Foundation of Our Faith

Grounds for Marriage

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Dr. Timothy Nixon


Series Code: FDOF

Program Code: FDOF000003

00:16 Hello, friends, and welcome to the 3ABN Worship Center
00:19 on this beautiful Sabbath morning.
00:21 We are all gathered here to worship the Lord.
00:23 And those of us here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:26 would like to welcome you with a hearty amen.
00:28 Can we say amen, church?
00:30 We have been blessed, tremendously blessed,
00:33 over the last two meetings.
00:34 Dr. Timothy Nixon, good friend of mine from childhood.
00:38 One of the sermons he preached to begin the series
00:40 was entitled, Boys To Men.
00:43 We knew each other from the time we were boys.
00:46 And God has allowed both of us to grow up to be men.
00:49 Men of the Word, men of the living God.
00:52 And last night we were blessed with another sermon.
00:55 The title was a little misleading.
00:56 And so if you hear that, you could give a different spin
00:59 on that in your own mind.
01:00 But it was, Junk In The Trunk.
01:03 Wasn't that a wonderful message last night?
01:05 You know, some of us have so much junk in our past
01:07 that we have not been making room for the Lord
01:10 to fill our lives in the present.
01:12 And that was a powerful message.
01:14 I would say that's a message that I know
01:17 will be a blessing to you.
01:18 And we encourage you to contact Dare To Dream
01:21 to further that mission and that ministry
01:25 of word in someone's life.
01:27 But today, I'm so glad to be able to introduce
01:30 Dr. Timothy Nixon.
01:33 He is a native of New York City.
01:35 Born and raised in New York.
01:38 Attended Oakwood College, graduated with his B.A. degree.
01:42 Went to Andrews University where he received his MDiv.
01:45 And now he has his doctorate degree.
01:47 And he began his pastoral ministry in 1981.
01:50 And I tell you, he use to be the chaplain, part of the
01:54 chaplaincy program of Andrews University.
01:57 But today he presently serves as associate chaplain
02:01 for Andrews University.
02:03 If you up go to Andrews University, quite a strong
02:06 Adventist institution.
02:08 Longevity is a part of that institution, and he's there.
02:12 He was involved in youth ministry leadership,
02:14 public evangelism, homiletics, that's what he taught,
02:17 and preaching for the university's
02:18 theological department.
02:20 And if you've been here for the last two meetings,
02:21 you know that he knows how to impart the Word.
02:23 Amen to that?
02:25 And today we're glad that his wife is here,
02:27 Sandria, former Lalasingh.
02:29 What a name with a song behind it.
02:32 But today his message is a powerful one.
02:35 He's talking about relationships.
02:37 How to grow in Christ.
02:38 And today's message is about marriage.
02:41 It's about what?
02:42 Marriage.
02:43 Not just the actual marriage, but what it means
02:46 to have a relationship, and a growing one with Christ.
02:49 Before we introduce our music for today,
02:52 we have been blessed tremendously.
02:53 Last night we had two songs.
02:56 Wonderful songs.
02:57 And Brian Ezra Bates is a man who knows how to become a
03:01 vessel of honor to communicate what God has called upon him
03:05 to share with us today.
03:07 Before he comes out, let's bow our heads as we invite
03:10 the presence of the Lord to be with us this Sabbath morning.
03:13 Our gracious Father in heaven, what a blessing it is
03:15 to know that You are here with us,
03:17 to know that You'll sing and speak through us.
03:21 We pray now that we can prepare our hearts for
03:23 the receiving of the Word.
03:25 That we will hear what the Spirit has to say to the church.
03:28 So, Lord, come now and mold us and give us willing hearts,
03:32 that when we leave this place, we will not leave Thy presence.
03:36 This we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
03:40 Well the next voice you will hear after that of
03:43 our minister of music, Brian Ezra Bates,
03:46 will be that of Dr. Timothy Nixon.
03:54 God is able,
03:59 God is able,
04:08 God is able,
04:13 and He won't fail.
04:19 God is able,
04:27 God is able,
04:32 God is able,
04:37 and He won't fail.
04:44 Tell me, who can make a mountain
04:50 move out of my way?
04:55 And who can make a miracle
04:58 because of my faith?
05:03 And when the doctor says no, who can still say yes?
05:10 And when I'm in trouble,
05:14 who's right there to help me pass every test?
05:19 God is able,
05:24 God is able,
05:29 God is able,
05:33 and He won't fail.
05:38 Tell me, who can make a river
05:42 out of a little stream?
05:46 And who can tell the clouds to roll back
05:50 so that the sun can look at me?
05:55 And who can tell the wind to whistle through the trees?
06:01 And when I'm in trouble, who's that same God
06:06 who will come down and rescue me?
06:11 God is able,
06:16 God is able,
06:21 God is able,
06:24 and He won't fail.
06:28 No, He won't fail.
06:35 He won't fail.
06:42 Don't you dare give up,
06:45 don't give in.
06:47 God won't fail.
