Faith Chapel

Jesus Meets The Village Princess

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Pate


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000027

00:29 Hello I'm Don Pate from Between the Lines,
00:32 and I welcome you today.
00:34 As we spend some time opening up the Bible.
00:37 We're going to open up the Bible to stories of Jesus
00:41 to spend just a few minutes with Jesus.
00:43 And the older I get and I feel like
00:46 I'm getting older everyday.
00:47 The older I get the more I'm coming to realize
00:49 that if I have a chance the very best thing
00:53 I can do with anybody is to take them
00:55 to spend a few minutes with Jesus.
00:57 And we're going to do that together
00:59 as we look at a powerful story.
01:01 But a story that's got some, some inner play
01:03 under the surface that most Christians
01:06 probably wouldn't know.
01:08 And I'm going to invite you to join me
01:10 as we look at a wonderful message
01:12 out of the Gospel of Mark.
01:15 Let's pray as we begin.
01:17 Lord today as we spend time with this wonderful old story,
01:20 we pray that the old, old story will speak to us
01:24 in a way we've may be never heard before
01:26 and that the Holy Spirit will whisper
01:28 to every individual distinctly the things
01:32 that you would wish to impress upon them today.
01:38 This is my prayer in the name of Christ, amen.
01:42 In the Gospel of Mark, you find
01:45 a story of a young girl.
01:47 Now as soon as I say Jairus' daughter,
01:51 many people who are with us in the broadcast here
01:55 will say "okay, I think I know that story,
01:58 I think I know it pretty well, so I don't have
01:59 to pay attention anymore, because well,
02:01 I know there was this, you know,
02:02 little girl she died and Jesus rose her back to--
02:04 from the dead and brought her back to life."
02:06 Well, obviously there's got to be more than that.
02:10 Otherwise, I wouldn't plan to invest
02:12 a few minutes with you in this story.
02:13 I would like you to take your Bibles
02:15 please and turn to the Gospel of Mark.
02:18 Now this is one of those stories that is found
02:21 in all three of the first three
02:22 Gospels of Matthew, Mark,
02:24 and Luke if you were to look in Matthew
02:26 it would be Chapter 9.
02:27 If you were to go back and read
02:28 the same story in Luke, it would be Chapter 8,
02:31 but we're turning to Mark Chapter 5
02:34 just because I kind of like the way it's reported by Mark.
02:39 I sort of like some of the insights
02:41 that Mark brings to us that we don't see in the other two.
02:46 And so I would like you to turn
02:47 in your Bible to Mark Chapter 5.
02:50 And we find Jesus up in the Galilee region.
02:54 We find Him moving across throughout the various cities
02:57 and towns interacting. And if you know
03:00 anything about the Galilee within the Bible story
03:02 especially in the New Testament,
03:04 oh, there is some wonderful things
03:06 about the people of the Galilee
03:07 and there is also some negatives.
03:09 The negatives as you may know, of course
03:10 is that historically by the mainstream
03:13 of Jerusalem, they were seem to be the country bumpkins.
03:16 They were the backward folk. And they were also the people
03:20 who had somewhat sold out
03:23 to the Roman Authority in a way
03:25 that the people of Jerusalem hadn't.
03:26 Now don't get me wrong, the people in Jerusalem,
03:28 they had their problems too.
03:30 They certainly have done some of the things with the aliens
03:32 that was a little embarrassing,
03:34 but, you know, we all tend to be gentle on ourselves
03:37 with our own little flaws and weaknesses
03:39 and when we somebody else's problems
03:42 we tend to magnify them. We'd say, well, you know,
03:44 I would never do anything like that.
03:47 When in reality I probably do something a lot like that
03:49 but it's the area that I'm comfortable with
03:51 and so I don't critic it very well.
03:55 The Galilee people had some things going against them
03:59 not just the fact that they were, you know,
04:01 the simple folk of the land, the country bumpkins,
04:04 that wasn't all that was going against them
04:07 when it came to the mentality of the mainstream of Israel
04:10 in Jerusalem, the authorities in Jerusalem.
