Participants: Jason Sliger
Series Code: FC
Program Code: FC000211
00:31 I like to welcome you once again
00:32 to another Faith Chapel. 00:33 My name is Jason Sliger, 00:35 I'm an evangelist with the Amazing Facts Ministries 00:38 and enjoy sharing the Bible with those 00:39 that I have an opportunity to share the Bible with. 00:41 And today we are going to take a look 00:43 at a subject in God's word 00:45 and that is of the utmost importance to us 00:47 and one that I found has changed my life 00:49 in a dramatic way. 00:50 I've entitled our study today, 00:53 "For He spoke, And It Was Done." 00:55 You know, as I look back in my life 00:56 and I see how God is worked in my life 00:58 and I'm sure that you could do the same thing 00:59 as you look back on your own life. 01:01 I think about where I was before 01:03 I gave my heart to the Lord. 01:04 A young man searching after the things in this world, 01:07 a young man that loved fame and popularity, 01:10 a young man that loved wealth and prestige, 01:13 a young man that was searching after all of these things, 01:16 looking for friends and family members 01:19 and achieving goals here in this world 01:22 and God was the last thing that was on my mind. 01:24 God was the last thing that was in my thoughts. 01:26 And I know when I used to go to church on the weekends 01:30 and spend sometime there inside the church, 01:32 I would sit and think to myself man, this is so boring, 01:35 I can't wait until this preacher has done preaching 01:38 so that I can go and do whatever it is 01:40 that I was gonna do the rest of that day. 01:41 God was something that was not in, 01:44 on my interest list as I was growing up. 01:46 But then all of a sudden I remember, one day, 01:49 I basically hit a brick wall, and all I could do was look up 01:52 and I came to a point in my experience with God 01:55 where I had to say to myself, 01:57 if God is really all that people crack Him up to be 01:59 then He can do something in my life. 02:01 I've reached a point where the things in this world 02:04 were no longer fulfilling, 02:05 where the things in this world 02:06 weren't bringing true joy and happiness. 02:08 And friends, in case you haven't figures it out yet, 02:10 the things of this world don't bring joy. 02:12 The only thing that brings joy and experience is God. 02:15 And I came to that point, that brick wall in my life 02:18 and I looked up and I said, okay God, 02:19 if You all that You cracked up to be, 02:21 if You are what everybody says You are, 02:23 I'm gonna give you a chance and friends, 02:25 when I gave God that chance I've never regretted it. 02:28 Now that I look back on my experience 02:29 and see what God has done in my life, 02:31 I know that God has changed my life 02:34 and made into a new person, a new creature, 02:36 one that does not seek after the things of this world 02:39 but rather has a desire to seek after God first. 02:42 And I ask myself the question 02:44 as I look at this experience in my own life 02:46 and I'm sure many of you here today 02:47 could identify with me. 02:49 What was it that made the difference? 02:50 What was it that made the difference in my life 02:53 to go from searching after the things in the world, 02:55 to go after enjoying all the pleasures of the world, 02:58 all the simple things in this world 03:00 to come into a point in my life 03:01 where now I repulse and hate those things 03:04 and love to spend time with God? 03:06 What was it that made the difference? 03:07 Friends, the thing that made the difference? 03:09 The one thing that made a difference 03:10 as I look back on this experience 03:12 was God's Word. 03:14 The Bible is what made the difference 03:16 and I remember shortly after I gave my heart to the Lord 03:19 and was baptized. 03:20 Spending time in my dormitory room 03:23 early in the mornings, 03:24 I remember when I first gave my heart to the Lord 03:27 waking up early in the morning 03:28 before, everybody else had woken up 03:30 and spending time at my desk with my light on, 03:33 spending time studying the Bible. 03:35 The Bible had become something that was so interesting to me 03:38 that I wanted to spend as much time as 03:40 I possibly could studying its, the Bible, God's word 03:44 and getting to know God better. 