Food for Thought

Eating God's Way - Two Different Shoppers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Marcella Lynch


Series Code: FFT

Program Code: FFT000001

00:01 What does it mean to eat God's way?
00:02 Stay tuned to compare the groceries
00:05 of two different shoppers.
00:25 Hello, my name is Marcella Lynch.
00:28 Welcome to Food For Thought,
00:30 the cooking program that teaches God's eating plan
00:33 as unfolded through scripture
00:35 and through an understanding of God's other book,
00:38 the book of nature.
00:39 Every machine needs its special kind of fuel
00:43 according to the manufacturer's instructions.
00:46 My car burns unleaded regular gasoline,
00:50 some trucks take diesel, but my husband's chainsaw
00:54 runs on a mixture of gas and oil
00:57 because it is a two-cycle engine.
01:00 And if you've watched the zoo keeper
01:01 feeding all the different kinds of animals at the zoo,
01:05 you've seen that different species require
01:07 different kinds of food.
01:10 My body machine needs its special kind of fuel too.
01:14 Did you ever stop to think that there is an instruction manual
01:18 telling us the best kind of fuel food
01:22 to put in our body machine?
01:24 Sure enough, there is one.
01:26 It was written by God, the master designer,
01:30 and it prescribes the best kind of fuel
01:33 for our bodies.
01:34 It is the Holy Bible.
01:38 He certainly has given us some guidelines.
01:42 The Bible says that I am created
01:44 in God's own image or likeness.
01:48 Isn't that an awesome thought?
01:51 When I became a Christian, I accepted the responsibility
01:54 and privilege of representing Christ in everything I do.
01:59 I gave my heart and my life to Him,
02:02 and acknowledged that following His plan
02:05 for my life would bring glory to Him
02:07 and help me to live a happier productive life.
02:11 Think of it, belonging to God,
02:15 I am a member of His family.
02:19 Treat my body as I please, I gave it to God,
02:24 I want to glorify God in my body
02:26 as admonished
02:28 in 1 Corinthians 6:19,
02:33 "Or do you not know that your body
02:36 is the temple of the Holy Spirit
02:38 who is in you, whom you have from God,
02:42 and you are not your own?
02:45 For you were bought at a price,
02:48 therefore glorify God in your body
02:52 and in your spirit which are God's."
02:56 And He's made a plan for keeping my body healthy.
02:59 And my part of the plan
03:01 is to read and follow the owner's manual.
03:05 I don't know if you live in the city or the country,
03:10 or whether you hate to cook or love to cook,
03:13 I have no idea whether you cook for one,
03:17 two, four or ten,
03:20 I'm not sure whether all the adults
03:22 of your household work away from home,
03:25 if you are loaded with money or have hardly any at all.
03:30 Whatever the case,
03:31 you can follow God's ideal way of eating.
03:35 It's a simple plan. It's economical too.
03:39 The first clue to God's plan
03:41 is in the first book of the Bible.
03:44 In Genesis 1:29, it says,
03:48 "See I have given you every herb that yields seed
03:54 which is in the face of all the earth,
03:56 and every tree whose fruit yield seed,
04:00 to you it shall be for food."
04:04 And in Genesis 3:18 it continues,
04:08 "Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
04:12 and you shall eat the herb of the field."
04:17 Grains and fruits, nuts and vegetables
04:21 constitute the diet chosen for us by our creator.
04:25 These foods prepared in a simple
04:27 and natural manner as possible
04:29 are the most healthful and nourishing.
04:32 They impart a strength, a power of endurance,
04:35 and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded
04:38 by a more complex and stimulating diet.
04:41 God's ideal eating plan can be discovered
04:45 by studying physiology of digestion.
04:49 God designed our bodies to work according to a plan.
04:53 Science also has discovered God's natural laws
04:56 for good health.
04:58 We've learned that to stay healthy
05:00 we need not only to eat right,
05:03 but get adequate rest and sleep.
05:07 We need fresh air,
05:10 sunlight, and exercise.
05:13 We need to drink six to eight glasses of water daily,
05:18 we should be temperance and drug free,
05:21 and trust God completely with our lives.
05:25 All of these together bring true health.
05:29 Our subject today
05:31 is planning meals God's way.
05:36 Somewhere in your home
05:38 you would want to develop a planning center
05:41 because eating God's way begins with planning meals.
05:46 So our lesson today will be featuring
05:51 planning meals God's way.
