Foundation of Our Faith

Boys to Men

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Dr. Timothy Nixon


Series Code: FDOF

Program Code: FDOF000001

00:17 Hello, friends, and welcome to
00:18 Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
00:21 Dare To Dream, series on the basis of Foundation Of Faith.
00:26 My name is Pastor John Lomacang.
00:27 Thank you so much for tuning into this important program.
00:30 This is new to 3ABN but if you've been watching,
00:33 you've seen that God has blessed us not only with 3ABN English,
00:36 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Russia, 3ABN Children, but also
00:40 we have 3ABN Dare To Dream network,
00:44 which has been a tremendous blessing under the direction of
00:47 Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
00:48 And tonight we begin a new series
00:50 with a very good friend of mine.
00:51 I'm so thankful that God has sent a speaker that
00:53 not only am I excited about listening to, but one that
00:56 I do know personally.
00:58 So for the next hour, join us as God will reach out
01:02 and touch your heart.
01:03 I asked our speaker this night what the title of his message is
01:07 and he said it is entitled, Boys To Men.
01:11 Very interesting, I'm just waiting to hear what the Lord
01:13 is going to deliver through that.
01:15 But our speaker for this series is Dr. Timothy Nixon.
01:18 And I say Dr. Timothy Nixon because he has
01:21 accomplished much.
01:23 He comes from a family that believes not only in
01:25 following the Lord, but in Christian education.
01:28 He is presently the administrative chaplain
01:33 at Andrews University.
01:34 He attended Oakwood University, also Andrews University.
01:38 And at Andrews, he received his MDiv in 1991.
01:42 He's married, he loves the Lord, he loves to preach,
01:46 and he loves to uplift Jesus.
01:48 But before we introduce our music for tonight
01:51 let me just say, I know him personally.
01:52 We grew up together.
01:53 We attended Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:56 I know his family very well.
01:58 And we had a chance to re-acquaint ourselves today.
02:00 And I know that you are in for a tremendous treat tonight.
02:05 Before we introduce our music for this series,
02:07 I'd like for you to join me as we invite the Lord's presence
02:10 as we pray this night.
02:12 Our gracious Father in heaven, what a blessing it is to know
02:15 that You are the foundation of our faith.
02:18 No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid,
02:23 which is Christ Jesus.
02:25 Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to anoint Your servant this night,
02:30 Dr. Timothy Nixon.
02:31 May You speak through him, may You work on him.
02:35 May Your voice be heard through this vessel
02:40 You've chosen this night.
02:42 And Father, we give You our hearts and we pray that
02:44 when this message is done, we will be drawn closer to You.
02:48 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
02:51 A couple of years ago when I was at Oakwood University
02:54 for evangelism counsel, there was a young man singing.
02:57 And I took my IPad and I videotaped his song.
03:01 And I have since then shown this song to so many individuals.
03:06 And all I've said was, "This young man knows
03:08 how to minister through music."
03:10 And I was surprised tonight when I went behind in our green room
03:13 and saw Brian Ezra Bates.
03:16 He is an incredible gospel artist and songwriter.
03:19 Matter of fact, he was featured in the fourth season of
03:21 BET's Sunday Best and was listed as one of the
03:26 top 20 contestants of that season.
03:28 He is also a person who understands
03:30 what it means to struggle.
03:32 He's seen that in his life.
03:33 But tonight, God has brought him a mighty long way.
03:36 And tonight he's going to bless our hearts
03:38 with the song, It Is Well.
03:40 And after the song, the next voice you will hear
03:43 is that of Dr. Timothy Nixon.
04:19 How can I say thanks
04:26 for the things You have done for me?
04:33 Things so undeserved,
04:39 still You gave to prove Your love to me.
04:46 The voices of a million angels
04:52 could not express my gratitude.
04:58 For all that I am and ever hope to be,
05:07 I owe it all to Thee.
05:12 To God be the glory,
05:18 to God be the glory,
05:25 to God be the glory
05:32 for the things He hath done.
05:38 With His power He has saved me,
05:45 by His power He has raised me.
05:52 To God be the glory
05:58 for the things He hath done.
06:04 Just let me live my life
06:11 and let it be pleasing, Lord, to Thee.
06:18 And if I should gain any praise,
06:24 let it go to Calvary.
06:31 Oh, to God be the glory,
06:38 to God be the glory,
06:45 to God be the glory
06:52 for the things He hath done, He hath done.
07:00 Oh, to God be the glory,
07:08 to God be the glory,
07:15 to God be the glory
07:22 for the things He hath done.
07:40 He hath done.
07:58 Thank you, Brian, for that wonderful message in song.
08:04 I'd like to thank the 3ABN family and the Worship Center
08:09 for this opportunity to be with you.
