Participants: Jeff Zaremsky
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000384
00:30 Hello! Welcome to Faith Chapel.
00:32 My name is Jeff Zaremsky. Today we're 00:33 gonna be talking about the garments that 00:35 you see me wearing and looking at it in 00:37 the light of the Bible, don't worry, 00:38 I'm not gonna tell you that everybody has to 00:40 wear it or that it should be worn or anything 00:41 like that, but we're gonna learn 00:42 some spiritual analogies from it. 00:44 But let's start with prayer. Our Lord and God, 00:47 King of the universe, speak through me and 00:49 speak to each one of our hearts from heaven, 00:52 from your throne, in Jesus holy name, amen. 00:57 The prayer shawl that you see me wearing 00:59 it's traditionally worn during Jewish people 01:01 during prayer times and it's just like I say 01:03 a little background just give you a little 01:04 history on it, again not to get anyone all 01:07 fearful that we're starting revolution here 01:10 that everyone has to start wearing these 01:11 things, but some interesting things we're 01:13 gonna look at. They're usually 24 inches to 01:18 60 inches wide and usually about 72 inches 01:21 long, so kind of rectangular in shape. 01:24 The majority of them have white colors like 01:26 you see this one with some stripes some times 01:28 black stripes, sometimes blue stripes maybe 01:31 a gold stripe also, or a silver stripe, 01:34 but there's variety colors today. 01:37 The most common ones are the black or blue 01:39 with the majority of it being white. 01:43 It traditionally was only worn by men, 01:45 but today women are wearing them as well 01:48 in Jewish circles. There is no Biblical 01:51 injunction to wear a Tallit to wear a prayer 01:54 shawl, although there is a Bible text that 01:57 refers to the fringes and we're gonna read 02:01 that text here and to the prayer shawl is 02:04 basically just a place to hang the fringes. 02:06 So let's the read that Bible text out of 02:08 Numbers chapter 15 that says, 02:12 the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, 02:15 "Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them 02:18 to make tassels on the corners of their 02:19 garments throughout their generations, 02:22 and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the 02:25 corners. And you shall have the tassel, 02:28 that you may look upon it and remember 02:30 all the commandments of the LORD and do 02:32 them. And that you may not follow the 02:35 harlotry to which your own heart and your 02:36 own eyes and inclined, and that you 02:38 remember and do all My commandments, 02:41 and be holy for your God. I am the LORD your 02:45 God, who brought you gout of the land of 02:47 Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God." 02:52 And so God is wanting us to remember that He 02:54 is the Lord God that He is all powerful and 02:55 He is the one who brought us out of the 02:56 land of Egypt, and we couldn't come out of 02:58 Egypt in our own strength and power but that 03:00 he took God doing it, and so He mentions 03:03 there in that text, to put tassels. 03:06 Now I believe that the tassels commandments 03:08 is very similar to the Circumcision Commandment 03:11 that it came about 2500 years into earth's 03:15 history no one didn't have tassels, Methuselah 03:18 didn't have tassels even Abraham Isaac and 03:20 Jacob didn't have tassels, it doesn't come along 03:22 again until the writings of Moses. So there's a 03:25 specific time for a specific purpose like 03:27 circumcision, but the text does saying to 03:29 put it and it mentions blue so we have to blue 03:32 ribbon on it as well. Today, modern Tallit don't 03:36 usually have a blue ribbon and there is a 03:38 rabbinical reason for that but and there is 03:43 certain amount of knots, that and knots and 03:45 coils and this again rabbinical interpretation 03:48 they get the knots and the coils to match up 03:51 to the sentence that God is one as well as it 03:54 counting of them to bring it up to the number 03:57 of 613 and there are 613 commandments in the 04:02 Torah, and there is that symbolism of 04:04 can bringing it back to the word of God, 04:06 bringing back to the Bible. 