06:53 God is able,
06:56 God is able,
07:00 God is able,
07:04 and He won't,
07:07 no God won't,
07:17 He won't fail.
07:19 No God won't,
07:29 He won't fail.
07:33 He'll never leave,
07:37 nor will He forsake you.
07:41 He won't fail.
07:44 And He'll be there until the end.
07:52 He won't fail.
07:54 I believe He won't fail.
08:13 Let's give Brian a hearty amen.
08:17 Good morning, everyone.
08:19 Happy Sabbath.
08:21 It's good to see you all today.
08:23 We've had a wonderful time thus far talking about relationships.
08:27 And today we want to talk about marriage
08:30 from the subject, Grounds For Marriage.
08:34 If you have your Bibles, turn with me to the gospel of
08:36 Matthew chapter 19.
08:40 And I will read in your hearing verses 9,
08:45 I should say verses 10 and 11.
08:49 I'm reading from Today's NIV.
08:53 Matthew 19 verses 10 and 11.
09:22 Let's pray together.
09:24 Father, now we ask that You will speak to us.
09:31 We want no one to stand in Your way.
09:35 Not even the preacher.
09:38 So take full control.
09:41 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
09:47 A couple of years ago, I came across an article in the
09:51 New York Daily News, January 2012, titled,
09:57 Ladies Want Tim Tebow In A Biblical Sense.
10:04 This article went on to say that the infidelity website,
10:10 found that women lusted
10:16 for the virginal Tim Tebow, who was then a New York Jet.
10:22 Infidelity matchmaking site...
10:25 Isn't that an oxymoron.
10:28 ...Ashley Madison, asked over 13,000 women
10:32 which athlete would make them stray from their husbands.
10:37 And one in five listed Tim Tebow as their favorite choice.
10:45 It all highlights where we are today when it comes to the
10:51 institution of marriage.
10:54 And perhaps we should not be surprised
10:58 that any and everything today passes for marriage.
11:01 We know the statistics that 46% of marriages
11:05 end in divorce, about one in two.
11:07 And those statistics are unchanged in the church.
11:12 In 2008, when they evaluated adults who have ever been
11:18 married, 32% of born again Christians have been divorced
11:23 compared to 33% of people who were not born again.
11:28 And by the way, Catholic divorces
11:29 are less than Protestant.
11:32 One of the most awkward embarrassing experiences I have
11:35 ever had was returning to my alma mater, Oakwood University,
11:40 a Christian university, on alumni weekend, and wondering
11:43 when I see an old friend or acquaintance of mine
11:48 who is married, their spouse not being with them,
11:53 and not knowing exactly what to say to them
11:57 about their spouse,
11:59 not knowing how to approach them.
12:02 The conversation gets quiet, and then finally they will tell me
12:06 they're no longer married.
12:11 And I recently had conversations even with some of my former
12:14 students who were married, and I thought it was safe
12:17 to ask them about their spouses and how married life
12:20 is with them, only to be shocked and hear them in an almost
12:24 matter of fact manner as they say that they
12:28 are no longer married.
12:31 More and more people today are getting married
12:35 with the mindset that, "If it doesn't work out,
12:40 I'll just get a divorce."
12:44 And divorce has become more prominent and common
12:47 and acceptable in the marital experience
12:52 than sustained marriages.
12:54 We spend money and more time and energy creating
12:59 and devising ways to end marriages than we do
13:03 to preserve them.
13:06 Prenuptial agreements have become a standard inclusion
13:10 in the marital preparation process.
13:13 And more time is taken planning how the marriage will be
13:17 dissolved before it even begins.
13:21 And more energy and emphasis is suspended in creating
13:25 new and easier ways to dissolve relationships
13:29 and make them as risk free as possible
13:33 so that our lives will not become too entangled
13:36 and complicated if and when we end the marriage.
13:43 Do you realize that America has the highest divorce rates
13:48 in the world?
13:49 Christian civilized America; double the rate of Canada,
13:53 Finland, Austria, Germany, and Sweden.
13:56 Triple the rate of England and France.
13:58 Five times the rate of Italy, Belgium, and Spain.
14:01 America the beautiful.
14:04 And the reason is because in most of these countries
14:09 there is a cooling off period of three to five years
14:13 before a divorce.
14:15 And during that cooling off period, people reconcile.
14:18 But not in America.
14:22 We believe in quick divorces.
14:25 No fault divorces. Huh?
14:29 And I am concerned with how little time and thought
14:32 goes into the decision people today make for marriage.
14:37 And one of the reasons they enter into it so haphazardly
14:40 is because we see divorce as an easy accessible escape route
14:46 that everyone understands and accepts.
14:51 We are more versed in the grounds for divorce
14:55 than we are in the grounds for marriage.
15:02 Our focus this weekend has been on relationships.
15:05 And our first two messages looked at men in relationships
15:09 and women in relationships.
15:11 And so today we want to bring them together
15:14 in this subject, Grounds For Marriage.
15:19 Divorce was definitely the rule and not the exception
15:25 in Christ's day.