08:12 Good evening, everybody.
08:13 It's good to be with you tonight, this weekend.
08:17 I want to talk a little bit about relationships.
08:20 And tonight, I want to talk about men in relationships
08:26 from the subject, Boys To Men.
08:31 Let's begin with a word of prayer.
08:33 Father, as we open Your Word tonight, we ask
08:36 that Your Spirit will speak to us.
08:40 And we pray, Lord, that now You will take full control.
08:46 Let us learn from You and let Christ be lifted up.
08:52 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
08:57 Black America Web posted an article in September
09:02 some years ago, titled,
09:04 "Halle Berry Reaffirms Her Anti-Marriage Views."
09:12 It looked at her position that she took years earlier
09:16 on the Oprah Winfrey Show that she would never
09:19 marry again after her husband, Eric Benét,
09:24 had been unfaithful to her.
09:25 And shortly after the article, she was approached
09:28 at an after party at the Emmy Awards and was asked
09:32 why she had come without a date.
09:34 And she responded, "I'm done with men.
09:38 I'm going it alone.
09:40 I have no luck in relationships.
09:42 I don't think I'm made for marriage."
09:45 Well since that time she has had a few relationships
09:49 and two children out of wedlock.
09:52 And the word is that she's thinking about marrying again.
09:57 But the desperate and hopeless words of someone as famous
10:02 and attractive as Halle Berry gives us great pause.
10:06 And I imagine someone might be saying,
10:09 "If Halle has problems with men,
10:14 then what hope is there for me?"
10:19 And my response to Halle Berry and all women who seem
10:22 frustrated and are about to give up on all men is maybe,
10:27 just maybe, you've been having relationships with boys
10:31 who look like men, but not boys who are men.
10:41 Every man is a male, but every male is not a man.
10:48 Come on help me, somebody.
10:52 And what we have today is a shortage of real men.
10:59 It's men who have the ability to change the attitude and outlook
11:03 that women have of us.
11:04 Why am I saying this?
11:05 Because the Bible says in Genesis 3:16,
11:09 the woman's desire will be to her husband.
11:13 So no matter how she feels about men,
11:17 there is an innate drawing that a woman has for the
11:22 company of men.
11:23 Whenever men and women who are familiar with
11:25 and who know each other, when they come in contact with
11:28 each other, a woman will reflexably lean into a man.
11:34 And an uninformed brother will think that it's
11:37 because of his charm or masculine charisma
11:40 that she's reacting that way.
11:42 But it's not your charm or your rap, brother.
11:46 It's how God has wired her for relationship.
11:49 God has placed within them a desire for the protection
11:54 and covering and sheltering of a man.
11:56 And that's why they are so vulnerable to the
11:59 advances of men and are sometimes
12:03 easily taken advantage of.
12:07 And what this means is that a real man understands the
12:11 responsibility they have in protecting and respecting women.
12:17 Men need real men.
12:19 And what I want to know tonight is,
12:20 are there any real men in the house?
12:25 I thought I'd get a little louder amen from the
12:28 men here tonight.
12:31 You see the reality is, in every man there is a boy,
12:36 and in every boy there is a man.
12:39 And true manhood is not losing your boyish nature,
12:42 but controlling it.
12:44 Listen to what I'm saying.
12:46 True manhood is having them in balance.
12:50 I remember the first time I realized that my father
12:53 still had a lot of kid in him when he challenged us
12:57 to play basketball.
12:58 You must understand that I had never seen my father
13:02 do anything athletic.
13:03 Now, now, now, now he did physical things.
13:07 I saw him lift things, I saw him carry things.
13:09 I saw him pick up boxes and trunks and push appliances.
13:12 But I had never seen him do anything athletic.
13:15 And so, and so I remember my brothers and I were telling him
13:18 about one of our friends who was a great
13:20 superstar basketball player.
13:22 At least we thought we was.
13:24 He was a member of our church.
13:26 And we would always talk about his skills and abilities.
13:29 And one day our father said, "I can beat him."
13:33 And we laughed at our father, "You, you?
13:35 What are you talking about, you can beat him.
13:36 You, you can beat him?"
13:37 My father said, "I can beat him."
13:39 And he said, "I tell you what.
13:41 This Sunday I'm coming to the park and I'll play him.
13:43 I'll call one of my friends and we'll
13:45 play a game of basketball."
13:47 And we said, "You must be crazy."
13:49 We're laughing at him, you know.
13:51 And so my father called one of his friends,
13:53 and he came down to the park with his friends.
13:56 And we called our friend, my brothers.
13:59 Of course my older brothers.
14:00 I really watched.
14:01 My older brothers and our friend came.
14:04 And my father came with his friend.
14:09 And they ran my brothers off the court.
