Participants: Dennis Smith (Host)
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000296
00:30 Welcome to Faith Chapel.
00:32 I'm Dennis Smith, Pastor of the New 00:34 Haven, Connecticut Seventh-day 00:36 Adventist Church. Would you like to 00:39 have the same powerful witness in 00:42 ministry that Jesus had when he walked 00:44 this earth. According to Bible the believers 00:48 in Jesus Christ are be as affective as Jesus 00:52 was in seeking and saving the lost. 00:56 A great Evangelism explosion is coming. 00:59 The Three Angels Message is to be 01:01 given in great power on this earth. 01:04 You wanna be a part of that great time in 01:05 the closing of earth's history. 01:07 When God's message goes to the world and 01:10 in such a great power that multitudes will be 01:13 attracted to Jesus and be prepared for a 01:16 second coming, you can and today's 01:20 message will help you to realize exactly how 01:23 you can be a part of that last great 01:25 evangelism explosion that is soon to burst 01:27 upon this earth's scene. 01:29 Let us pray. Father in heaven, 01:33 I thank you that you've 01:35 given us the privilege to be work us 01:37 together with you. And I pray Lord that 01:43 You pour our your Holy Spirit upon us as 01:46 we study your word together. 01:49 I pray that you'll open our hearts and minds 01:52 to see very clearly your will. 01:54 And to understand how we can be used 01:56 by you in the most affective way and 01:59 bringing men and women to the serving 02:00 knowledge of Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 02:06 When Jesus was about to leave this earth, 02:09 He gave to his disciples and the 02:11 church at large what's called the Great 02:13 Gospel Commission. We read that 02:15 commission in Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 to 20. 02:21 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, 02:24 saying, all power is given unto me in 02:27 heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and 02:30 teach all nations, baptizing them in the 02:33 name of the Father, and of the Son, 02:35 and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to 02:38 observe all things whatsoever I have 02:40 commanded you and lo, I am with you 02:44 always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 02:49 And we read in the Gospel of Mark, 02:52 we see that Mark also recorded what was to 02:57 be involved in the Gospel Commission. 02:59 Reading in Mark chapter 16 verse 15, 03:03 And he said unto them, go ye into all 03:06 the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 03:09 And then Mark added to this in verse 17 and 18. 03:13 And these signs shall follow them that 03:15 believe, in my name shall they cast out 03:18 devils, they shall speak with new tongues. 03:21 They shall take up serpents, and if they 03:23 drank any deadly thing, they shall not hurt them. 03:27 They shall lay hands on the 03:28 sick and they shall recover. 03:32 When we look at the word of God, we find 03:34 that the Gospel Commission includes 03:36 a number of things. The Gospel Commission 03:39 includes Jesus followers sharing 03:44 Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him. 03:47 That they might too come to accept Jesus 03:49 Christ is their savior. It also includes 03:52 sharing the teachings of Jesus that they will 03:55 know what God's will is for them in their life. 03:57 And we see from the gospel it also includes 04:01 sharing with them the delivering power of 04:03 Jesus from Satan's oppressions and 04:07 influences in their life. You see Jesus wants 04:11 to deliver men and women completely 04:14 from the power of Satan. Jesus is our example 04:18 in all things. And we find that when 04:21 Jesus began his ministry on earth, 04:24 He began it with his water baptism. 04:28 And we read about that in Luke chapter 3 04:31 verse 21 and 22. Now when all the 04:35 people were baptized, it came to pass that 04:37 Jesus also being baptized and praying 04:40 the heaven was opened. And the Holy Ghost 04:42 descended in bodily shape like a dove 04:45 upon him. And a voice came form 04:47 heaven which said, Thou art my beloved 04:49 Son, in thee I am well pleased. 04:52 We find here that Jesus began his 04:55 earthly ministry by experiencing water 04:56 baptism and then secondly when he was 04:59 baptized in water, he prayed that he might 05:01 receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 05:03 And in answer to his prayer, he did receive 05:06 the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 05:07 He was filled with the Spirit which was 05:08 necessary for him to be able to do his 05:11 ministry on this earth in the power of the Spirit. 