Faith Chapel

The Price Of Freedom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mike Leno


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000035

00:29 At the Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth Town, New Jersey,
00:33 Pastor James Caldwell rose to deliver the morning sermon.
00:39 He placed his bible in the middle of the pulpit
00:43 and then he took out of his coat a loaded pistol
00:48 and he put it on one side of his bible,
00:51 and then he reached into his coat again
00:54 and he took another loaded pistol
00:57 and he put on the other side of his bible.
01:03 And then he proceeded to address the congregation
01:07 and deliver the morning sermon.
01:11 Now Pastor Caldwell was not concerned
01:14 about angry church members,
01:16 or people who might disagree with his sermon that day.
01:20 No, Pastor Caldwell was concerned with something
01:23 much more dangerous than that.
01:25 You see, Pastor Caldwell was part of the group of patriots
01:33 in the 13 colonies who were rebelling
01:36 against the tyranny of England at that time.
01:41 Here is a flag from the revolutionary war.
01:44 Notice the 13 stars on this flag representing the 13 colonies.
01:50 The words across the bottom read,
01:52 "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God,"
01:58 an indication of how strongly they felt about the war effort.
02:05 The year was 1780 just four years
02:09 after the declaration of Independence
02:11 and the American revolutionary war was in full swing.
02:14 The Americans had unfortunately suffered a series of defeats
02:18 and they were retreating across New Jersey.
02:21 And as they did so
02:23 many of Washington's sick and wounded soldiers found refuge
02:27 in the Elizabeth Town, Presbyterian Church.
02:29 Not only had Pastor Caldwell allowed his church
02:32 to be used as a barracks and a hospital
02:35 but he himself had become part of the war effort.
02:38 Besides being a Pastor,
02:40 he served as a Chaplain in the continental army.
02:43 He was even appointed Assistant Commissary General
02:47 and as such he obtained food, and clothes,
02:49 and other supplies for the troops.
02:52 The British had some names for Pastor Caldwell.
02:55 They called him "The Rebel Priest"
02:57 and "The High Priest of the Rebellion"
03:00 and they offered a reward for his capture.
03:04 And now you know why Pastor Caldwell
03:06 had two loaded pistols,
03:08 one on each side of his bible, as he preached that morning.
03:12 Well, the British Army followed
03:14 the retreating American across New Jersey
03:16 and they made a night raid on Elizabeth Town,
03:19 in order to capture American soldiers.
03:21 In that raid they burned Pastor Caldwell's
03:25 Presbyterian Church to the ground.
03:28 Now as Pastor Caldwell preached his sermon
03:31 he looked out at a congregation gathered
03:33 in a converted red barn.
03:36 Cornelius Hethfield Senior owned this barn
03:39 which was located just across the river
03:41 from the old church which was burned down.
03:43 Ironically, Hethfield's three sons were British sympathizers
03:47 and they had guided the soldiers
03:49 who raided the town and burned the church.
03:52 About four months later, the British Army,
03:55 encouraged by a victory at Charleston, South Carolina,
03:58 marched on Washington in New Jersey.
04:01 The Americans fell back from Elizabeth town
04:03 towards Connecticut farms in Springfield.
04:06 Now Connecticut farms
04:07 is where Pastor Caldwell had his house, the parsonage.
04:12 As the British soldiers advanced into Connecticut farms,
04:16 a soldier walked by the parsonage
04:18 and looked through the window and found
04:21 Pastor Caldwell's children surrounding his wife.
04:25 According to one report,
04:28 as the Pastor's wife surrounded by her children
04:30 and holding a baby in her arms looked out the window,
04:34 the soldier took aim and shot her in the chest.
04:39 After she died, the soldiers dragged her body outside
04:42 and then burned the house to the ground.
04:45 A month later, the battles continued
04:48 in the area of Springfield.
04:50 The American soldiers ran out of wadding for their guns.
04:53 James Caldwell immediately rode to a nearby Presbyterian church
04:58 and gathered up all the hymnals he could.
05:02 He rode his horse out to the battle field
05:04 and distributed the hymnals to the soldiers saying,
05:07 "Let's put Watts into them boys."