04:12 They were two areas that may surprise you
04:14 that may actually give you more understanding,
04:18 of what's going on, you know, between
04:20 the lines of the story. And that is number one,
04:23 when the exiles back in the days of Ezra,
04:26 Nehemiah within the text when the exiles came back
04:30 from the Babylonian Persian captivity,
04:33 when the 70 years were completed
04:35 and they were allowed to go home
04:38 and the decree went forth to rebuild
04:40 and restore Jerusalem.
04:42 Well, it was just a minority that left Babylon.
04:45 In fact, clear until the Middle Ages,
04:47 this may surprise you, clear until the Middle Ages
04:49 the largest Jewish community in the world
04:53 was the Babylonian Jewish Community.
04:56 They had been there ever since the Exile.
04:58 In fact, you often if you know
04:59 anything academically or historically about it,
05:01 you often hear it refer to as the Babylonian Talmud.
05:06 That it was the work done by the congregation,
05:08 the house of faith of Judaism in Babylon.
05:12 Babylon remained a major stronghold
05:15 of Jewish life clearly until the Middle Ages.
05:19 But the few that came back of the exiles,
05:22 the remnant, the few that Ezra, Nehemiah,
05:26 Zerubbabel had as they went back to rebuild
05:29 the land and rebuild the city.
05:31 Not all of them made it back down
05:33 to the temple region. Not all of them
05:35 made it all the way down to Jerusalem,
05:36 you may not know that. Some of them just barely
05:38 got across the border from the east and said,
05:41 "well, you know, this is the land of Israel,
05:43 this is the Promised Land, that's it
05:44 we're sticking out here, we're just planting our self.
05:46 We're not going down in Jerusalem.
05:48 Jerusalem is too much work, too much effort,
05:50 all it counts is we're back in the Promised Land."
05:52 And so there were some who never went
05:54 all the way to Jerusalem
05:56 and those who did go all the way
05:58 to Jerusalem kind of like back over the shoulder
06:00 at the ones who had compromised,
06:03 settled in and they look down their noses
06:06 at them with disdain and said,
06:07 "you know, if you really, really, really,
06:08 really had a heart for God, you would be down
06:10 here in Jerusalem doing the dirty work with us.
06:12 You know, you would be lifting the bricks
06:13 and you would be rebuilding the wall,
06:15 and you would be dedicating the temple.
06:17 You know, we're the holy ones,
06:18 you all just a sort of half citizens of the land."
06:22 As early as that timeframe 400 years before Jesus,
06:25 as early as that there came to be a distinction
06:29 between the people of the Galilee
06:31 and the people of what's called Judea,
06:33 the region of Jerusalem to the south
06:35 that Galileans were looked at as being
06:38 not really the people that have a true heart
06:41 for the ways of Israel.
06:43 But more than that it actually came out
06:45 in a more literal fashion after Herod the Great
06:49 ascended to the throne in Jerusalem.
06:51 He looked around his territory and saw certain problems.
06:54 He wanted to be a major player in the world
06:56 and I don't know how much you know about Herod.
06:58 Herod is one of the great anomalies of history.
07:01 Herod is one of the most
07:02 fascinating characters of history.
07:04 He is truly just a dual personality
07:07 that is overwhelming.
07:08 On the one hand that boy was, he was a genius.
07:12 The world has never seen engineering capabilities
07:16 and ingenuity for design and building
07:18 such as Herod had. It's just,
07:21 it's overwhelming, the more you understand
07:23 about Herod and his massive public works programs
07:25 in the buildings not just the temple,
07:27 but with the Herodion and Masada
07:30 and the regions up to the north
07:32 and Caesarea by the sea,
07:33 Caesarea Maritima, that when you come
07:36 to understand Herod's ingenuity
07:38 and genius in building up
07:40 this land with these edifices mostly for his own glory,
07:44 but it's remarkable. On the other hand,
07:46 he was crazy as the days long.
07:49 I mean, insane, unbelievably insane.
07:52 Married at least ten times.
07:53 His favorite wife was Mariamne.
