Food for Thought

Cooking With Tofu

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Marcella Lynch


Series Code: FFT

Program Code: FFT000007

00:01 What food of East Asia
00:02 has the same importance for people there
00:05 as dairy products, eggs, and meat
00:07 have for us in the West?
00:09 Stay tuned for the answer
00:10 as we demonstrate interesting dishes
00:12 using this high protein food.
00:34 Hello, I'm Marcella Lynch,
00:36 and welcome to Food For Thought,
00:38 the cooking show featuring God's eating plan
00:40 as unfolded through Scripture and through God's other book,
00:43 the book of nature.
00:45 What food of East Asia
00:47 has the same importance for people there
00:50 as dairy products, eggs, and meat
00:52 have for us in the West?
00:54 The answer is tofu
00:56 also known in the West as bean curd
00:58 or soybean cake.
01:00 Tofu has been the low cost protein backbone
01:03 of East Asian diet for more than 2,000 years.
01:07 It was discovered by a Chinese Prince in 164 B.C.
01:13 Tofu is presently
01:14 the single most important soybean food
01:16 for more than one billion people.
01:19 And is prepared fresh
01:20 each morning at 38, 000 ships in Japan alone.
01:26 Now widely available across America,
01:29 tofu is the answer that millions of nutrition
01:32 and cost conscious people have been searching for.
01:35 Natural, inexpensive, it makes fullest use
01:38 of the earth's nutritional resources
01:41 and offers a revolutionary yet simple approach to meeting
01:44 the world's critical food requirements.
01:47 My mother made our family's tofu
01:49 when I was a child
01:50 because it wasn't available in grocery stores.
01:53 Today however tofu can be purchased
01:56 in most cities across the country
01:58 in cartons ready to open and use.
02:01 I find a lot of reasons to use tofu.
02:05 Tofu is a high protein food, low in cost,
02:09 free of cholesterol,
02:11 and low in saturated fats and calories.
02:14 Its protein quality is also of high value.
02:17 Tofu is easy to digest with a digestion rate of 95%.
02:23 The crude fiber of the soybean has been removed.
02:26 It has an excellent food value for babies, and elderly adults,
02:32 and people with digestive problems.
02:35 Tofu is an ideal diet food
02:37 and eight ounce serving
02:39 contains only 147 calories
02:42 an equal weight of eggs
02:43 contains about three times as many calories
02:46 and an equal weight of steak
02:48 about four to five times as many.
02:51 Perhaps more important,
02:52 tofu has one of the lowest ratio
02:55 of calories to protein found in any plant food.
03:00 One gram of usable protein cost you only 12 calories.
03:05 The only animal foods which have a lower ratio
03:07 are some types of fish and seafood.
03:11 And 27% of your daily protein requirement can be supplied
03:16 by an 8 ounce serving of tofu.
03:19 Tofu is an excellent source of calcium,
03:23 1/8 ounce serving provides
03:25 about 38% of the daily requirement.
03:29 It's also rich in iron.
03:31 Another good thing about tofu
03:33 is that it's low in chemical toxins.
03:36 Tofu and soybeans have only
03:38 about 1/20th the pesticide levels found
03:41 in the average in meats, fish, and poultry.
03:46 Tofu is so versatile that it can serve
03:48 as an ingredient in almost any dish
03:51 from entrees to mayonnaise to desserts.
03:54 Let's take a look at tofu as you find it
03:56 in the supermarkets today.
03:58 And we're going to have fun demonstrating
04:00 some dishes made out of tofu and we'll be making tofu
04:03 from scratch in case you can't find it in your stores.
04:07 So my helper today is Mehako.
04:12 Come on and join me, Mehako.
04:14 I'm glad you could be here today
04:16 because Mehako is from the Orient
04:19 where a lot of tofu has been made
04:22 for thousands of years.
04:23 And she's going to help me show
04:26 some things about making tofu today.
04:28 There are all kinds of tofu books,
04:31 cookbooks on the market.
04:32 And so we have just a small sampling here
04:35 of those that are available.
04:36 And you can just make
04:38 lots of different kinds of dishes with tofu.
04:41 We'll be showing you how to make it and some dishes
04:43 that you can make after you get the tofu made.
04:48 All right.
04:49 So we're going to take our recipe here
04:51 and talk about the ingredients in tofu.
