Faith Chapel

Faith And Feeling

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Shin


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000333

00:31 I like to welcome you today to Faith Chapel.
00:34 My name is David Shin.
00:35 And we'll be spending the next few moments together
00:38 in a study of God's word, but before we do
00:41 so like to invite you to bow your heads with me
00:44 as we seek the Lord in prayer.
00:47 Father in heaven, we thank you for the privilege
00:50 and opportunity that we have to study your
00:52 Holy Scriptures, which are able to make us
00:54 wise unto salvation and we ask that our Holy Spirit
00:58 that inspires would also be the Spirit that instructs.
01:02 In Jesus name, Amen.
01:05 The topic of our discussion today is entitled
01:08 Faith and Feeling, what do I do when I don't feel
01:11 like being a Christian, what would I do
01:13 when I don't feel my faith and by way of introduction
01:17 I like to go our first passage here today.
01:19 Romans chapter 7 verse 15 through to 17,
01:24 the Apostle Paul frames very nicely for us to topic
01:27 our discussion today. For what I am doing
01:30 I do not understand, for what I will to do,
01:33 that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
01:37 If, then, I do what I will not to do,
01:40 I agree with the law that it is good.
01:42 But now, it's no longer I who do it,
01:45 but sin who dwells in me.
01:48 The Apostle Paul talks about a very real conflict
01:52 between these two powers within themselves between
01:55 the spiritual nature and the carnal nature
01:58 Between his flesh and between his Spirit and I think
02:01 all of us here today can identify
02:03 with the Apostle Paul in a real way, because all of us
02:07 have a part of us that pulls towards a spiritual side
02:09 and another part of us that pulls away
02:12 to the carnal side. It's interesting what's being
02:16 published in the bookstores nowadays and I came across
02:19 this book that had a kind of a cute title it says,
02:22 Stop Me, Because I Can't Stop Myself,
02:25 and I like to read to you a quotation
02:27 that this author describes and I think all of us
02:29 can identify with this quotation to some degree
02:32 or another. And he says, I feel guilty
02:35 about what I'm doing but I can't stop.
02:37 When I get these urges nothing seems to relieve them
02:41 except gambling. If I don't get to go to the casinos
02:44 when I have these urges, maybe my wife
02:47 asked me to do something
02:48 or a family emergency comes up.
02:50 I feel incredibly anxious and get very irritable.
02:55 The way I treat my wife and my family
02:57 is sometimes horrible, I leave them alone for hours,
03:01 I lie to them, I cancel family plans
03:04 and it's all due to gambling.
03:06 The amount of energy, time and money
03:09 I spend gambling has me shaking my head in disgust
03:12 I look back and wonder how
03:14 I could have ever lived this way.
03:17 This disease controls me, not the other way around.
03:21 I know I'm ruining my career,
03:23 but I just can't stop my behavior.
03:27 Now, I maybe not gambling for some of us
03:30 and maybe some other addictions, some other vice,
03:32 some other sin, but I think all of us at certain point
03:35 in our experience have something
03:37 that we struggle with, something that we try
03:39 to overcome but it seems like this thing
03:42 keeps on overpowering us.
03:44 Now modern psychology has come up with some
03:46 very interesting mechanisms for dealing
03:49 with this thing that we call the flesh,
03:51 this experience of Romans chapter 7
03:53 and one of them is repression or suppression.
03:56 And that is simply the conscious and the unconscious
04:00 slouching of human emotions.
04:02 So, if someone makes you angry, you simply hold it in
04:04 and you don't expressed that emotion.
04:07 Another psychological response that is different
04:11 than repression and suppression is expression.
04:14 So, lets say that your wife or your husband
04:16 makes you mad you shouldn't go over to them
04:18 and vent in a angry way, you should perhaps
04:22 go out to a solitary place and scream
04:25 or vent in a healthy innocuous way.
04:28 Now, I would like say today that these mechanism
04:31 suppression, repression and expression are simply
04:35 unbiblical and unsupported by scripture.
04:38 Now that I just with a few statements deconstructed
04:42 the modern psychological mechanisms for dealing
04:45 with the flesh, what is to be the proper way
04:48 that we deal with negative motion.
04:50 How do we deal with our carnal sinful nature
04:53 when I don't feel like being a Christian,
04:55 when I don't feel like being kind, what is to be the
04:59 Biblical response. And today I like to take a little
05:03 bit about Bible study, a journey through scripture,
05:05 looking at three different passages that outline for us,
05:08 how the Bible depicts to deal with this
05:11 Romans chapter 7 experience.
