Participants: Rick Remmers
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000218
00:31 Hello, welcome to Faith Chapel.
00:33 I'm Pastor Rick Remmers from Chicago, Illinois 00:37 and today our message is entitle 00:39 "The Most Important Climb." 00:43 Businessman, Harvey Mackay wrote a newspaper column 00:46 in which he talked about the importance of leaders 00:49 being willing to do any kind of work 00:52 that needs to be done. 00:53 And as an example he cited the experience of Pillsbury 00:58 of the Pillsbury milling family. 01:00 He wrote "The tips of three of his fingers were missing, 01:04 the unmistakable mark of a journeyman grain miller." 01:08 I'll be at a somewhat less than dexterous one. 01:11 "Philip Pillsbury had an international reputation 01:14 as a connoisseur of fine foods and wines, 01:17 but to the troops, 01:18 his reputation as a man willing to do a hard, dirty job 01:22 was the one that mattered 01:24 and you can be sure everyone was aware of it." 01:29 We need to follow good examples in our life. 01:33 In fact in 1 Peter 2:21 we're given this instruction 01:39 "For to this you were called, 01:41 because Christ also suffered for us, 01:44 leaving us an example, 01:45 that you should follow His steps." 01:48 Jesus gives us an example that we can follow faithfully 01:52 because He lived a sinless life 01:55 and His actions give us a great example. 01:58 Today, I would like for us to take a look 02:00 at the steps that Jesus took at Mount Cavalry 02:04 and take some lessons not so much 02:07 from the theology of salvation 02:09 although we'll touch on that as well. 02:11 But some practical living clues 02:16 that we get from Jesus experience, 02:19 the Mount Cavalry or Mount Golgotha 02:23 as its described in the gospels has a couple of places today 02:28 that are claimed to be that site. 02:32 It's believed to have that name 02:34 because it had the appearance like a skull, 02:37 Origen one of the early church fathers thought 02:39 that Adam's skull was buried there, 02:42 Jerome thought that the skulls 02:43 of executed criminals were lying around. 02:47 The two prominent sites today in Jerusalem 02:50 that people believe may have been 02:53 the Cavalry of Jesus experience. 02:56 One is located at the church of the holy sepulcher, 02:59 cathedral has been placed over this small hill 03:02 and it marks the traditional site. 03:05 More recently, about 100 years ago 03:07 The Garden Tomb has come to be believed 03:10 by some to have been the place of Jesus death and burial. 03:14 It's the only place that a hand carved tomb 03:18 from Jesus day has been discovered 03:21 and it does fit the description in many ways. 03:25 But before we go to the lessons I'd like to take a few minutes 03:30 to read a moving passage from Matthew 27:31-50 03:36 give us the account of what happened 03:38 as Jesus took these steps. 03:41 "And when they had mocked Him, they took the robe off of Him, 03:45 put His own clothes on Him, 03:46 and led Him away to be crucified. 03:49 Now as they came out, 03:50 they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. 03:54 Him they compelled to bear His cross. 03:56 And when they had come to a place called Golgotha, 03:59 that is to say, Place of a Skull, 04:01 they gave Him sour wine mingled with gall to drink. 04:05 But when He had tasted it, He would not drink. 04:08 Then they crucified Him, and divided His garments, 04:12 casting lots, that it might be fulfilled 04:14 which was spoken by the prophet. 04:17 'They divided My garments among them, 04:19 and for My clothing they cast lots.' 04:22 Sitting down, they kept watch over Him there. 04:25 And they put up over His head 04:27 the accusation written against Him. 04:30 This is Jesus the king of the Jews. 04:32 Then two robbers were crucified with Him, 04:35 one on the right and another on the left. 04:38 And those who passed by blasphemed Him, 04:41 wagging their heads and saying, 04:43 'You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, 04:46 save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, 04:49 come down from the cross.' 