05:10 'Course Isaac Watts wrote
05:13 most of all of the hymns in that hymnal.
05:16 And here we see a water colored picture
05:18 of Pastor Caldwell handing out the hymnals to the soldiers.
05:24 They ripped the pages out of the hymnals
05:26 and used each page for wadding and stuffed it into their guns.
05:31 James Caldwell and his wife fought for freedom.
05:36 They along with many others paid the price
05:39 for our freedom, here in this country.
05:43 There is one who sacrificed far more
05:46 in order to give us freedom.
05:48 Not just freedom in this life, but freedom forever.
05:53 "For God so loved the world," says John 3:16,
05:57 "that he gave his one and only Son,
06:00 that whoever believes in him
06:02 shall not perish but have eternal life.
06:05 For God did not send his Son into the world
06:08 to condemn the world,
06:09 but to save the world through him.
06:12 Whoever believes in him is not condemned,
06:14 but whoever does not believe stands condemned already
06:17 because he has not believed
06:19 in the name of God's one and only Son."
06:23 Who was this Son of God?
06:26 Who was this Jesus?
06:30 who paid the price for our freedom?
06:35 It's one thing for Pastor Caldwell,
06:39 who by the way died before the war was over
06:42 and his wife who was shot
06:45 while surrounded by her children.
06:47 It's one thing for two patriots to die for our freedom.
06:51 We can in a sense say that they died
06:54 so that we could be free.
06:57 But of course, it took the deaths
06:58 of many, many, many other people
07:01 in order to accomplish the goal of the Revolutionary War.
07:06 We can't say that Pastor Caldwell and his wife
07:09 are completely and totally and solely responsible
07:12 for our freedom.
07:14 It took a lot of other people, besides.
07:17 So how is it that Jesus Christ is qualified to be our Savior?
07:22 How could his death set us free?
07:28 What is the price of freedom?
07:30 And what qualified Jesus Christ to pay that price?
07:34 Well, we've got a lot of text in the bible to consult,
07:37 in order to find the answer to this question.
07:40 And we're going to turn first of all to Philippians 2:5,
07:45 Philippians 2, beginning with verse 5.
07:50 Here Paul says, "Your attitude should be the same
07:52 as Jesus Christ, Who, being in very nature God,"
07:56 listen to his language here, "in very nature God,
07:59 did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
08:03 but made himself nothing,
08:05 taking the very nature of a servant,
08:09 being made in human likeness.
08:12 And being found in appearance as a man,
08:15 he humbled himself and became obedient to death,
08:19 even death on a cross."
08:22 You see, there's basically
08:25 two groups of texts in the bible.
08:29 One group of text says that Jesus was like us, He was human.
08:34 This text Philippians 2:5-8
08:37 is the first text in that group of texts.
08:39 Jesus was like us. He was completely, 100% human.
08:44 There's another group of texts which we will get to,
08:46 in a moment that says, Jesus was not like us. He was sinless.
08:49 Let's turn now to Romans 8:3.
08:53 Romans 8:3.
08:57 "For what the law was powerless to do
09:00 in that it was weakened by the sinful nature,
09:03 God did by sending his own Son
09:05 in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.
09:11 And so he condemned sin in sinful man.
09:15 " Now notice the language here, "the likeness of sinful man."
09:22 The bible here, the original Greek text does not indicate
09:25 that He just looked like a man.
09:27 The likeness of sinful man
09:29 meant that He was really a man, completely a man.
09:32 Combined with the previous text in Philippians,
09:35 we know that Jesus Christ was not just pretending to be human.
09:38 He didn't just look like He was human,
09:41 He really was human.
09:42 And if you need more evidence, let's turn to Hebrews 2:11.
09:48 Hebrews 2, verse 11.
09:58 "Both the one who makes men holy
10:01 and those who are made holy are of the same family."
10:05 That's pretty plain, isn't it? Let's read on.
10:07 "So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.
10:11 He says, 'I will declare your name to my brothers.
10:14 In the presence of the congregation
10:16 I will sing your praises.'
10:17 And again, 'I will put my trust in him.'
10:20 And again He says,
10:22 'Here am I, and the children God has given me.'
