Forerunner Chronicles

8 Laws Of Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000007

01:58 Hi, and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
02:02 Alright everybody, did you know, or at least have you ever
02:06 considered that since the beginning of this world
02:09 to this very time, and I'm talking about a span of some
02:12 6000 plus years here, there has not been one invention,
02:17 not one invention, that has been conceived by the greatest
02:22 efforts of human ingenuity that can even begin to come close in
02:26 paralleling the absolute excellence of the organic
02:30 machinery known as the human body.
02:33 All of us, you and I, we are the products of divine development.
02:39 The Bible tells us in the book of Psalm 139:14, I will praise
02:46 thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
02:49 marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
02:54 Now what I'm going to share with you next is a thought that I
02:57 don't want you to ever forget.
02:59 I want it to resonate in your mind for as long as you live.
03:02 Are you ready for this? Well, here it is.
03:06 I don't care what you may have learned in school.
03:09 And I don't care what you possibly may have heard
03:12 and learned in your own home.
03:14 You are not the product of somebody's mistake.
03:19 You did not come into existence by happenstance.
03:24 You are the product of the careful, loving, methodical,
03:28 painstaking efforts of the God Almighty.
03:32 God has brought you into existence for the purpose of
03:36 fulfilling some infinite design in His eternal kingdom,
03:40 because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
03:44 And for this reason alone, all of the combined assets of the
03:50 financial institutions in our world could not even begin
03:54 to accumulate a sum that is sufficient to equal the worth
03:58 of one human being.
04:00 And I praise God for that.
04:02 But you know, there's another reason in the Scriptures why
04:05 we are worth so much more than anything that
04:08 this world could offer.
04:09 The Bible tells us in the book of 1 Corinthians 6:19:
04:32 How many of us honesty consider on a day by day basis that we
04:38 were created by God to be the living temple of the third
04:42 person of the godhead?
04:44 This is not just an awesome thought;
04:47 this is an awesome reality.
04:49 An awesome reality which brings me to my next point.
04:53 The Bible tells us in the book of 1 Kings 6, that King Solomon
04:58 took upon himself the work of building a temple for God.
05:02 And, of course, this was a physical structure.
05:05 But when choosing the materials that would make up this
05:08 structure, Solomon chose the very best materials out of his
05:12 treasure house, and out of the world, that would optimize
05:16 the beauty, and the durability of that physical building.
05:21 And after he erected the temple for God, and prayed,
05:25 and consecrated it to the service of God, we are told in
05:28 1 Kings 8:11, that the glory of the Lord filled the house.
05:34 The glory of the Lord filled the temple.
05:38 This is an important point for us to consider.
05:41 Because if Solomon would take such care in choosing the
05:45 materials that would optimize the beauty, and the durability
05:49 of that physical building, how much more careful should we be
05:54 in choosing how we treat our bodies?
05:57 What we place within our bodies, which were made by the hands
06:01 of God Himself, to be His living temple, so that we can show
06:05 forth His glory in this world.
06:08 Do you know the Bible teaches exactly what I said to you?
06:11 In the book of 1 Corinthians 10: 31, we are told, whether
06:17 therefore ye eat, or ye drink, or whatsoever ye do,
06:21 do all to the glory of God.
06:25 This means that we cannot just eat any type of food that we
06:29 want to eat, because we like the taste of it,
06:32 or drink any types of beverages, for that matter, as well.
06:36 Our health is extremely important.
06:39 Our minds are the only medium through which the Spirit of God
06:43 can communicate to us.
06:44 And our bodies are the instruments that God uses to
06:47 spread His love in this world.
06:49 Therefore, when we make our choices about what type of food
06:53 we'll ingest, or what type of substances we'll place within
06:56 our bodies, we need to be certain that these things will
07:01 minister to us having optimal health, so that we can give
07:05 optimal glory to God.
07:07 The key word here is optimal.
07:10 God requires of us to keep our bodies in good condition,
07:15 and He knows in exactly what condition He has given each
07:19 and every one of us our bodies.
07:21 The Bible tells us in the book of Psalm 139:16, Thine eyes did
07:28 see my substance, yet being imperfect;
07:31 and in thy book all my members were written,
07:35 which in continuance were fashioned,
07:37 when as yet there was none of them.
07:40 Before we even came into existence, God already had an
07:44 accurate record of our lungs, our hearts, our intestines,
07:47 our kidneys, our livers, all of these things, and He requires
07:52 of us to keep them in good condition.