05:55 Now in my kitchen,
05:56 I have a certain place in the kitchen
05:58 that is my planning center.
06:00 And that's the first place
06:01 that meal preparation takes place.
06:03 If you think through ahead of time
06:05 what you want to prepare,
06:06 then you don't become an impulse shopper
06:09 and just grab things off the grocery stores
06:11 that may not be as healthful as you would like.
06:14 In the planning center, I keep my cookbooks
06:17 and I have a recipe pad
06:20 so that I can at all times keep my grocery list ready
06:24 so that I can remember what to buy at the store.
06:27 And, of course, I like to shop from the ads of the newspaper
06:31 so that I can take advantage of seasonal produce
06:36 and not buy the things that are so expensive
06:39 at the wrong time of the year.
06:42 One thing that's helped me a lot
06:43 is to develop a weekly menu planner.
06:49 This has a form that shows you a breakfast, a main meal,
06:53 and an evening meal, and I just sit down once a week
06:56 and I quickly sketch out for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
06:59 and each day of the week,
07:00 kind of what I'm thinking and planning for the breakfast,
07:03 the main meal and the evening meal.
07:05 And that way, I don't just come home from work
07:10 at the end of a busy day and say,
07:13 "Let's see what am I going to have for dinner."
07:16 So this way ahead of time, I just know what I'm planning,
07:19 and I can just do it without coming up
07:22 to that last minute and saying,
07:23 "Well, I can't serve this because I haven't thought
07:25 ahead of time to cook and prepare it."
07:28 Let's just make a list
07:29 of some helpful menu planning guidelines
07:33 discovered over the past 30 years
07:35 by studying God's Word
07:37 and His laws of physiology and nature.
07:40 And we might say that the first rule
07:43 for menu planning is to plan meals in advance
07:46 as we've just mentioned.
07:47 And the one week menu planner is a very helpful way
07:51 so that we won't impulse buy at the grocery store.
07:55 Then the second menu planning suggestion
07:59 would be to use the food pyramid as a guide.
08:02 Now I don't know if you're acquainted
08:04 with the food pyramid.
08:05 If you eat cold cereal
08:07 or shop in the grocery store much at all,
08:11 on the side of many packages of food you see this pyramid
08:14 that's been in existence for three or four years now,
08:18 it's the federal government's plan
08:21 to help us to understand
08:22 how many different kinds of foods
08:24 we should eat throughout the day.
08:27 And at the base of our diet, the big part of the pyramid
08:32 is the grains and cereals, 6 to 11 servings a day.
08:36 And as we go up the pyramid, then we eat less,
08:39 and at the very top is the least amount
08:42 that we should be eating.
08:43 So the very broad base of eating God's way
08:47 is the pyramid,
08:50 the 6 to 11 servings of grains and cereals.
08:53 Now I'm glad to see that the federal government
08:55 has begun to sort of come into line a little more
08:58 with a carbohydrate-based diet, which is God's way also.
09:02 Then three to five servings of vegetables,
09:05 and two to four servings of fruit each day,
09:09 and then you have your high calcium, riboflavin,
09:13 and B12 Group, which is milk or milk alternates,
09:17 and the protein foods.
09:19 And, of course, you'll see here
09:20 that this is the vegetarian food pyramid,
09:22 and we're going to show you how you can eat
09:24 God's way with fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables
09:28 without that meat in that meat group.
09:30 And so following this, a number of suggested servings
09:34 from the eating pyramid
09:36 is part of what you would want to try to do
09:39 when you plan balanced meals for your family.
09:43 And I require my students in the home,
09:45 at classes at school to memorize
09:47 and to be able to reproduce this chart.
09:50 And hopefully
09:51 you might want to learn that chart too.
09:53 And it is found in the, "Cooking by the Book,"
09:55 cook book here, and you can study it
09:59 and learn more about
10:01 how to balance your daily meals.
10:04 The third suggestion for menu planning
10:07 is to understand a daily menu planner.
10:11 In the book, here we also have what we call
10:14 the daily menu planner.
10:16 And it's an outline that sort of shows us
10:19 how the day's meal should be arranged.
10:23 First of all, if you get up in the morning
10:25 and drink one or two eight ounce glasses of water,
10:29 this gets your digestive system going,
10:32 and it's easy that way to not be so hungry
10:36 that you just want to drink a lot at your meal time.
10:39 And then eat a hearty breakfast.