05:13 And I like to start off by going to the book of
05:16 Romans and then to the book of John and ending
05:20 with the book of Philippians.
05:21 So, lets go to our first passage here today,
05:24 Romans chapter 7 verse 23 through 24,
05:28 I'll be reading from the New King James Version.
05:31 But I see another law in my members, warring against
05:35 the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity
05:38 to the law of sin which is in my members.
05:41 And he says this, O wretched man that I am!
05:45 Who will deliver me from this body of death?
05:49 Notice that Paul says these words,
05:52 he says O wretched man that I am!
05:54 There is only one other place in the Bible
05:56 where that word wretched is mentioned
05:58 in the New Testament and it's the book of Revelation.
06:01 In Revelation chapter 3 where it says,
06:03 O wretched man that I am! He says and I was miserable,
06:07 blind and naked talking about
06:09 the Laodicean experience. And Paul comes to this point
06:13 in his human experienced talking about this struggle
06:15 between the flesh and the spirit between the feeling
06:18 and his conscious. And he says who will deliver me
06:22 from this body of dead. He concludes this chapter
06:25 with these words found in Romans chapter 7 verse 25,
06:29 Romans chapter 7 verse 25, and I thank God through
06:34 Jesus Christ our Lord! So that with the mind
06:37 I myself serve the law of God
06:39 but with the flesh the law of sin.
06:43 He talks about this experience in Romans chapter 7:25
06:46 he says with the mind, with the conscious I serve God,
06:50 but with the flesh, my carnal nature,
06:52 I serve another entity. And I think that all of us
06:56 have experienced this before.
06:58 Have you ever had something in your life that you wish
07:00 you could have stopped, you know with your conscious,
07:02 with your spiritual nature that is something that you
07:05 shouldn't you do, but your flesh keeps pulling
07:07 in that same direction. And Romans chapter 8,
07:10 Paul gives the solution to this problem
07:13 of negative emotion. Let's go there to the next part
07:17 of this passage, Romans chapter 8 verse 1,
07:19 there is now therefore no condemnation to those
07:23 that are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
07:26 after the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
07:30 Notice that Paul uses a very interesting word
07:33 in Romans chapter 8 verse 1, he says
07:35 there is now therefore, now therefore
07:38 is a concluding statement. In other words you have a
07:42 passage that's going on and whenever you're reading
07:44 the Bible make a note when you see the word therefore
07:46 So, you have promise, promise, promise, therefore.
07:49 So, Romans chapter 7 and Romans chapter 8
07:53 are inextricably bound together, you cannot separate
07:56 the two. Romans chapter 8 verse 1 is a conclusion
07:59 of the rest of that passage. Now, notice what he said
08:04 as in the passage that we have just read.
08:06 He says there is now therefore no condemnation
08:09 to those that are in Christ Jesus.
08:11 And I want to tell you today friends that there is no
08:14 amount of psychological mechanisms
08:16 that you can exert. No matter how much human
08:19 will power you're able to master, there is no way
08:22 that you can conquer the sinful nature
08:24 and negative emotion on your own.
08:26 The only way that you can conquer this thing
08:28 is through the power of Jesus Christ. Amen.
08:31 By being in Christ you are enabled to conquer
08:35 the sinful nature. And the next part of the verse
08:38 he says that who do not walk after the flesh
08:41 but after the spirit, this is called sanctification.
08:45 The first step is to give your will to Jesus Christ
08:47 and the second step is to walk in the spirit
08:50 and not in the flesh. I like to read to you
08:54 this quotation from the one of my favorites authors
08:57 in the book Steps To Christ and she says these words
09:00 It is impossible for ourselves, to escape
09:02 from the pin of sin into which we had sunken, impossible
09:07 Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them.
09:10 Education, culture, the exercise of the will,
09:14 human effort, all have their proper sphere,
09:17 but here they are powerless.
09:19 They may produce an outward conformity
09:22 an outward correctness of behavior
09:24 but they cannot change the heart;
09:26 they cannot purify the springs of life.
09:29 There must be a power working from within,
09:31 a new life from above, before men can be changed
09:35 from sin to holiness. That power is Christ.
09:39 His grace alone can quicken the lifeless faculties
09:42 of the soul, and attract it to God, in holiness.
09:45 And the Savior says, "Except a man be born again
09:49 he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."