07:54 He is going to require this at each and every one of our hands.
07:59 What have we done with His possession?
08:02 The Bible tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians 5:10,
08:19 This means that whatever we do in these bodies
08:23 that impacts our moral health, as well as our physical health,
08:27 all of these things will be brought before
08:29 us in the judgment.
08:30 And this makes it imperative that we clearly understand,
08:34 and obey by faith all of God's moral laws, as well as all of
08:39 God's health laws, which He has set in place to govern
08:43 our physical beings.
08:45 How many people have this knowledge?
08:47 How many people in our world truly have a working knowledge
08:52 of proper healthcare principles?
08:55 Millions of people every year are dying because they lack
08:58 knowledge in this one area: healthcare.
09:01 The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed
09:06 for lack of knowledge.
09:08 And we can see how this text applies to this
09:11 issue of healthcare.
09:13 Because day in and day out people are being overtaken
09:16 by disease and all manner of healthcare issues, because
09:20 1. They lack knowledge on how to maintain their health.
09:24 And then 2. They lack knowledge on how to restore their health
09:29 once they lose their health due to habitual unhealthy practices.
09:34 And, by the way, is the presently popular system of
09:38 healthcare that is dominant in our world at this time
09:42 really the best way?
09:44 And you can't make a guess on this thing.
09:46 You can't say, I think so, it seems right, I'm not sure.
09:49 It's not safe to do that on this issue; an issue upon which hangs
09:53 the lives of millions.
09:55 The Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs 16:25, There's a way
10:00 that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof
10:03 are the ways of death.
10:04 So really and truly, is this the proper method of healthcare
10:09 that is dominate in our world at this time?
10:12 Well, to give us a little bit of help on answering this question,
10:16 I sat down with a good friend and colleague of mine,
10:19 author, educator, and registered healthcare professional,
10:22 Ron Menhart, and he had some very interesting insights
10:26 to share with me, and, of course, I'm going to share it
10:29 with you at this time. Take a look.
10:32 I'd like to take you back to a model that I discovered
10:36 a few years ago dealing with the ideal healthcare system.
10:39 This was actually put out by the U. S. Public Health Service
10:43 a couple of decades ago.
10:44 And what it did was it looked at resources and how we can best
10:48 use our resources; how we can best allocate our resources.
10:52 And it actually put these, stratified these,
10:56 in like a pyramid.
10:57 And the pyramid is actually, it has several layers on it.
11:02 The first layer is the primary form of healthcare
11:08 we should be practicing.
11:09 The second, the third, and the fourth stratifications are
11:14 actually less and less resources we need to put into these
11:17 various components of the ideal healthcare system.
11:21 Well, let's start at the base.
11:22 The base of the pyramid is actually a form of
11:26 wellness education.
11:27 Now it makes sense for us to keep people well, right?
11:31 Not just to treat them when they're sick.
11:34 In fact, if we could keep a population relatively healthy
11:38 we need to spend less, and less amount on actual
11:41 treatments in healthcare.
11:43 It makes a lot of sense, both economically,
11:46 and socially, and morally even.
11:49 Now moving up this pyramid we have the second
11:53 stratification here.
11:54 This is primary healthcare.
11:55 Now even with the best wellness education
11:58 people will still get sick.
12:00 What happens when people get sick?
12:02 They need to go to a qualified practitioner; someone who knows
12:07 how to help them get back into that level of wellness
12:11 which they have fallen from, or risen to in this model.
12:16 And so what happens is with the ideal healthcare system
12:21 there's also an ideal practitioner who is focused on
12:24 wellness, who is bringing their patient back down into a
12:28 state of wellness.
12:29 Even with a practitioner who is focused on wellness, on bringing
12:33 their patient into a level of wellness in which they can
12:37 actually just live life normally,
12:40 and actually prosper and be in health.
12:42 Even with this, there sometimes is a progression of disease.
12:47 And so what we need ideally is another backup.
12:51 This backup is secondary healthcare.
12:54 Secondary healthcare, for example, would be something
12:58 like an overnight stay in a hospital, or a visit with a
13:02 more specialized doctor; someone who has a little bit more
13:06 knowledge in-depth in one system in the body,
13:10 who's able to help, of course, bring that person back to a
13:14 state of wellness.
13:15 This is the ideal to have people well.