05:14 And we find when we read on in Luke 05:15 chapter 4 verse 14. And Jesus returned in 05:20 the power of the Spirit into Galilee and there 05:24 went out a fame of him through all the 05:26 region round about. And so from that 05:29 point on in Jesus ministry we find He 05:31 was ministering in the power of the 05:33 Holy Spirit, because He had prayed for the 05:36 baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then He described 05:40 the kind of ministry He was to do in Luke 05:42 chapter 4 verse 18 and 19. 05:46 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because 05:48 he has anointed me to preach the gospel to 05:50 the poor, he hath sent me to heal the 05:53 brokenhearted to preach deliverance 05:55 to the captives, the recovering of sight to 05:57 the blind, and set at liberty them that are 06:01 bruised, to preach the acceptable ear of the Lord. 06:05 We find here Jesus made it very clear, 06:07 what His ministry was to be, His mission. 06:10 He was anointed, He said the Lord has 06:12 anointed me, He was filled with the Holy 06:14 Spirit, He experienced the baptism of the 06:16 Holy Spirit in order to do something. 06:18 And in these verses He said, 06:20 He was anointed so He could preach the 06:21 gospel, so the captives could be delivered. 06:24 So those who were under bondage the 06:26 oppressed could be set free. 06:28 Jesus came to defeat Satan everywhere he 06:31 encountered him. Jesus came to bring 06:34 deliverance to men and women. 06:36 That's the good news of the gospel. 06:38 Is that we can be free from the power 06:40 of Satan in our life and any area of our life. 06:45 That's the power of the gospel. 06:47 And we find that the ministry of Jesus was 06:51 so much under the direction of the 06:52 Holy Spirit and his father. He made a very 06:54 significant statement in John chapter 14 verse 10. 06:58 He said, Believest thou not that I am in 07:01 the Father, and the Father in me? 07:04 The words that I speak unto you 07:06 I speak not of myself, but the Father that 07:08 dwells in me, he does the works. 07:12 A very pointed statement, Jesus was saying that 07:16 the words He spoke were not simply His words. 07:20 They were the words of the Father being 07:21 spoken through Him. The works that He did 07:24 were not simply His works, they were the 07:26 works of the Father ministered through Him. 07:28 And did that happen? It happened by him 07:30 receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. 07:35 These things that we see in the life and 07:37 minister of Jesus are also to be occurring in 07:40 our life as well. And Jesus told the 07:43 disciples that they had to wait for something 07:46 to happen in their life before they could do a 07:49 ministry like Jesus was doing. 07:51 And we read about that in Acts 07:52 chapter 1 verse 4 and 5. 07:56 And being assembled together with them, 07:58 He commanded them that they should not 08:00 depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the 08:02 promise of the Father, which said he, 08:05 ye have heard of me. For John truly 08:07 baptized with water, but ye shall be 08:10 baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. 08:14 We find in this scripture Jesus told the disciples. 08:18 You're gonna fulfill the Gospel Commission, 08:20 because He had given him that. 08:21 But He said in order for you to fulfill the 08:23 Gospel Commission you must wait to 08:25 receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 08:27 And we read the reason for that 08:30 where we look at Acts chapter 1 again in verse 8. 08:36 But ye shall receive power after that the 08:38 Holy Ghost has come upon you, 08:40 and ye shall be witnesses unto me 08:42 both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, 08:45 and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost 08:47 parts of the earth. Jesus told them that 08:50 they can receive the same annoying He 08:52 had, and that they must receive the same 08:55 annoying He had, through the baptism 08:56 of the Holy Spirit. And when they 08:58 receive that anointing that baptism of the 09:00 Spirit, they would be able to go forth in His 09:02 name and have the same power for 09:04 witnessing that He had when He walked this earth. 09:09 That's why Jesus could say in John 09:12 chapter 14 verse 12, Verily, 09:15 verily I say to you, He that believes on 09:17 me, the works that I do shall he do also, 09:20 and greater works than these shall he do, 09:22 because I go my Father. Jesus very clearly 09:26 states here that the followers of Jesus 09:29 Christ are to do the very same works He did. 09:33 How can they do that, because they would 09:34 receive the same anointing, the same 09:36 baptism of the Holy Spirit that He received. 