14:14 It was like that commercial, you know, that Kyrie Irving
14:17 commercial where he puts on make-up and looks like
14:19 that old man, Uncle Drew.
14:21 My father was the real Uncle Drew.
14:25 It was embarrassing.
14:30 And that day on the basketball court,
14:33 there was an exchange going on.
14:36 He was teaching us how to be men, and we were
14:39 reminding him how to be a boy.
14:44 You see, a man who doesn't know how to lighten up
14:46 can't make it.
14:49 If all of your life is serious and full of problems
14:53 and stress, you can't make it.
14:56 You'll break.
14:58 You're like concrete with no expansion joint in it.
15:02 You ever notice when you walk on the pavement on the sidewalk
15:06 that every few feet there's a gap?
15:09 It's there because concrete needs room to expand
15:14 and extract during the heat.
15:15 It there's no room there, it will crack.
15:19 And there's some people like that.
15:21 They have no room in their lives.
15:24 There's too much pressure in their lives.
15:26 And because they don't know how to laugh or joke or smile,
15:30 they crack.
15:33 So real men understand that they have to have balance.
15:37 Every man must not lose the boy in him.
15:41 But maturity is learning how to live between the two polarities
15:48 of manhood and childhood.
15:50 Maturity is living in balance.
15:53 Are you listening to me tonight?
15:55 And I want to suggest to you that the real problem
15:59 that men have in relationships is not external, but internal.
16:04 And I want to examine this through the life of David.
16:08 David is an important character for us to examine,
16:12 because we get a full spectrum of his life
16:16 from boyhood to manhood, from kid to king.
16:20 And we see this struggle that he has of living his life
16:25 in balance between boyhood and manhood.
16:31 David is, in many ways, the prototypical man,
16:35 the every man.
16:37 Every kind of situation and experience is dramatically
16:41 revealed in the life of David.
16:45 We see him from his early teens until his senior years.
16:49 We see him experience his highs and his lows,
16:53 his peaks and his valleys, his ups and his downs.
16:58 We see him as a youth, a young adult,
17:02 an adult, and a senior.
17:06 We experience him as a son, a brother, a friend, a husband,
17:10 a father, a grandfather.
17:13 And we trace his steps.
17:14 We see the full and complete picture of him.
17:18 Not the sanitized, guarded, propagandized picture,
17:22 but the complete picture, warts and all.
17:25 And it's not always a pretty picture.
17:29 Not always a pleasant picture, not always a positive picture.
17:34 But it's a complete picture.
17:39 Before he's introduced to us, his character is presented to us
17:44 in this text of Scripture in 1 Samuel 13:14.
17:48 The Bible says...
17:56 What a phrase to use in describing someone
18:00 before you meet them.
18:03 In our immediate assumption, we assume that surely
18:08 such a person must have grown up in the ideal family situation.
18:13 Surely he will have the perfect parents and home life.
18:19 But God selects real people with real families.
18:23 And so with those words we are introduced to the saga
18:28 of David.
18:30 In 1 Samuel 8, Israel has rejected God as their King
18:34 and wants a man instead.
18:36 Have mercy.
18:39 Saul is selected.
18:40 And he is described as standing head and shoulders
18:44 above his tribesmen from Benjamin.
18:46 He is tall and stately.
18:49 He has the physical bearing of a king without its
18:52 spiritual compliment.
18:54 Saul's great flaw is his inability to admit
18:58 that he has one.
19:00 He can never admit his flaws or take responsibility
19:04 for his actions.
19:05 And so God tells His prophet in 1 Samuel 16:1,
19:10 "How long will you mourn for Saul since I have rejected him
19:14 from reigning over Israel?
19:16 Fill thy horn with oil and go.
19:18 I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite,
19:22 for I have provided Me a king among his sons."
19:27 Samuel goes to the home of Jesse and asks to see Jesse's sons.
19:31 God has told him, "From among Jesse's sons
19:35 is My next king."
19:38 And we pick up the scene in verse 6.
19:48 Samuel is judging the value of a man
19:51 based on quantity, not quality.
19:56 What's on the outside, not the inside.
20:01 1 Samuel 16:7...
20:21 God tells Samuel, "Stop thinking two dimensional;
20:24 height and width on the outer.
20:26 But see three dimensional."
20:30 When you're looking at a man, height and width,
20:33 all you see is the outward.
20:34 But see some depth.
20:37 Not just what's on the outside, but what's on the inside.
20:43 One of the greatest challenges of men is valuing the
20:46 inner man above the outer.
20:49 We are so caught up on the physical;
20:51 our physique, our muscles.
20:53 Body building has become a cottage industry.
20:56 And gyms all over America, they're being filled up
20:59 with weight lifting and pulling and stretching.