09:52 That's good new friends because the moment
09:55 that we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior,
09:58 the moment that we surrender our lives unreservedly
10:01 to Jesus Christ. We stand before God
10:03 as though we have never sinned.
10:05 The moment the we accept Jesus Christ,
10:07 Jesus puts on us the robe of righteousness.
10:12 Let's read the next passage, Romans chapter 8 verse 2
10:15 Paul keeps going on in this passage,
10:18 Romans chapter 8 verse 2. He says,
10:20 for the law of the Spirit of life of Christ
10:23 had made me free from the law of sin and death.
10:27 This is the beauty of the gospel friends.
10:29 Because the moment that you give your life
10:31 and your will to Jesus, before your will
10:33 was enslaved to the law of sin.
10:36 It was enslaved to the flesh, you could not control
10:38 your habits or your behavior, but the moment that you
10:41 accept Jesus, he frees your will from bondage to sin.
10:45 From bondage to the flesh, so that you are able
10:48 to choose between the flesh and the spirit.
10:51 Lets move on to our next passage.
10:53 And this is a promise for all of us,
10:55 Romans chapter 8 verse 3, the next verse.
10:57 And the Apostle Paul goes on, for what the law
11:00 could not do in that it was weak through the flesh,
11:03 God did by sending His own Son in the likeness
11:07 of sinful flesh, on account of sin:
11:09 He condemned sin in the flesh.
11:12 Friends, Jesus is able to give you victory.
11:16 It doesn't matter with what you maybe struggling
11:18 in your life, whatever addiction, whatever vice
11:20 you maybe struggling, Jesus has given you the victory
11:23 at the cross and you can calm that by faith.
11:27 So, lets summarize and synopsis,
11:29 the first step in giving and conquering
11:32 this negative emotion, this carnal nature
11:34 is not by catharsis, it's not by repression,
11:37 it's not by expression, it's only by giving your life
11:41 unreservedly to Jesus Christ.
11:43 Lets go to our second point, our second passage,
11:47 lets go to the book of John. John chapter 1,
11:50 John chapter 5 verse 1 and 2, I'll be reading
11:54 from the New King James version.
11:56 And After this there was a feast of the Jews,
11:59 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
12:03 Now there was in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool,
12:06 which is in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches.
12:11 Jesus has just come down from the north
12:14 down to the south and by way just as a little caveat,
12:18 I mean the book of John is a little bit different
12:20 than the other synoptic gospels,
12:22 in that Matthew, Mark and Luke cover mainly his
12:25 Galilean ministry. But the Apostle John covers mainly
12:28 his Judean ministry. And Jesus has just made the trip
12:31 from the north, down to the south to Jerusalem.
12:34 To attend two of four pass-overs that is going
12:38 to be covering during his three-and-half year ministry.
12:40 And he's gone into Jerusalem to a place where
12:43 there is sea of pilgrims that are there.
12:45 And there is a pool called Bethesda,
12:48 that has five porticoes, there is a four and a fifth
12:50 bisecting it, and by this pool they were a multitude
12:54 of individuals as we'll see in this next passage.
12:57 Just read verse 3, John chapter 5 and verse 3,
13:00 Jesus comes in and he says, in these,
13:02 in the Pool of Bethesda, lay a great multitude
13:05 of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed,
13:08 waiting for the moving of the water.
13:10 For an angel went down at a certain time to the pool
13:14 and stirred up the water; that whenever they stepped
13:19 in the pool first, after the stirring of the water,
13:21 was made well of whatever disease that he had.
13:25 The very interesting think about this passage is that
13:28 there was a legend that had develop during the time
13:30 of Jesus, that there was a certain time since
13:33 seasons that's actually historically verified
13:35 that the angel or the waters would start to stir
13:38 and they believed that a angel would come down
13:42 at certain times of the year and stir the water
13:44 and the first person into the pool would be healed
13:47 of whatever disease that he had.
13:49 Now scholars believe that this was a different
13:51 type of healing then Jesus had done
13:53 and evidently there had been some references
13:55 or some belief in this and you can just imagine
13:58 by this pool, that a sea, a multitude of sick,
14:02 of lame, of blind, of infirmed would be waiting
14:06 with anticipation with bated breath for one step
14:09 water started move. It was as if a pandemonium
14:12 broke out. There was a stampede and these individuals
14:15 rush upon that water and the stronger
14:17 would overtake the weaker.