10:25 Since the children have flesh and blood,"
10:27 Listen to this, "Since the children have flesh and blood,
10:29 he too shared in their humanity
10:33 so that by his death he might destroy him
10:36 who holds the power of death, that is, the devil,
10:39 and free those who all their lives
10:41 were held in slavery by their fear of death.
10:45 For surely it is not angels he helps,
10:48 but Abraham's descendants.
10:51 For this reason he had to be made,"
10:54 watch this closely "like his brothers in every way,
11:00 in order that he might become
11:01 a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God,
11:05 and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.
11:09 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted,
11:13 he is able to help those who are being tempted."
11:17 There is no room to doubt.
11:20 Jesus was like us in every human way possible.
11:27 He was completely and 100% human.
11:32 But there is a second group of texts
11:33 and we need to discuss those right now.
11:36 The second group of texts says
11:37 that Jesus was not like us, He was sinless.
11:41 And those texts include 2 Corinthians 5:21,
11:44 1 John 3:5, and John 14:30.
11:47 Let's turn to our first one, 2 Corinthians 5:21.
11:53 2 Corinthians 5:21.
12:03 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
12:09 so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
12:16 Notice that there is a distinct difference between
12:21 Jesus' humanity and our humanity and that has to do with sin.
12:26 "Him who had no sin," says 2 Corinthians 5:21.
12:31 Okay, now we're going to turn
12:33 almost the end of the bible to 1 John 3:5.
12:37 1 John 3 verse 5.
12:43 "But you know that he appeared
12:46 so that he might take away our sins.
12:49 And in him is no sin."
12:54 Once again, there is a distinct difference
12:57 between the humanity of fallen, sinful human beings
13:02 and the humanity of Christ.
13:05 Jesus is just as much human
13:07 as we are with one important exception
13:10 and that is He did not have any sin.
13:14 He didn't have any sin on Him. He didn't have any sin in Him.
13:18 One more text, John 14:30.
13:22 This is the gospel of John now.
13:25 John 14 verse 30.
13:30 This is Jesus speaking.
13:32 He's been comforting His disciples.
13:33 This is a talk that He was having with His disciples
13:37 just before He went to the cross.
13:40 "I will not speak with you much longer,"
13:42 He says "for the prince of this world is coming."
13:46 Now notice what He says next.
13:47 "He has no hold on me."
13:52 You say, what does that mean?
13:54 What does it mean, "He has no hold on me?"
13:58 The prince of this world is the devil,
14:00 Satan, that terrorist of the universe.
14:06 And because of our fallen natures,
14:09 because of our sinful condition Satan has a hold on us.
14:13 He has something in us he can take advantage of.
14:16 But that condition did not exist in Jesus Christ.
14:20 Jesus himself said, the prince of this world is coming,
14:22 but he has no hold on me.
14:27 Now if we put all this together, what do we have?
14:30 We know that Jesus was 100% human.
14:34 We also know that He was a 100% divine.
14:38 Now this isn't supposed to make Mathematical sense,
14:42 in the human sense of the word,
14:45 but we-- we go by what the bible says.
14:47 He was 100% human and He was sinless.
14:55 But the question is, how does all this give us freedom?
14:58 How does this qualify Jesus to be our All Sufficient Savior?
15:03 Why does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross
15:06 pay the price for our freedom?
15:10 First, Jesus was the only person in the universe
15:14 that could do anything about our freedom.
15:17 He was uniquely qualified.
15:19 He was fully human and fully God.
15:22 He was completely human like us,
15:25 but He was unlike us in that He was without sin.
15:31 1 Corinthians 15:45, describes Him this way.
15:36 "So it is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being,'
15:42 the last man Adam, a lifegiving spirit."
15:47 You understand the significance of that text?
15:50 Jesus is called the second Adam.
15:55 In other words He won the battle where Adam lost it.
16:00 What Adam lost in the Garden of Eden
16:02 because of the temptation
16:03 through the serpent in the tree and his wife Eve.
16:07 Where Adam was tempted and fell,
16:11 Jesus Christ came and won the battle.
16:15 Not only that,
16:18 He went to the cross and bore the results,
16:21 not of His own sin because He didn't have any.