21:03 Huh?
21:04 P90X...
21:07 Come on talk to me, somebody.
21:09 ...and six-pack abs have become our vocabulary.
21:13 Don't look at me too hard.
21:16 But a two dimensional man will never reach his full potential
21:19 and will never be the man God is looking for.
21:26 Verse 8...
21:48 One of the few times in Scripture when the
21:51 number seven is neither perfect nor complete.
21:54 Then verse 11...
22:10 There remains another.
22:12 God uses our leftovers.
22:15 What families reject, God accepts.
22:19 Isn't it interesting that God's selection
22:22 never seems to quite fit men's criteria.
22:29 Verse 12...
22:46 So David comes in.
22:49 He doesn't look like much.
22:50 Good-looking, but young.
22:51 Beautiful eyes, but not a rugged he-man, per se.
22:56 But as he enters the room God tells Samuel,
22:59 "That's My choice."
23:03 Verse 13...
23:16 And while we celebrate and glory in God's selection
23:20 of this young man, my question is,
23:23 how does it feel to be accepted by God
23:27 but rejected by your family?
23:32 And more specifically, how does it feel
23:35 not to be seen as king material by your own father?
23:43 The one who's the most important man in your life.
23:46 How does it feel for him to say, "You may be God's choice,
23:51 but you're not my choice."
23:54 I want to park here for a moment, because I believe
23:56 many men have the problems they have with manhood
23:59 because of the dysfunctional relationship they have
24:04 with their fathers.
24:07 Dysfunctional; it means, out of function
24:10 or non-functional.
24:12 Dysfunctional relationships they've had with their fathers.
24:15 We are shaped by our homes.
24:19 And in many homes today where male children are being raised,
24:24 there are absentee fathers.
24:28 When I was growing up, one of the popular songs
24:30 of the day was a Temptation hit called,
24:33 Papa Was A Rolling Stone.
24:36 And the lyrics said it all, "Papa was a rolling stone,
24:38 wherever he laid his hat was his home.
24:40 And when he died, all he left us was alone."
24:46 The absentee father has shaped many of us as men.
24:50 And it is not only the physically absent.
24:54 There are some who are physically present
24:57 and emotionally absent.
25:01 Some of you have never cried in front of other people
25:04 because you've never seen your father cry.
25:06 I'm afraid of a man who can't cry.
25:09 You can holler, you can cuss and fuss,
25:13 but you can't cry.
25:16 A legal father but not a loving father.
25:19 Big on resources but small on relationships.
25:23 They can give you toys but not tenderness.
25:28 Now we must understand that men have grown up, historically,
25:31 in the era of Gary Cooper.
25:35 He was the prototypical man back in the 40's and 50's.
25:39 The ideal man of every man who never showed his emotions.
25:42 They called him, the strong silent type.
25:46 Somebody know what I'm talking about?
25:47 I know I'm going back a little bit now.
25:51 But it was considered manly then not to show or share
25:55 your emotions, the cinematic ideal.
25:57 And then he was replaced by Clint Eastwood
26:00 in those spaghetti westerns.
26:03 The strong silent hero who rode into town,
26:07 beat up or shot the desperados, but never said a word,
26:11 never showed emotions.
26:12 Just cool and calm.
26:14 Somebody know what I'm talking about?
26:16 That was the perfect man.
26:18 And then that was replaced with the TV father.
26:20 Father Knows Best, and My Three Sons,
26:22 and Ozzie And Harriet in the 60's.
26:24 And then Cliff Huxtable in the 90's.
26:26 The perfect father who always had the right answer.
26:29 Always had the solution to every problem.
26:32 He always solved the problem in a half an hour.
26:37 Huh?
26:39 And so many men are caught between these two images
26:43 of the ideal man.
26:45 And some men, because they could never measure up
26:49 to this idealized fictitious character, ran away
26:53 from their responsibilities.
26:55 I'm not excusing him, I'm just trying to explain him.
27:01 And so you can understand the challenges
27:03 men have faced and continue to face,
27:04 and why your father may not have been there.
27:07 David's father was there physically,
27:11 but not emotionally.
27:14 He did not see David and see in David what God saw in him.
27:18 And we don't know why.
27:20 Maybe David was precocious and challenging.
27:23 So unlike his brothers, his giftedness and uniqueness
27:27 was misunderstood by his father.
27:30 But it is clear that there were some issues between David
27:35 and his father.
27:36 And he seems to always be trying to get his father's attention,
27:41 his father's recognition, his father's approval.
27:46 He was an overachiever.
27:49 Never seeming to do enough to be celebrated by his father.
27:57 We see it when we are first introduced to David
28:01 and his father, Jesse.
