Faith Chapel

Proposition 13:10

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Marquis Johns


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000308

00:30 Hello, my name is Marquis Johns and
00:32 our subject today is Proposition 13:10.
00:36 But before we get into our subject
00:38 let us just bow our heads
00:40 and have a word of prayer.
00:43 Father in heaven, Lord we thank you and
00:45 we thank you, and we thank you again.
00:46 Lord we could stand here and say
00:48 we thank you until next year and still
00:52 would be unable to put into words
00:55 the thanks that we feel for giving
00:57 us your dear son Jesus Christ and
00:59 the Cross of Calvary that we may
01:01 some day enjoy the company of angels
01:04 as well as the company of yourself
01:06 and your son. Please Lord,
01:08 help no one including myself
01:10 under the sound of my voice
01:13 to be excluded from such a grand festivity.
01:17 I ask that you would bless us as we study your
01:19 word in Jesus Christ name. Amen, amen.
01:25 Today, we're gonna talk about a proposition.
01:28 Now, I grew up in Los Angeles, California
01:31 and propositions come along,
01:32 you know in November where there's
01:34 new election and they're laws and
01:36 when I got to the age where I could vote
01:38 I'd see these propositions
01:39 and I'd go in, and I just start checking
01:41 whatever I wanted to check. You know,
01:43 I'd see these laws or these bills that they
01:44 wanted to pass and just started checking
01:46 things yes no, yes no, yes no, yes no.
01:48 and unfortunately sometimes what happens
01:50 is you end up voting for something that
01:52 you don't actually stand for or voting
01:55 against something that you actually do
01:57 stand for, the key is reading exactly
02:00 what it says. And today we're gonna
02:02 talk about a proposition or an ideal
02:05 that all too often people don't really
02:08 understand what is being said or
02:10 what's behind a certain text.
02:12 A mathematician once said and this
02:15 is a very interesting statement,
02:16 every proposition that we could understand
02:19 must be composed Holy of constituents
02:21 with which we are acquainted.
02:23 Well, what are the components?
02:25 What are the constituents of
02:26 this proposition? The first proposition
02:28 or statement that I'd like us to go through
02:30 and whether you agree with it or not,
02:31 this is just what the Bible says.
02:33 I like to think of it this way, the Bible
02:35 says it, I believe it, that settles it.
02:38 As a matter of fact, the Bible says it that
02:41 settles it whether I believe it or not.
02:43 However turn with me in your Bibles to
02:45 James chapter 2, James chapter 2,
02:47 and we'll be begin reading verse 8,
02:48 we'll read verse 8 and skip over verse
02:50 9 for now and go to verse 10,
02:51 the Bible says this, "If ye fulfill the royal law
02:54 according to the scripture, thou shalt
02:57 love they neighbor as thyself, ye do well."
03:00 Verse 10 says, "for whosoever shall keep
03:03 the whole law and yet offend in one point,
03:05 is guilty of all." Now, I like to look at
03:09 a couple of statements in this verse.
03:11 The first thing that we saw as if ye
03:12 fulfill the royal law, now what does the
03:14 word royal imply? It implies that this
03:17 is the law of a King or of a Ruler.
03:22 The royal law here is the law of God,
03:25 but what is that law? Well, the text goes
03:27 on to explain itself. We need not ask
03:28 ourselves these questions when if you
03:30 ask the right question the text will give
03:33 the right answer. All too often we ask
03:35 questions that have nothing to do
03:36 with the text or we look for the
03:37 answers in another text. What we should
03:39 do before we jump around to other places
03:41 in the Bible is try and understand it first
03:43 from the text. If we can't understand it
03:46 from the text then we should go to
03:47 the chapter, if we can't understand it
03:50 from the chapter then stay within the
03:51 book first, lets look around the book and
03:53 see if the book has anything to say about
03:55 this text or it has language that is similar
03:57 to this language and then if we can't
03:59 understand it from the book then lets go
04:00 to a sister book or a book that was
04:02 written by the same author.
04:03 Let's go to the book written by the same
04:05 author first and as James is the only
04:08 book written by James then we have
04:10 to look for books that have similar
04:12 thoughts and similar ideas as the
04:14 book of James. In my study the
04:16 book of James has opened up and
04:17 showed me something beautiful,
04:18 something wonderful. The book of James
04:20 or the word James is a Greek word and
04:23 the Greek word is Yakobus.
