Participants: David Shin
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000336
00:31 I'd like to welcome you today to Faith Chapel.
00:33 My name is David Shin and we will be spending 00:36 the next few moments in a study of God's word. 00:39 But, before we do so I like to invite you 00:41 to bow your heads with me as we seek the Lord in prayer. 00:46 Father in Heaven we thank you today for the privilege 00:49 and opportunity that we have to study scripture. 00:52 We thank you that it's able to make us wise 00:54 on to salvation and we ask that you eliminate 00:56 our hearts and our minds speak to us 00:59 we pray in Jesus name we pray Amen. 01:04 The topic of our discussion today is entitled 01:07 Seek He First. We are gonna be talking little of our 01:09 priorities. What is to be the preeminent 01:12 focal point, the antecedent the priority in my life? 01:17 There is lot of books that I've read in the past 01:19 about priorities but one that resonated with me 01:22 the most is a book by Stephen Covey, maybe you've 01:25 read its New York Times bestseller called 01:27 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'. 01:31 And one of the habits that resonated with me 01:33 was this habit called beginning with the end 01:36 in mind and he basically gives his thesis that when 01:40 we begin and with the end in mind suddenly our values 01:44 and our priorities crystallize, and he 01:48 encourage the reader to do this exercises, 01:51 mental exercise of visualizing your own 01:54 funeral. Now I will admit it's probably not the most 01:57 appealing thing for all of us do but they said 02:00 there are two things in life that we can know 02:02 with the surety one is death and the other one is taxes. 02:05 But, anyways just hear me for a little bit and imagine 02:08 with me that you have died and you are witnessing 02:12 your funeral. There is shiny black horse parked outside 02:16 in the driveway. It's in a church or funeral home. 02:19 People from all over the country, perhaps 100s, 02:22 perhaps 1000s have gathered there to memorials lives 02:25 your life. There is big bouquet of flowers 02:28 in the corridor. The casket is there and you are 02:31 sitting there in your best suit or in your best dress. 02:35 And the doctor or the pastor has just given 02:39 the eulogy. And afterwards there is a line of people 02:43 that have gathered there to commemorate your life. 02:46 The thing that you want you to remember your by 02:47 the legacy that you've left. And as during about they are 02:51 about to get up and say something's about you. 02:53 He want you to pause and ask yourself this very, 02:57 the very fundamental question. What do you want 03:00 them to remember you by. It's very interesting that 03:04 when you begin with the end in mind that suddenly 03:06 you realize what's important and what's 03:08 not. I was reading an article in Time Magazine 03:11 where the individuals on the Twin Towers after the 03:15 the inferno on the bottom levels and the planes had 03:18 crashed into the bottom. They knew the death was 03:20 eminent. They knew that there was no way that 03:22 they would be able to live. But, they had a few moments 03:25 before those towers came crumbling to the ground. 03:29 And is interesting what many of those people chose to do. 03:32 They didn't run of to the bathroom, powder their face 03:34 or their hair even check their suits. They didn't get 03:37 online and check the stocks or read The Wall Street 03:40 Journal. Many of them if not most of them started 03:44 calling their loved ones and saying listen I'm about to 03:46 die. I'm in the Twin Towers, but I want you to know 03:49 that I love you. Suddenly people became a priority 03:52 for them. And not too long ago I had an experience that 03:57 was similar to this. I went to Africa on a mission trip, 04:00 spend about three weeks there and came back home 04:03 and started developing flu like symptoms. 04:05 And I thought it was the common cold, waited for 04:08 about five to six days and toward the end I said 04:10 this is not the common flu or the cold. I need to go 04:12 the emergency room. And I was wheeled into emergency 04:16 room the doctor took one look at me, unfortunately 04:19 he had been to Africa as a missionary doctor. 04:21 And he said I believe David that you have the symptoms 04:24 of malaria. And I got a brief education 04:27 very quickly as to what malaria was, a mosquito bite 04:30 you and injects his parasites into your blood 04:33 stream and takes about two weeks or so for to incubate. 