Forerunner Chronicles

Rome's Revenge - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000012

00:45 Hi and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
00:49 Hello everybody, I'd like to welcome you
00:51 to Part 2 of our special Forerunner Chronicles series
00:54 entitled "Rome's Revenge. "
00:56 In part 1 of this series, we learned some very critical
00:59 and interesting information dealing with the history
01:02 of the ancient Republic of pagan Rome,
01:04 and you may be wondering what does history have to do
01:07 with Bible prophecy
01:09 and last day events.
01:10 Well, the Bible is very clear on this.
01:12 In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 beginning at verse 15
01:16 the Word of God tells us, "That which hath been is now;
01:19 and that which is to be hath already been;
01:22 and God requireth that which is past. "
01:25 In other words, the things that have taken place in the past,
01:28 they are now taking place in our present-day Society.
01:32 And that which will unfold in the near future,
01:34 has already at least, in principle,
01:37 taken place in the past.
01:39 Therefore God requires us,
01:40 He commands us to have a knowledge of historical events
01:44 especially those events that have impacted His people...
01:47 His Church throughout the ages of antiquity
01:49 so that we can have a better understanding
01:51 of what's going on now in our present-day Society
01:54 and how things may unfold in the very near future.
01:57 That's where history and prophecy meet hand in hand.
02:01 It's very important for us as God's people
02:04 for our relationship with Jesus Christ as well.
02:06 Now you may not believe this
02:08 but I'm going to prove this from the Word of God.
02:09 In the book of Revelation
02:11 chapter 12 beginning at verse 1, we are told,
02:14 "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
02:16 a woman clothed with the sun, having the moon under her feet,
02:21 and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:"
02:24 You see, a woman in Bible prophecy
02:26 is symbolic of God's people or God's Church.
02:29 This is told to us clearly in the book of Jeremiah
02:32 chapter 6 and verse 2 which tells us,
02:34 "I've likened the daughter of Zion
02:36 unto a comely and delicate woman. "
02:38 Then in the book of Isaiah chapter 51 and verse 16
02:42 at the very end of that Scripture
02:43 the Bible tells us, "... and say unto Zion,
02:46 'Thou art my people. '"
02:47 Zion is the people of God and He likens His people
02:50 the daughter of Zion unto this comely and delicate woman.
02:54 Clearly, in the Bible, a woman is a symbol of God's people.
02:58 But notice that this woman in Revelation chapter 12
03:02 beginning at verse 1, she is clothed with the sun.
03:05 What is the "sun" a symbol of?
03:06 Well, the Bible tells us in the book of Revelation
03:09 chapter 1 and verse 16,
03:11 which gives us a description of Jesus Christ
03:14 "In His right hand were seven stars
03:16 and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword:
03:19 and his countenance was as the sun
03:22 shineth in its strength. "
03:24 Once again, Jesus Christ is the "sun" the spiritual sun
03:28 found within the Word of God, the holy scriptures.
03:31 This means that when the woman is clothed with the sun,
03:35 it is a symbol of God's people,
03:37 His church adorned with
03:39 the beauty, the truth, the love and the power of Jesus Christ.
03:43 And this is spoken of in more detail in the book of
03:47 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 30
03:50 and I hope you're enjoying this just as much as I am.
03:52 The Bible tells us there,
03:54 "But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus,
03:57 who of God has made unto us
03:59 wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption:"
04:04 so if God's people, His Church, is clothed with the sun
04:09 or clothed with Jesus Christ, we should be experiencing
04:13 the wisdom, the righteousness, the sanctifying power
04:18 and the redemptive power that is made manifest to humanity
04:22 through God through His son, Jesus Christ.
04:25 That is awesome.
04:27 But we can only have this experience
04:30 as we have our feet firmly planted upon the moon,
04:33 remember the woman is standing upon the moon.
04:37 What is this moon a symbol of?
04:39 Remember the Bible gives us clear details about this
04:43 in the book of Psalm chapter 89 beginning at verse 36.
04:46 And I say "remember" because
04:48 I hope you watched Part 1 of this series,
04:50 if you haven't, make sure you do.
04:52 The Bible tells us in Psalm chapter 89 beginning at verse 36
04:56 "But his seed shall endure for ever,
04:58 and his throne as the sun before me.
