Participants: J.D. Quinn
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000391
00:31 Welcome to Faith Chapel.
00:33 My name is J. D. Quinn, 00:35 I'm loving it that you are here with me today. 00:38 Let's go to Lord first of all 00:39 and just welcome Him into our program. 00:43 Father I just want to thank you so much Lord 00:45 for being in our lives, for being here with us today. 00:48 Dear Father we dedicate this time to you. 00:50 We dedicate this message to you. 00:52 But Father we just ask one thing specifically 00:55 and that's to get me out of the way 00:56 so the Holy Spirit will speak through me dear Father 01:00 and touch whoever needs to be touched. 01:02 We love you and we thank you in the precious name 01:03 of your son Jesus, amen. Amen. 01:10 I'm going to be talking about, "I need a fix." 01:16 And it's surrounded by perfect peace. 01:19 And so my scripture reading, 01:22 it really is based around Isaiah 26:3. 01:25 "You will keep him in perfect peace, 01:27 whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." 01:32 Amen. What a promise! 01:34 I'm going to attempt to tell you 01:38 and read you a story. 01:41 We were joking here a few minutes ago. 01:43 If I was probably 30 years younger 01:45 whenever I read something I could probably 01:47 remember it better than I can today. 01:50 So today I just need a crutch every now and then. 01:53 But the story is fantastic and it will help you 01:56 kind of get an idea of where we are going. 01:59 Long time ago, a man sought 02:02 the perfect picture of peace. 02:04 And not finding one that satisfied him, 02:06 he announced a contest to produce this masterpiece. 02:11 The challenge stirred the imaginations 02:13 of artists everywhere, 02:15 and paintings arrived from far and wide. 02:18 Finally the great day of revelation arrived. 02:20 The judges uncovered one peaceful scene after another 02:24 while the viewers clapped and cheered. 02:27 The tensions grew. 02:29 Only two pictures remained veiled. 02:32 As a judge pulled the cover from one, 02:34 a hush fell over the crowd. 02:38 A mirror-smooth lake reflected lacy, 02:40 green birches under the soft blush of the evening sky. 02:44 Along the grassy shore, 02:46 a flock of sheep grazed undisturbed. 02:49 Surely this was the winner. 02:53 The man with the vision, the man that called 02:57 for this perfect peace, then he uncovered 02:59 the second painting himself 03:02 and the crowd gasped in surprise. 03:06 Could this be peace? 03:09 A turbulent waterfall cascaded down a rocky cliff. 03:12 The crowd could almost feel its cold, penetrating spray. 03:16 Stormy-grey clouds threatened to explode 03:19 with lightning, wind and rain. 03:20 And yet in the midst of the 03:22 thundering noises and bitter chill, a spindly tree 03:26 clung to the rocks at the edge of the falls. 03:29 And one of its branches reached out 03:31 in front of the torrential waters as 03:33 if foolishly seeking to experience its full power. 03:39 A little bird had built a nest 03:42 in the elbow of that branch. 03:44 Contended and undisturbed 03:46 in her stormy surroundings, she rested on her eggs. 03:51 With her eyes closed and her wings ready 03:55 to cover her little ones, she manifested peace 03:59 that transcends all earthly turmoil. 04:04 Perfect peace? Yes. 04:07 I hope that you can see that picture 04:10 as our imagination just took us there to see this 04:12 precious little bird there in the crease of that tree. 04:20 Today I'm going to take you on a little trip 04:23 and we are going to talk about Jack. 04:26 Jack has become a friend of mine. 04:28 When Jack and I first talked it was not pleasant. 04:34 Help! I need a fix. 04:38 And I'm tired to being sick and tired. 04:41 Can you help me? No, Jack. I can't help you. 04:46 But boy, I do know someone that can. 04:50 Jack, I think this is a divine appointment. 04:53 I think that you need help 04:56 and I know where we can get help. 04:59 So my brothers and sisters, 05:02 if you also are sick and tired to be 05:05 in sick and tired, if you also need a fix, 05:10 well just follow along because 05:12 we are looking for perfect peace. 05:17 Let's go to Philippians 4:6-7. 05:23 Philippians 4:6-7 says: "Be anxious for nothing, 05:26 but in everything by prayer and supplication, 05:29 with thanksgiving, let your requests be made 05:33 known to God; the peace of God, 05:37 which surpasses all understanding, 05:39 will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ." 05:45 Now Jack what I would like for you to do 05:48 is I would like for you to internalize this, 05:52 personalize this, and let's just put your name in there. 05:57 And let's see if the Holy Spirit 06:00 starts working on your heart. 06:02 Jack was ready to do anything 06:04 because remember Jack was sick and tired, 06:07 of being sick and tired. 