15:28 And I want to use a somewhat familiar passage
15:31 from the gospels to discover where Jesus is
15:35 on this issue of marriage and divorce.
15:38 In Matthew chapter 19 beginning at verse 3,
15:42 I'm still in the Today's NIV, the Bible says...
15:52 The new Living Translation uses the phrase,
15:55 "Trying to trap Him."
16:07 As it is today, so it was then, that divorce was a
16:10 common practice among the Jews.
16:12 And people divorced for any and every reason.
16:17 It was well known among the people.
16:19 And the Pharisees who asked Jesus this question
16:22 were well versed in the laws and traditions
16:24 that allowed for this practice.
16:26 So they weren't really inquiring about something
16:30 they had no answer for.
16:31 Their purpose is to back Jesus into a corner
16:36 and pin Him down on one of the hot button issues of the day
16:41 to take a position, to take a side, that they believed
16:46 would alienate Him from one segment of the
16:49 Jewish people or the other.
16:51 But Jesus knows their intentions.
16:54 The Bible says in John 2:25 that Jesus knew what was
16:58 in every person who spoke to Him.
17:01 He knows their intents are evil.
17:07 It is not to solve a problem, but to create one.
17:10 Not to seek a solution, but to stir controversy.
17:15 And Jesus, as only Jesus can, outflanks and outmaneuvers
17:20 the Pharisees.
17:22 And He does not allow them to use their trickery
17:26 or human ingenuity.
17:28 Instead, He appeals to the Word of God.
17:31 He says in verse 4, "Haven't you read,
17:35 you who are so versed in the Scriptures,
17:37 who commit whole passages of the Pentateuch to memory..."
17:50 The King James Version says, "Cleave to his wife."
18:01 No longer two persons, but a single body.
18:10 Jesus quotes Scripture.
18:13 No need to go into some big theological or philosophical
18:18 or ethical debate.
18:20 Jesus quotes the Word and let's it speak for itself.
18:26 And the first thing that it says is that the Creator
18:29 made them male and female.
18:33 Let me say it again, male and female.
18:38 The prerequisite that the Creator established for marriage
18:43 is that it is entered into by a male and female.
18:50 Oh help me, Holy Ghost.
18:53 I know that you love the President.
18:55 And if you're a Christian you're suppose to love the President.
18:58 I love him too.
19:00 But the President and the Congress and the Supreme Court
19:03 and the ACLU, and whoever else, did not establish
19:08 the institution of marriage.
19:11 God did.
19:13 And he said it's for male and female.
19:22 I'm not talking about constitutional rights.
19:25 I'm not talking about American citizenship.
19:27 I'm talking about marriage;
19:29 the institution established by the Creator.
19:32 And the Creator established marriage from the beginning
19:35 for one male and one female.
19:38 And just so that we're clear, not one male and females.
19:50 And before all of you Obama haters get too excited,
19:55 make sure that you receive everything the Creator
19:57 established about marriage, and not just the part
20:00 that you think condemns the President.
20:03 Because the Bible says the man leaves his father and mother
20:06 and cleaves to his wife.
20:09 There are a lot of people who get married
20:11 who don't leave their families.
20:17 Either literally they don't leave, or worse, emotionally
20:21 and psychologically they don't leave their family.
20:26 I heard a Christian family counselor on a very well known
20:31 Christian radio program state a commonly held reality.
20:35 She was mentioning that mothers go through more anxiety
20:42 when their sons get married because they know
20:45 they will be losing their sons.
20:48 But then she went on to say they don't have the same anxiety
20:51 when their daughters get married because they know they will
20:54 never lose their daughters.
20:59 She said mothers know that she and her daughter
21:03 will be communicating as much, if not more,
21:07 after their daughters get married than before.
21:13 Now that may be popular and common today,
21:17 but that is not what the Creator intended
21:21 when He established marriage.
21:23 You're suppose to leave.
21:27 Oh, y'all getting kind of quiet now.
21:32 He specifically says father and mother,
21:36 so that there's no confusion.
21:38 And I'll explain further why this is key
21:40 in the marital process.
21:42 Then He says they are no longer two, but one.
21:46 Another translation puts it this way,
21:48 "They are no longer two persons, but a single body."
21:52 Then He concludes the divine declaration,
21:55 "What God has joined together, let no one separate."
22:01 Now let's start backwards and work our way forward.
22:03 So Jesus says, in God's original plan when He created marriage
22:07 in the Garden of Eden, there was no plan for divorce.
22:13 No prenuptial agreement,
22:15 no backdoor in case it doesn't work out.
22:20 And to highlight this fact, Jesus takes us back
22:23 to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
22:24 There was no alternate partner, no other option for Adam,
22:31 or Eve, when God established the first marriage.
22:35 Even after sin.
22:38 There was no option to dissolve the marriage,
22:40 even after Adam blamed Eve for their fall.
22:46 God did not offer Adam another partner to resolve the matter.
22:50 No, God's plan was to redeem the relationship,
22:54 not dissolve it.