13:17 Now even with the best of secondary healthcare,
13:20 there may still be some who kind of fall through the cracks,
13:24 who continue to progress in illness.
13:27 And so what happens here is we need another backup.
13:30 What if that person who went to their physician went to the more
13:34 specialized physician dealing with high blood pressure,
13:38 and complications actually had a heart attack, or a stroke,
13:42 because of their high blood pressure?
13:44 What would they need to do?
13:45 They would need to actually go and receive even more
13:48 specialized healthcare.
13:49 And so basically what would need to happen is they would need
13:53 to go and have some kind of highly specialized,
13:57 very expensive treatment done.
14:00 And, you know, it is needed in some cases.
14:05 But what we actually have in our current system is a total
14:10 reverse of this ideal.
14:13 What we have is the most expensive,
14:15 most highly specialized treatments taking up
14:19 the most resources.
14:21 How did this happen?
14:23 Well, the Bible tells us the love of money is the root
14:27 of all kinds of evil.
14:28 And we can see that this system is a profit based system.
14:32 So what is the result of this type of system?
14:35 this not ideal, or less than ideal system?
14:39 Well, it's very, very sad.
14:42 The average 75 year old suffers from three chronic, debilitating
14:47 conditions, and takes over five prescription medications.
14:52 And this is just the average.
14:53 There are many who take much, much more medication.
14:57 In fact we call this term polypharmacy.
15:01 It gets to a point where they take so many medications that
15:05 we don't even know what the interactions are going to cost.
15:07 We don't know what side effects.
15:09 So many of these people are actually suffering
15:12 they're debilitating.
15:13 Their debility is even increasing because of the
15:16 medications they're on, because of the treatments
15:19 they're receiving, because of all this mixture going on.
15:22 But they're really suffering the most because they've not been
15:25 educated into how to stay well, how to prevent disease,
15:30 how to enjoy life without being in bonds, in bondage
15:35 to medication, to physicians, to the medical establishment.
15:41 So what it really comes down to is that disease is profitable.
15:47 In fact if you were to look at the top four diseases that
15:51 Americans suffer from today, and you looked at the total
15:55 amount of revenue that's generated by these,
16:00 it gets close to 800 billion dollars per year.
16:04 800 billion dollars!
16:06 Imagine if all of that was put over into wellness education.
16:10 We need to ask ourselves, are we even treating
16:13 our patients correctly?
16:14 Are we promoting health, or are we confining them indoors,
16:19 shut away from fresh air and sunlight,
16:22 and the enjoyment of nature, and bringing about a further
16:26 state of debility just by keeping them indoors?
16:30 And are hospitals even healthy to begin with?
16:33 I mean think of the concept.
16:35 We're putting most of our resources into hospital
16:39 type environments.
16:40 So most of the people that get sick in this not so ideal system
16:44 are going to the hospital.
16:45 And so if you're a person that has cancer, let's say,
16:48 would you want to be in a room right next to someone who has
16:52 the Ebola virus, or AIDS, or HIV, Hepatitis,
16:56 any of these things? Ideally no.
17:00 Ideally you would want to be somewhere away from other
17:03 people that are sick, that have viruses, that have bacteria,
17:07 that have fungal infections.
17:08 You want to be away from them.
17:10 Now what happens is when we coop up all of our ill in the
17:14 same place, we have things happening;
17:16 this transmission of disease going on.
17:19 It's actually referred to as nosocomial infections.
17:23 Now in terms of nosocomial infection deaths per year,
17:27 we have something like 80,000 deaths per year due to hospital
17:32 acquired infections.
17:34 What about medications?
17:36 Are medications really that safe?
17:38 In hospital medications ideally should be the most safe.
17:44 Did you know that even in the hospital we have over 200,000
17:50 deaths per year due to medication errors,
17:54 and medication toxicity.
17:57 200,000 deaths per year.
17:59 Add up all of the minutia in terms of hospitalization based
18:06 death, and you have a greater danger even than stroke.
18:11 In fact, how many of you know someone who has
18:13 died from a stroke?
18:15 For every one person that you know that's died from a stroke
18:19 there are two more that have died from a hospitalization,
18:23 from a hospital stay.
18:25 The number is astounding.
18:26 Let's take another look at pharmaceuticals.
18:29 You see, in the current system pharmaceuticals are the
18:33 treatment of choice.
18:35 In fact, in the whole allopathic paradigm pharmaceuticals are
18:40 really the only way that's seen as a qualified treatment for
18:46 those ill that are suffering from chronic
18:49 disease, and so on.
