Forerunner Chronicles

New Age Agenda - Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000004

01:05 Hi, and you're now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
01:09 Alright everybody, I want to welcome you to Part 3 of our
01:13 special Forerunner Chronicles series, The New Age Agenda.
01:17 And if you've already missed parts 1 and 2 of this series,
01:20 you've missed a great deal of information.
01:24 So please pay close attention, because you're not going to want
01:27 to miss a drop of what I'm getting ready to share with you.
01:31 In the Bible, in the book of Revelation 12:17 we are told,
01:37 And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
01:40 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
01:43 which keep the commandments of God,
01:45 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
01:48 We've already learned that according to Revelation 1:1
01:53 the book of Revelation is filled with codes and symbols.
01:58 That dragon, and that woman that we're looking at in
02:01 Revelation 12:17, are symbolic of two different entities.
02:06 According to Revelation 12:9, the dragon is a symbol
02:12 of the Devil, for we are told there: And that great dragon,
02:15 that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
02:18 which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth,
02:22 and his angels were cast out with him.
02:25 And that woman is symbolic of God's people, or God's Church.
02:30 We are told this in the book of Jeremiah 6:2 which says:
02:35 I have likened the daughter of Zion unto a comely
02:39 and delicate woman.
02:41 Then in Isaiah 51:16, at the very end of that verse
02:46 we are told: and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
02:51 Zion is a symbol of the people of God.
02:54 And in Jeremiah 6:2 God has likened Zion to a comely
02:59 and delicate woman.
03:00 So what we're looking at in Revelation 12:17 is the Devil
03:05 being wroth with God's people, or God's Church,
03:08 and he is going to make war with the remnant of her seed,
03:11 because they keep the commandments of God,
03:13 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
03:17 There is a movement by the Devil to make war with God's people
03:21 because they uphold His commandments,
03:23 and they uphold the testimony, the faith,
03:26 the Spirit of Prophecy concerning Jesus Christ,
03:30 according to Revelation 19:10.
03:33 But did you realize that the Bible gives another title
03:37 to Satan other than the dragon?
03:39 And that title was found within the same Bible verse,
03:42 Revelation 12:9. We are told there, once again:
03:59 Notice that the Bible identifies Satan as being
04:03 'that old serpent'.
04:04 This is really important information.
04:07 Because as we look at some of the activities of that
04:10 old serpent found within the Bible, we will quickly realize
04:13 that God is giving us insight into how Satan is carrying out
04:18 his movement of warfare against God's people in these last days.
04:23 We are told some information about that old serpent
04:27 within the book of 2 Corinthians 11:3.
04:32 The Bible tells us: But I fear, lest by any means,
04:37 as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety,
04:40 so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity
04:44 that is in Christ.
04:46 The Bible is warning us that we are in danger
04:49 of being corrupted.
04:50 Or as the original Greek says, we are in danger of being
04:54 spoiled, and ruined from the simplicity of Christ Jesus
04:58 by falling to the deceptive, beguiling of the Devil,
05:02 which he utilized against Eve in the garden of Eden,
05:06 to draw her out in rebellion against God
05:09 by disobeying His commandments. Wow!
05:13 Now, the question is, what was the method that the Devil used
05:19 to seduce Eve into disobeying God's commandment?
05:23 Well, we don't need to scratch our heads on this one.
05:26 All we need to do is go back to the book of Genesis in the Bible
05:31 and we'll find all the information that we need.
05:34 In Genesis 3:1 the Bible tells us: Now the serpent was more
05:41 subtle than any beast of the field
05:43 which the Lord God had made.
05:45 And the serpent said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said,
05:49 Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
05:52 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit
05:55 of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree
05:59 which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said,
06:02 Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
06:06 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.
06:11 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof,
06:15 then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
06:20 knowing good and evil.
06:22 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
06:25 and pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one
06:30 wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat,
06:33 and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
06:38 Now let's take a look, starting back at verse 1 at all of this
06:41 information, because as we analyze this we will see that
06:45 Satan has a particular methodology that he follows
06:49 to draw people out of their relationship with God,
06:53 to make people disobey God's commandments,
06:55 and unite with him in rebellion against the King of kings,
06:59 and the Lord of lords.
07:01 Starting at verse 1, the Bible tells us:
07:11 1. The Devil will use the most subtle method by which he can
07:16 promote his deception.
07:18 The deception will not come overtly.
07:20 The deception will come covertly.