04:36 But, these parasites go from red blood cell to red 04:40 blood cell and when they start multiplying and when 04:42 that red blood cell has to reached maximum capacity 04:45 it burst. So, you can imagine after a certain 04:48 amount of days your red blood cell count is totally 04:51 depleted. And they said seven days is typically 04:54 where you are on the brink of death. I had waited 04:56 six days and lying in the emergency room 04:59 sweat pouring down barely cognitive or reasonably 05:05 around of the surrounding around me. 05:07 And doctor said even if you make it David, 05:10 you may get kidney failure, liver failure and be 05:13 on dialysis for rest of your life. And I want to tell you 05:16 that sitting there my parents were looking at 05:19 me I was under 20 years of age, had my whole life 05:23 ahead of me. Suddenly I had certain things that became 05:26 a priority. Suddenly the things that were to be 05:29 valuable or value to me came crystallize to me. 05:33 Now I don't wanna to leave hanging you obviously 05:35 I did survive in what was the miracle and I'm here 05:37 today. But, it's very interesting that priorities 05:41 are the things, the paradigm, the central 05:44 pillars that guide us from day to day. 05:47 Now all of us have different priorities and certain 05:49 things take higher precedence than others. 05:51 And I came across this list of things that many of us 05:55 seek as priority and he list in a way Stephen Covey 05:59 does. What happens when this thing becomes a 06:01 preeminent priority. Now the first one is money. 06:05 Now I will admit that money is not inherently evil, 06:08 we need money to do transactions and live 06:10 our lives. The Bible says that the love of money 06:14 is the root of all evil. And he says a money centered 06:18 person, a person that places money as the preeminent 06:20 force in their life. Your personal value is determined 06:25 by your network. In other words your value 06:28 is determined by the amount of stocks, 06:29 amount of balance, the amount of money you have 06:32 in your bank account. And he says that you are 06:34 vulnerable to anything that threatens your economic 06:37 security. Profit is your decision making priority. 06:43 Money making is the lens through which life is seen 06:46 and understood. So, here is this individual 06:48 whose money is the preeminent force in their 06:50 life and they view life through sort of green glass 06:53 as they were. And they make profit, the criterion 06:57 makings phenomena and so forth. The second one is 07:01 a work centered individual. Now I have relatives, 07:04 family members that are this way. You tend to 07:06 define yourself by your occupational role. 07:10 You're only comfortable when you are working. 07:13 You define you see your work as your life. 07:17 Here is a person that their occupation is the prominent 07:21 priority for them. The next one is a possession priority 07:25 individual. Now possessions are not wrong, we all 07:27 have possessions, but this individual that makes us 07:30 to apex of their life. Your security is based on your 07:33 reputation, your social status are the tangible 07:39 things that you posses. You tend to compare 07:40 what you have with what others have? And you are 07:42 threatened by those things that threatened your social 07:47 secure. You make your decisions based on 07:49 well protect increase or better display your 07:53 possessions. This is individual that is 07:55 materialistic, that makes a things they posses their 07:59 priority. And there is a few others I like to read 08:02 one more and that's pleasure centered. 08:03 I had few friends in high school that were this way, 08:05 you feel only secure when you on pleasure or high. 08:08 You make your decisions based on what will give 08:10 you the most pleasure. You see a world in terms of 08:12 what's in it for you. There are few other enemies 08:15 centered and I think this one basically summarized 08:18 all of them and that is self centered. I think all of us 08:21 struggle with that one. Now whether it's money, 08:23 work, possession, pleasure. All these things are 08:25 priorities. Now they are not to be the preeminent 08:28 priority, and they are centers that around 08:31 which these individuals revolve. Now I like to ask 08:35 you today as we get into our discussion what is to be 08:39 the preeminent priority for us? What is to be the 08:42 center of our lives? What is to be the lens 08:45 through which we determine what our lives 08:48 are to revolve around. I'd like to go to this passage 08:52 as we get into this discussion about what we 08:54 are to seek for as Christians to 08:56 Mathew Chapter 6 Verse 33, ''Jesus has just give his 09:00 disquisition of the Sermon on the Mount''. 09:03 And in Mathew Chapter 6 Verse 33, 09:05 I'll be reading from the New King James Version, 09:07 he says these profound words. ''But seek first 09:11 the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 09:14 and all these things shall be added on to you''. 