Participants: Marcella Lynch
Series Code: FFT
Program Code: FFT000010
00:01 Do you throw out your good eating habits
00:02 when it's party time? 00:04 Stay tuned for healthy party food ideas. 00:26 Hello, I'm Marcella Lynch. 00:28 This is Food For Thought, 00:29 the cooking show that features God's eating plan 00:32 as unfolded through Scripture 00:34 and through an understanding of God's other book, 00:37 the book of nature. 00:39 Funny thing happens when people get together 00:41 to celebrate events and attitude takes over 00:45 that it's a party and anything goes. 00:48 For some reason people let loose 00:50 and serve all those choice tidbits 00:52 that are too rich, too fattening, 00:55 too high in cholesterol, 00:57 and too decadent. 00:59 Most people over eat, 01:01 then when the party's over they feel over indulged. 01:04 And it takes several days to feel normal again. 01:08 Today's class will feature a variety of healthful snacks 01:11 and party foods. 01:13 Now celebration is an important part of life. 01:16 Parties bring special memories and bonds 01:19 between family and friends. 01:21 When Jesus started His earthly ministry here on earth, 01:24 His first miracle was at a wedding party. 01:28 And it lasted for three days. 01:30 He turned water into wine. 01:33 I'm glad Jesus liked to have fun. 01:36 Being cheerful keeps you healthy. 01:38 It is slow death to be gloomy all the time. 01:41 Proverb 17:22, reminds us that a merry heart 01:46 does good like a medicine, 01:48 but a broken spirit dries the bone. 01:52 It seems evident from reading various passages of Scripture 01:57 that people in the Bible times 01:59 knew it was unhealthful and unwise 02:01 to overeat a delicious delicacies. 02:03 Found another interesting scripture here 02:05 in Proverbs 23:1-3. 02:09 And it says, "When you sit down to eat 02:12 with the ruler 02:13 consider carefully what is before you 02:16 and put a knife to your throat. 02:19 If you are a man given to appetite, 02:22 do not desire his delicacies, 02:25 for they are deceptive foods." 02:29 When we overeat a rich food, we are not clear minded 02:32 to discuss important matters and make wise choices 02:35 just as we are similarly affected 02:38 by alcoholic beverages. 02:40 There is one more text I like to share with you 02:42 in Psalm 141. 02:46 And it says, 02:48 "Do not incline my heart to any evil thing 02:51 to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity. 02:55 And do not let me eat of their delicacies." 03:00 The Apostle Paul as the health reformer, 03:03 he was a health reformer. 03:05 He said, "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: 03:09 lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, 03:14 I myself should be a castaway." 03:17 He felt that a responsibility rested upon him 03:21 to preserve all his powers in their strength 03:25 that he might use them to the glory of God. 03:29 Overeating is the sin of the age. 03:32 The Word of God places the sin of gluttony 03:35 in the same category with drunkenness. 03:39 It destroys a person's usefulness to others. 03:42 It weakens the body and the mind, 03:44 and brings ultimately sickness. 03:47 The digestive organs break down under the stress 03:50 and strain of the overwork. 03:53 When I plan snacks for parties, 03:54 I think of foods that are light, 03:56 and easy to digest, and refreshing. 03:59 And so today our class is on party foods 04:02 and we're getting ready to have a party here. 04:05 And Myrna is here to help me today. 04:07 And I'd like to say, Myrna, 04:09 that I have a lot of memories of you and I 04:11 doing parties together. 04:12 That's true. 04:14 We've actually known each other since our children were young 04:17 and we work together at the school 04:19 where we both work. 04:20 And so we do a lot of party planning. 04:23 So I'm glad to have your assistance here today. 04:26 This looks like fun. Let's get going. 04:27 Let's invite some of those kids that we have at school over. 04:31 I hope they will like it. 04:32 We have a whole array of things waiting to show you here. 04:35 And let's just start with what's here. 04:37 We have some wonderful vegetable relishes. 04:39 That's a really health food, isn't it? 04:41 That's from God's natural plant sources. 