04:25 Yakobus means Jacob, this is the book
04:28 of Jacob, now who was Jacob?
04:31 Jacob was the patriot of what we
04:34 know today as the 12 tribes of Israel,
04:36 so this book is a book that has some
04:39 thing to do quite possibly with the
04:41 12 tribes of Israel. And as a matter of
04:43 fact the Bible tells us in James chapter,
04:45 in James chapter 1, verse 1, that this is
04:49 written by the servant of Christ
04:53 to the 12 tribes scattered abroad.
04:57 This book does have something to do
04:59 with the 12 tribes. Now, I just like us to
05:01 keep that in mind because what we're gonna
05:03 read has everything to do with those
05:05 of us who expect to be a part of that
05:07 number as the old song goes and when
05:09 the saints go marching in, how I want
05:10 to be a part of that number. Well,
05:12 if we want to be a part of that number
05:14 I think we should pay special attention
05:16 to what we're gonna be studying today.
05:17 What proposition are we speaking of?
05:19 Well, we first found out that the royal
05:21 law is the law of the King and
05:23 what was that law? It was that you
05:25 love one another. You love your neighbor.
05:29 As a matter of fact the text said you love
05:30 your neighbor as you love yourself and
05:32 if you do that, you do well. And the next thing
05:34 that the text says when we went on to verse
05:36 10 it says "Whosoever shall keep this
05:38 whole law yet offend in one point
05:40 is guilty of them all." Now, what I notice
05:43 happened is that there are discrepancies
05:45 between certain denominations.
05:46 And what happens is this text is used,
05:49 it's singled out and used to tell other
05:52 people that they aren't keeping certain
05:54 aspects of the law that they think they
05:56 should be keeping. Now, believe you me
05:58 I believe in keeping every single one of
06:01 God's law, specifically his Ten Commandments,
06:03 because they are a transcript of his
06:05 character, they tell us exactly who He is,
06:07 as with their rules, as with the rules of
06:09 your parents, when you were in your
06:10 parents' house. If your mother said you
06:12 had to be in bed at a certain time that
06:13 meant she priced sleep, that told you
06:17 something about her character.
06:18 As does God's law tells us about his character.
06:21 Now, it said if you offend in one point,
06:23 now today I wanna explore what
06:25 is that one point and in order to
06:27 understand that one point we must take
06:29 James chapter 2, verses 8 and 10,
06:32 in the context of the chapter,
06:36 that's important. Contextually reading
06:39 this text as opposed to isolating the text
06:42 and then using it for our own benefit.
06:45 This isn't what we should do,
06:46 we shouldn't do this, now I'm not saying
06:48 that we can't prove text and this text
06:50 won't line up with another text.
06:51 However I'm saying that what we
06:53 should do also is read it in its context.
06:56 Now, in order for us to do that let's first
06:58 look at James chapter 2, and verse 1.
07:00 James chapter 2 and verse 1, the Bible
07:02 says this, "My brethren, have not the
07:05 faith of our Lord Jesus Christ,
07:07 the Lord of glory, with respect of persons."
07:14 You can have respect to persons.
07:16 You know as a matter of fact I'm
07:17 an abide student of the King James Version
07:20 but I love the way that NIV puts it.
07:22 Let's look at how it reads in the NIV,
07:23 James chapter 2 verse 1 from the NIV says
07:26 this, "My brothers, as believers in our
07:29 glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show
07:33 favoritism." Don't show favoritism.
07:35 So what, what James is saying to us here
07:37 is that we should not have favorites,
07:39 we should not be respecters of persons.
07:42 We should esteem others better than ourselves.
07:49 What is this have to do with the law? Well,
07:53 the Bible tells us in Leviticus chapter 19,
07:55 Leviticus chapter 19 verse 15 because
07:57 this isn't the first time that we saw
07:59 something like this, God is telling us
08:01 or via Moses in the book Leviticus,
08:03 the word Leviticus means legislation and
08:05 it is full of laws it says,
08:07 "Ye shall do no unrighteousness
08:09 in judgment; thou shall not respect the
08:12 person of the poor nor honor the person
08:15 of the mighty, but in righteousness shall
08:17 thou judge thy neighbor."
