Forerunner Chronicles

Rome's Revenge - Part1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000011

00:45 Hi and you're now with
00:47 The Forerunner Chronicles.
00:49 All right everybody, I'd like to welcome you to
00:51 another special Forerunner Chronicle series,
00:54 and this one is entitled, "Rome's Revenge"
00:57 and I assure you, in this two-part series,
01:00 you are going to learn information
01:02 that is going to astound you.
01:04 Are you ready? Well, let's begin.
01:06 In the book of Revelation, chapter 1 beginning at verse 1
01:11 the Bible tells us, the revelation of Jesus Christ
01:14 which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants
01:18 things which must shortly come to pass
01:22 and He sent and signified it by his angel
01:25 to give unto his servant John
01:27 who bore record of the Word of God
01:30 and of the testimony of Jesus Christ
01:32 and of all things that he saw, blessed is he that readeth
01:37 and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
01:40 and keep those things, which are written therein
01:42 for the time is at hand.
01:45 Unlike any other book in the 66 books of the Bible,
01:50 the book of Revelation has a special blessing
01:54 that God has pronounced upon those that read the book
01:57 those that hear the words that are found within this book
02:01 and keep the teachings that are found within this book
02:04 in their hearts continually because the information
02:07 that God has revealed to us in the book of Revelation,
02:10 is getting ready to unfold even now.
02:14 And in the book of Revelation,
02:16 John bears record of the word of God,
02:18 the testimony of Jesus Christ
02:20 and of all the things that he saw.
02:23 Now many of us know what the Word of God is.
02:25 I hope we know what the Word of God is,
02:27 because it is so important for us
02:30 in our Christian development, because the Bible tells us
02:33 in John 17:17,
02:34 "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. "
02:37 The Word of God has been given to us
02:39 to make us holy, to make us pure,
02:41 to set us aside for God's special use,
02:44 to give us instruction as to how we can live
02:47 separate from this world,
02:48 and not according to the prince of the power of the air
02:51 the spirit which now worketh in the children of disobedience:
02:54 according to Ephesians 2 and verse 2.
02:57 That is the operation of the Word of God
03:00 in the hearts of God's people.
03:01 And many of us know
03:03 that John saw many interesting things
03:05 that he bears record of in the book of Revelation.
03:08 Many of those things terrify some of us
03:10 because we are not familiar with the information
03:13 that decodes the symbols that are found
03:16 within the book of Revelation.
03:17 But when you become familiarized with the information,
03:21 the truths within the Word of God,
03:22 that decodes the information
03:23 found within the book of Revelation,
03:25 it will become one of the most precious books to you
03:28 that you will ever read within the Bible.
03:31 But many of us, many of us do not know
03:33 what the testimony of Jesus Christ is.
03:35 Well, the Bible gives us additional information
03:38 as to what the testimony of Jesus Christ is,
03:41 in the book of Revelation, chapter 19 and verse 10.
03:44 We are told there,
03:45 "And I fell at His feet to worship Him.
03:47 And he said unto me, See thou do it not:
03:50 for I am thy fellow servant,
03:52 and of thy brethren
03:53 that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God:
03:57 for the testimony of Jesus
03:59 is the spirit of prophecy. "
04:01 Ladies and Gentlemen, the testimony of Jesus Christ,
04:04 is not only the information found within the books
04:08 of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it is the spirit of prophecy.
04:13 God has given us prophetic information,
04:16 as to help us understand
04:18 his work in heaven for us right now
04:21 and the things that will go on, on planet earth
04:24 as He is seeking to prepare a people
04:26 that can spend eternity with him.
04:28 The Bible tells us something more,
04:30 about Bible prophecy, the gift of prophecy,
04:34 in the book of 2nd Peter chapter 1 and verse 19.
04:38 We are told there,
04:40 "We have also a more sure word of prophecy;
04:43 whereunto ye do well that ye take heed,
04:46 as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
04:48 until the day dawn, and the day star
04:51 arises in our hearts:"
04:53 you see, the more sure word of prophecy
04:56 is a guiding light for us in this world of darkness.
04:59 As a matter of fact, when you think of a light
05:01 that shines in the darkness, right before the day dawns
05:04 or right before the sun arises in the sky,
05:07 what light do you think of?
