Food for Thought

Bread Making

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Marcella Lynch


Series Code: FFT

Program Code: FFT000012

00:01 Did you know that bugs are smarter than people?
00:04 Stay tuned to find out what we can learn
00:07 from bugs that relates to good eating
00:10 and also see delicious homemade bread made.
00:32 Hello, I'm Marcella Lynch,
00:33 and welcome to Food For Thought,
00:36 the cooking show that features God's eating plan
00:38 as unfolded through Scripture
00:40 and through an understanding of God's other book,
00:43 the book of nature.
00:45 Our class today is featuring whole grain bread making.
00:50 With bread readily available in supermarkets,
00:52 I still make it a point to bake a weekly batch
00:55 of homemade bread at home.
00:57 My mother baked the family's bread
00:59 when I was at home and for 33 years,
01:01 I have done the same for my family.
01:04 There's nothing so tasty and special as homemade bread.
01:08 And instead of paying $2 or more
01:10 for a good loaf of whole grain bread,
01:13 you can make it for 50 cents or less a loaf.
01:16 I figured it out one time that with four people in our family,
01:20 we save over $4 per year...
01:23 Oh, not $4, $400 per year by making our own bread.
01:28 I purchase wheat berries in 25 pound or 50 pound bags,
01:33 store it in airtight containers,
01:34 and grind it fresh on bread making day.
01:38 Wheat keeps for years and years as long as you store it
01:41 so bugs cannot get into it.
01:43 And speaking of bugs,
01:45 did you know that weevils are smarter than people?
01:48 When it comes to knowing whether food is fit to eat,
01:51 they always turn up their noses at white flour
01:54 or bread in cupboards, if wheat,
01:56 whole wheat is available.
01:59 What is the difference between
02:01 whole wheat bread and white bread?
02:03 I'd like to show you this kernel of wheat chart here
02:06 and we can see what the difference is
02:08 between white bread and whole wheat bread.
02:12 You can see here that there's three parts
02:13 to the kernel of wheat,
02:15 the outer covering is the brand,
02:17 this little yellow part down here is the germ,
02:20 and the inside part is the endosperm.
02:23 On the outside part is the fiber,
02:26 the minerals and vitamins, that's the brown layers,
02:29 down here is the germ in which is the vitamins,
02:32 especially the E vitamins and the wheat germ oil,
02:34 this is the life giving part of the kernel.
02:36 If you planted this seed in the field,
02:38 it would sprout from right here.
02:40 And then the whole center part of the kernel of wheat
02:42 is the starch and the protein.
02:44 We call that the endosperm.
02:46 So when you're grinding whole wheat flour,
02:49 you just put the whole kernel in there
02:51 and it comes out of your flour mill...
02:54 whole wheat flour.
02:55 When you're using white breads
02:56 and you're grinding and using...
02:58 not grinding but when you're baking
02:59 with white flour,
03:01 you're just getting this endosperm part
03:03 and that's the difference
03:05 between the white and the whole wheat.
03:10 Eating God's way of whole foods has not...
03:14 is not being pulled apart by humans.
03:16 It means eating whole grain bread, doesn't it?
03:20 The bread we're going to make today
03:22 is a multigrain bread
03:24 and I like to add several other ingredients to it.
03:27 So let's just start now
03:28 and talk about making good homemade bread,
03:31 that is really nourishing
03:34 and the weevils will get into it
03:36 because they're smart.
03:38 I want to show you first of all, wheat.
03:40 It's kind of important to have the right kind of flour
03:43 when you make whole wheat bread,
03:45 if you want it to be elastic and light.
03:47 So I have here three different kinds of wheat
03:50 and these are the kind here for bread-making.
03:53 This is hard red on this side and this is the hard white
03:57 and either one of them
03:58 will make good whole wheat bread.
04:01 This one here is very light colored.
04:02 You can see that.
04:04 And this is pastry wheat.
04:05 And when you buy pastry flour in the market
04:08 and you buy whole wheat pastry flour,
04:11 it's made out of this wheat right here
04:12 and it doesn't really have very much of that kind of protein
04:15 in it called gluten.