07:56 He was really sorry after he killed her
07:57 that he regretted having done that.
08:00 That was his favorite wife. The man was insane,
08:03 a matter of I think two days before he died.
08:08 He had one of his own son's executed in prison.
08:11 In case that son might try to take the throne from him
08:13 and Herod was already on his death bed.
08:16 I mean, you know, this man he is such a contrast
08:19 of incredible ability and incredible insanity.
08:22 It's just-- he is a fascinating character.
08:24 And one of the things, Herod really was a wily old codger.
08:28 One of the things that Herod understood as he found himself
08:31 as a street fighter who rose to the top in his world,
08:35 not even Jewish of course, you remember,
08:37 he was Idumean, he was not Jewish.
08:39 When Herod came to ascendancy here in Jerusalem,
08:42 he looked around the land and he realized
08:44 that he had certain problems.
08:45 One was he had no safe harbor.
08:47 There was no port along the Mediterranean
08:49 seacoast and so he created one.
08:52 The falls harbor, the marble harbor at Caesarea,
08:55 to this days a fascination to archeologist
08:58 and an amazement to scientists.
08:59 But, beyond that he also looked up
09:01 at the Galilee region and he said you know,
09:03 what, this is very fertile soil,
09:05 but more than that
09:06 it's an un-protective frontier.
09:09 I need some population based there.
09:12 And so Herod bribed people from Judea,
09:16 from Jerusalem, the southern region
09:18 and he said, "look I'll give you tax breaks,
09:20 if you'll be willing to displace to move
09:22 out of Jerusalem and get yourself
09:24 out to populate the hinterlands.
09:26 If you go up in the Galilee and settle in
09:28 and farm the region and get the resources
09:32 from that region and also provide
09:33 a bit of defense shield for me,
09:36 I'll give you tax breaks."
09:37 And so it was with some skepticism
09:40 that the Jerusalem class looked
09:42 at the people of the Galilee,
09:43 because not only had some of them
09:45 never really gotten home after the captivity,
09:47 but here even in their own lifetimes
09:49 there were some who would sold out to Herod,
09:52 to go up to move into the Galilee
09:56 for the benefit of tax breaks.
09:59 And they looked down their nose at the Galilean
10:01 and you can understand why.
10:03 Now when Jesus began
10:07 His ministry of course,
10:09 things were always extremely sensitive around Jerusalem,
10:12 but as you know, up in the Galilee
10:14 He received greater acceptance.
10:17 Less was demanded of Him,
10:19 He didn't have to sit there and measure every word,
10:22 you know, for those who are public figures.
10:24 I don't know if you're aware,
10:26 it can be quiet simply a pain in the neck.
10:29 In the ministry Between the Lines, sometimes
10:31 I'll get letters from the people around the world
10:33 everywhere and they'll criticize the way I pronounce
10:35 the word that it doesn't quite match their expectation
10:38 just even the pronunciation of a word
10:41 --that will send them little haywire,
10:43 it's a critic, and they may or may not be right,
10:45 you know, sometimes they're actually wrong.
10:47 But it doesn't matter and you sit there always weighing out
10:50 and measuring the fact that there are those out there
10:52 from whom you may get ]the dirty letters, whatever.
10:55 A public figure always is, is--as the old proverb
11:00 said anyone who sticks his head
11:02 above the crowd is an easy target.
11:05 You know, if you stayed down in the mass,
11:07 you're not an easy target.
11:08 Well, Jesus, it were on Him too.
11:13 To always have people right on the edge of jumping on Him
11:18 that wasn't easy for Him either, and so
11:21 He often remained in the Galilee,
11:23 because it was good stewardship.
11:25 It was good stewardship of His time.
11:26 Why should Jesus stand in Jerusalem
11:28 banging his head against the wall
11:29 when He wasn't gonna get anywhere,
11:31 when He actually could make a difference in the lives
11:33 in the Galilee if people-- because people up there
11:36 were receptive and willing.
11:37 There are many reasons for why Jesus
11:39 remained more in the Galilee.