03:45 Man as I spent that time early in the mornings, 03:48 early in the morning before the sun had rouse, 03:51 getting out of my bed and sitting at my desk 03:54 and pulling out my Bible and my concordance 03:56 and spending time flipping through the pages of scripture 03:59 and reading the stories in the gospels 04:01 and in the Old Testament, 04:02 I realize that God loved me with all of His heart. 04:06 And God wanted to see a difference in my life 04:08 and as I studied that Bible, as I studied God's word, 04:10 God began to create inside of my heart 04:13 something that was new, something that was different, 04:15 something that was exciting. 04:16 And friends, I believe that God can do that 04:18 for each and every one of us. 04:20 That God can recreate inside of our hearts, 04:22 a desire, a longing to become a new person, 04:25 a better person. 04:26 I ask myself the question what is it that takes 04:29 a drunk man that makes him into a sober man? 04:31 What is it that makes somebody that addicted to drugs 04:33 become clean from that addiction? 04:35 What is it that makes a man 04:37 that used to physically abuse his wife 04:39 become a kind and loving man? 04:41 What is it that changes a woman 04:44 that does not like her children, 04:46 that yells at her children, 04:47 that hates her husband and yells at them all the time, 04:49 what is it that makes her a kind 04:51 and loving mother and wife? 04:52 What is it that changes men in this world? 04:55 Friends, it's not your education, 04:57 it's not your job, it's not your popularity, 04:59 it's not the things that you gain in this world, 05:01 the thing that changes men is God's word. 05:05 The Bible, when you read God's word 05:07 it changes our heart, it changes our lives. 05:10 And today I want to spend a little bit of time 05:12 looking at this idea of how the Word of God 05:14 changes our hearts, changes our lives 05:16 and makes us into different people. 05:19 I would like to take a look at our first Bible text 05:22 today in Colossians 1:16, the Bible tells us here, 05:27 "For by him were all things created, 05:30 that are in the heaven, and that are in the earth, 05:32 visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, 05:36 or dominions, or principalities, or powers, 05:39 all things were created by him, and for him." 05:43 See the Bible tells us here 05:45 that God has created all things, 05:47 that by Him all things were created, 05:50 He created the things that are seen, 05:52 He created the things that are unseen. 05:53 God has created all things. 05:57 See friends, the Bible tells us that 05:59 God has the ability to create things 06:01 and that God created all things in the world. 06:03 He created them in the beginning 06:04 and He is creating them-- I believe even still 06:06 probably today. 06:08 God has created all things 06:09 and God wants to create inside of us, 06:11 God wants to recreate inside of us a new creature, 06:14 a new being, a new person 06:15 that's why I believe that 06:16 God is still working in His creation today. 06:18 He is working on creating inside of your heart 06:21 and inside of my heart 06:22 a character that reflects the character of Christ. 06:26 I remember I was doing meeting in Kansas, 06:29 I'm in the flatten lands of Kansas 06:30 and as I was doing the meeting there was a young lady 06:32 that was attending the meeting by the name of Rehan. 06:34 She was attending our meetings and coming night by night 06:37 and then as she was listening to the Bible 06:38 being presented night by night. 06:40 As she was listening to those passages or scriptures 06:42 being unfolded in front of her eyes 06:44 as she was listening to the appeals night by night. 06:46 As she listened to these Bible studies for four weeks 06:49 at the end of that time she came up to me 06:51 and she said, Jason, I want to give my heart to the Lord. 06:54 I want to be baptized. 06:55 I want to give my life completely over to God. 06:56 What is it that changes a person? 06:58 Friends, the thing that changes somebody, 07:00 the thing that recreating somebody a new being, 07:02 a new person, 07:03 the thing that recreates inside of your heart and my heart 07:05 a different person is God's word. 07:07 And the Bible says that God has created everything 07:09 and I believe that today, like I said, 07:11 God is wanting to recreate inside of our hearts 07:14 something new that reflects His character. 