Faith Chapel

Stolen Virtue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Pate


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000021

00:29 Hello, and what a privilege to join you.
00:31 I am Don Pate from the International
00:33 Radio Ministry, Between the Lines.
00:35 And I'm looking forward to the opportunity
00:37 to spend time with you
00:38 as we go under the surface of the word
00:41 in between the lines.
00:43 To spend a few minutes with Jesus,
00:45 to come to know Him,
00:47 possibly in a way that you might not have seen
00:50 before to look at issues of the backgrounds
00:53 of the stories, some of the episodes of Jesus.
00:56 And so as we spend time together today
00:58 with just one of the gospel of Ebionites.
01:00 One of the little slices of the ministry of Jesus.
01:04 I just pray that we will be richly blessed.
01:06 Somehow the Holy Spirit will predispose us
01:09 to set us up for something special,
01:12 a special appointment and rondevu with Jesus.
01:14 And then that He will reward us
01:18 with good insights that, that will make a difference
01:20 in how we live today and tomorrow
01:22 as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.
01:25 And so I'd invite you to join me in prayer
01:27 as we prepare ourselves and--and ask the Holy Spirit
01:31 to fulfill the promise of Jesus
01:33 that the Holy Spirit will teach us today. Let's pray.
01:36 Lord, it is such a privilege to spend time in the word.
01:40 And we pray that now as we are together
01:44 that we might go into the word with open hearts,
01:48 so that Jesus Christ might come alive
01:52 in a special way within us and in our hearts.
01:55 This is our prayer in His holy name, amen.
01:59 I'd like first to spend time
02:01 with one of the events of the ministry of Jesus
02:04 that sometimes it's not really well understood.
02:07 To find something from the background
02:09 that may be you don't know.
02:11 It's a story that, that comes in
02:13 the center of another story.
02:16 Now, you may not know that the gospels,
02:18 the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
02:21 that they each bring a certain flavor
02:24 to the understanding of the stories of Jesus.
02:30 Matthew has his agenda.
02:32 And he certainly focuses on some things that may be Mark.
02:35 It doesn't see quite as--as to the degree of importance
02:39 and may be didn't meet His needs quite as much.
02:41 But then Mark probably taking the stories of Peter.
02:45 Mark reveals some things, some insights
02:47 about Jesus that Luke never got around too.
02:50 Now, Matthew, Mark, and Luke
02:51 as you probably know, they called synoptic.
02:53 And what that means is they are the synonymous gospels.
02:55 They're very much alike,
02:57 that a lot of what's in Matthew,
02:58 you will find in Mark, a lot of what's in Mark,
03:00 you will find in Luke. Now John is off to the side.
03:04 John is--is unlike the others. John is written last.
03:09 And probably may be even up to 20 years after
03:12 the other gospels are written.
03:14 And John by his own confession in the book,
03:16 shares that he is telling you stories
03:20 that that you haven't seen in the other three.
03:23 He is reviewing for the early church.
03:25 And he says, "I'd like to tell you some of the things
03:27 that Jesus did, that may be
03:28 the stories you haven't heard."
03:30 And so John is decidedly different
03:32 than the other three.
03:33 But even at that there is a flow
03:36 with some common theme of some of the stories
03:40 that not permeated that make it
03:41 into all four of the gospels.
03:43 Now the story that I'd like for us
03:44 to focus on here as we're together today
03:47 is the story that comes in the middle of a larger story.
03:51 You probably are aware of the background
03:54 of the story of Jairus' daughter.
03:57 Now as you remember if you know that story.
03:59 And if you take your Bibles in turn,
04:01 you can turn and find the story
04:03 actually in the Gospel of Matthew in Chapter 9
04:06 or you could go to the Gospel of Luke in Chapter 8.
04:08 But I, for certain reasons find the Gospel of Mark,
04:12 the way Mark reviews the story.
04:15 I find that to be the one that's probably
04:17 in some degrees the most insightful.
04:20 And may be there are some things
04:23 under the surface of the story
04:24 that come out of the heart
04:25 that you don't find in the other two gospels.
04:28 And so I would invite you to take your Bible
04:30 and turn to the Gospel of Mark to Chapter 5.
04:34 Now in Chapter 5, Jesus has just been involved
04:37 in some very momentous events up in the Galilee.
04:40 He has just done some miraculous things.
04:43 And the people-it sort of taken their breath away.
04:46 They have been astounded
04:48 at His ability to resolve certain issues.