11:42 But of course, these people were somewhat
11:44 not the mainstream, but we're dealing
11:46 with the man here in Mark Chapter 5
11:49 who is mainstreamed in the Galilee.
11:51 It's very easy to understand
11:52 why he is mainstreamed because he is ruler
11:54 of the synagogue. This man may be Galilean.
11:59 Jairus may be Galilean, but he is a man
12:01 who is at least a half step closer
12:05 to acceptance by the Jerusalem class
12:07 by the power brokers.
12:09 He is a half step closer to their acceptance,
12:11 because he is in authority within the line of Israel.
12:14 This man has responsibilities for the defense of the faith.
12:19 He is ruler of the synagogue and of course as you know,
12:22 in the story Jesus Chapter 5, verse 21,
12:27 Jesus passes over along the lake shore there by ship
12:30 to the other side and many people gathered
12:33 to be near him for many reasons I'm sure.
12:36 He was a celebrity. He was notorious.
12:39 That's where the action was.
12:41 Some people were there simply because they really,
12:43 really did want to hear what he had to say.
12:44 There are probably all kinds of reasons
12:46 why crowds collected around Jesus,
12:49 some hoping for a miracle for a show,
12:52 others just needing His embrace.
12:55 There are so many reasons why the crowds
12:57 would follow Jesus, and Jesus had the crowds gathering
13:01 around Him and he was by the side of the sea
13:03 not into the sea it says in verse 21 and verse 22,
13:06 he is coming along the shore line
13:08 right at the edge of Capernaum.
13:10 Now Capernaum wasn't the largest
13:12 town of the Galilee by any means.
13:14 In fact, there is a town and this is a wonderful
13:16 insight into the gospels. There was a town
13:19 that Jesus could see as a child from Nazareth
13:22 on the precipice of Nazareth where they were going
13:26 to throw him off the cliff you remember,
13:27 looking right off that cliff that cliff
13:29 just down there three miles away was the capital
13:32 of the Galilee, a major Roman town.
13:36 It is estimated that there may have been upto
13:39 30,000 people living in the town of Sepphoris.
13:43 It was the capital of the Galilee.
13:45 Arabians lived there, Arabs lived there,
13:49 Romans lived there, Greeks lived there,
13:52 Jews lived there. It was a very
13:53 cosmopolitan town, an amazing place.
13:55 In fact, it is a Christian myth
13:58 to somehow have the sense that Jesus as a young boy
14:01 growing up never had any idea of city at all.
14:05 That he was just in this little back water
14:07 village of Nazareth and he never had
14:08 any interaction with city at all.
14:10 The Bible doesn't say that, that I think is a legend
14:13 somehow that Christians carry that cannot be true.
14:16 Because Jesus as a young boy could stand there
14:19 and just three miles away you could see a major city,
14:21 but the reason you've never heard about it
14:23 is because Jesus--we have no gospel interaction there.
14:28 Jesus never went there in the gospel
14:29 here that we have any record.
14:31 Now Capernaum probably was the second
14:35 in line of importance within the Galilee region.
14:40 It certainly was the queen city
14:42 of the lake right around the lake.
14:43 Jesus came to Capernaum.
14:45 And Jairus who was the ruler of the synagogue,
14:48 the defender of the faith, the number one top
14:50 dog in the religious hierarchy of the lake region is Jairus.
14:55 Now at first glance I'm sure that many people
14:58 who were standing watching this event on that day
15:01 would have thought wait a minute here comes,
15:03 you know, here comes Jesus who by this time is already
15:05 somewhat of a heretic prophet rejected in Jerusalem,
15:08 you know, he's coming up this way and here is Jairus,
15:11 defender of the faith, he's coming this way
15:12 and we're gonna have some fireworks.
15:13 I mean, you know, some confrontation here.
15:15 Jairus is gonna look at Him and say
15:16 you got to stay out of my town.
15:18 You know, it's my responsibility
15:19 to defend the faith in the village
15:21 of the Capernaum in this region
15:22 and I'm commanding you stay out of my town.
15:24 Some people might have thought that, but of course,
15:26 you know, that's not why he was coming to Jesus.