04:51 Likewise the chief priests also, 04:54 mocking with the scribes and elders, said, 04:56 'He saved others, Himself He cannot save. 05:00 If He is the King of Israel, 05:02 let Him now come down from the cross, 05:04 and we will believe Him. 05:06 He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him now 05:09 if He will have Him 05:11 for He said, "I am the Son of God."' 05:13 Even the robbers who were crucified with Him 05:16 reviled Him with the same thing. 05:19 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour 05:22 there was darkness over all the land. 05:24 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out 05:27 with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' 05:33 That is, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' 05:38 Some of those who stood there, when they heard that, said, 05:41 'This Man is calling for Elijah.' 05:43 Immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, 05:47 filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, 05:49 and offered it to Him to drink. 05:51 The rest said, 'Let Him alone, 05:54 let us see if Elijah will come to save Him.' 05:57 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, 06:01 and yielded up His spirit." 06:05 You have this moving accounts of Jesus experience 06:09 there on Mount Cavalry the steps that he took. 06:13 Let's take a look at some of the life lessons 06:16 that we find illustrated here. 06:17 First, seemingly small mountains 06:21 can be the most difficult to climb. 06:24 This hill was much smaller than the temple mount 06:28 where the Mount of Olives to the east of Jerusalem 06:31 and yet Jesus was so low to climb it 06:34 He prayed repeatedly to be able to walk away from it 06:38 that He would not have to go through this experience 06:42 but He knew as difficult it was going to be that 06:44 He needed to prepare by prayer. 06:48 And so He went and spent the night before 06:51 until His rest in the Garden of Gethsemane. 06:53 He wasn't fooled by the small size. 06:56 He knew the significance, 06:57 he knew the importance of what was to take place. 07:00 He knew that for all of His life in ministry 07:02 all of His teachings and healings 07:04 this was the purpose for which He had come 07:07 in order to provide salvation for you and for me. 07:11 And so He surrendered His will to God the Father 07:14 and prayed that the Father's will would be done. 07:18 Sometimes the small mountains maybe the most difficult 07:23 and we need to make sure 07:24 that we don't judge other people 07:27 by the apparent size of the mountains 07:29 that they're climbing. 07:30 Sometimes we look at other people 07:32 and think the trials and difficulties 07:34 that they are facing are nothing in comparison 07:36 to what I have. 07:38 And yet sometimes what on the outside 07:41 seems to be a small mountain 07:43 can in fact in someone's life be truly 07:46 a great challenge for them to climb, surmount. 07:49 Some of our most life altering decisions 07:52 may not have seen the very important to pivotal 07:55 at the time that we made them 07:57 but in retrospect we can see the importance 07:59 and how they charted a course for our life. 08:02 The school that we chose to attend, 08:04 the neighborhood that we live 08:05 and the friends that we spend time with, 08:07 the job that we take, 08:10 the person that we chose to marry, 08:12 we need to surrender each one of these decisions 08:15 to Jesus and seek His wisdom. 08:18 A second lesson that we learn from Jesus experience is that 08:21 there is a cross to be carried. 08:25 Now, this is, this is, a lesson 08:26 that we'd like to avoid 08:28 who of us wants to carry a cross? 08:30 Who of us wants to bear such a burden? 08:33 Some of us that, that cross maybe poor health, 08:36 some illness that we just never seem to be healed off, 08:41 for some it maybe little finances 08:44 and no matter what they do, no matter how hard they work, 08:46 no mater how much they try and plan ahead, 08:49 they never seem to have enough. 08:52 Perhaps, it's a frustrating person 08:54 that is in our life, a boss, who is very difficult to please 08:58 or perhaps even a spouse that we live with 09:00 and yet brings great frustration to us. 09:04 But Jesus lived a life of conviction not of ease. 09:08 And He calls us to do the same 09:10 and if we follow in His steps 09:12 they will be times when there is a cross to carry 09:15 but Jesus has promised us to be with us 09:17 and He says "My burden is easy and He will be with us." 09:23 The third lesson is that sometimes help is needed 09:26 in order to carry the cross or the burden. 