08:18 So, here God is telling us that we should
08:21 not have respect of persons whether
08:22 it's poor or whether it's rich,
08:24 a rich person. We should look at
08:25 every body equally as someone that
08:28 Jesus Christ died for, when you do
08:30 this it makes it very easy to witness
08:32 to people, because I believe that one
08:33 of the chief reasons why God called us
08:36 to be Christians is to tell other people
08:38 about Christianity and specifically about
08:41 Jesus Christ who is soon to return.
08:43 And so if that is the case if we are here
08:46 to witness the first thing that we must
08:48 do to witness effectively is to see
08:50 everyone as someone that Jesus
08:52 Christ died for. Not look at someone
08:54 and see Jew, not look at someone
08:56 and see Hindu, not look at someone
08:57 and see Black or White or Hispanic,
08:59 look at every person as someone
09:02 who Jesus Christ died for.
09:04 And if we look at that we can witness
09:06 to anybody irrespective of what we feel
09:08 they should be wearing or what we think
09:10 they should be eating or drinking or not
09:12 drinking or any of those thing,
09:13 it doesn't matter because when we look
09:15 at them we look at them as a precious soul
09:17 for whom Jesus Christ died for.
09:19 And we won't respect that person,
09:21 we'll just see them as a child of God.
09:24 Leviticus 19 verse 15 coincides perfectly
09:28 with the theme of what James chapter 2
09:30 was gonna be about. Let us go to
09:31 our next text. Our next text will be
09:33 Romans chapter 2 and verse 11
09:35 because not only did, was this preserved
09:37 in the Old Testament, it was also spoke
09:39 of in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul,
09:42 Romans chapter 2 and verse 11,
09:44 the Bible says this, "For there is no
09:46 respect of persons with God.
09:49 For as many as have sinned without
09:51 the law also perish without the law,
09:54 and as many as have sinned in the law
09:57 shall be judged by the law."
09:59 So what God is saying here through Paul
10:01 is that he is not respecter of persons,
10:05 he looks down and he sees everyone
10:07 as a potential candidate for heaven because
10:10 that's the reason why his son Jesus Christ
10:12 came down here and died. So that everyone
10:14 of us could have the potential or could
10:16 possibly inherit heaven. What a
10:19 beautiful thought. What a beautiful thought
10:22 that if we were to see with the eyes of Christ
10:24 we would see everyone as a potential
10:27 next door neighbor in heaven.
10:29 And the Bible tells us in James chapter 2,
10:32 let's continue reading contextually
10:34 James chapter 2, I just wanted us
10:36 to see that when James chapter 2,
10:37 or when James is talking about not
10:39 showing favoritism that, that's not brand new,
10:41 the beauty about the book of the Bible
10:44 is that even though it has these 40
10:46 different authors, these 66 books over
10:49 2000 year period of time it harmonizes
10:52 better than books written by a single
10:53 person. The reason why is because this book,
10:57 the Bible, was written by a single person
10:59 and he is called the Holy Spirit,
11:00 the Bible tells us that all of the scripture
11:03 is given under the inspiration of God
11:04 and it's profitable for reproof,
11:06 doctrine and correction and instruction
11:08 in righteousness. So if all of this is
11:10 inspired by the Holy Spirit,
11:12 by the Holy Spirit, there is no wonder
11:14 why it has this continuity to it that
11:16 is unparallel then any other book
11:18 in the whole wide world. So, let us go back
11:21 to James chapter 2 and pick up in verse 2,
11:23 because we've found thus far that you
11:25 cannot show favoritism, you need not be
11:28 a respecter of persons. The Bible says this,
11:31 in verse 2 it says this in King James Version
11:33 for if they come unto you assembly,
11:35 now this is very important, so let's
11:36 look at it carefully "If they come unto
11:38 your assembly, a man with a gold ring
11:40 in goodly apparel, and there come in
11:43 also a poor man in vile raiment,
11:44 And ye have respect to him that weareth
11:47 the gay clothing and say unto him sit
11:50 thou here in a good place; and say to
11:51 the poor, stand out there, or sit there
11:54 under my footstool: Are ye not then
11:56 partial in yourselves, and are become
11:59 judges of evil thought?" Verse 5,
12:02 "Hearken, my beloved brethren,
12:04 Hath not God chosen the poor of this world,
12:06 rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom
12:09 which he hath promised to them that
12:11 love him? But ye have despised the poor.