16:24 But He bore the results of your sin and my sin
16:28 He paid the price for our freedom.
16:30 Romans 5:6-8.
16:42 Romans 5:6-8 says, "You see, at just the right time,
16:46 when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
16:50 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man,
16:53 though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
16:56 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this,
16:59 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
17:06 So you see, Jesus Christ was imminently qualified
17:12 to pay the price for our freedom.
17:14 First because He was both God and man,
17:18 second because He did not fall.
17:22 He did not lose the battle where Adam did.
17:25 And third because He went to the cross
17:28 and He bore the sins of the whole world on Himself.
17:33 In Him was no sin
17:35 but there was our sin on Him.
17:41 This gives us peace. Why?
17:46 When you're in the middle of a war,
17:48 we say there's no peace because we're in war.
17:52 But what if you knew that the battle was already won?
17:56 What if you knew the outcome before it ever happened?
17:59 Wouldn't that give you a sense of peace,
18:01 even in the midst of the war?
18:03 And that's how Jesus Christ
18:05 gives us peace in our everyday lives now.
18:08 Because of what He did on the cross the battle is won.
18:12 We have freedom that has been paid for with His blood.
18:17 And because we know through His sacrifice on the cross
18:21 we know the end result of this battle
18:23 with the terrorist of the universe, Satan,
18:26 we can have peace.
18:28 Notice the words of the gospel of John.
18:31 John 16:33.
18:40 John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things,"
18:43 this is Jesus talking, "so that in me you may have peace.
18:49 In this world you will have trouble.
18:51 But take heart. I have overcome the world."
18:58 In spite of the fact, that we live in a war zone today,
19:02 we know that we can have peace and victory
19:06 because what Jesus already did for us on the cross.
19:11 Like Pastor James Caldwell
19:13 who had to preach with two loaded pistols
19:15 on his pulpit and like his wife
19:17 who was shot to death, we live in a war zone.
19:22 It is a temporary war zone, but it's still a war zone.
19:25 The good news is we know who wins.
19:29 Jesus has already paid the price of victory.
19:31 Because of that we can be at peace,
19:35 even though we're still at war with the enemy.
19:38 Satan will throw everything he can at us,
19:41 to convince us that we're not free.
19:44 But don't be fooled,
19:45 in spite of what happens in this world,
19:47 the only real freedom is found in Jesus Christ.
19:52 In 1873, a businessman named Horatio Spafford
19:56 was recovering from his financial losses
19:59 resulting from the great Chicago fire of 1871.
20:03 He and his wife felt that they needed to get away
20:07 and so they planned a trip to Europe together.
20:11 Spafford and his wife had four girls,
20:14 four daughters ranging in age from 18 months to 12 years.
20:19 Something came up at the last moment
20:21 just before he was to sail with his family off to Europe.
20:24 And so he sent his wife and his children on ahead of him.
20:29 And so they got on the boat and headed out,
20:33 out of the harbor towards Europe.
20:38 They sailed on a ship called the "Ville Du Havre"
20:42 which just as it went past the coast of Newfoundland
20:46 struck another English ship.
20:51 It collided and they sank within a half an hour.
20:54 Anna Spafford was rescued
20:57 but all four of their girls were lost.
21:01 Anna Spafford says that the baby
21:04 was literally washed from her grasp.
21:09 In those days, news didn't travel as fast as it does today.
21:16 And so, Mr. Spafford didn't know anything until ten days later
21:22 when the survivors finally arrived in Wales.
21:26 Finally, his wife Anna was able to send a cable to her husband
21:31 and the message contained just two words, "Saved alone."
21:39 Well, Mr. Spafford immediately packed his bags
21:42 and sailed to England to be with his wife.
21:46 And together they tried to find some consolation by meeting
21:51 with the very famous Evangelist Dwight L. Moody.
21:55 Moody reported that he did his best to comfort them,
21:57 but he also noted that the couple although grieving
22:01 was able to trust God.
22:04 "It is well," Mr. Spafford said.
22:07 "The will of God be done."
22:11 Would you be able to say
22:12 that in the phase of such horrendous tragedy?