15:29 Jairus, the man, when he saw Jesus,
15:33 he fell at Jesus feet,
15:34 he fell at his feet that's verse 22,
15:36 and he begins his appeal to Jesus verse 23.
15:39 I've got a problem it is more than you can know.
15:43 My little daughter lies at the point of death.
15:48 That is what drives Jairus to Jesus that day.
15:51 It isn't going to be this confrontation of two
15:55 views of religion within Israel.
15:58 It is a man, a father who is desperate.
16:01 Now my graduate studies are all in Jewish studies.
16:04 I'm the only Gentile who ever attended
16:06 the center for Jewish studies, what a great privilege.
16:08 What an honor it was for me to do that.
16:11 And there are certain things happening
16:13 within the mentality here of Judaism
16:16 that many Gentile Christians just we would never know.
16:19 It just goes right on by.
16:23 Jesus is listening and the man says
16:25 my little daughter lies at the point of death.
16:28 Now as you go into the story,
16:29 you find out that she is 12 years old.
16:32 Now you probably know that the breaking point
16:35 of 12 within Judaism for young man
16:39 relates to the issues of Bar Mitzvah
16:40 when he becomes a son of the law
16:42 responsible to the law for himself
16:44 that if a young boy killed a cow when he was 11,
16:47 you know, dad paid for it.
16:49 But when he accidentally may be killed a cow
16:52 when he was 13, he paid for it.
16:54 In fact, even to this day in a Bar Mitzvah ceremony
16:57 the father's prayer part of the Bar Mitzvah
16:59 ceremony is where the father in prayer says,
17:02 "I thank God that this thing is no longer on my conscious.
17:05 I'm not responsible for this kid."
17:08 You know, you're on your own between you and God.
17:10 That's actually part of the prayer.
17:13 That breaking point of 12 is very important.
17:16 Now we see in the next few verses beginning
17:19 at verse 25 and onward,
17:20 there is actually a woman who gets thrown into the story
17:22 who's had the issuance of the blood for 12 years,
17:24 but that's a whole another story.
17:26 This little girl is right on the edge of womanhood.
17:30 Now the Mishnah actually debates about,
17:33 it's clear that for a Jewish boy
17:35 in the Mishnah it said 13 years and a day.
17:38 The completion of the 12th year.
17:40 For a girl there is actually some argument
17:42 with some other Rabbis about that she became technically
17:45 a woman after 11 years and a day.
17:47 But, I don't want to debate that,
17:50 it's just that we know when you're talking somebody
17:52 who is right at the edge of 12 that something is happening
17:56 in the story about a girl who is leaving
17:59 childhood into adulthood.
18:03 Now remember, it's his daughter,
18:07 it's his only child and she is right
18:10 on the edge of the adulthood.
18:13 Now most Christians would begin to think
18:16 and they'd say, okay, now I understand
18:18 it's brutal to lose a child.
18:22 And it's even worse if it's your only child,
18:23 may beI don't now, I don't know
18:25 if it can be worse. But, thereis something
18:28 going on here, probably more than we see at the surface.
18:32 Let me share with you what it is.
18:34 For several years, I taught college,
18:38 I served as a college professor,
18:40 and the areas that I thought were history of the Holocaust,
18:44 and Second Temple history. And in order to understand
18:48 either one of those issues of the world,
18:51 you have to understand certain things that are going
18:53 on within the mentality of Judaism either through
18:57 the precursors of the Holocaust
18:59 or in the Second Temple era.
19:02 One other things that most Christians don't know
19:05 about much of Judaism through history
19:08 especially the Middle Ages onward was
19:11 there is a very cosmic sense.
19:12 You know, sometimes we look at this issue
19:14 of chosenness in Judaism,
19:17 and we say you know that's pretty smug.
19:19 That you look down your nose at the rest of the world,
19:21 and say well, you know, we're the chosen.
19:24 That Judaism has some very provocative
19:26 things for Christians to chew on in that issue
19:29 and one of the areas that it plays out
19:33 is in the concept of God
19:37 needing the continuation of Israel.
