Forerunner Chronicles

New Age Agenda - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christopher Hudson


Series Code: FRC

Program Code: FRC000003

01:05 Hi, and you're in now with The Forerunner Chronicles.
01:09 All right, everybody, I want to welcome you
01:11 to part 2 of the special Forerunner Chronicles series,
01:15 the new age agenda.
01:18 The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation 12:17,
01:23 "And the dragon was worth with the woman,
01:26 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
01:29 which keep the commandments of God,
01:31 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
01:35 Now we learn that in the Book of Revelation
01:37 there are many codes and symbols.
01:40 We are told this in the Book of Revelation 1:1,
01:44 which tells us, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
01:47 which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants
01:51 the things that must shortly come to pass and he sent
01:55 and signified it by his angel to give unto his servant John."
02:00 That word signified in the original Greek
02:03 from which the Book of Revelation
02:05 was translated means that the Book of Revelation
02:08 was placed into codes and symbols,
02:11 so that dragon and that woman in Revelation 12:17
02:16 are symbolic of other things.
02:19 But what are they symbolic of?
02:21 The Bible always gives us the answers.
02:23 In the Book of Revelation 12:9 we are told
02:27 in reference to the dragon and the great dragon,
02:30 that old serpent called the devil in Satan
02:33 which deceiveth the whole world,
02:35 he was cast out into the earth
02:37 and his angels were cast out with him.
02:40 So the dragon primarily is a symbol of the devil.
02:45 Now let's deal with this woman. What is this symbolic of?
02:48 Well, the Bible gives us an answer
02:50 in the Book of Jeremiah 6:2 we are told there,
02:54 "I have likened the daughter of Zion
02:57 unto a comely and delicate woman."
03:00 So the daughter of Zion is a comely and delicate woman.
03:05 Now in the book of Isaiah 51:16,
03:09 the Bible goes on to tell us at the very end of that scripture
03:14 "and say unto Zion, Thou art my people."
03:18 So Zion is the people of God
03:21 and God has likened the daughter of Zion
03:24 or his people unto a comely and delicate woman.
03:29 So a woman in Bible prophecy can be
03:31 a symbol of God's people, God's church.
03:35 So in Revelation 12:17 what we're seeing here
03:39 is the devil moving with great anger
03:42 and warfare against God's people, His church, why?
03:46 Because they keep the Commandments of God
03:48 and they have within their possession
03:51 the testimony of Jesus Christ.
03:54 And one of the methods by which the devil
03:56 is carrying out this insidious warfare
03:59 against the people of God in these last days
04:02 is found within the Book of 1 Timothy 4:1.
04:07 The Bible tells us, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
04:11 that in the latter times" and this simply means
04:14 that the spirit of God is being very outspoken,
04:18 that in these last days "some shall depart from the faith,
04:23 giving heed or paying attention to seducing spirits,
04:28 and doctrine of devils."
04:30 It is by that means of these Satanic agencies
04:33 putting their deception out into the world
04:36 that many people will depart from the faith.
04:39 Meaning that they will give up their belief in the Word of God
04:43 and consequently their relationship with Jesus Christ.
04:47 And this whole attack is not just isolated
04:51 to the people of God,
04:52 neither is it isolated to one particular country.
04:55 The Bible tells us
04:57 in the Book of Revelation 16:13,
05:01 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
05:05 coming out the mouth of the dragon,
05:06 and out the mouth of the beast,
05:08 and out the mouth of the false prophet.
05:11 For they are the spirits of devils working miracles,
05:15 which go forth unto the kings of the earth
05:18 and of the whole world, to gather them
05:22 to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
05:27 Notice that they are attacking the kings of the earth as well.
05:31 This is men that have political power,
05:33 men that have financial power,
05:36 men that have control over the media,
05:38 men that have influence over the masses
05:41 so they can use their influence to redirect the masses
05:45 that we will pay homage to the devil
05:48 and not give our service to the true and living God.
05:52 The devil wants us to unite with him
05:55 in fighting against God in the battle of Armageddon.
06:00 But let's take some time to analyze something
06:02 that we didn't analyze
06:04 in part 1 of this series and that is
06:07 these unclean spirits that are like frogs.
06:10 Why do you think that the Bible uses frogs
06:14 to identify these unclean spirits?
06:17 Why not snakes, why not cockroaches?
06:20 None of us like those,
06:22 why do you think the Bible uses frogs?