04:44 And we want to demonstrate first this dip here that 04:47 that's in the center. 04:49 This is the interesting dip that starts with tofu actually. 04:53 The tofu walnut-olive dip. 04:55 Now this recipe is not in our Cooking 04:57 by the Book cookbook. 04:59 A lot of our recipes, most of them are in the book. 05:01 But for today's class we've brought in 05:03 a few other recipes. 05:05 But at the end of the show, we'll give you some information 05:07 where you can order the book if you would like a copy. 05:12 Right, so we're going to talk about walnut-olive dip. 05:16 And let's first of all take a look at the ingredients. 05:19 Walnut-olive dip is: 05:36 So this is a very simple recipe. 05:38 And I just like to use the blender 05:39 because it's a very quick thing to do. 05:42 And then when we get all finished 05:44 mixing the mixture in the blender, 05:45 we will fold in two tablespoons of walnuts 05:48 that have been finally chopped, 05:50 and four teaspoons of black olives 05:52 that have been chopped. 05:53 This dip will make about one and three fourths cups 05:56 all together. 05:58 All right, so let's just... 06:00 This is a package of tofu 06:02 that we've drained the liquid off, 06:03 it always accumulates more as it sits. 06:06 So here we'll just put this one half pound of tofu 06:09 in the blender 06:11 and the other ingredients 06:12 will just go right here with it. 06:15 So we have the lemon juice. 06:20 We have that little bit of sugar and salt here 06:23 that it mentioned. 06:25 It's nice that you've got these things all measured out 06:28 so nicely for us, Myrna. 06:30 It really does help to cook fast, does it? 06:31 Yeah. 06:33 I'll let you go ahead 06:34 and put these olives and walnuts here 06:35 and stir this dipped together 06:37 when I get this all whizzed up here. 06:40 This makes a nice creamy smooth mixture. 06:57 I like dips and recipes that are quick and easy. 07:00 And this seems to be one. 07:02 Let's just go ahead and mix in some of the olives 07:05 and nuts and that's it. 07:07 It's very tasty. 07:08 We were kind of like taken a sneak preview 07:10 just before the class. 07:11 That's true. 07:13 And this is exactly what we have right here 07:14 in the center. 07:16 And this is nice to serve with the parties 07:17 if you have chips, vegetable relishes. 07:19 These happen to be baked chips with no salt or fat on them. 07:24 And they're just really wonderful. 07:26 And then another fun idea, Myrna, 07:28 is this we have also a platter to show you 07:31 of dried vegetables. 07:33 I don't know if any of you are into dehydrating 07:35 fruits and vegetables. 07:37 But Myrna and I both do that. 07:39 And you can dry a lot of different kind of vegetables 07:42 and then when fresh things are not available 07:44 or they're more expensive, you can just use dried ones. 07:47 And so this is a different dip recipe 07:49 that we have with this one. 07:52 But aren't those lovely. 07:54 These are summer squash, 07:55 these are those little yellow summer squash. 07:58 And we have here some dried zucchini, 08:00 they make wonderful chips. 08:02 We have dried carrots, dried tomatoes, 08:05 and this is called dip called hummus. 08:08 And we're going to give you the ingredients 08:09 for this hummus recipe right now. 08:11 And this is kind of a Middle Eastern 08:13 kind of a dip starting with garbanzos. 08:50 But just whiz all of that up. 08:52 I guess we can just do that, 08:54 we can use this exact same blender right here, 08:56 and we'll just show you how that one goes. 08:59 We'll put the garbanzos... 09:00 This is one whole can. 09:02 We'll just put it right here in the blender 09:05 with the sesame tahini, we call this. 09:11 This is very nutritious, nut butter, sesame seed butter. 09:16 Marcella, I have to tell you that, 09:17 you know, when you're in kitchen, 09:19 sometimes we have to substitute. 09:20 Right. 09:22 Well, I didn't find the garlic today. 09:24 So I substituted with some garlic powder. 09:26 Garlic powder, well, that sounds good to me. 09:29 And what is this one, that looks like the cumin. 09:31 That's cumin. And this is the water. 09:33 Let's wait and see how much we need to make. 09:35 This is the juice off the garbanzos 09:37 to make it the right consistency. 