28:02 When Samuel the prophet is sent to Jesse's home
28:05 to select the king from among Jesse's sons,
28:08 the glaring omission in the story is David's absence.
28:13 He was one of Jesse's sons, why wasn't he there?
28:17 We are introduced to David in the story by his absence.
28:24 Here's the greatest challenge we have, men.
28:27 As much as we may hate our home, the family situation that we are
28:32 brought up in and detest, the dysfunction that we grew up in,
28:37 the reality is that we become our environment.
28:45 The physical abuser comes from a home
28:48 where he was a physically abused.
28:55 Adultery breeds adulterers.
29:00 Absentee fathers breed absentee sons.
29:06 Jacob was a liar and trickster who deceived his brother
29:10 out of his birthright and blessing.
29:11 But the trickery would not end until Jacob's sons
29:15 tricked him when they sold his favorite son into slavery
29:19 and deceived him into believing that he had been killed
29:23 by wild animals.
29:25 Think about it.
29:27 Think about what they did to Jacob.
29:29 To give him Joseph's kente clothe coat of many colors
29:33 drenched in blood, believing all those years
29:37 that you're responsible for the death of your son
29:40 because he had sent him out to find his brothers.
29:42 And then to find out years later that he was alive.
29:45 What a cruel joke and lie to their father.
29:50 But they had gotten it from him.
29:56 1 Corinthians 15:33 says bad company corrupts good character.
30:00 When you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
30:06 So David is shaped by this dysfunction.
30:10 This father who is present and absent at the same time.
30:15 And it causes David to constantly strive
30:17 to seek the approval of other men, especially elder men.
30:21 He's looking for someone to fill the void left by his father.
30:25 And it leads him into this dysfunctional relationship
30:28 with Saul.
30:32 1 Samuel 16 verse 14...
31:43 So David, who cannot please his father,
31:49 finds favor with the nation's father, Saul.
31:56 And this is what is important to note.
31:59 When a man does not have a father in his life,
32:02 he will find another father figure
32:06 to fill that male void left by his father.
32:09 Sometimes it's his football or basketball or baseball coach.
32:14 Sometimes it's a teacher or supervisor on the job.
32:18 Sometimes it's a youth pastor or guidance counselor
32:22 or an advisor in college.
32:23 Or sometimes it's a gang or mafia leader.
32:27 You hearing what I'm saying?
32:31 But hear me when I tell you, they will find some male figure
32:36 to fill the void left by their absentee father,
32:40 whether absent physically or emotionally.
32:46 And ladies, I know you may have had a difficult relationship
32:50 with his father, he may have mistreated you,
32:53 he may have abused you, he may not be supporting you
32:56 financially, or whatever the case may be.
32:59 He may not be a good father.
33:01 And I'm not giving him a pass for shirking
33:03 his responsibilities.
33:05 But you do not do your son a good service
33:08 by constantly running down and bad-mouthing his father
33:13 and keeping him from his son.
33:15 Because if he does not turn to his natural father,
33:20 he will find someone else.
33:22 And you will not know who he finds.
33:25 And you won't be able to choose who he finds.
33:28 And you may not like who he finds.
33:34 Whatever bad things you have to say about his father,
33:36 at least you chose him.
33:43 David chose Saul.
33:48 And we are thrust into one of the most well known
33:50 dramas in all of history.
33:51 Even people who don't read the Bible know the story
33:54 of David and Goliath.
33:57 They use it in all kinds of sports dramas
34:01 about overmatched teams.
34:03 As a matter of fact, Malcolm Gladwell has just used it
34:06 as the basis of his latest story about underdogs
34:08 who overachieve; a great giant against underdogs.
34:16 His name is Goliath, and he's introduced to us
34:18 in 1 Samuel 17:4.
34:27 That's ten and a half feet tall.
35:08 That was Goliath's challenge.
35:10 It shook Israel to its knees with fear and dismay.
35:14 And out of the rubbles of this perplexing situation,
35:18 David emerges as the champion who will
35:20 represent Israel against Goliath.
35:23 And I don't have time to read all about that.
35:26 But David dramatically slays Goliath with a slingshot.
35:32 Take some time to read it yourself.
35:34 In 1 Samuel 17, remember now, that God said
35:39 He looks on the inner qualities for His champion.
35:42 And the problem comes in the relationship with David and Saul
35:46 at the celebration of David's victory.
35:50 1 Samuel 18:6...
35:56 "...that the women..." Have mercy.
36:34 And from that point forward, the relationship goes downhill.
36:40 On two occasions, Saul throws a javelin at David
36:45 trying to kill him.
36:46 He gives him a trophy wife, Michal is daughter.
36:50 And the Bible says he gave her to him to be a snare to him.
36:58 And the real irony is that in the midst of all of these
37:01 attempts by Saul to kill David, David keeps coming back to Saul.