18:50 Now are medications really safe?
18:54 We know that there are side effects to about every
18:56 medication that you can take.
18:58 But did you know that many of these are deadly?
19:00 In fact if you were to take all of the data that has been
19:05 compiled in research, and you compiled it all together;
19:09 you looked at in hospital medication error related death,
19:13 you looked at drug toxicity related death,
19:17 you looked at outpatient drug related deaths,
19:20 and these are all legal drug related.
19:22 These are not, we're not talking about illegal drugs.
19:26 If you added all of these together,
19:28 they are on a very conservative level even, you would have
19:34 something like 500,000 deaths per year related to total
19:40 legal drug deaths: 500,000 deaths per year.
19:47 Now this is a conservative estimate.
19:50 There are some who have said we may even have close to a
19:53 million deaths per year related to drugs, related to legal drug
19:58 use prescription medication, over the
20:01 counter pharmaceuticals.
20:03 When we look at this total amount of drug related deaths,
20:07 anywhere from 500,000 to a million deaths per year
20:11 related to drug use, and this is legal drug use,
20:15 we find something very startling.
20:17 Tobacco accounts for over one half a million deaths per year.
20:22 When we compare this with legal drug usage, we find something
20:28 very interesting, and that is that total legal drug use
20:33 surpasses tobacco in terms of its death toll.
20:37 Now we all know that tobacco is dangerous.
20:41 But how many of you knew that drugs were taking this many
20:45 Americans lives each year?
20:48 And it's not only in America, it's all over the world.
20:50 Because allopathy has dominated medical practice
20:54 throughout the globe.
20:56 If you look at the way our economy is going, it's set up
21:00 right now that health care is just growing,
21:03 and growing, and growing.
21:04 And experts actually predict that if it keeps growing at
21:08 this rate, we will not be able to compete with foreign markets.
21:12 Our economy will be totally destroyed by this system
21:18 that is destroying people's lives.
21:21 In terms of treatment, is there a better way?
21:26 Is there another option?
21:29 I would submit to you that there is.
21:31 There are many alternatives to pharmaceuticals.
21:35 In fact in the early 1900's many of these
21:38 alternatives were practiced.
21:40 However, now allopathy stands alone in its preeminence,
21:45 and also in its dominance in using, and forcing others to
21:50 use this treatment paradigm, and that is prescription drugs,
21:54 over the counter drugs, under the counter drugs, you name it.
21:58 It all has to do with drugs.
22:00 But what it really comes down to is that we are still looking for
22:06 a profit, a way of profiting due to treatment.
22:10 Now many people could just go outside and get some sunlight
22:14 and decrease their risk for cancer.
22:16 In fact, experts recommend moderate sunlight exposure,
22:21 and they actually estimate that over 100,000 cancer deaths
22:25 per year could be prevented if adequate sunlight
22:29 exposure took place.
22:31 Now this is a very benevolent thought.
22:36 But, unfortunately, many people are actually put on other
22:40 prescriptions for preventative measures.
22:44 The allopathic mindset is very much a drug dependent mindset.
22:49 Are we truly focused on bringing our patients into a
22:54 state of wellness?
22:55 Well, I won't leave that up to conjecture.
22:59 In fact a recent gallop poll actually looked at patients who
23:04 had recently seen a physician, and they actually came apart
23:08 from their physician.
23:10 50% of them had not received any counsel whatsoever about
23:16 fitness and/or wellness. That's 50%.
23:20 That's not even asking someone, Do you get a chance to walk
23:24 every now and then?
23:26 That's not even asking someone, Would you consider losing
23:29 a little bit of weight?
23:30 It's not even asking someone, Are you having any
23:35 medication side effects?
23:37 You see, when it really comes down to it, our physicians,
23:42 our little army of physicians here in the United States today
23:47 is so overwhelmed with generating, and keeping the
23:52 gears turning on this huge conglomerate,
23:54 this huge healthcare system, this profit based system
23:57 that they have less and less time that they can even
24:01 get these words out.
24:02 It's not just their fault; it's the system.
24:05 There are many excellent physicians out there today,
24:08 many physicians I truly respect and love,
24:10 and I enjoy working with, but the vast majority is uneducated
24:16 in terms of wellness, in terms of fitness,
24:19 and in terms of prevention.
24:21 It's time to wake up.
