Faith Chapel

And Shall Be Added Unto You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Sliger


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000213

00:31 I'd like to welcome you to another "Faith Chapel,"
00:34 another time where we can spend some time
00:35 studying the Word of God together.
00:37 Today we have another exciting subject
00:39 that we're gonna be taking a look at.
00:40 I've entitled our study today
00:42 "All These Things Shall Be Added Unto You."
00:46 We're gonna be taking a look at the Bible
00:47 and see what else we can learn
00:48 from some of these important passages of scripture here.
00:51 My name is Jason Sliger,
00:53 I'm an evangelist with Amazing Facts Ministries
00:55 and I have a tremendous joy sharing the Bible
00:58 with those people that I meet across the countries.
01:01 Today we're gonna look at this subject
01:02 and see what else we can learn
01:04 from God's word as we continue our quest
01:07 and our pursuit for Bible truth and Bible knowledge.
01:09 I would like to begin our study today
01:11 by taking a look at a story
01:12 that Jesus was relating to some of his followers
01:15 in Luke Chapter 12, we're gonna begin in verse 16.
01:18 The Bible tells us here,
01:19 "And he spoke a parable unto them, saying,
01:22 the ground of a certain rich man
01:25 brought forth plentifully.
01:27 And he thought within himself, saying, what shall I do,
01:30 because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
01:34 And he said, this will I do, I will pull down my barns,
01:38 and build greater and there will I bestow
01:41 all my fruits and my goods.
01:43 And I will say to my soul,
01:45 Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years,
01:50 take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry."
01:55 Jesus is sharing a parable here with some of His followers.
01:59 He's sharing with them a story, this parable,
02:01 and He's saying that there was this man
02:03 that had a lot of wealth.
02:05 He had a lot of prosperity.
02:07 He was a man
02:08 that was a high ranking official in society
02:10 because of his status quo and his wealth.
02:16 And Jesus says that this man,
02:17 he had all of the modern conveniences
02:19 and he had so much stuff that the Bible says
02:22 that he actually said to himself,
02:24 man, what am I gonna do with all the things
02:25 that I have?
02:26 My barns can no longer hold all of the great things
02:29 that I have achieved in my life,
02:31 all the things that I've been able to buy.
02:33 He says, well, what I'll do is I'll pull down my old barns,
02:37 I'll destroy them and I'll build bigger ones
02:39 and greater ones that can hold my wealth,
02:42 that I have built here in my kingdom on this earth.
02:47 Jesus here is showing us an example
02:49 of what a lot of people in this world are like.
02:51 You know, my friends,
02:52 as I travel around and I go around doing,
02:55 sharing the Word of God with my friends
02:58 that I meet in place by place,
03:00 it's interesting that time and time again
03:02 I meet people that are interested
03:05 and focused upon the things in this world.
03:07 Now, I also meet people who are interested
03:09 and focused on following God
03:11 and doing what God would have them to do.
03:14 But, you know, there are people all across the world
03:17 whose goals and achievements in life
03:19 is to see how high they can get in society.
03:22 To see how high they can get in the eyes of other people.
03:25 To see how high they can become in the eyes of the society.
03:29 To see where they can get in this life
03:33 by building up their kingdom here in this world.
03:35 And Jesus is showing us an example of this
03:37 here during His time about this man
03:39 who had built his kingdom here on this earth
03:41 with all the modern conveniences
03:43 that he could possibly want.
03:45 It goes on in this passage of scripture
03:47 and we will continue to read.
03:49 It goes on and it says this.
03:51 "But God spake unto him, Thou fool,"
03:55 notice what God calls him.
03:56 He calls him a fool.
03:57 "This night thy soul shall be required of thee.
04:00 Then whose shall those things be,
04:03 which thou hast provided?
04:04 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself,
04:08 and is not rich toward God."