04:13 A Tallit is worn for times of prayer, 04:16 some Jewish people will wear a small Tallit 04:19 called a Tallit Katan that usually worn under 04:22 their garments, but the big ones that you 04:25 see that's one for times of prayer and the 04:29 synagogues or in Israel you see at the 04:31 western worn then being worn their from 04:34 morning prayer in their home. Lets look at 04:37 some Bible text that biblical experiences 04:40 that possibly referring to the Tallit and let's 04:43 start with the Elijah. You remember Elijah he 04:44 was on Mount Carmel and having this experience 04:48 with the pagan Baal worshipers, and God 04:54 brings down fire from heaven and destroys or 04:57 consumes the altar and his sacrifice and all the 05:00 water that he poured on it and ends the 05:02 three and half years of drought, and then 05:04 it begins to rain and many people surround 05:10 Elijah and believe in Lord, believe in the 05:11 Lord of Elijah and there is a great revival 05:13 taking place and Elijah goes then running 05:16 and with King Ahab and he comes and the 05:20 Queen tells them that she's gonna have him 05:22 killed, Jezebel says she's gonna have him 05:23 killed and he folds his faith, wavers after 05:26 that high experience and he goes running 05:28 again and he runs all the way and he hides 05:30 in the mountain and that's where we'll pick 05:31 up our text in First Kings chapter 19 verses 11 05:35 through 13, Then He said, go out, and God 05:38 speaks to him and God says go out and stand 05:40 on the mountain before the LORD." And behold, 05:43 the LORD passed by, and a great and strong 05:46 wind tore into the mountains and broke the 05:48 rocks in pieces, that must have been some 05:50 mighty wind, and before the LORD, but the 05:53 LORD was not in the wind; and after the 05:56 wind and earthquake, but the LORD was not 05:58 in the earthquake and after the earthquake 06:00 a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; 06:04 and after the fire a still small voice. 06:07 And so it was, when Elijah heard it, that he 06:10 wrapped his face in his mantle and went 06:14 out and stood in the entrance of the cave. 06:17 Suddenly a voice came to him, and saying, 06:20 "What are you doing here Elijah?" 06:23 And so Elijah wraps himself in his prayer 06:27 shawl in his mantle and comes out before the 06:30 LORD hears the LORD'S voice speaking in 06:32 that still small voice and he wraps himself in 06:34 prayer and surrender to the LORD God and 06:37 God is now able to talk to him. Continue on in 06:42 Elijah's life and God calls Elijah to go and 06:46 mentor Elisha to replace him and so Elijah goes 06:51 down to where Elisha is and we pick that up 06:54 in First Kings chapter 19 verse 19, and Elijah 06:59 So he departed from there, and found Elisha 07:02 the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with 07:05 the twelve yoke of oxen before him, 07:07 and he was with the twelfth. Then Elijah 07:11 passed by him and threw his mantel on him. 07:15 And so Elijah then comes up to him takes 07:18 his mantle takes his prayer shawl that he 07:20 had used in prayer and he threw it over 07:24 Elisha indicating that he is passing the torch, 07:27 he is passing the prophetic gift on to 07:33 Elijah. Elisha hesitates a little bit and but then 07:37 comes and follows his sacrifices of the oxen 07:41 that he has and he follows Elijah. And eventually 07:46 Elijah then is preparing to depart, God has 07:48 revealed to him that it's time for him to leave 07:50 and so Elijah and Elisha go down to the Jordan 07:54 river, back at the entrance where we entered 07:56 Israel back during the time of Joshua. 08:00 And so they are going back down, 08:01 they go back down to the Jordan and we'll 08:02 pick it up in Second Kings chapter 2 verses 8 08:06 through 13, Now Elijah took his mantle, 08:09 so he takes off his mantle he takes off his 08:11 prayer shawl, he takes his mantle rolls it up, 08:13 and struck the water; and it was divided this 08:16 way and that, so that the two of them 08:18 crossed over on dry ground. And it was so, 08:21 when they had crossed over, that Elijah said 08:24 to Elisha, Ask! What may I do for you, 08:27 before I am taken away from you? 08:29 And Elisha said, Please let a double portion 08:32 of your spirit be upon me. And so he said, 08:35 You have asked a hard thing, nevertheless, 08:38 if you see me when I am taken from you, 08:40 it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall 08:44 not be so. And then it happened, as they 08:46 continued on and talked, that suddenly a 08:49 chariot of fire appeared with the horses of fire, 08:53 and separated the two of them; and Elijah 08:55 went up by whirlwind into heaven. 