05:08 I hope you say, "the moon"
05:10 because you're right.
05:11 Look what the Bible tells us about the moon.
05:13 And in connection with the more sure word of prophecy,
05:16 you're going to see that God has given us something
05:19 very important and very special, in the book of Psalm chapter 89
05:23 and verse 37, we are told,
05:26 "It shall be established forever as the moon,
05:29 and as a faithful witness in heaven. "
05:31 You see, Ladies and Gentlemen, according to the Word of God,
05:35 the moon has been established as a faithful witness.
05:39 And what does a witness do? A witness testifies.
05:43 But now, what does the moon testify of?
05:46 Well, think about it,
05:47 every night when you see the moon shining in the sky,
05:51 you know that that light that's coming from the moon,
05:55 it's not coming from the moon itself,
05:58 the light that is being emitted from the moon,
06:01 is nothing more than a reflection
06:03 of the light that comes from the sun,
06:05 so, every night, no matter how dark it is,
06:09 if you can see the moon shining in the sky,
06:13 it testifies to the fact that though you cannot see the sun,
06:17 the sun is in existence
06:20 because the moon is reflecting the light of the sun on you.
06:24 Did you know that the Bible speaks of a spiritual sun?
06:29 In the book of Revelation chapter 22 and verse 16
06:33 we are told there "I Jesus have sent mine angel
06:37 to testify these things unto you in the churches.
06:41 I am the root and the offspring of David,
06:45 I am the bright and morning star. "
06:48 Jesus Christ is the morning star and the morning star is the sun.
06:54 Then, in the book of Revelation, chapter 1 and verse 16,
06:58 which is a description of Jesus Christ
07:00 we are told there, "In his right hand were 7 stars:
07:04 and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword:
07:08 and his countenance was as the sun
07:10 shineth in his strength. "
07:12 Once again, Jesus Christ is the spiritual sun
07:17 and God has given us the more sure word of prophecy
07:21 the gift of prophecy, the spirit of prophecy,
07:24 to act like the moon for the sun.
07:28 Let me explain this
07:29 a little bit more clearly.
07:31 You see, we learned earlier, in the book of
07:35 2 Peter chapter 1 and verse 19,
07:38 "We have also a more sure word of prophecy:
07:41 whereunto ye do well that ye take heed,
07:45 as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,"
07:49 the same way that the moon shines
07:51 during the darkness of the night
07:53 "until the day dawns or the sun arises in the sky
07:58 and the day star arises in our hearts. "
08:02 Ladies and Gentlemen,
08:04 God has given us the more sure word of prophecy,
08:07 the testimony of Jesus Christ the spirit of prophecy,
08:11 for the purpose of guiding us during these dark hours
08:15 of our earth's existence.
08:16 During the time in which it seems
08:18 that all types of corruption and perversity
08:21 are taking root on all sides we can know,
08:24 although we cannot see Jesus Christ,
08:26 His presence is still there with us.
08:29 And He desires to give us life, and life more abundantly.
08:32 This is why the Bible tells us
08:34 in Revelation 1 and verse 3,
08:36 "Blessed is he that readeth,
08:38 and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
08:40 and keep those things which are written therein:
08:43 for the time is at hand. "
08:45 The blessing only comes when we keep those things
08:49 that are found within this book,
08:51 when we let these truths guide us,
08:53 and direct us and be the governor of all of our decisions
08:57 because the time is at hand, and Ladies and Gentlemen,
09:02 how close are we to the end of all things?
09:04 Well you are about to find out right now,
09:07 as I invite you to watch with me,
09:09 Part 1 of a special
09:12 Forerunner Chronicles documentary
09:13 "Rome's Revenge. "
09:15 Listen, he who doesn't remember his past,
09:23 is doomed to repeat it, because as a wise man once said,
09:28 "There really is no new thing under the sun. "
09:39 Amongst all the empires of antiquity,
09:43 there is one that stands out as noteworthy,
09:47 because of its impact, upon our contemporary society
09:52 I am speaking of the empire of Rome.