06:09 Jack was in all kind of pain because 06:12 Jack was a successful businessman in his midlife. 06:18 And as he got older he fell into company 06:21 of a young lady that took him down 06:25 that dark path that changed his life 06:28 up to this time far worse. 06:32 Jack had lost everything that he had amassed 06:35 and he was really a very, well an upper, 06:41 he was not a wealthy man but he had means. 06:46 But he had given it all away 06:48 following the path of this young lady. 06:54 And not only had he followed her passions. 06:59 But she also introduced him to drugs. 07:03 And after he had lost everything that he had, 07:07 of course she had no use for him. 07:10 And so she told Jack to get lost 07:14 that simply enough for Jack to get lost from her. 07:18 But he could not get lost from what she 07:21 introduced him to, and that was that 07:24 quick fix of crystal meth. 07:28 He was hooked. His life was miserable. 07:32 As a young man he went to church, 07:35 but his time went on he got successful. 07:38 He started making money his God. 07:41 And so he had lost that relationship, 07:43 but he never forgot what it was like 07:47 to have that tender loving care 07:50 of his Father Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit. 07:55 So Jack wanted that back and as he watching 3ABN, 07:58 he saw the number down 08:00 in the right corner and he called. 08:05 And yes it was a divine appointment. 08:09 So we go back, and Jack I would like 08:12 for you to sit and say, "Jack be anxious for nothing 08:16 but in everything by prayer 08:17 and supplication with thanksgiving. 08:19 Let your requests be known to God. 08:21 And the peace of God, Jack, 08:23 which surpasses all understanding, 08:26 will guard your heart 08:27 and will guard your mind through Jesus Christ." 08:32 Would you like that Jack? 08:34 Oh, J.D that's what I'm, that's what I'm looking for. 08:37 But you don't know the situation I am in J.D. 08:41 I've lost everything. I've lost all my friends. 08:43 Nobody wants to have anything to do with me. 08:46 I went from a big house. 08:47 Now I'm living in a little single room house. 08:50 J.D, I'm hurting. 08:53 It's all right Jack, because we're going through therapy. 08:58 We are bringing in the great physician 09:01 and we are going to see whether we can turn 09:03 this ship around, so that you can become 09:06 that responsible human being again, 09:09 that responsible brother 09:12 that you can be to many people out there. 09:19 Isaiah 26:3-4, Jack, "you will keep him 09:28 in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, 09:30 Because he trusts in You. 09:32 Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH way, 09:35 the LORD, is everlasting strength." 09:42 Jack hear again. Let's internalize that. 09:49 Jesus keep me in perfect peace. 09:53 Jesus, I want to keep my mind focused on You. 09:57 I want to keep my mind focused on You 10:00 and because Jesus I do that, 10:03 I know because I trust in You, 10:08 that you will be my rock, 10:10 that you will be my rock forever. 10:13 Jack is that where we want to go? 10:15 Yes, J.D. That's where we want to go. 10:19 J.D, I'm feeling better right now 10:21 as I heard the sobs coming across 10:23 the other end of the phone. Jack was being broken. 10:31 I believe in affirmations and that is taking 10:34 God's word personalize them, eternalizing them, 10:39 and then speaking them back to them. 10:41 It reminds me a story of Johnny. 10:44 Little Johnny was turning 7 years old. 10:47 Johnny was excited because his birthday 10:49 was just a couple of days off. 10:52 And he had been asking his parents for rollerblades. 10:56 But they had not got them yet 10:58 and so the day of his birthday came 11:00 and oh, he just couldn't wait 11:02 to getup that morning and to run in. 11:04 And yes, mother and daddy got him 11:07 a set of rollerblades. 11:08 But before he could put his rollerblades on, 11:11 they sat Johnny down 11:13 and they will have a little man to boy talk. 11:17 And they said listen Johnny 11:18 we love you with all of our hearts. 11:21 And we are so happy that, 11:22 that you've got a new gift today. 11:25 But I want you to know one thing Johnny that you 11:27 have to be very careful with these rollerblades 11:31 because they can be dangerous 11:33 if you go to the wrong places. 11:36 So what we want you to do Johnny is, 11:38 I want you to promise mommy and daddy 11:41 that you will not get out on the street 11:43 with these rollerblades. 11:45 Because it could be some people that are coming by 11:48 and just run into you that quickly. 11:52 You could have an accident. 11:54 And Johnny, we just couldn't 11:55 stand if anything happen to you. 11:58 Johnny says, oh, I'll be careful. 