04:11 The Bible tells us here that this man
04:13 who had received all this wealth and prosperity,
04:16 this man who said eat, drink and be merry,
04:19 live your life the way you want to,
04:21 enjoy the times that you have here in this world.
04:23 This man who is seeking after all the modern conveniences
04:26 and the wealth and prosperity of this world,
04:29 Jesus the-- Jesus says that God calls him a fool.
04:34 And you know, friends,
04:35 unfortunately I believe that God would say the same thing
04:37 about those people in the world today
04:39 who seek after the things here in this world,
04:41 that have their kingdom building here
04:43 and not in heaven.
04:45 That God would unfortunately have to look down
04:47 and call them as He did this man here in this story.
04:51 He would call them and say what, what are you achieving
04:54 by gaining all of these things in this world?
04:57 What is it gonna do for you?
04:58 What have you achieved
05:00 by becoming the most wealthy person in the world?
05:02 What have you achieved by having the biggest barns,
05:04 by having the biggest house, by having the best cars,
05:07 by having the best paid job?
05:09 What have you achieved
05:10 by seeking after the things in this world?
05:12 What good has it done you?
05:15 And, friends, I want to ask you a question.
05:17 What is number one in your life?
05:19 What is number one in your mind?
05:21 What is the first thing you think about
05:22 when you wake up in the morning?
05:24 When you roll out of your bed?
05:25 When your alarm clock sounds
05:27 or when the birds start chirping
05:29 or when the sun rises and you get out of your bed,
05:31 what is the first thing that runs through your thoughts?
05:33 What is the first thing that comes into your mind?
05:35 Is the first thing that comes into your mind
05:37 when you wake up your job, your family, your prosperity,
05:42 the deadlines you need to meet?
05:43 What is the first thing that rolls through your mind
05:45 when you wake up in the morning?
05:46 When you wake up, is the first thing
05:47 that comes through your thoughts,
05:49 how can I get to know God better today?
05:51 How can I serve Him in a more effective way?
05:54 How can I dedicate my life completely over to Him?
05:57 How can I serve God today?
05:59 God, I want to get to know you better today.
06:01 God, I want to surrender my life completely to You.
06:03 What is the first thing that goes through your mind
06:05 when you wake up in the morning?
06:06 Unfortunately, a lot of the people
06:08 in this world today,
06:09 the first thing that rolls through their minds is,
06:12 how can I become more popular,
06:16 have a better prestige?
06:17 How can I get more money? How can I get a better house?
06:20 How can I get a better job? How can I get a better this?
06:23 How can I get a better that?
06:24 How can I make ends meet? How can I do this?
06:26 And God is the very last thing
06:27 that goes through their thoughts
06:28 as they go throughout the course of the day.
06:30 They continue through the course of the day--
06:32 their day in the hustle and bustle,
06:33 in the busyness of life
06:35 and God doesn't even come into their thoughts.
06:37 God isn't even mentioned in their mind.
06:39 God is not even a word that they--
06:40 that they speak out of their mouth
06:42 except for sometimes using it in a profane way.
06:45 And, friends, I ask you today,
06:46 what is the first thing that goes through your mind
06:49 when you wake up in the morning?
06:50 I want to share a story with you
06:52 in Revelation Chapter 2.
06:54 Here Jesus is talking to one of the seven churches.
06:56 Revelation 2 and 3 are dedicated to the seven churches
06:59 and Jesus is talking to the second church here
07:01 in Revelation Chapter 2
07:03 and we're gonna begin in verse 8 and 9.
07:05 The Bible says this,
07:07 "And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna
07:10 write, these things saith the first and the last,
07:13 which was dead, and is alive.
07:15 I know thy works, and tribulation,
07:19 and poverty, but thou art rich
07:23 and I know the blasphemy of them
07:25 which say they are Jews, and are not,
07:28 but are the synagogue of Satan."
07:32 The Bible tells us here
07:33 that Jesus is talking about a church, one of the churches,
07:36 it's called the church of Smyrna.