09:39 It probably will need a little of that. 10:21 That was working, wasn't it? 10:22 That's nice and thick. That's great. 10:25 I love this hummus if you've ever eaten 10:27 at a Middle Eastern restaurant. 10:29 I want to put this here where we can see it 10:31 a little bit better here. 10:35 I love this because it's so nutritious 10:37 and tasty. 10:40 I don't know if you've ever eaten those falafel. 10:44 Oh, I love them. 10:45 Pocket sandwiches, I make those too 10:47 and this is kind of a hummus dip, 10:49 that's nice for that. 10:51 So this the hummus dip. 10:52 And this is delicious. 10:53 I'll let you take this off. 10:55 That's exactly what we have right here in this tray 10:58 with the vegetable dip. 10:59 And it also could be used for the chips 11:02 and for all of the other dip type foods 11:05 that you might want to serve at a party. 11:07 So you can actually have the chips 11:09 and the dips at your party 11:10 without all the fat and the salt. 11:11 And it's really kind of a conversation piece 11:13 to have all these different vegetables, 11:15 especially the dried ones that are kind of unusual. 11:19 All right. 11:20 Now another thing that you see often 11:22 when you celebrate with friends, 11:23 especially in the patio in the backyard is kebabs. 11:28 We're going to make some vegetable shish kebabs now. 11:32 And let's see, 11:34 I don't think I need the blender. 11:35 Let's move that out of the way. 11:37 And I'll take this off. 11:38 You want to take those off 11:40 and then we'll bring back a little later. 11:43 We have one more tray that goes with this. 11:46 Okay, we'll talk about the recipe first. 11:49 The recipe is in kind of several steps here. 11:52 And mainly you just select 11:54 whatever kinds of things you want here. 11:57 This recipe is not in the book 11:59 and it's a little bit long to show you on the screen. 12:02 So I'm just gonna talk to you about it, 12:04 but we'll send you this recipe when you order the book. 12:07 So any of the recipes that are not in the book, 12:09 you're gonna get them if you order the book. 12:11 So you just make your selection 12:12 of some different colorful things. 12:14 And if you use some of the gluten meat, 12:17 the vegetarian meat 12:18 like we demonstrated in one of our last few classes, 12:22 or you can use that for the meat on your skewers, 12:25 or you could use tofu. 12:28 And here today we have the tofu 12:30 on our shish kebab sticks. 12:31 And here's what you do to the tofu. 12:34 First of all, you make a homemade teriyaki sauce. 12:36 Now the reason we home make so many things 12:39 is just because the teriyaki sauces 12:42 and all the other kind of sauces 12:44 are so full of vinegar and spices when you buy them 12:47 that we have found ways to make them very appetizing 12:50 with just natural things. 12:52 So the teriyaki sauce, 12:54 you can start with two cups of... 12:55 This is a humongous amount, 12:57 I'm not sure you need to make this much. 12:58 But it's two cups of soy sauce, one half cup lemon juice, 13:03 one half cup water, 13:05 one and a half tablespoons onion powder, 13:08 and one teaspoon garlic powder, and a half a cup of honey, 13:12 it's kind of that sweet sour. 13:13 So you just mix this together 13:15 and you get about three and a half cups. 13:16 And this is what you kind of marinate the gluten chunks 13:19 or the tofu chunks into so that the flavor is there. 13:23 And then you just put these on a cookie sheet 13:25 and you bake these in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes. 13:29 So that's the way these have been done here. 13:32 And when you get that finish, 13:33 then you just start putting on some of your vegetables 13:37 right on to the sticks here. 13:39 And you can buy these wooden shish kebabs sticks 13:42 in most places. 13:43 We just found these very easily in the market. 13:46 Here I've got one just about ready to add 13:48 a couple more things here. 13:51 And there we have it. 13:52 And these are going to be baked in the oven. 13:58 And we don't have a cookie sheet here, 14:00 but this is a pie plate. 14:01 We have another sauce, 14:03 you might want to jot this down, 14:04 this is what we call our shish kebab sauce. 14:09 And let me just tell you what's in this sauce here. 14:30 So I think it's wonderful that you can get that sweet and sour 14:32 and all this nice flavor without the irritating things. 