04:51 You have the story
04:52 of the gathering healing of demoniacs.
04:58 And here you have, Jesus now coming into Capernaum.
05:03 Now I don't know how much you know about Capernaum.
05:05 Matthew actually calls Capernaum, Jesus' own village.
05:10 Now you'll say, "Wait a minute, I don't understand.
05:12 You know, I thought Jesus was from Nazareth."
05:15 Well, you probably know that there are some people
05:18 where you can go to their house, you know,
05:20 you can kick off your shoes,
05:22 you can just lay down on the floor,
05:23 you can raid their refrigerator.
05:26 You can have a good time and you feel at ease.
05:29 There are certain people where you can
05:32 just watch your hair down as the vernacular says.
05:35 You can be more comfortable with them.
05:38 There are certain situations
05:39 and you are probably aware of this in life,
05:41 may be in your own circumstance
05:43 where you always have to guard your words.
05:47 Somebody is a little critical or they have expectation
05:49 or they have agenda or they have some decision that,
05:52 you know, this is the way you are going to walk.
05:55 And they're always sort of right there
05:57 to be a little critical.
06:00 And you know how much energy
06:02 that takes out of you when you have to sit there
06:04 and way out every word.
06:07 You know, that that takes a toll on a person.
06:09 Capernaum was--number one, it was Galilee.
06:13 It was--it was decidedly removed from Jerusalem.
06:17 Jerusalem of course was the center
06:20 of some of the issues of challenge of Jesus.
06:23 With the Jerusalem hierarchy and the priestly class
06:26 and the people who-- they had--they thought
06:30 the larger picture in mind because they had to deal
06:33 all the time with the interaction
06:34 of the Roman authorities.
06:36 They had to worry about what the empire was thinking.
06:38 What the senate would think.
06:40 What the regents would think who represented Rome.
06:44 What the military leaders of the legions
06:45 would think there at the Fortress of Antonia.
06:48 Jerusalem was never an easily comfortable place for Jesus.
06:54 Jerusalem was a challenge to Jesus.
06:58 The Galilee was more at home.
07:01 Now here in the United States,
07:03 we actually have a sense of Galilee
07:06 that if I would say this and to people
07:09 who are from the United States.
07:10 Most would understand this.
07:13 Galilee was Nebraska. It was heartland.
07:16 It was mid America.
07:18 That's sort of in--in our culture.
07:20 Galilee was the--the phrase that is often used
07:23 for the Galilean was Ab Haras,
07:26 the people of the earth,
07:28 just the people of the land, the common folk.
07:31 And so Jesus-- number one,
07:33 He didn't have to face all the geopolitical issues
07:37 of--of what was going on
07:38 with the body politic in Jerusalem.
07:41 The Sanhedrin, the priestly class, the leadership.
07:45 He didn't have to face that challenge all the time.
07:47 And more than that,
07:49 these were basically people of the land.
07:52 And for that reason, they were somewhat--
07:55 they were less sophisticated.
07:57 They were more attuned to listening to Jesus
08:01 for what He had to say.
08:04 Yes, they came with their expectation too.
08:06 I mean, and I don't want you to believe
08:09 that the Galilee was always completely
08:11 easy living for Jesus, that's certainly was not true.
08:13 But generally things were less challenging.
08:16 Generally Jesus was more received in the Galilee.
08:20 And of all the Galilee, the villages of the Galilee,
08:22 the one where it seems
08:23 that Jesus was more commonly at--at home,
08:28 at ease was Capernaum.
08:31 And so in this story,
08:32 you have Jesus returning to Capernaum.
08:35 The place where at least to a degree
08:38 He found greater acceptance.
08:40 He wasn't as often confronted.
08:44 And you remember the story Jairus,
08:45 the ruler of the synagogue comes out to confront Jesus
08:48 and he has an agenda,
08:49 it's because his daughter is deathly ill.
08:53 Well, you probably remember what happens then.
08:56 Jesus is going with Jairus up to wherever somebody
09:01 who was of the upper crest of society in Capernaum
09:05 would live in--in
09:07 the president of the synagogue's home.
09:10 Obviously not probably just with
09:12 the average person of the village.
09:14 And this man had, you know, a little higher reputation.
09:16 And so to the little suburban neighborhood of Capernaum
09:21 was Jairus's home would be.
09:22 Jesus is walking with His entourage with His disciples,
09:26 when suddenly this story gets interjected.