10:41 You'll see here for breakfast
10:42 that one slice of whole grain bread
10:44 is recommended, a teaspoon of nut butter
10:47 or bread spread over the top of the toast or the bread,
10:53 whole grain cereal or other protein food,
10:57 two different kinds of fruits,
10:59 one of which should be high in vitamin C,
11:01 and an eight ounce glass of milk.
11:03 And we're going to be talking to you
11:05 about some other kinds of milks that you can drink.
11:08 I think you'll be interested to see the non-dairy varieties.
11:11 Then between the meals,
11:14 drink your water but not at meal times.
11:17 And then we ideally would eat
11:19 our big main meal in the middle of the day.
11:21 Now that's a tough one for some of us,
11:23 it's not always possible, but that's the ideal plan.
11:27 We want to fuel up our machine
11:29 at the beginning of the journey,
11:30 and then eat lighter at the end.
11:33 So for the noon meal, one entree,
11:37 and you'll be seeing some ideas about what entrees look like,
11:41 a green leafy vegetable,
11:43 one other vegetable, and of course,
11:46 eat raw vegetables salads every day,
11:49 and a slice of whole grain bread.
11:52 And then to finish off the meal,
11:54 put some kind of a bread spread over your bread
11:57 and have something that's like a glass of milk,
12:00 we'll be showing some tofu, soy milks
12:02 and I think you'll enjoy seeing those.
12:04 They're really quite readily available now
12:07 in the different stores.
12:10 Right then for the evening meal,
12:12 it should be the lightest meal of the day.
12:15 And you just simply need to eat
12:18 fruit or vegetable with bread.
12:23 And that's about all you need to end the day
12:25 and drink water then later in the evening
12:29 if you need something else.
12:33 Now what we would like to do is to show you a sample
12:36 of eating God's way for one entire day.
12:40 So my friend Myrna is here, this is Myrna Peterson.
12:44 And we're going to show you
12:45 a nice nourishing breakfast here,
12:48 something simple that you don't even have to
12:50 know a recipe for.
12:52 It's a bowl of oatmeal
12:53 with bananas for one of the fruits,
12:56 and your high vitamin C fruit which is oranges,
12:59 and whole wheat toast with peanut butter,
13:03 and of course we have some raisins here
13:05 for the cereal, makes you chew and crunch a little more,
13:08 and a glass of...
13:09 This happens to be tofu milk.
13:11 And so this, of course,
13:12 would be the sample breakfast of eating God's way.
13:16 Hearty breakfast is very important.
13:18 So this is a nice breakfast that gets your day started
13:22 with the proper fuel for your body machine.
13:25 Okay, so we're going to...
13:30 move into the noon meal.
13:33 The biggest meal of the day is not in the evening,
13:35 it's in the middle of the day.
13:38 And the one we're showing you here today is a baked potato.
13:43 And we like to emphasize a carbohydrate-based meal.
13:46 When you plan a meal, don't think about
13:48 the big protein meat on the plate,
13:50 think about the starch dish.
13:52 And so a big baked potato is wonderful.
13:55 And we've put over the top of this vegetarian chili beans,
13:59 and there's a recipe for that in the cookbook.
14:02 Or you can just make it with beans,
14:05 and season it real nicely, and make it kind of soupy
14:08 and pour it over the potato.
14:10 Broccoli steamed, crisp, tender, and we have a carrot,
14:14 raisin, pineapple salad,
14:17 and whole wheat dinner rolls for the dinner.
14:21 So this would be your main nourishing
14:25 protein meal of the day with your vegetables.
14:28 And you see here that vegetables are a big part
14:31 of God's way of eating,
14:32 we have vegetables in the salad,
14:33 we have vegetables, the potato is a vegetable,
14:36 and the broccoli,
14:38 and so it's wonderful to fix them in different ways.
14:44 And, you know, when you concentrate on eating
14:46 a lot of fruits and vegetables like our pyramid showed,
14:49 then you do eat a lot of just fruit in the evening.
14:54 And so here we have a fruit plate
14:56 which would be our evening meal.
14:58 And just fill up on fruits, it's high in fiber,
15:01 it's high in minerals and vitamins,
15:03 it's low in calories, it's very refreshing.
15:07 And what we have right here
15:09 is a delicious homemade whole wheat stick
15:11 made out of whole wheat flour and chopped nuts,
15:14 and they're very, very chewy and sweet naturally
15:17 from the whole grain.