09:39 And that's why He said in this verse, 09:41 because I go to the Father, as a result of 09:43 his death, bury and resurrection and 09:45 glorious that sent to the Father, the Holy 09:47 Spirit was poured out in the day of Pentecost. 09:49 And so the early church and the 09:51 believers of all ages have had available to 09:54 them the Pentecost experience the 09:57 baptism of the Holy Spirit, so they too can 09:59 minister as Jesus did under the anointing 10:02 power of the Holy Spirit. Now that's important 10:06 for us to understand, because those that are 10:08 rated me Jesus will have that experience 10:12 of ministering as Jesus did. 10:14 We're told in first John chapter 3 verse 2, 10:18 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, 10:20 and it does not yet appear what we shall 10:21 be, but we know this that when he shall 10:24 appear, we should be like him, 10:27 for we shall see him as he is. 10:31 Jesus has really clearly told us here 10:34 through John that those ready to meet 10:36 Jesus will be just like Him. 10:38 They'll be just like Him in life and just 10:41 like Him in ministry and our subject today 10:43 is Evangelism speaking about the ministry 10:46 that Jesus did, is to be the same ministry that 10:48 we're are to do as believers and 10:50 followers in Jesus Christ. In Malachi, chapter 4 10:55 verse 5 we read of a prophecy. 10:58 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet 11:01 before the coming of the great and dreadful 11:02 day of the Lord. This prophecy has 11:07 two applications. One application applies 11:10 to John the Baptist. The first application 11:15 applies to the first coming of Jesus. 11:19 The second application applies 11:20 to the second coming. We're told here that 11:23 before the first coming there was to 11:25 come Elijah the prophet. There was to come an 11:28 individual who was to give a message of 11:32 Elijah and the Spirit and power of Elijah in 11:35 preparation for the first advent of Jesus. 11:38 And we find in Luke chapter 1 verse 14 to 17. 11:45 And you shall have joy and gladness, 11:48 and many shall rejoice at his birth. 11:51 For he shall be great in the sight of the 11:54 Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor 11:56 strong drink. And he shall be filled with the 11:59 Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. 12:03 And many of the children of Israel shall 12:04 he turn to the Lord their God. 12:07 And he shall go before him in the 12:09 spirit and power of Elijah to turn the 12:12 hearts of the fathers to the children, 12:14 and the disobedient to the wisdom of the 12:16 just, to make ready a people 12:18 prepared for the Lord. Here these scriptures 12:23 that are applying to John the Baptist, 12:25 we see several things about him. 12:28 He was to be used by God to prepare the 12:31 way for the first Advent of Jesus. 12:34 In order to do that, he needed to be filled 12:36 with the Holy Spirit and in John's case, 12:38 he is filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. 12:41 And in order to do his mission, he had to be 12:46 filled with the spirit so he could give the 12:48 message of Elijah in the spirit and power of Elijah. 12:53 Now this scripture has a second application it 12:56 applies to the second coming of Jesus as well. 13:00 And what the scripture is telling us 13:01 that before Jesus comes a second time. 13:04 There will be another message of Elijah to 13:07 prepare the way for the second coming of Jesus. 13:10 A message of Elijah in these last days 13:12 that's to inform individuals of the 13:14 second coming and what they need to 13:16 experience in order to be ready for that event. 13:20 And when we look at the book of 13:21 Revelation we find that message or those 13:23 messages are actually the Three Angels 13:25 Message in Revelation chapter 14 to prepare 13:28 the world for the second coming of Jesus. 13:30 So we've been given a very significant 13:33 mission in this earth in the last days. 13:37 A mission very similar to John the 13:38 Baptist, however in order for us to fill that 13:42 mission we as John the Baptist must also 13:45 be filled with the Holy Spirit. 13:47 You see it was necessary for John to be spirit 13:49 filled in order to have the spirit 13:52 and power of Elijah. And so today for us to 13:56 be able to give the Elijah message, 13:59 the Three Angels Message in the spirit 14:02 and power of Elijah, we must be filled with 14:05 the Holy Spirit as John the Baptist was. 14:09 So this prophecy in Malachi is actually a 14:12 prophecy indicating that there will be a 14:14 people in the last days who will choose to 14:17 seek God's Spirit to be infill with His spirit. 