09:56 Imperial Rome was the first Republic,
10:00 a form of government that was previously unknown
10:03 in the history of our world, the Bible itself prophesied
10:07 of this historical fact in the book of Daniel chapter 7
10:12 in speaking of the 4th beast
10:15 which Daniel the prophet saw in vision
10:17 we are told in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 19,
10:21 "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast
10:24 which was DIVERSE from all the others"
10:27 then in verse 23, the Bible expounds on this
10:32 prophetic symbol by giving us the additional information,
10:36 "Thus he said the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom
10:41 upon the earth which shall be DIVERSE from all kingdoms,
10:46 and shall devour the whole earth
10:48 and shall tread it down and break it in pieces. "
10:51 In its natural succession after the three prophetic beasts
10:56 or three kingdoms that preceded it,
10:59 the first of which was a lion with the wings of an eagle
11:03 which stands as a prophetic symbol of the empire of Babylon
11:07 which fell in the year 539 BC, the pagan Roman empire
11:14 was the fourth kingdom from that starting point
11:18 to ascend to global dominance, and without contest
11:23 it vastly deferred from all the kingdoms before it
11:27 for with the introduction of a never-known-before
11:30 Republican framework for its government,
11:33 the citizens of its dominion were given a role
11:37 in the political process,
11:39 and as it is described in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 23,
11:44 as devouring the whole earth, shredding it down
11:48 and breaking it in pieces so the pages of antiquity
11:52 of grief that the merciless Roman forces
11:56 with their infamous failings battle formation
12:00 obliterated any opposition to Roman supremacy.
12:05 However, there are several other identifiable attributes
12:10 of this former iron empire, that are certainly worthy
12:14 of analytical observation, one of which was
12:18 it's grossly large number of government dependence
12:21 but before we discuss this detestable precursor
12:25 to the decline of the Roman Empire,
12:28 it would be more than advantageous
12:31 for us to take a glimpse at the yesteryears of imperial Rome
12:36 during its youthful glory.
12:38 In its formative years the fledging Roman empire
12:46 was a society that was basically driven
12:48 by agricultural enterprises, sheepherders and small farmers
12:54 were the main arteries of its economy.
12:57 However, by the second century BC,
13:00 a major shift for the supposed betterment of society took place
13:05 large-scale businesses began to make their grand entrance
13:11 into Roman civilization which in turn
13:14 spurred a massive boom in immigrants pouring into Rome
13:19 from many lands who were seeking to capitalize
13:23 on the apparent economic opportunities
13:26 that Rome's rapid industrialization could afford
13:29 and as a result... many sections of Rome became urbanized
13:36 one of which was Italy,
13:38 all that the ambitious heart could desire
13:41 the womb of Mother Rome could provide
13:45 there was free enterprise, prosperity, commerce and trade
13:50 were ever blossoming and best of all
13:53 there was limited Government the successful merchant
13:57 was a social celebrity.
13:59 Furthermore, Rome's networks of communication
14:03 and roads of travel were a catalyst
14:06 for such rapidity that they could not be matched
14:10 until the invention of the
14:12 telegraph, the steamship and the railroad
14:15 in the 19th century.
14:17 In reference to Roman law in Arthur Ferrill's book,
14:22 "The Fall of the Roman Empire" he remarks,
14:25 that the benefits of the peace of Rome
14:28 or Pax Romana include the development of one of man's
14:32 most impressive codes of law, and an administrative system
14:37 that met needs of men of varied languages,
14:40 ethnic backgrounds, and cultural traditions.
14:43 The poet Virgil was not far from wrong
14:47 in claiming that his nation ruled the world
14:49 in peace and justice,
14:52 in addition to this most enviable system of justice
14:56 the political military might of the Roman Empire
15:01 was unquestionably the most dominant
15:04 of the Mediterranean and Europe but nonetheless
15:08 as it is the portion and plight
15:10 of all things that are temporal in nature
15:14 the magnificent glory of the Roman Empire
15:17 came to an end.
15:19 "Bur how," may you ask "did such a thing happened?"
15:22 Well the answer is simplistic, however, nonetheless shocking,
15:27 history shows that the decline of the Roman Empire
15:32 was due to a major change
15:35 in the principles of the Roman people.
15:38 Most notable was the radical shift in their ideas
15:42 concerning their source of personal income
15:46 and personal responsibility.
15:49 In its golden years,
15:50 the average Roman Citizen was independent,
15:54 as farmers and herders
15:56 each individual looked to themselves
15:58 as their source of livelihood.
