50 Is yours?
01:52 Before the word knew who Martin Luther was,
01:57 God raised up a champion for truth,
01:59 his name was John Wycliffe, he would later come to be known
02:04 as the "Morning Star of the Protestant Reformation"
02:06 for it was by his hand
02:08 that Jehovah would ignite the fire
02:10 that would set ablaze the inferno
02:13 that would dispel the world's mysticism of the Dark Ages.
02:16 The chief undertaking of John Wycliffe's life
02:19 was the translation of the Holy Bible
02:21 into the English language in the year 1380 AD.
02:25 "To make such a translation at that time... "
02:28 said the Theologian and Church Historian, Neander,
02:32 "required a bold spirit which no danger could uphold. "
02:36 Neander's words could be no more true
02:39 for in translating the Bible,
02:41 to the tongue of the common people,
02:43 Wycliffe is protesting against the most powerful engine
02:47 of religious as well as political authority,
02:50 the Roman Catholic Church.
02:51 In opposition to Wycliffe's object
02:54 of making the Bible available to the people,
02:57 the cry was made by the Church,
02:59 that he was introducing among the multitudes
03:02 a book reserved exclusively for the use of priests
03:06 and thus, was the gospel... by him... laid more open...
03:10 to the Laity and to women who could read
03:13 that had had formerly been to the most learned of the clergy
03:17 by so making available... the Bible to the common man,
03:21 the priests proclaimed that
03:23 Wycliffe was casting the gospel pearl to swines
03:27 to be trodden underfoot.
03:28 Initially, it was not Wycliffe's deliberate purpose
03:32 to set himself in opposition to the power of Rome,
03:35 but devotion to the truth
03:37 could not but bring him into conflict.
03:40 As the Pharisees of old,
03:42 the papist leaders were filled with rage
03:45 when they perceived that this protestant reformer
03:48 was gaining influence greater than theirs,
03:50 but nonetheless, Wycliffe fearlessly struck out
03:55 against the errors and abuses sanctioned by the Roman Church
03:59 even while his hand was on the frigid handle
04:02 of the door of death when his enemies sought
04:06 occasion to make him retract on his deathbed
04:09 his statements and opposition to the Pope and the Priests
04:12 with firm voice Wycliffe responded,
04:16 "I shall not die but live
04:18 and declare the evil deeds of the Friars" and live he did!
04:23 When he arose from the inactivity of his sick bed,
04:26 John Wycliffe supplied his countrymen
04:29 with the most powerful weapon
04:31 that he could against Romanism...
04:34 he gave them the Holy Bible, nonetheless, alas,
04:38 as it is the plight of all mortal men,
04:40 John Wycliffe was laid to rest in the grave
04:44 and yet 43 years later, in the year 1428,
04:48 the malicious priest
04:49 by the order of The Council of Constance,
04:52 dug up the bones of Wycliffe,
04:54 burnt them and casted them into a nearby brook,
04:57 the brook carried his ashes into the main sea
05:01 and today they stand as an emblem
05:03 of the worldwide dispersion of Wycliffe's doctrines.
05:07 Even in his death, God used the hatred of his opponents
05:11 to immortalize the profound impact
05:13 of one of His faithful servants, John Wycliffe,
05:17 the Translator of the English Bible,
05:20 was a Protestant.
05:21 And let's pray to the Lord that He unites us all.
05:24 Come on, we are Brothers.
05:25 And lets pray to the Lord that He unites us all.
05:28 Come on, we are Brothers.
05:29 Let's give each other a spiritual hug
05:31 and let God complete the work that He has begun.
05:34 My answer is, "No" because like John Wycliffe,
05:38 I'm a Protestant... and I plan on dying.
05:41 I'm a Protestant... and I plan on dying...
05:44 I'm a Protestant...
05:46 I'm a Protestant... and I plan on dying...
05:50 and I plan on dying... dying... dying...
06:13 In the midst of an age
06:14 that appeared to be a bleak bottomless abyss,
06:17 of vice and ignorance,
06:19 another man was ordained by the Living God
06:22 to be a vessel through which this light of truth
06:25 could shine forth to the world
06:26 his name was John Wesley born on June 17, 1703
06:32 in Epworth, England.