09:19 God is telling us to seek first the kingdom of God 09:24 and his righteousness and all these things shall be 09:28 added on to you. I like to go through this passage 09:31 word by word. The first word I like to concentrate 09:34 on is seek. All of us when we were born into this world 09:37 are seeking for something. We are seeking for thing to 09:40 fill us and this a statement that goes something like 09:43 this. We have a God shaped hole in our heart that only 09:47 he can fill. But, many of us we seek materialism, 09:51 we seek possession, we seek relationships, 09:54 we seek money trying to fill that void in our lives. 09:58 I don't know about you but many times before 10:00 I came to Lord, I had come home night laying in my bed 10:03 and there was an emptiness in my heart that 10:05 something that the things this world simply could not 10:07 fill. I try to fill it with all these things but they 10:11 would not fulfill me. It's very interesting that even 10:15 the people that we look up to that society puts on a 10:18 pedestal as stars. They have fame, they have fortune, 10:22 they have intellectual ability and they are 10:23 steamed by society. Have made some very profound 10:26 statements regarding their state of fulfillment. 10:30 And I like to read to you few quotations that came 10:32 across of very famous people regarding their fulfillment. 10:37 Listen to this ''I thought I had reached a point in my 10:39 life where everything would be smooth. But it is not. 10:42 It just gets more jagged and pitted and filled with 10:46 turns that take you into the dark recess of your mind. 10:49 It never seems to get easy''. Do you know who 10:52 said that? Sylvester Stallone who is a 10:54 prominent actor evidently. ''He says I thought 10:58 I had reached a point in life when things would get easy, 11:01 but simply doest not. Listen to this statement, 11:04 ''If I were given a change of life, I would like to 11:06 see how it would be to live as a mere six-footer, 11:10 Wilt Chamberlain, seven feet tall was in the NBA 11:14 as a center he says ''Listen if I live my life 11:17 again, I'm not satisfied I want to live as a mere 11:20 six-footer''. If I would live my life over again a 11:23 another statement I wish I could be a great 11:25 pianist or something Woody Allen. 11:29 Famous actor he says I'm not satisfied 11:31 if I live my life again I just want to be a pianist 11:34 or something. I don't like the way, 11:36 I don't like my voice. I don't like the way I look. 11:39 I don't like the way I move. 11:40 I don't like the way I act. I mean, period. 11:42 So, you know, I don't like myself, Elizabeth Taylor. 11:48 Beautiful actor back in her day she says 11:51 listen I don't like the way I look, act or move. 11:53 I'm dissatisfied with my physical appearance. 11:56 All these individuals since society steams 11:59 has been famous rich, intellectual having 12:01 at all have said at certain points in their lives, 12:03 at least these were honest enough to admit 12:05 saying these things do not fulfill me 12:08 and God is saying in Mathew Chapter 6 12:11 Verse 33 to seek something else, 12:13 seek those things that are true fulfillment. 12:16 The next word that I like to read to you 12:19 or I like to go for is first. First means 12:22 the highest priority, it means the preeminent 12:24 focal point in our lives. He says to make this 12:27 number one and every thing else secondary. 12:31 The next word is the kingdom of God, 12:34 seek first the kingdom of God. You know 12:38 I believe that very soon that Jesus will come 12:41 in the clouds of glory. And there will be 12:43 no more pain, no more sorrow, no more crying 12:47 and he is going to establish an eternal 12:49 kindom, that is going to reverse the entire 12:52 scope of human history. I just like to bridge 12:56 an illustration for you of what eternity really is. 12:59 Imagine with me that there is a story told 13:02 of a teacher that was talking to some students. 13:04 And the student raised her hand and 13:06 said listen how, how long is eternity. 13:08 You talk about heaven a lot, but how long 13:10 is forever. And the teacher said imagine 13:12 with me that there is a sparrow that flies 13:16 all the way to Pacific Ocean and picks up an 13:18 amount of water in the sparrow's mouth flies 13:21 across the rocks, across the plains to the 13:23 east coast, and with that little beak drops off 13:26 that little bit of water in the Atlantic Ocean. 13:28 Then he flies all the way across the 13:30 North American continent back to the 13:32 Pacific Ocean picks up that little bit of water, 13:34 flies all they way back and he is going back and forth, 13:37 back and forth until the entire Pacific Ocean 13:41 is on the side of the Atlantic. 13:43 And the teacher pause for a moment 13:44 and said that is one second in eternity. 13:50 Friends Jesus has a lot for us in store 13:52 and he is saying to seek first this 13:54 eternal kingdom. This kingdom that will 13:56 last forever and ever. I sometimes use this 13:59 illustration of the trade off that God is offering 14:01 imagine with me that Bill Gates who had last 14:04 time I checked is the richest person 14:05 in the this world. 