16:01 They ate what they produced and they profited
16:04 from what they could obtain
16:06 from their own industrious efforts in the marketplace
16:10 and collectively the industrious citizens of Rome
16:14 were the stable foundation of their Country's economy.
16:19 But interestingly enough, as time progressed,
16:23 the descendants of the once industrious Roman patriarchs,
16:27 found a new viable source of income,
16:31 and that source of income was the State.
16:34 The Republic of Rome was the first Government
16:38 in the history of the nations to institute the Welfare System.
16:43 Emperor Aurelian changing the old practice
16:47 of giving the citizens wheat
16:48 so that they could bake their own bread
16:51 provided the Welfare recipients of the Roman Government
16:55 with baked bread,
16:57 and not only did the Government provide its welfare dependents,
17:00 with baked bread... but pork, olive oil and salt
17:04 were also included in their Welfare Grab Bag.
17:09 Furthermore, Emperor Aurelian in a landmark declaration
17:14 in AD 274 declared that the children of parents
17:20 that received Welfare benefits, were entitled by Right
17:24 to receive Government benefits as well,
17:27 making these Welfare recipients Government Dependents
17:32 from the cradle to the grave.
17:34 But the question arises as to why would the Government of Rome
17:40 do such a thing.
17:41 Well, the answer to this question is sad
17:45 but nevertheless it's factual.
17:48 In their desire to maintain control, but more importantly,
17:53 to invest more power into the Roman Republic
17:57 than the Framework of the
17:59 Republic-style Government afforded
18:01 that Heads of State sought to subtly strip the
18:05 Roman Citizens of their power within the political process
18:10 which they naturally maintained
18:12 as a result of their industrious lifestyles
18:16 that made them independent.
18:18 Therefore, to make them into surrendering their independence,
18:24 they offered them the securities and basic necessities
18:28 that they previously
18:29 had to rely on their individual industries to obtain,
18:33 thereby, turning a once-independent civilization
18:39 into a sick ward of Welfare Dependents.
18:43 And as the people became more dependent on the State,
18:48 the State became more independent of the people
18:52 and although Rome, until its demise,
18:55 retained the name of a Republic,
18:58 it was evident to even the most unlearned man of Society
19:03 that the beauty of Rome
19:05 had degenerated into an imperial tyranny.
19:09 Once the independent citizens became dependents of the State,
19:14 the Head of the Roman Republic knew
19:17 that they would have the power to do whatever they wanted,
19:21 because as the old adage says,
19:24 "You don't bite the hand that feeds you. "
19:28 And lastly, as an extra precautionary measure,
19:32 to ensure that they wouldn't have to deal with any
19:35 undesirable uprisings of the people,
19:38 the Government provided the citizens of Rome,
19:42 with an abundance of entertainment.
19:45 They called this, "Bread and Circus. "
19:48 In other words,
19:49 "Keep the people fed, and keep their minds preoccupied
19:53 with entertainment, and the Government can get away
19:56 with anything it wants. "
19:58 Now, the million dollar question is, how does this apply to you?
20:04 Well, if you live within the United States of America,
20:07 it has everything to do with you.
20:10 You see, the Bible tells us
20:13 in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 1 and verse 10,
20:17 "Is there any thing whereof it may be said,
20:20 See this is new?
20:21 it hath been already of old time,
20:24 which was before us"
20:25 then, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 15,
20:30 the Bible goes on to say, "That which hath been is now;
20:34 And that which is to be hath already been;
20:38 and God requireth
20:39 that which is past. "
20:41 Simply put, the events that took place in the past,
20:45 are taking place in our present-day Society.
20:48 And the events that are going to take place in the future,
20:51 hath in principle, at the very least,
20:54 taken place in the past.
20:56 And God wants us to be knowledgeable of world history
21:00 so that we can better understand why certain activities
21:04 are taking place in our world today
21:07 and what will be the inevitable results
21:11 we are going to reap from these actions in the near future.
21:15 Because, remember,
21:17 there really isn't anything new under the sun.
21:21 In the Bible, in the book of Revelation
21:24 the Roman Empire is actually identified
21:27 under a very terrifying symbol.
