Food for Thought

Vegetarian Holiday Menu

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Marcella Lynch


Series Code: FFT

Program Code: FFT000011

00:01 What does a vegetarian eat for a holiday dinner
00:03 instead of turkey or ham?
00:05 Stay tuned for one of my favorite
00:07 vegetarian holiday meals.
00:28 Hello, I'm Marcella Lynch,
00:29 and welcome to Food For Thought,
00:31 the cooking show that features God's eating plans
00:34 as unfolded through Scripture and through an understanding
00:37 of God's other book, the book of nature.
00:40 What does a vegetarian eat for a holiday dinner
00:44 instead of turkey or ham?
00:47 At our house there
00:48 has never been a holiday burger ham.
00:51 In all the years of my childhood
00:53 there was never a Thanksgiving turkey
00:55 and to this day our holiday menu
00:58 centers around a vegetarian main dish.
01:01 I don't miss meat in the list
01:03 because it was never a part of my life.
01:06 I'm actually
01:07 in the third generation of a family
01:10 who follows God's ideal Eden diet of fruits,
01:14 grains, nuts and vegetables.
01:17 You know, we have a wonderful feast
01:18 at holiday times,
01:20 you can get really creative with vegetables,
01:22 nuts, seeds and grains
01:25 to create a beautiful and tasty dinner.
01:29 And today I'd like to prepare for you
01:31 a typical vegetarian holiday dinner
01:34 that I might serve for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
01:37 And the menu includes savory, pecan loaf,
01:43 orange pineapple yams, stuffed pumpkin or squash,
01:49 green beans supreme,
01:51 tangerine, walnut toss,
01:54 seven-grain dinner rolls
01:57 and no sugar apple pie.
02:00 And here we go.
02:01 Pat, we've got a lot of work to do today.
02:05 We just have a half hour to make an entire holiday meal
02:09 and we're going to try to do it.
02:10 So the first thing is savory pecan loaf
02:13 and the ingredients are...
02:52 All right.
02:54 So these are the ingredients
02:55 and you can simply mix all these together.
02:57 But the first thing I'd like to show you is that
02:59 when I want to save some time with chopping,
03:01 I do just put the milk in the blender
03:05 and I just jog it a little bit
03:06 with the potatoes and onions in there
03:08 and then it's all ready.
03:10 And I'm not even going to bother
03:11 to peel these potatoes
03:13 if you just put the chunks of potatoes into the blender
03:17 and let the blender do the work.
03:20 Take advantage of time saving equipment
03:23 and this makes natural food
03:24 cooking easier and quicker in the kitchen.
03:26 And I see that my kitchen magician
03:29 already chopped the onions there,
03:30 so we'll just go ahead and jog this a little bit.
03:39 I hope that's enough, should be,
03:42 if it's not, then we'll have to go a little more.
03:48 It looks great.
03:49 Okay, we're just going to put
03:50 everything into our mixing bowl, stir it up
03:53 and I'll let you go ahead
03:55 and spray that casserole dish there, Pat.
03:57 And we've got some nonstick spray somewhere
04:00 and we'll get that ready.
04:02 And we'll just get a little head start here.
04:05 Right.
04:06 We're just going to add all the other ingredients,
04:09 there's breadcrumbs and chopped pecans,
04:12 that helps to bind the whole loaf together.
04:16 Celery, parsley,
04:19 our chopped onions
04:21 and our seasonings is the soy sauce
04:25 and all the little seasonings that we just mentioned,
04:27 we will just hurry through this
04:29 so that we can have time to demonstrate
04:31 everything else today that we're going to serve.
04:34 And for the binding agent to help hold it all together,
04:36 we have a half a cup of soy flour,
04:39 I need a wooden spoon,
04:41 I think here to mix all this together.
04:45 And I'll just trade you for this tray
04:47 and then why don't you go ahead and bring up the yams,
04:50 we're going to make our holiday yams here.
04:54 Now you want to be sure to stir this well,
04:57 keep things chop just a little bit
04:58 on the small side
05:00 so that when you make this into a loaf pan
05:02 it will fill everything up.
05:06 Will hold together and it won't fall apart on you.
05:11 All right.
05:12 Let's just double-check everything here.
05:14 We have all the ingredients in
05:17 and we just go ahead and bake this
05:19 at 350 for an hour.
05:21 Now, we have put the one we're going to make
05:24 for our holiday dinner, made it ahead
05:26 and I'm going to show it to you,
05:28 it's in a mold that you could put out
05:31 upside down on to a platter
05:32 when you get finished to put on the holiday table.