04:17 That is the one protein that wheat has that will give
04:20 that elastic texture to the bread.
04:22 Wheat is the only grain
04:24 that has the protein gluten in it
04:26 that when needed and stretched will make that elastic texture
04:30 that can make bread rise and make it sliceable and fun
04:33 for you to make sandwiches and slices.
04:35 So you need this kind of wheat here,
04:37 either the hard red or the hard white wheat
04:40 in order to get that elastic texture
04:43 that the gluten protein gives to it.
04:45 Now if you've ever heard of the...
04:47 I'm sure you've used the all purpose flour
04:49 in the supermarket.
04:50 All purpose means, it's kind of okay for bread
04:53 and it's kind of okay for cookies and cakes.
04:55 What they do is they mix part hard wheat
04:58 and part soft wheat together
05:01 and you get sort of a general all purpose flour.
05:03 But at home, we can be professional
05:05 and we can use just hard wheat for bread
05:07 and we can use just soft wheat,
05:09 and that's a little trick in your natural food kitchen
05:11 to get light, elastic whole grain products
05:14 is by using the right product.
05:17 For example, if you tried to make a pie crust
05:19 out of this hard wheat,
05:20 you'd get a tough whole wheat crust,
05:22 but you make it out of the soft wheat,
05:24 you get a wonderful flaky crust.
05:26 So that's just a little lesson in your wheats for today.
05:29 We have over here a nice variety of some other grains.
05:32 It's wonderful to mix the different kind of grains
05:35 together when you make bread.
05:36 I find the texture and, of course,
05:39 the nutrition is enhanced greatly
05:41 when you mix other kinds of grains.
05:43 And it's kind of hard to tell them apart,
05:46 they look a little bit alike.
05:48 Right now, I tell my students in the classes
05:52 that it's like a mother when she has twins.
05:56 After a while, you get so...
05:58 The mother knows them exactly, she can tell them apart
06:01 but some other people that don't know them very well,
06:03 they just get the twins all mixed up
06:05 and can't remember which is which.
06:07 It's kind of like that with these grains.
06:08 They don't look alike to me because I'm familiar with them,
06:11 and I've used them in my kitchen for so long,
06:13 and they're different in texture,
06:15 they're different in color, they have a different flavor,
06:17 and it's wonderful to get used to using all the kinds.
06:20 This is barley here.
06:21 We have some oats.
06:23 This is the same kind of oats
06:24 that most of you use as rolled oats.
06:27 It flattens the oats
06:28 and it's very wonderful and nutritious.
06:30 This is more of the soft wheat.
06:32 We have barley here,
06:34 and we have rye up here in the front.
06:37 And this is buckwheat broths.
06:39 This again, is the hard red wheat.
06:41 So it's just wonderful to store these whole grains
06:44 in your home and if you're fortunate enough
06:45 to have a flour mill,
06:47 which we have here this today, we can grind our own flour.
06:52 Now Myrna is going to help me today.
06:54 Hi, Myrna. Hi, Marcella.
06:55 Why don't we go ahead and bring the flour in.
06:57 We ground some whole wheat flour ahead.
07:00 But I just want to grind a little more for you,
07:02 so that you can kind of see how this grinds.
07:06 I'd like to just take some of this hard wheat here
07:09 and just mix it with a little of this
07:11 light colored hard wheat
07:12 and we'll l just put a little bit more
07:14 through the mill,
07:15 so that you can see how wonderful it is.
07:17 First of all, we just turn it on
07:19 and then we just put the grain in there.
07:34 Just going to throw it all.
07:56 Sounds like our jet landed.
07:58 That's a very powerful mill
08:00 and it grinds over a pound a minute
08:02 and you can have wonderful fresh flour at any moment.
08:05 And here we have our fresh flour for the bread
08:07 and we've also ground a little bit ahead.