08:58 And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, 09:00 "My Father, my Father, the chariot of Israel 09:03 and its horsemen!" So he saw him no more. 09:07 And he took hold of his own clothes and tore 09:09 them into two pieces. And he also took up 09:12 the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, 09:16 and went back and stood by the bank of the 09:19 Jordan. So we see here they come down to 09:22 the Jordan, Elijah takes off the mantle, 09:25 takes off the prayer shawl, strikes the water 09:27 of Jordan river and it parts again just like 09:30 it did for them entering in, in the time of 09:32 Joshua and they pass over across and Elijah 09:36 makes this wonderful offer to Elisha what would 09:38 you like and he asked for a very good thing, 09:40 that same Holy Spirit that's been upon you, 09:42 I want double portion of that, if I'm gonna 09:46 take over the ministry, if I'm gonna take 09:47 over your mantle, if I'm gonna, if God is 09:48 gonna use me then I one that use me powerfully 09:51 I want to be fully surrendered to him, 09:52 I want to be fully filled with him and I 09:54 want a double portion of your spirit, that's a 09:57 great prayer. And so Elijah tells him oh if you 10:00 get to see me go then God is gonna grant it 10:02 to you and this thing then the chariot comes 10:04 down and this is symbolic of the second coming. 10:07 Now the Lord comes down and translates 10:10 those that are living straight up in the 10:11 heaven, takes Elijah up to heaven and Elijah 10:16 could to see it. Now, and it says as he's 10:18 going up, as Elijah is going up he drops 10:21 you, he either tosses or somehow he leaves 10:23 his prayer shawl, he leaves his mantle again 10:27 passing that anointing onto and it's not 10:31 the piece of the cloth but passing that symbolic 10:36 prophetic anointing onto Elijah and to he 10:40 picks up that mantle the only thing that's 10:41 left of Elijah and he leaves that, they say 10:44 you can't take it with you, you know he 10:45 took everything else with him, but he left 10:47 his prayer shawl, he left his mantle, 10:49 and Elisha picks it up and Elisha goes back 10:54 to the Jordan to the same spot that they 10:57 had crossed over before very close if 10:59 not the same sport that the children of 11:02 Israel crossed over and after the 40 years 11:04 in the wilderness and so reliving the history 11:06 here again entering into the promise land and 11:09 then right after resurrection now entering 11:10 into the promised land. We're gonna pick 11:13 it up in Second Kings chapter 2 verse 14, 11:17 and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell 11:19 from him and smote the waters and said, 11:22 "Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" 11:25 And when he also had struck the waters 11:27 with that mantle with that prayer shawl 11:29 they departed hither and thither and Elisha 11:33 went over. And when the sons of the 11:35 prophets, which were to view at Jericho 11:37 saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah does 11:41 rest on Elisha. So they were able to see 11:44 that the spirit of the Lord that was on Elijah 11:46 was now on Elisha. And I'm sure was more 11:49 than just seeing that he's wearing his mantle 11:51 but with the spirit of Lord there were just 11:52 able to see that God's presence out of him 11:56 or we see being used that the prayer shawl 11:57 as a mantle as a passing on of that anointing. 12:02 Let's go back several years before this 12:04 back to the time of Samuel and Saul during 12:08 times of First Samuel we'll look in the Bible 12:10 in First Samuel chapter 15 verses 27 and 28, 12:16 and as Samuel turned around to go away, 12:19 Saul seized the edge of his robe, and it tore. 12:22 So Samuel said to him, "The LORD has torn 12:25 the kingdom of Israel from you today, 12:28 and had given it to a neighbor of yours, 12:30 who is better than you. And so, Samuel 12:34 and Saul had that's turned from the LORD 12:37 not totally but in his actions he was not 12:40 following the LORD and so Samuel comes to 12:42 rebuke him and tells him the kingdom's gonna 12:45 be taken from him. King Saul grabs a hold 12:48 of his robe and tears, the scripture said tears 12:53 the border and he tore it, grabbed that sees 12:56 the edge of the robe and that's right where 12:59 the blue would be, that's where that blue 13:01 ribbon would have been and he tears that. 13:04 Now the, the white in the robe represents 13:08 the righteousness, the purity of God's 13:10 righteousness. Gold would represent faith, 13:13 but the blue will represent God's royal law. 13:16 And so he tears the edge of his robe. 13:21 In other words he's broken the commandments 13:24 just as Moses did when we were breaking 13:26 the commandments at the base of the 13:28 mountain Moses came down and then broke 13:31 the physical commandments, because we had 13:33 already broken them. And so here Saul had 13:37 been breaking the commandments and so now 13:39 he whips the robe. In other words, Samuel 13:42 sees that analogy and says that the kingdom 13:44 has been torn from you, it's been whipped from 13:47 you, you've broken God's laws, you've 13:49 broken your connection with Him and you 13:51 just symbolically done it whipping the edge 13:54 of that garment, whipping that blue thread 13:57 which is a reminder of the commandments 13:59 of God and that God is that one who leads 14:02 us and guides us and delivers us. We go 14:06 back even further in history and we go back 14:09 to the time of Israel, Jacob Israel and Joseph. 