07:17 We got to the Book of Psalms 33:6 07:20 and see what the Bible says here. 07:22 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, 07:24 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." 07:28 The Bible tells us here, we ask the question, 07:30 how did God create all things? 07:32 How did He create the things in the beginning 07:34 and how does He recreate things today? 07:36 The way God created was by His word. 07:38 The Bible says, "For by the word of the Lord 07:40 were the heavens made." 07:41 He spoke and-- and as He spoke those words, 07:44 that is what created the things here on this earth. 07:47 I believe that that's how God created 07:49 and I believe that that is how God 07:51 can recreate in our hearts 07:53 something new by His word, 07:55 by the word that He speaks. 07:56 And friends, God has not stopped speaking to His people, 07:59 God still speaks to you and to me 08:01 through the inspiration of His word. 08:03 The Bible says, "For He spoke and it was done." 08:05 He spoke these words, 08:06 we go on and we look at Genesis 1:3. 08:09 Notice what the Bible says here, 08:10 it says first command to create it says, 08:13 "And God said, 'Let there be light, 08:15 and there was light.' 08:16 " This is the first creative commandment 08:18 that God has given to us. 08:20 He spoke and He said, "Let there be light." 08:23 And as soon as He spoke, there was light. 08:25 As soon as He spoke that word 08:27 the light rolled in through somewhere 08:30 and now there was light in this earth. 08:31 When God said let there be trees, there were trees. 08:34 When God said let there be fish, there were fish. 08:36 When God said let there be animals, there were animals. 08:38 When God said let there be the grass, 08:40 the green grass that carpets the earth, there was grass. 08:43 When God said let there be water, there was water. 08:46 When God spoke, it happened, my friends. 08:49 As soon as He spoke it, it happens. 08:51 Notice what the Bible says here in Psalms 33:9. 08:54 The Bible says, "For He spake, and it was done, 08:57 He commanded, and it stood fast." 08:59 Now I want you to remember this passage of scripture 09:02 as we continue our study today 09:03 because it's very important for us 09:05 as we apply this to our lives living today. 09:07 The Bible said, "For He spoke, and it was done, 09:10 He commanded, and it stood fast." 09:11 So think with me if you would, 09:13 the Bible tells us He spoke and it was done. 09:16 As soon as God said, let there be light, 09:18 there was no time that elapse, from the moment that He spoke, 09:21 let there be light, to the moment 09:23 when there was light in the earth, 09:24 it happened instantaneously. 09:26 When He said, let there be animals on the earth, 09:29 there were animals instantaneously. 09:30 When He said, let there be grass, 09:31 there was grass at the moment He spoke it. 09:34 There was no time that elapse between the moment 09:36 when He spoke that word 09:37 and then moment when that thing was done. 09:39 Now, I want you to remember that 09:40 because that's important point as we come back and apply this 09:43 to our own lives living here today. 09:46 The Bible tells us in Titus 1:2 09:49 that God cannot lie. 09:51 The Bible says, God cannot lie, it's not of His nature, 09:53 He cannot speak lying things. 09:56 If He spoke something it would happen. 09:57 Now the difference between my word 09:59 and a difference between my word and God's word 10:03 is that when God speaks, 10:04 when God says something, when He speaks a word, 10:07 it happens just the way He spoke it. 10:09 Now if I were to speak a word and say, 10:11 let there be a house, would there be a house? 10:14 Of course, it wouldn't. 10:15 I would have to go down to the local store, 10:17 buy the lumber, buy the nails, buy the sheetrock, 10:21 buy all the wires, 10:22 buy all the things that I need to make a house 10:25 and then I'd have to go back, 10:26 I'd have to pound those nails into the wood. 10:28 I'd have to cut them, I'd have to run the wires. 10:30 I'd have to lay the sheetrock. 10:31 It would take time for me to build the house. 10:33 Now God on the other hand when He speaks 10:35 it happens instantaneously. 