08:10 I'll tell you, you can make bread for 50 cents a loaf
08:13 but besides that, it's that memories
08:15 that your children are going to have
08:17 when you have the homemade bread,
08:19 and the dinner rolls, and the whole wheat pizza
08:22 and all those different fun things like cinnamon rolls
08:25 without the cinnamon and sugar, you can make wonderful things.
08:28 So what we'll do here is talk about the recipe first.
08:33 In our Cooking by the Book, cookbook,
08:35 we have a whole chapter in here about bread making.
08:38 In fact, if you want to know the truth,
08:40 the bread making chapter is the longest one of all
08:42 because I love to make bread,
08:44 and we have many different kinds of bread
08:47 that you can make.
08:49 So on page 77 of the cookbook,
08:51 it's got the basic bread recipe.
08:55 Now we have a kitchen machine here
08:56 that we're going to use today
08:58 that has a three-sided kneading arm
09:00 and this is an easy way to make bread.
09:03 If you don't have this convenience of a mixer,
09:05 then you just get your big bowl and a big wooden spoon
09:08 and you do this by hand.
09:09 And you can skip some of the bread making steps
09:13 when you have this machine
09:14 because with this three-sided kneading arm,
09:16 it can stretch and stretch the dough so quickly and nicely
09:20 that you don't need to knead it for all those minutes by hand
09:23 and let it rise and punch it down.
09:26 From the time we start making this bread here
09:28 until it's coming out of the oven,
09:30 it's less than two hours and it only takes about
09:33 15 or 20 minutes of your personal time
09:36 and you come out with five or six big loaves of bread
09:39 or several loaves of bread
09:40 with a lot of other kinds of dinner rolls and things.
09:43 So it's a lot of fun
09:44 and you can freeze these loafs of bread
09:46 and just pull one at a time out of your freezer
09:49 and have bread all week long.
09:51 So once a week is just about how often I make bread at home.
09:55 All right, so it says here that
09:57 we need to grind 10 cups of wheat
09:59 and we've already done that.
10:01 And the rule of thumb is
10:02 if you put one cup of grain in your mill,
10:04 you're going to get a cup and a half of flour underneath.
10:07 So if we grind, what it says here,
10:09 10 cups of hard red wheat or the white wheat,
10:12 then that gives you about 16 cups of flour
10:16 when you get through, 14 to 16 cups.
10:19 Now one thing about making bread is that
10:21 you don't need to worry about measuring things too accurately
10:23 because every time you make bread,
10:25 that water will absorb the flour
10:28 in a little different proportion.
10:30 Actually, when you add other grains besides wheat
10:33 to the mixture of flour, they absorb differently,
10:36 their content is a little different.
10:38 So don't worry about measuring too accurately.
10:41 And in this mix that we have milled today,
10:43 we actually put some barley, some oats,
10:47 and some rye here with our bread.
10:49 So we have like four or five grain bread here.
10:52 Now we're just going to start with six cups of water.
10:55 Make it warm or sort of extra warm.
10:58 It goes right into the mixer here.
11:03 And we have the measures right on the side,
11:05 so I had it measured up here to the six cup mark.
11:10 And we'll add one third cup of oil.
11:13 But we don't always use oil, you can put applesauce in,
11:17 you can put...
11:20 any kind of mashed dried fruits in
11:23 or you can just skip the oil.
11:25 French bread, you know,
11:26 only has about a tablespoon of oil and that's all.
11:29 So let's just go on and skip the oil,
11:31 it's a third of a cup of honey, molasses, dates,
11:34 or something for sweetening.
11:36 So we're going to take this spatula here
11:38 and I've made bread so often that I'm just going to put
11:42 what I know is about a third of a cup of honey
11:44 and let's go ahead and put
11:45 just a little molasses in here for fun too.
11:49 It doesn't really matter, does it, Myrna,
11:50 that you measure exactly
11:52 how much of everything you put in here?
11:53 It works out anyway.
11:55 It's wonderful.
11:56 You know, I always tell people you can't really wreck bread,
11:58 as long as you get the consistency
12:00 right at the thickness of it, it will be just fine.