05:36 This one we're just going to put into a regular loaf pan,
05:39 bake it at 350 for an hour
05:41 and then if we have extra company,
05:43 we'll have an extra one
05:44 but we've already made a beautiful one
05:48 that we're going to show you right now.
05:50 And I double the recipe when I make it for a holiday.
05:54 Now you see this is really excellent protein
05:56 because it has the pecans, it has the soy flour,
06:00 it has the breadcrumbs
06:02 and it really has plenty of protein.
06:05 If you thought you needed meat at this meal for protein,
06:08 you really do not.
06:11 So let's put this right into the oven to bake.
06:16 And let's just take a look
06:18 at the one that's ready for our holiday meal here.
06:21 And we bake this one double sized recipe
06:24 in an oval baking dish.
06:27 And we baked it a little extra long,
06:28 if you're going to unmold it later,
06:30 make sure you bake it well so it holds together nicely.
06:34 And then let it sit for a little bit
06:38 before you try to unmold it
06:39 and then garnish it around with something real pretty
06:41 for the holiday table.
06:43 Well, I would serve this with some kind of a gravy,
06:46 we have a lot of gravy recipes in the cookbook,
06:49 a cashew gravy,
06:50 cranberry sauce would be really nice with this too.
06:54 So that's our savory pecan loaf.
06:57 Right.
06:59 Now we're going to go over here to our yam recipe
07:04 and that is on page, let me check here 177.
07:09 Here we are, orange pineapple yams.
07:11 And what we want to do is try to figure out a nice way
07:14 to get these sweet and make a nice glaze topping.
07:17 So you can either boil the yams or the sweet potatoes
07:20 with their skins on
07:23 or you can bake them in the oven
07:26 or cook them on top of the stove.
07:27 And so we've already peeled these
07:29 and we can just go ahead and take this one
07:32 and finish filling up our casserole dish here.
07:35 Spray your dish so that the things won't stick to it
07:39 and we'll have plenty of yams for everyone.
07:43 I don't know, at our house we don't have a holiday
07:47 without our yams.
07:48 And maybe I'm from a different part of the country
07:50 than you are
07:52 but it just seems like a must-have.
07:55 And sometimes we have mashed potatoes as well.
07:59 But today we're just showing the yams.
08:02 All right.
08:03 So what we want to do now
08:05 is make kind of a thickened mixture here
08:07 on the stove
08:09 and we'll just stir that, I'll let you stir, Pat.
08:12 Let's just talk about
08:13 what we're going to put in here.
08:15 We're going to take two cups of orange juice.
08:18 So let's just pour two cups of orange juice here.
08:22 There we go.
08:25 You can add that one.
08:27 And then we'll use the same cup here
08:30 and get some pineapple juice.
08:36 There we go.
08:39 And it calls for three tablespoons
08:41 of crushed pineapple.
08:45 You know what I think is we had enough.
08:46 You do with this.
08:47 Okay.
08:49 We had enough for double batch.
08:50 I think we had enough for a double batch
08:51 but I think we'll just do one for,
08:53 it'll thicken a little quicker for us to get finished here.
08:57 And it's put a clear up on high heat
08:59 so we can free it up.
09:00 We can start something else
09:02 and then finish this when we get through.
09:04 Now we need to thicken this of course
09:05 and it calls for four or three tablespoons of cornstarch.
09:09 So now that we have this wet, we want to dry it off here.
09:12 So we can do our thickening agent,
09:17 one,
09:20 two,
09:22 three.
09:24 All right, we're just going to let you stir and thicken that.
09:27 And when that gets all clear
09:28 we'll just drizzle it right over the yams.
09:30 These also can just bake a little longer
09:34 and you could just put them in at 350 and let them bake
09:37 and kind of get little change of color on them.
09:41 And then we have some pecans
09:43 that we can sprinkle over the top.
09:45 I like to sometimes put raw cranberries over the top.
09:48 And then by the time it's baked it looks really festive
09:51 and pretty with the pecans and the cranberries.
09:54 All right.
09:55 So that's our orange pineapple yams
09:58 for our holiday meal.
10:01 And I'll just go back here
10:02 and get the things we need
10:04 for our stuffed pumpkin or squash.
10:08 Let's find that recipe here, it's on page 141.
10:12 Okay. Thank you, Pat.
10:15 This is a fun idea too.
10:19 If you're not serving that big turkey on the platters
10:21 to have some things that look kind of like focal points
10:24 for the holiday table,
10:25 that's the reason I like to double the other loaf
10:28 and make it kind of look on a big platter
10:30 so that that's the focal point
10:31 instead of that big turkey
10:33 you have that nice big pecan loaf,
10:35 and also to have the stuffing
10:36 that you're going to serve for the meal
10:38 stuffed in a pumpkin.