24:23 Well, if you're anything like me, after hearing this type of
24:31 factual information, you may be saying to yourself,
24:34 Where do I go from here?
24:36 And that's why I want to share with you Newstart.
24:39 What Newstart is is eight principles; eight laws of health
24:43 that were given to us by God.
24:45 And these eight laws of health, they are not only effective
24:49 in aiding us to maintain good health, but they are just as
24:54 effective in aiding us to combat disease, or any healthcare
24:58 issues that we may be faced with.
25:00 So get a pen and paper, because here they are:
25:03 Law 1. Nutrition: The vegetarian diet is the best way to lose
25:09 weight and to keep it off.
25:11 It improves health, decreases disease, promotes longer life,
25:15 and it is more economical.
25:18 Eating generous amounts of whole plant based
25:20 foods is good for us.
25:22 Law 2. Exercise: Now this is very important for physical
25:27 and mental health as well.
25:29 Exercise lowers the heart rate, and the blood pressure.
25:32 It controls appetite, it burns up unwanted fats,
25:36 and it increases the blood circulation,
25:38 and the oxygen intake, and of course it improves muscle tone.
25:43 We need at least 45 to 60 minutes of
25:46 daily aerobic exercise.
25:48 Law 3. Water: Your blood is about 90% water,
25:52 and it carries nutrients to and from the cells.
25:57 The kidneys are dependent upon having adequate water so they
26:01 can filter out waste products.
26:03 Many times common constipation, headaches, and even backaches
26:08 can be relieved simply by drinking sufficient water.
26:12 We need at least 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water per day.
26:19 Law 4. Sunshine: One of the most healing agents
26:23 of nature is the sun.
26:25 Sunshine forms vitamin D in the skin.
26:28 It destroys bacteria and viruses.
26:30 It increases available white blood cells,
26:33 lowers blood pressure, and lowers cholesterol and fat
26:37 levels in the blood.
26:38 Getting regular exposure to early morning, or late afternoon
26:43 sunlight, while avoiding over exposure to intense sunlight,
26:47 and burning is great for our overall health.
26:50 Law 5. Temperance: Temperance is avoiding that which is harmful
26:56 to our mental, physical, and spiritual health, and using in
27:01 moderation those things which are good for us.
27:03 This includes the proper ratio of work and relaxation,
27:08 time for God, right eating, and right thinking.
27:12 Law 6. Air: We are generally benefited by negative ions,
27:18 which occur in fresh outdoor air.
27:20 Breathe deeply of fresh air to increase quantities of oxygen.
27:25 Enjoying regular outdoor recreation, and breathing mostly
27:29 from the diaphragm will improve the oxygenation of the blood.
27:34 Law 7. Rest: Every cell in the body expends energy.
27:39 Rest helps us resupply these cells with the energy they need.
27:43 Therefore sleeping at regular times, and balancing hard work
27:48 with time for relaxation is necessary.
27:51 And most importantly, Law 8: Trust in God.
27:55 God has given us the power of self government,
27:59 which is the freedom and ability to make decisions.
28:02 We are unable to change our hearts, but we can choose to
28:07 trust and obey God, and He promises to work in us to give
28:12 us the desire and power to live in harmony with Him.
28:15 By choosing to trust and obey God, a total change will be
28:20 made in our lives.
28:22 It is only by the strength of God that we can
28:25 live victorious lives.
28:27 Well, I hope that you took notes.
28:30 And even more importantly, I hope that you've already
28:33 planned to practice each one of these eight laws of health
28:36 in your own personal life, because they're practical,
28:40 they're economical, and above all else,
28:43 they're divinely appointed.
28:44 The Bible tells us in 3 John:2, Beloved, I wish above all things
28:50 that thou mayest prosper and be in health,
28:53 even as thy soul prospereth.
28:56 And so my prayer for you is that as you yield your heart to being
29:01 governed by our Lord Jesus Christ day by day,
29:04 moment by moment, so that you can receive power to obey
29:09 all of His moral laws.
29:11 I pray that as well you will utilize that very same power
29:16 to be disciplined, to be serious about practicing all of His
29:21 eight laws of health.
29:22 Because God desires you to have good health,
29:25 and He wants you to experience life, and life more abundantly.
29:29 If you have any more questions about these eight laws of health
29:33 please don't hesitate to contact us.
29:36 And as always, this is The Forerunner.
29:39 And whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2016-03-15