14:36 So what you do is you mix up the sauce here. 14:39 And as you can see, it's been sprinkled 14:40 right on some of these things 14:42 like you can just kind of like sprinkle it on 14:44 and kind of give it some more flavor. 14:47 And then these are baked in the oven. 14:50 And let's see, 14:52 the temperature for this part of it is also 350 14:56 and it takes 5-7 minutes. 14:59 And you put these on a sprayed cookie sheet. 15:02 So that's one of the items that you can make for parties 15:05 and they're very popular. 15:08 I'll just take this out and go and bake them a little more. 15:11 See if we can... 15:13 Good. That's great. 15:14 There's more exciting things here. 15:16 Excuse me. Right. 15:17 And while you're doing that, we're going to talk about 15:19 the next one we're going to show you 15:20 is tofu spaghetti sauce, 15:23 spaghetti balls with sort of a sauce, 15:25 a sweet and sour sauce over the top. 15:27 People like these finger foods, 15:29 you know, with that sweet and sour is kind of popular. 15:31 So we have found a way to make it very healthful 15:33 sweet and sour sauce. 15:35 And we're going to show you that one next. 15:37 And if you do have the cookbook, 15:39 the tofu spaghetti bowl recipe that we have here 15:43 is on page 128, 15:45 that we will talk about the ingredients 15:47 in case you don't have the book. 15:48 And I know we're reading recipes way too fast 15:51 for you to probably copy down 15:52 because we're crowding all of this into half an hour 15:54 and we're just trying to give you 15:56 as many ideas as we can. 15:58 But aren't these lovely kind of like non meatballs 16:01 made from tofu and other ingredients. 16:04 All right, so the ingredients 16:06 for the tofu spaghetti balls is: 16:38 Right. 16:39 Now you just take that and you make it 16:41 into the shape of the meatballs instead of 16:43 or you could fry these as patties, 16:45 and these are kind of nice for like veggie burger patties 16:49 for or like a hamburger patty also. 16:51 But we've just shaped them 16:52 and we brown these on a cookie sheet in the oven. 16:56 And if you do it in the oven, 16:57 then you just do it at about 350 for about 30 minutes. 17:02 And that's all you need to do. 17:04 And then these are nice 17:05 with the sweet and sour sauce here. 17:08 This is a nice sweet and sour sauce here. 17:10 It looks quite similar to the kind 17:12 that you would get if you went to eat 17:14 some kind of oriental meal. 17:16 And it's very nice. 17:17 I'm going to tell you about that now. 17:19 The sweet and sour sauce. 17:22 So here are the ingredients: 17:43 And what you need to do here is just to put it in a saucepan 17:47 over medium heat and stir it with a wire weapon 17:50 till it's thickened. 17:52 And then you can put this in a pretty bowl, 17:54 it's surrounded with your meatballs 17:56 and you can just serve these at a party for meatballs, 18:00 either cold or warm. 18:02 And this is a very nice way to get 18:04 a natural kind of the sweet and sour. 18:07 So you'll use the pineapple sweetness 18:10 and you use the lemon juice tartness 18:12 which is God's natural way. 18:15 So that's another quick one. 18:17 Now if I had somebody just magically make those, 18:20 I could throw a party quite often, couldn't I? 18:22 Looks like we're making a lot of things here 18:23 pretty fast. 18:25 Okay. 18:27 What we want to do next is to show you 18:29 a platter of some sandwich things 18:32 that are fun to make 18:34 when you have a party to celebrate. 18:38 We just want you to see that commercially available products 18:42 can be used too, and these are all meatless. 18:44 Did we bring the packages 18:46 of this meatless sandwich lunchmeat here? 18:49 I have them right here for you. 18:51 Okay. 18:52 These products that you see here 18:54 on the platter are not meat at all, 18:56 but they look like lunch meat. 18:58 Actually there's many different kinds available 19:00 and you will probably find some of these 19:02 in your natural food stores. 19:04 But I have some of the packages here 19:05 just to kind of give you an idea. 19:07 This is called meatless wham instead of a ham. 19:10 And you can do lots of different things with this. 19:12 It's meatless vegetarian 19:14 and it's made from a soy protein fiber. 