05:01 It shall be established for ever as the moon,
05:04 as a faithful witness in the heaven. "
05:07 Well, we know that every time we see the moon
05:10 beaming with all of its celestial glory
05:13 in the midnight sky,
05:14 that light that is shining from the moon,
05:16 it's not simply being emitted from the moon itself,
05:19 but rather, the moon is simply reflecting the light that
05:23 shines forth from the sun.
05:25 So, when we see the moon shining in the sky,
05:28 although we cannot see the sun, the moon testifies
05:32 to the glory and the existence of the sun
05:36 during the dark night hours.
05:38 Therefore, whatever this moon is
05:41 that the woman is standing on top of
05:43 in the Book of Revelation chapter 12 and verse 1,
05:46 it stands as a spiritual symbol
05:48 of that which testifies of the power, the existence,
05:53 and the glory, the authority
05:55 of the spiritual sun,
05:56 Jesus Christ.
05:58 Now what does the Bible teach of
06:00 that does all of these things?
06:02 Well, the Bible tells us, in the book of Revelation
06:05 chapter 19 and verse 10, when John came into contact
06:09 with the angel that was sent to give him the Revelation
06:12 of the Revelation,
06:13 we are told that he fell at his feet to worship him.
06:16 And the angel said unto him, "See that thou doeth not
06:19 from thy fellowservant, and of they brethren that have
06:21 the testimony of Jesus: worship God:
06:24 for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. "
06:29 Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen,
06:30 the holy Scriptures which testify of Jesus Christ
06:33 and the testimony of Jesus Christ
06:36 which is the spirit of prophecy, collectively, they come together
06:40 to form that spiritual moon which testify of Jesus Christ.
06:44 Now, do you understand why I told you earlier
06:48 it is so important for us to understand Bible prophecy
06:52 even in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
06:54 You see, it is only as God's people
06:57 that stand upon the foundation of the Word of God
07:01 and the spirit of prophecy the more sure word of prophecy
07:05 that we have a solid foundation
07:07 so that we can be adorned with the spiritual sun
07:10 so that we can experience the wisdom, the righteousness
07:14 the sanctifying power and the redemptive power that comes
07:19 through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
07:21 And this is why the Bible tells us
07:25 in the book of Amos chapter 3 and verse 7,
07:29 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
07:32 but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. "
07:37 As we see the prophetic events unfolding in our world,
07:41 that the Bible has spoken of, God would have us to know
07:45 that in these dark hours,
07:47 Jesus Christ is still in existence
07:49 at the right hand of the throne of the majesty
07:52 located in heaven, he is working on our behalf
07:56 and as we keep our eyes by faith fixed on him,
07:59 He will take us out of this darkness
08:02 into His marvelous light.
08:09 Listen, he who doesn't remember his past,
08:12 is doomed to repeat it
08:14 because, as a wise man once said,
08:17 "There really is no new thing under the sun. "
08:24 Rome's Revenge Part 2
08:26 In the book of Revelation chapter 13 and verse 11,
08:32 we are told, "And I beheld another beast
08:35 coming up out of the earth;
08:37 and he had two horns like a lamb,
08:40 and he spake as a dragon. "
08:43 Now we already learned previously
08:45 that a beast in Bible prophecy is symbolic of a kingdom
08:49 or a political power.
08:51 If you do not recall this information
08:53 in the book of Daniel chapter 7 and verse 3,
08:57 the Bible says, "And four great beasts
09:00 came up from the sea, diverse one from another. "
09:04 Then in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 23,
09:08 speaking of the fourth beast, which we have already learned
09:12 is a symbol of the pagan Republic of Rome,
09:15 we read, "Thus he said, the fourth beast
09:18 shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth"
09:21 now notice closely,
09:23 that according to Daniel chapter 7 and verse 2
09:27 all of these beasts which are really symbolic of
09:30 kingdoms or political powers, they came up from the sea.
09:34 But in Revelation chapter 13 and verse 11,
09:38 the beast or political power that has two horns like a lamb
09:42 is seen coming up out of the earth.
09:45 In Revelation chapter 17 and verse 15,
09:49 we are told what the sea or waters
09:52 are symbolic of in the Bible.
09:54 We are told there, "And he saith unto me,
09:57 The waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth,
10:01 are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. "
10:06 This lets us know that waters or the sea in Bible prophecy
10:11 are symbolic of many people or a densely populated area.
10:16 However, the earth is the absolute opposite of the sea.
