Participants: Christopher Hudson
Series Code: FRC
Program Code: FRC000013
00:59 Hi and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
01:03 All right everybody, so, 01:04 I received a text message the other day 01:06 and the text read, 01:07 "Hi, I was talking to someone regarding the Sabbath 01:10 and they used Matthew chapter 19 verses 16 through 19 01:13 as an excuse that Jesus didn't mention the Sabbath, 01:16 could you do a video regarding this?" 01:18 So, in response to your text, here's a video answer 01:21 and I'm not only going to deal with verses from 16 through 19, 01:24 I'm going to go all the way through verse 22 01:26 it's so important, are you ready? 01:27 The Bible tells us in Matthew 19 beginning at verse 16, 01:30 "And behold one came and said unto him, 01:33 'Good Master, what good things shall I do 01:36 that I may have eternal life?'" 01:38 And He said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? 01:41 there is none good but one, that is, God: 01:44 but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the Commandments. " 01:48 He said unto him, "Which?" 01:49 Jesus said, "Thou shalt do no murder, 01:52 Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, 01:55 Thou shalt not bear false witness, 01:57 Honor thy father and thy mother: 01:58 and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. " 02:01 And the young man saith unto him, 02:03 "All these things have I kept from my youth up: 02:06 what lack I yet?" 02:07 Jesus said unto him, "If thou wilt be perfect, 02:11 go and sell all that thou hast, and give to the poor, 02:15 and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: 02:17 and come and follow me. " 02:19 Now, individuals that read these verses of scripture 02:23 on a very superficial and surface-level basis, 02:26 come to the erroneous conclusion 02:28 that because Jesus never mentioned 02:30 keeping the seventh-day Sabbath as holy before the Lord, 02:34 as one of the Commandments that were essential 02:37 for this young man to abide by 02:40 so that he could obtain eternal life, 02:42 this must mean that as Christians today 02:44 the fourth Commandment which is the Commandment 02:46 that tells us to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, 02:49 is as well, unessential to us, in our Christian walk 02:52 in our discipleship before the Lord 02:55 so that we can obtain eternal life. 02:57 But this is a very short-sighted deduction to come to. 03:01 It's pretty ridiculous, to be frank, 03:04 because number one, 03:05 if only the Commandments that Jesus mentioned 03:08 to that young man, 03:10 as the Commandments as essential... 03:12 to enter into eternal life, 03:14 or the Commandments that we need to abide by 03:17 as Christians today, 03:18 and by the way, those Commandments were, 03:20 "Don't murder, don't steal, 03:22 honor your father and your mother, 03:24 don't bear false witness, don't commit adultery, 03:28 and by doing so, 03:29 you will love your neighbor as yourself, 03:31 if these are the only Commandments 03:33 that are essential for us as Christians 03:35 to enter into eternal life, 03:36 not only are you doing away with the Sabbath, 03:39 but you're doing away with all of the other Commandments 03:41 that Jesus didn't mention. 03:43 This means, that as Christians, 03:44 we can take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, 03:46 because Christ didn't mention that Commandment, 03:48 and as well as, Christians today, 03:49 we can worship graven images 03:51 the same way that some of us worship our flat-screen TVs, 03:54 okay, yeah, but... Jesus didn't mention that 03:57 so that means worship graven images... right? 03:59 And this also means that as Christians today, 04:02 we can have other gods before us 04:04 and we can still enter into eternal life 04:06 because Jesus didn't mention that Commandment 04:08 when He spoke to the rich young ruler, 04:10 but do you really believe that? 04:12 Obviously, you can't believe that. 04:13 I believe that any true-hearted Christian 04:16 that is sincerely seeking 04:18 for a knowledge of the truth will say, 04:20 "No, I don't believe that. " 04:21 And you're right because that is not the truth 04:24 that the Bible teaches. 