07:38 And he says to the church of Smyrna,
07:40 I know thy works, that you have done
07:42 all of these great things that you are--
07:45 That you are poor, the Bible says,
07:47 that you have poverty.
07:48 You're not a-- you're not a physically rich church.
07:51 But it's interesting, the Bible says here.
07:53 He says, I know thy works and thy poverty
07:55 but it says, it says, but thou art rich.
07:58 Now, I ask myself the question, how can a group of people,
08:02 how can a church be poor but be rich at the same time?
08:05 Well, Jesus says here,
08:07 that the church of Smyrna was poor but it was also rich.
08:10 I ask myself, what were they rich in?
08:12 Were they rich in physical things?
08:14 Did they have a large bank account?
08:16 Were they-- were they above the higher echelons of society?
08:20 How were they rich?
08:22 That's the question I ask myself.
08:23 Well, the passage goes on in verse 11,
08:25 and it says this, "He that hath an ear, let him hear
08:30 what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
08:33 He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death."
08:40 Jesus here is writing about the church of Smyrna
08:43 and He's saying, he that overcometh,
08:45 and I can almost imagine in my mind
08:46 that the church of Smyrna,
08:48 it may not have been a physically wealthy church,
08:50 it may not have a had a lot of physical prosperity,
08:53 it may not have had a large amount of money
08:55 in its bank account,
08:56 it may not have had the-- the most rich people
08:59 in its attendance there at the church.
09:01 They probably didn't have doctors and lawyers
09:03 and all of those kind of things
09:04 giving large donations to the church
09:06 but the Bible says that they were probably,
09:10 most likely, they were a group of people
09:12 that experienced victory in their life.
09:14 They were a group of people
09:15 that the Bible says were overcomers.
09:18 They weren't rich in physical things
09:20 but they were rich in victory.
09:21 They were rich in an experience with God.
09:23 They were rich in obtaining the things
09:26 that we should be looking for as Christians here today.
09:30 The Bible tells us about this church,
09:31 this church called Smyrna
09:33 and I believe that God has given us this church
09:35 as an example to point us in the right direction
09:38 of what God would have us to be seeking after.
09:40 Not seeking after wealth, not seeking after prosperity,
09:43 although we do need to make ends meet
09:45 and we do need to have financial
09:47 help to help make our ends meet.
09:49 But, friends, that should not be the first thing
09:51 that goes through our minds.
09:52 That should not be the first thing
09:53 that we seek after
09:54 but we should first seek after God as the Bible tells us
09:57 and we are going to look at this passage of scripture
09:59 in Matthew 6:33.
10:02 The Bible tells us,
10:03 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
10:05 and his righteousness
10:07 all these things shall be added unto you."
10:13 The Bible tells us here that we as Christians,
10:16 the first thing that we should seek after,
10:18 is the kingdom of heaven.
10:19 Now, not only does the Bible say
10:21 that we should seek after the kingdom of heaven
10:23 but it also goes on and it says
10:24 that the kingdom of heaven should be the first thing
10:27 that we seek after.
10:28 And again I ask you the question,
10:29 when you wake up in the morning,
10:30 what's the first thing that goes through your mind?
10:32 What is the thing that you are wanting
10:34 to achieve in your life?
10:35 What are the goals that you have?
10:36 Are your goals that you've set to achieve worldly prosperity,
10:40 worldly honor, worldly glory or are the things
10:43 that you seek after first in your life
10:45 is the kingdom of heaven?
10:46 Is that the first thing you seek after?
10:48 The Bible says that we are to seek
10:49 first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness
10:52 and that all these things will be added unto us.
10:56 Well, I ask myself the question.
10:58 Okay, God, if I seek after the kingdom of heaven first,
11:01 if I dedicate my life to You
11:02 and I seek after the kingdom of heaven first,
11:04 what does it mean all these things
11:07 shall be added unto you?
