Faith Chapel

In-laws And Out-laws

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alden Ho (Host)


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000304

00:30 Hello friends, my name is Pastor Alvin Ho.
00:32 I run a ministry located in Berrien Springs, MI
00:35 called Wheel Salt Ministries.
00:36 Today I have a very special message for you.
00:39 It's entitled, 'In-laws and Outlaws. '
00:42 the message is actually about the important text
00:45 that we find in Matthew and in Luke.
00:47 In Matthew chapter 1 it begins
00:49 with all those begats, why all these begats?
00:53 What's the reason for them?
00:54 There's a very good reason for that.
00:56 We're going to take a look at that.
00:57 But before we break open the word today
00:59 let's bow our heads for a word of prayer...
01:01 Heavenly Father, we are so grateful
01:04 for the things You do for us.
01:06 We're not worthy of these things.
01:09 But You sent us Your only Son Jesus
01:12 and you created in that line of His birth
01:16 some very specific names.
01:18 Names that we need to know and names that we need to know
01:21 why that they're there.
01:22 So help us now. Be with the words that I have.
01:26 That they may be words that are sent from you
01:29 to each and every heart that is open.
01:32 We thank You in Jesus name. Amen.
01:35 Names are very important.
01:38 You know, in the
01:40 Icelandic culture
01:42 names kind of reflect
01:44 a lineage of who you belong to.
01:46 In fact, from what I found out
01:48 the majority of the population
01:50 uses their father's last name.
01:53 For example, my first name is Alden
01:55 and my last name is Ho.
01:56 In the Icelandic culture, my father's name is James.
02:00 Therefore, my name would actually be
02:02 Alden James son.
02:04 Now on the other hand
02:06 my sister, who is 5 years younger than me,
02:10 her first name is Althea.
02:11 Over there in Iceland her name would be
02:16 Althea James daughter.
02:18 So I would have a last name of James son
02:21 And my sister would have the last name of James daughter.
02:24 Makes it kind of interesting to see
02:26 what a phone book would look like over there, wouldn't it.
02:28 But names have a purpose
02:30 they have a particular line to show
02:33 who you belong to.
02:35 Take for example the Chinese culture.
02:37 In the Chinese culture at least in my Chinese culture
02:41 and I'm 100% Chinese,
02:43 my first name is Alden
02:44 my middle name is my father's name which is James
02:47 along with that I have a Chinese name.
02:51 So it would be Alden James Xi Chan, last name is Ho.
02:56 Xi Chan is my Chinese name.
02:58 Now it's interesting to note that out of those three names
03:01 Xi is the generation name
03:04 and Chan is the given name to me.
03:08 So that means all my cousins
03:10 my sister and all my cousins
03:12 their Chinese names would begin with Xi also.
03:15 For example my sisters name would be Xi Ma Ho.
03:19 My cousins are Xi Hin Ho
03:21 and they have other Xi "something" Ho
03:24 Mine is Xi Chan Ho.
03:26 The reason for that is to be able to
03:27 identify what generation you belong to.
03:30 It's a name. But what's in the name?
03:34 That's what we want to look at today.
03:35 There's a reason we have these interesting names.
03:39 Now have you ever done a family tree?
03:41 My Family tree is kind of difficult to structure
03:45 because it being overseas
03:47 and the different way they keep things.
03:49 But if you live in North America
03:51 or other westernized countries
03:53 looking up the genealogy of your family tree
03:56 is not very difficult sometimes.
03:59 As long as you are willing to do the research.
04:01 However if you were a Jew
04:04 and you were to do a family lineage
04:07 you would find that there are some very interesting
04:11 things that you had to do within that lineage.
04:13 In fact if you were a Jew
04:15 and you were to author a biography or a book
04:18 you would never probably dream of
04:22 starting the book by, "So-and-so was the father of So-and-so. "
04:26 and on and on right up to the person
04:29 that the book was actually about.
04:30 However, since Jesus was a Jew
04:34 beginning the story of a person's life
04:37 with a genealogy was therefore
04:40 was the most natural thing to do
04:42 and in fact was the most imperative thing to do.
04:46 The reason that racial pedigree is so interesting to them
04:50 is that Jews placed such a high regard
04:53 for the purity of one's lineage.
04:56 So it was very important to show
04:58 who you belonged to in the line behind you.
05:00 For example, I'll give you an example.
05:03 A priest needed to produce an unbroken record
05:08 of his pedigree all the way back to Aaron.