04:26 And number two, 04:27 if those Commandments that Jesus presented 04:30 to that young man, are the only Commandments 04:33 that are essential for us to abide by 04:35 so that we can be partakers of eternal life, 04:39 then when Jesus presented those Commandments 04:42 to that young man 04:43 and the young man's response to Jesus was, 04:46 "All these things have I kept 04:47 from my youth up, what lack I yet?" 04:49 Jesus should have responded to him by saying, 04:52 "Oh, you're not lacking anything you're doing great. " 04:54 But that wasn't what Jesus said. 04:55 On the contrary, Jesus responded by saying, 04:59 "If thou will be perfect, 05:01 go and sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, 05:05 and thou shalt have treasure in heaven 05:07 and come and follow me. " 05:09 Obviously, Ladies and Gentlemen, every word that Jesus spoke 05:15 to that young man, it was calculated 05:18 to help that young man comprehend 05:21 a deeper spiritual condition that he was faced with. 05:25 A deeper, spiritual predicament 05:28 that we are going to discuss at this time. 05:30 You see, from the very onset of this verbal interaction 05:34 between this young man and Jesus, 05:36 the young man presented a question to Jesus, 05:39 and that question was, 05:40 "What good things shall I do that I may have eternal life?" 05:46 This gives us deep insight 05:47 into the psyche of that young man 05:49 because obviously that young man thought that 05:52 he was a good person that had the ability 05:55 to do good things, 05:56 so good that his good works could gain him eternal life. 06:01 But notice, in response to that young man's question, 06:05 Jesus didn't immediately answer the question 06:07 that he presented, but rather... 06:09 Jesus presented His own question 06:11 and Jesus' question was, "Why callest thou me good? 06:15 there is none good but one, that is, God. " 06:18 In other words, Jesus was trying to help this young man 06:22 understand that man does not have the ability 06:26 to do anything good in his own power. 06:30 The characteristic of goodness is a characteristic trait 06:35 that is only attributable to God Himself, 06:38 and this is why the Bible tells us 06:40 in the book of Psalm chapter 53 and verse 1, 06:43 "The fool hath said in his heart 'there is no God. ' 06:46 Corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity; 06:50 there are none that doeth good. " 06:52 Then in Psalm chapter 53 and verse 3, 06:54 at the very end of that Scripture, 06:56 the Bible tells us, 06:58 "... there are none that doeth good, no not one. " 07:01 In case you didn't get it the first time 07:03 but then the Bible tells us, "The one who is good... " 07:07 in the book of Exodus chapter 34 and verse 6, 07:10 when the Lord passed by before Moses, 07:12 and proclaimed His name, he said, 07:14 "The LORD, the LORD God, merciful, gracious, 07:17 long suffering, abundant in goodness and truth. " 07:21 And so the Bible counsels us 07:23 in the book of Psalm chapter 34 and verse 8, 07:27 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: 07:30 blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. " 07:34 You see Ladies and Gentlemen, if we want to be partakers 07:37 of the goodness of the Lord, 07:39 we must place the full weight of our confidence, 07:42 we must place our whole existence, 07:45 we must place our complete trust in the goodness of God 07:49 and thereby, we can be partakers of God's good nature 07:54 so that He can provide us an abundant entrance 07:57 into eternal life. 07:58 "Not by might, nor by power, but by His good spirit, 08:02 sayeth the Lord of hosts. " 08:04 Yeah I added, "good" but that's the principle 08:05 founded in the Bible, so I spoke truth, 08:08 and that young man, did not understand 08:11 that he needed to place his trust in God 08:14 so that he could be good, 08:17 and Jesus wanted him to comprehend this. 08:20 By the way, pay close attention 08:22 to what Jesus first said to the young man. 08:24 He said, "Why callest thou me good?" 08:27 In other words, this young man should know 08:30 that there's no man that's good 08:32 so if he called Jesus "The good Master" 08:35 was he acknowledging 08:37 that the one whom he was speaking to 08:39 was not simply just a good man but rather, 08:42 the man he was speaking to was God in the flesh? 08:46 If this young man understood 08:49 the message that Jesus was trying to present to his mind, 08:52 through this question, 08:54 he would have immediately fallen on his knees 08:56 and cried out to Jesus to save him. 08:58 But this young man was so stuck in his self-righteousness, 09:04 that he was waiting to find out 09:06 what good thing that he could do. 09:08 And understanding his spiritual predicament, Jesus said, 09:11 "Well, if you will enter into life, 09:14 keep the Commandments. " 09:15 But notice the Commandments 09:17 that Jesus presented to that young man. 09:19 I want you to look at them. 09:20 I'll put them on the screen right now. 09:22 It said, "Thou shalt do no murder, 09:24 Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, 09:27 Thou shalt not bear false witness, 09:30 Honour thy father and thy mother:" 09:32 and notice there's a colon there, 09:34 and it says, "and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. " 09:38 Remember, a colon means 09:40 that the sentence that comes after the colon 09:43 is further explaining the sentence 09:45 that preceded the colon, 09:47 which means... according to the mouth of Jesus Himself, 09:51 to love your neighbor as yourself, 09:54 you must not kill, 09:55 you must not commit adultery, you must not steal, 09:58 you must not bear false witness 10:00 and you must honor your father and your mother. 