11:09 Notice what the Bible says
11:10 in the preceding text in verse 32.
11:13 It tells us here, "For after all these things
11:17 do the Gentiles seek.
11:20 For your heavenly Father knoweth
11:21 that ye have need of all these things."
11:26 The Bible tells us here, interestingly enough,
11:28 that the gentiles-- Now, you have to understand
11:31 who the gentiles were in the Jewish mindset.
11:33 In the Jewish mindset,
11:34 the gentiles were unclean people.
11:36 They were heathen people.
11:37 They were people that--
11:38 that were godless and served pagan gods.
11:41 They were people that the Jewish people
11:43 did not want to associate with.
11:45 But the Bible says here
11:46 that after all these things do the gentiles seek.
11:51 Now, the Bible says that
11:52 the gentiles seek after all these things.
11:54 So it's probably safe to say
11:56 that if we seek after all of these things
11:59 that the Bible would be defining us as gentiles,
12:03 people that seek after things in this world
12:05 before they seek after God.
12:06 Now, again, we ask ourselves this question,
12:08 what are all these things?
12:09 Notice what the Bible says in verse 31, it says this.
12:13 "Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat?
12:16 Or, what shall we drink?
12:18 Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?"
12:21 And then the passage goes on, it says,
12:23 "For after all these things do the gentiles seek."
12:25 So the things that the gentiles seek
12:26 are the things in this world,
12:27 money, food, clothing and all those modern things,
12:31 the conveniences of life.
12:33 That is the first thing that they seek after,
12:35 not seeking after the kingdom of heaven.
12:37 So, the Bible is telling us here
12:39 that gentiles seek after the things in this world
12:42 before they seek after the kingdom of heaven.
12:44 I don't know about you, my friends,
12:45 but I don't want to be
12:46 what the Bible defines here as a gentile.
12:49 I want to be what the--
12:50 what the Bible defines as a person
12:52 that seeks after the kingdom of heaven first.
12:54 As a person whose first thought
12:55 when they wake up in the morning is,
12:57 God, how can I better honor You today?
12:59 How can I better serve You today?
13:01 How can I better live my life for You?
13:03 Friends, I don't want to be a gentile
13:04 that seeks after all these things first.
13:06 And then may be...
13:08 seek after the kingdom of heaven.
13:10 But rather seek after the kingdom of heaven first.
13:12 Now, let me share with you an interesting thought.
13:14 If we seek after the kingdom of heaven first,
13:19 the Bible tells us
13:20 all these things shall be added unto us.
13:22 All of the things that we need, food, clothing
13:25 and all of that-- all of that stuff.
13:27 The Bible says, if we seek after that kingdom first
13:29 and those things will be given to us.
13:31 Now, on the flip side,
13:32 if we seek after all these things first,
13:34 all of the things in this world,
13:35 unfortunately the Bible does not say,
13:38 if we seek the things in this world first
13:39 then the kingdom of heaven will be added unto you.
13:41 So, those people who seek the kingdom of heaven
13:44 number one in their lives,
13:45 they get the best of both worlds.
13:47 But those people who seek after all of those things,
13:49 all other things in this world,
13:51 they only have what they may think
13:54 as the best things in this life
13:56 and not the best things in the life to come.
14:00 So, I don't know about you
14:01 but it seems like a better deal.
14:02 It seems like a better idea
14:03 to seek after the kingdom of heaven first
14:06 and then be able to obtain all of these things
14:09 that we need to keep us alive in this world.
14:12 Now, let's go on in our study
14:13 and look at verse 19 and 20 of Matthew Chapter 6.
14:16 Verse 19 it says this,
14:18 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,
14:21 where moth and rust doth corrupt,
14:24 and where thieves break through and steal."
14:27 It's interesting if you look at this Bible passage,
14:30 Jesus here is appealing to His people
14:33 and He's making an appeal and He's saying, listen,
14:35 don't set up your kingdom here on this earth.
