Forerunner Chronicles

The Millenium

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000020

00:44 Hi, and you're in now with the "Forerunner Chronicles."
00:47 All right, everybody, so in the Book of Job
00:50 the Bible presented to us a very interesting question
00:52 which perplexes the minds of multitudes
00:54 within our world today
00:56 and the question is found
00:59 where the Bible says
01:01 "If a man die, shall he live again?
01:03 Now it's only natural for human beings
01:05 which experience death on a daily basis
01:07 to be at least a little bit curious
01:09 as to whether or not
01:10 there's a possibility of life after death.
01:13 And the Bible begins to answer this question
01:15 in the Book of John 5:25 where Jesus Himself said
01:20 "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
01:22 that the hour cometh, and now is,
01:24 when they that are dead shall hear the voice
01:26 of the Son of God and they that hear shall live."
01:29 So the Bible is clear all that are in the grave
01:32 one day will hear the creative power
01:34 of the voice of the Son of God Jesus Christ
01:37 and at hearing His voice they will be
01:39 resurrected from the grave.
01:41 However the Bible gives us more information about this
01:43 and we need to take note of it.
01:44 It's down with in John 5:28 where the Bible tells us
01:49 "Marvel not at this for the hour is cometh,
01:51 in the which all that are in the graves
01:53 shall hear his voice, and come forth,
01:55 they that have done good,
01:57 unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil,
02:00 unto the resurrection of damnation."
02:02 So the scriptures clearly indicate that
02:05 there are two distinctly different classes
02:07 that will be resurrected from the grave
02:09 that will receive two distinctly different rewards
02:12 at the time periods at which they are resurrected.
02:15 Class number one, those that are good.
02:17 Their reward?
02:19 The gift of life. Obviously eternal life.
02:21 And class number two, those that are evil.
02:23 Their reward?
02:24 Damnation, which is the punishment untempered
02:26 wrath of God which is going to bring
02:29 about their utter destruction.
02:30 Now because none of us want to receive the punishment
02:33 of untempered wrath of God
02:35 which will bring about our utter destruction.
02:37 The question we should be asking is,
02:39 how can I be a part of the resurrection of those
02:42 that will receive the reward of eternal life?
02:45 Well, according to the Bible that is a reward
02:48 that will be given to those that are good.
02:50 So what is the criteria that God uses to determine
02:54 whether or not a man is
02:56 characteristically speaking good?
02:58 Well, according to the Book of Romans 7:12
03:02 the Bible says
03:03 "Wherefore the law is holy, the commandment is holy,
03:06 just, and good."
03:08 You see ladies and gentlemen, God's royal law
03:11 His Ten Commandments are as universal standard
03:14 which He uses to measure the characters of men
03:17 to determine whether or not they are good
03:20 and that same royal law
03:22 His Ten Commandments which are good they are also holy.
03:25 And the Bible says
03:27 any man that keeps God's commandments
03:30 is declaring that they have a specific mindset towards God.
03:33 The Word of God speaks of this in the Book of 1 John 5:3.
03:37 The Word of God says,
03:39 "For this is the love of God,
03:40 that we keep his commandments
03:42 and his commandments are not grievous."
03:44 When we keep God's commandments by faith
03:48 we are revealing that we have a deep-seeded love
03:51 and gratitude for our Creator.
03:53 When we give ourselves in total commitment
03:56 to His service we are proving to the world,
03:58 we are giving a revelation to mankind that we
04:00 do not esteem God's commandments to be a burden,
04:03 but we look upon them as the source of our joy
04:07 and our happiness
04:08 because they bring us into communion with God
04:10 as we walk by faith in Jesus Christ
04:13 to do all that is pleasing in His sight.
04:16 Matter-of-fact God pronounces something about
04:19 the characters of those that keep His commandments.
04:22 In the Book of Revelation 22:14 the Bible says
04:27 "Blessed are they that do his commandments,
04:29 that they may have right to the tree of life,
04:31 and may enter in through the gates into the city."