12:03 So we need about one and a half tablespoons of salt here.
12:07 Do you want your yeast there?
12:08 Yeah, I'm going to wait a little bit on the yeast.
12:10 We have so many wonderful new kinds of yeast now
12:13 that you just throw the yeast
12:14 right in with the dry ingredients.
12:16 That's the salt.
12:17 That's the salt, yeah.
12:18 We need one and a half tablespoons of salt here.
12:20 Okay.
12:23 And let's see, the next thing is three tablespoons of yeast
12:27 but we're just going to wait a minute on that
12:29 because we're going to just go ahead and...
12:32 Let's see what else, that's it.
12:34 I want to add now about whole eight cups
12:37 of this freshly milled flour and let it...
12:40 Get a dough basically going first
12:42 and then we'll put the yeast in.
12:44 Right?
12:45 So you don't really need to measure
12:47 how much flour you put in.
12:49 I don't know if that's because we kind of are experienced
12:51 or if, you know, you'll get on to it after just a little...
12:55 We'll move this over here.
12:58 You want to get a dough.
12:59 I've always been afraid to put my salt in so soon
13:01 because I heard that wouldn't let my yeast work.
13:03 Is that...?
13:04 But that you notice,
13:06 we haven't put the yeast in yet.
13:07 I know. You're showing me a trick.
13:08 I'm pleased to learn this.
13:10 So actually, we'll just add the yeast a little late.
13:12 This is the rapid rise yeast but it works just the same.
13:15 I'll just go ahead and put all of it in there
13:16 and that looks about right.
13:18 Okay.
13:19 Let's put that lid on there.
13:21 Okay.
13:23 It will just get that started here.
13:25 Always use the very low speed for bread making.
13:42 All right, one of the tricks
13:44 to making your whole grain breads
13:45 really light and elastic is a couple extra ingredients
13:49 that we put in this recipe here and it's three tablespoons
13:53 of commercially prepared dough enhancer.
13:56 Now if you have trouble finding that,
13:58 and I think you probably will have trouble finding that,
14:02 you can add a tablet of vitamin C
14:05 and about a tablespoon or two of lecithin granules.
14:08 This is some magic in bread.
14:10 It helps your bread to rise lighter
14:12 and to stay moist longer.
14:14 And, you know, the reason whole wheat bread
14:16 generally dries out faster than white bread
14:18 is because it's got that fiber and that bran
14:22 and, of course, it's supposed to dry out.
14:24 In fact, if you want to know the truth,
14:26 it's more digestible when it's drier bread.
14:29 And so what we need to do here, Myrna,
14:31 is just crush up this vitamin C tablet here
14:33 with the back of this spoon.
14:35 You want to do that? Sure.
14:36 Just do it maybe in this lid here, put it there.
14:39 And this was just like a 500 milligram vitamin C.
14:42 It doesn't have to be 500, you could put 250 in.
14:46 But it's just a chemical reaction that takes place
14:49 in the bread to help it to be lighter and more elastic.
14:53 You just go ahead and put that right in there.
14:56 And then this is the liquid lecithin
14:58 and if you have the granules, that's just as fine,
15:01 we'll just put a little bit of that here.
15:03 And you can buy this at the health food store,
15:06 just last a long time.
15:08 In fact, I make a homemade kind of a nonstick spray
15:12 but I don't use it in a spray bottle
15:14 but you can take half lecithin
15:16 and half, like, corn oil or some vegetable oil,
15:19 keep that in a little bottle mixed together,
15:21 and you can use that to brush right on your bread pans
15:23 and it creates a nonstick surface.
15:25 That's exactly what's in these sprays,
15:27 except that it also has an aerosol.
15:30 So you can create your own
15:31 and that recipe is also in our book.
15:33 Okay, so another trick,
15:35 if you're adding these other grains,
15:37 remember that these other grains
15:38 do not have the gluten protein that makes bread elastic.
15:42 If you add too many non-wheat type of grains
15:44 to your whole grain bread, that's just going to make it
15:47 more heavy and more crumbly.