09:29 Mark Chapter 5 verse 25,
09:32 "A certain woman which had an issue
09:35 of the blood for twelve years."
09:38 Now remember if you know the rest of the story,
09:41 you'll say, "Wait a minute,
09:42 wasn't that the age of Jairus' daughter."
09:46 This woman's dilemma,
09:48 her problem is the same length of time,
09:52 has been going on for the same length of time
09:56 as Jairus' daughter's whole lifespan.
10:00 So you've got the story of a young girl
10:03 who is right on the edge of becoming a woman
10:06 within the economy of Israel,
10:08 within the society of Israel.
10:10 She was right on the edge of becoming a woman,
10:12 and then you have a woman who for that whole lifespan
10:17 has been facing a sense of rejection of heaven.
10:24 She has the issuance of the blood.
10:26 Now you might know your Bible well enough to know
10:29 exactly what's going on here.
10:31 It is part of the Levitical code
10:34 for issues of hygiene, public health,
10:37 and--and the Lord had His reasons not that
10:39 we have to completely understand
10:41 all of God's reasons. I mean, He can be God.
10:44 But the Lord had His reasons
10:46 for many of the issues of kosher
10:48 and a lot of it dealt with issues.
10:50 Today we understand a quarantine blood
10:54 in body fluid precautions.
10:56 Things like this that we understand in our society
10:58 today that's certainly back in those days
11:00 they could not have understood.
11:01 And this woman is going through
11:03 a period of ritual uncleanness.
11:07 The only problem is it's being
11:08 going for 12 years, 12 years.
11:13 And if you go back in your Bible,
11:14 you can turn to Leviticus Chapter 12
11:17 or Leviticus Chapter 15 to get the foundation
11:20 for understanding what's happening in the story.
11:24 Now I happen to have here
11:25 a copy of a--the Mishnah with me.
11:28 The Mishnah is a wonderful resource for Christians
11:31 and most Christians don't know it.
11:33 The Mishnah is the codification of Jewish
11:37 overall tradition from the days of Jesus,
11:39 the--the Second Temple Era.
11:42 The Rabbi sat down 200 years after Jesus, more or less.
11:46 And--and they codify. They put into black and white.
11:50 The things that had been taught from father to son
11:53 and from mentor to student, from Gamaliel to Paul, Saul.
11:59 You have the codification of the old tradition.
12:03 And so this is one of the finest resources
12:05 for Christians to understand
12:07 what's really going on in the world of Jesus.
12:10 To understand what's happening
12:12 in the expectation of the people
12:14 who are alive in Jesus day.
12:16 Now as you can see, it's a fairly thick document.
12:19 It's about 800 pages translated into English
12:22 and I find it fascinating.
12:24 No, I'm not--I haven't memorized it all.
12:27 And in fact I haven't read the whole Mishnah.
12:29 You may have never read any of it.
12:30 Would I advise you as a Christian,
12:32 may be to have a little, little
12:34 understanding of the Mishnah? I think so.
12:36 I think so, because it will flush out
12:40 the gospel stories with the reality
12:43 of what's going on in Jesus world.
12:44 And if you look here, right here,
12:46 I'm gonna open this.
12:47 The Mishnah from this point forward
12:49 to the back of the book, ight here.
12:52 That much of the text.
12:54 Oh, what is it? More than a third.
12:57 There are two booklets that are called tractates.
13:02 And they are completely dealing with
13:05 rules of ritual cleanness
13:07 and uncleanness or that which is called kosher.
13:12 Kosher all that means is that which is fit,
13:14 that which is acceptable, and that which is called
13:16 tumah that which is not acceptable.
13:20 Now there were various types of tumah.
13:23 For Between the Lines,
13:24 every week I create a new deeper look study guide
13:27 which is a gift for the people around the world.
13:30 And this is the one that I did
13:31 a few weeks ago on tumah, on tumah.
13:34 And it goes into the issues
13:36 of there--there are layers of uncleanness
13:40 within the expectation of the Bible people,
13:42 within the days of Jesus.
13:44 There were certain things that were unclean
13:47 and they were gonna be unclean forever.
13:48 There was nothing you could do about it.
13:50 I mean, it was--you could pray over it
13:52 all you wanted to, and it was never going
13:53 to be considered ritually clean.
13:56 Then there were things that were temporarily unclean.
14:00 As long as this condition continues
14:04 that is a temporary uncleanness or tumah.