12:00 Oh, thank you mommy and daddy for the 12:02 rollerblades and I'll promise you I'll be careful. 12:05 That afternoon some of Johnny's friends came by. 12:08 They also had rollerblades. 12:10 And his mamma's walking by his room. 12:14 She overheard him say, yes, 12:17 we are going to have a great time today. 12:20 But I did promise mamma that we wouldn't 12:23 get out on the street because we could get hurt. 12:26 Now you can just imagine 12:29 the swelling in mamma's heart, 12:32 because Johnny had heard what she had said. 12:37 He had internalized it and turned around 12:39 and verbalized it to his friends. 12:42 And so my dear brothers and sisters 12:45 that's how I see with affirmations 12:47 when we take Jesus word and we take it, we claim it. 12:50 We internalize it and then we take that inspired word 12:54 and put it into our thoughts, 12:57 in our words and present it back 12:59 to our Father who is in heaven. 13:01 And I can just imagine with my imagination 13:05 that he saying, oh, thank you J.D. 13:08 Thank you Jack, and thank you brothers and sisters. 13:12 If you haven't tried this, 13:13 I would recommend you try because 13:14 that's what creates that relationship 13:17 and you start going closer to the Lord. 13:21 In John 14:27, just follow along with the, 13:26 on the screen here. 13:27 John 14:27 and this Jesus speaking: 13:32 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; 13:36 not as the world gives do I give to you. 13:39 And let not your heart be troubled, 13:41 neither let it be afraid." Amen. 13:47 So, you know, this is His promise Jack. 13:51 He is saying that hey, I don't care 13:53 what kind of issues you've got. 13:55 But don't let your heart be trouble 13:57 because you are going to turn this over to me. 13:59 And the peace that goes beyond understanding 14:01 I'm going to bring to you. Is this what you want? 14:06 Yes, this is what I want. 14:07 This is what I have been starving for. 14:10 And if still trouble, I like Job 34:32, 14:14 Job 34:32, if we get kind of mixed up here, 14:18 it says, Teach me what I do not see. 14:21 And If I have done iniquity I will do it no more. 14:24 Here at that particular time we go across life 14:27 and we hit that speed bump 14:29 and at that particular time, listen, 14:32 but father this is a little bit harder than I think. 14:34 Maybe I'm doing something wrong. 14:36 Turn it over to him. 14:37 Father, teach me what I do not see. 14:40 And if I, I choose not to do that, 14:44 but I need to know what I'm doing wrong. 14:47 I'm asking you to be my teacher. 14:49 So I'm just thanking you Jesus. 14:52 I like Isaiah 30:15, here again a graphic, 14:56 Isaiah 30:15: "For thus says the Lord God, 15:04 the Holy One of Israel: "In returning and rest 15:07 you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence 15:11 shall be your strength." 15:13 But you would not, but you would not." 15:20 What I like about this is this 15:22 this in confidence and in strength? 15:27 You know, He shall be our, 15:28 He shall be off guard. 15:30 And that's what Jack was looking for. 15:32 Jack was looking for to get away from this frustration, 15:36 from this conflict that he was daily fighting. 15:40 And he no longer had friends who came to see him. 15:42 Everybody was avoiding him. 15:44 It was like he had to plead them 15:45 and all Jack was wanting was to get back in society. 15:49 But he didn't know how because 15:51 he had to get rid of this, 15:53 this cruds that he had called crystal meth. 16:00 But we know that there is something 16:03 that's better out there and that is God's promises. 16:07 Let's go to Isaiah 32:17, 16:12 "The fruit of righteousness will be peace; 16:15 the effect of righteousness 16:16 will be quietness and confidence forever." 16:19 What I like to do is bring an analogy in right now. 16:22 You have an apple, you have an apple tree. 16:25 So it's going to produce what? Apples! 16:28 You have pecans, you have a pecan tree, 16:31 and it's going to produce its kind which is pecans. 16:34 And so it is here. "A righteousness tree 16:38 which yields the fruit of peace 16:41 which will have the taste of this 16:42 wonderful fruit of peace that comes from this 16:45 tree of righteousness and that will be 16:47 quietness and confidence." And how long? 16:52 Forever, thank you Jesus. 16:55 So my prayer for Jack, my prayer for each one of you 16:59 including myself is to continue to 17:02 rekindle that first love that we had. 17:05 Remember how much Jack loved the Lord in his youth. 17:08 So what we are going to do is to rekindle that 17:11 and the way we rekindle that is by getting into His word. 17:16 And not only getting into his word 17:18 we want to invite the Holy Spirit 17:20 to come down to be our guide 17:21 and to make those, those scriptures clear. 