15:49 So if you want to have a little trick
15:51 to make it still be a light and elastic
15:54 but go ahead and add six or seven
15:56 other small portions of some of the other grains,
15:58 then just keep on hand a little gluten flour.
16:02 We have this gluten flour that you can get
16:05 from the natural foods store.
16:07 And let's put about...
16:09 It's all hooked in there.
16:11 Oh, it doesn't matter, maybe a half a cup.
16:13 This is going to make like five or six loaves of bread.
16:15 So it's a big batch.
16:17 And we can put maybe three quarters of a cup.
16:20 It's just whatever you prefer on that.
16:23 All right?
16:24 So let's just add the yeast and for the yeast,
16:26 you need three packages or three tablespoons
16:29 of either the active dry yeast or the instant rise yeast.
16:34 And we'll just tear this open, and put it in,
16:36 and you can add it near the last, it makes very nice,
16:40 light bread even when you throw it
16:41 in at the very last.
16:42 One time, when my son was in the sixth grade,
16:45 he was so proud to demonstrate bread making for his class.
16:48 And he forgot the yeast,
16:51 he took what he thought was yeast,
16:53 and it was breadcrumbs out of my refrigerator,
16:55 and he actually realized it too late that he had...
16:59 no yeast in there.
17:01 So we added it at the very last minute,
17:03 and it worked out just fine, and saved the day for him.
17:05 I'm just adding some more flour here,
17:07 enough to make it a little heavier dough,
17:10 and you just keep the machine running,
17:13 and add the flour gradually until the dough is
17:15 at such a consistency that it starts pulling away
17:19 from the sides of the bowl.
17:20 You'll see that here.
17:58 All right, the dough has mixed for 10 minutes here
18:02 and that made it all nice and elastic
18:04 without us even needing to touch it.
18:06 Now if you're doing this by hand,
18:08 you would simply put this out on the board and work it.
18:10 I'm going to demonstrate a little to you,
18:12 so you can see how to knead bread by hand
18:14 if you're not so fortunate to have a bread making machine.
18:18 Here, let's put a little flour out here on the board,
18:21 so that we can work our dough
18:24 and we're going to make a lot of interesting things
18:26 from this whole wheat dough that we have here.
18:29 So we'll take it out of the bowl.
18:33 And see what we can do.
18:34 It's nice and stretchy.
18:36 Now that means that, that special kind of protein
18:39 that's in wheat has been made very elastic.
18:45 So you see, the first trick
18:47 is to get the right kind of flour
18:49 from the hard wheat for bread making,
18:51 and the second trick is to get it developed
18:54 and to get it elastic.
18:56 And that can only happen by kneading.
18:58 And so the old-fashioned way
19:00 is to knead it for 10 or 15 minutes by hand
19:03 and the easy way is to use a bread-making machine.
19:08 Put a little more flour here.
19:10 And we'll just put it all out.
19:12 This is a large batch of dough.
19:14 You could make five loaves of...
19:17 big loaves of bread
19:19 or you could make a lot of different dinner rolls
19:21 and sweet rolls, and we're going to show you
19:25 a nice variety of things that you can do
19:27 from this one basic dough.
19:30 All right.
19:31 I'll just give this to you, Myrna.
19:32 Well, I'll just put it right down here,
19:34 there's a place for it.
19:36 Now we have room to work here.
19:39 So we don't need to work this anymore
19:42 because it's been in the machine.
19:44 But let me just show you
19:46 how you would work this by hand.
19:49 Have you ever heard that old saying that
19:50 "A heavy hand makes heavy bread"?
19:53 That's really true.
19:54 You can watch a person knead bread
19:55 and you can tell whether the bread
19:57 is going to be heavier or not.
19:58 And you want more of a wrist action,
20:00 kind of stretching to the dough when you're kneading bread
20:03 by hand, you know, don't just go...
20:06 and like this, you know, real heavy handed
20:08 because you're not doing what it needs to have done.
20:11 You need to stretch it.