06:26 Well, one thing we can do is look out into nature
06:29 and see some very peculiar characteristics about frogs.
06:33 Number one, frogs use their tongues to catch their prey.
06:39 Notice that these frogs are coming out of the mouth
06:42 of these three different entities.
06:44 The dragon, the beast and the false prophet.
06:47 This means that by means of their false teachings
06:51 they will ensnare their prey which happens to be you and I.
06:56 But by the grace of God we will never fall to these deceptions.
07:00 But they want to trap us
07:02 with their fear, deceptive speech.
07:04 Number two, have you ever heard a frog croaking before
07:09 and you went to try and locate it
07:11 and then you quickly realized
07:13 that you couldn't tell exactly from which direction
07:16 the croaking of the frog was coming from.
07:19 This let you know that the frogs croaking
07:21 or its speech is very elusive.
07:24 You think it's coming from one direction
07:26 but it's really coming from the other.
07:28 In other words,
07:29 they may come out speaking in good words,
07:32 they may come out with their humanitarian purposes,
07:35 it may seem like peaceful agenda,
07:37 it may seem like good things,
07:39 but the underlying purpose which we cannot perceive
07:43 is actually to bring about our destruction
07:45 by making us fall to Satan's deception.
07:49 That is two reasons why frogs are used here
07:52 in Revelation 16:13.
07:55 But now let's see what the Bible has to say
07:57 about frogs in the Book of Exodus chapter 8.
08:01 In Exodus chapter 8, we are given
08:03 a portion of the historical account
08:06 in which Moses and his brother Aaron
08:08 journey within the borders of the land of Egypt
08:11 to carry out their mission, which God gave unto them.
08:15 This mission was to go before pharaoh
08:18 and to commend him to let God's people go
08:21 so that they could worship the true and living God
08:24 according to the way that he commanded
08:27 that they should worship him.
08:29 And to let pharaoh know that he was serious
08:31 about his commandment being carried out,
08:33 God worked many miracles which were plagues,
08:36 by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
08:39 One of these plagues is found within the Book of Exodus 8:6.
08:46 We're told there and Aaron stretched out his hand
08:49 over the waters of Egypt
08:51 and frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.
08:56 Then in verse 7, we are told
08:58 and the magicians did so also with their enchantments
09:02 and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt.
09:06 Now let's take one second
09:08 to quickly analyze what took place here.
09:11 By the power of God, Aaron had the ability
09:15 to bring forth frogs upon the land of Egypt.
09:18 This was to plague pharaoh and all of the inhabitants of Egypt
09:22 so that they would know
09:24 it's time to obey God's commandment.
09:26 However, pharaoh's magicians
09:29 which were the high priests of the Egyptian occult mysteries,
09:33 a belief system, a religion, in which men communicated
09:38 with demonic spirits and came under the deception
09:42 that they had the power to be like God.
09:45 These men by the means of these demonic agencies
09:49 had the ability to also bring forth frogs
09:53 upon the land of Egypt.
09:55 And the primary reason that they worked out
09:58 this black magic was to strengthen pharaoh
10:01 and all of the inhabitants of Egypt
10:04 in their rejection of God,
10:06 in their persecution of God's people,
10:09 and in their rebellion against God's commandment.
10:13 And for all of you out there that are familiar
10:16 with this biblical account,
10:18 you know that the frogs were the very last plague
10:23 that the magicians were able to counterfeit.
10:27 This is the main reason why frogs are used as a symbol
10:32 of the three unclean spirits in Revelation 16:13.
10:37 What we are looking at here in Revelation 16:13
10:41 is Satan's last great deception
10:44 to strengthen the world in their rejection of God,
10:48 in their fighting against God's people,
10:51 and in their rebellion against God's commandments.
10:55 Satan is gathering people for the battle of Armageddon.
10:59 In other words, Satan is trying to initiate people
11:03 into his ranks so that they will fight with him
11:06 against the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
11:09 And you shouldn't be shocked at anything
11:12 that I'm sharing with you here,
11:13 because the Bible clearly tells us
11:15 in the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:15
11:20 "That which hath been is now and that which is to be
11:25 hath already been and God requireth that which is past."
11:30 In other words, the things that happened in the past,
11:34 they are now taking place in our present day society.
11:38 And those things that will transpire in the future
11:42 have already taken place in the past.