09:29 Simon of Cyrene was enlisted to help carry the cross 09:33 and what at first it seems to be such an undesirable task 09:37 proved in his life to be a great blessing. 09:40 Tradition tells us that later on Simon 09:42 became a believer of Jesus Christ 09:45 and he was aware of His, His teachings 09:48 and this brought him closer to Jesus. 09:51 But Jesus truly needed real help. 09:53 He could not do it on His own. 09:55 And there are times in our experience 09:57 when we need the help of other people 10:00 and we can't afford to be so independent 10:03 that we're unwilling to allow God 10:05 to bring other people into our lives 10:07 to be an encouragement and strength to us. 10:12 A fourth lesson that we find here 10:15 is that Jesus cared for others despite His pain. 10:20 We actually find in two of the parallel accounts 10:22 of Jesus experience on Mount Cavalry. 10:26 Luke 23:27, 28 gives us an illustration. 10:31 "And a great multitude of the people followed Him, 10:34 and women who also mourned and lamented Him. 10:37 But Jesus, turning to them, said, 10:39 'Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, 10:43 but weep for yourselves and for your children.'" 10:46 Jesus cared for other people." 10:49 Even with all of the pain and suffering that 10:52 He was experiencing He looked at them 10:54 and He recognized that they didn't understand 10:57 the difficult days that were ahead. 11:00 And so He warned them and He encouraged them. 11:04 We find also in the Gospel of John 19:26, 27. 11:12 "When Jesus therefore saw His mother, 11:14 and the disciple whom He loved standing by, 11:17 He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold your son!' 11:22 Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!' 11:26 And from that hour that disciple 11:29 took her to his own home." 11:32 As Jesus was there on the cross 11:34 He had a concern for His mother. 11:37 He wanted her to be cared for and so we ask that John, 11:40 the beloved disciple would care for His mother 11:43 when He was gone and He was no longer 11:45 able to provide for her. 11:48 Jesus cared for others despite His pain. 11:52 And despite the pain of our lives 11:56 Jesus is able to work through us to be a blessing 11:59 and a ministry to other people. 12:01 Whatever, our limitations are... 12:04 each one of us has skills and abilities, 12:07 talents, spiritual gifts that God has given to us 12:11 in order to be a blessing to other people. 12:14 We all have the talent of time 12:16 we can all take advantage of the privilege of prayer 12:19 interceding for other people. 12:21 And there are many other gifts 12:22 that the New Testament describes 12:24 that we can use to minister to the needs of other people. 12:30 The fifth lesson that we find here 12:32 in this gospel account is that Jesus needed a clear mind. 12:38 There were plenty of excuses for Jesus to take 12:42 if He wanted to drink the wine 12:43 that was offered to Him in order to deaden the pain 12:46 and this was about the only act of mercy 12:49 that was offered to Him 12:51 during this terrible experience there on Cavalry. 12:54 He was dying anyway, what difference would it make 12:58 if as He went in the last few moments 13:00 of His life His mind was a little clouded? 13:03 There was the extreme pain of the physical agony 13:06 that He was going through. 13:08 He wasn't getting ready to preach any great sermon 13:10 like the Sermon on the Mount. 13:12 He wasn't going to be teaching and giving them message. 13:16 He certainly wasn't going to be healing other people 13:19 as He hung there on the cross. 13:21 Who would blame Him 13:22 if He took a little bit of the wine that they offered. 13:26 But even in these dire circumstances 13:29 Jesus was unwilling to have His mind clouded. 13:32 He knew that He needed to be able to remain clear 13:35 in His communication with His father. 13:37 And so He refused to take anything 13:40 that would cloud His mind in His judgment. 13:45 How could we have any better excuse than Jesus? 