Participants: Marcella Lynch
Series Code: FFT
Program Code: FFT000004
00:01 What would you eat instead of meat
00:03 if you became a vegetarian? 00:05 Stay tuned to see one way to make all the meat you eat 00:09 out of wheat instead of beef. 00:30 Hello, I'm Marcella Lynch, welcome to Food For Thought. 00:34 The cooking show featuring God's eating plan 00:36 as unfolded through Scripture and through God's other book, 00:39 the book of nature. 00:41 Today I'd like to tell you why I am a vegetarian. 00:45 And demonstrate an interesting recipe 00:47 for making meat out of wheat 00:49 which cost pennies a serving and can resemble 00:53 cutlets, steaks, roasts and hamburger. 00:57 It's an old recipe, 00:58 my mother made it when I was a child. 01:01 Vegetarian people around the world make it today 01:04 and commercial food companies produce canned and frozen meat 01:07 look-alike products from it. 01:10 Does the Bible have anything to say about meat eating? 01:13 Yes, it says a lot. 01:16 One half hour show would be 01:18 much too short to cover the subject. 01:20 You may want to write in for the booklet advertised 01:23 at the end of the show. 01:25 Looking at the dietary principles in the Bible 01:28 we find that in the very beginning 01:31 both humans and animals were created vegetarians. 01:36 Later of course God did allow the eating of meat. 01:41 The Bible itself doesn't make it clear 01:44 as to why He did this. 01:45 One possible answer could be that 01:47 since Noah's flood destroyed the vegetation, 01:50 some of the animals in the ark could be slaughtered 01:53 and their meat preserved 01:54 and eaten until the first harvest. 01:56 Another interesting possibility 01:58 has to do with the lifespan of people who lived in those days, 02:02 you know, God created Adam and Eve with bodies 02:05 that were designed to exist forever 02:08 but that was before they sinned 02:09 and tragically the longer a sinner lives, 02:12 the more agony he causes himself and others. 02:16 People and generations suffer. 02:20 In Genesis 6:5 it indicates 02:22 that the pre-flood people were terribly depraved. 02:26 Can you imagine the chaos of an 800 year old Hitler 02:32 and what that could cause in one lifetime? 02:35 And that may be one reason why God introduced a meat diet. 02:39 At about the time 02:40 when God began to allow people to eat meat, 02:43 the lifespans began to rock it downward 02:45 until they ended up closer to what lifespans are today. 02:50 But even though God did allow me to be eaten, 02:52 He still regarded the human body 02:54 as very precious. 02:56 And that's why in Leviticus 11, He listed the do eats 03:00 and the don't eats of the animal bird 03:03 and seafood kingdoms and animals. 03:06 Another evidence of God's brilliance is shown by 03:11 and large the creatures God labeled unclean 03:15 are the scavengers of the earth. 03:17 These are examples such as pork and shellfish, buzzards, crows, 03:24 which would carry more disease 03:26 and whose bodies are designed to retain the poisons 03:29 and filth of their diet. 03:32 Fat and blood was not to be eaten. 03:36 Meat eating is a factor in human diseases 03:39 such as heart disease and cancer. 03:41 And the fat contains cholesterol 03:44 and the blood carries disease. 03:46 I like the following poem written some years ago 03:49 by G. C. Hoskin. 03:54 It's about the horse and animals. 03:57 The horse is big and fat and round 04:01 but eats the grains that do abound. 04:03 The Ox is wide and thick and stout 04:07 and lives on grasses grown about. 04:10 The elephant so great and strong 04:13 with hay and grain, his days prolong. 04:16 The dinosaur his years amazed 04:19 yet vegetarians stretched his days. 04:22 A baboon's strength is not for meats, 04:24 for fruits and vegetables he eats. 04:27 If fruits and grains and grass and hay 04:32 give animals such strength each day 04:35 then give me too that simple fare, 04:38 that Mother Nature does prepare. 04:42 I was born into a vegetarian family 04:45 and being a third-generation vegetarian 04:48 I've never eaten meat, poultry or fish. 04:52 Eating plant foods is just a way of life for me 04:55 and I've never acquired even a liking 04:57 for the smell of meat cooking 04:59 because it's just never been a part of my upbringing. 