14:20 Now lets go on in this next passage,
14:22 John chapter 5 in verse 5, and there was a certain man
14:26 was there who had an infirmity thirty eight years.
14:30 You can imagine that this man by the pool
14:34 of Bethesda, that was the worst case scenario
14:36 for almost 40 years, he was vegetating by this pool,
14:41 hoping with anticipation that he would be made well
14:45 of the disease that he had. And Jesus walks up to
14:49 in the next verse, in verse 6 John chapter 5
14:52 in verse 6 When Jesus saw him lying there,
14:55 and knew that he had been there already in that
14:58 condition a long time, He said unto him,
15:01 "Do you want to be made well?"
15:03 The Bible says the Jesus in John chapter 5 verse 6
15:07 said, he knew that he was in that condition.
15:10 Friend, does Jesus know your condition?
15:11 Does Jesus know your spiritual state?
15:14 And he comes to him and asked this very fundamental
15:16 question, do you want to be made well,
15:18 do you want healing in your life?
15:21 Jesus will not force his way upon you.
15:24 Jesus ask you this very question,
15:27 do you want healing, do you want spiritually renewal
15:29 and many people make that decision,
15:31 they say yes or they say no.
15:33 Let's read the next verse, Jesus said something
15:36 very interesting to him or the man responded,
15:38 in John chapter 5 verse 7. He says these words,
15:41 a sick man answered Him, saying
15:43 "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool
15:45 when the water is stirred up; but while I'm coming
15:48 another steps down before me
15:51 " He says there is no way that I can get to the pool,
15:54 Jesus I need someone to help me perhaps,
15:57 he is wondering if Jesus would be enabled to bring
16:00 him to that pool by the pool of Bethesda,
16:02 and Jesus in the next verse makes these three
16:05 fold commands and it's very interesting
16:07 in 5 verse 8 what Jesus says to him,
16:10 and Jesus said to him,
16:12 "Rise, take up your bed and walk."
16:15 This is a very interesting question,
16:17 because imagine, put yourself in the place
16:20 of that paraplegic by the pool of Bethesda,
16:22 you are in a nursing home and stranger walks
16:26 up to him and first he asks you, do you want
16:28 to be made whole and then he says,
16:30 rise, take up your bed and walk.
16:33 Now what would your natural reaction,
16:36 I wanna tell you my reaction.
16:38 If I was by a quadriplegic, vegetating away
16:41 and a stranger came up to me said rise,
16:43 take up your bed and walk, I'd be like yeah right,
16:46 what are you talking about, I don't really believe you.
16:48 But, the man responds in a fascinating manner
16:51 to this stranger's request in verse 9.
16:54 John chapter 5 verse 9, the man responds,
16:58 and immediately the man was made well,
17:00 he took up his bed, and walked.
17:03 And the same day was the Sabbath.
17:06 It's very interesting what happened,
17:09 notice what did not happen.
17:10 Jesus did not come to him with a transcended
17:13 glorious majesty and there was no emotion
17:15 that pulsed through this man's vein, a simple request
17:18 was asked and what happened, I believe friends
17:21 is when that request was made by Jesus to that man
17:25 by the pool of Bethesda,
17:26 rise, take up your bed and walk.
17:28 He made the effort to stand.
17:31 Even though those synopsis, those neural pathways
17:34 hadn't been used for 40 years almost, he made
17:37 the effort to act by faith and not by feeling.
17:41 Which brings us to our second principle
17:43 that regardless of feeling, regardless of human emotion.
17:47 God is asking us here to act by faith
17:50 and not by feeling, to base our reality upon the
17:54 promises of the word of God.
17:56 You know we live in an age and I'm a Gen-Xer,
17:59 we live in an age where my generation and the boomers
18:02 I believe and also the millennialists
18:04 or the Millennials have this thing about feeling
18:07 we believe that feelings are a true sign of authenticity
18:10 and we many times say I'm not gonna go to church
18:13 unless I feel like going to church
18:16 I'm not gonna be a Christian
18:17 unless I feel like being a Christian.
18:19 And we believe that feelings are a true sign
18:22 of authenticity, I read a book not too long ago by
18:26 by Malcolm Gladwell called Blink,
18:28 and in it he documents an interesting study
18:30 that took place by a group of scientists,
18:32 they wanted to compare the physiological responses
18:35 of human emotion with expression and they brought
18:38 this individuals into a room.
18:39 It's kind of an interesting study.