23:00 Jesus' answer seems to be comprehensive and complete.
23:04 But remember, the question was not raised to receive an answer,
23:08 but to trap Jesus.
23:10 It was as if they weren't even listening to His first response.
23:16 But now their real intention is revealed.
23:18 They want to draw a contrast between Jesus
23:21 and the prophet of Israel.
23:23 The one whom Deuteronomy 34 identifies as the greatest
23:27 prophet in Israel's history.
23:30 So in verse 7 they say...
23:35 That's like saying, "But Ellen White says..."
23:40 Huh?
23:51 "If what You say is right, how does that square with
23:55 what Moses said?
23:58 He said we could write a bill of divorce
24:00 and send our wives away."
24:03 The passage they are referring to is found in Deuteronomy 24:1,
24:07 which says, "If a man marries a woman who becomes
24:11 displeasing to him because he finds something indecent
24:17 about her and he writes a certificate of divorce,
24:21 gives it to her and sends her from his house."
24:26 That was the contentious phrase.
24:30 Now there were two schools of interpretation for this text.
24:34 And the specific difference centered around how the
24:39 phrase, "something indecent," was interpreted
24:43 and which part of the verse itself was emphasized.
24:48 In the two schools of thought, one was followed by
24:52 the Rabbi Shammai which emphasized the
24:56 second portion of the text and understood the phrase,
24:59 "something indecent," to mean unchastity or adultery.
25:05 There was a saying among those who followed Shammai
25:09 that a woman could be as mischievous as Jezebel,
25:14 but as long as she did not commit adultery
25:17 she could not be put away.
25:20 This was the school of thought that Joseph followed
25:23 when he was trying to put Mary away quietly.
25:27 Not on Facebook.
25:31 But quietly after discovering she was pregnant
25:35 before their marriage.
25:38 But Hillel, Rabbi Hillel, emphasized the first part
25:43 of the text which says, "If a woman becomes
25:46 displeasing to him."
25:49 And of course, that displeasure became almost anything
25:53 her husband disliked.
25:55 And here are some of the reasons.
25:56 If she spoiled his dinner.
26:00 If she went out with unbound hair.
26:04 If she spoke to men in the streets.
26:07 If she spoke disrespectfully to his parents.
26:10 If she was an argumentative woman whose voice could be
26:13 heard in the next house.
26:17 Some of you brothers are wishing that was still in place today.
26:25 The Rabbi Akiva went as far as to say that a man could
26:28 divorce his wife if he found another woman
26:30 whom he liked better and considered more beautiful.
26:36 Interesting how the wife could be divorced
26:38 for talking to another man in the street
26:40 while the husband could find another wife
26:43 who pleased him more, and divorce his wife.
26:48 In the Jewish law, the husband could only be divorced
26:52 with his consent, while the wife could be divorced without hers.
26:59 So these were the two contending views of divorce
27:02 that obtained in Christ's day.
27:04 And we can surmise which of these two concepts
27:07 was more popular and more frequently practiced.
27:11 And the pattern practiced in Christ's day
27:14 continues to obtain until this day.
27:16 It is one of the reasons why when men are unfaithful
27:20 and women tend to stay with the unfaithful husbands,
27:22 while the reverse usually is uncommon and does not happen.
27:28 But the real issue that I want to raise is how marriages today
27:32 are understood and interpreted through the lens of divorce;
27:40 what God neither created nor ever intended.
27:43 It is through this lens that we understand and analyze divorce.
27:50 We have reversed the process God created when He
27:55 instituted marriage in Eden.
27:58 We spend too little time in deciding to marry
28:02 and too much time in deciding how to get out of marriage.
28:09 We make the decision to marry too hastily and too easy.
28:17 And what we use to keep marriages together
28:19 is the deterrent to divorce.
28:21 We use a negative to advance the positive.
28:25 It's like serving God, not because you love Him,
28:28 but because you want to avoid going to hell.
28:34 And the Pharisees, of all people,
28:36 should have known better.
28:37 The Jewish word for marriage is, kiddushin.
28:40 It means sanctification, consecration.
28:43 It means, something dedicated to God as His peculiar possession.
28:49 That's what marriage means.
28:52 If someone should have been upholding the principles
28:55 of marriage established by God in Eden,
28:58 of all people it should have been the Pharisees;
29:01 the leaders of the church, the interpreters and
29:03 arbiters of the law.
29:05 But instead of advocating God's original plan,
29:08 their motive is to trap Jesus.
29:11 And whenever we are motivated by devious means,
29:15 it distorts our spiritual discernment and understanding.
29:20 The Pharisees think they have backed Jesus into a corner.
29:25 For Him to side with Shammai would call His involvement
29:30 with the publicans and sinners into question,
29:34 which the conservative Shammai certainly disapproved of.
29:37 But to side with Hillel would be to side with the
29:41 lax interpretation that would disadvantage women.
29:46 Jesus follows neither.
29:49 Jesus never came to follow men.
29:53 He came to see whether or not men would follow Him.