37:05 Risking his life and safety, knowing that Saul is crazy.
37:11 But still thirsting for this father figure to fill the void
37:16 left by his own father.
37:18 When you don't get the attention of your own father,
37:21 you'll compensate by all kinds of things.
37:23 By overachieving and other ways.
37:28 And David compensated with women.
37:31 Help me, Holy Ghost.
37:35 David and women.
37:37 2 Samuel 3:2
37:40 "And unto David were sons born in Hebron.
37:43 His firstborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess;
37:47 his second, Chileab, of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite;
37:51 the third, Absalom the son of Maacah the daughter of Talmai
37:54 the king of Geshur; the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith;
37:57 the fifth, Shephatiah the son of Abital;
38:01 the sixth, Ithream, by Eglah David's wife.
38:05 These were born to David in Hebron."
38:09 Did you get it?
38:12 The names of David's six male children by six different wives.
38:18 David had many wives.
38:26 But of course, he lived for conquest.
38:29 He was an overachiever...
38:32 ...who tried to out do everyone and everything.
38:34 And he did it.
38:35 Including conquest of women.
38:40 It's a shame that we place so much importance as men
38:44 in an act that uses so little of our time and effort.
38:50 Something about the male ego and psyche that when we get old
38:54 we crave Viagra...
39:00 ...and make sure that it's available for our
39:02 medical insurance coverage.
39:03 Help me, Holy Ghost.
39:06 We're truly two-dimensional men obsessed with height and width,
39:11 but not three-dimensional.
39:13 We don't have depth.
39:18 But was unfulfilled in his relationship with his father,
39:21 was unfulfilled in his relationships with women.
39:24 And a man who thinks he can handle more than one woman
39:28 does not know himself or women.
39:33 Adam was more of a man than any of us in this church tonight.
39:38 The perfect man physically.
39:40 And yet one woman was enough to satisfy him.
39:46 The reality is, our bodies do not belong to us.
39:50 Before we are married, we belong to God.
39:53 1 Corinthians 6:19 says your body is the
39:55 temple of the Holy Ghost.
39:58 Our bodies belong to the Holy Ghost before we're married.
40:01 And then after we're married, our bodies
40:03 still belong to the Holy Ghost.
40:05 But watch this.
40:08 We are changed when we're married; two become one.
40:11 So now together our bodies belong to the Holy Ghost
40:14 and each other.
40:17 1 Corinthians 7:3-4, the Bible says,
40:19 "Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence;
40:22 and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
40:25 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband;
40:29 and likewise also the husband hath not power
40:31 of his own body, but the wife."
40:35 Husbands and wives belong to each other.
40:37 There is no such thing as punishing him with sex
40:41 when you don't get your way.
40:44 Come on say amen, ladies.
40:46 Nor is there such a thing as she must be available
40:50 to you whenever you want it.
40:51 Come on say amen, men.
40:54 Come on say amen, men.
40:58 If she's not available,
41:04 you can't get it somewhere else either.
41:10 Your body no longer belongs to you.
41:12 You belong to each other.
41:14 There must be mutuality.
41:20 So how can we become whole?
41:24 There's this Jonathan factor.
41:27 I want you to follow me now.
41:29 1 Samuel 18:3-4...
41:45 This Jonathan factor.
41:46 What is the Jonathan factor?
41:47 Jonathan went into this covenant with David.
41:50 Loved him as himself.
41:53 There is something that every man needs.
41:58 It's an intimate close relationship with another man.
42:03 An unconditional friendship with mutual accountability.
42:13 And when things began to go haywire between Saul and David,
42:17 it was Jonathan's counsel that would save him.
42:22 David has been avoiding Saul and he wants to know,
42:27 is it safe for him to return to the palace
42:30 and return to his place at the king's side.
42:33 And Jonathan meets him to tell his friend what he must do.
42:39 Jonathan goes out to the field and shoots arrows in the field.
42:43 And where the arrows land will tell David
42:47 whether or not he can return to the king's palace.
42:51 And that's where we pick up the story in 1 Samuel 20:38.
43:46 And they would never see each other again.
43:53 Oh, it's powerful.
43:56 Men, you need some male in your life...
44:03 ...who you can covenant with,
44:06 who will have your back.
44:09 who will protect you and support you.
44:14 But not only that, who will tell you the truth about yourself.
44:22 When David's life was in danger, Jonathan told him the truth.
44:27 Jonathan told him, "You've got to leave."
44:32 That's what David needed in his life,
44:35 and in his relationships with women.
44:39 Some of us as men spend too much time joking and jesting
44:43 and playing with each other all the time
44:45 instead of having some serious conversations
44:49 with each other about important issues in our lives.