10:21 Therefore, the beast that is seen rising
10:24 in Revelation chapter 13 and verse 11,
10:27 coming up out of the earth, must be a kingdom or a nation
10:32 that rises to a position of supremacy
10:35 in a sparsely populated area of our globe.
10:39 The beast or political power,
10:41 that rises in this sparsely populated region,
10:45 is also described as having two horns like a lamb.
10:48 Horns in Bible prophecy can be used to symbolize power.
10:53 In the book of Habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 4,
10:57 we are told, "his brightness was as the light;
11:01 he had horns coming out of his hand:
11:03 and there was the hiding of his power. "
11:07 And a lamb, primarily, is used in the Bible
11:11 as a symbol of Jesus Christ.
11:13 We are told in the book of John chapter 1 and verse 29
11:17 "And the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him
11:21 and saith, 'Behold, the Lamb of God,
11:24 which taketh away the sin of the world. '"
11:28 Therefore, these two lamb-like horns that are connected
11:33 to this political power or this nation,
11:35 that rises into prominence,
11:38 in a sparsely populated region of our globe,
11:42 symbolizes that this nation from its inception
11:45 will profess to be Christian in nature,
11:48 and its Government will promote
11:50 two of the most powerful principles of Christ.
11:54 The two great principles of Christ that I am speaking of
11:58 are found in the book of Galatians chapter 5 and verse 1.
12:03 We are told there, "Stand fast therefore
12:07 in the LIBERTY wherewith Christ hath made you FREE,
12:11 and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. "
12:16 Without prolonging the point any further,
12:19 historically it is evident that there was no other nation
12:23 that arose into prominence in a sparsely populated region
12:28 professing to be Christian and promoting liberty and freedom
12:32 and justice for all
12:34 other than the United States of America.
12:37 And the two great principles of power
12:40 that have stood as the pillars of strength
12:43 of the United States of America from its infancy
12:47 are Republicanism and Protestantism.
12:50 A Government of the people, by the people
12:53 and for the people
12:54 and a Constitution that protects
12:58 the religious liberties of the people,
13:00 leaving us free to worship
13:03 according to the dictates of our conscience.
13:06 However, we are warned in
13:09 Revelation chapter 13 and verse 11
13:12 that the great Christian Nation will one day speak as a dragon.
13:19 It is evident that the only way that a Nation can speak
13:23 is through its legislative bodies
13:25 and its judicial authority.
13:28 Therefore, when the United States of America
13:31 speaks as a dragon, the Leaders of our Nation
13:35 will propose legislation to enact laws that will mirror
13:40 the malicious designs of the devil himself,
13:43 which is to make war with those who keep the commandments
13:46 of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ
13:50 according to Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17.
13:54 But still you may be asking,
13:56 "What does this have to do with the Republic of Rome?"
13:59 Well, my friends,
14:01 this is just proof that those who forget their past
14:05 are doomed to repeat it.
14:07 You see on June 21st of 1788,
14:11 when the United States Constitution was ratified,
14:14 the USA officially became a Republic,
14:18 and interestingly enough like the Republic of Rome,
14:22 the American Republic during its infancy
14:26 sustained its existence
14:28 primarily through agricultural industries.
14:31 In the year 1800,
14:32 5 million people populated the USA
14:36 and out of this number,
14:37 4.5 million lived on farms in rural America.
14:41 However, when the industrial revolution
14:45 was kicked into full gear,
14:47 the engines that would profoundly change the face
14:50 of the Republic of the United States of America,
14:53 were set in motion with the invention of the steam engine,
14:56 the cotton gin, the telegraph, the sewing machine,
15:00 the transatlantic cable, the telephone,
15:03 the diesel engine and much more,
15:06 capitalism exploded in the United States.
15:10 And as financial opportunities increased,
15:13 so did a massive influx of immigrants.
15:16 People poured like a running faucet into the cities
15:20 which were the centers of commerce.
15:22 Therefore, the urbanization of the landscape of America
15:27 was inevitable to supply the overwhelming demand
15:30 for affordable housing.
15:32 The wealthy, consequently,
15:34 developed separate neighborhoods for themselves
15:37 building luxurious mansions on the outskirts of the city.
15:42 While the poor...
15:43 the poor huddled together in housing projects
15:46 in the middle of the cities which were notorious
15:49 for the unhealthy living conditions.