04:55 Now in our cookbook, "Cooking by the Book,"
04:58 you might want to turn
04:59 if you have the book to page 122.
05:03 And those of you
05:04 who are interested in the tofu process
05:08 and some of the tools of the trade
05:10 and where you can buy some of the coagulating agents,
05:13 we're going to show you
05:14 at the end of the show an address
05:16 where you can order some of your supplies
05:19 and also where you could order the cooking
05:20 by the book cookbook,
05:25 if you're interested in that too.
05:27 Because we don't have the process for making tofu
05:29 in the book,
05:30 but just how to use it in recipes.
05:32 So we'll just go ahead
05:33 with the process now for making tofu.
05:38 It's kind of a step by step process.
05:40 And the first thing you have to remember to do
05:42 is soak the soybeans overnight.
05:45 But first, let me just show you
05:46 that tofu is mainly from soybeans.
05:49 Soybeans are known as the king of the plant kingdom
05:51 because the protein is so complete.
05:54 It's a wonderful food.
05:55 And you can buy tofu in the supermarkets
05:58 in these cartons here.
06:00 And it comes
06:01 in like soft textures for custards,
06:04 for mayonnaise, and for desserts.
06:06 You can buy it in firm and extra firm.
06:09 When you get at home from the store,
06:11 you simply slit the carton open to use it.
06:15 It's covered in water basically.
06:19 And you need to drain the water off,
06:21 and then you'll be able to use
06:23 this in many of your recipes here.
06:26 Let's just take this over to the sink
06:27 and I'll try to get the water off of this.
06:30 Show you what it looks like here.
06:33 If you keep this for several days
06:35 once you've opened this package,
06:37 then just simply put fresh water on it
06:39 and put it back in the refrigerator,
06:42 and it will keep a few more days.
06:44 And so it's really fun to use tofu
06:46 and you can do so many things with this tofu.
06:49 And, Mehako, I'm going to show them the one
06:51 that you have here today that you made from scratch
06:55 and tofu is so much better made fresh.
07:00 And you want to take that out of there
07:03 and just hold that up, Mehako.
07:06 We'll show that kit after a little bit here.
07:08 But I just wanted them to be able to see
07:11 how fresh this looks
07:12 and we'll talk to you a little bit more about
07:15 how that's done a little later.
07:17 That's a big piece there that made a lot of tofu.
07:21 Okay, so let's just take this whole tray
07:23 and let you take that and set it back there,
07:26 Mehako, and then we'll have room here
07:28 for our next tray.
07:30 So the first step is to soak the soybeans overnight.
07:34 So if you're jotting this down,
07:36 if you like to try this at home,
07:37 you need to soak two cups of dry soybeans.
07:41 And it doesn't matter how much water,
07:43 just put a lot of water over them
07:45 so that when they swell up
07:47 that they won't come over the top of the water.
07:50 We need the tray now, Mehako, for the tofu making over here.
07:56 After the night is past and the beans are soaked,
07:59 they're going to look like this right here,
08:01 you want to rinse them off real well.
08:03 And now we have to make a slurry
08:04 or kind of a soy milk with them in the blender.
08:08 And so in the morning you just rinse them off
08:10 and put the soy beans in the blender.
08:13 Now you're going to have a big bowl of soybeans
08:16 when you get through soaking them overnight.
08:20 And you can't whiz them all in the blender at one time.
08:23 We've actually whizzed half of our soybeans ahead
08:27 and we have already squeezed it through the cloth
08:31 as we're going to be showing you how.
08:34 So we're going to put twice as much water,
08:36 all together four to five cups of water it's going to take.
08:40 But you just cover the beans really up
08:44 with a lot of water there
08:45 and let those whiz until they're very smooth.
09:04 Okay, that looks smooth enough now.
09:06 So we've done so far here is made kind of a milk,
09:09 kind of a slurry out of the soybeans and water,
09:11 and we're going to strain it through a cloth.
09:13 What we want is the milk underneath.
09:16 So we have a bowl here.
09:18 And that's going to catch the milk
09:19 and then we have the strainer.
09:21 This is a cheesecloth kind of a muslin dish towel,
09:24 we're going to just put it in here
09:26 to pour the slurry into.
09:30 There's a residue pulp that's left in the top
09:33 that you can use in your cooking too.
09:36 All right, we're going to just fold this up.
09:39 Now, Mehako, you're going to help me do this, aren't you?