05:03 It's just as natural for me to eat vegetarian meals 05:06 as it is for you to include meat. 05:09 So why be a vegetarian, 05:11 there are a number of good reasons 05:13 first of all it's healthier, that's been proven, 05:17 research shows 05:18 that vegetarians live longer and have less disease. 05:23 Plant foods contain absolutely no cholesterol, 05:27 a plant-based diet is a low-fat diet 05:31 with less fat unless you course load up 05:34 on refined manufactured foods, meat lacks fiber. 05:39 A meat diet is a high protein diet 05:42 and a fat diet 05:43 when our diet should be based on carbohydrates. 05:47 Meat can bring disease from the animals to you, 05:52 it is a cancer potential. 05:54 Another reason that people choose to be vegetarian is that 05:59 a vegetarian diet actually costs less. 06:04 We protect also the earth's resources 06:07 by raising plant food crops rather than animals for food. 06:13 For example an acre of land produces 17 pounds of protein 06:18 compared to about 2 for milk and less than 1 for beef. 06:24 And another reason is that 06:25 animals do not have to be mass produced in factory farms. 06:29 Living an unnatural life with possible inhumane treatment 06:34 when we're vegetarians. 06:36 Another reason for being vegetarian 06:39 has to do with our mind and our spiritual senses. 06:43 It's actually been shown that 06:44 they are more clear and alert with the plant-based diet. 06:48 The Bible story of Daniel and his three friends 06:52 showed better physical health, wisdom and discernment. 06:56 This is a story in Daniel the first chapter. 06:59 And then in Proverbs 23:20 it shows us 07:05 that it's not good to be among gluttonous eaters of meat. 07:11 For more than 125 years, 07:15 Seventh-day Adventists have practiced 07:17 the vegetarian dietary lifestyle 07:20 because of their belief in the holistic nature of man. 07:25 So whatever is done in eating or drinking, 07:28 it's believed to honor and glorify God, 07:32 the use of any food substance 07:34 which has been demonstrated as harmful, 07:36 it's a dishonor to God, 07:38 it shows lack of respect for the body 07:41 and as it does disservice to mankind. 07:45 So today we would like to demonstrate 07:47 a kind of vegetarian dish that comes the closest 07:52 to resembling meat than any other. 07:55 So for those of you who crave that texture and taste of meat, 07:58 this product we call gluten is a good substitute. 08:04 If beans and tofu just don't do it for you, 08:07 you might want to try cutlets or steak 08:09 that's made out of gluten. 08:11 So what is gluten? 08:13 Gluten is the protein of wheat. 08:15 And here we have wheat. 08:18 Wheat comes from the field just like we see it here 08:23 and when it's harvested it comes right out of the hall 08:27 and here we have wheat. 08:29 There are different kinds of wheat 08:31 but this one here is dark brown and red. 08:34 This is the kind that we need to make gluten 08:37 and this is the bread making wheat also. 08:42 And you can make wheat and gluten out of wheat 08:45 in several different ways. 08:47 And so you may want to get 08:49 a pad, a paper and some pencils, 08:52 maybe jot down a few things. 08:54 You might want to watch the end of the show 08:57 for the information about where you could order 09:00 the cooking by the book, cookbook. 09:02 If you would like all of the details 09:03 about the recipes that we're showing here. 09:07 But it's sort of like a three-step process 09:10 to make gluten. 09:11 I sometimes wonder 09:12 whoever discovered this way long time ago 09:15 but as we said earlier 09:18 my mother and her mother made gluten 09:20 and it's, it's an interesting thing 09:22 that if you take a kernel of wheat 09:23 and you chew it and chew it in your mouth, 09:25 you can make the gluten right in your mouth. 09:28 So what we'll do is just grind some of this wheat into flour 09:32 and then we'll make it into a dough 09:34 and then we'll just go through a process 09:38 of separating out just the protein part of the wheat. 09:43 Let's just pull up this chart here 09:46 and remind us about wheat. 09:49 Here we have a kernel of wheat. 