05:11 After the Babylonian captivity
05:14 certain families could not serve as priests.
05:17 The Bible tells us. If we look at Ezra 6:2
05:21 we'll see why that is.
05:38 This tells us that they searched
05:40 They looked through the family history.
05:43 They had to look through there
05:44 because in order to be a priest
05:46 you had to prove that you were part of that family tree
05:50 that was from the line of Aaron.
05:51 Now, Herod the Great
05:55 he was actually so embarrassed
05:57 that his name was not in the official genealogy
06:00 that he ordered their entire destruction.
06:03 That's very interesting.
06:05 The first century Jewish authors
06:07 would not only find a genealogy
06:09 of a person natural and interesting
06:14 but they would consider it to be absolutely essential.
06:17 That would be very true
06:18 especially for the book we're going to look at right now,
06:22 the book of Matthew.
06:24 In the book of Matthew we'll look at the very beginning
06:26 of Matthew 1:1 and we find it just says this:
06:31 "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ "
06:33 "The son of David, the son of Abraham. "
06:36 There it starts off with Jesus
06:40 but Jesus was actually not the direct son of David.
06:43 Nor was David the direct son of Abraham.
06:46 There was a promise that was given.
06:48 And the promise was that
06:50 Abraham would be the father of a great nation.
06:53 Let's look at something here. It's very interesting.
06:57 If you look at Revelation chapter 22
07:00 verse 16.
07:20 So, Matthew also finds it important
07:24 to prove that Jesus is this lineage.
07:26 I just read that to you
07:27 that Jesus is the son of David
07:29 and the son of Abraham.
07:31 Matthew's trying to emphasize here
07:33 his genealogy is that of Jesus
07:36 who claims to be Christ the Messiah.
07:39 Now follow with me. This can be a little tricky.
07:42 But there is very great importance into this lineage.
07:46 In other words Jesus is of the lineage
07:48 of both David and of Abraham.
07:51 And because that is so
07:53 it qualifies Him to be in the role
07:56 of the Messiah.
07:58 So let's look at that again
08:00 in Matthew 1:1 we'll just glance at that
08:04 one more time.
08:05 "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ "
08:07 "the son of David, the son of Abraham. "
08:09 Now if you have your Bible keep your finger there
08:13 but also turn to Luke 3:23.
08:34 Now why the difference?
08:36 We see that in Matthew
08:38 it is recorded that Jesus is the son of David
08:40 and the son of Abraham.
08:42 But we find in Luke that Jesus began His ministry
08:46 and he was the son of Joseph
08:48 and the son of Heli. This is very interesting.
08:52 You have to understand that there is a difference
08:54 between these two
08:55 Matthew is authoring the book under his name, 'Matthew. '
08:59 He is writing specifically to a Jewish audience,
09:02 a Jewish group.
09:04 Luke, on the other hand, was not Jewish.
09:06 So he did not start the book that way.
09:09 That's why we're not looking at Luke, chapter one.
09:12 We're looking in Luke, chapter three.
09:14 It did not hold great importance
09:16 because Luke was not a Jew. He was a Gentile.
09:19 Both authors were focusing on different things
09:23 Matthew repeatedly sets forth Jesus as the fulfillment
09:28 of the Old Testament prophecy
09:30 which is lacking in Luke.
09:32 Which is why Luke also includes some stories
09:35 you might've heard of such as, 'The Good Samaritan. '
09:38 You would never find the story of the Good Samaritan in Matthew
09:42 because according to a Jew
09:44 a good Samaritan is not a good Samaritan.
09:49 It's an oxy-moron.
09:50 A Samaritan could not be good.
09:52 And a Samaritan could not be one
09:55 that would be worthy to be put into the book of Matthew.
09:58 So we find here, Jesus is the promised Messiah
10:02 The Savior of the Jews.
10:04 While Luke doesn't focus on Jesus as the Savior of the Jews.
10:09 In fact we find Luke saying
10:11 Jesus is the Savior to all peoples
10:15 of the world.
10:16 Let's look at that a little further and we'll find out why.
10:19 If you notice in Matthew, Matthew starts off by saying
10:24 that He is the son of David, the Son of Abraham.
10:28 But if you go down the lineage you will find also
10:32 that Jesus according to Matthew
10:36 goes all the way back to Abraham.
10:38 So he follows click, click, click all the way back
10:43 to David and then it goes back to Abraham.