15:52 But then, with the force of a Mack truck
15:55 colliding with a steel reinforced brick wall,
15:58 the apparent economic juggernaut experienced a humbling defeat.
16:03 When the Great Depression touched down,
16:05 the gears of the United States of America stopped
16:09 and because the once-farm-oriented Society
16:13 had surrendered their agricultural birthright
16:17 for the pleasures of instant gain,
16:19 starvation ran rampant
16:22 through the urban regions of America.
16:24 So what do you think happened next?
16:27 You already know what happened next.
16:29 To relieve the pressure of the Depression upon the masses,
16:33 the Government stepped in with a new deal.
16:36 Under the presidential administration of
16:39 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Government intervened
16:42 with several work and public relief programs
16:46 to ease the monumental unemployment epidemic.
16:49 These programs laid the foundation
16:52 for the new welfare state of the Republic.
16:55 However, these programs quickly degenerated
16:58 into the irremovable thorn in the heart of the Nation.
17:02 for the philosophy amongst the people quickly developed
17:06 that generous Welfare Stipends and free healthcare benefits
17:10 were better than an entry-level job.
17:13 And, of course, to keep the morale of the people high
17:17 during the Great Depression, the United States Government
17:21 included entertainers and artists
17:24 in their Welfare Assistance Program.
17:27 And, in turn, the entertainers
17:30 provided cheap or free amusements to the people
17:33 to help them forget all of their troubles.
17:37 During this time, Walt Disney's animated films
17:41 such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
17:43 and the Three Little Pigs were a big hit with all ages
17:48 and as to be expected,
17:51 as the people of America were so preoccupied,
17:56 the Oval Office was pushing legislation
18:00 to consolidate more power in the hands of the President.
18:04 By now I'm sure that you can see that there really is
18:09 no new thing under the sun.
18:12 Since then, we have continued to see the same trend
18:16 metastasize within America.
18:19 In 2011, CNN reported that there
18:24 are 48.7 million Food Stamp Recipients in the USA.
18:29 That means one out of every
18:32 7 citizens of the United States of America,
18:35 are Welfare dependents.
18:37 And since September 11, 2001,
18:42 we have steadily watched the increase of Government
18:46 authority at the expense of our civil liberties,
18:50 and on December 31st, 2011,
18:54 when President Obama signed the
18:57 National Defense Authorization Act,
19:00 which empowers the US Military
19:03 to indefinitely detain US citizens
19:06 in Military Detention Facilities
19:08 without a trial in a Court of Law
19:11 we just witnessed
19:13 the final death knell of our Bill of Rights.
19:17 And as the civil liberties
19:20 of the citizens of the United States of America,
19:23 are literally unraveling at the seams,
19:26 for five years straight,
19:29 Hollywood has posted record sales at the Box Office.
19:35 So, where do we go from here? What will happen next?
19:40 Well, as history, thus far, has proven to be a helpful guide
19:46 I perceive that on this point
19:48 it will be of great assistance as well.
19:51 In the closing years of the Roman Republic,
19:55 when the disparity between the rich and the poor
19:58 became frighteningly apparent,
20:00 sparks flew that initiated social wars
20:04 which quickly transformed into civil war.
20:08 Could it be possible that this may be the ominous future
20:13 that lies ahead of the so-called
20:15 Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
20:18 With the "Right Wing Tea Party Movement"
20:21 numbering in the millions
20:23 the "Occupy Movement" growing by the second,
20:27 led by no specific head and supported by
20:31 many powerful anonymous members,
20:34 it is clear the poor have begun to consolidate their strength
20:39 to push against the bloated one percent.
20:43 But how will this all end?
20:45 Well the Bible tells us in the book of James chapter 5
20:50 beginning at verse 1, "Go to now, ye rich men,
20:54 weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
20:58 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten.
21:02 Your gold and your silver is cankered;
21:05 and the rust of them shall witness against you,
21:08 and shall eat your flesh as it were fire.
21:10 Ye have heaped together treasures for the last days. "
21:15 Here, the Bible specifically pronounces judgment
21:19 against the rich,
21:21 those who have amassed enormous sums of wealth.
21:25 We are told that their gold and their silver
21:29 which they have heaped together for their selfish benefit
21:32 would canker in the last days.
21:35 However, it is scientifically impossible
21:38 for gold and silver to canker or to rust.