07:23 2. The Devil will use the most attractive means that he can
07:29 to allure you into this deception.
07:32 What most people don't realize is that prior to sin,
07:35 the serpent was one of the most beautiful creatures
07:38 which God created.
07:40 As a matter of fact, this creature had the ability to fly.
07:44 The only reason why serpents currently go along upon their
07:48 bellies, and eat the dust of the ground, is because God Himself
07:52 pronounced this curse upon the serpent in the
07:55 book of Genesis 3:14.
07:57 Because it was used as a medium by the Devil
08:01 to allure men into deception.
08:03 Satan will always mingle subtlety with great
08:08 attractiveness to seduce people into his net of lies.
08:12 Remember this the next time you go to the mall clothing
08:17 shopping, or the next time you sit down in front of the
08:20 television to watch your television program
08:23 that you love so much, or to play video games,
08:26 or to sit in front of your computer and go on the internet
08:30 to look at who knows?
08:32 Remember this: the Devil will always make it extremely
08:36 attractive when you're listening to your favorite genre of music,
08:39 or watching your favorite videos,
08:41 or playing your favorite games.
08:43 It will be so attractive!
08:45 But this is because nine times out of ten this is a medium,
08:50 a vehicle by which the Devil is using to introduce into your
08:55 hearts principles of death.
08:58 And that is a fact.
09:01 Point 3. Notice that the very first words which were spoken
09:06 by the serpent, or by Satan to Eve; they were framed
09:10 within a question, and this question was:
09:17 Now this wasn't some haphazard question that the Devil just
09:21 threw out there hoping that Eve would give a good response.
09:25 We're talking about one of the most brilliant intellects that
09:28 are within existence.
09:29 The mind of Satan is only superseded by the intelligence
09:34 of the all wise God Himself.
09:36 This was a well thought out question.
09:40 It was calculated to make questions pop up
09:44 in the mind of Eve.
09:45 Questions like, why is it that God said we could eat of every
09:49 tree except for this one tree?
09:51 What's so special about this one tree?
09:54 Is there something that God is trying to hold back from me?
09:58 Why would God want to hold anything back from me?
10:00 These were the types of questions that the Devil desired
10:04 to be conjured up in the mind of Eve so that he would have the
10:10 opportunity to answer these questions
10:13 with his deceptive lies.
10:16 And falling for the seduction of the Devil, Eve responded:
10:39 Now in that one statement is a multitude of deceptions.
10:45 Deception 1. Satan insinuated to Eve that God was a liar.
10:50 Because it was God that told Eve that if she ate from the
10:55 tree she would die.
10:57 Deception 2. Satan insinuated to Eve that God didn't love her.
11:02 Because only someone that doesn't love you tells you lies.
11:08 And Deception 3. Is a deception that is still presently being
11:14 perpetuated in our present society by television,
11:19 by magazines, by books, by movies, even by churches.
11:24 And this deception is that man possesses an immortal soul.
11:29 This belief that man possesses an immortal soul is the very
11:34 foundation belief system of all spiritualist movements.
11:39 The Bible teaches that the only being that is within existence
11:44 currently that possesses immortality is God Himself.
11:49 We are told this in the book of 1 Timothy 6:16, Who only hath
11:57 immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach
12:01 unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor
12:07 and power everlasting. Amen.
12:11 According to the Bible, God who dwells in light unapproachable,
12:15 which no man has seen; He is the only being that possesses
12:20 immortality at this time.
12:22 But for those of us who live a life of faith in the power of
12:27 Jesus Christ to make us holy, and by our faith in Jesus,
12:30 we live daily in obedience to His commandments,
12:34 we will one day receive immortality at the
12:37 second coming of Jesus Christ.
12:39 This is what the Bible promises in the book of Romans 2:7.
12:45 It says there:
12:57 You do not seek for something that you already possess.
13:01 You seek for something that you are trying to obtain.
13:05 And in this case, according to Romans 2:7, for those of us
13:11 who will humble ourselves, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord
13:16 and Savior, and ask Him for the power of His Holy Spirit so that
13:21 we can have the ability to live daily lives of obedience,
13:26 we are seeking for glory, and honor,
13:30 and immortality; eternal life.
13:34 And the Devil has been deceiving people all the way
13:37 from the garden of Eden into believing that they already
13:42 possess this gift, which God will only give to those who live
13:46 in loving obedience to Him.