06:34 John Wesley was groomed in a well-ordered Christian home
06:37 where he was homeschooled by his mother, Susanna Wesley.
06:41 From a young age, he learned to be disciplined
06:44 good-mannered and hard-working.
06:47 As an academic, at the famed Oxford University,
06:50 John Wesley quickly became distinguished
06:53 as a very studious and pious young man,
06:56 upon his completion of his studies there,
06:59 he was ordained as a Minister of the Anglican Church.
07:02 However, with all of these accomplishments,
07:05 John Wesley had yet to experience
07:08 the true peace of God in his own heart.
07:10 Relying upon his merits for his own salvation,
07:14 Wesley's soul was as a parched garden languishing
07:19 for the life-giving virtue that only the grace of Christ
07:22 can impart, but on May 24, 1738,
07:26 all this would change,
07:28 for on that day, as he listened to a meeting of
07:31 Martin Luther's preface to the Epistle of Romans,
07:35 he felt his heart strangely warmed
07:37 by the eternal good news that deliverance from sin
07:41 can be found only in Jesus Christ,
07:44 it was John Wesley's passion for this truth,
07:47 that salvation only comes
07:50 through the medium of Jesus Christ
07:52 that led him to fearlessly strike out
07:55 against the manifold delusions
07:57 that was concocted by the Roman Catholic Church
07:59 and thereby has immortalized his efforts
08:03 as a Protestant Reformer in his now famous address,
08:07 "A Word to a Protestant," John Wesley said these words,
08:13 "Do not you call yourself a Protestant?
08:16 Why so? Do you know what the word means?
08:20 What is a Protestant?
08:22 I suppose you mean one that is not a Papist
08:25 But what is a Papist? Are you desirous to know what
08:28 these words "Papist" and "Protestant" mean?
08:30 A Papist is one who holds the Pope or Bishop of Rome
08:34 to be the Head of the whole Christian Church
08:36 and the Church of Rome
08:38 or that which owns the Pope as their Head
08:41 to be the only Christian Church.
08:43 In the course of the years
08:45 many errors crept into this Church,
08:46 of which good men complained from time to time.
08:49 At last about 200 years ago,
08:52 the Pope appointed many Bishops and others
08:54 to meet at a town in Germany called Trent.
08:57 But these,
08:58 instead of amending those errors...
09:00 ESTABLISHED them all by a law,
09:02 and so delivered them down to all succeeding generations.
09:05 Among these errors may be numbered,
09:07 their doctrine of seven sacraments;
09:09 of transubstantiation, of Communion in one kind only,
09:13 of purgatory and praying for the dead therein,
09:16 of veneration of relics and of indulgences,
09:19 or pardons granted by the Pope and to be bought for money,
09:23 the doctrine of persecution... this has been for many ages
09:26 a favorite doctrine of the Church of Rome,
09:29 and the Papist, in general, still maintained
09:31 that all heretics are to be compelled to receive
09:34 what they call the "True Church"
09:35 to be forced into the Church or out of the world...
09:39 Well, might our forefathers protest against these?
09:42 And hence... it was that they were called "Protestants"
09:46 even because... they publicly protested
09:50 as against all the errors of the Papists.
09:53 There's a challenge for you.
09:55 Sir, the protest has been over for 15 years
10:01 and I get a little cheeky here
10:03 because I challenge my Protestant Pastor friends,
10:06 "If there is no more protest...
10:08 how can there be a Protestant Church?"
10:14 Maybe we're now all Catholics again.
10:41 Hi and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles...
10:44 All right everybody, so, as many of you out there
10:47 should already know, on this past June 8,
10:49 Pope Francis was able to organize a historic peace talk
10:53 within the confines of the Vatican
10:54 between the two critical players of the Middle East
10:57 which are Israel and Palestine.
10:59 Two factions... which have had a longstanding feud
11:02 for quite some time now...