19:42 It's a cosmic view.
19:44 Now let me just take a second to try to get you
19:46 to understand what I'm saying here.
19:49 If God made a promise to Israel,
19:52 "so shall your seed and your name remain"
19:54 we read that in Isaiah 66.
19:56 If God made a promise to Israel about the protection
19:59 and defense and continuation of that race.
20:03 If the day--follow me, if the day would ever come
20:06 at least this is the mentality of much of Judaism,
20:08 if the day would ever come when Judaism no longer
20:13 continues then God has not kept his promise.
20:18 And if God doesn't keep His promise
20:21 the universe goes to chaos.
20:24 If God cannot keep His promise to Israel,
20:28 then how can He run His universe?
20:29 That's the thinking of this issue of chosenness.
20:33 That God has in some ways painted Himself into a corner
20:37 by His promises and He has to fulfill those promises,
20:41 otherwise He can't run His universe.
20:43 Therefore God is dependent upon
20:45 the continuation of Israel
20:47 and that's some of the issues of what we consider
20:50 when we talk about the issues of the holocaust.
20:54 You'd probably know that within Judaism
20:58 the continuation of the race goes
21:00 through the line of the mother,
21:02 matrilineage, who your father is,
21:06 you know, who cares.
21:07 Timothy, we don't care that your father,
21:09 you know, wasn't part of the package.
21:10 You had a good Jewish mother
21:12 and a good Jewish grandmother that's what counts.
21:14 We see that in Paul's writings paraphrased obviously.
21:18 It's not exactly the way he words it.
21:20 Matrilineage, the line of Israel
21:24 goes through the mother.
21:25 There is a very simple reason for that by the way.
21:28 You can always question who the father was,
21:31 you can never question who the mother is.
21:34 That's always pretty obvious who the mother is.
21:36 And so matrilineage defines the continuation of the race.
21:40 Therefore, if I was a Jewish person
21:42 and I had a Jewish son and he married outside
21:48 the faith and I had a Jewish daughter
21:50 and she married outside the faith,
21:52 it's actually potentially a greater tragedy
21:54 for the son to marry outside the faith,
21:56 because if he married a Gentile,
21:58 none of his children would ever be Jewish,
22:00 whereas if my daughter married
22:02 a Gentile it wouldn't matter,
22:04 they're still going to be Jewish,
22:06 because of the laws of matrilineage.
22:10 This is an only child more than that it's a daughter,
22:16 the continuation of the race and the promise is depended
22:21 upon this one little girl for his family.
22:25 There are no more. There is something
22:28 very cosmic going on in the mind of Jairus.
22:31 My little girl, my daughter--
22:32 and remember she is 12 years old.
22:34 She is right on the front edge of being a woman.
22:36 It's a rather modern in concept
22:38 this thing called adolescence
22:40 where we have kids with adult bodies,
22:42 but no adult responsibilities.
22:45 We don't hold them countable for anything
22:46 until 18 or 21 or something like this.
22:48 Back in the old days, in the world agrarian times
22:52 when you're 14 years old, your dad died,
22:55 you took over the farm.
22:57 This issue of adult bodies without adult responsibilities
23:01 that's a modern concept in society,
23:05 the idea of adolescence. In these,
23:08 in this day back in these days
23:10 when a young girl was 11, 12, 13, 14
23:14 when she was edging into womanhood,
23:17 she soon became a wife
23:19 and part of it was because of course life
23:21 expectancy was much shorter too.
23:23 A young boy it was nothing for him
23:25 at the age of 14, 15, 16 to be engaged
23:28 and being married and be a man
23:29 because he was a man, he was Bar Mitzvah.
23:34 This little girl was on the edge
23:35 of being a woman. All the hopes
23:37 and dreams of this man not only for his own family
23:40 line and name, but the cosmic view
23:43 of the continuation of Israel
23:45 is wrapped up in his daughter
23:50 That's why he approaches Jesus.
23:51 He is going to throw away his reputation
23:55 with the boys in Jerusalem,
23:57 if he goes to Jesus,
23:58 but he has got nowhere else to turn,
24:00 because she was the princess of the village.