13:49 But back at the book of Genesis 3, starting at verse 4,
13:53 we are told that the:
14:10 Did you realize that Satan insinuated to Eve that her eyes
14:14 were currently closed, because she was living in obedience
14:17 to God's commandment?
14:19 Remember he said if she ate from the tree, which is to disobey
14:23 God, then and only then her eyes would be opened.
14:28 And, by the way, he could have been talking about the eyes
14:31 that were on her face, because he knew that Eve could see him,
14:35 the tree, and the fruit that he was trying to
14:38 deceive her into eating.
14:40 So what were these eyes that Satan was talking about
14:44 that would be opened?
14:45 Well, the Bible gives us information on this in the book
14:48 of Matthew 6 starting at verse 22. The Bible says:
15:13 Here in Matthew 6 we are being shown that the eye can be used
15:19 in the Bible as a symbol of the human intellect;
15:23 the mental faculties.
15:24 You see, the same way that we use our literal eyes to direct
15:29 the course of our footsteps, is the same way that we use our
15:34 mental faculties, our intellect, to direct
15:37 the course of our lives.
15:39 And the Bible says if your mind is single, then your whole body
15:45 will be full of light.
15:47 And that word single there doesn't just mean singular,
15:50 like I have one single finger in the air at this time,
15:54 but it also means, in the original Greek, clean.
15:58 So if your mind, your intellect is clean, then your whole body
16:03 will be full of light.
16:05 How does one make their mind clean and pure?
16:09 The Bible tells us in the book of Psalm 19:8
16:14 how this is possible.
16:15 We are told there: The statutes of the Lord are right,
16:19 rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is
16:23 pure, enlightening the eyes.
16:26 And that word pure there in the original Hebrew means clean.
16:32 So the commandment of the Lord is clean, enlightening the eye.
16:36 The way that our minds can become clean and enlightened
16:41 is by storing our hearts with God's commandments,
16:45 because as we live in obedience to God's commandments,
16:48 we can begin to discern the difference between good
16:52 and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness, truth and error,
16:58 the genuine and the counterfeit.
17:01 And the devil does not want us to have this clear perception
17:06 of reality, so he is trying to deceive us into believing
17:10 that if we reject God's commandments we will become
17:13 knowledgeable creatures.
17:15 We will become intelligent.
17:16 Matter of fact, like he said to Eve in the book of Genesis 3:5,
17:22 Ye shall be as god's. What a lie.
17:25 But the worst part of this scenario is found within the
17:29 book of Genesis 3:6.
17:33 We are told there:
17:54 At the very beginning of her interaction with the serpent
17:58 Eve clearly stated that she believed that in the very day
18:03 that she ate from that tree she would surely die.
18:07 But now Eve's perception of the tree is radically different.
18:11 Her whole belief system is absolutely different.
18:15 Because now the tree that she previously looked upon as the
18:20 minister of death, she now sees it as good for food.
18:23 It is now pleasant to her eyes, and she now believes that it is
18:28 desirable to make her wise.
18:31 Where did Eve get these new thoughts from?
18:35 And why has her perception of reality become so
18:39 radically different?
18:40 You know exactly why.
18:43 It is because Eve parlayed with the deception of the Devil.
18:48 This didn't take years.
18:50 This didn't take months.
18:52 This didn't take days.
18:54 It only took a matter of moments for the Devil's
18:58 deceptions to turn Eve out.
19:01 And that's exactly what he's trying to do to us.
19:05 You see it only takes a matter of moments for you to download
19:09 that music on your iPod, or for you to watch your favorite music
19:13 video, to listen to your favorite song, to play your
19:16 favorite video game, to visit your favorite internet site.
19:19 It only takes a matter of moments, but that's all the
19:23 time that the Devil needs to twist you inside out.
19:28 He has interwoven these principles of deception into
19:33 almost every aspect of our society.
19:37 And I hope you've been paying close attention to all the
19:41 information that I have been sharing with you.
19:44 Because what we've been looking at are the very basic principles
19:49 that are at the foundation of the New Age Movement:
19:53 the belief in the immortality of the soul,
19:57 the belief that humanity has within ourselves this dormant
20:01 power that we need to learn how to tap into so that we can be
20:06 like God, the belief that humanity must learn how to
20:10 balance the powers of good and evil.
20:13 All of these are the very same Satanic lies that are being
20:18 taught currently by the New Age Movement.
20:21 And they are using all manner of serpent like disguises to make
20:28 these lies attractive to us, so that we will invite them into
20:32 our homes, and receive them into our lives.