10:37 If He said, let there be a house, 10:39 there would be a house. 10:40 If He said, there is a car, there would be a car. 10:42 If He said, there is a field of tulips and roses, 10:45 there would be a field of tulips and roses. 10:47 Whereas we would have to go, dig that soil, 10:50 plant those flowers and allow them to grow. 10:52 God's word and our word are distinctly different 10:55 because God's word-- Now, listen to me, 10:56 now this is an important point, 10:58 God's word has creative ability. 11:01 It has a creative power deep with inside of it 11:04 that as soon as God speaks the word 11:06 it takes place just the way He has spoken. 11:09 Now you may think, well, God did that creation 11:11 back in the time of Genesis Chapter 1 11:14 and Genesis Chapter 2, during that time of creation. 11:17 But He's not doing any creation today. 11:19 Now wait a minute, God has given us His word, 11:21 God has given us the Bible composed of 66 books. 11:25 And friends, this word is spoken by the same God 11:29 that spoke things into existence. 11:31 These words right here, 11:33 yes, they were given by holy men of God 11:34 as they spoke as they're removed by the Holy Ghost. 11:37 Holy men wrote it down as they were inspired 11:39 by the Holy Spirit. 11:40 But this is God's love letter to you and to me. 11:43 And this word, I'm suggesting to you today 11:45 has the same creative power deep within it 11:48 that God had when He spoke things into existence 11:51 way back in the beginning of the Bible, 11:53 back in the time of Genesis. 11:55 The same creative power that God had 11:56 when He spoke light into existence, 11:59 when He spoke animals into existence, 12:01 when He spoke the grass into existence, 12:03 the same power, the same word 12:05 is right here, my friends, 12:06 that you're holding in your hands 12:08 and that I am holding in my hands, 12:10 it has the same power. 12:11 You see, the Bible is not just any book. 12:13 The Bible is not just another book 12:15 laying on the shelf, 12:16 it's not one of the hundreds of books 12:18 that you have in your library. 12:19 The Bible has created power. 12:22 It's a different book, it's a living book. 12:24 Yes, it's thousands of years old, 12:26 its thousands and thousands of years old. 12:28 Yes, that is true my friends, 12:30 but this book, even though it's old, 12:31 even though it's thousands of years old 12:33 still has creative power that can change your life, 12:36 that can change my life 12:37 and that can change anybody's life 12:38 that's around you. 12:39 That is the Bible that you're holding in your hands. 12:42 That's why we become changed people, 12:43 that's why now I love God 12:45 whereas before God was boring to me. 12:47 That's why I love to study the Bible now 12:49 whereas before the Bible was boring to me. 12:50 That's why I enjoy spending time with God 12:53 when before spending with God was drudgery. 12:55 Because the Bible has creative power 12:57 and it changes our hearts. 13:00 Now I want to look at some passages of scripture 13:02 that illustrate this from the gospels. 13:04 If you would go with me in your Bibles 13:06 to Matthew Chapter 8 13:07 and we're gonna be looking at verse 5. 13:09 Matthew 8:5-8, the Bible says this. 13:13 "And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, 13:16 there came unto Him a centurion, 13:18 beseeching Him. 13:19 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home 13:21 sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 13:24 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 13:29 And the centurion answered and said, 13:31 Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof, 13:34 but speak the word only, 13:37 and my servant shall be healed." 13:40 Notice what the Bible says here about this 13:42 special man called the Roman centurion. 13:43 This Roman centurion, he came to Jesus 13:46 and he said to Jesus, he said, Jesus, I have a servant, 13:48 he's sick, he's grievously tormented. 13:50 He has ailment, he has this disease called palsy. 13:53 And Jesus-- And he came to Jesus, he said, 13:55 "Jesus, please, come heal my servant." 13:56 And then when Jesus said, "I will come." 13:59 His heart was changed and he said, "Wait a minute, 14:01 I'm not worthy that you should under my roof 14:03 but just simply speak the word, 14:05 just simply utter the word and my servant will be healed." 