10:03 All of these together, constitute what it means 10:07 to love your neighbor 10:08 or to love your fellowmen as yourself. 10:11 I hope you got what I just said. 10:13 And this brings us now to our next point of interest 10:16 in this whole interaction 10:18 between Jesus and this young man. 10:19 And this point of interest is, 10:21 "Why didn't Jesus mention any of the other Commandments 10:25 found in the book of Exodus chapter 20, beginning at verse 3 10:28 which tells us, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 10:32 Thou shalt not make any graven images, 10:34 or any likeness of any thing 10:35 that's in the heaven above, or on the earth beneath, 10:37 or in the water under the earth: 10:39 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: 10:41 for I, the Lord thy God am a jealous God, 10:43 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children 10:45 and upon the children's children unto the third and fourth 10:48 generation of them that hate me; 10:49 and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, 10:52 and keep my commandments. 10:53 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; 10:56 for the Lord shall not hold him guiltless 10:58 that taketh his name in vain. 10:59 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 11:01 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 11:04 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: 11:06 in it thou shalt not do any work, 11:08 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, 11:09 thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, 11:11 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11:14 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, 11:16 the sea, and all that in them is, 11:18 and rested on the seventh day: 11:20 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. " 11:23 Why didn't God mention any of those Commandments? 11:26 It's because, Ladies and Gentlemen, 11:28 those Commandments are connected to the first great Commandment, 11:33 which takes us over to the book of Matthew chapter 22 11:37 beginning at verse 36, 11:39 remember somebody asked Jesus this question, 11:41 "Master, Master, what is the great Commandment in the law?" 11:45 and Jesus said, 11:47 "Thou shalt love thy Lord thy God with all thy heart, 11:50 with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 11:53 This is the first and great commandment. 11:56 And the second is like unto it, 11:58 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 12:01 On these hang all the law and the prophets. " 12:05 You see, Ladies and Gentlemen, those Commandments 12:09 are associated with our love for God. 12:12 The other Commandments that Jesus mentioned to the young man 12:16 are associated with our love and relationship with humanity. 12:20 And He says, "On these two laws 12:23 hang all the law and the prophets. " 12:24 It doesn't mean that the law has been done away with 12:26 and all you need to do is love and love? 12:28 Who defines what love is? 12:29 God is the only one that defines what love is. 12:32 But this is what that means. 12:33 Let me give you a little demonstration here. 12:36 This is my hanger of love. 12:37 This part here, let's say this symbolizes 12:41 the love for God. 12:42 Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul... okay, 12:46 and then this part is here, let's say... 12:48 this part defines your love for your neighbor, 12:51 it says, on these, hang all the law and the prophets. 12:56 Now if I were to hang something on this, this is a pant hanger, 12:59 if I were to hang something on this, 13:01 what is the strength of those pants hanging? 13:03 This hanger! In other words... 13:06 the strength of the law is our love for God. 13:09 You see, the first great law is loving God. 13:12 And until that love relationship is established 13:16 between man and God, 13:17 by man... not having other gods before him, 13:20 by man not worshipping any graven images, 13:23 by man not taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain, 13:26 and by man honoring God's holy Sabbath day 13:30 which is the seventh day... 13:31 man can never have the power 13:34 given to him by the spirit of God 13:36 to go forth and carry out the second great Commandment 13:39 which is to love our neighbors as ourselves. 