14:22 So they would be able to minister under the 14:23 power and the direction of the 14:24 Holy Spirit as John was and also as Jesus 14:29 was as we've seen. Ellen White in 14:33 Review and Herald, February 18, 14:35 1890 wrote this, What we need is the 14:39 baptism of the Holy Spirit. 14:41 Without this, we are no more fitted to go 14:44 forth in the world than were the disciples 14:47 after the crucifixion of their Lord. 14:51 Ellen White was very clear on this, she 14:53 recognized that no way are we ready and 14:56 able to go forward with the Gospel 14:58 Commission and the Three Angels Message 15:01 unless we're filled with the Holy Spirit. 15:06 That's why God's last call today calling His 15:09 children out of the Laodicean condition 15:12 includes being filled with the spirit, 15:14 so they will have a spirit filled message. 15:18 The spirit and power of Elijah accompanying the 15:20 message of Elijah. 15:23 And as we know from the Bible Prophecy in 15:25 Revelation chapter 3 we do have a problem today. 15:29 We're not at that level yet, 15:30 where God wants us to get where we must get 15:32 in order to finish God's work under his power. 15:35 In Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 and 16. 15:39 I know thy works, 15:40 that thou art neither cold nor hot. 15:42 I would you were cold or hot. 15:44 So then because you are lukewarm, 15:46 and neither cold nor hot, 15:48 I will spew thee out of my mouth. 15:52 What we find in this scripture is a prophecy 15:55 about God's last church, the Seventh Day church 15:57 era in Revelation 2 and 3 which describes the 16:00 time of the church today. 16:02 And we find in the scripture that God says 16:04 that the church was lukewarm now Laodicea was 16:07 known for it's hydrotherapy. 16:10 And hydrotherapy hot and cold is therapeutic. 16:13 Hot and cold brings healing in life. 16:15 Lukewarm is comfortable but is not therapeutic. 16:18 What God is saying here in the scripture in 16:20 Revelation is that Christians in these last 16:22 days do not really bring life where they go. 16:27 They are now therapeutic as Jesus was 16:30 or as John the Baptist in calling 16:32 men and women to accept Jesus. 16:34 And so we must come out of that Laodicean 16:35 condition in order to become the therapeutic people. 16:40 The people that bring life wherever they go. 16:42 That is God's call today to come out. 16:45 You see the Evangelism today just like in 16:48 Jesus day, Jesus went forth to preach the gospel, 16:53 and to bring deliverance to men and women, 16:59 who are under the press of powers of Satan. 17:00 And so today we're do the ministry of Jesus. 17:02 We're to have the same healing affect if you'll. 17:05 The same life giving affect that Jesus had 17:07 through the baptism of Holy Spirit, 17:09 because it's Jesus living in us and 17:11 and ministering through us just like 17:13 He did when He walked this earth. 17:17 Evangelism today consists primarily of 17:20 sharing documental information. 17:24 Little sharing of the delivering power of 17:27 Jesus is experienced or shared. 17:31 But as we see from the New Testament and from 17:35 the ministry of Jesus, 17:36 there is no question about it. 17:38 God wants to bring the gospel of 17:40 deliverance to his children. 17:42 We find that the early church was therapeutic. 17:45 We read in Acts chapter 5 verse 14 through 16. 17:49 And believers were the more added to the Lord, 17:52 multitudes both men and women. 17:54 In so much that they brought forth the sick 17:56 into the streets, 17:57 and laid them on beds and couches. 18:01 That at the least the shadow of Peter passing 18:03 by might overshadow some of them. 18:06 There came also a multitude out of the 18:08 cities round about unto Jerusalem, 18:10 bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed 18:13 with unclean spirits and they 18:16 they were healed every one. 18:21 Prophecy in the book of Revelation indicates that 18:25 this New Testament church will again arise 18:30 upon the scene of earth's history. 18:33 The church in the last days will be just like 18:35 the early church. 18:37 In Revelation chapter 12 verse 17 18:39 we read about this church. 18:41 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, 18:42 and went to make war with the 18:44 remnant of her seed, 18:46 which keep the commandments of God 18:48 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 18:51 You see this scripture tells us that the remnant 18:53 church which remnant is last part. 18:55 God's last church will be just 18:57 will be just like the early church. 