13:49 Yet, He did not take the wine 13:51 and He leaves us an example to live our lives 13:54 in such a way that we always have clarity of thought 13:58 that the Holy Spirit is always able to speak to our mind 14:01 to give us promptings to lead us in the way 14:04 that God would have us go. 14:06 Jesus needed a clear mind 14:08 to the very end and we do as well. 14:13 The sixth lesson, 14:15 perhaps one of the most difficult for us 14:19 is that we must forgive. 14:23 Jesus says he was experiencing 14:27 the crucifixion and the nailing to the cross. 14:30 Jesus wanted to save even those 14:32 who were in the process of crucifying Him. 14:37 He recognized that they didn't really realized 14:40 what was happening. 14:41 They knew physically what they were doing 14:42 in crucifying His body but they didn't recognize 14:46 who He was and the significance 14:47 of this event that was taking place. 14:51 And so Jesus prays a prayer 14:53 asking that the Father would forgive them. 14:57 And He leaves us an example 14:59 that we be willing to forgive other people as well. 15:03 And there are many good reasons 15:05 to forgive for our own physical health. 15:07 So that the frustration and anxiety 15:11 of holding a grudge against someone else 15:13 doesn't vesture inside of us for our emotional health 15:16 so that we can be free from the bondage 15:19 that comes from the anger that exist when we are unforgiving 15:24 and certainly for our spiritual health. 15:26 And the Lord's Prayer that Jesus had taught His disciples 15:31 it includes the "forgive us our debts 15:34 as we forgive our debtors." 15:37 In the same way that God has forgiven us 15:40 we are to forgive other people. 15:42 Our harden heart on our part 15:44 becomes a barrier in our relationship with God. 15:48 And so He calls for us to forgive. 15:51 Now often, times there are people 15:53 who have hurt us deeply, 15:55 there're people who have done things to us intentionally 15:59 and they have no sorrow for what they've done. 16:02 They've never come and apologized, 16:03 they've never asked for forgiveness. 16:06 Do we need to forgive those people as well? 16:08 Yes, we do. 16:10 Again, not so much because of their experience 16:14 but for our experience, in our walk with the Lord 16:17 we need to have a forgiving spirit towards other people 16:20 and that comes as a gift from God 16:24 if someone has hurt you 16:28 and you want to experience forgiveness 16:30 but you wonder how you can ever come 16:32 to that point of peace. 16:34 I encourage you to pray 16:35 that Jesus would give you that victory. 16:38 That He would be able to give you 16:39 a spirit of forgiveness like He had 16:42 as He experienced Mount Cavalry. 16:45 That spirit can come and it can free you 16:48 from the pain and from the grudges 16:51 and from the isolation that comes 16:54 from our hardened heart, unwilling to forgive. 16:57 The seventh lesson that we find 16:59 here in Jesus experience 17:02 is that there are sacrifices to be made. 17:08 Here it speaks of Jesus robe being taken from Him 17:12 and they're casting lots 17:14 in order to decide who will get it. 17:16 Jesus also experiences sacrifice of His power 17:20 when He left His throne in heaven. 17:23 He left the adoration in the presence of the angels 17:27 and the face to face communication with His Father. 17:30 He left all of the glory of heaven 17:32 in order to be born on this earth. 17:35 Born as a baby, growing up with difficulties of childhood, 17:39 working with His father in the carpenter shop, 17:41 experience prejudice and resentment 17:45 by those who were around Him and there're times 17:48 when we are called to sacrifice as well. 17:53 We're never called to sacrifice as much as Jesus did. 17:56 We certainly don't have His experience 17:59 but in smaller ways there are times 18:01 when we are called to sacrifice. 18:03 Perhaps, it's financially, 18:04 perhaps its sacrificing our time 18:07 and giving to other people in a specific way. 18:10 Perhaps, it's sacrificing some of the other things 18:13 that this life offers 18:15 but it's always an investment as well. 18:18 Jesus sacrificed all of these things 18:21 in order to make the provision 18:23 for us to receive eternal life. 18:25 Jesus wants us to be in heaven with Him. 18:28 He went through all of the experience 18:30 of living on this earth and dying on Mount Cavalry 18:34 in order for us to be able 18:35 to experience an eternity with Him. 18:38 He experienced that sacrifice for our benefit. 