10:40 Now this is the wrong time of year right now
10:42 for me to find a pumpkin
10:43 but we found some of these beautiful kabocha
10:46 I guess you say it.
10:48 Kabocha. Kabocha. Kabocha squash.
10:50 And these have a wonderful sweet meat.
10:52 And what we have done here is
10:54 we've kind of scooped out
10:56 and cleaned out the center here.
10:58 And we've sort of pre-baked this.
11:00 And that's all on the recipe on page 141.
11:04 And we actually have two of these here
11:06 that we have prepared that way.
11:09 And we have the stuffing mix here
11:11 and it's ready to stuff
11:13 but let's just take a look
11:14 at what went into this stuffing mix right now.
11:18 The stuffed pumpkin is...
12:01 All right.
12:03 Let's take this nice big bowl, I love these big mixing bowls
12:05 'cause I can just make a mess a little easier here.
12:09 Right. We're just going to start with our cooked wheat.
12:12 Now this is wheat,
12:13 what it looks like before it's cooked.
12:16 So you just cook this wheat up until it's tender
12:19 either in a pressure cooker or just in a regular saucepan.
12:22 And if you want to make it a little quicker,
12:24 you can use this bulgur wheat
12:26 which you can buy at natural food store,
12:27 it's sweet, it's already been cracked,
12:30 cooked and dried out.
12:31 Again so it shortens the cooking time
12:33 and it also tastes very good.
12:34 And actually that's what we used today
12:36 in our stuffing mix.
12:38 Marcella, excuse me on the bulgur
12:40 if you just pour boiling water over it,
12:42 you don't cook it at all and that's so neat.
12:44 Okay. It really saves lots of time.
12:45 No, I like to cook mine,
12:47 so I guess it's nice that you have different people
12:49 to do things different ways
12:50 and it's fine to do it either way, it's just great.
12:53 So here we have the bulgur
12:55 and we're just already soaked it,
12:57 I'm sure this one was just soaked right out.
12:59 Yes.
13:00 And it looks just fine
13:01 and that's nice to put also
13:03 if you soak it a little bit in bread
13:04 when you make bread
13:05 if you like that little crunchy stuff
13:07 to bite into in bread.
13:09 Okay, and it calls for two cups of cooked brown rice
13:11 which we have here.
13:13 We'll add that to it.
13:17 That'll make a nice filler for the stuffing mix.
13:21 We have the nuts, we have walnuts today.
13:25 And then the croutons, you just buy these
13:27 already seasoned at the market for the holiday loaves.
13:32 And the chopped celery here.
13:35 Mushrooms.
13:37 You can suit yourself actually on all these things,
13:39 most of those packages of stuffing mix,
13:42 even give a recipe for the different ideas
13:45 which you could put in there.
13:46 Let's just toss this a little bit first.
13:50 And then you can add your seasonings...
13:58 which we have here some soy sauce.
14:03 Actually the Vegex is kind of a brewer's yeast paste
14:08 and we talked about that at another class,
14:10 you can buy Marmite also which is a little,
14:12 a bottle of heavy paste in the super market
14:15 or some kind of bouillon cubes dissolved in water,
14:17 you need something that gives
14:19 kind of a meaty kind of a flavor
14:22 to put in with the stuffing mix.
14:24 We're also adding just a little onion
14:26 and some herbs here like sage.
14:30 Okay. I think that's it.
14:33 Yep, we got it.
14:34 So we'll just toss this all around
14:36 and Pat, I guess I'll just be the magic
14:39 and pull up the one
14:40 that's already been prepared ahead.
14:42 And we'll just stuff some of this
14:44 right inside of this squash here.
14:47 And then you need to bake this more,
14:50 we actually pre-baked the squash
14:52 so that it would be like halfway baked
14:54 so that by the time we bake this again
14:56 for the rest of the baking time
14:59 that it will be just right.
15:03 Now when the pumpkins in the squash
15:06 kind of get almost baked,
15:08 they kind of like droop a little.
15:10 So we just watch it
15:15 so that as soon as you know that the stuffing mix is done,
15:18 it will just have to get hot basically
15:20 'cause everything is kind of cooked
15:22 except for just blending the flavors together like that.
15:26 I like to bake it with the lid on it.
15:28 So just put this back on if we can figure about like,
15:32 that's the way it goes.
15:34 And so we'll just stuff this one later too
15:37 and then this is extra stuffing mix
15:39 that you could just serve
15:41 in a nice casserole dish as well.