09:42 Yes.
09:44 And you just have to have
09:45 a little bit of muscle power there.
09:47 And we're going to twist it and kind of squeeze it.
09:50 Do you want to do that? Yes.
09:51 Okay.
09:52 It takes a little bit of time to squeeze and squeeze
09:55 until you get all of this kind of squeezed tight.
09:59 And we'll show you the residue when we get through
10:02 so you'll kind of see how dry it should be.
10:05 It just takes patience here a little bit.
10:08 Once we get this squeezed
10:10 till it's kind of the milk is out,
10:13 then we put the milk on the heat here.
10:15 While you're doing that, Mehako,
10:16 I'm gonna walk over here
10:18 and see if we can get this going a little.
10:21 We did part of the milk already here.
10:24 And this is the first half and it's very thin,
10:26 it's just like milk looks.
10:30 And we'll go ahead and let this start heating up.
10:32 And then we'll add this other half to it
10:34 when we get through.
10:35 So we really blended it in two halves,
10:37 it wouldn't all fit in the blender at one time.
10:40 So when we get this squeezed
10:41 and squeezed till we get it tight,
10:43 then we'll go ahead.
10:47 Now let me talk to you here about the cans.
10:50 If you don't have a tofu making kit
10:52 like Mehako does,
10:53 you can just find something to mold it in
10:56 so that when it sets afterwards,
10:58 it will drain out.
10:59 I've cut some holes in the bottom of cans.
11:01 That's what I use at home,
11:03 just different sized cans, big ones, little ones.
11:06 And we'll be...
11:07 I'll use a can for my tofu for molding it afterwards.
11:11 Some of the coagulating agents
11:13 that you need that are available.
11:15 You have to have something to curdle it
11:17 like cottage cheese.
11:18 We're going to cook it in here for three minutes.
11:22 And then we're going to add some coagulating agent to it.
11:26 It needs to boil for three minutes
11:28 and then we'll coagulate it.
11:29 We've got some interesting kinds of coagulating agents
11:32 that you can buy right in the supermarket
11:35 or the kind that you can just order
11:36 which is the official nigari type of coagulating agent.
11:43 How's that coming, Mehako? Yes, I think it's okay.
11:46 You're a pretty little lady for squeezings,
11:49 working up so hard.
11:50 Well, you can just use that between the plate.
11:53 These two plates.
11:54 Well, that's a little trick you were showing me earlier.
11:56 Why don't you show us that little trick,
11:57 you could squeeze it this way.
12:00 Yes. You want me to help you.
12:05 I think we've got a considerable amount here now
12:08 that will add to what we have in the pan.
12:11 That's a good trick, Mehako.
12:14 You want me to help you squeeze here.
12:15 Yes, other side too.
12:17 Wow, we need an apple cider press, don't we?
12:20 Something to really squeeze.
12:22 And if you have a lot of time,
12:23 you don't have to be in a big hurry,
12:25 you could just take your time on that.
12:30 Okay, we'll just go ahead
12:31 and put the rest of the milk in here.
12:37 Right.
12:39 And while that's boiling, shall we show them
12:40 what this pulp looks like here that's left in the...
12:44 You have a drier portion here from before.
12:46 Okay.
12:48 This is the residue that's left in the bag.
12:52 And, Mehako, what did you tell me
12:54 that you make sometimes out of the residue.
12:56 I usually make a cookie without sugar.
12:58 Wow. Cookie without sugar.
13:00 Yes, very good. Okay.
13:01 I think you had some for me to taste one time, didn't you?
13:03 Yes.
13:05 You flew and brought them all the way to me.
13:07 And now
13:08 that was a special treat, Mehako.
13:09 Yes.
13:11 All right, I think our three minutes is up.
13:13 And I want to move
13:14 that hot tofu milk right over here.
13:19 And it's boiled for three minutes here.
13:22 Now let's talk about the coagulating agents.
13:24 We have to have something to make a curl,
13:26 kind of like making cottage cheese
13:28 and there's a variety of things that can be used.
13:31 My mother used to use lemon juice,
13:33 needs to be some kind of an acid like that.
13:37 An easy one that you can buy right
13:38 in the supermarket or the pharmacy is Epsom salts.
13:41 You might not think that should go into food,
13:43 but it's magnesium sulfate
13:45 and it's very long time been used
13:48 for coagulating agent for tofu making.