14:38 Don't look after worldly prosperity.
14:40 Don't look after the things in this world
14:42 but don't-- But rather look after Me
14:44 and set up a kingdom in heaven
14:46 as we're gonna continue to seek.
14:48 Jesus says here,
14:49 don't set up your kingdom here on this earth.
14:51 He says, don't search after the treasures
14:53 of this earth the moth,
14:55 and the rust and the thieves will destroy
14:57 those things here in this world.
14:59 It's interesting if you look at this passage,
15:01 the Bible tells us that the moth,
15:03 and the rust, and the thieves
15:05 that break through and they steal.
15:06 You know, if you look at everything in this world,
15:08 it can be destroyed or stolen
15:10 or taken by one of those three things.
15:12 If the moth doesn't destroy it and eat it,
15:14 then the rust will corrupt it and destroy it.
15:16 And if the rust and the moth doesn't destroy it,
15:19 the thieves will break through and steal it.
15:21 So, friends, nothing in this world has any security.
15:24 No matter how much you may have,
15:26 no matter how much money you may spend
15:29 on making your life secure here in this life,
15:32 it's not secure, my friends,
15:33 because things here in this world
15:35 are subject to being stolen
15:37 and being taken away and being destroyed.
15:39 We cannot have security here in this life
15:42 but we can have security in the life to come, amen?
15:44 That's what the Bible tells us,
15:46 that we are not to set up our treasures
15:48 here in this earth.
15:50 The Bible goes on to say in verse 20
15:52 of Matthew Chapter 6,
15:54 something interesting, it says this.
15:56 "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
15:59 where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
16:02 and where thieves do not break through nor steal."
16:07 The Bible tells us here,
16:08 that we are to lay up our treasures where?
16:11 That's right, in heaven.
16:12 Not here on this earth, not here in this kingdom
16:15 but to lay up our treasures in the heavenly kingdom,
16:18 the kingdom to come.
16:19 Now, that's not gonna be a physically laying up
16:22 of our money and our bank accounts
16:25 and the physical things here in this life,
16:27 it's not that kind of thing
16:28 but laying up our treasures in heaven
16:30 looking forward to that heaven to come.
16:32 Looking forward to that kingdom
16:33 that God has prepared for you and for me,
16:35 that is the true treasure of a Christian.
16:37 Now, listen, I'm not preaching against
16:39 having prosperity here in this life
16:41 and having things in this life, that's not what I'm saying.
16:44 What I'm preaching here today
16:46 is that we need to get our priorities straight.
16:49 Not seeking after the things in this world
16:51 but seeking after the kingdom of heaven first.
16:54 That's the message that I'm trying to get across today.
16:56 And asking you the question,
16:57 what do you seek after first, my friends?
16:59 I pray that your answer to that question is that
17:01 I seek after the kingdom of heaven.
17:03 I seek after God. I want to know God better.
17:06 I want to give my life to God
17:07 and God is the all consuming thought of my mind
17:10 and everything else in this world falls behind God
17:13 and God is number one in everything that I do
17:16 and in everything that I say.
17:19 Friends, that is the way we are to be as Gods children,
17:22 as God's people, here in the world today.
17:25 You know, it's interesting when you look at the story
17:28 of Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew Chapter 4
17:31 and how He was being tempted by Satan
17:34 to transgress God's law.
17:38 Satan came to Jesus and he said,
17:40 command that these stones be made bread.
17:42 He knew Jesus was hungry after all of that time
17:45 fasting in the wilderness and Jesus turned to Satan
17:48 and He says, it is written,
17:50 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
17:51 but by every word that proceeded
17:52 out of the mouth of Lord doth man live."
17:55 And then Satan comes to Him again
17:57 and he says, cast yourself down from this temple.
18:00 Because the Bible says
18:02 that He will give His angels charge over thee,
18:03 concerning thee and they will bear you up,
18:04 lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
18:06 And Jesus says,
18:07 Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.