24:04 I can imagine then he and his wife probably
24:05 sat around at night around supper after little girl
24:10 was in bed from the time that she was eight or nine
24:12 onward talking about the young man in the region
24:13 about who would we like to marry our daughter off
24:16 to because they would get the pick of the crop,
24:19 because he was the ruler of the synagogue.
24:21 She was the princess of the village.
24:24 They would be able to select her groom in a way
24:28 that nobody else in the region could.
24:30 And now they're going to lose it all and how many times
24:34 I'm sure Jairus must have looked up to heaven
24:35 as she started to fade and he would rage, etc.
24:38 How many times he must have looked up to heaven and said,
24:41 "What did you expect of me, God?
24:43 I was defender of the faith.
24:44 I did the best I can do, I've served
24:45 the house of Israel till the end
24:47 and this what I get in return?
24:48 I'm going to lose my daughter."
24:50 And then of course, he finally,
24:52 he loses his propriety he runs,
24:54 he breaks, and falls before Jesus asking for help
24:57 from the heretic profit at least that's what the boys
24:59 at Jerusalem would have thought.
25:02 He loses his propriety and throws it all the way
25:04 for the hope of keeping his daughter
25:06 only to have her die anyway.
25:11 The princess of the village dies
25:14 and Jairus has got to be broken in this.
25:17 He's got to be broken when the word comes verse 35,
25:19 "Thy daughter is dead."
25:21 Imagine I don't know about you,
25:24 you probably a much better Christian than I'm,
25:26 but I'm sure I would have looked at heaven
25:28 and just been furious with God.
25:31 After all I have done for you and this is my reward?
25:34 How could you do this to me?
25:37 That would have been my perception.
25:39 And Jesus of course came up
25:41 and put His hand on the man's shoulder
25:42 and said take me to her.
25:45 I'm going to resolve this mess.
25:48 When they got to the top of the hill up
25:50 where the rich people live or wherever
25:52 the suburb was for the upper class.
25:56 This girl was already being mourned.
25:58 Rabbi Judah actually said that appropriate mourning requires
26:01 at least two flutes and three wailing women.
26:06 I'm sure that she had a whole lot more
26:08 than two flutes and three wailing women.
26:09 She was the princess of the village
26:11 and Jesus said take me in to her.
26:14 I know that one Bible commentator
26:16 actually spoke about Jesus, you know, standing there
26:18 just tensed and flexed, because He is ready,
26:23 He is ready to do something miraculous
26:25 and that He knows what he is going to do.
26:26 And I can imagine Jesus going
26:27 into that little girl's death room
26:30 with Jairus' wife sitting there just oblivious.
26:32 She is just lost in her grief, maybe not
26:35 even catching on to the fact that the girl is really dead.
26:37 And Jesus I'm sure he entered that room
26:40 with a smile on his lips, it was his way of looking
26:42 and saying Satan, you know, often you get your way.
26:44 Satan, my father allows you enough rope to hang yourself
26:47 and you're going to, but not today,
26:49 not in this room, not in this place,
26:50 I'm not gonna let it happen. He came in.
26:56 He'd already asked the people outside,
26:57 "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"
26:59 Why make you this a do? It says verse 39, come on.
27:05 He reaches out and touches her hand
27:07 and the voice that can call forth people from death
27:12 through 6,000 years of death cuts through the dead
27:16 ears of a little girl in a back room in the upper
27:19 society homes of Capernaum.
27:23 The little girl I say unto thee, arise
27:26 and the dead ears heard Him.
27:32 Oh, the hope of the resurrection
27:33 for everyone of us when the dead ears hear
27:36 and Jesus turned the sorrow into rejoicing.
27:40 He dispelled the flutes and the wailing women.
27:44 What a marvelous thing
27:46 when we find Jesus interjecting
27:48 Himself into an incredible story to show us the hope
27:52 that He cuts through and no matter
27:53 what your problem is,
27:55 no matter how hopeless it may seem.


Revised 2014-12-17