29:58 Jesus will not allow this moment to be wasted
30:02 through bickering and one-upmanship.
30:05 He will seize the moment to promote God's ideal.
30:10 He says in verse 8, "Moses permitted you
30:13 to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard."
30:19 The New Living Translation says, "Hard-hearted wickedness."
30:25 This issue of divorce for any reason was not about Moses.
30:31 It's about you and your unwillingness to submit
30:35 to the will of God.
30:37 Your stiff-necked, hard-hearted wickedness.
30:41 Won't admit your sin.
30:43 And on top of everything else, trying to blame Moses for it.
30:49 And we do that all the time.
30:51 Always asking somebody to give you clearance
30:56 to do what you want to do.
30:58 And then when someone questions you about it,
31:00 blame them for allowing you to do it.
31:06 "Well Pastor so and so said..."
31:10 "Well I went to the conference divorce
31:11 and remarriage committee."
31:15 Or we blame Dr. Phil.
31:18 Or Dr. Laura.
31:21 Or whatever other doctor that you consult as authority.
31:25 Everybody but Dr. Jesus.
31:30 The wise man says in Proverbs 19:3,
31:33 "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness,
31:36 and then are angry at the Lord."
31:41 Jesus says, "Moses is not the problem.
31:44 You are the problem.
31:45 Your hearts are the problem."
31:49 But it was not always that way from the beginning.
31:52 What the beginning was is Adam and Eve.
31:55 That's the beginning.
31:56 God never intended divorce.
32:00 Moses allowed divorce because of human hard-heartedness.
32:05 Divorce is a human creation, a result of sin.
32:08 Don't put this mess on God.
32:14 Malachi 2:16 says God hates divorce.
32:19 God never intended divorce.
32:21 I'm sick and tired of people who think they can jump
32:26 in and out of marriage like jumping Double Dutch.
32:33 Marriage was established by God, and it is indissoluble.
32:39 It cannot be dissolved.
32:41 Why is it indissoluble?
32:43 Because God has joined it.
32:45 And what God has joined, no man, no woman, can separate.
32:53 Since when does a judge have jurisdiction over what God says?
32:59 Can a man dissolve what God has established?
33:02 That's the argument we use to challenge the change of the
33:05 Sabbath to Sunday.
33:07 Huh?
33:08 We challenge the Roman church's right to change the Sabbath,
33:12 and call it the antichrist for presuming to change
33:15 what God has established.
33:17 They have no authority.
33:19 So how is it that we don't understand that when it
33:23 come to changing marriage?
33:26 One of the two institutions established in Eden before sin.
33:32 Oh, y'all getting kind of quiet now.
33:35 Yet when it comes to divorce, we are ready to disregard
33:39 God's dictum for human hard-heartedness.
33:45 Divorce is a human creation.
33:47 A human institution created to accommodate humanities
33:53 unwillingness to submit to God's plan.
33:57 Divorce is not morally neutral.
34:02 It evidences the entrance of sin and the
34:05 hard-heartedness of the heart.
34:07 The Pharisees are focused on the wrong issue.
34:10 They are focused on Moses' prescription and not God's
34:14 original intention.
34:16 Moses' corrective, not God's preventive.
34:20 Jesus says this was never God's intention.
34:26 Hence He discusses the issue of divorce in the
34:28 context of human initiative.
34:30 Look at how He puts it.
34:31 He continues, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife
34:35 except for sexual immorality, and marries another
34:44 commits adultery."
34:47 The gospel of Mark, Mark 10:12 adds,
34:50 "And if she divorces her husband and marries another man,
34:54 she commits adultery."
34:57 Jesus' reference in Mark about a woman divorcing her husband
35:00 was not a part of the Jewish law.
35:02 It was the right of a woman under Gentile law.
35:05 So this statement, Jesus is addressing all marriages;
35:09 Christian and non-Christian, sacred and secular.
35:13 Jesus is saying that because of easy divorces
35:17 people no longer take marriage seriously.
35:23 The position of divorce that Jesus promotes is stronger
35:28 than the understanding that came from both schools of thought.
35:32 Because Jesus begins from the original intent of marriage
35:37 that nothing should dissolve the relationship.
35:40 And it was clear that it was understood that way
35:45 from the reaction of the disciples.
35:47 Listen to their response in verse 10.
35:58 They got the message.
36:01 "This marriage thing is a lot more serious with God
36:03 than we realized."
36:06 Not something to stumble into.
36:09 Not something to do on a whim.
36:11 Not something to do after a whirlwind weekend fling.
36:17 Run off to Las Vegas and get married.
36:22 And the disciples response reveals their selfish
36:24 view of marriage.
36:25 Marriage to them was about what they could get out of it.
36:30 As long as they, as men, had the upper hand
36:34 and didn't have to give anything or make themselves
36:36 vulnerable to someone, it was a good deal.
36:41 "If I cannot get the advantage, if marriage does not
36:44 work for me, it's not worth the trouble of engaging in."
36:49 Selfishness can never be the driving force behind marriage.