11:45 Therefore, God requires of all of us
11:49 to have an accurate knowledge of historical account,
11:52 especially those historical accounts
11:55 that have impacted his people
11:57 so that we can better understand
11:59 the things that are happening in our present day society
12:03 and so that we can make some accurate projections
12:06 about those things that will happen in the near future.
12:10 And the same way that Satan used occult practices
12:14 and spiritualism to strengthen men in rejecting God
12:19 and rebelling against God's commandments
12:21 and in fighting against God's people in times past
12:25 like we saw in ancient Egypt.
12:27 He is using these same things in our present day society.
12:32 And as you are going to find out in a moment,
12:35 the New Age Movement is behind these activities.
12:40 We are living in the midst of a supernatural warfare
12:44 and through the medium of the New Age Movement,
12:47 Satan with his cunning sophistry has reengineered
12:51 the occult worship practices of ancient times
12:55 and brought them into our modern day society.
12:59 One of the main agents of this New Age Movement
13:02 was a woman by the name of Alice A. Bailey.
13:06 Alice A. Bailey was the founder
13:09 of the occult organization known as Lucis Trust.
13:13 The original name of this organization
13:16 was Lucifer's Publishing Company.
13:19 The headquarters of this spiritualist organization
13:23 is found within the United Nations
13:26 where it operates as a non-governmental organization.
13:31 In the volumes of Alice Bailey's
13:33 writings on the occult, she spoke much of the nations
13:37 of our world developing a new world order
13:40 and the importance of an organization
13:43 known as the Freemasons
13:45 for the success of this endeavor.
13:51 In one of Alice A. Bailey's letters concerning her thoughts
13:54 on freemasonry, she wrote, "The Masonic Movement...
13:58 will meet the need of those who can,
14:00 and should wield power.
14:03 It is the custodian of the law,
14:05 it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of Initiation.
14:11 It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity,
14:15 and the way of salvation
14:17 is pictorially preserved in its works.
14:20 The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples
14:23 and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward.
14:28 It is a far more occult organization
14:32 then can be realized and is intended
14:35 to be the training school
14:37 for the coming advanced occultists."
14:42 Benjamin Creme, a man that is noted
14:44 as the John the Baptist of the New Age Movement,
14:48 in his book "The Reappearance of the Christ"
14:50 and "The Masters of Wisdom"
14:52 had these statements to make about freemasonry.
14:56 "Through the Masonic tradition and certain esoteric groups
15:00 will come the process of initiation.
15:03 In this coming age, millions of people
15:06 will take the first and second initiation
15:09 through these transformed and purified institutions."
15:14 "The New Religions will manifest, for instance,
15:17 through organizations like Freemasonry.
15:20 In Freemasonry is embedded the core of the secret heart
15:24 of the occult mysteries,
15:25 wrapped up in number, metaphor and symbol.
15:30 When these are purified,
15:32 these will be seen to be a true occult heritage.
15:36 Through the Orders of Masonry, the Initiatory Path
15:40 will be trodden and Initiation will be taken."
15:49 Now there's a few points that I want to highlight for you
15:52 from those statements that were made
15:53 by Alice A. Bailey and Benjamin Creme
15:56 so that you pay particular attention to this information.
16:00 Point number one, Alice A. Bailey states
16:02 that Freemasonry is a far more occult organization,
16:06 they can be realized.
16:08 Point number two, she also stated that Freemasonry
16:11 is the custodian of the occult mysteries, which simply means,
16:16 they are the guardians of that Satanic belief system.
16:20 Point number three, she stated that the symbols
16:23 which are protected by the Freemasons,
16:26 they have embedded within them the ritual of deity.
16:30 This means that those symbols that you find
16:34 within Freemasonry, they all have connected to them
16:38 the Satanic belief system
16:40 that man has the ability to be like God.
16:45 This is the very same deception which the devil promoted
16:49 at the first in the Garden of Eden in the
16:51 Book of Genesis Chapter 3.
16:54 And then point number four,
16:57 Benjamin Creme stated that millions of people,
17:00 millions of us will be initiated into the occult
17:04 when they can purify and transform
17:07 their occult symbols, numbers and metaphors.
17:13 Now if I was you, ladies and gentlemen,
17:15 I would be asking how do they propose to purify
17:20 and transform these occult symbols,
17:23 numbers and metaphors
17:25 because it is by this means that they are seeking
17:28 to initiate millions of people in our day into the occult.
17:33 This means they are trying to make millions of us
17:36 knowledgeable of the way that they think,
17:38 they are trying to indoctrinate us
17:41 into their belief system,
17:43 and they propose to do this by purifying
17:46 and transforming their symbols, metaphors and numbers.