21:42 But yet, the Bible says that it would happen.
21:46 In other words the Bible is here telling us
21:49 of a time in which an unforeseeable financial crisis
21:55 would hit the fortunes of the wealthy.
21:58 A financial crisis that would be just as unforeseeable
22:03 as gold or silver rusting and the time in which
22:08 this financial crisis would hit, would be in the last days.
22:16 And according to James chapter 5 and verse 3,
22:19 while the wealthy would be experiencing this torment
22:23 of the financial crisis that jeopardizes their fortunes,
22:28 something else, very important, would take place.
22:31 In James chapter 5 and verse 3 we are told,
22:35 "Behold the hire" or the wages "of the laborers
22:40 who have reaped down your fields,
22:43 which is of you kept back by fraud,
22:45 crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped
22:49 are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. "
22:54 In other words,
22:55 at the time in which this financial crisis would hit,
22:59 the poor working class
23:01 who have worked for and been defrauded by their
23:05 wealthy employers, would begin to protest
23:09 and their protests would be heard by the Lord of sabaoth.
23:14 The word "sabaoth" in the original Greek means
23:17 "The Lord of armies" which means
23:20 that the Lord of armies is hearing these protests
23:24 from the poor and working class and His heart is being stirred
23:29 by their protests.
23:30 And according to the book of Revelation,
23:33 chapter 19 verses 13 through 14,
23:36 The Lord of armies is the
23:38 Word of God, Jesus Christ himself.
23:41 We are told there, "And he was clothed with a
23:44 vesture dipped in blood:
23:46 and his name is called the Word of God.
23:49 And the armies which were in heaven followed him
23:52 upon white horses, clothed in fine linen,
23:56 white and clean. "
23:58 Ladies and Gentlemen,
24:00 these activities which are now taking place,
24:04 are not only sure harbingers
24:07 that we are currently living in the last days,
24:11 but that Jesus Christ is getting ready to adorn Himself
24:17 with His kingly robes of vengeance
24:19 and return to planet earth to give to every man
24:23 his due reward, and whether you are a part
24:27 of the 99 percent or the 1 percent,
24:32 we all will have to stand
24:35 before the judgment seat of Christ,
24:37 that everyone may receive the things done in His body
24:42 according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad,
24:48 according to 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10.
24:53 For Jesus Himself said, in Revelation chapter 22
24:58 and verse 12, "And behold I come quickly;
25:02 and my reward is with me,
25:05 to give to every man according as his work shall be. "
25:10 The only question that remains is,
25:14 "How will you stand on that day?"
25:18 Will you be amongst those who during their lifetime
25:22 surrendered their hearts to Jesus Christ
25:25 to be cleansed from all their sins,
25:30 and to be empowered by his Holy Spirit
25:33 to obey all of God's Commandments
25:37 including His forgotten 4th Commandment
25:41 which enjoins upon all of his loving servants
25:45 to remember and to be blessed
25:48 by keeping His seventh-Day Sabbath holy
25:51 which comes on the day which we know as "Saturday"
25:56 or will you be amongst those who will be lost because
26:01 you chose to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of this world
26:06 rather than serving the Creator of this world?
26:10 The choice is yours.
26:13 However, please don't be fooled when the men of this world
26:20 begin to promise you peace and safety
26:23 for they did the very exact same thing
26:26 in the time of the now-fallen Republic of Rome.
26:31 In an effort to quench the civil unrest
26:35 that was threatening to destroy the Roman Empire,
26:39 Emperor Constantine the Great in 321 AD
26:44 passed a National Sunday Law forcing all the citizens
26:50 of the Roman Empire to cease from all labor on Sunday
26:55 and by the year 538, they persecuted anyone
27:00 who continued to honor God's seventh-day Sabbath.
27:05 Constantine the Great united the powers of Church and State.
27:11 Now, do you think perhaps as a proposed solution
27:16 to the civil unrest which is currently
27:20 coursing through the veins of the United States of America,
27:24 and the rest of the world, for that matter,
27:27 that when the United States of America speaks
27:30 as a dragon, it will unite Church and State
27:34 and pass a National Sunday Law as well.
27:37 Well, as I've told you before, I'll tell you once again,
27:42 Listen, he who doesn't remember his past,
27:50 is doomed to repeat it because as a wise man once said,
27:55 "There really is no new thing under the sun. "


Revised 2016-03-15