Participants: Christopher Hudson
Series Code: FRC
Program Code: FRC000008
01:49 Hi you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles
01:51 and right now we have Nikki with us, 01:53 and Nikki is a former model from the Music Industry, 01:56 she was in a lot of music videos with artists like the Dipset 02:00 Juelz Santana, Rick Ross, Trina, 02:03 different people that everybody out there is familiar with 02:06 that's familiar with hip hop and that whole culture 02:10 anyway she saw a lot of things within the Industry 02:12 that let her know that this was not something 02:15 that she should be a part of 02:16 and she especially had one interesting incident 02:19 on a Rick Ross Music Video Set 02:22 that we're going to hear about in a few minutes 02:24 you definitely want to hear about this. 02:25 Anyway, I just wanted to thank Nikki for being here with us 02:29 thanks for doing this interview. 02:31 Hi, you're welcome. 02:33 Anyway, well, listen, just tell us a little bit about yourself 02:37 about your whole background. 02:40 Well, I'm from Miami, 02:43 I'm from, actually, an area called Opa-locka 02:46 which is, I guess, one of the tougher parts of Miami 02:52 Right. I actually went to school 02:57 to study Special Education, 03:00 let's see... I also went for Biology because 03:06 I also wanted to be a doctor 03:08 but I ended up stopping school, 03:09 and I actually moved to New York City 03:11 to pursue my violin 03:13 that's about it for my background. 03:17 So, you're definitely a smart young woman, 03:23 definitely... you went to college and all of these things 03:25 so what drew you into the direction 03:27 of going into the entertainment business? 03:30 So, I guess because I thought they... 03:32 they just seemed so glamorous and they seemed like "wow" 03:36 it's just something that really captured my attention, 03:40 Right. 03:41 and you always want to be with the forerunners 03:43 I just wanted the freedom... the one that everybody wants 03:47 Right. so I was attracted to... 03:49 like the lights... which shines. 03:52 Right, I understand... 03:53 that's what most people are attracted to! 03:55 Okay, so fast forward... you get into the Industry, 04:01 you know, you start modeling, your career goes, 04:03 "Pops off" as they say, Yeah. 04:06 now, what is it that happens 04:09 in the Industry that lets you know that 04:13 this is not something that you really want to be a part of, 04:15 what was the first thing that let you know 04:17 that this might not be the right direction for you? 04:20 Well, number one was I was contacted by, 04:24 at that time, I guess it was Ricky's Manager, 04:28 and this is... I want to say in 2005 to 2006 04:32 and he asked me to audition for 04:37 some type of tour that they were having 04:41 and needed models for 04:42 and he said to come to some secret location 04:46 wearing a G-String and to be ready for something hard, 04:50 for something called the "freak test" 04:53 Right. and he also said, 04:59 how would I feel if I were to walk 05:01 into this sort of person I would see in orgies 05:04 how would I feel about that? 05:06 He asked me how would I feel if I were to 05:08 walk inside the west side with people taking drugs 05:13 such as Ecstasy... he asked, what are my views about that? 05:18 Like what would I do? Right, right. 05:21 Because, he apparently had a girl 05:24 that... he told me that 05:26 freaked out and they had to send her home, 05:28 so now he lets everybody know upfront 05:31 so they won't be scared 05:32 and so he won't have to spend money on them going home. 05:36 So, they're trying to check out where your head is at... 05:39 if you see them... 05:41 the host of people having an orgy 05:44 or popping pills, 05:47 smoking, or whatever they're doing, 05:49 they want to make sure 05:50 that you'd be comfortable in that environment 05:52 and even willing to jump in and be a part of it, right? 05:56 Exactly... exactly... that's exactly what it was, yes 05:59 So how did you react to that? 06:01 I said, "I don't feel comfortable with that" 06:04 after that, 06:06 I just left that alone, 06:08 that was the last time that I spoke to them. 06:10 Right. A couple of days after that 06:12 he was still calling, still trying to get me 06:16 to, I guess, change my mind. Definitely. 06:20 And so, he calls and tries to get you to change your mind 06:24 but you didn't change your mind, right? 06:25 Yeah, I did not. All right, that's good. 06:27 All right, so... so now, 06:29 but you continued on in the music industry though. 06:33 Yeah, I did. 06:34 Right, so what happened after that, 06:36 what's the next thing that happened? 06:38 The next thing, I believe was, I got contacted on Myspace 06:46 about... 06:49 for the Entertainment Industry 06:52 and that's how I got into the streaming video, 06:54 Right. and I was the person that 06:56 I danced... and everything got started from there forth. 