17:51 And according to their writings,
17:53 this whole process of purifying and transforming
17:56 these symbols, numbers and metaphors
17:59 is done through what they call externalization.
18:03 What externalization simply is,
18:05 is to take an idea that is abstract,
18:08 a concept that is hard to be understood
18:11 and to break it down, make it simple,
18:14 and also make it attractive so that people will not only
18:18 understand it but they'll desire to have it
18:22 and that's what they're doing to us right now.
18:25 It's like a mother feeding her child vegetables,
18:29 they're mixing their belief system with something sweet
18:32 and they're making it slide right down our throats
18:35 and we are asking for more of it.
18:38 And by what means do you think
18:41 that they are externalizing this belief system,
18:45 this Satanic belief system to the world?
18:48 Well, in Alice A. Bailey's writings,
18:51 she developed ten stratagem by which
18:54 the nations of our world could establish a new world order
18:58 in which Lucifer would be acknowledged as sovereign.
19:02 Two of those strategies were...
19:08 strategy number 8,
19:10 "Use mass media to influence mass opinion.
19:14 Create mass opinion that is receptive to these values
19:18 by using television, film, the press et cetera."
19:27 Strategy number 9, "Debase arts in all its forms.
19:32 Corrupt music, painting, poetry,
19:35 and every expression of the heart.
19:38 Make it obscene, immoral, and occultic.
19:42 Debase the arts in every way possible."
19:45 Ladies and gentlemen,
19:47 they are using mass media to shape mass opinion.
19:52 They are using media, music, movies, video games, art,
19:59 everything that they can get their hands on,
20:02 the fashion industry, as a vehicle
20:05 to promote to us their Satanic belief system
20:09 and we're not even realizing what they're doing
20:12 because they've broken it down, they simplified it,
20:15 and they've made attractive to us.
20:18 And if you're still not understanding
20:20 how this whole concept, abusing the media
20:23 for this purpose works, here's an example.
20:26 As you sit down in the comfort of your own home
20:29 watching the television and a program comes on
20:32 in which one of these occult symbols can be found,
20:34 subliminally, the human mind will record this symbol
20:37 in the subconscious and associate it with
20:40 whatever message was being conveyed
20:41 by the program at that time.
20:43 In this case, the message is money is security.
20:46 Then turning the channel on your television,
20:48 another program comes up with this same occult symbol
20:51 but this time the message being conveyed is disobey God.
20:54 This message as well will be associated in your mind
20:58 with that same symbol and then changing the channel
21:01 once again you view another program
21:03 in which the same occult symbol can be found
21:05 but this time the message being conveyed is have sex.
21:09 This message as well will be subliminally associated to
21:12 or connected with that symbol in your mind.
21:16 So consequently whenever you see that occult symbol,
21:21 your subconscious will influence your conscious mind
21:25 to think, have sex, disobey God, money is security,
21:30 because the symbol that has been anchored in your mind
21:34 now acts as a trigger
21:37 to activate the subliminal messages
21:39 that your mind has associated it with.
21:44 And this massive assault against humanity
21:47 to invade our conscious thought patterns via our subconscious
21:51 for the purpose of molding our characters is a design
21:55 that is being carried out by men
21:58 but it has been orchestrated
22:00 and it is being supervised by Satan himself,
22:03 for Satan is simply conveying his thoughts
22:07 and his desires to the minds of his agents
22:11 which in turn use their power, their money
22:15 and their influence to push the devil's agenda
22:19 and all of this is for the purpose of leading
22:22 millions of men and women young and old
22:26 to either directly or indirectly pay homage to
22:31 or give worship to the devil.
22:38 My friend, I hope that your eyes are beginning to open
22:42 and that you are perceiving what is going on right now.
22:46 We are under the attack of this most subtle
22:49 and seductive method of indoctrinating us
22:52 with the doctrines of devil's,
22:54 and this whole conditioning process
22:57 is for the purpose of accomplishing the design
23:00 that is spoken out in the Book of Revelation 16:14
23:04 "And that is to gather us to the battle
23:07 of that great day of God Almighty."
23:10 In other words, Satan is trying to initiate us
23:13 into the ranks of his army so that we will be prepared
23:17 in heart and mind to fight against God
23:21 in the battle of Armageddon and the most disturbing thing
23:25 about this whole scenario is that the devil
23:29 has stolen this method of educating from Jesus himself.