14:07 And then there are things that were only unclean
14:10 just for a certain slice of hours.
14:13 You know, for this one day etcetera.
14:16 This woman with the issuance of the blood,
14:19 her degree of uncleanness or her style of uncleanness
14:23 was related to as long as that issuance continued.
14:28 That's what we find in
14:29 Leviticus Chapter 12, Leviticus 15.
14:31 And then when this problem,
14:34 this--this physical problem would resolve itself,
14:38 she would then be allowed to make sacrifice
14:40 and--and life goes back to normal. Everything is fine.
14:43 The problem is with this woman
14:45 who knows what trigger this event.
14:47 Was it a childbirth?
14:48 Was it her natural body process? We don't know.
14:52 All we know is that 12 years before
14:56 something happened and it never clarified.
15:00 Now if it had ever clarified,
15:02 if it had ever come to resolution,
15:04 she could have then made sacrifice.
15:09 She could have walked back into the light of heaven
15:11 and known that everything was fine between her and God.
15:14 She could have been part of the ritual process again.
15:17 But as long as the process continued,
15:20 this couldn't happen.
15:22 And so this woman
15:23 has the issuance of the blood 12 years.
15:25 And verse 26 says, it wasn't that
15:28 she didn't try to find resolution.
15:30 In fact the word in this is wonderful.
15:32 It says, "She suffered many things of the physicians."
15:37 I mean, she went to anybody
15:40 who had any possible remedy, and you know,
15:44 wasted her life savings trying to get the answer.
15:48 And you have to know that
15:49 there are something more than that.
15:50 It isn't just that she went
15:51 to the physicians, the doctors.
15:53 You have to know that this woman surely
15:57 must have spent, you know,
15:59 countless nights looking up to heaven.
16:05 Lord, when is this gonna be resolved?
16:08 And more than that, more than that,
16:10 this is why the Bible is good for all time.
16:13 Human nature doesn't change.
16:15 You know, we may today in the 21st century.
16:18 We may be more technologically cute.
16:22 We may be more scientifically advanced.
16:26 But human nature does not change.
16:28 And that's why the text,
16:29 the stories are good for all time,
16:31 because my weakness and my flaw,
16:34 my little carnality, my sinful self,
16:37 I still find the same flaws and weakness
16:39 in me that I find in the Bible characters
16:41 and I still find that the answer is still the same.
16:44 That is not going to change.
16:46 Jesus is going to give me the answers within the text.
16:50 How to find resolution
16:52 for the great deep needs of my life?
16:55 This woman, you have to know.
16:58 She probably looked up to heaven and said,
17:02 "What have I done?
17:05 What is it that that I did,
17:07 that was so horrific, that that this curse
17:09 would come upon me, and I could not sacrifice.
17:12 I can't stay in healthy familiar relations."
17:17 You may not understand what I just said.
17:19 According to the Mishnah and Leviticus 12,
17:23 Leviticus 15, the descriptions here.
17:25 According to our understanding what was going on?
17:28 Any chair that this woman would sit on
17:31 became ritually unclean.
17:34 And if I went and sat on that chair after she had been
17:39 on that chair, it would render me unclean.
17:43 Any folk that she would eat with,
17:45 any bowl that she would eat out of,
17:48 she couldn't embrace her husband.
17:51 She couldn't comb her children's hair.
17:55 But that she would render them unclean.
17:59 How long do you wanna put up
18:00 with that kind of isolation in life?
18:03 You live life not knowing,
18:06 what in the world have I done?
18:08 And heaven seems like vast.
18:11 There is no answer that comes back to this woman.
18:15 She goes to every faith healer, physician.
18:20 Hocus-pocus man she can find.
18:23 I mean, I assume she went the whole spectrum.
18:27 And certainly she must have gone to many priests saying,
18:30 "Could you appeal to heaven on my behalf.
18:32 What have I done wrong?
18:34 What do I have to do to have this resolve,
18:36 so I can go back and to live in real life?"
18:39 Now the story says, that when she heard, this is verse 27.
18:44 "When she heard that Jesus was coming into town."
18:49 She said very clearly. This is very important, verse 28.
18:53 "If I may but touch the hem of His garment."
19:00 When I was a kid I used to hear the story.
19:01 I heard preachers, you know, tell the story.