07:00 And this is like Myspace before Facebook came out. 07:05 Exactly. Right, right, right. 07:07 You go to Myspace, you know, 07:10 Right, right... 07:11 And so you get contacted to do this Trina Video 07:14 and so, you're playing like the lead model for the Trina Video. 07:18 Yeah, for one of the scenes, yes. 07:21 Okay, and so, I guess you're really encouraged 07:25 to go fast forward in the Music Industry from there. 07:28 Yes, I guess that's how everything just got started. 07:31 So, now, what happens though, 07:35 what's the turning point what types of things... 07:38 what really happened that opened your eyes up to the fact that 07:43 there's something that's within the Music Industry, 07:47 that is Satanic, evil, you know, that people... 07:51 that people really need to know about 07:54 but they're not even... they're not realizing that 07:57 that's what's going on behind the scenes. 07:58 What happened to open you up to that? 08:00 Well, I always try to see the good in everybody... 08:04 Right. but you know, 08:06 when I just think about it there are people that... 08:09 think really evil... they may seem nice 08:11 on the exterior... on the outside but... 08:14 deep down they have a different agenda. 08:16 and when I was on the DeShawn video with Rick Ross 08:20 we should be there for 6 in the morning, 08:23 the Director said for everybody to fill up the mistakes 08:26 and for us to all say, "Come on 6-6-6" 08:31 like... he was making like... fun 08:32 if I wouldn't have known what it really meant, 08:35 it just would have went right over my head 08:37 like for most people down there. 08:39 So, wait a second, say that again, 08:41 what happened there? 08:43 He basically... everybody there was chanting 666 08:49 this guys is telling us 08:51 to all say, "666" 08:54 and I'm like, "nobody finds that... strange" 08:58 I mean that... do people even know what this means, right? 09:02 Right. I was looking around 09:03 I guess, it just went way over people's heads. 09:07 You don't know what that means, 09:09 of course, you want to start chanting it. 09:11 Wow! That was the last... 09:13 That was it... that was it... I was like... 09:16 Wow! everybody is just on this Set chanting 666 09:20 you got Rick Ross there, all these guys 09:22 and they're chanting 666. 09:24 He's telling us to say, "666" repeatedly 09:28 vote for number 6... and yet he's not saying it like 09:32 he has horns and a fish hook, he's not saying it like that, 09:35 but... he's coming out as a nice guy, 09:38 and people there are all nice looking 09:41 and everybody is so... you know... 09:45 supposed to be good, I mean, we're chanting 666 09:50 and nobody finds that strange. Wow! that's wild! 09:55 Yeah... 09:56 So that basically opens your eyes up 09:58 so, now I know that God's been working in your heart 10:03 since then... Yes. 10:05 So, what has God been doing in your life since then? 10:10 Well, since then, 10:12 I guess the more that I read 10:16 and the more that I get into the Word of God, 10:19 I see that everything that I was doing... 10:22 and everything that I was standing up for 10:26 I mean, I know that if you're just in a music video 10:29 like some people say, 10:30 "I'm just rapping... hard" 10:32 something like that, but, 10:34 if it doesn't line up with God's Word 10:36 then I shouldn't be doing it, and I think that 10:40 what I was doing was wrong, because I was participating 10:44 and I was surrounding myself with people 10:48 that were not doing the will... 10:51 in not knowing what is right by God. 10:54 Definitely, and so, now you stepped away 10:59 from the modeling career 11:00 Hmmm... hmmm... 11:01 and you're rebuilding all over again, right now. 11:05 Yeah, exactly. 11:07 You're going back to School right now? 11:09 I'm going back to School for Special Education 11:12 and, hopefully, I can get a Masters in it 11:15 I don't know, who knows, 11:16 maybe even that I guess, 11:18 maybe... maybe... Well, as God leads you... 11:21 you never know what He has for you, 11:22 Look at her she puts her hands out. 11:24 Exactly, I don't want to jump too far 11:25 I'm waiting to hear from God. Amen, well that's beautiful. 11:30 I think, I definitely think that what you're saying is valid 11:34 and everybody really needs to understand 11:36 that even though their lifestyle looks very enticing, 11:41 because it seems like everybody is having fun 11:42 especially when you're watching the music videos 11:45 it's like everybody... everybody is having fun, 11:47 everybody is always happy, 11:49 everybody looks good, and you want to be a part of that 11:51 and you want to be looked upon as that... 11:53 and so that's why a lot of people are out here 11:54 trying to emulate that 11:56 but they're not really realizing that 11:58 there's a lot more to it than what meets the eye. 12:00 There is a lot more to it. 12:03 And I think that's what you saw and what you're telling us 12:06 and what God has revealed to you 12:08 and He's doing something new in your life. 12:10 Exactly. All right so, Nikki... 