20:12 So you turn it a quarter of a turn, keep flour under it,
20:16 so it doesn't stick.
20:17 You bring it up and you push and stretch it back.
20:21 You give it another quarter turn.
20:22 You bring it up and you push it back.
20:25 So this is the slow motion.
20:28 And you just keep kneading it like this
20:30 until you get it all kneaded for about 10 or 15 minutes.
20:35 And you want it to just bounce back at you
20:37 when you poke into it like that,
20:38 so that you'll know that it's nice and elastic.
20:41 Once you get it all kneaded, if it's a by-hand method,
20:44 you need to put it aside in a bowl, cover it,
20:46 and let it rise, and punch it down
20:48 but this is kneaded so efficiently
20:50 that we can just start shaping the dough.
20:53 So let's make a regular loaf of bread
20:56 that you would put in a bread pan.
20:58 Myrna will take one of those spread pans
21:02 and you take your one portion of dough
21:05 that you're going to put in a regular bread pan.
21:07 I'll just let you spray that for me too.
21:10 You want to be sure to use a nonstick spray
21:12 or a hard type of...
21:14 shortening so that it will...
21:18 Oil still will, it will really stick if you use oil.
21:21 But whatever the size of bread pan that you use,
21:25 you want to fill it two thirds full of dough
21:27 because the loaf needs to be bouffant over the top.
21:31 So you want to let it double in size before you bake it.
21:35 You always let the dough rise before you put it in the oven.
21:39 And if you don't fill it two thirds full,
21:41 then it won't be so pretty
21:43 when you take it out of the oven.
21:44 So I'm just flattening this dough
21:46 into the shape of my pan, which is a rectangle here,
21:50 and I'm just going to roll it up
21:52 into a tight ball like this.
21:55 And be sure you put the seam on the bottom
21:58 and you just put it in the pan.
22:00 And you see, if it's two thirds full of dough,
22:02 then when it's doubled in size, it will be...
22:05 rounded over.
22:07 So this needs to set aside.
22:08 Here, Myrna, and we're going to let
22:10 cover it with a dry towel
22:11 and let that raise for a little while until it's double
22:14 and then we pop it into the oven.
22:17 And in your cookbook, it tells us,
22:19 tells you here that it's 354, about 45 minutes that bakes.
22:23 Now you can bake bread in cans.
22:26 And this is just a juice can,
22:28 you can have all different sizes
22:29 and shapes of dough.
22:31 And let's just put one little bit of dough, Myrna,
22:35 in that can, so that we can just...
22:36 Okay.
22:38 You just fill it half full of dough
22:39 and then when it's risen up to the top,
22:42 it's ready to bake also.
22:44 So you don't have to buy a lot of expensive pans.
22:47 Is this already greased?
22:49 That's already sprayed. Okay, great.
22:51 And you could just rake, shape your dough
22:53 and just put it in there.
22:55 And I love the round loaves, they're real fun to do.
22:58 And we have some here that are heart shaped
23:00 and those are cute.
23:01 You could do the same thing, fill them half full of dough
23:03 and when you get all through,
23:05 you have a heart-shaped loaf of bread.
23:06 And you can buy a little kits like that to work with.
23:10 All right, let's make a loaf of peasant bread here, Myrna.
23:15 If you want to make a nice peasant loaf of bread...
23:19 Did we bring sesame seeds out here?
23:21 We can just make it right here on a cookie sheet
23:23 and you could do French bread as well.
23:26 But you can just simply make a round loaf of bread here.
23:30 I'm sorry.
23:31 That's okay, no problem,
23:32 we will just skip the sesame seeds.
23:34 Make it round and you can put it...
23:37 If you have some sesame seeds or some poppy seeds
23:40 you want to put over the loaf, then you can simply
23:44 wet this with water or a little milk
23:46 and then the sesame seeds will stick to it.
23:49 And then slit it about three times.
23:51 You know that's the way the peasant bread looks
23:53 when you buy it.