19:18 Here's a meatless corned beef. 19:21 Similar product with a little different flavor. 19:23 It's made out of the soy protein fiber. 19:26 And here we have the meatless corned beef. 19:28 So we have just used the variety of these 19:31 to make a nice beautiful lunch platter. 19:34 And if you serve some kind of 19:36 nice little whole wheat dinner rolls 19:37 and some of that homemade menus and mustard 19:39 that we've shown you in other classes, 19:41 it goes really nice for them to come along your buffet line 19:44 and help themselves to some sandwich things. 19:47 These are the commercially available cheeses. 19:49 There's a quite a number now of the various nondairy cheeses 19:54 that are in the supermarkets. 19:55 And they taste really quite nice like mozzarella, 19:57 they have one in jack cheese, and cheddar type cheeses. 20:01 But they're really not cholesterol at all. 20:05 So this is our cheese 20:08 and lunch meat platter for the parties. 20:12 We thought, we'd better show you a dessert 20:14 before we finish our party here. 20:17 We wouldn't want to have a party without a dessert. 20:19 We're going to make some carob pudding 20:22 and some cookies here 20:23 that could go nicely for a party. 20:25 And the recipe for the pudding is on page 222 here 20:29 in the cookbook. 20:31 It's actually called carob cream pie 20:32 here in the book. 20:34 And we're just going to use it in like pudding. 20:36 And if you want to go ahead, Myrna, and bring that... 20:40 I'll bring that just in a minute. 20:41 Pudding so that we can just show them 20:42 what that looks like here, 20:45 we'll show you how easy it is to make carob pudding. 20:47 Now why carob pudding? 20:49 It just so happens that chocolate is not a health food. 20:54 Whoa, there it is. That's so pretty. 20:56 This is the carob pudding right here in the glass. 20:59 And these are some other cookies 21:00 we're gonna talk to you about those too. 21:02 But chocolate is high in fat 21:05 and chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine 21:08 which are irritating chemical substances. 21:12 And it's just more bitter. 21:15 And so it takes more sugar added to it 21:17 when they make chocolates in different ways. 21:19 Carob is not going to taste exactly like chocolate. 21:22 But it's a very nice alternative. 21:25 And so I buy the carob powder, it looks here like this. 21:29 It's just very brown kind, it looks like cocoa powder. 21:33 And you can buy this in natural food stores 21:35 and use it in place of chocolate, 21:37 you can make hot drinks for like a hot chocolate 21:40 with it only it's carob. 21:41 And you can use it 21:43 for all different kinds of cakes and desserts 21:45 and things like that. 21:46 And the nice thing about it is that it isn't irritating. 21:48 It's actually nutritious that has protein 21:51 and the B vitamins in it. 21:52 And it's sweet naturally. 21:54 So you don't have to add as much sweet to compensate, 21:58 and it's low in fat. 21:59 So it's a very nice product. 22:01 And if you've ever seen those trees 22:03 with those big brown pods, 22:04 they're the locust beans 22:06 that's what they make as carob out of. 22:08 Now, got to find a blender here. 22:10 And we'll just whiz this mixture up. 22:12 Let's take a look at the ingredients list 22:14 for the carob cream pie: 22:43 All right, we're going to take these ingredients, 22:45 and just put them in the blender, 22:47 and whiz them up. 22:48 That's an easy way to do it. 22:49 So here we have the milk. 22:51 This is tofu milk that we're using. 22:54 And we'll add the one half teaspoon vanilla. 23:00 If you get more, it's okay. 23:03 And we have that carob powder that we talked about here. 23:08 And the cornstarch will thicken it. 23:10 And you just cook this in the double boiler 23:11 and that cornstarch just gets real nice here. 23:14 I'm going to borrow this spoon right here 23:16 and see if we can get that honey out. 23:19 This is the sweetness. 23:20 And if you want to use the dates 23:21 instead for the sweet, that's fine too. 23:24 Cashews make it creamy and smooth. 23:27 And that's it. 23:29 Oops, a little tiny bit of salt here. 23:31 And here we go. 23:32 Let's just see if we can whiz that up smooth. 