11:04 but what made that event even more historic in nature,
11:06 is that, Pope Francis, by some means,
11:09 was able to organize these peace talks
11:11 just weeks after the United States of America's
11:15 Peace talks between Israel and Palestine
11:18 which they sponsored for them, miserably collapsed in failure.
11:21 So, Pope Francis has some very
11:24 interesting timing, don't you think?
11:26 But if that event,
11:27 all by itself wasn't historic enough for you,
11:30 Pope Francis made more history at the same time...
11:34 at the same venue... by organizing the very unusual
11:37 Prayer Summit between the three religions of the world
11:41 to come together and pray for peace and forgiveness
11:44 and for God to bless Creation at the same time in the Vatican.
11:48 Islam, Judaism and Christianity represented by the Pope
11:53 united in prayer for peace.
11:55 Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, you may have not noticed this,
11:58 for when Pope Francis did this,
12:00 he was getting on the world's loudspeaker
12:03 making a very clear and profound announcement
12:06 to the inhabitants of our world,
12:08 and the announcement he was making is this,
12:10 "Ladies and Gentlemen of the world,
12:11 Leaders of our world,
12:13 you see that the world's global leading civil superpower,
12:17 the United States of America failed miserably
12:20 in bringing about peace between these two feuding factions
12:24 in the Middle East, however,
12:26 where the United States of America,
12:27 the world's leading civil superpower fell...
12:30 the world's leading religious power...
12:32 the Papacy... led out by its Pope...
12:35 will be successful in fomenting peace
12:37 amongst these two feuding factions. "
12:39 And Ladies and Gentlemen of the World,
12:41 you know that there's no other religious denomination
12:43 or religious leader in existence
12:45 that can bring about peace and unity amongst
12:47 all the face in our world,
12:48 however, there is one religious leader
12:51 the Pope... that does have the power
12:53 and the authority to bring about peace and unity
12:57 amongst all the face in our world.
13:00 Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you realize what you saw,
13:03 because when Pope Francis
13:05 held these two events simultaneously,
13:08 he was strategically positioning himself in the midst
13:11 to declare himself as the only world leader...
13:15 the singular, sovereign, moral entity in this world
13:19 that can bring about peace
13:22 and unity within the realms of civil power
13:25 as well as peace and unity
13:28 within the realms of religion and faith...
13:31 he was presenting himself
13:32 as the world's preeminent moral authority
13:35 in both Church and State, but, if that wasn't enough,
13:41 maintaining his youthful... "bolt-like pace"
13:44 Pope Francis, just days after these historic peace talks
13:48 and that historic Prayer Summit,
13:50 had an interview with a Spanish magazine, La Vanguardia,
13:53 at which point he was asked a very intriguing question,
13:57 which drew out of him a more blood-curdling response,
14:00 and the question the interviewer asked Pope Francis was this...
14:03 What are his thoughts on fundamentalism?
14:06 This was his response.
14:08 "A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone,
14:12 although it may not strike anyone, is violent.
14:15 The mental structure of fundamentalists
14:18 is violence in the name of God. "
14:21 Now, Ladies and Gentlemen,
14:22 if you don't find this statement from Pope Francis
14:25 even a little bit disturbing,
14:27 it's either because you really don't have in your mind
14:30 an accurate definition of what a Fundamentalist is,
14:33 or "orange may be the new black" but you're still watching
14:36 entirely too much reality television,
14:38 because this statement that was made by Pope Francis,
14:41 was a virtual declaration of war
14:44 against all true Bible-believing Christians.
14:46 You see, the term "Fundamentalist"
14:48 although you may have heard it kicked around too many times,
14:51 after the 9/11 fiasco,
14:53 so when you think of Fundamentalists
14:54 you think of radical Islam and terrorism,
14:56 but originally...
14:58 did you know that the term "Fundamentalist"
14:59 was coined to define "Christians. "
15:02 You see there were some Bible Conferences
15:04 that were held in between 1878 all through 1897
15:09 called the Niagara Bible Conferences.
15:11 Fundamentalism was originated from those Conferences.