09:52 And so that you know where the gluten is coming 09:54 from out of the wheat, 09:55 this is three parts to the kernel, 09:58 we have the outer coverings which is the bran, 10:02 then the germ of the wheat is the life-giving part, 10:05 that's the part from which white flour is, 10:07 and that's, sorry this is the part where 10:10 the vitamin E and the minerals and vitamins in the sprouting 10:14 comes right out of the wheat. 10:16 And then right in the heart of the kernel is the endosperm, 10:19 that's the starch and the protein. 10:22 And that is the part from which the gluten is made. 10:27 And so we need to go through a little washing process 10:30 where we remove this outer covering 10:32 and we just end up with this protein, 10:34 it creates sort of a substance 10:37 that kind of it has the texture of meat 10:39 when you get all finished with it. 10:41 And you can actually get cookbooks 10:43 that tell about making gluten, 10:46 I have three cookbooks here. 10:50 And I've just collected some of these overtime, 10:53 how to make all the meat you eat out of wheat. 10:55 And entire cookbooks it tells you 10:57 how to season it like beef, and like chicken, and turkey, 11:00 and hot dogs, and sausage, and everything else. 11:03 So we'll demonstrate a little bit of that 11:05 to you today. 11:06 There's another gluten cookbook, 11:09 Meatless Protein at one tenth of the cost. 11:12 Here's a different book, 11:14 so if you want to find a cookbook on gluten 11:17 just go browse some bookstores and you may just find one. 11:21 It's not a difficult process, 11:23 it just takes several different steps. 11:25 So let's do that and I have Pat here today. 11:28 Would you come and join me, Pat? 11:31 And we're going to see 11:32 if we can make some gluten here. 11:36 Now you can make gluten out of whole-wheat flour, 11:41 you can make gluten out of white flour 11:44 and you can make gluten out of gluten flour. 11:47 Gluten flour is just flour that's made 11:51 here's what it looks like. 11:52 After you take the starch out and have only the protein left 11:58 from the endosperm or from white flour. 12:00 You took white flour and took the starch away 12:02 and you have just the protein. 12:05 This is available as gluten flour 12:08 at some health food stores 12:10 and you may find it in your area. 12:12 And if you had this, 12:13 this is just an instant way to just mix this with water 12:16 and you will have gluten immediately. 12:19 But what I do most of the time because it's cheaper 12:22 is to start with whole-wheat flour 12:23 which we have here in the bag. 12:26 And I would just like to show you 12:28 how I do this at home, 12:30 I buy wheat in the 50-pound bags, 12:32 this is the flour mill here. 12:35 And I'm going to just put a little wheat through, 12:37 this will become whole-wheat flour 12:39 and that's what I'll use to make the gluten, 12:41 it's the most economical way to do it. 12:43 So we'll just turn this on. 13:05 And... 13:12 We'll just... 13:16 Magic, we have the flour right here. 13:20 And this is the bread flour right here. 13:23 And this is what we'll use to make the gluten 13:25 but we have some already ground ahead. 13:28 And we'll just start our recipe right now. 13:31 So making homemade gluten 13:33 which is a meat like plant source of protein. 13:37 The recipe is in our cooking by the book cookbook on page 148. 13:42 And it's so easy, you just write down eight cups of flour, 13:46 it can be the whole-wheat or the white, 13:48 it can be half and half. 13:50 And then we just put 13:51 three to four cups of water with that. 13:53 So you make a dough just like you were making bread. 13:56 We happen to have a kitchen machine 13:59 that has the dough hook here, we're putting it into position. 14:02 And we'll just put these eight cups of flour 14:05 right into the machine. 14:07 And this dough just needs to knead 14:11 for about 10 minutes. 14:13 And if you don't have an electric machine 14:15 just get a big bowl out and mix this dough by hand. 14:19 So we have eight cups of flour here in the bowl 14:21 and we're just going to add four cups of water to this 14:26 and get the water here... 14:35 three to four cups, 14:36 I like to make it just a little heavier 14:38 if it needs it. 14:42 Okay. 14:43 And this just needs to need now for about 10 minutes. 14:48 And we'll turn it on here, get the lid here 14:50 so it won't spill out. 14:54 This is just on low speed for 10 minutes 14:56 that develops the gluten, the elastic. 