04:34 Then the Book of Numbers 15:40 the Bible tells us
04:38 "That ye remember, and do my commandments,
04:41 and be holy unto your God."
04:44 So according to the Bible those who by faith
04:47 in the power of God
04:48 reveal their love and adoration for Him
04:51 by keeping His commandments
04:53 God will pronounce them to be blessed and holy.
04:57 Now I wonder,
04:58 which resurrection do you think
04:59 the blessed and holy will come up in?
05:01 Well the Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation 20:6
05:05 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part
05:08 in the first resurrection on such
05:10 the second death hath no power,
05:12 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
05:16 and shall reign with him a thousand years."
05:18 So once again, those who by faith in God
05:21 reveal their loving reverence for Him
05:24 by keeping His commandments
05:25 God pronounces them blessed and holy.
05:28 He raises them up in the first resurrection
05:30 and they reign with Him for 1,000 year period,
05:34 this is the great millennium.
05:36 And you may be wondering
05:38 when will this first resurrection take place?
05:40 Well, the Bible tells us
05:41 in the Book of 1 Thessalonians 4:16
05:45 where the Word of God says
05:47 "For the Lord himself
05:48 shall descend from heaven with a shout,
05:51 with the voice of the archangel,
05:53 and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ
05:56 shall rise first.
05:57 Then we which are alive and remain
06:00 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
06:03 to meet the Lord in the air
06:05 and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
06:08 Its at the second coming of Jesus Christ
06:10 when the good the holy and the blessed
06:14 will be resurrected from the grave
06:17 which is the first resurrection to go to heaven
06:19 to be with Jesus and rain with Him for 1,000 years.
06:23 And what about the rest of the dead?
06:25 When will they be resurrected from the grave
06:27 the evil ones that receive the punishment of damnation?
06:31 Well, the Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation 20:5
06:35 which says "And the rest of the dead lived not again
06:38 until the thousand years were finished."
06:42 Now notice something carefully,
06:43 there is a 1,000 year time period
06:46 that separates the resurrection of the two different classes.
06:50 The first class is resurrected at this second coming
06:54 of Jesus Christ,
06:55 taken to having to reign with Him for 1,000 years
06:59 and at the end the that millennium the evil,
07:03 the unjust and the wicked they are resurrected
07:07 at the end of the 1,000 years.
07:10 These are the two resurrections.
07:14 And during this 1,000 year time period
07:16 in which the saints are reigning with God in heaven
07:19 what will they be doing?
07:20 Well, the Bible lets us know exactly what they'll be doing
07:23 in the Book of Revelation 20:4
07:26 because it tells us there
07:27 "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them,
07:30 and judgment was given unto them
07:33 and I saw the souls of them
07:34 that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,
07:37 and for the word of God,
07:38 and which had not worshipped the beast,
07:40 neither his image,
07:41 neither had received his mark upon their foreheads,
07:44 or in their hands
07:46 and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
07:50 So for the 1,000 year time period
07:53 the saints will be engaged
07:55 in the work of judgment with Jesus Christ.
07:58 And who will they be judging?
08:00 Well, the Bible lets us know
08:01 who in the Book 1 Corinthians 6:2.
08:05 The Word of God tells us there
08:07 "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?
08:12 And if the world shall be judged by you,
08:14 are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
08:17 Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
08:20 How much more things pertaining to this life?"
08:23 According to the Bible the saints will judge
08:27 both the world and the fallen angels.
08:30 And when the Bible tells us that the saints
08:32 will be engaged in the work of judgment
08:34 this does not mean that they will be determining
08:37 who will be saved or who will be lost.
08:39 It is obvious that Jesus has already completed this work
08:43 because the saints have received
08:44 the reward of eternal life.