13:51 And there's a couple of other things here, Mehako.
13:54 What are these things that you use here for?
13:56 I usually use nigari that's natural from the sea.
14:01 And that's coagulant also.
14:04 And is that the one that the Oriental people use
14:06 the most over work.
14:07 It's originally been made. Yes.
14:09 And this product I noticed is another similar thing
14:13 to Epsom salts, it's magnesium chloride
14:16 where this was magnesium sulphate.
14:18 So that's another one that can be used.
14:20 That's the professional one. And what is this one?
14:24 This one is Terra Alba, it's calcium sulfate.
14:28 So these are very similar types of compounds
14:31 that can be used to coagulate it.
14:33 So our recipe here is telling us
14:35 to take one rounded tablespoon of this Epsom salts here.
14:40 I'm just gonna show you
14:41 because I've already stirred it into some water,
14:43 but it's kind of these crystals here.
14:45 And we need to take a rounded tablespoon
14:47 of this Epsom salts
14:49 and stir it into 1/4th cup of water.
14:51 It takes just a little moment or two to dissolve it.
14:54 In fact, we stuck it in the microwave
14:56 just for a little bit to get it warmed up.
14:57 And it dissolved
14:59 and we can't see the crystals now.
15:00 And the directions here are to stir it very slowly
15:05 and evenly as you're adding it, but don't stir it hard.
15:08 We're just going to slowly stir it
15:11 as we add it.
15:12 And just get it all kind of in here.
15:15 And then we have to leave it alone.
15:20 All right, let's just leave it alone now.
15:23 And we will wait 5 to 10 minutes
15:25 and see what happens.
15:31 All right, we've waited
15:32 for about 10 to 12 minutes here.
15:34 We're going to take a look at our curd.
15:35 Let's go ahead and put that blender down here.
15:40 The next step now is to take the curds
15:43 and put them in the container
15:44 that you want to sit in for a while
15:47 so that they can take the proper shape.
15:49 And I'm just going to use a can
15:50 that I've cut a few slops in here
15:52 so that the liquid can drain out
15:54 and the curds can get cold and solidify right here.
15:57 I'm going to put it in a bowl here
15:59 so that it will catch the water underneath.
16:02 Let's see if we can transfer these curds here.
16:06 And I hope you can see
16:07 there's some little fine curds here
16:09 that have developed
16:10 and it's kind of like separated a little more,
16:13 and then we're going to pour this right into here.
16:23 And we'll be putting a weight on this.
16:25 I think I can just pour this, Mehako.
16:27 Okay.
16:32 There we go.
16:37 Now we're going to have to just let the mill kind of settle out
16:39 for a little bit here.
16:41 And then when you get finished,
16:42 when that milk kind of and it sort of settles out,
16:45 you can keep pouring off some of this away.
16:50 And then the last thing
16:52 that we'll do is to put a weight on it.
16:54 Take a jar that has something...
16:57 See, I had a jar here, Mehako, here it is.
17:00 I usually just take it if I'm using a can here
17:03 is I just put a little weight over it like this.
17:07 And it'll just sit there for several hours
17:09 until it kind of gets cold and takes the shape.
17:12 When you store this away in the refrigerator,
17:14 then you need to cover it
17:15 with a little liquid like, Mehako,
17:17 why don't we bring your tofu back up here
17:19 and they can see
17:21 after it sits for a while what it's going to look like.
17:25 Again, we have this block of tofu
17:29 and this is exactly what you did except.
17:31 Why don't you show us this wooden mold here
17:35 they call it here.
17:36 So that we can see how that works.
17:39 This is the one from the kit that you ordered.
17:42 If you order the kit,
17:43 I think that this company sends you
17:44 some nigari and some of this in the recipe, is that right?
17:48 Yes.
17:49 And the process is ever same as you do,
17:52 except different is I use a nigari
17:55 in the wooden box, that's different.
17:58 And the bottom of the boxes, it comes out too.
18:02 You could probably make one of these.
18:04 And then this is a hole for draining the water.
18:08 Great. That's a cute little box.
18:12 Thank you, Mehako, for helping today.
18:14 We have a few recipes we'd like to show you of things
18:18 that you can do once you get tofu made.
18:21 And we'll just set this back here.
18:23 And let's start
18:24 with the spaghetti and meatballs, Mehako.
18:29 In your cookbook
18:31 there's a number of recipes using tofu.