36:52 "If it's not what I can get..."
36:55 "It has to be about what I can give."
36:59 We have these twisted ideas that have poisoned
37:03 the marriage institution.
37:04 "I'm getting married to someone who can take care of me."
37:08 "I'm getting married to someone who will please me."
37:11 "I'm getting married to someone who will advance me."
37:14 That's not the principle Jesus is establishing.
37:20 And Jesus' response does not ease the position.
37:23 He says in verse 12, "Not everyone can accept this word."
37:28 In other words, the institution of marriage that God established
37:32 is not for everyone.
37:37 If you have this concept that you can jump in and out of
37:41 marriage if it doesn't work, or change partners,
37:44 or swap mates, or go on a website and plan
37:48 adulterous liaisons, marriage is not for you.
37:53 Stay single.
37:59 Then He concludes, "...but only those to whom it is given."
38:06 So then, who is marriage for?
38:10 Who does Jesus direct this counsel to?
38:13 In Matthew 13:10-17, Jesus' popularity begins to wane
38:20 when He begins to establish His earthly kingdom.
38:25 And beginning in chapter 18 of Matthew, Jesus' ministry
38:28 moves from a general message to all Jews
38:32 to a specific message to those who claim to be His followers.
38:38 From those in leadership who presume to represent Him
38:41 to those that call themselves His disciples
38:45 who presume to follow Him.
38:47 His expectations are greater for them.
38:50 He told His disciples in Matthew 13 that the reason
38:53 He taught in parables was because everyone could not
38:57 receive the full implications of His message.
39:01 So He says they have eyes and ears, but they cannot do
39:07 and cannot see.
39:10 Our human tendency is to only hear
39:15 what we are willing to receive.
39:18 So we accept what falls in line with our agenda
39:24 and dismiss what does not.
39:27 Jesus expected that from all the masses,
39:30 from those who followed Him for the fishes and loaves.
39:34 The prosperity group who's looking for a hundred fold
39:37 return on the things of this world
39:39 that they believe they've given up for Jesus.
39:41 For the name it, claim it, group.
39:43 The kind of believers who crave the goodies that the
39:46 devil can duplicate and counterfeit.
39:49 But for His disciples, the ones He calls His friends,
39:53 those who are willing to follow Jesus
39:56 and receive the same treatment that He received,
40:02 who understand that the servant is no greater than his master,
40:05 and who expect the same treatment
40:10 and misfortune as their master,
40:12 His message about marriage is for them.
40:18 You see, beloved, the gospel is redemptive
40:21 and is intended to reverse the fallen order,
40:25 to reverse the curse and power of sin.
40:27 In Christ we are new creations.
40:29 The old passes away and the new has begun.
40:32 I know this is a hard word for some people.
40:36 And Jesus knows it's a hard word.
40:39 That's why He said all men will not accept it.
40:47 When we impose our own interpretations of marriage,
40:49 we reveal our inability and unwillingness
40:53 to accept God's Word.
40:57 Whether they are hetero or homosexually motivated.
41:05 Jesus' grounds for marriage is that those who are totally
41:09 committed and totally surrendered to Christ
41:12 are the only ones who can receive it.
41:17 I'm not talking about nominal Christians
41:20 who have a bumper sticker on their car that says,
41:22 "Honk if you love Jesus."
41:25 True Christian marriage requires a greater sacrifice
41:30 than many of us today are willing to make.
41:35 Before Adam was ready to get married,
41:38 he had to go through a process.
41:40 And that process took time.
41:42 In the preparation process,
41:45 many of us are not willing to take time.
41:49 We think time is our enemy.
41:51 Time is our friend.
41:55 Why do people rush into marriage?
41:58 We have this idea that we can never hear anything
42:02 or any questions or challenges.
42:04 Why?
42:06 If it's real, why can't anyone question you about it?
42:11 I hear sometimes people say they don't want to hear anything
42:14 negative about the person.
42:15 Why not?
42:17 What are you afraid of?
42:19 That you'll learn the truth about them?
42:25 God takes Adam through a process to prepare him for marriage.
42:28 He has Adam name all the animals.
42:29 And in that process, Adam begins to understand
42:32 what it means to be in a relationship with another
42:34 person who is his equal.
42:35 He begins to realize that it require mutual surrender,
42:38 the kind of surrender that he has already experienced
42:41 in his relationship with God.
42:42 And after this process, he becomes suitable for marriage
42:46 and ready to receive a wife, whoever God chooses for him.
42:52 Not who he wants, but who God chooses for him.
42:59 So what process have you man, you woman, gone through
43:03 in preparation for the compliment God has for you?
43:08 In order for Eve to be created, Adam had to surrender
43:12 a part of himself in the process.
43:15 Admittedly, God did not consult him, but put him to sleep.
43:21 And in a very real sense, his sleeping during the
43:24 creative process was a form of complete surrender.
43:30 You know, marriage like no other human to human relationship
43:33 requires the death of self in order to truly become like
43:40 the original relationship God created in the Garden of Eden.