12:13 Before we go, 12:17 what would you like to tell everybody? 12:19 I would like to say, 12:21 just don't be scared to be different 12:24 I mean, if being... 12:27 some people call me "the Jesus Girl" 12:30 I mean, like me loving God and following Him 12:33 is not the "in thing" right now you know, it's not like 12:37 right now what's in is the "self-made movement" 12:39 I mean this whole "Self-made" 12:42 "Oh, I'm self-made" and doing this and this and that 12:46 that's not... it's really not cool because 12:49 how can I say that I love God without promoting God 12:54 and studying God's Word. Right. 12:56 I just say, "Don't be scared to lose a friend... 12:59 if you have to let some people go, 13:01 then let them go, it's not worth it. 13:02 Amen, Jesus Himself said, 13:05 "If you don't hate wife, mother, father" 13:08 He said, "even sister or your brother, 13:11 then you can't be my disciple. " 13:13 that's real... 13:14 so we have to be able to stand on our own two feet 13:17 in our relationship with God. 13:19 Because God is looking for individuals, 13:21 He's not looking for people, that are stuck in "Group-think" 13:25 He's looking for people that can stand for Him 13:27 and make a personal decision, 13:29 and you've made a personal decision 13:31 and I'm happy for you for that... 13:33 so, I'll continue to pray for you all 13:35 to stay strong with it. 13:36 Thank you. All right, God bless... 13:38 Well, listen everybody... 13:40 Nikki is with us, you heard it and that's the truth. 13:43 Music playing 14:13 Hi, you're now with the Forerunner Chronicles 14:16 and right now we have Camille LeNoir with us 14:18 Camille LeNoir was the All-Star Point Guard 14:20 for the USC Basketball team, 2nd Round draft pic... 14:24 to the Washington Mystics in 2009 14:27 WNBA... and now she's the number one 14:30 Point Guard out in Greece, the girl gets on the Court 14:33 pro basketball player number one 14:36 but something interesting is going on in her life 14:39 she actually has an interesting testimony to share 14:41 about things within the league and some other information 14:44 that I'm not going to delve into right now, 14:46 but you definitely want to hear it 14:47 anyway Camille, thank you for being here with us 14:50 I appreciate your doing this interview. 14:52 Definitely, thank you for having me. 14:55 All right, now tell everybody about yourself. 14:57 Well, I'm Camille LeNoir from Los Angeles, California 15:04 I'm not that tall, just 5' 4" 15:07 and I've been playing ball since I was seven 15:10 I probably was the same height back then but 15:14 basketball has taken me to so many places 15:17 I've been able to see so many wonderful places in the world 15:20 I've had so many different opportunities because 15:23 of the game and one of the biggest things 15:26 it accorded me was a Fulbright Scholarship 15:28 to the University of Southern California 15:31 and I was there for five years, after I graduated, got drafted, 15:37 to the Washington Mystics as we said 15:40 but when I got out there, I trained, 15:42 I don't go make the squad 15:45 but they released me from the team 15:47 then I had an opportunity 15:49 to go train with the Los Angeles Sparks 15:52 but then, God told me to not go... and to turn it down 15:58 and I'll get into that more a little bit later 16:01 when I get fully into my testimony 16:04 but now I'm out here in Greece 16:06 Thessaloniki, Greece, 16:09 and it's been pretty fun 16:12 I love the game, 16:14 God is calling me to do some new things after this season 16:18 and so that's where I'm at now. 16:21 I've checked the Stats, 16:23 I've checked the Stats already so you're like... 16:25 you're like on the first team out there 16:27 you're like the All-Star Point Guard of the entire league 16:31 out there in Europe. 16:32 You found that? Yeah, of course, I found that, 16:36 that's my job... I find information. 16:38 So... and I see that you're the All Star 16:41 you're the number one Point Guard out there 16:44 so... That was last year. 16:46 I mean, you're equivalent to... 16:48 I'm not even going to say you're equivalent to... 16:50 but you're supposed to be the one 16:52 but, what is it that you've been seeing within the league 16:57 that God has been impressing upon your heart that 17:00 this is not something that you should probably be a part of 17:04 sports in general, 17:05 one thing, one aspect which was really serious to me was the 17:12 whole dynamic of homosexuality, 17:15 the prevalence of it within the league 17:17 can you talk a little bit about that? 17:19 Yeah, sure, homosexuality in women's basketball... 