44:57 Some of us have friends right now who are ruining their lives,
45:00 and you know about it.
45:02 Wasting their life and destroying their families.
45:05 They have women who love them, their children need them.
45:09 You need a Jonathan in your life...
45:13 ...who will bind you when you're wounded
45:17 and blast you when you're wicked.
45:24 Someone who you can be real with and who is real with you.
45:28 Someone who will tell you the truth about yourself.
45:31 I'm not talking about a woman, I'm talking about another man.
45:33 You see, when women try to tell us the truth about ourselves,
45:36 we dismiss it as nagging.
45:40 Huh?
45:42 Every man needs another man who can be real with him,
45:49 and who he can be real with.
45:54 Listen to what I'm saying tonight.
45:56 This is serious business.
45:58 I'm talking as a man to men.
46:05 1 Samuel 13:14, "The Lord has sought for Himself
46:11 a man after His own heart."
46:13 What does it mean?
46:17 David was a man after God's own heart.
46:22 Most of us think it means David had a heart like God's.
46:26 And it gives us this picture of a super human,
46:29 super spiritual believer, who functions at a level
46:33 far above us spiritually that none of us can attain.
46:38 But that can't be true.
46:41 Look at David.
46:43 There's no extraordinary spirituality about him.
46:46 He was a murderer, a philanderer, proud, pugilistic,
46:50 insensitive, a failure as a father.
46:53 David did not have a heart like God.
46:58 What it means is, David had a desire to have a heart like God.
47:06 David was a man who desired to change.
47:11 He was willing to change.
47:14 He was a man who admitted he needed a change.
47:23 When he was lost in his sins after his murder of Uriah
47:27 and his adultery with his wife Bathsheba,
47:29 he cried out in Psalm 51:1 "Have mercy upon me, O God,
47:34 according to Thy loving kindness.
47:36 According unto the multitude of Thy tender mercies
47:38 blot out my transgressions.
47:40 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean.
47:42 Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
47:45 Hide Thy face from my sins and blot out all mine iniquities.
47:48 Cast me not from Thy presence, take not Thy Spirit from me.
47:52 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
47:54 and renew a right spirit within me."
48:00 Christian living is not perfection.
48:02 Christian living is never being satisfied with who you are.
48:08 David was never satisfied with who he was,
48:11 never made excuses for himself, and never blamed his faults
48:15 and failings on somebody else.
48:17 You never hear him bringing up his father's cold distant
48:21 relationship as a reason for his problems.
48:25 He said in Psalm 51:3, "For I acknowledge my transgressions,
48:29 and my sin is ever before me."
48:32 He took full responsibility for his actions.
48:36 Think about Saul and David for a moment.
48:39 As sins go, in our eyes Saul's sins were far less
48:45 severe than David's.
48:49 Saul did not follow God's directions implicitly.
48:52 In 1 Samuel 15, God told him to utterly destroy the Amalekites
48:57 and keep none of them alive.
48:59 Saul spared the choice flocks and spared the life of Agag.
49:03 We would say he was merciful.
49:06 He didn't take someone's life.
49:09 And David took another man's wife
49:11 and had her husband assassinated.
49:16 But Saul, when his sins were revealed to him,
49:19 refused to admit his sin and refused to change.
49:24 Saul did not desire to have the heart of God.
49:30 But David was a man after God's own heart.
49:37 And though David pleaded for and received God's grace and mercy,
49:42 he did not forget his obligation to God's law.
49:45 In Psalm 119:10 he says, "With my whole heart
49:49 have I sought Thee.
49:50 O let me not wonder from Thy commandments.
49:53 O how I love Thy law, for it's my meditation all day long."
50:00 David was a man after God's own heart.
50:03 And because he was chasing after God's own heart,
50:06 he wanted his heart changed into God's.
50:09 He said in Psalm 42:1, "As the heart panteth after the
50:13 water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O my God."
50:23 David's great salvation was his relationship with God.
50:31 That's what made him great.
50:35 David was a man after God's own heart.
50:38 And God is looking for men who can face their frailties
50:43 and admit their frailties.
50:45 Men who are willing to realize they need help
50:48 outside themselves and seek God's help for change.
50:57 David found in God the third dimension of his identity;
51:03 spiritual depth.
51:05 He wanted to be deep with God.
51:11 I wonder how many men tonight want to be deep with God.
51:20 David was a disfavored man in his own household,
51:23 much like Jesus.
51:26 "Came to His own and His own received Him not."
51:28 They put Him on a cross and crucified Him.
51:31 But David sought and found forgiveness and hope
51:36 and salvation with God.
51:41 And we can find it too.
51:43 No matter what experience we've had in our lives,
51:45 no matter how we have been treated,
51:48 no matter what we have lost and missed,
51:50 we can be the men God wants us to be...