14:14 Genesis chapter 37 verse 3, and the Bible 14:17 says in this text that Israel, now Israel loved 14:21 Joseph more than all his children, because he was 14:25 the son of his old age. And he made him a 14:27 tunic of many colors. And so we see the 14:30 Bible using some different terms mantle, 14:32 robe, tunic, coat, his coat of many colors his 14:36 outer garment. It might not have been a prayer 14:38 shawl but very well could have been of 14:40 many colors and today they have ones, 14:41 they called them Joseph's coat that have 14:43 more colors then the one I am wearing today, 14:45 very brightly colored but still with the majority 14:47 of it being white. And so, Jacob makes this 14:52 coat for him, and we know that Jacob has a 14:55 heart after Joseph and is desiring to pass on 14:58 the lineage to him, wanting him to receive 15:00 the birthright, wanting him to take over, 15:02 even though he is the 11th of the 12th sons 15:05 of Israel of Jacob, and yet he has a heart 15:09 for him. Jacob is, Joseph is the firstborn 15:12 of his wife Rachel that he loves more than 15:16 he loves Leah and so he is wanting to bestow 15:19 upon Joseph this mantle as we see with like 15:23 Elijah this mantle of authority to pass it on 15:27 to Joseph and so he makes him this coat of 15:30 many colors. And, of course the brothers 15:33 kind of pick up on this that something special's 15:35 going on here that hey that dad's bypassing 15:38 us and he's going to be passing on this 15:41 authority onto Joseph and give him all the 15:44 specialties of the double portion and of the 15:47 spiritual leadership and so they're very 15:49 jealous, they've been jealous of Joseph to 15:51 begin with and this is kind of the icing on 15:53 the cake, and so we pick it up there in the 15:55 same chapter Genesis chapter 37 verse 23, 15:59 where it says that it came to pass, 16:02 and so it came to pass, when Joseph had 16:04 come to his brothers, that they stripped 16:06 Joseph of his tunic that was on him, 16:10 the tunic of many colors that was on him. 16:13 And so the brothers are not happy at all, 16:16 they ripped this tunic off the symbolism off, 16:19 the symbol of authority, the symbol of 16:21 rulership over them, and they rip it off 16:23 of him. They could have taken anything off, 16:25 but that is specifically where their anger is at, 16:29 they rip this off of him and they're just 16:32 trying to rip the authority from him, 16:34 and take back their feeling of rightness of 16:37 the role of the first born and receiving the 16:41 inheritance. And then in Genesis chapter 37 16:44 verse 31, so they took Joseph's tunic, 16:48 killed a kid of the goat, and dipped the tunic 16:50 in the blood. So here they take Joseph, 16:53 they take his coat away, they take his tunic 16:55 away, they take his outer garment this 16:57 prayer shawl away and the symbolism of 16:59 God's love of his father's love for him and 17:01 authority and they killed his goat and they 17:04 dipped it in blood. And so now his garment 17:07 his outer garment is colorful garment, 17:09 his brightly colored garment coat kind of 17:11 many colors is now dipped in blood, 17:13 a robe dipped in blood. And as we think of 17:17 Joseph and we think how he's then sold 17:19 into Egypt and then he's there in Egypt and 17:22 he becomes the sitting at the right hand of 17:26 the ruler and from there he is used to save 17:31 and deliver the people. Well, that makes me 17:33 think of Revelation and as we turn to 17:35 Revelation chapter 19 verses 13 and 16 the 17:41 scripture says, and he was clothed referring 17:44 to Jesus, that he is clothed with a robe 17:49 dipped in blood. Just like Joseph's robe was 17:52 dipped in blood and his name is called the 17:56 word of God. And he was on, and he has 18:01 on his robe and on his thigh a name written 18:05 King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And so, 18:09 Jesus himself wrapped in a robe that is also 18:13 dipped in blood just as Joseph's robe was 18:17 dipped in blood and God used him to save the 18:20 people. God uses Jesus' robe dipped in blood, 18:24 Himself dipped in blood, His life dipped in 18:27 blood. When we see that robe representing 18:29 Him, the robe is dipped in blood Jesus was the 18:31 one that was dipped in blood, He is the one 18:33 who shed His blood for us. It wasn't His robe 18:35 that were shed, it wasn't His robe that was 18:37 dipped it was He Himself that was dipped in 18:40 blood. And so the robe itself is symbolic of 18:44 Jesus. We'll see that here a little bit more. 18:48 Let's look now in The Book Of Luke in the 18:51 time of Jesus on this earth as a human 18:54 being down from heaven. Luke chapter 8 verses 18:59 43 and 44, now a woman, having a flow of 19:04 blood for twelve years, who had spent 19:07 all her livelihood on physicians and could not 19:10 be healed by any, came from behind and 19:14 touched the border of His garment. 