17:24 it's become the norm, pretty much. 17:28 Wow! a lot of people will just 17:30 automatically think you're gay 17:33 because you do, because you play sports 17:36 I've been around it since I was in high school, 17:41 that's actually when I fell into it 17:43 was my Junior year in high school, 17:45 before that, I had boyfriends I was attracted to men 17:49 I never thought I was attracted to women like that 17:51 but things like friendship that just went too far 17:55 there was the emotional attachment 17:59 that I was drawn to and it was just... 18:03 it was all bad from there 18:05 when I agreed to get into that relationship 18:09 and to experiment with things like that... with that... 18:14 and I just knew when I said, "Yes" that it was going to be 18:19 it was probably bad from there, 18:20 I thought to myself, "What did I get myself into?" 18:23 because I grew up in the Church, I knew that it was wrong 18:26 and I knew what Christ did for me 18:29 it was just straight up disobedience on my behalf 18:33 not caring about what God thought 18:35 I wasn't thinking about my soul or eternity 18:39 and it was... Wow! 18:41 I was in it for 7 years, in and out of it... for 7 years, 18:45 just struggling with it, 18:46 because I never thought I was gay 18:49 I didn't change the way I dressed 18:51 I didn't start dressing like a guy or anything like that, 18:55 but, man, I was still professing to be a Christian also 18:59 while I was in it, and I would go to Church 19:03 I would try to invite the girl I was with to Church 19:07 I would say, "Let's pray, 19:08 let's just do all the religious things" 19:10 I just wanted to ease my conscience 19:12 to think that I was still right with God 19:14 because I'm doing all these religious things 19:16 Right, right. 19:17 when in fact the Word says, 19:19 "If you love me, you'll obey my commandments" 19:23 and I was professing to know Him 19:26 but with my actions and my lifestyle 19:29 I was denying Him, and I just, really, 19:31 man, I've seen so many things within it and I just thank God 19:36 that He didn't completely give me over, 19:39 I feel like if I would have let go of God and 19:42 me trying to hold on to it 19:43 and trying to be healed from it and delivered from it, 19:46 I would still be in it to this day 19:48 God just had His hand on me the whole time 19:52 crazy things would happen like 19:55 I broke my hip in my junior year in college 19:59 and was training to go and play 20:02 for the under-20 USA National Team 20:04 for the first time I made the squad, 20:06 I break my hip training for it, 20:09 and I just really felt like... since that day 20:12 "Okay, I need to be right," 20:14 I believe that that was my wake-up call 20:17 and that was a while ago that that happened 20:20 I still walk with a limp and I just always remember 20:23 God's grace and 20:24 His hand upon me while I was living that lifestyle 20:28 and just hating Him and His Word and just... 20:32 little things would happen, I didn't want people to know 20:35 didn't want my parents to find out, 20:36 but they always did 20:38 I always got caught up in lies 20:39 my friends would eventually find out 20:41 and it was just a struggle and I just thank God 20:45 for not taking his hand off me and letting it be easy 20:49 because for some of my friends it was easy 20:52 their parents accepted it, 20:53 nothing ever went bad in their lives 20:55 from what I knew, 20:57 so it was just by the grace of God 20:59 that I'm where I am today 21:03 and it wasn't until my senior year in College, 21:07 that I gave it up for Him, and prior to that 21:11 the way I would try to get out of it, 21:13 it was by praying, 21:14 prayers like, "God if you will send me a godly man... 21:17 I'm out... I'll leave her for him. " 21:22 But you know what? God did that. 21:26 He sent a godly man and I, I'll choose her over him, 21:29 Hmmm... and God is like, 21:31 "No, I want you to give it up for me, 21:34 I want all the glory" 21:35 and it was nothing more than His sovereignty and His praise 21:41 because when I gave it up 21:43 when I ended that last relationship I was in, 21:45 I was still in love, 21:47 I was still in love with the girl, 21:49 nothing was going wrong, 21:50 and it was just that He impressed it upon my heart so 21:54 much I couldn't even sleep at night sometimes thinking about 21:57 it, and it was just really difficult for me to deal with 22:00 because I was never at peace, never at peace, 22:03 and I thank God for that, because... like I said earlier, 22:07 if it wasn't for that, I would still be in it 22:09 and then I would have been completely given over 22:12 to that... so, I've been delivered from it 22:15 two years... Wow! 22:17 I've been going strong for the Lord 22:19 got really serious about my walk after that... 22:23 and that wasn't the only sin I struggled with, 22:25 I just thought if I got rid of homosexuality 22:27 if I got out of that lifestyle, I was good. 22:29 But, I've seen a lot of people who come up... out of it 22:33 but they're still not living for Christ. 