14:08 Notice what the Bible goes on the same verse 13. 14:11 It says this. 14:12 "And Jesus said unto the centurion, 14:15 Go thy way and as thou hast believed, 14:17 so be it done unto thee. 14:19 And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour." 14:25 Do you see the power-- 14:26 the creative power of Gods word? 14:27 The centurion told Jesus he said 14:29 Jesus just speak the word, just utter the word 14:30 and my servant will be healed 14:32 and Jesus says go home Roman centurion, 14:34 your servant is now healed and the Bible says 14:37 in that selfsame hour, 14:38 in that very time that Jesus utter the word 14:40 even though there was distance separating Jesus 14:43 from that sick man that had palsy 14:45 that was laying there in that bed 14:46 unable to move because of his ailment. 14:48 Even though there was distance separating them 14:50 Gods word has this creative power 14:53 and that's that centurions servant 14:56 was healed of his ailment. 14:58 You see the creative power in Gods word. 15:00 Let's look at another example 15:01 here in Mathew 14:24-32. 15:04 Notice what the Bible says. 15:06 "But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, 15:08 tossed with waves for the wind was contrary. 15:11 And in the fourth watch of the night 15:13 Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. 15:16 And when the disciple saw Him walking on the sea, 15:19 they where troubled, saying, 15:21 It is the spirit and they cried for fear. 15:24 But straight away Jesus spake unto them, saying, 15:26 Be of good cheer. It is I be not afraid. 15:29 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, 15:33 bid me come unto thee on the water. 15:37 And he said, Come. 15:38 Notice that word come. 15:39 And when Peter was come down out of the ship, 15:43 he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 15:45 But when he saw the wind boisterous, 15:47 he was afraid and beginning to sink, 15:50 he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 15:51 And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, 15:54 and caught him, and said unto him, 15:56 O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 15:59 And when they were come into the ship, 16:02 the wind ceased." 16:04 Lets take a look at the story here of Peter. 16:07 The Bible says that they were held on these on the water, 16:10 man, the winds where won't rolling 16:12 the waves are beating 16:13 and they where there alone and then all the sudden 16:16 they seen this mysterious figure out 16:17 on the water 16:18 and might have glowing or whatever it was, 16:20 and they where fearful. 16:21 The Bible says they were afraid 16:22 because they thought it was a spirit 16:24 and they cried out for fear 16:25 and Jesus said don't be afraid it's Me. 16:27 And Peter, Peter said to Jesus, he said, Jesus 16:30 if it is You please have me come out on the water. 16:32 Now let me ask you a question 16:33 can we physically walk on water? 16:35 No we can't. 16:36 It's very obvious when you walk into the water 16:37 you begin to sink right away. 16:39 If you jump out of the boat, you are going to sink. 16:41 If you walk out from the beach unto the water 16:43 you begin to sink in the water. 16:44 We cannot walk on water. 16:46 But when Jesus, listen to me now, 16:47 Jesus spoke a four letter word, that four letter word was come 16:50 C-O-M-E. 16:51 He said come and that enable Peter to step out of that ship 16:55 and to walk on the water. 16:56 And that word come created the ability 16:59 for Peter to be able to walk on water. 17:01 Let's look at another example here 17:03 in Mark Chapter 4 17:04 and we're gonna look at beginning in verse 35. 17:07 Mark 4:35 it says this 17:10 "And the same day, when the even was come, 17:12 He said unto them, 17:14 Let us pass over unto the other side. 17:16 And when they had sent away the multitude, 17:19 they took him even as he was in the ship. 17:22 And there were also with him other little ships. 17:24 And there arose a great storm of wind, 17:27 and the waves beat into the ship, 17:29 so that it was now full. 17:31 And he was in the midst, in the hinder part of the ship, 17:34 asleep on a pillow and they awake him, 17:37 and say unto him, Master, carest thou not 17:40 that we perish?" 