15:44 And so what we're going to do is
15:46 just pretend like we already baked this.
15:49 We'll just go ahead and garnish it around,
15:51 you're going to put some nice pretty things around it.
15:53 I think your sauce is ready if you want to finish the yams.
15:56 Okay.
15:57 So that's kabocha, kabocha squash.
16:03 Whoa, it's nice.
16:05 Here we have the lemon sauce,
16:08 it's like a lemon sauce
16:09 but it's a pineapple orange sauce.
16:11 So we're going to drizzle over our yams.
16:16 Now this will bubble around as it bakes in the oven
16:19 and be able to kind of get a little thicker
16:23 and kind of look nice when it gets all the way baked,
16:28 this is even a lot
16:29 and we didn't double that, did we?
16:31 So that'll be great.
16:36 Okay, I want to turn that burner off
16:37 because it is finished.
16:41 In fact that one's on too.
16:42 So let's just put this back here.
16:49 All right.
16:50 You can sprinkle a few pecans over this.
16:55 And again this will bake at 350
17:01 for however long you think it needs
17:02 maybe 45 minutes, maybe an hour
17:06 just suit yourself.
17:09 I guess I want to put them all on here,
17:11 we have them.
17:13 There we go.
17:15 Okay, Pat, we're going to put this over on the table
17:18 and have pretend like this is already baked
17:21 but be sure you bake this before you put it on the table.
17:24 Woo, how pretty this looks,
17:26 this is our pumpkins with our stuffing in it.
17:29 And, of course, this is the way nicely
17:31 that you would take it to the table
17:33 for the holiday meal.
17:35 So isn't that beautiful?
17:37 Right.
17:39 Okay, let's skip Pat to the no sugar apple pie
17:42 to make sure we have time to demonstrate this one.
17:45 So let's turn in the cookbook to page 220.
17:49 We do this in three steps,
17:50 we're going to do the filling
17:52 and then the crust for the top
17:54 and then a crumble mixture over that.
17:56 Now the way you make apple pie without sugar
17:58 is just a little different than you do
18:00 when you do it with sugar.
18:03 And what you do with sugar is that
18:05 you put the raw apples right into the crust
18:08 but with this one we have to pre-bake,
18:11 precook these apples on top of the stove.
18:13 So we're going to have a pan
18:14 and we're going to put the apples
18:16 with some of the juice
18:18 and we're going to have to draw the sugar out of the apple,
18:20 the sugar is in the apples naturally.
18:23 And usually in an apple pie
18:25 when you put all that sugar over the top
18:27 then it just bubbles during the baking
18:29 and that sugar just kind of comes out.
18:31 But when you're just using
18:32 the natural sugar from the apple
18:34 then you just have to put it on the pan ahead of time.
18:38 We need to just drain these,
18:39 we've sliced these ahead
18:41 and we just had them in a little pineapple juice
18:43 to keep them from turning dark.
18:45 And, oh, good, let's do that
18:47 because I don't like to waste this nice juice,
18:51 but you want to remember that for no sugar apple pie
18:53 you think about a sweet eating apple
18:55 instead of a tart one
18:56 because you don't want to make a tart apple
18:58 and then add sugar to it,
19:00 you can just take a sweet apple
19:02 and just use natural fruit juices.
19:04 So this is like,
19:06 let's look at the ingredients first.
19:08 We should back up here and look at the ingredients.
19:11 And it starts with the filling...
19:36 And you know in our cookbook
19:37 we have recipes for the cinnamon substitute
19:40 and you can find that,
19:41 we talked about that and showed you
19:43 what that's made out of on another class that we did,
19:45 it's actually cardamom and coriander
19:48 because cinnamon happens to be one of those irritating spices
19:51 that it's better not to use.
19:53 So we're going to take the sweet eating apples
19:55 and put them in our pan.
19:58 And we're going to add,
19:59 I'll just let you take that off.
20:00 One 12-ounce can of apple juice concentrate.
20:04 Now what I like to do,
20:05 there's the little snitch of salt,
20:08 we're going to just dilute
20:09 not dilute but dissolve the cornstarch
20:13 in a little bit of this juice
20:14 before we put it in here.
20:16 What I like to do
20:18 is to let this apple start cooking, Pat
20:21 and just stir that up and put it on.
20:23 And then you can just add this thickening mixture
20:28 after they get hot and bubbly
20:29 and the apples are sort of beginning to be transparent,
20:33 then we'll add the thickening agent
20:35 right at the last.
20:37 Pour it on and immediately you'll have this wonderful
20:40 thickened sliced apple mixture.
20:42 You know, this pie is absolutely plenty sweet
20:46 without any sugar.