17:25 And so my prayer right now for each one of you 17:28 is that you would just close your eyes right now 17:32 and let's call the Lord. 17:33 Lord I just thank you right now. 17:35 We are just sitting here talking that you will 17:37 rekindle that love that we had in our youth for you. 17:41 If there is not a love for you in our youth, 17:44 I'm just asking that you will just set a fire 17:46 underneath them right now. 17:47 We ask this in Your precious son's name 17:50 Jesus, Jesus. Amen, amen. 17:53 Let's go now to Romans 15:13: 17:57 "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy 17:59 and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope 18:07 by the power of the Holy Spirit." 18:11 Amen. What a promise! 18:14 May the God of hope fill you with all joy 18:17 and peace as we trust in Him because what we are 18:20 wanting to do is that we maybe overfilled 18:23 with that hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 18:25 Now in Greek, hope means eager expectation. 18:29 Now as we read this scripture by putting 18:31 eager expectation in there, it changes it. 18:34 May the God of eager expectation fill you with 18:37 all joy and peace, J.D as you trust in Him, 18:41 so that you may overflow with that 18:42 eager expectation by the power of the Holy Spirit? 18:47 Amen. It changes instead of, 18:50 well I hope that we're going on a vacation this year, 18:55 eagerly excepting to go on vacation this year. 18:58 It's that attitude that we have 19:01 and as we are delivering this to the Lord 19:04 and we are asking Him these things. 19:06 Well then by faith we've got to just know 19:10 that He is working in our behalf 19:11 because we are His children. 19:13 All good gifts comes from Him. 19:15 Everything that's good and perfect comes from Him. 19:18 And so we just continue to 19:20 keep our eyes focused on Him. 19:23 I would like to read from Education Page 126, 19:28 it's written by Mrs. Ellen G White. 19:30 "The creative energy that called the 19:32 worlds into existence is in the word of God. 19:36 This word imparts power. It begets life. 19:40 Every command is a promise; 19:42 accepted by the will, received into the soul, 19:45 it brings with it the life of the In?nite One. 19:48 It transforms the nature and re-creates 19:52 the soul in the image of God. 19:54 The life thus imparted is in like manner sustained. 19:59 "By every word that proceedeth 20:01 from the mouth of God shall man live." 20:05 " Amen, I love that term transformation, 20:09 because Jack we can go from that old you 20:13 to the new you by getting into His word 20:16 and watch that transformation 20:18 that recreation take place within your life. 20:22 Romans 5 verses 3 through 5, 20:28 I'm reading this from "The Clear Word". 20:32 "We can even be joyful when we go through hardships, 20:36 because we know that suffering produces 20:38 patient endurance and patient endurance 20:40 produces strength of character 20:42 and character gives us unshakable hope." 20:45 Verse 5, "Such hope, eager expectation 20:50 will not disappoint us, because God also 20:52 poured out His love on us by giving us the Holy Spirit." 20:57 So Jack as we just call upon this 21:00 and we trust in this remember that the 21:01 Holy Spirit is going to empower you 21:04 to get past this sinful natures 21:07 that you are fighting right now. 21:13 I want to read an affirmation on Perfect Peace. 21:16 This comes from "Exalting His Word, 21:18 " Shelley Quinn wrote this, 21:20 "I like the way that she put it 21:23 and as I'm talking to Jack, I was also talking to myself 21:28 because I was, I was understanding 21:33 and it just, you know, the Holy Spirit is leading 21:36 as we are sitting here on the phone 21:37 talking to these people. 21:38 It's just absolutely amazing what's happening. 21:43 That affirmation, I am walking in 21:46 constant peace-- His peace that guards 21:48 all my heart in all circumstances 21:51 and that is beyond human understanding. 21:53 God keeps me in perfect peace because 21:57 my mind has a steadfast trust in His faithfulness. 22:01 Whenever I begin to feel stressed and anxious, 22:03 I realize my eyes are not focused on my Lord. 22:06 I return my thoughts to Him 22:09 and place my complete trust in Him. 22:11 He restores my peace, causing me to overflow 22:15 with hope by the power of His Holy Spirit." Amen. 22:21 So what we have done here Jack 22:26 is that we have invite the Lord in. 22:28 We have claimed His promises 22:31 and we are standing on His word. 22:34 What I want to do Jack is I just want to go through 22:38 a summation of what we just talked about 22:41 it's, you know, this is very simple but yet 22:45 it's just a formula that we use 22:49 to help keep our life in perspective. 