08:46 The work of judgment they will be engaged in
08:49 is determining the extent of punishment
08:52 that all are worthy of receiving
08:54 according to the works of lawlessness they performed
08:58 during their lifetime.
08:59 And speaking of lawlessness what about those individuals
09:03 that will be living when Jesus Christ returns
09:06 to this earth for the second time?
09:08 But when Jesus comes they will be living in sin.
09:12 What is going to happen to the living wicked
09:16 at the second coming of Christ?
09:18 Well, the Bible begins to answer this question
09:20 in the Book a Luke 17:26 where the Bible says
09:25 "And as it was in the days of Noe," meaning Noah
09:28 "so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
09:32 They did eat, they drank, they married wives,
09:34 they were given in marriage,
09:36 until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
09:39 and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
09:42 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot,
09:46 they ate, they drink, they bought, they sold,
09:48 they planted, they builded, but the same day
09:52 that Lot went out of Sodom it fire
09:54 and brimstone rained down from heaven,
09:56 and destroyed them all.
09:59 Even thus shall it be in the day
10:01 when the Son of man is revealed."
10:04 Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible is clear.
10:07 Every individual that refuses to repent of their sin
10:11 when Jesus Christ returns they will have no place of safety,
10:16 they will have no shelter,
10:18 they will be destroyed at the presence of the Lord.
10:22 All the wicked will be laid down dead.
10:26 The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:3
10:30 "For when they shall say, peace and safety,
10:33 then sudden destruction cometh upon them,
10:36 as travail upon a woman with child
10:38 and they shall not escape."
10:40 There will be no place of escape.
10:43 Men will be running it caves.
10:44 Men will literally beg the mountains
10:47 and the rocks to fall on them to hide them
10:49 from the presence of the Lord
10:51 but they will not escape the destruction
10:54 that God will be bringing to the wicked.
10:56 The Bible speaks more of this event
10:59 in the Book of Jeremiah 25:30 where the Bible tells us,
11:05 "Therefore prophesy thou against them these words,
11:08 and say unto them,
11:10 the Lord shall roar from on high,
11:14 and utter his voice from his holy habitation,
11:17 he shall mightily roar upon his habitation,
11:21 he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes,
11:24 against all the inhabitants of the earth.
11:27 A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth
11:31 for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations,
11:34 he will plead with all flesh,
11:36 he will give them that are wicked to the sword."
11:40 And then in Jeremiah 25:33 the Word of God goes on to say,
11:46 "And in that day the slain of the Lord shall be from
11:49 one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth,
11:54 they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried,
11:59 they shall be dung upon the ground."
12:02 Ladies and gentlemen,
12:04 can you imagine that
12:06 at the presence of the Lord every wicked man,
12:10 every unrepentant sinner,
12:13 every person that refused to stop lying,
12:15 refused to stop stealing,
12:17 refused to stop fornicating,
12:19 refused to stop being dishonest in every shape,
12:23 form, or fashion they will be laid down dead.
12:27 This whole world from North, South, East and West
12:33 will be covered with the mangled forms
12:36 of rotting corpses.
12:39 And what will the earth look like at that time?
12:43 In what condition will this world be in?
12:46 Well the Bible begins to tell us
12:48 in the Book of Jeremiah 4:23 where the Bible says
12:55 "And I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form,
12:59 and void and the heavens, and there was no light.
13:03 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled,
13:06 and all the hills moved lightly.
13:09 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man,
13:13 and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
13:17 I beheld, and, lo,
13:18 the fruitful place was a wilderness,
13:22 and all the cities thereof were broken down
13:25 at the presence of the Lord, and his fierce anger."
13:31 Oh, ladies and gentlemen,
13:33 this world is getting ready to be broken down.
13:36 All the cities there of will be broken down
13:39 for the Word a God goes on to say in Jeremiah 4:20
13:45 "For thus hath the Lord said,
13:48 the whole land shall be desolate."
13:53 This world will become desolate.