19:17 And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 19:22 That's very interesting that she has had 19:25 this illness for twelve years at this point 19:28 of time Jesus is on His way to heal a 19:32 young girl who has died, who is twelve 19:34 years old. And so there's this twelve year 19:36 old girl and this lady comes to Him and she 19:39 has a sickness about the same time twelve 19:41 years she gets sick about the same time this 19:43 child is born, and she comes up to Jesus 19:46 and she says to herself if I might just touch 19:49 the border of His garments. Now to reach 19:53 the border of His garment if he was wearing 19:55 it as he is walking along and he's wearing it 19:56 down like this and he's just wearing this 19:58 outer garment just down like this, 20:00 she's got to kind of bend over in order to 20:03 reach the edge, in order to reach the border 20:05 of His garment. She's gotta humble herself 20:08 in a way to come down and reach it. 20:11 She could just say it would be a whole lot 20:12 easier if I could just reach across somebody 20:13 and just touch His shoulder and touch 20:15 anywhere on Him or touch any part of him 20:19 but she wants to touch the border of his 20:21 garment and again that's where the, 20:23 where the blue would be the, the blue ribbon 20:26 that would have been on the border of Jesus' 20:29 outer garment. Certainly he was a practicing 20:33 Jewish man and he was would have been 20:35 wearing a outer garment and so she wants 20:38 to touch that border and as she touches 20:40 that border, again symbolizing God's love, 20:44 symbolizing God's righteousness, symbolizing 20:46 God's commandments, in other words she's 20:48 repent and she's bowed down before the Lord 20:50 sorry for the sins of her past, but wanting 20:53 to keep the commandments, wanting the God 20:54 to deliver her, to heal her and to touch her 20:58 life and to come into her life, putting her 21:01 life into harmony with him, and as she touches 21:03 that touch of faith touches the border of 21:07 His garment. She is made whole and she's 21:11 healed right then and there. And so that 21:13 number 12 that number of totality we have 21:15 the twelve tribes and the twelve disciples and 21:20 so we have this year's twelve and then 21:21 Jesus goes on and then He heals and raises 21:23 his life that girl who was dead who was 21:27 twelve years old. So we see Jesus wearing this 21:30 garment, and her touching the garment. 21:32 Now this garment that Jesus is wearing is 21:34 mentioned another place in the scriptures, 21:36 but prophetically mentioned back in Psalm 21:40 22, Psalm 22 verse 18, it says that, 21:46 they divided My garments among them, 21:49 and for My clothing they cast lots. 21:53 So there is this prophetic portion that the 21:57 Messiah is going to come in Isaiah 20:22, 22:00 I mean Psalm 22 the very prophetic chapter 22:03 of the Messiah dying, His hands being pierced 22:06 and his feet being pierced and it says they dip, 22:08 they divided His garments among them, 22:11 and for the clothing they cast lots. 22:13 And we see that being fulfilled in Jesus. 22:17 When He's on His way to the cross as 22:19 mentioned in John chapter 19 verses 23 22:24 and 24, it says, and the soldiers, when they 22:27 had crucified Jesus, took His garments and 22:32 made four parts to each soldier a part, 22:35 and also the tunic. Now the tunic was without 22:40 seam, woven from the top in one piece. 22:45 And they said therefore among themselves, 22:46 let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, 22:49 whose it should be that the scripture might 22:52 be fulfilled which says; they divided My 22:55 garments among them, and for My clothing 22:58 they cast lots. And so this tunic again, 23:02 he mentions that tunic, that outer coat His 23:04 garment, which garment of all that he was 23:06 wearing they divide all His clothes up, 23:08 they divide it into four parts, but this one 23:11 garment and it describes the garment, 23:13 it describes the garment as not having any 23:16 seam, the prayer shawls have not, 23:17 don't have any seam, woven from top to 23:20 bottom seamless garment, and something 23:22 of value that they would want to keep, 23:24 that they wouldn't want to just be ripped 23:26 into four pieces and divide up and use His 23:28 rags, but