18:34 And this happens to be whole wheat spaghetti
18:37 we made here with some,
18:39 what we call tofu meatballs in the recipes on page 128
18:44 in the cooking by the book cookbook.
18:47 And it tells you right below the recipe
18:51 that you just make it into spaghetti balls
18:54 and these have been baked in the oven.
18:56 And they look real nice, they're very tasty,
18:58 and you can eat it with your pasta dish.
19:01 In the breakfast section of the cookbook,
19:03 there's a recipe for scrambling tofu.
19:05 And scrambling tofu is a wonderful thing to do
19:08 to replace the eggs in your meals.
19:11 And then there's absolutely no cholesterol in the tofu
19:15 and you just put the tofu in a skillet, mash it up,
19:18 and put the seasonings here.
19:21 You can just use your imagination,
19:22 you can make a Spanish style
19:24 and put some chopped tomatoes and bell peppers.
19:27 But basically, you just put some onion and garlic powder,
19:30 and a little turmeric to make it kind of turn yellow,
19:33 a little seasoning like soy sauce or salt.
19:36 And I have a seasoning called chicken style seasoning
19:39 that you can buy in the natural food stores.
19:41 And it makes things taste a little bit like chicken,
19:44 but it's really no chicken in it at all.
19:46 One of the other things
19:48 that you can make is a cottage cheese.
19:51 And Mehako makes her cottage cheese fresh
19:54 and it tastes really much better than
19:56 if you just buy the tofu.
19:57 But the recipe for the cottage cheese
19:59 is on page 125.
20:02 And that's a really quick and easy one to do.
20:06 You don't even have to cook it.
20:07 Actually tofu is already cooked.
20:10 And we boiled it over there and so the only thing
20:13 that we need to do is mash it up.
20:15 So I'm going to use some of Mehako's fresh tofu.
20:18 And we'll just mash this up here
20:23 and add some seasonings.
20:26 And you could just use this in many different dishes,
20:30 just like you with cottage cheese.
20:32 We have a tomato here
20:33 that we're going to stuff it into.
20:35 So the recipe is:
20:56 And then you can suit yourself
20:57 to put some other things on here.
21:00 Put a little chopped parsley
21:01 if you like a little flex in it.
21:03 But remember that tofu
21:05 is an excellent source of protein.
21:07 But it doesn't have a lot of flavor
21:09 so you have to give it the flavor
21:11 that you want it to have.
21:13 And so we can put this stuff in an avocado
21:16 or inside of a tomato
21:20 and it can be used just like cottage cheese for lunch.
21:24 The other day,
21:26 my 30-year-old son and his friend came over
21:29 and we had a little celebration dinner
21:31 and I serve this.
21:33 And even people that aren't used
21:35 to using tofu instead of cottage cheese,
21:39 they both loved it.
21:40 So well my son is used to it, but the friend wasn't.
21:44 Okay, and here we have the one that Mehako made ahead here.
21:48 I would like to show this one to you too.
21:50 And it's just lovely to serve for a nice luncheon meal
21:53 or for a side dish salad at the meal time.
21:58 And there's mayonnaise,
22:00 you can make mayonnaise with tofu,
22:03 tofu mayonnaise, we have one on page...
22:07 And let's see 196 we have the tofu mayonnaise.
22:12 You just take a whole pound of tofu,
22:15 and put it in your blender with a tablespoon of soy sauce,
22:18 and the juice of two lemons, add a fourth...
22:22 Excuse me an eighth of a teaspoon
22:24 of garlic powder,
22:25 a teaspoon of onion powder, a little bit of dill weed,
22:29 a half a teaspoon of sweet basal
22:32 and a fourth of a teaspoon of salt.
22:33 Give it the taste test after you whiz it up
22:35 and see if you like it.
22:37 And that can be a nice mayonnaise to use
22:39 that keeps in your refrigerator up
22:42 to maybe a week.
22:45 Then, I don't know if you've ever tried
22:48 making lasagna without cheese.
22:50 But you can make a nice tofu lasagna.
22:53 And the recipe
22:55 for the tofu lasagna is on page 146.
22:58 And we raves about that one, it's very fun to make it.
23:02 And you just make regular lasagna noodles,
23:05 make your sauce that goes in one of the layers.
23:08 We have a sauce recipe here that's very good.
23:10 You can buy your lasagna, a tomato sauce,
23:13 and then make a cashew cheese.