10:45 But we find on the other hand
10:47 Luke does not go all the way back to Abraham.
10:50 Luke goes all the way back to the very beginning
10:53 to the very first man that was created by God.
10:55 And who was that? Adam.
10:57 Why does Luke go back to Adam?
11:01 Well, he does that because Adam
11:04 was the beginning of the human race.
11:07 Abraham was the beginning of the Jewish nation.
11:10 Another reason for the difference between
11:12 Matthew's and Luke's genealogy is that Matthew
11:16 traces Joseph's ancestry while Luke traces Mary's ancestry.
11:23 While we modern readers find
11:25 discrepancies between these genealogies
11:28 they undoubtedly created no difficulties
11:31 for their first century readers.
11:33 Because they understood more fully
11:35 the rules of making genealogies
11:37 And they had access to those
11:39 family genealogy records which we don't today.
11:43 that's why we find in Matthew 1:16
11:47 there is a subtle shift that
11:50 flows from Joseph to Mary.
11:53 Let's see what it says.
12:07 You see there is a subtle change that happens right there and
12:09 and it's for a good reason.
12:10 because Joseph was actually not the physical father of Jesus.
12:15 Mary was the physical mother of Jesus.
12:20 So let's look at this a little deeper and we'll find out.
12:23 I want to explain to you that Jews would not find it strange
12:27 in fact to begin a book with a genealogy.
12:29 It would be, however, shocking if they found in the genealogy
12:34 any information relating to a woman.
12:36 Because it was very odd to find women
12:39 in Jewish genealogies.
12:41 Because women, well let's just say women
12:43 had no legal rights.
12:45 Women were not regarded as a person
12:48 but as a thing.
12:51 It was very interesting that
12:54 people would actually pray,
12:57 Jewish males would pray every morning
12:59 and they would thank God that they were not gentiles
13:02 nor slaves nor a woman.
13:05 Even at that
13:06 Matthew's genealogy of Jesus
13:09 was provided to reflect a purity
13:12 of one's personal heritage.
13:15 So it would not have been
13:17 too shocking to find that Jesus
13:19 had female ancestors; we all do.
13:22 It wouldn't be shocking to us if we saw
13:25 names such as Sarah or Rebecca or Rachel.
13:28 But it seems Matthew researched the Old Testament records
13:33 until he found four of I guess you could say
13:36 the most questionable ancestors of Jesus.
13:41 And that's what we're going to look at.
13:43 And actually I don't think Matthew found them.
13:48 I think the Lord God wanted those names
13:51 in there for a very specific reason.
13:53 Because as you will see if you can follow me
13:56 there's a reason for this.
13:57 Let's briefly look at these names that are in there.
14:00 In the first story we find
14:04 Let me just show you the name.
14:05 In Matthew 1:3 we find the first name.
14:20 Now we find that Tamar is included in this story.
14:22 If you know Tamar's story
14:24 you'll find that it's a very interesting story.
14:27 Because it has almost a, as we call it in North America
14:30 an 'R' rating to it.
14:32 It's definitely not a story that you'd find
14:34 in a children's Bible story book.
14:36 In verse 6 of chapter 38 in Genesis we read here:
14:52 So here's Er the first born
14:53 finds a wife.
14:55 Her name is Tamar.
14:57 She is a Canaanite woman.
14:58 In the very next verse we find
15:00 that Er wasn't too righteous.
15:02 In fact, to the contrary
15:04 because he wasn't too righteous,
15:06 his life was cut a little short.
15:08 in the next verse, verse 8
15:10 we find that Judah told his next son in line, Onan
15:14 to take Tamar and make some children for them.
15:18 Because Onan actually failed to perform in procreation
15:24 God wasn't too pleased with his methodologies
15:27 and so ended his life.
15:29 It was customary in the Near Eastern culture
15:32 to have the next brother in line
15:34 to take the wife to be the next in line
15:37 in case there was a death of an older brother.
15:39 Now with two sons down
15:41 Judah only had one left, Shelah.
15:45 And we find in Genesis 38:11
15:49 We find something interesting happens here
16:13 Here we find Judah. Judah says to Tamar,
16:15 "Look Tamar, two of my sons, "
16:17 "the two that you were married to, they're gone. "
16:20 "the next one the last one I have "
16:22 "he's not really quite old enough. "
16:24 "Why don't you go back to your father's house"
16:26 "When he's old enough I'll come and get you. "
16:29 "You can marry him. "
16:30 Well, we find out that Judah didn't actually live through
16:34 and he didn't fulfill his promise of finding her.