18:41 That we're experiencing extremes of human emotion
18:44 whether they were angry, sad, bitter, venting
18:47 or whatever emotion it maybe, they said
18:50 you're experiencing extremes of human emotion
18:53 and what we want you to do is experience that emotion
18:56 and we wanna take your vitals, your psychosocial
18:58 responses, they took those down on a chart
19:00 and they brought other individuals into the room,
19:03 that were not experiencing those same emotion
19:05 that were natural and they said we know
19:07 that you're not experiencing that emotion
19:09 but what we want you to do is act like you're angry
19:13 or sad or happy. And so you could imagine these guys
19:16 are in this room, they are not even feeling angry
19:18 but they're giving the facial expression of anger.
19:21 They're giving the facial expression of happiness.
19:23 And they did this for a period of time
19:25 10 to 15 minutes or so. And it's interesting
19:28 what they found that those individuals that
19:31 were experiencing human emotion and got the
19:35 psychosocial response and those that were not
19:37 but were acting the part had the same
19:39 psychosocial emotion. Virtually the same
19:42 and Malcolm Gladwell concludes by saying
19:46 this that human emotion and expression
19:48 are equal partners. Many times we believe that our
19:52 human emotion is dominance over our expressions.
19:56 But he says that our expressions play on our human
19:59 emotions and vice versa, so you can actually
20:02 manipulate your emotion by acting a certain way.
20:06 Now, I'm not saying today that we should go out
20:07 and do psycho manipulation, but I'm saying that your
20:10 feelings can go up and down by the way you act.
20:13 You can actually determine your emotion by your action.
20:18 I like to read to you a statement that's
20:20 very interesting, that goes something like this,
20:23 that faith and feeling are as distinct as the east
20:27 is from the west. A very cognitive statement,
20:30 it says faith and feeling are as distinct as the east
20:34 is from the west. Faith is not depended on feeling.
20:38 We must earnestly cry to God feeling or no feeling.
20:43 Let's do a quick review here today a synopsis
20:45 number one, in dealing with negative emotion,
20:47 in dealing with the flesh, the first step is to surrender
20:51 your will unreservedly to Jesus Christ. And secondly,
20:55 to act by faith not by feeling but like the man by the
21:00 pool of Bethesda. Lets go to our last passage here
21:03 today, Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 the last key
21:07 in dealing with this carnal nature.
21:10 Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 the Apostle Paul
21:13 is speaking he says, finally, brethren,
21:15 whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things
21:18 are noble, whatsoever things are just,
21:20 whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
21:22 are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report,
21:25 if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,
21:29 think or meditate on these things.
21:33 The Apostle Paul is back getting us to control
21:36 our thought pattern, to think about the things
21:39 we're thinking about and to think about those things
21:41 that are pure, right and good. I have a fascination
21:44 with neurology and I'm the first person to admit
21:47 that I'm a pure layman when it comes to science.
21:49 But, did you know according to Dr. John R. Platt,
21:53 who's an eminent neurologist, biophysicist
21:55 and social psychologist announced that we have
21:58 over a 100 billion brain cells in our mind.
22:02 There are 1000 interconnections or
22:04 synaptic junctions per cell or 100 trillion
22:09 interconnections. In just one DNA cell,
22:12 listen to this he says, it has the capacity of 30 times
22:16 the letters in an Encyclopedia Britannica.
22:20 And if you were take all the trillions of cells
22:23 of in your body stretched end to end these DNA
22:25 stands and unstretch them they were to stretch
22:28 across the enter Solar system. We are truly,
22:33 fearfully and wonderfully made. And it's very
22:35 interesting the way that our minds work and these
22:37 neurons correspond to thoughts Dr. Chambers
22:41 who has his Ph.D from the University of Tennessee
22:43 says it takes about 30 millivolts of electricity
22:47 for a neuron to fire and the more that we do an
22:49 event says that that neural pathway becomes
22:52 stronger and stronger. And he uses this interesting
22:55 illustration to depict how our thoughts in fact
23:00 impact our human emotions and our actions,
23:02 he says something like this imagine that you've just
23:05 eaten a three course meal. You have stuffed
23:07 yourself, you can't eat another bite and out comes
23:10 dessert whether it's German chocolate cake
23:13 for instance and you know that there is a part
23:15 of you, once it comes out apart you're saying eat it,
23:17 you know you want it, you should eat it and another
23:20 side says you shouldn't eat it, you know you're on a diet.