14:07 The former chairman of Microsoft 14:09 and the founder as well, he is going to some more 14:11 humanitarian efforts now. But, this person 14:14 is worth last time I checked I think 14:16 depending on where the stock market 14:18 goes approximately over $30 billion. 14:21 Now imagine with me that Bill Gates came to you said 14:23 listen I want to make your proposition. 14:26 If you give me that pen in our pocket 14:28 I will electronically transfer into your bank 14:31 account immediately $1 billion. 14:34 Now would you be like let me think that Bill, 14:36 let me call you, don't call me. 14:39 I don't know about this agreement it seems 14:41 a little bit, I don't know. But, I think most of us 14:43 if we are in or right minds would be like Bill. 14:46 I'm gonna take you up on that offer imagine, 14:48 you can even have everything in my bank 14:49 account if you electronically transfer 14:51 $1 billion into my account. And God makes a far more 14:57 better offer that he says listen I want to give 14:59 you eternity with me the kingdom of God 15:02 for 70, 80 and 90 years of life if you are lucky 15:05 of existence here on earth, and we think about 15:09 that and we think that is not a very good 15:10 proposition that the lord has made for us. 15:13 So, God is saying but seek first his kingdom. 15:16 The second word I like to focus of the second 15:19 couple of words and his righteousness. 15:22 Notice he did not say our righteousness, 15:24 it says his righteousness, and the beauty of the 15:27 Gospel friend is that he offers our righteousness 15:31 that is outside of us as Martin Luther said 15:32 an alien righteousness, a subjective in nature 15:36 and when we give our lives unreservedly 15:39 to Jesus Christ. He promises to cover us 15:43 with that robe. And the moment that we except 15:45 Jesus Christ as our personal savior, 15:48 we stand before God as though we have 15:51 never sinned. Let's go to your next passage here, 15:55 let's go back a little bit more. 15:57 He says and all these things will be added 16:00 on to you. What is that promise lets go to 16:01 Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 32. 16:04 There is that mean that God will provide everything 16:06 ''For after all these things to the Gentiles seek. 16:09 For the heavenly Father knows that 16:11 you have need of all these things''. 16:15 Notice that's a same word as found in 16:17 Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 33. 16:19 But, seek first the kingdom of God 16:21 and His righteousness, and all these things 16:24 will be added on to you. Essentially Jesus 16:28 is saying that the Gentiles seek after 16:30 all these things, but I'd like to pose you 16:32 these question there is that mean that if I seek 16:34 God make in the permanent, prominent force in my life 16:37 that he will give me a Mercedes Benz, 16:39 or make me millionaire that I'll all go out 16:42 with $1000 suits, will he really make me prosper 16:45 in that end. Now they say that verse out 16:47 of context is a pretext. And in order to determine 16:50 what Jesus is really saying in this verse 16:52 we must go to the previous passage. 16:54 Let's to Matthew Chapter 6 and Verse 31. 16:58 ''Therefore do not worry, saying, 17:01 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' 17:04 or 'What shall we wear?'' Essentially Jesus 17:08 says in this verse, that what we eat, 17:11 what we drink and what we wear are all 17:14 these things that if we place God at the center 17:17 of our lives he promises to take care of our 17:20 necessary needs. Now many of us when we 17:23 come to the Lord we say, oh I don't know 17:24 about being a Christian I'm not sure 17:26 if I can follow Jesus because I may starve, 17:29 I am ay be evicted, I may be put on the street, 17:31 I don't if I will be able to take care of myself 17:33 that is not to say that we should not work. 17:34 But, Jesus promises listen place your life in 17:38 my hands, make the kingdom of God. 17:40 And his righteousness, eternal righteousness 17:42 he offers to us and he promises to take are 17:45 of our daily essential needs. In Psalms 17:50 Chapter 37 Verse 25. This is a promise that 17:54 Jesus made through the inspiration of David. 17:56 Psalms 37:25 he says these words, 18:01 ''I have been young, and now I am old; 18:04 Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, 18:07 Nor his descendants begging bread. 18:10 Essentially this is what David is saying 18:13 in Psalms 37:25. He is saying listen, 18:16 I have been old, I have been young, 18:18 but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, 18:21 Nor begging bread. I've not seen them out 18:24 on the streets somewhere as a 18:25 pauper going hungry from day to day. 18:27 He is saying I have seen God prepare 18:30 and take care of their essential needs. 