22:34 So, I had to just forsake all my sins... everything... 22:38 and really truly repent and start following Christ 22:42 and the Word of God. Wow! 22:44 Now, you're actually talking about leaving pro basketball 22:50 after this month, and what is the purpose for that 22:55 what is your reason for leaving this? 22:57 God... God... He has shown me 23:01 just how evil sports really are 23:06 and from a child you are taught to be competitive 23:10 you're taught to work hard, 23:12 you're taught many things within basketball 23:14 leadership, encouragement, teamwork... 23:16 all these different things... but God is showing me 23:19 just how sinful it is, "The idol worship... 23:23 the greed, the love of money, the hatred, the envy... " 23:26 there were basketball players, 23:27 that I didn't even know them personally... 23:30 that I just didn't like, because 23:32 she's on the opposing team. Right. 23:34 How is that Christlike? 23:36 How is that Godly in any way...? 23:37 How does that line up with the Word of God? 23:40 And He's been showing me 23:42 that I cannot be unequally yoked with Non-believers 23:45 and I'm constantly unequally yoked 23:48 in the sports atmosphere, 23:49 it's just all these things are being thrown at me. 23:54 The other day I thought about, just how my coach is yelling 23:58 and she's going on... 23:59 cussing down my teammates 24:01 I'm like, "Man, and we profess to be believers," 24:04 it's like, "Are you worried about the state of your soul?" 24:08 Because we just get so caught up in a game, 24:11 at the end of the day, it's a game... 24:13 we're not supposed to be in it playing for His Glory, 24:16 like you told me earlier, it derives from Satan, 24:19 competition came from Satan not from God, 24:22 God told us to love each other, to walk in humility, 24:26 everything that Jesus preached on the Sermon on the Mount, 24:29 contradicts everything the sports atmosphere promotes. 24:33 Everything! Wow! 24:35 All right Camille, so, if you have any last words 24:39 that you want to tell everybody out there, what will it be? 24:42 I would say, "It's not worth it, it's not worth it... 24:49 if you're in a same-sex relationship 24:51 it's not worth losing your soul, 24:54 whoever you're in that relationship with, 24:57 like the Lord told me, it will be the death of you, 25:00 and I just believe that you can overcome it, 25:04 you can overcome and defeat sin, 25:06 it is by the power and grace of God 25:08 and I just really believe that 25:10 if you just look to Christ, 25:12 you will be delivered from it, 25:14 if you believe that it's something that you were born gay 25:19 or homosexual or whatever, 25:20 if you feel like you were born that way 25:22 I would say that you weren't, 25:24 God wouldn't create you 25:26 a homosexual 25:28 and then say in the Bible that it's wrong 25:29 and they just need to know... 25:31 He doesn't operate like that, 25:33 we were born into sin, shapen in iniquity 25:37 and man! we were subject to fall into any kind of sin, 25:41 I chose to act upon those same attractions or desires 25:46 you are choosing to challenges, 25:48 so don't be deceived, and that God can heal you 25:53 He can set you free, deliver you, 25:55 I pray that my testimony will be an encouragement 25:58 to you, and if you're just not a believer of Christ, 26:02 I will say 'repent and believe' 26:04 it's getting serious right now, 26:06 all these crazy events are happening within the world, 26:09 Haiti... Japan... it's just like a 150,000 people die every day 26:15 and who is to say... it won't be you or me 26:19 you know, tonight or tomorrow... 26:21 so I would really encourage you to start thinking about 26:23 the state of your soul. " 26:24 The Bible tells us in 1 John 1:9 "If you confess your sins, 26:29 He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins 26:31 and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness" 26:33 and then, John 1:12, I believe, it says, 26:36 "But as many as received Him, to them he gave power 26:39 to become the sons of God, even to them 26:42 that believe on his name" 26:43 and so, that's what you've done, 26:44 and you've allowed God to give you the power 26:46 to live like Him and to do His will, 26:48 I'm happy for you. Thank you. 26:51 Stay strong with it and and we're going to pray that 26:55 God gives you complete victory over the "balling" 26:59 but, I know God is blessing you, 27:01 I know He's leading you step by step, 27:03 thanks a lot for doing this interview with us. 27:05 No problem, thank you again. All right. 27:08 All right everybody, Camille LeNoir... 27:10 This is the Forerunner... and as always 27:12 whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth. |
Revised 2016-03-15