20:47 This is one of our favorite things to make.
20:51 And apples are a good keeping kind of fruit
20:54 to use in the wintertime.
20:56 So it'll be a really nice thing for like the Thanksgiving
21:00 or the Christmas season for a pie.
21:04 Right.
21:05 Pat is going to show us now how to make a special pie crust
21:10 and I'll just go over here and stir the apples, Pat,
21:13 while you do this crust.
21:14 And this recipe is not in the book
21:16 so you might want to jot this one down,
21:18 we're going to show you the ingredients.
21:24 They will be on the screen for you.
21:34 Okay.
21:35 Are we ready for the ingredient list?
21:38 Here's the first item...
21:57 I'd like to show you what millet looks like,
22:00 you might recognize it as bird seed,
22:02 it's used in Asia.
22:03 And I'm going to show you how to mill it
22:05 if you don't happen to be fortunate enough
22:08 to have a flour mill.
22:09 I like to always mill my millet flour
22:12 because when you buy it at the store,
22:14 it's usually not fresh enough.
22:16 What we do is we turn our blender on
22:20 so that it's running
22:22 and then I'll start pouring it in here.
23:06 Let's see if that's fine enough.
23:08 No, we need a little more.
23:21 All right,
23:22 we're going to get our one and a quarter cups
23:25 of millet flour,
23:28 we had some of it already milled.
23:31 And then I just rather than
23:36 get a new container
23:38 to mess up and I have to clean later,
23:40 I just like to put it right into the pike shell
23:43 that I'm making pie plate.
23:51 I think I'll get the rest of this in here
23:53 so they're not bucking the flow here.
24:06 Okay.
24:07 This completes our cup
24:11 and then we need a quarter of a cup.
24:15 You know, humidity makes a difference,
24:18 how accurately you measure your flour and your water
24:21 makes a difference.
24:22 And so there's two things I always have handy
24:24 when I'm doing this particular recipe,
24:27 I want it to be tender
24:28 so I don't want it to be too dry
24:32 but I measure my water,
24:36 half a cup,
24:38 last two tablespoons.
24:47 And then this goes in my blender,
24:48 I guess I'll have that back, Marcella.
24:50 It's fine if it's, no problem.
24:56 Okay, I have my half cup
24:58 of washed cashews.
25:02 Actually I like to make three pies at a time
25:06 because when I do put my salt in here,
25:10 when I do, it blends a lot nicer
25:12 but we're just making one this morning.
25:13 And so it kind of doesn't blend as easily.
25:36 That blender was kind of shuttling.
25:39 I'm so worried about it there.
25:41 Yeah. No, I think I'll blend it a tiny bit.
25:53 Okay, we just get our salt evenly through this.
25:55 And then I kind of make a little well in the center
25:59 and then we're going to pour this cashew water mixture
26:04 into the millet.
26:11 This is a nice tender crust, you might want to use it,
26:14 you know, coconut crusts have their place
26:16 and granola crusts are nice
26:18 if you're doing something that you would normally put
26:20 a graham cracker crust on.
26:23 But if you want something like quiche
26:25 or you know an apple pie,
26:27 you might want something
26:28 that tastes a little more traditional
26:30 as far as a pie crust.
26:31 And this is a nice one,
26:33 if you used whole wheat flour in this,
26:34 it would not be tender.
26:36 And Pat is just patting the crust
26:39 right into the pan here
26:40 and it's just going to be the hot filling put in it
26:43 and we're going to put a crumble topping over the top.
26:45 I want you to see the apples that are all thickened
26:49 and ready to go into the pie here now.
26:52 And you know our holiday meal is just about all ready
26:55 and we have the salad that will be on the table
26:57 and the green beans as well.
26:59 And we hope that you had fun
27:02 watching us do our holiday meal today.
27:04 We're going to give you a shot at the table in just a moment.
27:08 We want to thank you for watching again today.
27:10 This program is sponsored by
27:12 the Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
27:15 Your prayers and financial support
27:17 are greatly appreciated.
27:19 We hope you'll tune in next time
27:20 for more Food For Thought.
27:30 If you've enjoyed the recipes
27:32 and cooking tips in this program,
27:33 you want to order
27:35 our Food For Thought resource sheet.
27:36 We'll tell you how you can order
27:38 the cookbooks you've seen used on this program.
27:40 Along with other information
27:41 that will help you cook healthful,
27:42 attractive vegetarian meals.
27:44 For your free copy
27:45 of our Food For Thought resource sheet,
27:47 please write to us at Food For Thought,
27:49 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896
27:54 or call 618-627-4651.


Revised 2018-11-05