13:56 Even as the Bible said
14:02 that when the prophet beheld the earth
14:04 it was without form and void.
14:07 The Word of God is letting us know
14:09 that the world at that time will become to be like
14:14 it was prior to creation for we are told
14:17 in the Book of Genesis 1:2
14:20 before God made anything that the earth was without form
14:24 and void and darkness covered the face of the deep.
14:28 When Jesus Christ returns the second time
14:31 and redeems His people He will render this world
14:35 into a dark chaotic state.
14:38 It will be in absolute desolation,
14:42 a vast wilderness of nothingness
14:45 and abyss of darkness.
14:49 And where will the devil and his angels be
14:51 during all this chaos,
14:53 during all this destruction and mayhem that day
14:57 all responsible for causing?
14:59 Well the Bible begins to let us know what will happen to them
15:02 in the Book of Revelation 20:1 which says
15:07 "And I saw an angel come down from heaven,
15:10 having the key of the bottomless pit
15:12 and a great chain in his hand.
15:14 And he laid hold upon the dragon,
15:16 that old serpent, which is the Devil,
15:18 and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
15:21 and cast him into the bottomless pit,
15:24 and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
15:27 that he should deceive the nations no more,
15:29 till the thousand years should be fulfilled
15:32 and after that he must be loosed for a little season."
15:37 According to the Bible there is an angel that will come down
15:40 from heaven possessing the key of the bottomless pit
15:43 and a great chain in his hand.
15:45 Now this key and this great chain
15:47 are symbolic of two different things.
15:49 A key in the Bible can be a symbol of authority.
15:52 The Bible begins to give us this understanding
15:55 in the book of Isaiah 22:22 where the Bible says
16:00 "And the key of the house of David
16:03 will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open,
16:06 and none shall shut, and he shall shut,
16:09 and none shall open."
16:11 Then in the Book of Matthew 16:19 the Bible says,
16:15 "And I will give unto thee the keys
16:17 of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou
16:20 shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven
16:22 and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth
16:25 shall be loosed in heaven."
16:27 Notice that the one whom is given a key by God
16:31 possesses the authority to either open up
16:34 or to set loose or to bind up or to close up.
16:40 And we are told about Revelation Chapter 20
16:43 that this angel that comes down from heaven
16:45 having the key a bottomless pit
16:48 he will bind Satan for 1,000 years.
16:51 And what will he bind him with?
16:53 Obviously he's going to use this great chain.
16:56 Well, what is this great chain?
16:58 Is it big metallic bolts?
17:00 No, the Bible let us know what this great chain
17:02 is symbolic of in the Book the Lamentations 3:7
17:07 where the Word of God declares
17:09 "He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out,
17:12 he hath made my chain heavy."
17:15 The word heavy there in the original language means
17:17 that he made his chain great.
17:19 So when God places a great chain on you
17:22 it means that He is hedged you about
17:25 so that you cannot get out.
17:27 And the phrase hedged about means that God as fenced you up
17:31 or placed] you with in a prison so that you cannot escape.
17:36 Therefore in Revelation Chapter 20
17:39 that angel that comes down from heaven
17:41 having the key of the bottomless pit
17:42 and a great chain in his hand literally is an angel
17:46 that has been given authority
17:48 to place the devil in prison for 1,000 years.
17:52 Will the devil be imprisoned for 1,000 years?
17:55 Well, the Bible declares that he will be
17:57 in the Book of Revelation 20:7 which says
18:01 "And when the thousand years are expired,
18:04 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison."
18:07 To be set free from prison you up the first be in prison.
18:10 And according to the Bible the devil is going
18:12 to be in prison for 1,000 years.
18:17 And what about the rest of the evil angels?
18:19 What about the rest of the fallen angels
18:22 that have been united with the devil
18:24 since the very beginning of the great controversy
18:26 on planet earth to lead
18:27 countless numbers of human beings
18:30 into transgressing the law of God
18:31 there by bringing destruction upon themselves?