17:43 Notice this story here that Jesus has given to us 17:45 here in the gospels. 17:46 This is the story about Jesus 17:48 and the disciples passing over the lake, 17:50 and in the midst of that travel over across the lake. 17:53 The Bible says that there is a storm that arouses 17:55 great mighty tempers that took place. 17:57 And the Bible says that Jesus was 18:00 He was sleeping in the midst of that storm. 18:02 He was sleeping on His pillow. 18:03 Disciples come to Him and they say Jesus, 18:05 Master, do you care whether we perish or not. 18:08 They where so frightful, 18:09 they probably have their buckets 18:10 and they where trying to get the water 18:11 out of the ship as fast as they could 18:13 and they look over they see Jesus He is sleeping. 18:17 And they're think in their minds, 18:18 they think to themselves, what how can He be sleeping? 18:20 Doesn't He care whether we perish or not. 18:22 Can He, can He sense that we're in the storm 18:24 and that we are about to loose our lives. 18:27 And so, they come to Jesus and they say Master, 18:29 carest thou not that we perish. 18:31 Now, let me then ask you question 18:32 does Jesus care whether we perish or not, 18:33 brothers and sisters? 18:35 Of course Jesus cares for each one of us. 18:37 He cares whether we perish or not 18:39 and that's why He has given us 18:41 His spoken word, His 66 books of the Bible 18:44 to guide us through our quest of this life, 18:46 to guide us through our journey here in this world. 18:49 Let's continue the story and see what it says 18:51 in the very next Bible passage. 18:53 It says this. 18:55 Mark 4:39 it says. 18:57 "And He arose, and rebuked the wind, 18:59 and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. 19:03 And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." 19:07 The Bible says that when disciples came to Jesus 19:11 and they said Master, carest thou not that we perish. 19:13 The Bible says that Jesus arose and as He arose 19:15 He said to the wind and the wave. 19:17 He spoke three words, He said peace, be still. 19:21 And when He spoke those three words 19:23 all the sudden the wind and the waves ceased. 19:25 The wind stopped to blow, 19:27 the waves stop coming into the ship. 19:29 All the sudden the Bible says 19:31 there was a grate calm. 19:33 You see friends, Jesus' word, 19:35 Gods word has creative power. 19:37 If we where in the midst's of storm 19:38 and I said to the storm peace, be still 19:40 that storm would continue to rage. 19:41 But with God on the other hand when He speaks, 19:43 when He says something 19:44 His word has creative power in it. 19:47 And whatever He says has to take place 19:49 because that is God and His word 19:52 and the Bible tells us that God cannot lie. 19:55 So the Bible tells us here that when Jesus arose up 19:57 He spake and He said peace, be still 19:59 and the Bible says that 20:00 when He spoke that word peace, be still 20:02 that there was a great calm. 20:04 You know what Jesus wants to arise up in your heart. 20:06 Jesus wants to come up into our lives. 20:08 He wants to arise up in our lives 20:10 and in our experience 20:11 and He wants to say to the winds of life, 20:13 to the strife that you go through, 20:15 through the job difficulties, the family difficulties, 20:18 the friend difficulties, 20:20 the financial difficulties that you are going through. 20:22 God wants to rise up in the midst of your storm, 20:24 He wants to say peace, be still. 20:26 And friends, He is given us His word 20:28 to give us that peace in the midst of storm. 20:30 And all we have to do is go to those passages, 20:32 the scriptures that inspired Word of God 20:35 and God will rise up in the midst of your difficulty, 20:37 in the midst of your trail 20:38 and He will say to your heart and to your mind 20:40 please, be still. 20:42 So, we've looked at these examples 20:44 of the creative power in Gods word. 20:46 Now let's do a little bit of application 20:47 and apply it to our own lives and see what the Bible says 20:50 as we continue our study in Psalms 51:10-12 it says this. 20:56 "Create in me a clean heart, O God 20:57 and renew a right spirit within me. 20:59 Cast me not away from thy presence 21:01 and take not thy holy spirit from me. 21:03 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation 21:06 and uphold me with thy free spirit." 