18:33 Now I'd like to tell your personal testimony 18:35 of mine that illustrates this principle of 18:38 Mathew Chapter 6 Verse 33. That if we seek 18:41 first his kingdom and his righteousness that 18:44 all these things will be added onto you. 18:46 Not too long ago, I have the privilege of going 18:48 to South Central Los Angeles and 18:50 work in the streets, doing some evangelistic 18:53 series going door to door. And it was a 18:55 fantabulous, great, not fantabulous, 18:58 a great event that took place in that 19:01 I was going door to door meeting people 19:03 and inviting them to this series and we saw 19:04 miracles happen from day to day. 19:07 And I was there on the voluntary basis, 19:09 had no money given to me. I was withdrawing 19:13 from my bank account and in inadvertently 19:15 there is a lot mathematic circles something like. 19:18 This is very elementary that if you keep 19:20 subtracting from an X amount, and don't add 19:23 the amount decreases, many times exponentially. 19:26 And that was happing to my savings account, 19:29 as I swiping my ATM card from day to day 19:31 for needs it was going down to almost nothing 19:34 and I came to the point where I said Lord. 19:36 I'm claming Mathew Chapter 6 Verse 33 19:39 ''To seek first your kingdom and I just need 19:42 something to provide for me these next few days. 19:44 And I said Lord how about an extra $100 19:48 to get me through. And there is something 19:51 about prayer that I like to say before 19:54 I go on that sometimes Lord says yes, 19:56 other times he says no and sometimes he says wait. 19:59 And so I was willing to leave with whatever 20:01 the Lord said. And I, later that day after 20:04 I said that prayer, I went to my sleeping bag 20:06 to my corridors and sitting there on the 20:09 sleeping bag was a cheque. And there was 20:13 a note that was with it and it said David 20:15 I want to help you in the past but I'm was enable 20:18 to do so was pastor on California, 20:20 and I hope this helps you little bit and I flipped 20:23 the check over and you will never believe 20:24 the amount of that cheque it was for exactly $100. 20:30 And I said wow Praise Lord this is a great promise. 20:33 Seek first the kingdom of God. 20:34 Put him as preeminent force in my life 20:36 and he will provide for my daily needs. 20:37 And later on to that summer I want to claim 20:40 that promise again because I said this thing 20:42 is working and so I went out continued 20:46 in the evangelistic series and I had to borrow 20:49 a ladies car from day to day to pick up contacts. 20:52 I didn't have a vehicle and she was a saint 20:54 that willing to lend me her keys on a 20:56 day-to-day basis. It was a White Honda Civic 20:59 and one day as I was getting on to highway 21:01 105 is a 5 speed, I put into fifth gear, 21:04 and I said Lord I'm in ministry but I wanna ask 21:07 you if its not too much how about White Honda Civic. 21:12 And I just like to say that the Lord doesn't always 21:14 provide for our needs, but I said maybe, 21:16 maybe the Lord who provide for me in this way 21:18 and I hoped with anticipation as the 21:21 evangelistic series when on that this lady 21:23 who just say hey you have driven this car 21:25 almost every day, why don't you just keep 21:26 the keys, and inadvertently it didn't happen, I was 21:30 like hey the Lord said no this time but may be 21:33 he will provide for my need another way. 21:36 Anyway I had a wonderful series, flew back home 21:39 and as my parents were picking me up at the 21:42 airport they pulled me into the driveway 21:44 and sitting there in the driveway was a 21:47 White Honda Civic. It was an 87 by the way Lord 21:51 has sense the humor but I'm not saying today 21:54 that the Lord will grant you everything, 21:56 I'm not preaching a prosperity Gospel 21:58 here today that if you serve the Lord Jesus Christ 22:01 you can be going around in Bentley or Rolls Royce 22:03 and having all the things material possessions 22:05 that you have to do. But, I'm telling you with 22:08 assuredly that this promise is real that 22:11 if you dedicate your life, unreservedly to our 22:14 Lord Jesus Christ he will take care of our daily 22:18 necessary needs. I'd like to read to you a 22:22 statement from Matthew 6:28 through 30 and 22:26 that same disquisition of the sermon on the mount. 22:28 This is promise Matthew 6:28 through 30 he says, 22:33 ''So why do you worry about clothing? 22:35 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: 22:39 they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you 22:43 that even Solomon in all his glory was 22:46 not arrayed like one of these''. 