15:14 Then Fundamentalism bloomed in the United States of America
15:17 around 1901... and it bloomed as a result of Christians
15:21 wanting to fight back against this tide of Secularism
15:24 and Darwinism
15:25 and higher Criticism that was coming into the Church
15:28 to define the truth of the Bible,
15:30 they wanted to get back to Bible truth.
15:32 So, Fundamentalism came into existence.
15:35 And now there are five doctrines... five beliefs
15:38 which are used to define a Fundamentalist.
15:40 Two of these doctrines or beliefs are:
15:43 if an individual believes that the Bible
15:45 is the infallible Word of God,
15:48 that individual is a Fundamentalist.
15:50 and if an individual believes in the literal, physical,
15:54 personal Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
15:57 that individual is a Fundamentalist.
16:00 And I know that it may be hard for many of you out there
16:04 to really believe that Pope Francis
16:05 or any other Roman Catholic Bishop... for that matter
16:08 truly believe that a person that believes that the Bible
16:11 is the infallible Word of God,
16:13 and that Jesus Christ is going to literally,
16:15 personally return to Planet Earth
16:16 for the second time, are people that are worthy
16:18 of being defined as "Violent Fundamentalists. "
16:21 But guess what? That's exactly what they think.
16:24 And if you don't believe me, then believe the words
16:27 of this Roman Catholic Bishop
16:30 that spoke in this BBC Forum just two years ago.
16:33 Take a look at the clip.
16:34 Pastor, from the Seventh-day Adventist,
16:38 you believe that the end is coming,
16:41 not necessarily this year,
16:43 but you believe that it is coming.
16:44 What will happen?
16:46 Yeah, I believe the end is coming.
16:49 What will happen is, according to the Biblical record
16:53 Christ would descend from heaven with his angels,
16:59 He is coming to take those who have accepted Him...
17:04 have been saved by His Grace...
17:05 Can I just... will this literally happen?
17:07 Pastor: It will literally happen Interviewer: That the sky will
17:09 There will be the sound of the trumpet,
17:11 there will be the voice of the archangel,
17:13 there will be the appearance of Christ... literally...
17:16 with his angels... Interviewer: Yeah...
17:17 He is coming to take those
17:19 who've accepted Him and believe in Him
17:20 and rescue them from this earth.
17:22 He's going to bring in justice and righteousness...
17:25 Will the sky part?
17:26 The sky is going to open, according to Biblical record,
17:30 the sky is going to open,
17:31 He's going to descend with his angels,
17:33 and He is coming...
17:34 to take those who've been saved by His grace.
17:37 People talking together... Laughter...
17:40 Wait a minute... you're not going to be laughing soon
17:44 I'll tell you that...
17:47 Listen, it says...
17:49 this is all in the Bible isn't it?
17:50 it's in Revelation and Thessalonians and it's in...
17:53 It's in Revelation, it's in Thessalonians,
17:55 it's in the book of John...
17:56 What happens then...
17:57 what happens to you in the... there's a 1,000-year...
17:59 a 1,000-year period, what happens then?
18:01 Yes... a period of 1,000 years,
18:03 and the 1,000 years begin at the coming of Christ,
18:07 He comes... to take those...
18:10 like I said, who've been saved by His grace,
18:12 Hmmm...
18:13 ...and those who have not accepted Christ...
18:16 because God gave us... He gives everybody the provision
18:19 to accept the salvation that He offers... free of charge
18:23 His offer of salvation free of charge
18:25 for those who accept Him.
18:27 So, it's not just Seventh-day Adventists?
18:29 Not just Seventh-day Adventists, it's open to everyone.
18:31 Everyone who have accepted Christ...
18:32 but not Muslims or Hindus or...
18:33 Sikhs? Yeah...
18:36 Yeah, yeah... Christ, He makes a statement...
18:40 Or Jews? No...
18:41 He makes a statement in the book of John chapter 14 verse 6,
18:45 It says that, "I am the way, the truth, and the life:"
18:51 But He only takes those who believe in Him.
18:52 What about children?
18:55 sorry... I'm coming there...