23:23 And so you have this struggle and just with a
23:25 thought that cake looks good I should eat it.
23:28 Dr. Chambers says you have just caused that
23:30 neuron to fire 30 millivolts of electricity
23:34 and you are stuffing your face.
23:36 Now lets reverse this scenario, lets say that a
23:38 German chocolate cake comes out,
23:40 you have overeaten, you shouldn't eat another
23:42 bite and suddenly you think to yourself,
23:45 Philippians chapter 4 verse 13 perhaps,
23:47 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens
23:50 me. He says that is created from that neuron
23:53 is a chemical call GABA and GABA virtually keeps
23:57 that neuron from firing and he says by 40 to 30.
24:01 40 millivolts is transmitted to 30,
24:04 by 10 millivolts you have just kept yourself
24:06 from eating that German chocolate cake.
24:09 Now this is not a message on dessert at all.
24:11 I'm just using as innocuous illustration that you can
24:14 by filling your mind with scripture overcome
24:17 these temptations and these human emotions
24:21 whatever they maybe that surround us on a day
24:24 to day basis. I like to read to you this statement
24:27 from a favorite, another favorite book of mine
24:29 called Messages To Young People and she says,
24:32 many thoughts make up the unwritten history
24:35 of a single day; and these thoughts have much
24:38 to do with the formation of our character.
24:41 Our thoughts are to be strictly guarded;
24:44 for one impure thought makes an impression
24:46 on the soul. An evil thought leaves impress on the mind.
24:50 If the thoughts are pure, the man is better
24:53 and holy for having cherished them.
24:57 Is she is telling us virtually that the way we think
24:59 impacts the way we feel and way we act.
25:01 And just in the simple illustration of how our neurons
25:05 work. The Apostle Peter in Philippians chapter 4
25:08 in verse 8 is backening us, is encouraging us
25:12 to think on these things. So, on review how do we
25:17 deal with negative motion, what is the relationship
25:20 between faith and feeling. Number one,
25:22 give your life unreservedly to Jesus Christ.
25:25 And number two, act by faith and not by feeling
25:29 and finally the Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 4
25:32 verse 8 is backening us to walk and to think
25:36 on these things. Not too long ago I read a book
25:42 by Corrie Ten Boom called the Hiding Place,
25:45 I don't know you have had the privilege or
25:47 opportunity of reading this book, but I want
25:48 to encourage you to read it. She had lost her entire
25:52 family during the holocaust. Evidently she was hiding
25:55 Jews that's way the topic of the book is called
25:57 The Hiding Place. Because she had a special
25:59 hiding place in her closet, where she stored
26:01 Jews and a myriad of people were saved as a
26:04 result. They were caught by the Nazis and shipped
26:07 off to different concentration camps.
26:09 In inadvertently her sister and her were
26:11 the only ones that were together in this particular
26:13 concentration camp of Ravensbruck.
26:16 And in this series of events the conditions were
26:20 terrible, there was hardly any food and
26:22 hardly any water and Betsy lost her life in
26:25 Ravensbruck. Corrie Ten Boom had a re-conversion
26:28 experience as a result. And she is going throughout
26:31 the country after the war, talking about the
26:34 forgiveness of God. Talking about the love of Jesus
26:36 and mostly talking about forgiveness.
26:40 After a particular sermon she had preached in
26:43 western Europe, a tall, a good looking gentleman
26:46 strode his way toward her, immediately from
26:49 the distance she recognized him, but he cannot
26:52 recognize her. He was a former SS soldier that
26:56 had been brutal in Ravensbruck,
26:58 especially to her sister Betsy. And it was during
27:01 this time that she was feeling this negative emotion,
27:04 she was cringing, she was not wanting to shake
27:07 the soldier's hand and it was in this moment
27:10 that he stretched out her hand and she said
27:13 by faith not by feeling, she stretched out her
27:16 hand and shook the hand of this former SS soldier.
27:21 She says it was in this event that the feeling
27:24 followed her human emotion. She acted by faith
27:29 not by feeling based on the promises of God
27:32 and it was later that the human emotion came to her.
27:36 It's my prayer for you today that you will learn
27:39 to walk by faith and not by feeling and it's also
27:42 my prayer for you that you will surrender
27:45 your life unreservedly to our Lord and savior
27:49 Jesus Christ. May God bless you and
27:52 may God keep you to that end this day.


Revised 2014-12-17