22:52 Number one we claim His promises, 22:56 knowing that God loves you with an everlasting love 22:59 that He will not leave you, 23:01 that He will not forsake you. 23:05 And then what we like to do Jack as we are 23:07 talked about earlier is that we want to personalize this. 23:11 We want to internalize this 23:13 and then we want to give it back to the Lord. 23:16 This is just what I said, "I am walking in 23:18 constant peace-His peace that guards 23:19 my heart in all circumstances 23:22 and that is beyond human understanding." 23:24 God keeps me in perfect peace; 23:27 Jack doesn't keep himself in perfect peace. 23:31 The reason being is because your mind Jack 23:35 has a steadfast trust in faithfulness. 23:38 Faithfulness, you know, 23:39 is calling things that are not as they are. 23:42 And whenever I begin to feel stressed and anxious, 23:46 I realize that my eyes are not focused on the Lord. 23:49 We know what we need to do at that particular time. 23:51 We need to make a u turn. 23:54 We need to get back into the word. 23:56 We need to invite the Holy Spirit in 23:58 to be our guide at that particular time. 24:01 I return my thoughts to Him 24:03 and place my complete trust in Him. 24:07 That's what it's all about brothers and sisters, 24:09 is to get the ball out of our court. 24:11 Put the ball into His court. 24:13 He has told us, hey Come unto me you that are labour 24:18 and are heavy laden, that have burdens. 24:20 Put them in my court. 24:22 Let me do that work for you. 24:24 I will simplify that load that's on your back. 24:27 Then he says that He restores my peace 24:30 causing me to overflow with hope, 24:32 that eager expectation by the power of His Holy Spirit. 24:37 Remember that He will keep you in perfect peace 24:40 if your mind is stayed on Him. 24:43 Not only just keeping your eyes tuned on Him, 24:47 but you also have to trust Him. 24:50 You have to have that faith 24:52 in Him that He is going to indeed 24:55 do what He has said that He would do. 24:58 And if you have any questions 24:59 of what He is going to do, just go into the Bible, 25:02 go into Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, 25:04 look at the promises in the way that Jesus is giving you 25:08 and there are there for ours to have. 25:10 And we just says, oh Lord come in, take over. 25:15 I can't do this by myself. 25:17 We've all heard hundreds of stories out there, 25:19 you know, maybe someone saying no more than help. 25:24 Father if you real just prove yourself to me. 25:28 There is miracles after miracles after miracles 25:31 of ones we just yearn the ones we paver, 25:34 we put it into His court. 25:36 Then He is there to be our best friend. 25:41 He says, don't let your heart be troubled Jack, 25:44 don't let your heart be afraid, 25:46 don't let Satan rub your spiritual blessings, Jack. 25:50 J.D, my dear brothers and sisters out there, 25:54 that's what Satan wants to do. 25:55 He's got that, he's got that vibe 25:59 that's out there, just sitting and trying 26:01 to capture each one of us. 26:03 But because you placed your trust in God 26:06 and you rest comfortably, 26:08 what a wonderful word comfortably. 26:10 In his strength you shall enter 26:12 the fruit of the peace, quietness 26:14 and confidence in him, yes and amen. 26:17 As we would go back to that precious little bird 26:20 that was in the elbow of that tree, 26:24 remembering that his eyes closed, he had his, 26:28 he had his little arms outstretched 26:30 over those eggs to protect those eggs. 26:33 But because he felt like he was in a, 26:36 in a little bit of heaven, 26:38 a place of quietness, a place of peace, 26:42 he had his eyes closed. 26:45 And so my dear brothers and sisters 26:47 that's that peace that we are talking about, 26:49 that peace that goes beyond understanding. 26:54 Jack, I have become Jack's accountability partner. 26:59 Jack and I talk at least once a month now. 27:01 Jack has turned his life around. 27:04 He got off of that crystal meth. 27:06 He is now an integral part 27:08 into his church. He loves people. 27:11 He is back in the mainstream and he is having 27:14 a wonderful time in the Lord. 27:15 Now one thing I do want to say, 27:18 don't be an accountability partner to someone 27:20 if you don't mean it because they depend upon you. 27:24 But Jack got to where he could depend upon God 27:27 and then I was there to reinforce that feeling. 27:31 In Second Thessalonians 3:16: 27:35 "Now may the Lord of peace Himself 27:39 give you the peace always in every way 27:43 may the Lord be with you all." Amen. 27:47 And we go right back to Isaiah 26:3: 27:51 "you will keep Him in perfect peace, 27:53 whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in You". |
Revised 2014-12-17