16:36 So Tamar, after a number of years
16:39 realizes that Judah is not going to live up to his promise.
16:43 So she disguises herself.
16:45 And if you continue reading on in that story
16:47 you'll find that as she disguises herself
16:50 she actually portrays herself to be a prostitute.
16:53 And she has an encounter with the unsuspecting Judah.
16:57 Wow! sounds like some soap opera.
17:00 Well, several months later we find
17:02 that the sins have shown up.
17:04 Tamar is pregnant.
17:06 And it's very difficult to hide the fact that she is pregnant.
17:10 Judah was so thrilled at the fact
17:12 that she has been caught red-handed
17:14 and he now has the opportunity to lay before her
17:18 and show everybody that she is worthy of death,
17:22 being burned to death.
17:24 Well, Tamar brought this thing that Judah had given her,
17:30 some things to show that it was he whom she had slept with.
17:35 Well, Tamar was actually holding that 'trump card' saying,
17:39 "Look Judah, you're the one who did it. "
17:42 "You're the one who got me pregnant here. "
17:43 Let's see what Genesis 38:26 says.
17:49 And what Judah replies here:
18:05 I'm sure that deciding on who
18:07 was more righteous would actually be quite difficult,
18:10 whether it be Judah or Tamar.
18:13 Matthew writes and he puts Tamar in there for a specific reason.
18:19 Well let's look at the next one.
18:22 The next person in line is actually Rahab.
18:25 Rahab is in Jesus' genealogy
18:28 and we find Rehab's story starting in Joshua 2:1.
18:32 Joshua 2:1 here's what it says
18:45 They came to Rahab who was a harlot.
18:48 She was basically the owner of a brothel.
18:52 And the spies came to her house to hide out
18:55 because they knew it was a public house.
18:57 and it was common for so many people
18:59 to be coming and going there.
19:01 Because so many people were coming and going
19:03 it was a perfect hideout for spies.
19:05 And that's what they were doing.
19:07 And Rahab hid them from the King.
19:09 Because she had heard about the God of Israel
19:12 and about all the miracles He had performed.
19:15 She had faith and believed in God.
19:18 That's also why she is listed
19:20 in the 'Faith Hall of Fame' that we find in Hebrews 11:31
19:25 Hebrews 11:31
19:40 So, it's very clear.
19:42 God had put Rahab in the genealogy
19:45 of Jesus for a specific reason.
19:47 Let's look at the third one.
19:49 The third one is Ruth.
19:50 We don't have any specific texts here because
19:53 although there is a book called Ruth
19:54 it doesn't tell the story of what happened
19:57 you'd have to look a little before Ruth.
19:59 But we know that Ruth is a third candidate
20:03 because she had very good character
20:07 but she came from a specially despised racial strain.
20:12 She was a Moabite.
20:13 Her story is actually found in Ruth chapter 1
20:16 Her people were the product
20:18 of actually an incestuous relationship
20:20 between Lot and his oldest unmarried daughter.
20:25 Scheming to preserve the family line
20:27 each of the daughters got their father drunk.
20:30 He slept with his daughters
20:32 unknowingly and by this
20:34 Lot fathered several children.
20:37 The son from the oldest daughter
20:40 was Moab, father of a people
20:43 who would become one of Israel's most relentless enemies.
20:48 Following the suggestion of Balaam
20:51 the Moabites later seduced the Israelites
20:54 into immorality and idolatry
20:56 resulting in a proclamation from God
20:58 through Moses that they may not enter
21:01 into the assemblies of the Lord
21:03 even down to the tenth generation.
21:05 And even though Ruth was not a prostitute
21:08 she was not an adulteress
21:10 her racial background in the eyes of a Jew
21:13 was just as serious.
21:15 the last one we're going to look at
21:17 is another female in Jesus' lineage
21:20 her name is Bathsheba.
21:23 But we find that Bathsheba is actually not listed
21:27 in the genealogy because we find that
21:29 Matthew implies that she is basically Uriah's wife.
21:35 He couldn't even name her.
21:37 Well Matthew's implying two points here.
21:40 The first being that although she was not
21:42 born an Israelite, legally she was probably considered
21:46 a Gentile through marriage.
21:48 The second being that Uriah's name
21:52 was the former husband of Bathsheba.
21:54 Let's look at that story in 2 Samuel 11:2-4
22:00 We find that David could not sleep.