18:42 And as we sacrifice there're benefits 18:45 that come to other people and to ourselves as well. 18:50 And eighth, lesson from Jesus experience 18:53 is that there will always be mockers and critics. 18:59 Now this is something that it's easy to forgive 19:01 we'd rather not acknowledge that 19:03 but there as Jesus is hanging on the cross 19:06 the thieves on either side of Him are mocking Him 19:08 until one finally as Jesus to remember him 19:12 when He comes into His kingdom. 19:13 There are the priests 19:14 who are challenging His authority 19:16 and questioning the things 19:18 that He has said and taunting Him 19:20 now that He is hanging on the cross. 19:22 There is the crowd the rabble 19:25 that are casting all kinds of abuse on Jesus 19:29 as He is there defenseless 19:32 and certainly there're the soldiers 19:35 who are callously involved 19:37 in doing their job of crucifying 19:39 what they believe is another criminal. 19:42 And then there is the desertion by His disciples 19:45 not outright criticism but unwilling to walk 19:49 through this experience with Jesus. 19:52 In the Desire of Ages page 751 19:54 we read "Many were ready to call Him Lord 19:58 when He wrought miracles, 19:59 and after He had risen from the grave 20:02 but none acknowledged Him as He hung dying upon the cross 20:05 save the penitent thief 20:07 who was saved at the eleventh hour." 20:10 Jesus had already said earlier in His ministry, 20:14 "Blessed are you when you're persecuted." 20:18 And there are times when there are mockers 20:20 and critics and persecutors who come to us. 20:23 And we can't expect to move forward 20:26 in the kingdom of God to advance the work of God 20:30 on this earth without meeting resistance 20:33 from Satan and the forces of evil. 20:35 There is going to be a counterattack. 20:37 And so whenever we step forward whenever we do the work of God 20:41 there're going to be mockers and there're going to critics. 20:44 But we can't be dissuaded by them, 20:46 we can't allow them to distract us, 20:48 we can't be surprised. 20:51 Sometimes people seem amazed that there are critics 20:55 in the church outside of the church 20:58 that people are unwilling to believe what they believe. 21:01 We should never be unduly discouraged 21:04 when other people fall away, 21:06 people perhaps that we've confidence in. 21:09 Remember we keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ 21:13 and so if there are other people 21:14 who have once believed 21:16 but then become mockers and critics. 21:19 We do not take our eyes off of Jesus Christ. 21:22 We continue to have confidence 21:24 that what Jesus has started in us 21:26 He will bring to completion. 21:30 As you go through your daily walk with the Lord 21:33 make sure you keep your eyes fixed upon Him. 21:36 Don't become discouraged 21:38 when things don't go well around you. 21:41 There will be mockers and critics 21:42 to the very end of the age. 21:45 They existed when Jesus was right there in front of Him 21:48 and in fact a few chapters further 21:50 the very closing verses of the gospel of Matthew 21:54 it says that "Even as Jesus was ready to ascend to heaven 21:58 there were those among His followers who doubted." 22:02 They had gone seen the experience of Jesus. 22:04 He had died on the cross, He'd been buried in the tomb, 22:07 He had been resurrected to new life, 22:09 He'd performed more miracles among them, 22:12 He was there visibly in front of them. 22:14 They could touch Him, they could see the nail scars. 22:17 He was ready to ascend to heaven. 22:20 The culmination of His life's work 22:23 and yet there were still some in the very presence 22:26 physical presence of Jesus 22:27 who choose, who chose to doubt. 22:31 There'll be doubters among us to the very end 22:34 but don't become discouraged, don't become distracted, 22:38 keep strong in your faith in the confidence 22:41 that God has given to us and in the promises of His word 22:45 what He has said He will do He will do. 22:50 The ninth lesson that we find here 22:52 is that we need that when we stand true 22:56 the word will get out. 22:58 Pilate had a sign placed over Jesus head on top of the cross 23:03 that this was the king of Jews in three languages 23:07 so that any one coming in for the Passover feast 23:10 wherever they were coming from, whatever language they spoke 23:12 they would be able to understand 23:14 why Jesus was being crucified. 