15:19 And these two things together
15:20 is all that you need to end your day,
15:23 and it doesn't set heavy on you,
15:24 you can sleep peacefully and not feel like
15:28 you have a heavy stomach to go to bed on.
15:32 Now the US Department of Agriculture
15:34 has recommended
15:37 different amounts of calories per day
15:39 for different ones of us
15:41 who are more active than others.
15:43 And let's just take a look at that.
15:45 There are 1,600 calories per day
15:48 recommended for inactive women and some older adults,
15:53 then 2,200 calories for most children,
15:56 for teenage girls, and active women,
15:58 and some inactive men,
16:01 2,800 calories for teenage boys,
16:04 active men, and very active women.
16:08 And actually when we eat God's way,
16:10 we can just about eat all that we want
16:12 without gaining weight
16:14 because God's foods, as recorded in Genesis,
16:17 are the fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables from the land.
16:22 When you eat them whole,
16:24 when they have not been pulled apart
16:25 or are refined by some manufacturing company,
16:29 they're just low in calories, they're low in cholesterol,
16:32 actually there is no cholesterol
16:34 in plant foods,
16:35 and they're high in minerals and vitamins,
16:37 and they're very filling.
16:39 You can just get full,
16:40 eat a lot and not even have so many calories.
16:45 Now menu planning principle number four
16:49 is to eat a variety
16:50 throughout the week and the month.
16:53 You don't want to eat the same thing
16:55 week after week and day after day.
16:58 Principle number five
17:01 is to eat like a king for breakfast,
17:04 like a prince for noon, and a pauper in the evening.
17:07 Eat your lightest meal in the evening
17:10 because you're not going anywhere,
17:11 you don't need so much fuel,
17:12 and you'll sleep better and be more refreshed.
17:16 Principle number six
17:18 is to have healthy staples in your kitchen.
17:22 In our cookbook, Cooking by the Book,
17:24 it gives a page in here about staples
17:27 to stock into a natural food kitchen.
17:30 Now Myrna and I are going to pretend
17:32 that we're Smart Sam and Weak Willie
17:35 who have just been to the grocery store,
17:37 and we're going to compare
17:39 the difference between our groceries.
17:47 So here comes Smart Sam
17:51 and Weak Willie, and let's see.
17:55 "Willie, what have you found at the grocery store today?"
17:58 Oh, I think I've got some good potato chips here.
18:02 Well, that sounds pretty crunchy.
18:04 What else did you find?
18:06 Well, how about some sugar crisps?
18:08 Uh-oh, have you checked to see
18:11 what the first ingredient on those is?
18:13 You mean I have to read labels?
18:15 Well, I hope so.
18:17 That's one thing you have to do is read the labels
18:19 if you're going to survive any more.
18:22 Well, it says, "sugar." Uh-oh.
18:24 And then says "wheat."
18:26 Then it says, "corn syrup and then honey."
18:29 Oh, you mean you've got three sugars in there.
18:31 Yes.
18:32 And then some refined wheat flour.
18:34 Yes.
18:35 Well, that sounds terrific.
18:41 I can have nice sandwich.
18:43 You have some of that fluffy balloon bread here.
18:46 Yeah, nice white.
18:47 I see.
18:49 What's in that bread?
18:50 It looks like the fiber's all gone.
18:52 And what I do with this kind of bread
18:55 is just push the air out of it, and then show you...
18:59 How can I use it for sandwich if you push the air out?
19:00 I know, actually if you want to know the truth,
19:03 there's a lot of air in here that you paid for,
19:06 I mean, it's really lightweight anyway.
19:07 But if you just kind of like take the air out of it,
19:10 you know,
19:11 you just might not have a nice sandwich at all there.
19:15 You mean, I wouldn't get full on that air?
19:18 You might have to eat ten slices of this to get full.
19:22 Okay.
19:25 Can I put this in, and that would help?
19:27 Uh-oh, baloney, beef baloney.
19:30 Well, you know something,
19:31 I have something good in my bag.
19:32 I'm going to show you
19:34 what I'm going to make the sandwich out of.
19:35 But if I had this,
19:36 wouldn't that help fill me up more?
19:38 Cheese, yeah, it will sure fill you up more
19:39 on the hips too and in your arteries.
19:42 Okay. Cholesterol.
19:43 Well, then if I add this to it, wouldn't that really help me?
19:47 Ding-dong.
19:48 Uh-oh, have you read
19:50 the first ingredient on this one?
19:51 Why should I bother?
19:53 It's sugar, of course. Yes.