21:30 In Revelation chapter 12 and verse 3,
21:33 we are told, "And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
21:36 and behold a great, red dragon having seven heads
21:40 and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
21:44 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
21:48 and did cast them to the earth:
21:50 and the dragon stood before the woman
21:53 to devour her child
21:55 as soon as it was born. "
21:57 Now this dragon here
21:59 in Revelation chapter 12 verses 3 and 4
22:03 primarily stands as a symbol of Satan.
22:06 We are told in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9
22:10 which says, "And the great dragon was cast out,
22:13 that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan,
22:16 which deceiveth the whole world:
22:18 he was cast out into the earth,
22:20 and his angels were cast out with him. "
22:22 However, as we look closely, there is some information
22:26 contained within Revelation chapter 12 and verse 4
22:30 that tips us off to the fact that the symbol of the dragon
22:35 is used here secondarily to identify the activities
22:39 of the pagan Roman Empire.
22:41 At the end of Revelation chapter 12 and verse 4,
22:44 we are told,
22:46 "And the dragon stood before the woman
22:48 to devour her child as soon as it was born. "
22:53 And then verse 5 goes on to say,
22:56 "And she brought forth a man child,
22:58 who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:
23:02 and her child was caught up unto God,
23:05 and to his throne. "
23:07 This man child "who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron,
23:12 and was caught up unto God, and to his throne,"
23:15 is none other than the messiah, Jesus Christ.
23:18 We know this for a certainty because the Bible tells us
23:22 in Psalm chapter 2 verses 7 through 9,
23:26 "I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me,
23:30 Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. "
23:34 "Ask of me, and I shall give thee
23:37 the heathen for thine inheritance,
23:39 and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. "
23:43 "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron;
23:47 thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. "
23:51 According to these verses,
23:54 the only begotten son of God, Jesus Christ,
23:57 is the one who shall rule with a rod of iron.
24:01 Then, in the book of Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 2,
24:06 we are told,
24:07 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
24:11 who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
24:15 despising the shame, and is set down
24:19 at the right hand of the throne of God. "
24:21 It is evident from these verses
24:23 that the man-child that is spoken of
24:26 in Revelation chapter 12 verses 3 and 4,
24:29 is no more than a symbol of the messiah, Jesus Christ.
24:33 and this means that it was Jesus that the dragon tried to devour
24:39 as soon as He was born here on planet earth.
24:42 However, there is no account found in the Bible
24:46 of Satan as a literal great red dragon,
24:50 having 7 heads and 10 horns
24:52 attacking Baby Jesus at the time of His birth.
24:55 However, we can read in the book of Matthew the 2nd chapter
25:00 that Herod who was the ruler of the Roman Empire
25:04 at the time of the birth of Jesus,
25:06 seeking to murder Jesus as soon as He was born.
25:10 We are told in the book of Matthew, chapter 2,
25:14 "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea,
25:18 in the days of Herod the king,
25:20 behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
25:24 Saying, 'where is he that is born King of the Jews?
25:28 for we have seen his star in the east,
25:31 and are come to worship him. '"
25:34 Verses 7 and 8 of that same chapter, tell us,
25:38 "Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men,
25:42 enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
25:45 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said,
25:49 'Go and search diligently for the young child;
25:52 and when ye have found him, bring me word again,
25:56 that I may come and worship him also. '"
26:00 Then, in Matthew chapter 2 and verse 12, the Bible tells us,
26:05 "And being warned of God in a dream
26:08 that they should not return to Herod,
26:10 they departed into their own country another way. "
26:14 And finally, in verse 16 of Matthew chapter 2,
26:18 we are told, "Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked
26:23 of the wise men, was exceeding wroth,
26:26 and sent forth,
26:27 to slay all the children that were in Bethlehem,
26:31 and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under,
26:36 according to the time which he had diligently enquired
26:40 of the wise men. "
26:42 As you can see, it was not Satan himself
26:46 but it was the pagan Roman Empire
26:49 that was used by Satan as his puppet
26:53 to attempt to destroy the life of the messiah,
26:57 which brings us to our point,
27:00 the dragon is secondarily used as a symbol
27:04 in Revelation chapter 12 to represent the activities
27:08 of the pagan Republic of Rome.
27:11 Now, you may be wondering
27:14 what all of this has to do with the United States of America.
27:17 Well, if you are, pay close attention
27:20 because you are about to find out.


Revised 2016-03-15