22:48 Now if God so clothe to filed to the grass, 22:51 which today is, and tomorrow is thrown 22:54 into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, 22:57 O you of little faith? Jesus tells us with surety 23:03 that if we seek first his kingdom and his 23:06 righteousness that he will provide for necessary 23:09 needs. He says look at the sparrows how they grow, 23:12 look at the field of the grass how I clothe them, 23:14 look at al these entities. How much more valuable 23:17 are you to me than they. And Jesus tell us 23:21 to place our faith in him. To seek first, 23:24 the kingdom of God and his righteousness, 23:27 believing that all these things will be added 23:30 on to you. Lets go back to our first illustration 23:33 that we started with of sitting in that 23:37 funeral home you are watching your own funeral. 23:39 And we know this is make believe is not true, 23:41 you cant do that, but let say that you are there 23:45 and those people are about to get up 23:46 and give you those clothing remarks. 23:49 Those clothing statements about your life. 23:51 And I don't know about you but the thing 23:54 that I'm want them to live with me is that 23:55 I have a led them to Jesus because there is 23:58 only two things that you can take to heaven. 24:00 Number one it's your character and 24:03 number two is the things that you take with them. 24:07 In closing I like to leave you with this simple 24:11 illustration about priorities and souls 24:15 and the most important things in our lives. 24:17 There was this dream given of an individual, 24:20 he was sleeping and he dream this dream 24:22 and it was a kind of an interesting sequence 24:25 the voice was telling him to some directions 24:28 and so the voice would tell him go down 24:30 to street make a left hand turn, make a right 24:32 go down the street and so, in the dream 24:34 he was following this voice and let him to path 24:36 in a woods and suddenly the voice said 24:39 I want you to stop right now. And so he thought 24:42 this was very interesting and the voice says 24:45 I want you to reach down and pick up with your hands 24:48 these rocks and put him in your pockets. 24:50 And so he said okay, I'm not sure exactly 24:53 what this means but I'm gonna pick up the rocks 24:55 and put him in my pocket. And then he says 24:58 in the morning or when you get back home 25:00 and you look at these rocks you will be happy 25:03 and you will be sad. He said what a statement 25:06 how can you be happy and sad at the same time. 25:09 And so he went back out to his home 25:11 in the dream and turned on the lights 25:13 and he was curious as to the true nature 25:16 of what was suppose to be in this hands 25:19 and he pull them out and in the lights 25:21 sparkled gems, rubies, diamonds 25:25 and precious stones. And they were just myriad 25:30 of precious materials in his hand and suddenly 25:33 he understood the voice. Because he was happy 25:36 that he had the gems, but, he was sad because 25:39 he did not take more. In the same way 25:42 I believe that when we get to have will be happy 25:44 that were there. But, perhaps will be a little 25:46 sad a because we have not made souls our priory. 25:49 We have not made perhaps you could say 25:52 listen I wish I could have told my family, 25:53 my friends a little bit more about Jesus Christ. 25:57 I'd like to close with the statement from the book 26:00 The Desire of Ages, and is one of my favorite 26:03 statements found in this book on the life of Christ. 26:07 And she says these about worry, I don't know 26:11 about you but I'm an individual that tends 26:12 to worry quite regularly. And she says this that, 26:16 ''Worry is blind, and cannot discern the future; 26:22 but Jesus sees the end from the beginning. 26:25 In every difficulty He has His way prepared 26:28 to bring relief. Our heavenly Father 26:31 has a thousand ways to provide for us, 26:34 of which we know nothing. 26:36 Those who accept the one principle of making 26:40 the service and honor of God supreme will 26:42 find perplexities vanish, and a plain path 26:46 before their feet''. She is essentially saying 26:49 that worry is blind and cannot discern the future. 26:51 Now all of us worry on a day to day basis about 26:54 different things. We worry about our occupation, 26:56 we worry about our jobs, we worry about 26:58 our material positions. But, she says that 27:00 worry is blind and cannot discern the future. 27:04 But, Jesus sees the end from the beginning. 27:07 In every difficulty, he has his way prepared 27:10 to bring relief, and I like the last part of the 27:12 statement that those who make the principle 27:14 and service and honor of God supreme will find 27:19 perplexities vanish, and a plain path before 27:23 their feet. It's my prayer for you today 27:26 that you will by God's grace seek first the 27:31 kingdom of God and his righteousness. 27:33 That you will make in the preeminent, 27:35 the antecedent priority in our life believing 27:37 that you when you do this things he will provide 27:40 for your daily necessary needs. 27:43 May you by God's grace place center, 27:46 place Christ at the center preeminent 27:49 focal point of your life today. 27:51 May God keep you and bless to that end. |
Revised 2014-12-17