23:15 And it's basically tofu with some other things whizzed
23:18 in the blender.
23:19 Pimentos, lemon juice and so forth.
23:21 You layer it up
23:23 and when you bake this casserole, this lasagna.
23:25 I like it better than just the kind of lasagna
23:27 that you usually make with cheese
23:29 it tastes very, very delicious.
23:33 There's a cheese cake recipe on page 224 here in the book.
23:38 And that also is a nice way to use tofu in desserts.
23:43 And it's called Connie's tofu pie.
23:47 You make a crust just like a regular pie crust
23:50 and then the filling, you start with a pound of tofu,
23:54 and four tablespoons of maple syrup,
23:57 a tablespoon of grated lemon rind,
24:00 a fourth of a cup of apple juice concentrate,
24:03 a tablespoon of sesame butter,
24:05 and a half a teaspoon of vanilla.
24:08 And you just blend
24:09 that all together in the blender,
24:10 put it in your pie crust, and just make a little topping
24:13 to spread over that of one cup of raisins,
24:17 and a half a cup of apple juice.
24:19 And so what you have here is a cheesecake pie
24:21 without any cholesterol.
24:23 And actually no eggs in it and there's no sugar,
24:27 refined sugar in it with the one cup of raisins,
24:30 and the one half cup of apple juice simmered
24:32 that's your natural sweetening for the pie too.
24:36 All right, Mehako, let's bring up
24:38 a couple other little quick and easy things to show.
24:41 And the first one is going to be the mayonnaise,
24:44 I want to bring the blender up here
24:46 and show you how to make that tofu mayonnaise.
24:51 Again, it's just using tofu with some seasoning on it
24:55 and that's quick and easy to do.
24:58 In the cookbook the recipe
25:00 is on page 196 called tofu mayonnaise.
25:04 And we start with a pound of tofu.
25:06 And this amount right here
25:08 I think is about a pound of tofu.
25:09 I'm just going to put
25:11 that right in the blender there.
25:13 And let's just have a rubber spatula, Mehako,
25:17 so that we can kind of work this in here.
25:19 It takes a tablespoon of soy sauce for seasoning
25:24 just to give it a little flavor.
25:26 Remember that the tofu needs
25:27 to have some flavor added to it.
25:29 And the juice of two lemons.
25:31 So here we have four tablespoons
25:34 of lemon juice, that's about two lemons.
25:40 One-eighth teaspoon of garlic powder.
25:42 Let's see, I guess I'm just going
25:43 to quickly shake some of this in here.
25:45 That's to suit your taste.
25:48 And it also calls for a teaspoon
25:51 of onion powder.
25:53 So let's be sure we get some of that.
25:55 You have to be sure you give it
25:58 some kind of herbs to make it taste nice.
26:01 There's the onion powder.
26:05 A teaspoon of the dill weed.
26:09 And the last thing is some sweet basal.
26:12 And this is a half a teaspoon of sweet basal.
26:15 Did we get the salt in there? We didn't.
26:18 It calls for a fourth of a teaspoon of salt.
26:21 But there is salt in the soy sauce,
26:23 you may not need it.
26:45 Whoa, there we go.
26:47 Then this is just poured
26:48 into some kind of a covered container
26:50 that you can keep in the refrigerator.
26:52 And you can use that like mayonnaise.
26:54 And if you like it to be pure white,
26:56 then just use more salt for the seasoning
26:58 instead of the soy sauce.
27:00 Depends on which flavor you like the most.
27:03 Right and this is our tofu class
27:05 for today.
27:06 Thanks, Mehako,
27:07 for coming along and helping me.
27:09 Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
27:11 Thanks for all of you for watching another episode
27:14 of Food For Thought.
27:15 This program is sponsored
27:17 by Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
27:19 Your prayers
27:20 and financial support are appreciated.
27:24 If you've enjoyed the recipes
27:25 and cooking tips in this program,
27:27 you want to order our
27:28 Food For Thought resource sheet.
27:30 We'll tell you how you can order
27:31 the cookbooks you've seen used
27:33 on this program along with other information
27:34 that will help you cook healthful,
27:36 attractive vegetarian meals.
27:38 For your free copy of our Food For Thought resource sheet,
27:40 please write to us at Food For Thought,
27:43 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois
27:46 62896 or call (618) 627-4651.


Revised 2018-10-29