43:44 Ephesians 5:21 says husbands and wives are suppose to submit
43:48 one to the other out of reverence for Christ.
43:51 This is why marrying a Christian is so important.
43:57 Are you hearing me today?
43:58 A Christian.
44:00 Because the marital relationship requires total submission
44:04 and total surrender to one another.
44:06 And we learn how to submit to one another by first
44:10 learning how to submit and surrender totally
44:13 to Jesus Christ.
44:19 Every other religion promotes individualism;
44:21 the promotion of self, self control,
44:24 and self discipline.
44:26 But it is not the Christian experience.
44:29 Discipline comes from the same root as disciple.
44:32 And the requirement of becoming Christ's disciple
44:35 is self denial.
44:38 Luke 9:23 says to become Christ's disciple, you must be
44:42 willing to deny self, take up your cross, and follow Him.
44:46 The discipline of Christianity is the discipline
44:48 of self surrender, the renunciation of self,
44:51 the death of self.
44:56 And marriage, in order to be successful, requires
45:00 mutual submission and mutual surrender;
45:02 first to Christ and then to one another.
45:04 It is why the requirement of marriage is to leave
45:07 father and mother and cleave to one another.
45:10 There can be no dual submission to your spouse
45:14 and to your family.
45:17 Think about this.
45:18 When Jesus speaks about our relationship with Him,
45:20 He says that it brings division in the human family.
45:23 Father against son, mother against daughter,
45:27 folds in your own household.
45:29 Why this division?
45:31 Because if Christ is not first in your life,
45:34 you cannot be in relationship with Him.
45:36 He will not share you with anyone, not even your family.
45:43 Now I'm not suggesting that you should disrespect your family,
45:46 because the fifth commandment says that we
45:48 must honor our parents.
45:49 So I'm not saying that you should disregard or disrespect
45:52 or dishonor your family, or ignore their counsel.
45:55 Because remember, the kind of leadership that Jesus calls
45:58 His disciples to follow is servant leadership.
46:02 But hear me when I tell you this,
46:05 your spouse will never fully surrender themselves to you
46:10 if they believe that you have not left your family.
46:17 When you hold yourself back and reserve a portion of yourself
46:20 to your family, that withholding creates
46:23 distrust in the relationship.
46:26 The Bible says that in order for the two to become one,
46:29 you have to leave your family and cleave to your spouse.
46:36 The two processes cannot be handled simultaneously.
46:42 Plato had this idea about humans.
46:45 He created the legend that the original human beings
46:48 were double of what they are now.
46:50 And the legend said because of their size and strength,
46:55 it made them arrogant.
46:56 And so the gods cut them in halves.
46:59 And he said real happiness could only be made
47:02 when the two halves found each other again,
47:06 married, and completed each other.
47:10 Sounds so romantic, doesn't it.
47:14 But that's not God's plan.
47:17 God's plan is better.
47:19 It's not haphazard like some endless search to find
47:23 your better half, some soul mate.
47:27 In many ways, God's process is that process in reverse.
47:32 God takes two wholes and challenges them
47:36 to lose themselves to each other and for each other,
47:41 to create one new whole being in marriage.
47:44 The two shall no longer be two persons, but one flesh.
47:49 Two becoming one certainly has a physical component
47:55 that is externally exhibited in sexual consummation.
48:00 But that physical consummation is only a reflection
48:03 of a holistic unity that incorporates every aspect
48:09 of their being.
48:10 This is why sex cannot come before marriage.
48:17 Because the union of marriage requires a prior spiritual
48:21 and emotion and social and character union
48:25 which sexual union is suppose to consummate.
48:31 When sex comes in prematurely, it distorts and distracts
48:35 and damages the union that the other elements
48:43 are suppose to come before.
48:47 When sex happens, it releases a chemical into the brain
48:50 that distorts our ability to reason
48:52 and make sound judgments.
48:54 Did you know that?
48:57 A mere physical union cheapens the impact
49:00 of sexual fulfillment.
49:02 I overheard two young women talking about a friend of theirs
49:06 who had two suitors for her marriage.
49:09 And she was having difficulty deciding whom she was going to
49:13 choose, because one was better than the other in bed.
49:19 She couldn't make a good decision because
49:22 sex had distorted her ability to make a God decision.
49:30 And that's our problem.
49:32 We want God to bless us on our terms.
49:37 In marriage, God is establishing a principle of
49:40 self renunciation, self denial.
49:44 We must be willing to die to self.
49:47 If self remains, the two will never become one.
49:50 You see, we live in a world that preaches self promotion,
49:53 self fulfillment, independence and personal freedom.
49:57 That's good Americanism.
49:58 It may work for democracy, but it is not the principle
50:01 that marriage is founded on.
50:02 There is no such thing in marriage as separate entities
50:06 that function independently.
50:08 Independence is the reason for sin.
50:13 All of creation operates cooperatively.
50:15 The Godhead operates on consultation and agreement.
50:19 Yet husbands and wives want to operate independently,
50:23 apart and separate from each other.