12:13 Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you
12:16 before the judgment seats? Do not they
12:18 blaspheme, do not they blaspheme that
12:20 worthy name by the which ye are called?"
12:24 Brothers and sisters, I am telling you that
12:25 this is an awesome, this is an awesome verse
12:27 and the Bible is basically telling
12:29 us here that we cannot be respecters
12:30 of persons. There is a couple of things
12:32 I like to key in on, first of all in verse 4
12:35 it says "Are ye not then partially
12:37 yourselves and are become judges
12:39 of evil thoughts?" You know in Genesis
12:41 chapter 3 when our fore parent Eve
12:44 found herself by the tree of acknowledge
12:47 of good and evil and the serpent began
12:48 to whisper to her it said, he said God
12:52 knows that you shall be as Gods and
12:54 that word there God, Eloheem,
12:56 Eloheem is also interpreted in the
12:59 original Hebrew as judges. God never
13:01 intended for us to know evil, only good
13:05 and good continually but when we are
13:09 partial to someone else over another,
13:11 to one person over another, then we
13:13 take ourselves right back to standing
13:16 at the foot of the knowledge of good
13:17 and evil and are becoming judges.
13:22 What a solemn thought. We are then
13:24 become judges. Now the next thing
13:26 I like to key in on here is in,
13:27 in verse five where it says, that the
13:31 poor of this world are rich in faith,
13:32 and God has intended that they become
13:34 heirs of the kingdom which he promised
13:36 to them that love him. So, here we see that
13:39 this thing is based on again love and
13:42 loving everybody equally. Not looking or again
13:46 not looking at anybody as less than you
13:49 but looking at people or esteeming
13:51 others better than yourself as the Bible
13:53 says in Philippians chapter 2,
13:55 looking not on the things of others
13:57 but on the things. Not looking on the things
13:59 of yourself but on the things of others,
14:00 seeing how you can help someone
14:01 who is in a less fortunate positioning
14:03 than you yourself might be in.
14:05 The Bible then goes on and says do not,
14:07 they blaspheme that worthy name by
14:10 which ye are called. How was it that we
14:12 blaspheme the worthy name by which
14:14 we are called. Well, the book of
14:15 Revelations chapter 2 tells us that
14:17 blasphemy is claiming to be something
14:19 you're not because it says I know the
14:21 blasphemy of the Jews who claim to be
14:22 Jews but are not and are the synagogue of Satan,
14:24 they are claiming to be something they are not.
14:27 Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 tells us,
14:29 so when the Bible says here,
14:30 if you are a respecter of person,
14:32 if when you see a person comes in who
14:34 has a nice tie on and a nice suit and
14:38 you say hey you come and sit next to me,
14:40 but when that person who straggles
14:42 in off the street, who's poor, who's not
14:44 dressed so nicely attempts to sit by you
14:47 and you say move or oh! I can't stand that smell,
14:52 then you are claiming to be something
14:54 you're not if you profess to be
14:55 a Christian. You are blaspheming
14:57 the worthy name by which you are called.
15:00 You are not living up to the character
15:03 that a Christian should have.
15:06 I'm reminded of a story,
15:08 a story about Alexander the Great,
15:10 Alexander the Great we know from the
15:12 Bible as well as from history conquered
15:14 the world faster than anyone else before
15:16 him or up to his time. However there was
15:19 a soldier in a particular battalion and this
15:22 soldier was disruptive and wouldn't listen
15:24 to orders, wouldn't follow orders the way
15:25 he was told to and before, because when
15:27 you did this out on the battlefield the
15:29 penalty could very well be death,
15:31 but the commanding officer liked this
15:33 particular soldier and didn't kill him
15:35 and he got word that one day Alexander
15:38 the Great would be visiting their camp.