21:09 The Bible tells us here 21:10 that this is the experience of David 21:12 right after he committed that terrible sin 21:14 with Bathsheba killing her husband, 21:16 taking her to be his wife, 21:17 committing adultery with her and all that stuff. 21:19 The Bible tells us that right after that David was 21:21 sorry for his sin. 21:23 And he came and he said God create in me a clean heart. 21:25 Create in me a clean heart 21:26 this heart that I have now had been defiled by sin. 21:29 This heart that I have now has been defiled 21:32 by this terrible deed that I have just done. 21:34 And now He is coming to God and he is saying God, 21:36 please create in me a clean heart. 21:39 How many of you today have experience 21:41 the burden of sin, the guilt of sin, 21:44 the experience of falling and doing things 21:47 that you know or not pleasing in the sight of God? 21:49 How many of you have experience that? 21:50 I'm sure we all have. 21:51 And I'm sure each one of us 21:52 would like to have an experience like David 21:54 where we can cry out to God 21:56 and say God, create in me a clean heart. 21:58 Create in me a new heart, take away this stony heart 22:01 and give me a new heart that is a more like You 22:04 that's more in fashion with You. 22:07 Notice what the Bible goes on to say. 22:09 As we look at Ezekiel 36:26 22:11 in response to this Bible passage it says. 22:13 "A new heart also will I give you, 22:15 and a new spirit will I put within you 22:17 and I will take away the stony heart 22:19 out of your flesh, 22:20 and I will give you an heart of flesh. 22:22 And I will put my spirit within you, 22:24 and cause you to walk in my statutes, 22:26 and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." 22:30 The Bible tells us here 22:32 that God wants to give us a new heart. 22:34 David cried out and he said 22:35 create in me a clean heart oh God, 22:37 and renew a right spirit within me. 22:38 And then in Ezekiel 36:26 God creates a new heart. 22:43 God creates a clean heart. 22:44 God gives us a new heart, He takes away that stony heart 22:48 and He replaces it with a new heart 22:50 that is like in fashion according to His will. 22:52 Now let's put some thoughts together here 22:54 that we've been looking out 22:55 with a creative power of Gods word. 22:58 In Genesis 1 God said, Let there be a Light. 23:00 We studied in the Bible that when God spoke that word 23:03 that when He said, Let there be a Light 23:05 it happened instantaneous. 23:06 When God spoken and He said peace, be still, 23:09 the waters and the winds ceased automatically. 23:11 When God said, to the Roman centurion, 23:14 go thy way, your servant is healed. 23:15 His servant was healed immediately. 23:17 When Jesus said to Peter in that ship when He said come. 23:20 He was able to walk out of that ship right away 23:23 and walk across that sea. 23:24 When God speaks it happens instantaneously, 23:27 it happens right away. 23:28 Now let me ask you a question. 23:29 When we cry out to God, 23:31 and say God, create in me a clean heart. 23:33 Give me a new heart, God. 23:35 Restore to me the joy of salvation. 23:36 Let me ask you something, how long does it take 23:39 to receive that new heart from God? 23:41 If God spoke light into existence immediately. 23:45 When God said peace, be still and happen immediately. 23:48 When God heeled the Roman centurion's servant 23:50 and happened immediately. 23:52 Friends, He can give you a new heart immediately. 23:56 Now that is an interesting concept 23:57 that was something that was life changing for me. 23:59 It was something that changed my life 24:01 as I understood that God can create in me a clean heart 24:05 instantly, right away. 24:07 He can change my heart 24:08 and make it in fashion with Him. 24:10 Now obviously this takes place 24:12 if we have a true desire to follow God and His will. 24:15 If we're truly repented of our sins, 24:17 when we come to God 24:18 and claim that Bible promise in 1 John 1:9 it says 24:21 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful 24:23 and just to forgive us our sins, 24:24 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 24:25 If we are truly repented of our sins 24:27 and we come and we ask God, 24:28 God, please create in me a clean heart. 