18:57 "I am the way, the truth, and the life:
18:58 no one comes unto the Father, except through me. "
19:02 It's a radical statement.
19:03 It is a radical statement.
19:05 It's a radical statement. Sorry, sorry, let me just finish
19:12 so what I say is that,
19:14 "Salvation comes through only Christ. "
19:17 Hmmm... Salvation comes through Him.
19:20 So, if we accept Him...
19:23 Okay, so, we've got a vision, if that's the right word,
19:27 of what's going to happen
19:28 and it's in the Bible, we know it's in the Bible...
19:32 It's fundamentalism we're talking about...
19:33 and fundamentalism produces problems
19:36 in all major world religions,
19:38 and it produces problems... People clapping...
19:40 and this is a fundamentalistic interpretation of Scripture,
19:46 which actually misunderstands a very poetic piece of writing
19:49 in the book of Revelation, it misunderstands Paul's view
19:53 that the Kingdom was coming immediately,
19:56 not in a 1,000 or 2,000 years' time,
19:59 but that was... we now know, a misunderstanding
20:02 of Paul and the early Christians,
20:03 they thought Christ was coming back again.
20:05 We now work on an entirely different basis
20:07 in the mainstream...
20:09 It's in the New Testament!
20:10 So what? There are things in the New Testament, Nicky,
20:13 which we actually have to reinterpret in the light
20:16 of Biblical criticism and modern understanding of Scripture
20:20 and this fundamentalist approach... doesn't work. "
20:22 Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, there you have it.
20:26 According to Pope Francis and his Papacy,
20:28 any group or individual that believes that the Bible
20:31 is the infallible Word of God,
20:33 or that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
20:36 will be a literal, physical, personal event...
20:38 these individuals and these groups,
20:42 although they may not advocate violence in the least bit,
20:46 although they may have never even struck anyone,
20:49 they are still "violent" according to Pope Francis.
20:53 And if, opportunity presents itself,
20:55 these groups will carry out acts of violence
20:58 in the name of God... according to Pope Francis.
21:01 Do you know any groups or individuals like that,
21:04 that believe that the Bible
21:05 is the unquestionable, invaluable Word of God
21:08 and that Jesus Christ will return to Planet Earth
21:11 literally, physically, personally for the second time?
21:14 Well warn them that Pope Francis is declaring
21:17 to the world... that they are violent.
21:19 Now that's a very disturbingly dangerous statement to be made
21:23 by the man whom the world is now looking upon
21:26 as the world's leader of morality and peace making.
21:31 Ladies and Gentlemen,
21:32 the Bible tells us in the book of Daniel chapter 8 and verse 25
21:36 a verse of Scripture which all the Protestants of old...
21:39 even Sir Isaac Newton, pinpointed
21:42 as a verse of Scripture that identifies the anti-Christ
21:46 as being the Pope.
21:47 We are told there, "And through his policy
21:50 he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand;
21:53 and shall magnify himself in his heart... "
21:56 And I find it very interesting that the Bible says
21:59 that the Pope... through his policy...
22:01 will cause "craft" which is deceit and treachery
22:04 to prosper in his hand,
22:06 because the word "policy" there means intelligence,
22:09 and according to the former CIA Director,
22:13 E. Howard Hunt, the Jesuit Institution
22:16 is the most advanced and formidable intelligence agency
22:22 that has ever been in existence,
22:23 and Pope Francis is the very first Jesuit Pope.
22:27 Therefore, as the Bible says, "Through his policy... "
22:31 or rather... through his intelligence,
22:33 even his Jesuit-trained intelligence
22:35 in the case of Pope Francis,
22:36 he is deceiving the majority of our world
22:39 not only into conveying into his hands
22:42 or into looking upon him as one who has the authority
22:46 of being the world's leading agent
22:48 of morality and peacemaking, but he's also,
22:51 deceiving the majority of the inhabitants of Planet Earth
22:54 into believing that he's the most humble,
22:56 pious world leader in existence,
22:58 when according to the Word of God,
23:01 he is magnifying himself in his heart.
23:03 That's what the Bible says in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 25.