they know it has some value maybe 23:30 they're able to sell it on the market for 23:32 every reason these roman soldiers who want it, 23:34 but they're fulfilling the promise that they, 23:36 the prophecy that they cast lots for His 23:38 garment. It was the prayer shawl that they 23:41 were casting their lots for, that they were 23:42 casting lots for, that they wanted, 23:45 that seamless garment as in fulfillment of 23:49 that Psalms 22 chapter. Now, this prayer 23:58 shawl, this garment, let's look at some text 24:01 regarding it in light of God and how it 24:03 represents God. Psalm 104 verses 1 and 2, 24:09 Bless the Lord, o my soul! O LORD my God, 24:13 you are very great: You are clothed with honor 24:17 and majesty, Who cover yourself with light as 24:23 with a garment. And so God Himself, 24:27 who stretched out to heaven like a curtain. 24:30 So God himself he's clothed in his garment 24:34 of light. He's clothed in majesty and in honor. 24:38 He is very great and He covers Himself with 24:41 a garment of light. Now, if I asked people what 24:45 were Adam and Eve wearing in the Garden 24:47 of Eden, and most people will say well they 24:49 were naked and they weren't wearing 24:50 anything, that's not true they were clothed 24:53 in God's garment of light. The same one 24:56 that he has, the same garment that He is 24:58 covered with that righteousness of light, 25:01 it wasn't until they sinned that they became 25:03 naked and left that garment of righteousness 25:08 and then they had to cover themselves, 25:11 they tried to cover themselves with fig 25:12 leaves and then after they leaved the Garden 25:15 of Eden after they're kicked out of the 25:16 Garden of Eden, God then the scriptures say 25:18 God covers them, clothes them with animal 25:22 skins, where they get these animal skins 25:24 from? They had to sacrifice lambs to receive 25:29 forgiveness and of those same lambs, 25:31 lambs that they have never seen die 25:33 before they themselves had to kill, 25:34 they themselves had to slit their throats and 25:37 then clothed themselves, God clothed them 25:39 with those skins off of that sacrifice, 25:42 off of those lambs. And that's the same thing 25:45 God covers us with Jesus. He covers our 25:48 sinful nakedness with His robe of righteousness, 25:53 he is clothed with light and he wants to 25:54 cover us with light. He is all light, 25:56 He is all purity, He is all righteousness and 25:59 that's what the prayer shawl presents that 26:00 white purity of God's righteousness. 26:04 And then Isaiah chapter 61 verses 3 and 10 26:09 we read, to console those who mourn in Zion, 26:12 to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy 26:15 for mourning, the garment of praise for 26:18 the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called 26:21 Trees of Righteousness, the planting of the 26:23 LORD, that He may be glorified." God wants 26:28 to clothe us with His righteousness with His 26:31 robe of righteousness, He wants to clothe us 26:34 with Jesus, He wants to clothe us with Jesus' 26:36 righteousness, and just as it's mentioned when 26:39 it's mentioned there in the book of Numbers 26:41 about the tassels that we could not deliver 26:44 ourselves that of the Egypt. We can not 26:46 deliver ourselves out of sin, we can not 26:48 deliver ourselves out of our wrong habits, 26:51 it needs to be Jesus, Jesus needs to take 26:53 control of our lives. We need to come under 26:54 His presence, we need to come under His blood 26:57 stained robe, we need to receive His 26:59 forgiveness for our sins, we need to have 27:00 Him transform our hearts, we need to have 27:02 Him live out His commandments in us and 27:04 through us and for us and that symbolism of 27:06 his righteousness his robe covering us and 27:09 that's what He will see in the judgment, 27:11 he won't see us in our deformities, 27:13 but our sins will be forgiven, our record will 27:15 be washed clean and he'll see Jesus' 27:17 robe of righteousness, that robe of light 27:20 covering us and shining through in his Jesus' 27:23 righteousness that sees us through, 27:25 not our own righteousness. We have no 27:27 righteousness of our own, our own 27:29 righteousness is like filthy rag not like a 27:31 holy garment of His righteousness. 27:35 And so as we surrender our own deeds and 27:37 our own actions and our own ways and 27:38 our own thoughts and our own desires 27:40 and surrender them all to Him and allow 27:43 Him to anoint our mind and our heart and 27:46 write His laws in our hearts and in our 27:47 minds and in our actions, He will live 27:49 through us and for His honor and glory will 27:52 be magnified and glorified, God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17