19:04 And I had this impression that, well you know,
19:06 she--she has been bleeding for so long,
19:07 she has this issuance of blood, she is anemic,
19:10 her iron levels are down,
19:11 she is so weak that what happens
19:14 is there is this press of the crowd
19:16 and we even see that later in the story
19:18 of course where Jesus says,
19:20 you know, "Who touched me?"
19:21 And they say, "Lord, such a crowd,
19:22 such a mob around us."
19:26 I had this feeling that she was so weak,
19:27 she just sort of stumble forward and,
19:28 you know, that's all she got was the hem of the garment.
19:31 It's not what the text says, I was wrong.
19:33 The text says very clearly.
19:35 When she heard Jesus was coming to town
19:37 that He was at the edge of the village there
19:39 that was her only intension.
19:42 That's all she intended.
19:44 Was to come up behind Him
19:45 and to touch the hem of His garment.
19:49 She was going to-- are you ready for this?
19:52 Steal the healing?
19:57 I don't know if you've ever thought of that way before.
20:00 She was going to steal the virtue from Him.
20:04 Now we could go into the background
20:06 of why she wouldn't approach Him directly?
20:08 Why she wouldn't stand in front of Him and ask?
20:11 I mean, you could-- you can sit there
20:13 and spend time speculating and praying
20:16 about that and thinking, you know, if I was there,
20:18 if I was in her shoes, if I was in her sandals,
20:20 you know, would I come up to Jesus directly?
20:22 Well, think of how many times
20:23 she had been rejected in 12 years.
20:26 Certainly she had been set up to expect rejection,
20:31 because of the ritual uncleanness,
20:35 because of people avoiding her.
20:37 And she can't even get an answer from heaven.
20:40 The priests don't have an answer for her.
20:42 Certainly, I don't wanna be too hard on this woman,
20:45 because if I had been in her sandals,
20:47 I probably would have done the same thing.
20:50 I wouldn't have had a lot of reason to hope
20:54 that a holy teacher would listen to me.
20:58 Would--would allow me to appeal and have response.
21:04 Yeah, I'm not being critical of her,
21:06 but that's all she intended to do.
21:08 She intended only to touch the hem of His garment.
21:11 And of course, with that touch of faith
21:13 that moment she knew.
21:15 I mean, she could-- she could feel
21:17 the color come back into her cheeks.
21:19 This long term anemic condition
21:23 was resolved just like that.
21:28 The only problem is, what is she gonna do with that now?
21:30 Have you ever thought of that?
21:32 What is she going to do with it now?
21:33 She knows she has been healed.
21:38 But she has a problem.
21:40 Jesus of course, He asked His disciples and He says,
21:44 "You know, there's a crowd around us. Who touched me?"
21:47 And Peter on the other side,"
21:48 Oh, Lord, You can't be serious."
21:50 Some years ago I actually was in a huge crowd
21:55 at the Super Bowl. I didn't pay for it, it was a gift.
21:59 And I want to add, and there was this mob
22:00 and I was actually walking.
22:03 My wife and I were walking
22:04 with a member of the National Football
22:06 League Hall of Fame, Mean Joe Greene.
22:08 We were--we sat with him, we walked with him,
22:10 and everybody was reaching-- reaching out and touching Joe.
22:12 Hey, there is Mean Joe.
22:13 You know, very famous American football player.
22:16 Very--you can pick him out of a crowd, big man.
22:20 There is Mean Joe, there is Mean Joe.
22:21 Nobody was going, "Hey, there is Don Pate."
22:23 You know, they didn't think anything about me.
22:25 But it was so fascinating to watch people
22:27 as we were near so many celebrities
22:30 that day because of where we happened to be seated,
22:32 I mean, there were some major names Donald Trump,
22:35 Ted Kennedy, Christie Brinkley, you know,
22:38 major names of popular American culture,
22:41 they're sitting right around us.
22:44 And people wanting to touch, wanting to touch.
22:46 Jesus, you know, He was a celebrity
22:48 of His day in His time.
22:49 Notorious to some, notorious in a bad way,
22:52 but--but certainly Jesus was a celebrity in His day.
22:56 And when He says, "Who touched me?"
22:58 The disciples says, "Lord, this is ludicrous.
23:00 You know, everybody wants your autograph.
23:03 Everybody wants to touch you."
23:05 Everybody wants to spend time being near the aura.
23:09 This is when it's happening, Lord.
23:11 Jesus said, "No, this one was different."
23:14 Can you imagine the horror that this woman had
23:19 at that moment because she got caught?