19:00 The early church was therapeutic in their 19:03 ministry to those around them just like Jesus 19:05 was, because they were spirit filled just like 19:08 Jesus was. And so before Jesus returns his people who 19:13 who get seriously about following Him will seek 19:15 the same anointing, the same baptism of the 19:18 Holy Spirit Jesus had and early church received 19:21 in the day of Pentecost and so they'll be 19:24 ministering in the last days as truly the 19:27 remnant of God's people. 19:31 Just how is that to take place. 19:33 There is a prophecy in John chapter 7 verse 38 19:36 and 39. He that believes on me, as the scripture hath 19:41 said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of 19:44 of living water. 19:45 But this spoke he of the spirit, which they that 19:48 believe on him should receive for the Holy 19:51 Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was 19:54 not yet glorified. 19:58 What we find here in this scripture is that 20:00 that Jesus is giving a prophecy. 20:04 He said that out of his people would flow rivers 20:06 of living water. 20:09 And how would this take place? 20:11 He says in the scripture the interpretation of 20:13 Jesus words tell us that it would happen when 20:16 the Holy Spirit was poured out. 20:19 And so that began to take place on the day 20:21 of Pentecost. 20:22 And what the scripture is actually alluding to 20:25 is the scripture in the Book of Ezekiel, 20:28 where Ezekiel in chapter 47 talks about 20:31 the temple of God and a river of healing flowing 20:37 out of that temple and that river begins very 20:40 small as a little triple stream to the ankles and 20:44 then it grows and gets wider and deeper to the, 20:47 to the knees and then to the waist becomes a 20:50 great river that cannot be passed over. 20:53 And we're told in that chapter of Ezekiel that 20:55 everywhere the water comes it brings 20:58 life and healing. 21:00 Well we know in the New Testament the church 21:02 is the temple of God. 21:05 And that is a prophecy of which Jesus was 21:07 referring to as the fulfillment of when He 21:11 said, out of those who believe in Him would flow 21:13 the river of life if you will, living water is 21:17 coming out to bring life and healing to those 21:21 that come and contact with it. 21:23 That is in part certainly the Gospel Commission 21:27 that Jesus has given to us. 21:29 In Revelation chapter 18 and verse 1 we'll read a 21:33 prophecy what's to happen in these last days. 21:36 And after these things I saw another angel 21:38 come down from heaven, having great power, 21:42 and the earth was lighted with his glory. 21:46 What we find in this scripture is a prophecy 21:48 saying that before the Jesus comes, the earth would be 21:51 lighted with the glory of God. 21:53 Is that talking about some bright light? 21:56 No. That's talking about the character of Jesus 21:58 being reflected through his people in a very 22:01 powerful way. 22:02 Jesus revealed the glory of a father we're 22:04 told in the Gospel of John. 22:06 He revealed the glory of the Father through 22:07 his teaching, preaching, healing, delivering men 22:09 and women from the oppressions of the enemy, 22:12 the full gospel message. 22:14 And so in the last days God's Remnant people 22:17 who are spirit filled, who give the 22:19 Three Angels Message under the spirit and 22:21 power of Elijah, who are doing the same ministry 22:24 as Jesus did, because it's Jesus living in them, 22:27 ministering through them as He did 22:29 when He walked this earth. 22:31 And the character of Christ will 22:33 be perfectly reproduced in His people and that 22:36 character of Christ will be perfectly reflected 22:39 through His people to the world. 22:41 And there will be a powerful Evangelism 22:43 explosion and multitudes will be attracted to the 22:47 message in preparation for Christ second coming. 22:51 Now we're given a serious warning by Paul 22:55 in Second Timothy chapter 3 verse 1. 23:00 Paul tells us, This know also, that in the last 23:03 days perilous times shall come. This is not 23:05 necessary referring to perilous times physically 23:09 to our physical well being, though there are 23:11 sometimes dangerous times. He is talking 23:13 about perilous times to us spiritually. And then 23:16 it gets the whole list of characteristics of 23:18 those living in the last days. And in reality that 23:20 list actually describes professed Christians. 23:23 Because the last thing on the list we read is in 23:26 verse 5 of that chapter. 23:29 Having a form of godliness, but denying 23:32 the power thereof from such turn away. 23:36 We see here that Paul was telling us that one 23:38 of the characteristics of the majority of 23:40 Christians in the last days will be, 23:42 they'll have the form of godliness, 23:44 they'll go through the forms, 23:46 but they will not have the power and they'll be 23:49 be denying the power. 