13:42 Because God is love, 13:43 and for me to be able to love somebody else, 13:46 I need God to be dwelling in me. 13:48 I must first acknowledge God's sovereignty over my life, 13:52 I must first acknowledge God's greatest power, 13:55 I must first acknowledge Jesus as Lord, 13:58 and then, I can love my neighbor as myself. 14:02 That's what the Bible is trying to show us here, 14:06 and that was that young man's problem. 14:09 You see, when God, who was Jesus Christ 14:13 told that young man to go and sell all that he had, 14:16 and give to the poor and come and follow him, 14:19 he refused to follow the command from God. 14:22 Why? Because he didn't love God, 14:24 he loved himself, and he loved his possessions 14:27 which were his gods. 14:29 That's the situation that we're looking at... right there 14:34 in the book of Matthew chapter 19. 14:37 So, God says, "If you love me keep my Commandments" 14:41 in the book of 1 John chapter 5 and verse 3 14:44 because his Commandments are not grievous 14:47 but you can do all things through Christ 14:50 who strengthens you, and that's the end of the story. 14:54 As always... this is The Forerunner 14:57 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth. 15:11 Hi, and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles. 15:15 All right everybody, so, 15:16 the other day I received a text message 15:18 and the text message read, 15:19 "Hi, isn't it impossible for man to be perfect?" 15:23 Well, you asked the question, 15:24 and so I'm going to give you an answer from the Bible. 15:26 In the book of Genesis, 15:28 chapter 6 beginning at verse 9, the Bible tells us, 15:31 "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man 15:34 and perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with God. " 15:38 Number one, God declared Noah to be perfect. 15:40 Then in the book of Job, chapter 1 beginning at verse 1, 15:43 the Bible tells us, 15:44 "There was a man in the land of Uz, 15:46 whose name was Job; and that man was perfect 15:49 and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. " 15:53 So, Number two, God declared Job to be perfect 15:56 and upright as well. 15:57 Then in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 and verse 13, 16:00 the Bible tells us, 16:02 "Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord your God. " 16:05 And now for those of you out there 16:07 that are anxiously waiting for me to quote a Scripture 16:09 from the New Testament, 16:11 I give you the words of Jesus Christ Himself. 16:13 In the book of Matthew chapter 5 and verse 48 where Jesus said, 16:17 "Be ye therefore perfect, 16:18 even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. " 16:21 So, according to the Bible, 16:23 God has declared men to be perfect in times past, 16:27 and Jesus Himself has commanded us to be perfect... now. 16:30 So the question isn't whether or not man can be perfect, 16:33 the question that we need to be considering is, 16:36 Number one, what is God talking about 16:38 when he calls us to be perfect? 16:39 And Number two, How do we obtain to the state 16:42 of being perfect in the sight of God? 16:45 Now, that word "perfect" in the New Testament 16:48 from the original Greek from which it was translated 16:50 means to be "complete" 16:52 once again, that word "perfect" 16:54 from the original Greek means to be "complete" 16:56 to come to a state of full mental and moral maturity 17:00 so how do we become complete? 17:02 Well, the Bible tells us, speaking of Jesus Christ, 17:05 in the book of Colossians chapter 2 and verse 10, 17:08 "And ye are complete in Him, 17:10 who is the head of all principalities and powers. " 17:13 So we are made complete or made perfect, 17:16 or we are brought to a state of full mental and moral maturity 17:20 that we can reflect the image of God 17:22 when our lives are hidden in Jesus Christ. 17:27 Because the Bible tells us that when we're in Christ 17:29 a radical transformation takes place. 17:31 That's what we're told in the book of 2nd Corinthians 17:33 chapter 5 and verse 17 which says, 17:35 "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: 17:39 old things are passed away; 17:40 behold, all things are become new. " 17:43 So, we can be perfect creatures, we can be made complete 17:48 we can come to a full mental and moral maturity 17:51 that we will reveal the divine nature, the image of God, 17:55 if we are in Christ but the question now is, 17:58 "How do we experience this entering into Christ, 18:01 how do we have this new-life experience 18:04 or this born-again experience? 