19:54 And then hard kind of like saturated fat
19:57 and animal shortening, okay, okay.
20:00 Well, maybe I should try this.
20:04 Macaroni and cheese, huh? Yeah.
20:06 So more of that good refined food
20:08 and cholesterol there.
20:09 Sure.
20:10 Well, I could make some nice cookies or...
20:13 Some nice cookies, yeah.
20:15 Some white bread.
20:17 The typical American staple's white flour
20:20 and white sugar, huh?
20:22 And white rice?
20:23 Sure, why not?
20:26 White rice, I mean it's nice and bland.
20:28 Oh, it's beautiful.
20:29 Yes, it's actually...
20:30 Doesn't have any of that brown stuff on it.
20:33 Actually there's some starch there for you, that's good.
20:37 Well, maybe I should try some of these with this on it.
20:40 Uh-oh, sugar and...
20:42 Well, the sugar in it already,
20:43 and now you can put some sugar on.
20:45 Can I put frosting on it?
20:46 Sugar, and hydrogenated soybean oil,
20:49 and shortening, and white flour,
20:52 well, that's a lot of calories, isn't it?
20:54 Can I use this to make my frosting?
20:57 Don't you think that would help it?
20:58 You know something, this is the hard fats,
21:02 and that kind of leads to problems
21:05 also with cholesterol in the diet.
21:09 That stuff.
21:11 But this is the...
21:12 Oh, boy.
21:13 Candy?
21:15 So what does that do for you?
21:16 Well, it has peanuts first in it.
21:18 Oh, peanuts.
21:20 Then it has sugar. Sugar, okay.
21:21 How much vitamins and minerals
21:23 does that have in it there and fiber,
21:25 does it have some of that too?
21:27 Oh, it says it has 2 grams of fat, 250 calories.
21:32 Two hundred and fifty calories, okay.
21:34 So maybe I better not eat that right now.
21:38 You better save it till after your dinner anyway.
21:41 Well, then I just...
21:42 Since I don't have any energy anyway,
21:44 I might as well have some of this, don't you think?
21:45 Perhaps little coffee.
21:46 Sure, sure.
21:48 And, of course,
21:49 this is my breakfast for tomorrow.
21:50 Instant breakfast for tomorrow.
21:52 Sure, get me going, five minutes at least.
21:54 Right.
21:56 Well, I'll tell you,
21:58 you should go take a class
22:02 on how to take care of your body.
22:05 Oh, well then, I have one more thing though.
22:07 Oh, you have one more thing there, huh?
22:09 Yes. Uh-Oh.
22:10 It's a hot afternoon.
22:12 And I'm...
22:13 Just want my cool drink, don't you think?
22:14 The most popular drink around, Pepsi and Coke, huh?
22:18 Sure.
22:19 Well, we're not going to go through
22:21 making you feel bad about all the things,
22:22 this is a typical American way of eating, I can see that.
22:27 You've just kind of watched a lot of the commercials
22:29 and just sort of...
22:31 I just ran in the grocery store and snatched up the stuff,
22:33 so I could run out real fast and go on with life.
22:37 Well, I'll tell you something,
22:38 I found a lot of really good things in the store too,
22:41 but I guess I must have gone down
22:42 some different aisles than you did.
22:44 Well, I hope you can show me a better way
22:46 than what I've got in this bag.
22:48 Well, let me see if I can. See if I can convince you.
22:51 So I'll take mine away so you have room for yours.
22:53 Well, I'll have room.
22:56 This is bread,
22:57 but this is a little different kind of bread than yours.
22:59 You know, you can try pushing my bread,
23:01 but it's got substance,
23:03 you know, you might say substance.
23:04 It's brown too.
23:05 Oh, it is brown, it's heavy too.
23:07 And actually it has whole wheat in it,
23:10 and sprouted grains, and it's...
23:14 Try squeezing that. Okay.
23:16 See how nice and hardy that is.
23:17 It doesn't even have sugar first on it though.
23:20 You know, it has a little bit of rice.
23:22 It's quite high in fiber.
23:24 It feels very solid, and like it might fill me up.
23:27 Yeah, it's good.
23:28 You should try it sometime because it's excellent.
23:30 Okay.
23:31 Oh, boy, I have all these green things, lots of veggies.
23:33 What is that green stuff?
23:34 This is vegetables, celery, we have a lot of celery.
23:37 I went down the produce aisle
23:39 because these dark green vegetables,
23:41 you know, they're anti-cancer foods,
23:43 they keep you from getting cancer.