23:51 And I guarantee you that Satan will try to 23:53 discourage you from experiencing the full 23:55 full power of Jesus in your life to be free from 23:58 all the oppressions of Satan in your life, 23:59 because He does not want you to be free. 24:02 But I can give you the good news of the gospel 24:04 through the power of the Holy Spirit, 24:07 through taken the authority of Jesus in 24:09 your life and understanding the 24:11 principles of deliverance. 24:12 You can be free from every attack and oppression 24:15 that Satan tries to bring in your life. 24:17 That's what Jesus did in His ministry, 24:19 that's what the Early Church did in 24:20 their ministry. And that is the ministry, 24:23 the Evangelism that will be taking place 24:25 in the last days just like Jesus, 24:27 and just like the Early Church. 24:30 And I can tell you, there was a time when I 24:34 doubted the, the power of the gospel. 24:37 I was a, I'm a Pastor and I've been telling 24:39 everybody that, but I would pray with people 24:42 and I didn't see anything much change. 24:44 And I remember the first individual that 24:46 we prayed for, 24:47 the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. 24:49 This young man was a fairly new Christian. 24:51 But he had a severe struggle with depression. 24:54 He was clinically depressed and he tried 24:56 to commit suicide on at least two occasions. 24:59 Because as we share these things about the 25:01 baptism of Holy Spirit and the freedom you 25:02 can have in Jesus. 25:04 That young man became free from the depression 25:07 and he understood the weapons of his warfare 25:09 and he could be free. 25:12 Also when I was, 25:14 I've opportunity to share these things in 25:16 seminars, in different places and one 25:19 time when I was sharing this in a particular 25:20 church, a lady came to an Adventist Church, 25:23 the first time she've ever been in an Adventist Church. 25:25 She had been sexually molested as a child. 25:28 Her mother blamed her for it, 25:30 because it was the stepfather who did it. 25:32 She got into drugs and alcohol, 25:35 and two weeks before coming to the 25:39 Adventist Church she tried to commit suicide 25:41 through an overdose. 25:43 She got hope when she heard the message of 25:46 Jesus that He could free her. 25:48 And through prayer and leading her to understand 25:51 the freedom she could have in Jesus, she became free. 25:54 And she wrote in a thank you card and I just 25:56 share this and this came on, 25:58 came in and I get these, maybe I should say 26:01 please do not think I'm drawing attention to me. 26:04 It's not me, it's the power of Jesus that delivers people. 26:08 And it's so encouraging to get calls and e-mails 26:10 and letters from individuals that are 26:12 experiencing the power of God in their life as 26:14 they come to understand the baptized the 26:16 Holy Spirit and the weapons of their warfare. 26:19 In this lady wrote several weeks later, 26:21 Pastor Smith through your ministry I've been 26:24 truly blessed, my life has made a 180 degree turn. 26:29 I'm finally for the first time in my life happy 26:31 and excited about Jesus and the blessings of 26:34 the Holy Spirit. 26:36 Thank you for blessing me with your knowledge 26:39 and the love of Jesus. 26:40 Again no glory goes to me, all the glory goes to God. 26:43 But that's the ministry God has called all of us to give. 26:46 He has given us and called us, 26:48 the ministry to be spirit filled, 26:50 to be able to take the gospel. 26:53 The good news for the gospel that we can 26:54 be free from every oppression of Satan and 26:57 that we can become just like Jesus in our life. 27:01 That is the call that God is giving to us. 27:06 I believe beyond any question that God is 27:10 calling this last generation of Christians 27:12 into existence today. 27:14 He is calling us to come out of that Laodicea condition, 27:19 because if we stay there, we would be lost. 27:23 He is calling us to be filled with Holy Spirit. 27:26 He is calling us to let Jesus live in us 27:28 to minister through us as Jesus did 27:31 when He walked this earth. 27:33 And it will be no surprise, 27:35 it should not be any surprise to anyone, 27:37 when Jesus lives in us and ministers through us, 27:40 He will do the same ministry through us 27:42 that he did when he walked this earth. 27:44 That is the call that God has given to His Church 27:46 today. That is the call that He's given to you. 27:49 And I pray that you'll heed the call. |
Revised 2014-12-17