18:34 How is God going to punish them?
18:36 Well, the Bible begins to answer this question
18:39 in the Book of Isaiah 24:21 where the Word of God tells us
18:43 "And it shall come to pass in that day,
18:46 that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones
18:49 that are on high,
18:50 and the kings of the earth upon the earth."
18:53 Now notice the Lord is going to punish
18:55 the host of high ones that are on high.
18:59 This host of high ones are the same supernatural agencies
19:03 which the Bible speaks of as being the ones
19:06 that we are now wrestling against.
19:08 In the Book in Ephesians 6:12 where we are told
19:11 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
19:13 but against principalities, against powers,
19:16 against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
19:19 against spiritual wickedness in high places."
19:23 The spiritual wickedness in high places
19:25 and the host of high ones are none other than
19:28 the fallen angels and the devil himself
19:30 that are collectively united in warring against
19:33 the souls of humanity
19:34 and they are the agencies whom God will punish.
19:37 And the way they will be punished is spoken up
19:39 in Isaiah 24:22 which tells us
19:43 "And they shall be gathered together,
19:46 as prisoners are gathered in the pit,
19:49 and shall be shut up in the prison,
19:51 and after many days shall they be visited."
19:54 Noticed that the fallen angels
19:57 they are going to be gathered in the pit,
19:59 the bottomless pit with that devil
20:02 and after many days which is the 1,000 year time period
20:05 they will be visited.
20:06 The same way the Bible speaks of this event
20:09 in the Book of Revelation 20:7 which says
20:12 "And after the thousand years is expired,
20:15 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,"
20:18 The bottomless pit will be the penitentiary
20:21 in which the devil and his fallen angels
20:24 will be imprisoned for the 1,000 year time period.
20:29 Now the word bottomless pit comes
20:31 from the word abyss.
20:33 The same word abyss that is used in Genesis 1:2
20:37 to describe the deep.
20:38 When the Bible says and the earth
20:40 was without form and void
20:42 and darkness covered that face of the deep.
20:45 Now this is peaking of this world
20:47 in its darkened chaotic state
20:49 prior to anything being created on this earth.
20:52 So when the Bible tells us that the bottomless pit
20:55 will become the prison for the devil
20:57 and his angels
20:58 this is letting us know that it is planet earth
21:01 when it is rendered into a dark wasteland,
21:04 a chaotic place that is filled with nothing
21:06 but dead bodies after the second coming
21:08 of Jesus Christ
21:10 that will become the penitentiary for the devil
21:13 and his angels with a 1,000 year time period.
21:16 Now you may be wondering,
21:18 why would God make this dark wasteland of a world
21:21 after the second coming of Jesus Christ
21:23 into the prison for the devil and his angels?
21:26 Well, I'm going to show you why from the Bible.
21:28 Now remember it is when God places symbolically
21:31 a great chain about Satan and his angels
21:35 that they are imprisoned in the bottomless pit.
21:38 A chain is also spoken of as fetters in the Bible.
21:42 Now, look at what purpose God seeks to accomplish
21:46 by placing someone in fetters
21:48 in the Book of Job 36:8 which tells us
21:53 "And if they be bound in fetters,
21:55 and be holden in cords of affliction,
21:58 then he sheweth them their works,
22:01 and their transgressions that they have exceeded."
22:05 The reason why God will bind them on planet earth
22:09 is to show them their works.
22:11 Right now that devil and his angels are
22:14 24/7 engaged in thinking about
22:18 and working out our destruction.
22:21 But now for the very first time Satan and his angels
22:25 will be forced to behold their works.
22:27 They will be forced to consider all the pain and destruction,
22:31 all of the sorrow and the disease,
22:34 all of the mayhem
22:35 and the death that they were responsible
22:39 for bringing into existence as a result of their rebellion
22:44 against the kingdom of God.