20:36 For our children they're using cartoons like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto,
20:42 Bleach, Dragon Ball Z.
20:44 They're using Mickey Mouse to Lion King, to Cinderella.
20:49 All of these have been seeded with the very
20:52 same Satanic deceptions.
20:55 And by no means did I just give you an exhaustive list.
20:59 They're using television programming like American Idol,
21:03 and Dancing With the Stars, Oprah Winfrey.
21:06 They're using the movies like Harry Potter and Twilight,
21:10 Tron, Transformers, Thor.
21:13 They're using music.
21:14 Why do you think rappers like Jay Z can nickname themselves
21:20 J- Hova when Jehovah is the title of God Himself.
21:25 This is because this poor soul has fallen to the deception
21:29 of the Devil that ye can be as gods.
21:32 And now the Devil, the Prince of Darkness, is using this
21:36 individual to promote this same deception to us.
21:40 Why do you think R and B singers like Beyonce can use titles like
21:47 I Am to name her tour?
21:50 The title I Am is God's name!
21:53 This is because this poor individual has as well fallen to
21:58 the deception of the Devil.
22:00 But we need to pray for them as we realize at this same time
22:05 that the Devil is trying to use them to prey on us.
22:09 Ladies and gentlemen, this is what the Bible was warning us
22:13 about in the book of 2 Corinthians 11:3, But I fear,
22:21 lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
22:27 subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity
22:33 that is in Christ.
22:34 The seducing spirits, and the doctrines of devils that have
22:39 been unleashed on our world are seeking to spoil and ruin us
22:44 from a relationship with Jesus Christ, and to gather us with
22:49 them, and all the host of hell, to march against God
22:53 in the battle of Armageddon.
22:58 But do you want to know something?
23:00 Eve never had to fall to the Devil's deception.
23:03 If she only stayed by the side of her husband Adam
23:07 she would have never fallen to the Devil's lies.
23:11 Did you know that we have a husband?
23:14 The Bible tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians 11:2,
23:19 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have
23:24 espoused you to one husband, that I may present you
23:28 as a chaste virgin to Christ.
23:31 Jesus Christ is our husband.
23:35 And as long as we stay close to His side, He will protect us,
23:39 He will keep us. He will never allow the Devil to pluck
23:44 us out of His care.
23:46 So we have some questions that we need to
23:49 begin to ask ourselves.
23:51 My friend, when you're sitting down in front of the television
23:55 watching your regular favorite programming, can Jesus,
23:59 your husband, sit down there with you?
24:01 If Jesus can't watch those programs with you,
24:04 then you have departed from the side of your husband,
24:09 and like Eve, you are standing on enchanted ground.
24:13 And the Devil is there ready to deceive you,
24:16 twist you inside out, and bring your mind into a state of
24:21 perversion that you will begin to call truth error,
24:25 and light darkness.
24:27 My friend, can Jesus listen to the music that you have on your
24:32 iPod, or on your computer, or on your cell phone?
24:36 If Jesus can't stand there with you as you're listening to that
24:40 music, then know that you have strayed from the side
24:43 of your husband.
24:45 And the Devil is at hand to destroy your soul,
24:48 and to twist you so that you will become his servant,
24:51 and then use you to draw others as well into the same deception.
24:56 The Bible tells us clearly in Romans 6:16, Know ye not,
25:04 that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
25:07 his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto
25:12 death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
25:16 We can't serve two masters.
25:19 Who will be your master is the decision you need to make today.
25:24 I hope and pray that you will decide to dedicate your life
25:29 to the service of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God,
25:34 which taketh away the sin of the world,
25:36 according to John 1:29.
25:39 Because only those that are in the service of the Lamb
25:43 will prevail in this warfare.
25:46 For when this whole battle comes to its conclusion,
25:49 we are told exactly what will happen in the book of
25:52 Revelation 17:14.
25:56 The Bible tells us, These shall make war with the Lamb,
26:00 and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords,
26:04 and King of kings: and they that are with him are called,
26:09 and chosen, and faithful.
26:12 My prayer for you is that you will receive the call of Jesus
26:16 Christ on your life today; that you will choose to serve Him
26:21 with all your heart, with all your soul,
26:24 and with all of your strength.
26:26 And that you will be faithful unto Him, even unto the death.
26:31 And if you are, when He appears, you shall
26:35 receive a crown of life.
26:37 God bless you! As always, this is the Forerunner.
26:41 And whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2016-03-15