23:35 Now you might be sitting on the edge of your seat
23:37 and saying what in the world is this man talking about?
23:42 Well, I'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about.
23:45 You see, when Jesus Christ walked upon
23:48 the face of this earth, He spoke many parables,
23:51 one of these parables were the sower and the seed.
23:55 The sower was a symbol of the person
23:58 that spread the Word of God,
24:00 the same way that a sower spread seed,
24:03 and the seed obviously was a symbol of
24:06 the Word of God or the gospel of the Kingdom.
24:10 Why do you think Jesus would use a sower
24:12 and a seed as symbols to present
24:15 these most important principles of salvation?
24:19 The reason why Jesus used these symbols
24:21 was because they were common sights for those people
24:25 that He was educating and He knew
24:28 that they would see these things frequently,
24:31 it was His desire that as they saw sower sowing seed
24:35 over and over and over again,
24:38 they would remember the principles of righteousness
24:41 that He taught them and that one day
24:44 these principles would transform their lives
24:47 as they will recall to their minds
24:49 over and over and over again.
24:53 And so Satan has taken this method
24:56 that Jesus used to teach principles of righteousness
25:00 and He is using this method now
25:02 to teach us the doctrines of devil's.
25:06 Has it ever once puzzled you
25:08 as to why all of a sudden these very curious symbols
25:12 have become popular in our secular society?
25:16 Like skulls and crossbones and eyes with impairments,
25:20 you can find them on business logos, on coffee mugs,
25:24 on t-shirts, on baseball caps, on children's clothing,
25:28 on undergarments, they are everywhere.
25:32 In our video games, in our favorite sitcoms,
25:35 in cartoons, they are everywhere,
25:39 and that is why now more than ever
25:42 we must separate ourselves from the things of this world.
25:47 We must give up our worldly entertainment,
25:50 we must give up our worldly fashions,
25:54 we must give up our worldly music,
25:57 and give ourselves wholly to the service of God,
26:02 for the Bible says, "All that is in the world,
26:05 the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye,
26:08 and the pride of life, they are not of the Father,
26:11 they are of the world."
26:14 1 John 2:16 and that is why the Bible councils us
26:19 in the Book of 2 Corinthians 6:17,18
26:24 "Come out from among them, and be ye separate,
26:27 and touch not the unclean thing sayeth the Lord God.
26:30 And I will receive you unto myself.
26:32 And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be
26:36 my sons and daughters, sayeth the Lord of hosts."
26:39 If we want to be children of God,
26:41 if we want God to be our Father,
26:43 we must separate ourselves from these worldly things
26:48 which the devil is trying to use to contaminate us.
26:52 The Bible tells us, in the Book of 1 John 3:2
26:59 "Beloved now are we the sons of God
27:03 and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know this
27:08 when He shall appear we shall be like Him
27:12 for we shall see Him as He is
27:15 and every man that has this hope in himself,
27:18 purify himself even as He is pure."
27:22 We are living in a age in which
27:24 we need to purify our minds, our thoughts, and our desires
27:29 and the devil is trying to contaminate them
27:31 but if we separate ourselves from the things of this world
27:35 we can become pure so that we can meet Jesus face to face.
27:39 For as the devil is purifying and transforming
27:43 his demonic system of worship to be understandable
27:47 and to be acceptable by humanity,
27:49 we need to purify our minds
27:52 so that we can be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
27:56 The Bible tells us in the Book of Romans 12:1
28:02 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
28:04 by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies
28:07 a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God,
28:12 which is your reasonable service.
28:14 And be ye not conformed unto this world,
28:17 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
28:22 that ye might prove what is that good,
28:24 and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
28:28 God is looking for you to give yourself wholly
28:32 and completely to His service so that He can use your life
28:38 to magnify His beautiful and amazing character in this world
28:43 and the only way we can do this
28:45 is if we are not conformed to the principles
28:49 of the devil of this world.
28:52 I want to encourage you,
28:55 it is time to give up the worldly music,
28:59 the worldly videos, the worldly video games,
29:02 the worldly dressing,
29:03 it is time to separate yourselves
29:06 from the things of this world
29:08 and to unite yourself to Jesus Christ.
29:11 He loves you so much
29:13 that He wouldn't want to spend eternity without you.
29:17 This is The Forerunner and as always
29:20 whether you like it or not, the truth is the truth.


Revised 2014-12-17