18:06 Well, the Bible tells us 18:07 in the book of 1 Peter chapter 1 and verse 23, 18:11 "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, 18:13 but of incorruptible, by the word of God, 18:16 which liveth and abideth for ever. " 18:19 You see, the Word of God, 18:20 is that power that God places within our lives 18:23 to transform us, to create us into new creatures, 18:26 because the Word of God contains creative power 18:29 that's what the Bible says in the book of Psalm chapter 33 18:32 verses 6 and 9, 18:34 it says, "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; 18:36 and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth 18:38 for he spake and it was done; he commanded, 18:41 and it stood fast. " 18:42 The Word of God has creative power. 18:45 And the same way that God's word was able to create 18:48 the heavens and the earth, that very same word 18:51 has the ability to create you into a new creature 18:54 that will reflect the image of God... 18:56 a perfect man or a perfect woman. 18:59 But notice that the Bible symbolizes the Word of God 19:03 in 1st Peter chapter 1 and verse 23, as a "seed" 19:06 now when you think of a seed what do you think of? 19:09 You think of growth, don't you? 19:11 And God has given us a 19:12 very special, simplistic and powerful Object Lesson 19:17 from nature to help us understand 19:19 this growth into perfection in the book of Mark 19:23 chapter 4 and verse 28. 19:24 We are told there, first the blade, then the ear, 19:28 then the full corn in the ear. 19:30 If you want to hear the whole Scripture, 19:32 it goes, "For the earth bringeth forth her fruit, 19:34 first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. " 19:37 Nonetheless, you see a growth process taking place. 19:39 Now, in particular, here, it's talking about corn, 19:42 but this deals with every form of plant life. 19:45 Now think about this, you have a seed, right? 19:47 Now, let's say it's a corn seed 19:49 because we're talking about corn there in the book of Mark 19:51 chapter 4, verse 28, 19:53 so, say you have a corn seed, right? 19:55 Now, even though that corn seed is not a 19:58 fully grown stalk of corn, within that seed, 20:01 are the genetic instructions for that seed, 20:03 when it's placed in the right environment, 20:06 to grow into a full 20:08 stalk of corn, now I have a good question for you. 20:11 I want you to think about this. 20:12 I'm actually going to give you time to think about this. 20:13 Are you ready... the question is... 20:15 if that seed has 20:18 all of the correct genetic instructions in it, 20:22 to become a fully-grown stalk of corn, 20:25 but yet it's just a corn seed, is that seed perfect? 20:29 Yes or no? The answer is, "Yes. " 20:33 Even though it's not a full-grown stalk of corn, 20:36 at this stage of its growth, 20:38 it's not supposed to be a full-grown stalk of corn, 20:41 it's supposed to be a corn seed 20:43 that contains the genetic instructions 20:46 for it to grow into a full-grown stalk of corn 20:49 once placed in the proper conditions. 20:52 Now, here's my next question. 20:54 When you place that corn seed in the ground, 20:57 and then it grows into a blade, is that blade perfect? 21:01 The answer is, "Yes. " Why? 21:04 Because that is the natural process of the growth 21:08 from the seed to the blade. 21:10 The seed followed the genetic instructions that were 21:14 placed in it by God, and it grew into a blade. 21:17 And as long as that blade continues to follow 21:21 the genetic instructions, that were placed in the seed 21:24 that brought it to a blade, 21:25 then, that blade is eventually going to become 21:27 an ear, you get the point here? 21:30 And on and on... the process goes. 21:32 At every stage of its development 21:35 it can be perfect until it comes into its full maturity 21:40 as long as it follows the genetic instructions 21:44 for that aspect or that time period of its growth. 21:48 Are you following what I just said? 21:50 The same thing is for you and I, 21:52 some of us, as we come into Jesus Christ, 21:54 all of us, as we come into Jesus Christ, 21:56 we're children, and God has different aspects of truth 22:00 that He might bring to your understanding. 22:02 He might tell you, "Okay, my child, 22:03 I want you to stop smoking now, 22:04 I want you to stop lying now, 22:06 I want you to stop fornicating now," 22:07 and you say, "Okay, God, I'm going to do that. " 22:09 You are growing in the perfection of Jesus Christ. 22:12 Why? Because you're continuing 22:14 in His instructions. Let me break this down for you. 22:17 Remember, I told you the seed is the Word of God. 22:20 And that should mean that the same way that a seed 22:23 in nature contains genetic instructions for that seed to 22:26 become exactly what it's supposed to become, 22:29 to fully maturity, 22:30 God's Word contains instructions as well. 22:33 Because the Bible tells us in the book of 2nd Timothy 22:36 chapter 3 beginning on verse 16, 22:38 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, 22:41 and is profitable for doctrine, 22:42 for reproof, for correction, 22:44 for instruction in righteousness: 22:47 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, 22:50 unto all good works. " 22:51 Notice that the Scriptures contain instructions 22:55 and if these instructions are followed, 22:57 they will bring humanity into perfection. 