22:17 It's hard to know how one would react in a situation like that.
22:25 But I believe in such extreme cases,
22:27 grace is given when it's needed.
22:31 And Horatio Spafford and his wife Anna,
22:34 although suffering the complete loss of their little family,
22:37 their four girls, were able to say,
22:40 in spite of their grief,
22:43 "It is well, God's will be done."
22:47 Upon returning to the United States,
22:49 Mr. Spafford took the two word' cable, "Saved alone"
22:55 and had it framed and put up in his office.
22:58 A rather strange memento, you might think.
23:01 But two years later, Ira Sankey,
23:05 who was the musician that worked with Dwight L. Moody,
23:07 came through the area and visited with Horatio.
23:11 And once again they sat down
23:13 and they discussed this horrible tragedy
23:14 that had happened two years before.
23:17 Once again,
23:19 Horatio expressed his complete trust in God.
23:26 And then a very interesting thing happened,
23:29 Horatio out of his, out of his grief
23:33 and remembering this horrible tragedy
23:36 when all four of his girls
23:38 had simply been swept out of his life,
23:42 but also, at the same time
23:45 relying completely on God
23:48 who has paid the price for our freedom,
23:53 who gives us peace even in the midst of a war zone.
23:57 Horatio Spafford sat down and began to write a song.
24:02 "When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
24:07 When sorrows like sea billows roll,
24:10 Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
24:14 It is well, it is well, with my soul."
24:19 Whenever you sing that hymn,
24:20 I hope you remember
24:22 Horatio Spafford and his wife Anna.
24:26 Songs like this were not written out of easy times.
24:30 Songs like this are not written
24:32 by--by people with circumstances that are
24:39 just blessed all time.
24:42 Songs like this are written when faith is tested
24:47 and when you don't have anywhere else to go,
24:50 but to Jesus.
24:53 You can know that He has already paid the price for your freedom.
24:59 And because Jesus,
25:01 that perfect human being, 100% human,
25:07 100% God and completely sinless,
25:11 because He voluntarily went to the cross
25:15 and because He bore all the sins of the whole world.
25:19 It means that you and I know,
25:20 that in spite of the fact
25:22 that we live in the midst of a war zone.
25:24 In spite of the fact
25:25 that horrible things happen, people die,
25:28 children are swept away from their parents.
25:32 In spite of that we know that this is not the end.
25:36 We know that there is a better day coming.
25:39 We know that the Son of God
25:41 went to the cross because He couldn't live
25:44 without you and me for eternity.
25:48 And because of that, we can sing just like Mr. Spafford,
25:52 "When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
25:57 Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
25:59 It is well, it is well, with my soul."
26:05 What does it take to be able to sing that song
26:11 in the phase of the most horrible personal tragedy?
26:15 I'll tell you what it is.
26:17 When you know Jesus,
26:18 when you know the kind of person that He really is,
26:22 when you know that Jesus
26:24 didn't go to the cross because God was angry with us.
26:29 He didn't lay down his life because God was mad at us.
26:33 He went to the cross because the heart of God was breaking,
26:36 because his children were going to be lost unless,
26:40 he undertook a rescue mission.
26:43 And he knew the rescue mission was risky.
26:45 He knew that it would be costly.
26:47 He knew that it would require the ultimate price.
26:53 Some people go into battle not knowing what will happen.
26:59 But I can tell you Jesus knew
27:02 what was going to happen when He went into battle.
27:05 When He bowed in grief, and sorrow,
27:10 and loneliness there in the Garden of Gethsemane
27:14 and when he prayed,
27:15 "Father if it's your will, let this cup pass from me."
27:20 You can be sure that Jesus knew exactly
27:23 what the price of our salvation was.
27:27 But Praise God, He paid it for us.
27:30 Praise God, He was not afraid
27:33 to face the devil on his turf, even.
27:36 Praise God that He could go to the cross
27:38 and not only die on the cross,
27:40 but go to the tomb and be resurrected for you and me.
27:46 Knowing that Christ has paid the price of freedom,
27:50 that He has won the war already,
27:52 we can know that no matter what happens,
27:55 It is well with my soul.


Revised 2014-12-17