15:39 So, he decided that what he would do was,
15:42 he asks Alexander the Great to deal with
15:46 this young man and watch how he dealt
15:49 with it, so that he would know how to deal
15:51 with it in the future. So, lo and behold
15:53 Alexander the Great comes to the camp
15:55 and one night the commanding officer
15:58 sends for the young man to be brought
16:00 to Alexander the Great's tent,
16:01 upon coming into Alexander's tent,
16:04 Alexander with his back turned to the
16:06 young man says, young man,
16:07 what is your name and the young man
16:11 trembling says Alexander sir, Alexander
16:16 the Great becomes livid, he turns around
16:19 to him and he approaches him, he says,
16:20 young man I tell you today either you
16:23 change your name or you change your behavior.
16:27 Brothers and sisters, some of us must either
16:30 change our name and stop professing
16:32 to be Christians or just simply change
16:34 your behavior, because otherwise we are
16:36 blaspheming the worthy name by
16:38 which we are called. When
16:40 we called ourselves Christians but we
16:41 look down on our fellow man who is really
16:43 our brother or sister. The Bible goes on and
16:48 tells us now. I would like to turn our
16:50 attention to the propositions in question
16:53 in James chapter 2, and verse 8,
16:55 the Bible says in James chapter 2 and
16:57 verse 8 again, "If ye fulfill the royal law
17:00 according to the scripture, Thou shalt
17:02 love thy neighbor as thyself,
17:03 ye do well." "But if ye have respect to
17:08 persons," verse 9 says "If ye have respect
17:10 to persons ye commit sin, and are
17:13 convinced of the law as transgressors,
17:14 for whosoever shall keep the whole law
17:17 and offend in one point is guilty of all."
17:20 Now look at that text now that we have
17:22 verse 9 in there, now that we're not
17:23 just cherry picking verse 8 putting it
17:25 with verse 10 and then coordinate to people
17:27 saying if you keep the whole law yet
17:28 offending one point you're guilty of
17:30 them all. If we look at the whole text
17:32 in context, what we find is that that
17:36 point is being a respecter of persons.
17:40 And God says here through James that
17:43 if you are a respecter of persons, you
17:44 are a sinner. Wow! Do you mean it to tell
17:50 me if I will loan money to my brother
17:53 yet not to a stranger on the street,
17:54 I am sinning? Do you mean it to tell me
17:59 if I am brothers and sisters and I can
18:00 hobnob with those of my own denomination
18:02 but can speak to someone who is outside
18:04 of my denomination, I am a sinner.
18:07 Is that what the Bible just said? Absolutely.
18:14 James makes it clear. You have to love
18:16 your neighbor as yourself, that's how
18:18 you do well, but if you are a respecter
18:21 of persons ye commit sin and our convinced
18:24 of the law as transgressors. So,
18:26 therefore if you keep all of the law,
18:28 now and this is, this is, this is special
18:31 because we like to use this text,
18:32 some of us like to single out this text
18:34 and say you know what, I keep the
18:36 whole law but you don't keep one part
18:39 of the law, so you are guilty of them all.
18:41 Guess what, I submit to you today
18:43 that God wasn't talking to those who
18:45 might keep nine Commandments,
18:46 they don't profess to keep the whole law.
18:49 He wasn't talking to those who keep
18:51 two commandments, they don't profess
18:53 to keep the whole law, he wasn't talking
18:54 to those who even only keep one
18:56 of the commandments they don't profess
18:57 to keep the whole law, he was talking
18:59 to those of us who profess to keep the
19:02 whole law yet are offending in a
19:04 particular point and that point is being
19:07 a respecter of persons. What a sobering thought,
19:11 here we use this text, we use this text
19:14 to get people to subscribe to our
19:16 particular denominational believes
19:17 however what God is saying is not
19:19 discounting that, don't get me wrong,
19:21 I'm not discounting that, if you keep
19:23 the whole law yet are offending in one point
19:25 you're guilty of them all, don't get me wrong,
19:26 if you keep all nine commandments but
19:28 you're still lying well you're guilty of
19:30 them all. If you keep eight commandments
19:33 yet you murder and you covet,
19:35 you're guilty of them all.
19:36 However what God is saying through
19:38 James in this text that if you keep all
19:41 of the law yet are a respecter of persons
19:44 in actuality you are still sinning.
19:46 Do you know why you are sinning?