23:01 This is not only God's ideal for humanity, 23:04 this is God's whole purpose for humanity. 23:07 This is why Jesus Christ came and died on the cross, 23:11 rose again from the grave, 23:12 is at the right hand of the throne of the Father, 23:14 interceding for us, 23:15 this is why He sent forth His spirit of truth 23:18 into this world, to guide us into all truth. 23:20 All, for the purpose of leading humanity into a position 23:25 where we can perfectly reflect the image of our Creator. 23:29 That's the whole point. 23:31 But let's go back to our Object Lesson. 23:33 What if that corn seed... 23:35 it just grew into a blade, 23:36 as a matter of fact, what if that corn seed grew into 23:38 a blueberry bush. 23:40 Would that be accurate? Would that be correct? 23:43 Would that be according to the design? 23:45 Absolutely not. What's the problem here? 23:48 The problem is this. 23:49 It didn't go through with the instructions 23:52 that were given to it. 23:53 And see that's the problem with most of us 23:55 in our Christian walk. 23:56 Some of us, we come in as babes and we receive the Word 24:00 God tells us, "I need you to stop having fornication, 24:03 you know, fornicating and smoking and doing drugs," 24:05 and you're excited about not drinking liquor anymore, 24:08 you're free, you're free, but all of a sudden, 24:10 God touches some cherished sin in your life, 24:12 and He tells you, 24:14 "You need to stop doing that as well, 24:15 I want you to do this, my child. " 24:17 And then you start rationalizing in your mind 24:20 how you really don't need to stop doing that thing, 24:23 and it really can't be God telling you to do that, 24:25 and it's really not the Bible teaching these things, 24:28 that you're thinking in your mind 24:30 and you try to rationalize all of these things away, 24:33 so that you can chart out your own path of salvation, 24:36 but all you're doing is, stepping outside 24:39 of that perfection of Jesus Christ, 24:41 you're stepping outside of that experience 24:43 in which you are developing into full maturity, 24:46 mentally and morally in Jesus Christ, 24:48 you're no longer walking in completeness, 24:50 you're becoming retarded, and that's the problem. 24:54 Most of us out there 24:56 are refusing to continue on in the truth 24:59 because the truth calls for sacrifice. 25:01 The truth calls for change, the truth calls for growth, 25:05 and its growth, and change, and sacrifice 25:07 that God is not calling us to do on our own, 25:09 God has given us his spirit so that we can do all things 25:14 through Christ who strengthens us. 25:16 The question is, "Do you want to be perfect in Jesus Christ?" 25:19 If you want to, God is able to help you, 25:22 because the Bible tells us in the book of 25:25 Psalm chapter 18 and verse 32, 25:27 "It is God that girdeth me with strength, 25:29 and maketh my way perfect. " 25:31 In the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 22 and verse 33, 25:34 the Bible says, 25:36 "God is my strength and my power: 25:38 and he maketh my way perfect. " 25:40 As you grab hold of God's strength, 25:43 as you unite your weakness with His power, 25:46 He will make your way... He will make your life... 25:50 a life of perfection, 25:52 daily growing in the grace of Jesus Christ. 25:56 And so, in closing, in the book of Hebrews, 26:00 chapter 13 beginning at verse 20 the Bible tells us, 26:04 "Now, the God of peace, that brought again from the dead 26:08 our Lord Jesus Christ, that great shepherd of the sheep 26:12 through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 26:16 make you perfect, 26:18 in every good work to do His will 26:22 working in you that which is pleasing in his sight, 26:26 through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory 26:29 for ever and ever. Amen. " 26:32 Ladies and Gentlemen, 26:34 God desires to do it in your life. 26:37 I want you to think about this. 26:39 If you cannot be perfect in Jesus Christ, 26:43 if you cannot overcome 26:45 every hereditary and cultivated sin 26:48 by the power of Jesus Christ, then you are saying, 26:52 that darkness is greater than light, 26:54 that error is greater than truth, 26:57 that the power of Satan 26:59 is greater than the power 27:01 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 27:04 and that is blasphemy, think about it. 27:07 As always, this is The Forerunner... 27:10 and whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth. |
Revised 2016-03-15