23:25 She thought she was going to be able to steal the virtue,
23:29 steal the healing, and just walk away scot free.
23:33 And she got caught.
23:36 Now think about it, friend.
23:38 If Jesus knows He's been touched.
23:42 If He knows He's been touched more than
23:44 just jostled by the crowd,
23:47 you think He didn't know who touched Him?
23:49 Jesus is not asking this question
23:52 for His own information. Who touched me?
23:57 He has a reason behind the question.
24:01 And to me this is one of the insights
24:03 of the scripture that is so remarkable.
24:07 It teaches me what the necessity
24:10 of confession is all about.
24:13 I don't know if it's ever crossed your mind
24:15 that and there are some Christians I think
24:17 who fall into the trap of believing that
24:19 somehow they will earn their way to heaven
24:21 by confession that if I can congest,
24:23 confess accurately enough.
24:25 If I--if I can create a mental checklist
24:28 of the sins, down the list that if can come up with,
24:32 "Oh, boy, oh, that's right."
24:33 At the moment 12:47 this afternoon
24:36 just for a second my mind sort of--Oh, Lord,
24:38 I--if we can earn our way to heaven by either
24:41 accurate or aggressive, proactive confession,
24:46 then we don't really need the cross.
24:49 Confession isn't, it isn't to tell something to God
24:54 that He doesn't know.
24:58 I mean, are we going to believe somehow
25:02 that that the Lord is sitting in heaven
25:05 and--and I get down to confess my sins
25:08 and I say, "Lord, this afternoon at 4:17,
25:10 I--I kind of lost my temper and I kicked my dog
25:13 which I'll never do I--you know,
25:15 I'm very gentle with animals.
25:16 But you know, Lord, I kicked my dog."
25:19 And certainly the Lord doesn't sit there
25:21 and look over and say, "Gabriel, did you hear that?"
25:25 It isn't like the Lord doesn't know.
25:27 We don't confess,
25:29 because the information is necessary for heaven.
25:33 There's a different reason for confession
25:34 and that's what Jesus tries to evoke here
25:37 in us to understand.
25:39 Jesus said, "Who touched my clothes?"
25:41 Verse 30, verse 33, the woman fearing and trembling
25:45 because she knew she had been caught.
25:49 And you know why she touched the hem of His garment?
25:53 If she reaches out and touches Him on the hand,
25:55 He's probably be gonna-- gonna know it.
25:57 She thinks she can get away
25:59 with just brushing a little piece of His clothes.
26:02 He won't feel it, you know.
26:06 Because if Jesus-- Leviticus 12, Leviticus 15,
26:10 "If Jesus knew He'd been touched by a woman,
26:13 remember if she even sat on the chair,
26:15 it became ritually unclean."
26:16 What happens to Him if He gets touch?
26:18 If He knows He's been touched by this woman.
26:20 She has rendered him unclean.
26:22 And she expects Him to be unhappy about this.
26:27 And Jesus says, "Who touched me?"
26:29 She got caught.
26:31 And He evokes confession from her.
26:34 It wasn't that Jesus had a big problem
26:36 of what she had done.
26:38 He evoked confession from her because think about it,
26:41 if--if Jesus had not confronted this woman,
26:43 if Jesus had not challenged to her and said,
26:45 "Come on, you've got to be honest with me."
26:47 If Jesus hadn't done that.
26:49 The next day in the market place,
26:52 she might have been walking along in Capernaum
26:53 and Jesus would have been walking this way
26:55 and she would've had to avoid Him.
26:57 She couldn't made eye contact with Him.
27:00 She couldn't have--have any friendship with Him.
27:03 She couldn't have any relationship with Him
27:05 because there was this barrier
27:06 between them because of her guilt.
27:10 You remember what happens.
27:12 She steps forward. She says, "It was me."
27:14 As if Jesus didn't know.
27:15 And Jesus smiles and He says,
27:17 verse 34, "Daughter, it's okay. It's okay."
27:23 And I think that why it's important for you
27:25 and I to confess,
27:27 not that we're earning something with God.
27:29 But that we are being honest with heaven,
27:33 and the honesty then allows us
27:35 to have relationship, friendship.
27:38 So we don't have to always be looking over
27:40 our shoulder believing that we need to avoid heaven.
27:46 Let's pray, Oh, Holy Father,
27:50 we--we pray that we would live in honesty
27:52 with You in friendship with You, and with Jesus.
27:57 This is our prayer in His holy name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17