19:49 Because you do not have perfectly
19:51 reproduced in you the transcript of
19:53 God's character. And God wants us to
19:56 have His character in order to dwell
19:58 in heaven with Him because anybody
20:00 in heaven with Him must be like Him.
20:04 Brothers and sisters I tell you today
20:05 that we need to look at these text and
20:08 stop cherry picking them and using them
20:10 for our own game. We need to look
20:13 at the totality of what God is trying to say
20:16 and understand how it might pertain
20:18 to us not how we can use it against
20:20 someone else. The Bible is telling us
20:23 right here, we can not be respecters
20:25 of persons because if we are, we are sinning.
20:28 We cannot section ourselves off into
20:30 some group, who believe we believe
20:32 in all of the law and all of the prophets.
20:34 Yet, those people over there who only
20:37 want to keep the law but don't want
20:39 to listen to the prophet well there's something
20:41 wrong with them. No, no, no, no,
20:44 likewise if you're a person who says
20:47 well you know what, I believe in the
20:49 love of God I believe in the love but
20:50 you know those doctrines, that's
20:52 not that important no, no, no, no and
20:54 the people who keep the doctrines
20:56 well they're phonetics. No, you're a respecter
21:00 of persons. If you can only fellowship
21:03 with those who believe like you believe,
21:05 you are being a respecter of persons
21:07 and if you are being a respecter of persons,
21:09 brothers and sisters, the Bible just told us
21:11 in James chapter 2 that you are a sinner
21:14 and are convinced of the law as
21:16 a transgressor. Which commandment
21:20 is the greatest commandment?
21:21 I can't speak on this enough because
21:23 we have forgotten what the essence
21:27 of the law is? What the essence of doctrine is.
21:30 The way that doctrine must be shared,
21:31 doctrine must be shared in love.
21:33 You can't, you know I have this idea you
21:35 know before I went off and learned how
21:37 to do evangelism and how to do Bible work.
21:41 You know I had the idea that what I would do,
21:43 because I felt I like I had all the truth as
21:45 what I would do was I would club people
21:46 over the head with the truth because
21:48 I had an intellectual message and drag
21:50 their lifeless body in the church.
21:53 You know I learned that you can't get
21:55 people into the church by being a brain
21:57 surgeon, you have to learn to be a heart
22:00 surgeon. You have to deal with the heart,
22:03 Jesus Christ was able to come and meet
22:06 the people where they were.
22:08 He was able to deal with their heart needs,
22:11 not prove that he was smarter than they were.
22:15 He very rarely had to do so and when
22:17 he did it, He did it very simply and He
22:19 did it in love. One of my favorite,
22:22 one of my favorite lessons is when the
22:23 Pharisees and the scribes and the elders
22:25 as they were always following Jesus Christ
22:27 around. They single them out, they find him
22:30 at the temple and they ask him a question.
22:31 They say hey, by what authority do you run
22:35 around cleansing the temple? This is
22:37 basically what they were saying,
22:38 I'm paraphrasing. And Jesus said well,
22:41 let me ask you a question, the baptism
22:45 of John, who was that of, all of a sudden
22:49 they were backed up into a wall,
22:51 they had to confronted with one and
22:52 another in private and so they just started,
22:53 well, what do we say, I don't know,
22:55 if we say this, oh no, we can't say that,
22:57 then we must say this, they out and say,
22:58 I don't know who authorized the
23:01 baptism of John and Jesus Christ says
23:03 very simply, then neither will
23:05 I answer you. You know it's simple,
23:08 he didn't have to beat them down.
23:10 He didn't have to be one of the,
23:12 boy and I guess, the sons of thunder,
23:14 he wasn't ready to call thunder down
23:16 on people when they didn't do what
23:18 he thought they should do. He still love them.
23:21 As a matter of fact, he told James and John
23:24 when the came and they said hey,
23:25 we saw somebody over there doing
23:26 things in your name but he's not one of us,
23:28 should we call down fire from heaven
23:30 as did Elias, what did Jesus Christ say,
23:33 you don't know what spirit you're of?
23:35 You don't need to call down fire on people
23:37 because they're not doing what you
23:39 want them to do, you'll never know
23:40 where God is working with them.