22:46 And for the next 1,000 years they will trample with fear
22:51 as they realize that when their time on death row
22:55 is completed they will receive the most painful,
23:00 fiery judgment that God can hand down to them.
23:04 And we are told in the Book of Revelation 21:2,
23:09 that as the thousand years were completed
23:12 the prophet beheld the most wonderful site.
23:16 For the Bible tells us in Revelation 21:2
23:19 "And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem,
23:24 coming down from God out of heaven,
23:27 and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
23:31 When the thousand years are completed the holy city,
23:35 the New Jerusalem
23:36 will descend from heaven on to planet earth.
23:39 Inside of that city the saints who had their sins washed
23:43 in the blood of the Lamb
23:45 clenched from all defilement they will be there.
23:48 Inside of that city will be the tree of life.
23:50 Inside of that city there will be streets of gold
23:53 that are transparent.
23:55 Inside of that city there will be Jesus
23:59 in all of His kingly glory.
24:02 It will be a most splendid sight to behold.
24:06 I have not seen, nor ear heard,
24:09 neither have it entered into the heart of men
24:12 the things which God has prepared for them
24:14 that love Him.
24:15 But then the Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation 20:7
24:22 "And when the thousand years shall be expired,
24:25 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
24:28 and he shall go out to deceive the nations
24:32 which are in the four quarters of the earth,
24:35 Gog, and Magog,
24:37 to gather them together to battle the number of whom
24:41 is as the sand of the sea."
24:44 At the end of the 1000 years Satan's situation will change.
24:49 The wicked dead will be resurrected
24:52 and in that great multitude
24:55 that numbers more than the sand of the sea
24:58 there will be military generals,
25:00 there will be military strategists,
25:03 there will be tanks and missiles
25:04 and nuclear weapons, armor-piercing artillery
25:08 everything that he could possibly need to wage
25:12 a successful military conquest.
25:15 He will have at the tip of his fingers
25:17 and he will encourage all of the wicked resurrected
25:21 to unite with him,
25:22 to try to take this city and to destroy Jesus Christ
25:27 and the redeemed saints.
25:30 But the Bible tells in the Book of Revelation 20:9
25:36 "And they went up on the breadth of the earth,
25:42 and they compassed the camp of the saints,
25:46 and the beloved city
25:47 and fire came down from God out of heaven,
25:52 and devoured them off."
25:55 There will be no battle, there will be a slaughter.
26:00 All men that lived the life sin,
26:04 every angel including the devil
26:07 that was caught up in rebellion against God
26:10 all of them will feel the power of the fire of God.
26:15 And the Bible speaks about this fire
26:19 in the Book of 2 Peter 3:12 where the Word of God says
26:25 "Looking for and hasting
26:27 unto the coming of the day of God,
26:30 in the which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved,
26:35 and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
26:39 Even the elements will be on fire.
26:42 This world will turn into one massive burning furnace.
26:46 The planet will become a lake of fire
26:49 in which all sin will be consumed
26:53 and we remove from God's universe for ever.
26:58 Well, praise God the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:13
27:03 "Nevertheless we, according to his promise,
27:06 look for a new heavens and a new earth,
27:09 wherein dwelleth righteousness."
27:12 God is going to make all things new some day.
27:16 Even the lion and the lamb will play together.
27:19 No more death, no more sorrow, no more pain, no more crime,
27:24 no more disease, everything will be in righteousness.
27:29 So as the Bible accounts in the Book a 2 Peter 3:11
27:35 "Seeing then that all these things
27:37 shall be dissolved,
27:39 what manner of persons ought ye to be
27:41 in all holy conversation and godliness."
27:46 Everything in this world is going to pass away.
27:49 The only thing that will survive is a character
27:54 that is made like after the character of Christ.
27:59 I pray that you will possess
28:03 the character of Jesus in that day.
28:07 God bless you.
28:08 As always this is the Forerunner
28:11 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2015-05-28