14:59 Wheat has a certain kind of protein 15:01 that is not found anywhere else 15:03 and that is called gluten 15:05 and it's the only kind of protein 15:07 that can become elastic as you stretch it and knead it. 15:29 See that going around. 15:32 Have a dough here. 15:38 And after that's become elastic 15:41 then that's the excellent thing to use to make bread. 15:43 So it's very important to have the hard wheat. 15:46 That's especially for making bread 15:47 because it has this gluten protein in it. 15:51 So, Pat, we're just going to have another little magic here. 15:55 And bring up the next gluten, 15:57 we have a batch of gluten here that's gone for the 10 minutes. 16:00 And we'll go right on 16:01 with the next process of the recipe here. 16:05 The next step after you make the dough 16:08 then is to separate it, 16:10 what we have here is the starch of the flour, 16:13 we have the protein, we have the whole thing. 16:16 So what we want to do is wash it, 16:17 now this sounds like kind of a strange process 16:20 but it works and it takes a few minutes 16:22 we will just show you how to do that. 16:25 And this dough here has been stretchy, you see it's 16:28 you can see the strands of gluten have become elastic 16:31 and you can separate that out. 16:33 So what you do is go over to your sink 16:36 with this kind of a colander strainer here. 16:39 And you just pull off kind of a chunk of this dough 16:44 and you start washing it under the water. 16:47 And this is kind of fun actually, 16:48 you can just kind of squeeze around on it 16:51 with a slow stream of water. 16:53 And what you can also put a pan underneath there 16:57 when I'm at home in my bigger sink, 16:59 where my bigger sink is 17:00 I'll just put a big kind of a dish pan under this 17:03 and you can actually save the bran 17:05 and make it in recipes but what we're doing now 17:08 is to just wash this and separate it out 17:12 so that we'll just get the protein part off 17:16 by itself in it. 17:17 One of the ways you know 17:20 when it's getting close to being ready is that 17:22 you think it's falling apart 17:23 and you think you're doing everything wrong 17:26 and then all of a sudden it firms up in your hands 17:28 and you actually have a piece of almost like pure protein, 17:34 that's just the protein from wheat. 17:38 Now the protein from wheat 17:40 is what we would call an incomplete protein 17:43 but by the time you put this with your dinner meal 17:46 and you eat other things at the meal. 17:48 Then of course you have the other proteins 17:52 that come from the other foods 17:54 and it's really quite nice 17:56 and you can make this into all kinds of meat dishes 17:59 and we're going to show you 18:02 some delicious looking steaks and scallops here. 18:07 And you can grind it into hamburger, 18:10 not hamburger a veggie burger. 18:13 And it's fun to create all kinds of dishes. 18:15 So you can see that this is firming back up here. 18:20 We're just about finished. 18:21 I leave a little bit of the bran in it 18:25 because it's more tender if you like your steaks tender. 18:29 Then you can do that. 18:31 So that's the next step. 18:35 Now at this point 18:38 this is plain raw flour and water dough 18:42 that's just been washed 18:43 and it actually doesn't have much flavor. 18:45 And so the next step of the recipe here 18:47 then is to make it have some flavor. 18:50 So we'll call this done here and what you would do at home 18:53 is you would just set this one aside 18:56 and you would take another hunk of this, 18:58 you would just keep washing it 19:00 until you got all of this dough here washed 19:03 and you're going to end up with a smaller amount of this gluten 19:07 because you are just wanting 19:09 this rubbery kind of spongy part 19:12 which is the gluten. 19:13 Now of course if you make this from white flour 19:15 it's gonna be a whiter meat 19:17 and that's how you get the meat 19:18 that looks more like fish, 19:19 you know, the lighter meat or the chicken. 19:21 And if you want it to be totally instant process 19:25 where you don't have to do this washing step, 19:28 then you buy this gluten flour 19:30 because all you do is mix water with that one and boom 19:33 you've got this gluten immediately. 