23:42 We never know where the Holy Spirit
23:44 is working with them, it is not your job
23:46 or my job to convict of sin, righteousness
23:48 and judgment, that is the job of
23:50 the Holy ghost. And if we let the Holy ghost
23:52 do his job he will bring people into the church
23:54 that will be ready to spread the message
23:57 of love. They will spread the message
24:00 of the doctrines in love. Brothers and sisters,
24:03 what we need, what we need today
24:05 is to be able to deal with people as Christ dealt
24:09 with them and not be respecters of persons,
24:11 not go out with one of our person,
24:14 that's in our denomination and be
24:16 ready to pounce on anybody who doesn't
24:18 know what we know or believe what
24:19 we believe. We need to go and meet
24:21 them as Christ would have met them.
24:23 Do you think Christ would have ran upto
24:25 somebody and had his Bible ready
24:27 to just beat them down when they
24:28 didn't understand a particular set
24:29 of doctrines? No, I don't think so.
24:31 I don't think so. As a matter of fact
24:35 what I think Jesus did was I think that
24:37 Jesus would have loved them just the same.
24:40 Look at Zacchaeus, look at Mary Magdalene,
24:43 look at Peter even. He could have told Peter,
24:46 Peter, you are wrong. But he loved Peter,
24:49 he looked at him with love in His eyes.
24:51 And even after that came to Peter and
24:54 gave him another chance. Peter, rise, kill and
24:56 eat, not so Lord. He could have said listen,
24:58 I told you to eat, but that's not what
25:01 He did, He continued to speak to him
25:06 of love and to give him the chance that he
25:10 need to understand in his mind that
25:13 he was being a respecter of persons.
25:19 You know a lot of times I hear people
25:20 tell me about that story where Jesus Christ
25:23 comes and tells Peter to rise, kill and eat
25:24 and they think that it's about diet,
25:26 they thing that God is sanctioning eating
25:29 whatever you want to eat, but in actuality
25:32 He's teaching Peter, that Peter was still
25:34 harboring feelings of racism, of racism.
25:40 That Peter still in his heart was a racist,
25:44 and that's, it didn't stop there.
25:46 As a matter of fact the Bible tells us
25:47 in Galatians chapter 2, that Paul had to
25:50 withstand Him to the faith for the exact
25:51 same reason. Did God cut him off? No,
25:54 we have half of the Book of Acts dedicated
25:57 to what Peter did in ministry. The Bible says
25:59 in acts chapter 1 that when after Christ died
26:01 that Peter stood up and if you study that
26:03 word stood up it says that he is in charge,
26:05 he took charge and he began to be leader
26:07 of the disciples and tell them what they
26:09 should do and how they should move.
26:10 But he didn't do it from his own mind,
26:12 he did it from the unction of the
26:14 Holy ghost and as the Holy ghost moved him,
26:16 he was able to do it and not be a
26:18 respecter of persons. Ultimately,
26:21 brothers and sisters, we need to really
26:24 look in ourselves and see, are we respecter
26:28 of persons? Because if so,
26:30 we need not worry about which day
26:32 we keep, we need not worry about
26:34 if we murder or not, we're still sinning.
26:38 We must not murder, we must keep
26:42 the Sabbath Holy, but we must not
26:47 be respecters of persons. You know,
26:50 the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter
26:52 22 and verse 36, "Master,
26:55 which is the great commandment in the law?
26:57 Jesus said unto Him, thou shalt love
26:59 the Lord thy God with all thy heart
27:00 and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
27:02 This is the first and great commandments
27:05 and the second is like unto it,
27:06 thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,
27:08 on these two hang all the law and
27:11 the prophet." All love, all love and in
27:16 conclusion here is the ultimate proposition,
27:18 here is the ultimate law.
27:19 The Bible says in Romans 13:10,
27:21 in Romans 13:10 as we bring this
27:23 to a close, the Bible says in Romans
27:25 13:10 that "Love worketh no ill
27:28 to his neighbor, therefore love is
27:31 actually the fulfilling of the law."
27:34 Brothers and sisters, are you a respecter
27:36 of persons? Do you think you're keeping
27:38 the law, yet you have favorites?
27:40 Then the Bible says, you blaspheme
27:42 the worthy name by which you were called.
27:44 The Bible says you are convinced of the
27:46 law as a transgressor. God loves you and
27:50 He wants you to keep the
27:51 law but in love. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17