22:02 and here's what it says:
22:29 Here, David couldn't sleep one night.
22:33 He went out and he saw Bathsheba.
22:35 He thought she was very beautiful.
22:37 He had his servant go and get Bathsheba
22:39 and bring her back to his palace.
22:42 Well, David created his own 'Watergate' scandal.
22:47 Scandals and deceptions to no avail
22:50 to the point that he ordered
22:52 his general of the army, Joab
22:54 to put Uriah the husband of Bathsheba
22:56 to the very front lines and to withdraw.
22:59 He did all this in order to have Uriah killed.
23:03 He was trying to cover-up his own grief and his own sins.
23:07 So here we have four women
23:09 We have Tamar, we have Rahab
23:13 we have Ruth and we have Bathsheba.
23:17 Three of the four women are caught in very gross sins
23:23 so why in the world would Matthew
23:25 who is writing to a Jewish readership
23:28 deliberately add these women to His genealogy?
23:31 Matthew writes about Mary saying,
23:34 "She will give birth to a son "
23:36 "and you are to give Him the name Jesus. "
23:39 Why Jesus? Because He will save His people
23:43 from their sins.
23:44 So the question is this,
23:46 What kind of people can Jesus save?
23:50 What type of people can God save by the One born of Mary?
23:54 The answer is very simple as it flashes
23:57 through the genealogy of Jesus.
23:59 Jesus can save people such as Tamar
24:02 Rahab, Bathsheba and Ruth
24:07 and David.
24:09 He can save Gentiles. He can save prostitutes.
24:12 He can save adulterers. He can save deceivers.
24:15 He can even save murderers.
24:17 He can save anyone including you.
24:20 Jesus didn't come to save people in their sins.
24:23 No, no, no, understand, Jesus came to save people
24:27 from their sins.
24:28 He came to enable us to conquer sin in our lives.
24:33 And that takes place actually on three levels.
24:36 Did you know that?
24:37 It takes place on the first level
24:39 through Jesus' sinless life and death on the cross.
24:43 He saved His people from the penalty of sin.
24:46 That's justification.
24:48 He came and He saved us from the penalty of sin.
24:51 The second one is: Jesus saves His people
24:54 from the power of sin.
24:56 You see right now, if you accept Jesus as your personal Savior
25:01 you are free from the penalty of sin.
25:03 When Jesus comes again
25:06 and we are caught up to meet Him and we are taken up to heaven
25:09 we will be saved from the presence or the power of sin.
25:13 through sanctification.
25:14 When He comes again and we are caught up with Him in the clouds
25:20 to be taken to heaven that's when the last one takes place.
25:23 Glorification.
25:25 That's when we will actually be free from the presence of sin.
25:29 There's a text I wanted to read you
25:31 it's taken from Desire of Ages page 25.
25:34 And here's what Ellen White writes,
26:04 Do you see? The reason that Matthew
26:08 has those four questionable names in there
26:10 is this very reason: Jesus came to save people.
26:15 He came to save me and He came to save you.
26:18 He came and He died on the cross for you friend.
26:22 Doesn't that mean something to you?
26:24 No matter where you are, no matter what country
26:27 no matter what city, no matter what condition
26:30 you are in
26:31 there is nothing
26:32 that you can do
26:33 that can make God
26:35 love you any less than He loves you now.
26:37 All He is asking is that you give your heart to Him.
26:41 And in so doing He is ready to free you from your sins.
26:46 If you ask He will forgive.
26:49 No matter how much writing is on your slate.
26:51 He will wipe that clean.
26:53 He is ready. You have in-laws
26:57 and you have out-laws.
27:00 But it doesn't have to be that way.
27:01 You can be free from the penalty of sin.
27:06 Very soon we will be free from the presence of sin
27:11 and the power of sin.
27:14 Would you like to be free from sin?
27:16 Why don't you join me as we ask Jesus
27:19 to come into our hearts right now.
27:22 Let's pray.
27:24 Dear Heavenly Father,
27:25 we thank You for these four names
27:27 because these four names are so important
27:30 because it shows to us that Jesus
27:32 didn't come just to save the righteous people
27:34 He came to save the sinner
27:36 and we are all sinners in Your sight.
27:39 And Lord we know that you are coming very soon
27:41 we want to ask that You
27:43 take our hearts, cleanse them of all unrighteousness.
27:46 Make us worthy to be able to enter into your Kingdom
27:50 for we pray all these things in Jesus name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17