23:06 You see, when you look at the Pope, you may see a lowly,
23:09 humble, loving man...
23:11 that only wants good for everyone
23:12 but the Word of God tells us
23:14 that man looks on the outward appearance
23:16 but God looks on the heart.
23:18 And according to the Word of God,
23:19 this man is a proud man
23:22 that is magnifying himself in his heart,
23:24 and as he is doing this, the Bible goes on to say,
23:28 in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 25,
23:30 "... and by peace, he shall destroy many:"
23:33 as surely as the world's inhabitants
23:36 even the Leaders of the Nations of this world,
23:39 are now looking at the Pope as the leading agent of peace
23:43 on Planet Earth, when he made this statement
23:46 that Fundamentalists... are violent...
23:49 what he was simply saying is this,
23:51 "For peace to exist amongst the nations...
23:54 for unity to be fomented amongst all religious faiths,
23:59 Fundamentalists must be done away with
24:02 because peace and unity cannot co-exist with Fundamentalists. "
24:07 He is thereby, placing in danger
24:11 the lives of those who keep the Commandments of God
24:14 and the testimony of Jesus Christ,
24:16 who believe in all of the Word of God
24:19 and that the Lord and Saviour of all humanity, Jesus Christ,
24:23 will one day return to save us
24:25 literally, personally, physically...
24:28 he is setting up a war to go against the people of God.
24:34 The Bible told us this would happen in the book of Revelation
24:37 chapter 12 and verse 17 which tells us,
24:39 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,"
24:41 which is God's church
24:43 "and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
24:45 which keep the commandments of God,
24:47 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
24:49 Ladies and Gentlemen,
24:51 the Bible tells us in the book of Revelation
24:54 chapter 13 and verse 4,
24:55 "... that they worshipped the dragon" the devil...
24:58 "which gave power unto the beast:"
25:01 which is the Papacy led up by the Pope...
25:03 "and they worshipped the beast," the Papacy...
25:05 saying, "Who is like unto the Pope?
25:08 Who is like unto the beast?
25:10 Who is able to make war with him?"
25:12 As you saw the Pope go through Palestine,
25:15 without bulletproof glass
25:17 and as you saw the Pope go through Italy
25:20 in a mafia-ridden area without any bulletproof glass,
25:24 the Pope was making a profound statement.
25:27 He was saying, "There is no world leader
25:29 that would ever dare go
25:31 into these troubled spots on Planet Earth...
25:33 without the protection of armored or bulletproof glass
25:36 but I, the Pope, can do this because,
25:39 'Who is like unto the beast,
25:41 who is able to make war with the beast'
25:44 because I am the Man of Peace. "
25:47 My friends, there is one who will make war with him
25:53 and who will overcome him...
25:55 for the Bible tells us,
25:57 back in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 25
26:00 "And he shall stand up against the Prince of princes... "
26:03 meaning that this anti-Christ Power would stand up
26:07 against Jesus Christ Himself,
26:09 but he will be broken without hand,
26:11 God Himself will destroy him.
26:14 Therefore, the Bible warns us,
26:17 in Revelation chapter 13 and verse 8,
26:20 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
26:24 whose names are not written in the book of life
26:28 of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "
26:31 You can see now, you can already see now,
26:34 how the majority of the world is poised
26:37 to fall on their knees and worship the beast.
26:41 Only those, whose names are
26:44 written in the Lamb's book of Life,
26:46 only those... who have had their sins washed
26:49 in the blood of Jesus Christ,
26:50 only those who will now fall on the rock... Christ Jesus...
26:53 and be broken... turn to Him with repentance,
26:56 turn to Him in prayer and asking Him for His grace,
27:00 asking Him for power to live a life of victory over sin
27:03 in prayer and studying of His Word...
27:06 developing characters
27:07 that mirror the character of our Saviour,
27:09 only those who have this experience,
27:12 will have their names in the Lamb's book of Life
27:15 and will not wander after the beast.
27:19 I pray that you are in that number...
27:22 choose wisely... as always...
27:25 this is The Forerunner...
27:27 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2015-08-24