18:09 Jesus met Satan's every temptation of Satan,
18:13 He met Satan's temptations with a "Thus saith the Lord."
18:16 He says, it is written. It is written.
18:18 And then Satan came to Him the third time
18:20 and he says, Jesus, if you bow down and worship me,
18:23 if You bow down and give Your homage to me,
18:25 if You bow down and say that I'm the ruler of the world,
18:29 I'll give You all of these things.
18:31 I'll give You the world and all the things
18:33 that you are seeking after,
18:34 all of the things that You want,
18:36 I'll give you the people that You are wanting to save.
18:38 I'll give You the cities of the world
18:39 and all the things that come with those cities.
18:43 And Jesus met him again and He said, it is written.
18:47 To get behind him, He said, get behind me, Satan.
18:50 And again He quoted passages of scripture.
18:52 You see, it's interesting when you look at the story,
18:54 again Jesus was an overcomer but not only that,
18:57 that's an important point,
18:58 but not only that the Bible reveals to us
19:00 in this illustration that Jesus was seeking
19:03 after the kingdom of heaven first.
19:07 He was seeking after the things in heaven.
19:09 He was seeking to follow the will of His father
19:12 rather than following the desires of His heart,
19:14 rather than following the desires of His stomach,
19:17 the desires of His pride,
19:18 the desires of obtaining the things in this world.
19:21 Jesus sought after the Kingdom of God first.
19:25 And the Bible tells us
19:26 that Jesus is our example in all things.
19:28 Again, friends, I ask you,
19:30 what is the all consuming thought in your mind?
19:33 Do you seek God's kingdom first
19:35 or do you seek after the things in this world first?
19:37 Do you seek God?
19:38 Is He number one,
19:40 or are you seeking after all of these things?
19:41 The appeal that's coming from the Bible today,
19:44 the theme that's coming from the Bible
19:46 is not that it's wrong to have worldly prosperity
19:50 but that it's wrong to seek those things before God.
19:53 That we as God's people need to put Jesus and God
19:57 number one in our lives and nothing else,
19:59 everything else must fall underneath God,
20:02 God must be number one.
20:04 Is God number one in your life?
20:06 I ask you that question today in all sincerity.
20:09 It's interesting when you go back to Matthew Chapter 6,
20:13 it's interesting this theme that keeps recurring
20:15 over and over again in Matthew Chapter 6.
20:18 It tells us in verse 25 that-- it says,
20:20 "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought."
20:23 Now, it's interesting, the Bible is telling us here,
20:25 don't take any thought, take no thought.
20:26 It goes on, it says in verse 28,
20:28 "And why take ye thought."
20:29 Now, we're seeing a theme recurring here.
20:32 First He says, take no thought,
20:33 then He says again take no thought.
20:34 In verse 31, it says, "Therefore take no thought."
20:38 And then in verse--
20:39 in verse 34 it closes out and it says,
20:41 "Take therefore no thought."
20:43 What is Jesus trying to teach us?
20:45 What is it that God is trying to get across to us?
20:47 What is it that God is appealing to us?
20:50 He is appealing to us, don't concern yourself
20:53 with all of these things in the world.
20:55 Don't concern yourself with worldly prosperity.
20:57 Don't make that thing number one in your mind
20:59 as the all consuming thought but seek My kingdom first
21:03 and that's what He says in verse 33.
21:05 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
21:07 and all these things shall be added unto you."
21:10 Again, friends, are you taking thought?
21:12 Are you-- are you burdened with the cares of life?
21:15 Are you burdened with the cares of your job
21:17 and meeting your financial security?
21:20 Are you-- are you burdened with the things in this world?
21:22 Friends, don't worry about them,
21:23 seek the kingdom of heaven first
21:25 and everything else will fall in line right behind
21:27 that seeking of the kingdom of heaven, number one.
21:31 I want to share with you an interesting connection here,
21:34 in Revelation Chapter 13.