19:36 However this gluten flour could cost you about $1.95 a pound 19:42 or somewhere like that where this wheat here cost you 19:45 maybe 35 to 45 cents a pounds. 19:48 So it really is an economical way 19:50 to get some vegetarian meat. 19:53 Okay. 19:55 So now what we have here on the tray is the flavorings 19:58 that we want to put into the meat today. 20:03 And in the cookbook here on page149 20:06 we have samples of two kinds of broth 20:08 that you can make to drop the meat 20:10 into to get the flavor. 20:13 And we have on the stove here our water for the savory broth, 20:18 I'm going to make a dark broth sort of like 20:20 for beef looking meat. 20:22 And this is savory broth number one. 20:25 And it calls for eight cups of water 20:29 and we're going to turn this heat up on high 20:31 and it's nice to have that water boiling 20:34 and everything in there boiling 20:36 when you drop pieces of gluten into that 20:38 and it doesn't stick back together that way. 20:43 The next thing is a half a cup of soy sauce, you need, 20:47 you make this broth so strong that you say to yourself, 20:50 wow, this is going to be way over seasoned but it isn't. 20:53 Just trust me, it will turn out right 20:56 and you'll have the broth left afterwards 20:59 but you drop everything, 21:00 you drop the gluten into the broth 21:03 and you just let that sort of simmer for about 45 minutes. 21:07 And at that point you can use it, 21:09 you can brown it in a skillet, you can chop it up, 21:13 you can make veggie burger out of it. 21:17 Okay, we have a cup of tomato juice here. 21:20 Again you can create your own broth recipe, 21:23 you could just suit yourself, 21:25 sometimes I like to use V8 juice 21:27 because it even has a little more flavor. 21:30 One tablespoon nutritional food yeast flakes, 21:34 this is not the yeast for baking, 21:36 this is a flavoring yeast 21:38 called nutritional food yeast flakes, 21:40 something like brewer's yeast, 21:42 it gives a nice meaty flavor. 21:45 You'll find in vegetarian dishes, 21:47 at least in my cookbook 21:49 we use this nutritional food yeast flakes many times 21:53 to give kind of a meaty cheesy flavor. 21:57 Two tablespoons onion powder 22:00 or you can put two fresh onions in here. 22:03 You can chop up your vegetables to make your broth 22:06 if you'd like to have everything fresh, 22:08 that's nice to do that also. 22:10 Onions you can save your celery leaves 22:13 and put them in your broth. 22:16 And you don't waste anything that way. 22:18 Now another kind of a meaty flavoring 22:21 that you can get is from 22:23 kind of a heavy brewer's yeast paste, 22:26 nutritional food yeast paste, 22:29 my mother used this kind of paste 22:30 when I was still young at home, 22:32 it comes under several different names, 22:35 this is called Marmite and this is available, 22:39 I buy this in the Safeway store at home. 22:43 It's very strong smelling stuff, 22:46 it's 100% vegetarian, it's high in the B vitamins 22:49 and it's actually just made from nutritional food yeast. 22:53 And we're going to put a little of this into the broth, 22:57 this is another one called VGX. 22:59 And if you don't have this 23:01 then you can just add more bouillon cubes 23:03 because there's all different kinds of bouillon cubes 23:06 that you can get. 23:08 And the recipe actually calls for about two tablespoons of 23:11 some kind of heavy gravy base paste 23:14 such as Marmite or VGX. 23:16 And also four to six bouillon cubes. 23:19 So we have what we call 23:21 double sized bouillon cubes here, 23:23 these are vegetable bouillon cubes, 23:25 we got these at the natural food store, 23:28 they're actually a product from Switzerland 23:31 but there are lots of different kinds of bouillon cubes, 23:33 we're going to drop some of these 23:35 in to give seasoning for the broth. 23:38 And you may have heard of Kitchen Bouquet 23:40 which is kind of a liquid 23:42 that you can buy a seasoning or Magi seasoning, 23:45 these are things that I know you can get in the supermarket. 23:48 And they too could be used to give 23:50 sort of a heavy kind of a beef like flavor to things. 