23:58 Okay, this is going to go 23:59 into the top of a double boiler. 24:01 Remember that when you use a double boiler, 24:03 you put a little water in the pan underneath 24:05 and then on the top we put the mixture. 24:08 And you put this over like medium high heat. 24:12 And you just stir once in a while 24:13 with your wire whip here. 24:15 And just keep working with it until it gets nice and thick. 24:18 You know, you can break cornstarch down 24:19 so that it's too runny. 24:21 So don't get on real high heat. 24:23 Hey, and then the cookies that we have here 24:26 are called kitchen sink cookies 24:28 because they have so many different things in them. 24:32 And the recipe is on page 226 here in the cookbook. 24:37 We can't take the time to tell you 24:39 the whole list of ingredients. 24:40 But these are so healthy 24:42 because they have whole wheat flour, 24:43 soy flour, rolled oats, coconut milk powder, 24:46 carob chips, nuts, sesame seeds, 24:48 all kind of different things. 24:50 And they're very delicious, we've had a hard time 24:52 keeping our crew people out of these cookies this week. 24:56 So here we have a lot of these nice wonderful party foods here 25:01 that we've talked about today. 25:04 And we have lined them all up here. 25:07 And here's... 25:08 Oh yes, one more idea 25:10 that we have already to share with you. 25:11 We showed you how to make whole wheat pizza 25:13 in one of the other classes 25:16 and we have this cashew pimento cheese sauce recipe 25:19 that's back here on about page 50. 25:22 Oops, no it's 80, page 80. 25:24 And this is a whizzed up mixture in the blender 25:26 that takes the place of your cheese sauce, 25:28 your cheese in the recipe. 25:30 So you take some kind of a pizza sauce 25:33 and you put it over your English muffin. 25:35 We've kind of toasted these English muffins just a little 25:38 so that they're not real soft. 25:40 And then you put the sauce over it, 25:43 and you sprinkle some of this cashew pimento cheese on it, 25:47 sprinkle a little bit of onions, 25:50 or bell peppers, or something on it. 25:52 And you put these back on the cookie sheet 25:54 and you can toast these in the oven 25:56 just like you would make 25:57 your little English muffin buns. 25:59 And these are really, really nice 26:02 for individual sandwiches for the party. 26:05 And I think these are a hit with teenagers too. 26:09 I think so too. 26:10 And so again we have the walnut-olive dip 26:12 made from the tofu here with all the fresh vegetables. 26:16 I don't know if you're into eating fresh vegetables, 26:19 but they're really wonderful. 26:21 Chew them well and they digest beautifully. 26:24 And they're dried vegetables that we have here 26:26 with the hummus. 26:28 There is that garbanzo with the tahini, 26:30 sesame seed butter inside. 26:32 It is a very nice thing and a conversation piece. 26:36 This will be the conversation piece for your party 26:38 because not too many people serve dried vegetable chips. 26:43 And our shish kebabs, our vegetable shish kebab, 26:45 we haven't really baked these 26:47 and you would have these baked a little bit. 26:48 But these are really nice to have on a buffet table. 26:53 All right, and then we have our carob pudding 26:55 and our kitchen sink cookies here. 26:58 And lastly we have our lunch meats, 27:01 and our cheeses, and our other sandwich things. 27:06 And we're so glad that you could join us today 27:08 for our party. 27:09 And we hope that you'll try some of these things too. 27:11 We want to thank you for being here. 27:14 This program is sponsored 27:15 by the Three Angels Broadcasting Network. 27:18 Your prayers and your financial support 27:20 are greatly appreciated. 27:24 If you've enjoyed the recipes and cooking tips 27:26 in this program, 27:27 you want to order our 27:28 Food For Thought resource sheet. 27:30 We'll tell you how you can order the cookbooks 27:31 you've seen used on this program. 27:33 Along with other information 27:34 that will help you cook healthful, 27:36 attractive vegetarian meals. 27:37 For your free copy of our 27:39 Food For Thought resource sheet, 27:40 please write to us at Food For Thought, 27:43 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896 27:47 or call 618-627-4651. |
Revised 2018-11-05