50:25 If you want to remain independent,
50:28 don't get married.
50:34 If you're a selfish person who wants to have their own way,
50:37 "It's my way or the highway,"
50:38 don't get on the marriage highway.
50:43 That concept has no place in marriage.
50:45 It's not for everybody.
50:47 So then how does anybody make it?
50:49 How could someone be successful?
50:52 After everything Jesus said and taught His disciples
50:54 in the chapter, He gives a secret for following the
50:57 principles that He prescribed to His followers.
51:00 It's found in verse 26.
51:02 He says to them, "With human beings this is impossible,
51:05 but with God all things are possible."
51:12 Hey, beloved, I'm not up here on some pedestal above you.
51:16 We're all in this thing together.
51:18 I'm a sinner just like you, saved by grace.
51:22 When the woman was caught in adultery,
51:23 Jesus didn't condemn her.
51:25 He forgave her and said, "Go and sin no more."
51:29 We can find forgiveness for our past sins, whatever they are.
51:34 But God expects us to live transformed lives in the future,
51:38 completely surrendered to Jesus Christ.
51:40 Paul says, "To live is Christ, to die is gain."
51:44 We can find forgiveness and fulfillment
51:49 and power in our futures with Christ.
51:52 God cleans the slate and gives us a new future.
51:55 Thank God He's the God of a second chance.
52:00 So whatever you've done in the past,
52:04 God can give you a clean slate today.
52:10 Last year around this time, a few months after this,
52:15 2013, the US Open was played at the Merion Golf Course
52:20 in Pinehurst, Pennsylvania.
52:23 It was very significant because in 1950,
52:27 at that same golf course, it was the time when Ben Hogan,
52:34 the great golfer, made his comeback victory
52:38 from one of the greatest moments in golf history.
52:41 Now Hogan is a great player, so it really wasn't
52:44 a surprise that he won.
52:46 But what was surprising was that eleven months earlier
52:51 he was in a near fatal head on car collision
52:56 with a Greyhound bus on a foggy Texas road.
53:04 When it happened, his injuries were very severe.
53:08 A double fracture of his pelvis,
53:10 a fractured collarbone, fractured left ankle,
53:14 chipped ribs, near fatal blood clots.
53:18 A surgeon was flown in from New Orleans
53:22 by U.S. Air Force planes.
53:25 He operated and worked feverishly on Ben Hogan
53:28 and saved his life.
53:33 When it first happened, they didn't even believe
53:36 that he could walk again, much less play golf.
53:41 But Hogan went through the painstaking process
53:44 of rehabilitating himself.
53:45 His wife working with him, massaging and rubbing his legs.
53:50 He worked through, and it was a heroic return to golf
53:54 when eleven months later not only did he return,
53:59 but won the US Open.
54:03 And here's the greatest part of the story.
54:07 When they got to the wreckage and examined the damage
54:12 to the car, the steering wheel had actually gone through
54:19 the driver side seat.
54:24 They didn't know how Hogan survived the crash.
54:30 And so the examiners looked through the records
54:33 to find out what Hogan said happened.
54:38 And Ben Hogan said that when he saw the bus coming
54:44 at his car, his first instinct was to hurl his body
54:52 across his wife and protect her body from the impact.
54:58 And because his first instinct was to save his wife,
55:04 he saved his own life.
55:11 His first instinct...
55:13 his wife.
55:16 Saved his own life.
55:20 Oh my brothers and sisters,
55:24 is marriage that important to you?
55:29 The person who you might be saving
55:32 when you save your marriage might be yourself.
55:40 Might be yourself.
55:44 Let's bow our heads and pray.
55:48 Father in heaven, we are grateful today
55:53 for the tremendous gift that You have given humanity;
55:59 the institution of marriage.
56:03 You gave it to us before sin as a gift.
56:12 When You completed Your work of creation,
56:14 You looked and You saw Adam, and You said, "It is not good
56:22 for man to be alone."
56:26 And You made for him a helper,
56:29 one to compliment him.
56:32 And after You made his wife, You said it was very good.
56:42 Today, Lord, it is our desire to recapture that
56:48 paradise relationship.
56:51 But so much has happened on this earth.
56:53 Sin has distorted marriage.
56:56 The devil has placed so many counterfeits
57:00 in the place of marriage.
57:02 And so today, Lord, we want to recapture
57:06 that blessed institution.
57:09 And we know that we cannot do it ourselves.
57:11 We need Your power.
57:13 We need Your Spirit, we need Your grace.
57:17 And so we surrender and submit ourselves to You.
57:20 Whatever has happened in the past, Lord,
57:22 we ask for Your forgiveness.
57:24 And we submit ourselves and our relationship with You
57:27 to repair the brokenness, the broken places
57:30 in our lives and in our relationships.
57:33 Bless our marriages and bless our homes.
57:36 And bless each person here and each person
57:38 who hears this message, that they will trust in You
57:43 and in what You can do for our families and our lives.
57:47 For we ask it all in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17