23:54 So let me just try to guess here 23:57 which is about two tablespoons here. 24:01 Put a little bit more. 24:02 We had some company visiting us from Australia, 24:05 some students were on a music tour 24:07 and we had some of them sleeping at our house. 24:10 And I said, "Well, what do you miss the most 24:12 since you've been away from Australia?" 24:14 And they said that it was this Marmite product 24:18 they don't call it Marmite 24:19 they call it something else over there 24:20 but I happen to have this VGX and Marmite 24:25 and I said, "Here would you like to try this?" 24:26 And they just spread it right on bread 24:28 and eat it it's peanut butter. 24:30 And they just thought that was so wonderful 24:32 'cause they'd been out of their country 24:33 for so long without having that wonderful strong stuff. 24:38 I didn't, I don't think I could enjoy it that way 24:40 but it really gives a nice flavoring to our broth. 24:44 Now we just really want this to boil 24:47 but we're not going to wait, 24:49 let's just pretend that that's boiling. 24:51 What you do now is you can take a cutting board here 24:54 and you can lay out, you'll have more gluten in this 24:57 and you can pat it out into whatever shape you want, 25:02 you can cut it with a knife, 25:04 you can pinch it with your hands 25:06 and it will take on whatever kind of shape you want it, 25:10 fluffs up a little one, you put it in the broth. 25:13 But once it's simmered in the broth for 45 minutes 25:16 then it's going to be fluffy and it's going to be set 25:19 then it won't wobble around 25:20 and it will just take the shape. 25:22 I hope this isn't going to confuse you 25:24 but one other thing that you can do 25:26 and it explains it in some of these cookbooks too 25:29 is that if you wanted this to take a certain shape, 25:32 let's say you wanted every one of these to be exactly round, 25:35 you can take a can like a vegetable can 25:38 and you can grease it and you can put 25:40 a chunk of this dough right down in the can 25:42 and just bake it for about a half an hour at 350 25:46 and then when you take it out 25:48 it'll hold that shape and you can slice it 25:50 and then you can drop that right into the broth here 25:53 and they'll just be perfectly round 25:55 just like you want them. 25:57 And that's it we've made gluten, 25:59 it's in the broth there. 26:01 And we would like to show you some finished product here 26:04 so that you can kind of see what it looks like. 26:08 Here we have a scallops and tartar sauce, 26:10 this is a recipe in the cookbook on page 153, 26:14 tartar sauce made out of tofu 26:17 and it's kind of a light meat look. 26:19 And the second one here is tasty steaks. 26:22 This is kind of a darker meat like 26:23 we're putting in the broth here right now. 26:26 And we have this one 26:28 seasoned with red bell peppers and onions 26:31 and this is on page 150 in the book. 26:35 And if you take your grinder, your meat and food grinder, 26:38 you can grind this gluten 26:39 once you pull it out of the broth 26:41 and make burgers out of it, this is a veggie burger 26:44 and we have it shown here to put in our patty 26:47 with all the trimmings to make your veggie burger patty. 26:50 Or you can use it for the tacos, 26:52 we have some commercially prepared products 26:54 that you can find in stores, in the markets 26:58 that you can do this quicker 27:00 if you don't want to take the time 27:01 to make it at home. 27:02 However, it is not as economical. 27:06 Well, we just hope you enjoyed our show today. 27:08 And we just thank you for tuning in. 27:10 And by the way we just like to remind you 27:12 that this program is sponsored 27:14 by the Three Angels broadcasting network. 27:17 Your prayers and financial support 27:19 are greatly appreciated. 27:23 If you've enjoyed the recipes 27:25 and cooking tips in this program, 27:26 you'll want to order 27:28 our Food For Thought resource sheet. 27:29 We'll tell you how you can order the cookbooks 27:31 you've seen used on this program 27:32 along with other information that will help you cook 27:34 helpful attractive vegetarian meals. 27:37 For your free copy 27:38 of our Food For Thought resource sheet, 27:39 please write to us at Food For Thought, 27:42 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896. 27:46 Or call (618) 627-4651. |
Revised 2018-10-15