21:36 The Bible tells us in Revelation 13:16, 17
21:39 it says this.
21:41 "And he causeth all, both small and great,
21:43 rich and poor, free and bond,
21:45 to receive a mark in their right hand,
21:47 or in their foreheads,
21:50 and that no man might buy or sell,
21:52 save he that had the mark,
21:55 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
21:58 The Bible tells us here that in the end times
22:02 right before Jesus comes back,
22:03 that if you don't receive this thing,
22:05 the so called thing called the mark of the beast,
22:07 that you will not be able to buy or sell.
22:10 That you will not be able to go down
22:12 to your local grocery store and buy the produce.
22:14 That you will not be able to go down to your local market
22:16 and buy things there.
22:17 You will not be able to go down to the stores
22:19 and to the places and buy and sell and trade.
22:21 You will not be able to do that
22:23 unless you receive the mark of the beast.
22:24 Now you may ask the question,
22:26 why are you bringing this Bible text up?
22:28 This is the reason why.
22:30 The Bible tells us that
22:31 we are to seek the kingdom of heaven first.
22:33 That's what the Bible says,
22:34 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness."
22:37 Now, friends, listen to me,
22:38 if we don't seek after the kingdom of heaven first,
22:41 if we seek after the things in this world first,
22:45 if the things in this world are what consume our thoughts,
22:47 if the things in this world are what we think about
22:49 all day long when we wake up in the morning
22:51 as we go throughout the day,
22:52 if we seek after these things first
22:54 and not the kingdom of heaven first,
22:56 listen to me, now, this is a very important point.
22:58 You are setting yourself up to receive
23:01 what the Bible calls the mark of the beast.
23:04 We are setting ourselves up to receive
23:06 that mark of the beast
23:07 if we're seeking after the things of the world
23:09 before the Kingdom of God.
23:10 Because when it comes down to it
23:12 and that mark of beast time is--
23:14 is getting ready to enforce that mark
23:16 and you'll have to make a decision
23:17 between worshiping God and receiving
23:19 and being able to buy and sell
23:21 and receiving the things in this world,
23:22 if you love the things in the world
23:24 before you love God,
23:25 if you love the things in this world first,
23:27 you'll be more inclined to take that mark of the beast.
23:30 You'll say yes, please, give me that mark
23:32 and so that I can be able to buy and sell,
23:35 so that I can be able to go down to the stores
23:36 and trade and buy and do all these things.
23:38 You will be setting yourself up to receive that mark.
23:42 But, friends, listen if we as God's people
23:44 seek after the kingdom of heaven first,
23:46 if God's kingdom is the thing
23:48 that is the consuming thought in our mind
23:50 and worshiping God and following God
23:51 and doing what God asks us to do,
23:53 if that is the first thing that is in our thoughts,
23:56 when it comes down to that decision,
23:58 obedience to God or receiving the mark of the beast
24:00 and all of the pleasurable things in this world,
24:03 we will say within our hearts
24:04 God, I want to serve You, God, I want to receive Your seal,
24:07 God, I don't care about this mark of the beast.
24:09 I don't want to receive the mark of the beast.
24:11 I want to follow You,
24:12 I want to seek Your kingdom first.
24:14 I'm not after the things in this world.
24:16 I'm not setting up a kingdom here in this earth.
24:18 I'm setting up a kingdom somewhere beyond the blue,
24:20 so that I can be with You
24:22 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
24:24 Friends, I ask you the question once again,
24:25 what is the thing that you seek after first?
24:27 What is the all consuming thought in your mind?
24:29 What is the thing that you seek after number one in your life?
24:32 Is it the kingdom of heaven
24:34 or is it all of the things in this world?
24:37 There was a story that was told about a lady
24:39 and her husband that lived in a small community
24:43 in the state of Pennsylvania
24:45 in the United States of America.
24:47 And as they lived in that small community,
24:48 it was a small logging community.