23:17 When we stand for truth the word will get out, 23:21 people may not appreciate what we stand for 23:24 but they will recognize that we stand for God 23:29 and they'll note our conviction in our courage. 23:33 The tenth and final lesson that we'll look at here 23:36 is that it is truly the darkest before the dawn. 23:40 As Jesus was there on the cross 23:43 the clouds came in the sun was shut out, 23:47 the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, 23:50 the ground shook, it was a dark time 23:54 for Jesus in His life in the earth's history. 23:58 But the next thing Jesus would know 24:00 after He cried out in a loud voice 24:02 and said it was finished 24:03 after He died there on the cross 24:05 the next thing that Jesus would know 24:08 after the sleep of dead was the brilliance 24:11 of the angel coming at His resurrection. 24:15 The resurrection power, 24:16 the power over the grave as Jesus came forth 24:19 it is the darkest before the dawn. 24:23 And so when you're experiencing dark times in your life 24:26 recognize that God continues to work. 24:29 He'll bring light and encouragement 24:31 and strength to you. 24:34 Salvation, our salvation was accomplished on Mount Cavalry 24:38 because Jesus took those steps, 24:41 because He leaves His example for us 24:44 we are able to experience the fullness of God's love 24:48 in the salvation that He has promised. 24:50 Jesus served as our substitute. 24:54 It was our sins that caused His death there on the cross. 24:59 That's the reason why He went 25:01 and died on the cross and somehow sometimes 25:05 we think that we can do things on our own 25:08 that it's our own goodness 25:11 and we failed to recognize that the only way 25:14 that we can receive salvation is to accept 25:16 what Jesus Christ has done for us. 25:18 And that He is our substitute 25:20 and there is nothing that we can offer. 25:23 The Scripture says our righteousness 25:25 is as filthy rags. 25:26 It just doesn't amount to anything good. 25:30 In 1994 the Associated Press reported 25:35 a event in New Delhi, India. 25:37 The Indian farmers there were protesting 25:40 a move by India's parliament to bring in three million tons 25:44 of Dutch dung to be used as farm fertilizers. 25:48 And these farmers were saying 25:51 there was no shortage of cows in India 25:53 and that the Indian cows 25:56 did not have their dung tainted by pesticides. 25:59 So in protest these farmers brought six oxcarts 26:03 full of this fresh dung before the parliament steps. 26:07 Presumably they got the legislators attention 26:10 but it represents how so often 26:12 we're wanting to take some feeble thing in our life 26:17 and we think its something great 26:18 and we want to give it to God, 26:22 failing to recognize that the best that we have 26:26 is not good enough to give us eternal life, 26:29 that we come seeking the leading of God 26:32 and we must have the salvation 26:34 that Jesus brought on the Cross. 26:37 We receive forgiveness from Him. 26:40 The Desire of Ages Page 745 says, 26:42 "Upon all rests the guilt of crucifying the Son of God. 26:45 To all, forgiveness is freely offered." 26:48 He brings healing, salvation and eternal life to us. 26:53 The Readers Digest contained a story 26:56 about Aunt Ruby and Uncle Arnie. 26:59 They've tried for some years to have a child 27:01 and were unable to and so they adopted a son 27:05 and a short time later sure enough Aunt Ruby 27:08 was pregnant and gave birth to another boy. 27:12 Well, the boys grew 27:13 and when they were eight and nine years old 27:16 the boys were playing together in the yard 27:18 and family were visiting Aunt Ruby 27:20 and a neighbor came by and said 27:21 "Aunt Ruby, which boy is yours?" 27:25 And Aunt Ruby said "Well, they both are." 27:28 And the neighbor said "Well, no. 27:30 I mean which one is adopted?" 27:33 And Aunt Ruby said "I don't remember." 27:38 God has said, "He will not remember our sins anymore." 27:43 He will cast men to the depths of the sea 27:45 because of what Jesus did on Mount Cavalry 27:48 our lives are washed clean 27:50 and we can experience the assurance of eternal life 27:54 through the power of Jesus Christ. |
Revised 2014-12-17