23:45 They have the...
23:46 These are some of the cruciferous
23:47 vegetables here,
23:49 got some nice bananas,
23:51 that's good for your breakfast and your lunch,
23:53 and these beautiful tomatoes.
23:55 Now these foods here have lots of fiber
23:58 and they're low in calories.
24:00 These are mostly like, you know, high calorie foods,
24:03 and refined fats, and things like that.
24:07 Well, here's some nice sugar.
24:08 You've got your sugar and your candy bar,
24:10 these are raisins.
24:11 I put these in my sandwich with my peanut butter,
24:14 this whole wheat bread with some peanut butter
24:16 and raisins, that's really crunchy good sandwich.
24:19 Oh, here's more good fruits, apples, and oranges.
24:25 For cereal, I have some cereal too.
24:28 This is multigrain flakes cereal.
24:31 All right, what does yours say on it?
24:32 Oh, look here, even had the pyramid on the back,
24:35 isn't that wonderful?
24:36 And this says, it's made from whole grains,
24:39 and it's kind of a mixture.
24:41 So this one here has brown rice,
24:44 and a grain called spelt,
24:46 and rolled oats, and rolled barley,
24:49 and for the sweetening it has fruit juice concentrate.
24:52 But that does sound different than mine.
24:54 And for my hot drink, instead of coffee,
24:56 I have a non caffeinated drink here.
25:01 And for my heart's cereal,
25:03 instead of my instant breakfast like that,
25:05 I can microwave these oats in two minutes
25:08 and have a bowl of oatmeal with raisins.
25:11 We have some nuts here, these are almonds for protein.
25:15 We also have some garbanzo beans
25:17 that can make nice sandwich spreads out of these,
25:19 and cook with different things with garbanzos.
25:23 Peanut butter, this is the old fashioned
25:26 natural butter here.
25:28 I love that stuff. I grew up eating that.
25:31 Lentils, that some kind of beans
25:32 if the case you don't know what they are.
25:34 That is kind of brown, what are they?
25:35 Well, these are really good protein food
25:37 that you can eat for dinner like beans, you know.
25:41 You can even put them in your tacos.
25:44 And, of course, we have brown rice
25:46 instead of your white rice.
25:48 And instead of big bag of potato chips,
25:51 this is a potato.
25:53 We bake our potatoes or actually, you know, some...
25:55 I know, I could make a recipe for French fries
25:58 without all that fat but tastes really good,
26:00 and I just choose these potatoes right here,
26:03 and instead of my Coke,
26:05 I have this wonderful grape juice here.
26:08 And so I think if you would compare the cost
26:11 of your grocery bag with mine,
26:14 you'd probably find out that you could eat
26:16 even more economically on a plant-based diet,
26:20 eating God's way than you can eating
26:23 your all-American junk food way.
26:25 You ought to try it sometime.
26:27 Do you think I could just come to your house
26:28 and eat all the time then?
26:30 Well, for a while you could.
26:32 Oh, okay.
26:33 Until I can get you going at your own home.
26:34 Oh, thank you.
26:36 I'm so pleased
26:37 to have a nice friend like you to help me.
26:39 Well, thank you equally,
26:40 I hope that you will become strong soon.
26:45 Thank you, I'll try.
26:46 So actually eating God's way is a different kind of staples
26:50 that you need to bring into your home
26:52 and try to kind of get past those aisles
26:55 in the supermarket that have all those tempting,
26:57 refined, high-calorie, cholesterol,
26:59 kind of fatty foods
27:01 that are not going to provide you
27:03 with God's way of eating.
27:05 Now the last principle of healthy menu planning
27:11 is to keep a running grocery list.
27:13 I'm glad that you could join us today.
27:15 This program is sponsored by
27:17 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
27:19 Your prayers and financial support
27:21 are greatly appreciated.
27:23 And we hope that you can join us next time.
27:27 If you've enjoyed the recipes
27:29 and cooking tips in this program,
27:30 you want to order our Food For Thought
27:32 resource sheet.
27:33 We'll tell you how you can order the cookbooks
27:35 you've seen used on this program.
27:36 Along with other information that will help you cook
27:38 healthful, attractive vegetarian meals.
27:41 For your free copy of our
27:42 Food For Thought resource sheet,
27:44 please write to us at Food For Thought
27:46 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896
27:50 or call 618-627-4651.


Revised 2018-10-08