24:30 Friends, listen to me now it happens instantly. 24:34 Friends, you can have that new heart just like that. 24:37 You can have that new heart right away. 24:40 God can give you that new heart 24:41 if you claim His promises from His word 24:43 where the Bible says 24:44 a new heart also will I give you new spirit 24:46 will I put within you. 24:47 Now let me tell you something very interesting 24:48 about getting and gaining this new heart. 24:51 When you kneel down and you pray 24:52 just like David did many years ago 24:54 and prayed and said God, 24:55 create in me a clean heart, oh, God. 24:57 When you kneel down and you pray that 24:59 you may not feel 25:00 like you received that new heart instantaneously. 25:03 You may not feel like 25:04 you've gained forgiveness for your sins. 25:06 You may not feel like you're new person. 25:08 But friends, as Christians we don't go by feelings. 25:12 We go by this four letter word called, Faith. 25:15 We have faith in Gods promises, 25:17 that when God says I will give you a new heart, 25:20 I will take away that stony heart 25:21 and give you a new heart 25:22 we believe by faith 25:24 that God is going to keep His end of the promise 25:28 that God is going to keep His end of the deal 25:30 and that He will truly give us that new heart 25:33 that you and that I so desperately look after 25:36 and want to receive. 25:37 Friends, let's continue our study 25:39 and just look at a few more passages of scripture here. 25:41 In 1 peter 1:23, the Bible tells us this. 25:44 "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, 25:46 but of incorruptible," by the what? 25:49 The Bible says, "By the word of God, 25:51 which liveth and abideth for ever." 25:55 How we born again in John Chapter 3 25:57 the Bible tells us that those that we need to be born again, 26:00 He was talking to Nicodemus there Jesus was 26:02 and He says that we need to be born again. 26:04 And the Bible says that the way we are born again, 26:06 the way that we receive this new birth experience 26:09 is by the Word of God. 26:10 When we study the Bible, when we study Gods word 26:13 that studying of that Bible of Gods creative word 26:15 is what gives us the ability to have that new heart, 26:19 the new creative experience and being born again. 26:22 We are born again friends, by the Word of God. 26:24 If we don't study the Bible 26:25 how can we expect to born again? 26:27 We cannot be born again if we do not study the Bible. 26:30 That's what the Bible tells us 26:35 it says this. 26:36 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, 26:38 that I might not sin against thee." 26:41 God has asked us to hide His word in our hearts. 26:44 And as we hide Gods word in our hearts 26:46 it's the hiding of His word in our hearts 26:48 that enables us do not sin against the God. 26:52 Do you see the importance of studying Gods word? 26:54 Do you see the importance of spending time 26:56 looking at the Bible, studying it 26:58 and reflecting upon it 26:59 and allowing God to recreate inside of your heart, 27:02 a new heart, a new mind, a new spirit? 27:05 Friends, God is looking for a group of people 27:08 that will truly commit their lives 27:09 completely over to Him. 27:11 And say God, I want to live my life 27:13 according to the dictates of Your word. 27:15 I want to live my life according to how You have 27:17 asked me to live my life from Your word. 27:19 Not the way I want to, not would I want, 27:21 not the way I want to live, but how You want me to live. 27:23 Friends, is that your desire today? 27:25 Is it your desire to allow Gods word 27:27 to create inside of you that new heart, 27:29 that new experience 27:30 and have that new experience instantly? 27:33 Friends, if that is your desire, 27:35 if it is your desire to have that new heart, 27:37 that new life changing experience, 27:39 I would just ask that you bow your heads right now 27:41 as you sitting in your home 27:42 and that you'll ask the God and say God, 27:44 I want to receive that new heart. 27:46 I want to receive that new experience. 27:48 I want You to create in me a new heart. 27:50 And friends, I pray Gods richest blessing upon you, 27:52 as you receive that new heart, 27:55 that He wants to gift each one of us. |
Revised 2014-12-17