23:54 And when this raises, then you just take it
23:56 also in the oven and it gets nice,
23:58 and crispy, and crusty, and I love this kind of bread.
24:01 So there we have the peasant bread.
24:04 I thought maybe you'd like to see
24:05 how to braid some bread.
24:10 So let's take three strands of dough here
24:13 and we'll just kind of make...
24:17 Kind of like braided bread.
24:19 You can play with your dough
24:20 and do all kind of things with it.
24:21 You need to make...
24:25 ropes actually, three nice ropes like this.
24:29 And I'm working kind of fast
24:31 because we're almost out of time here, and, Myrna,
24:33 why don't you go ahead and bring up the finished bread
24:36 that we've baked ahead to show everyone
24:38 when we get through playing with our dough here?
24:40 I'm on the way.
24:41 Okay.
24:43 I think we'll just maybe set it right here
24:46 on this area right here.
24:47 All right.
24:48 Again, we'll be looking at our bread and we have...
24:52 one more rope here we're going to make,
24:55 just show you how you can...
24:58 Yeah, you could take more time to make your ropes,
25:00 but you just have a lot of fun, you can tie in knots,
25:03 take a rope and tie a knot in it,
25:04 and you can have dinner rolls of all different shapes,
25:07 you can make pizza crust and pocket bread
25:11 and everything from the same dough.
25:13 I don't know if we have another,
25:14 maybe this cookie sheet pan here,
25:16 Myrna, you could bring it.
25:17 I'll bring it.
25:18 And we can just put this on the cookie sheet
25:20 before we actually make it into braided bread here,
25:25 just spread it out a little bit.
25:28 So we'll lay these ropes right in here.
25:31 Stick to the ends together here.
25:33 And then you just start braiding like this,
25:37 pick them up, put them over.
25:39 And if you wanted to,
25:40 you could make a little sweet dough type
25:43 with naturally sweet things,
25:46 fresh pineapple and just make raisins
25:50 and nuts all over it.
25:52 Let them over...
25:53 Do you want to put a few? Yeah.
25:55 All kind of fancy things you can do.
25:56 We have a little tiny piece of dough here left, Myrna,
25:58 you play with that
25:59 and I'll just show you how to make some dinner rolls,
26:02 you can take the same dough here,
26:05 and you can just roll all kinds of fun little dinner rolls.
26:08 Find a little kind of dry place on the counter here
26:11 and just kind of form them.
26:13 That pan there, I guess,
26:14 you're preparing for dinner rolls.
26:18 And that goes right in here.
26:19 You can put like three crossed.
26:21 I'll just let you put this right here.
26:24 I'll do a couple more here.
26:26 I just love to play with the bread dough
26:29 and it's very nice.
26:31 Our children learned how to make bread
26:33 when they were really young,
26:35 and it's something that they give to their teachers
26:37 and to people for gifts,
26:40 and when our son got to be older,
26:42 he impressed his girlfriend's mother with bread.
26:45 And we've had a wonderful time making bread today
26:50 and it just went all too fast.
26:52 And we just hope that you will notice these good,
26:55 nourishing breads here.
26:57 We have the peasant bread and we have the regular loaves.
26:59 Here's the one baked in a can.
27:02 And so that's it, we've had all our breads
27:04 in and out of the oven, our dinner rolls, our...
27:08 peasant bread, and all of these wonderful whole grain breads.
27:13 We thank you for tuning in.
27:15 And this program is sponsored by
27:16 The Three Angles Broadcasting Network,
27:19 and we appreciate your prayers and support.
27:24 If you've enjoyed the recipes
27:25 and cooking tips in this program,
27:27 you want to order our Food For Thought
27:28 resource sheet.
27:30 We'll tell you how you can order the cookbooks
27:31 you've seen used on this program.
27:33 Along with other information
27:34 that will help you cook healthful,
27:36 attractive vegetarian meals.
27:37 For your free copy of our
27:39 Food For Thought resource sheet,
27:40 please write to us at Food For Thought,
27:43 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896
27:47 or call 618-627-4651.


Revised 2018-11-05