51:57 ...if we surrender our lives to Him.
52:00 Is that the experience you want tonight?
52:04 If it is, why don't you stand to your feet with me tonight
52:07 as we close with prayer.
52:14 Father in heaven, we thank You tonight.
52:18 We thank You that You are able to transform us,
52:26 to make us the men You would want us to be.
52:34 No matter what we have done or where we have been,
52:38 no matter what we have left or what we have lost,
52:43 You can supply what we have lost.
52:47 You can fill the empty spaces in our lives.
52:51 You can make us the men that You would have us to be.
52:55 And we're standing tonight, Lord, because we need
52:58 You desperately.
52:59 We need You to make us what You would have us to be as men.
53:06 Fit us as men who are worthy to be the kind of persons
53:16 that will be faithful in relationships,
53:23 faithful as heads of homes,
53:26 faithful as husbands and fathers.
53:29 And when You shall come, save us in Your kingdom.
53:35 For we ask all of these things in Jesus' name, amen.
53:49 Can we say amen.
53:50 You may be seated.
53:52 You know, Pastor Nixon, I want to spent a few more minutes
53:56 talking with you.
53:57 Can we say that was a powerful message.
53:59 What do you say tonight?
54:00 And I know that those of you tuning in
54:02 have been touched tremendously.
54:04 Talk a little bit more about Boys To Men.
54:07 Because you mentioned in certain portions of your sermon,
54:11 I'm not going to go into that right now,
54:14 but tell us the inspiration behind Boys To Men.
54:16 You are a chaplain, one of the chaplains at Andrews University,
54:20 and you deal with students all the time.
54:22 I want to find out the heart of the inspiration
54:25 for this message.
54:26 And give us a little bit more insight into ways that
54:30 we can transition from the boy in us
54:34 to the man that God wants us to be.
54:38 Well, it's interesting that you bring that up,
54:42 because being on a university campus, you do
54:48 engage and encounter young adults at that stage
54:53 in their lives when they're making the transition
54:55 to adulthood.
54:57 And it's at that stage when they really are struggling
55:00 with the issues that have really challenged them.
55:07 If they have grown up without a father, or if they've grown up
55:10 in broken homes, if they've grown up coming from
55:16 families of divorce, and so the residual experiences
55:24 of how that has impacted them has made it challenging
55:28 for them to really have very healthy relationships.
55:34 And I've found a number of young men, when I discuss issues of
55:39 relationships and how young men should treat young women,
55:42 some of the young men will say to me, "You know,
55:46 Chaplain Nixon, I don't know.
55:47 I never had anyone to really show me
55:51 how to treat a woman, because I never had a father there."
55:55 And so, it's really a challenging issue
56:01 that we have in our communities.
56:04 And we sometimes take for granted when we have
56:08 grown up in a stable environment.
56:12 And even growing up in the church, if you have,
56:15 if you have come from a single parent home but you've
56:18 grown up in a church where there have been men
56:21 and a community, you've had those strong male figures there
56:27 who have been there to fill that void.
56:31 But when you haven't had that, that community,
56:35 we don't understand the impact that has on young men's lives
56:39 to have that missing kind of value system there.
56:45 And so it's something that I have really been very
56:49 keen in thinking about, and thinking about some of the
56:52 challenges in our community with young men.
56:55 And in preparation for the transition to the next message.
56:59 Because I told you at the opening that this is a
57:01 four part series by Dr. Timothy Nixon.
57:05 I want to pause in a moment.
57:06 We had lunch today together, and affectionately
57:09 I said I have to introduce you as Dr. Timothy Nixon.
57:12 But we go back, we know our boys to men journey.
57:15 - Isn't that right. - That's right, that's right.
57:17 We were in elementary school together,
57:18 we went to the same church, we grew up together.
57:21 Basketball team together, went to Oakwood University.
57:24 And now reconnecting years later, I can see that God truly
57:27 has worked in our lives to take us from the
57:29 boy side to the man side.
57:31 Fifteen to twenty more seconds, give us a preview of what's
57:34 to come up next.
57:35 Tomorrow night I'm going to talk to the ladies.
57:38 So come out tomorrow night, ladies.
57:40 The subject will be titled, Junk In The Trunk.
57:42 Okay, Junk In the Trunk.
57:45 For those of you that are tuning in, you don't
57:46 want to miss the next message.
57:48 Thank you so much, Dr. Timothy Nixon.
57:50 That's a sermon that does require.
57:52 Pray that the Lord will continue guiding you,
57:54 and for all that you do for Dare To Dream
57:56 and for 3ABN.
57:57 God bless you till we see you again.
57:59 Good night.


Revised 2014-12-17