24:50 There they would cut trees down and make logs.
24:53 And they-- the logging company
24:54 had just recently built this big dam
24:57 to help in their production of logs and lumber
24:59 and they told the people that
25:01 lived in the small little community
25:02 where this husband and wife lived, they said,
25:04 you will live in this city for years to come,
25:07 you won't have to worry about this dam.
25:08 You don't have to worry about the dam breaking
25:10 because it is a sturdy, strong dam,
25:13 you don't have to worry about that.
25:14 Well, one day, the husband and wife
25:15 they were in their house, they were in their home
25:19 and they were enjoying the day
25:20 when all of a sudden they heard that sound
25:22 that they thought they'd never hear.
25:23 It was the siren that announced to the people in that city
25:28 that the dam had broken
25:29 and the water was on its way down the valley.
25:32 The husband, when he heard that alarm
25:35 he knew it wasn't a test, he got his wits together
25:38 and he ran out of the house as fast as he could
25:40 and he ran to higher ground and when he got there,
25:42 in the hustle and bustle of the excitement
25:44 of what was taking place,
25:45 he realized that his wife was not with him.
25:47 So, he ran back down into that community,
25:49 he ran back into his house,
25:50 he shouted up the stairs, he said, wife, honey,
25:53 please hurry up, the water is getting ready to come.
25:56 She shouted down the stairs she said,
25:57 you go right ahead, honey, I'll be right behind you.
26:00 So he left the house,
26:01 he went back up to higher ground
26:02 and he realized once again, my wife is not with me,
26:04 I need to go get her so that she's not destroyed.
26:07 He runs back down into the house,
26:08 he runs into the house, he shouts up the stairs.
26:10 He says, honey, please hurry up, the water is coming.
26:13 He could hear the clapping of thunder of the water
26:15 as it was rolling down that valley
26:17 and see the mist of the water as it sprayed up into the air
26:20 and the wife shouted down the stairs,
26:22 you go right ahead, I'll be right behind you.
26:24 So, he ran out of the house
26:25 and as he ran out of that house,
26:27 the water-- that wall of water caught him
26:30 and was carrying him down the valley.
26:33 Well, he grabbed on to some piece of drift wood
26:35 or some bucket or whatever it might have been
26:37 and he rode that thing like some surfer
26:40 in Hawaii riding a wave.
26:42 And all of a sudden there were some people
26:44 on a vantage ground and they saw this man
26:46 and they reached down and pulled him out.
26:49 Few days later, they found the wife
26:51 with a mud caked mouth
26:53 but she was clenching on to two bags in her hands.
26:57 Later on, it was revealed that
26:58 what she was holding onto in her hands.
27:00 She was holding into one hand,
27:02 she was holding on to a bag of money.
27:05 In the other hand, she was holding on to some jewels
27:07 that she had, some jewels that maybe were passed down
27:10 from her family members to her.
27:11 She was holding on to the things of the world
27:13 and as a result of holding onto the things of the world,
27:15 her life was taken from her.
27:16 And, friends, if we hold on to the things in this world,
27:18 if we cling to things in this world,
27:19 if we hold on to the materialistic things
27:22 in this world and not the Word of God,
27:23 the same thing will happen to you and to me
27:25 if we hold on to the things in this world.
27:27 Our lives will be destroyed.
27:28 And I plead with you today,
27:30 follow the Bible and seek after the kingdom of heaven first.
27:34 If that's your desire, if it is your desire to say,
27:37 God, I want to seek Your kingdom first,
27:38 God, I want to dedicate my life completely to You
27:41 and have all these things added unto me.
27:43 I would just ask that as you're sitting in your chair
27:45 that you would bow your heads and that you would pray to God
27:48 as this comes to a close and say,
27:50 God, I want to be with You,
27:52 I want to seek your kingdom first.
27:54 May God bless you as you do this commitment.


Revised 2014-12-17