Faith Chapel

The Two Laws And The Plan Of Redemption

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jack McIntosh


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000016

00:28 Hello, I'm Jack McIntosh, from Weimar Institute.
00:32 And today, we're going to look at a very special
00:36 study of the Book of Galatians to clarify some things
00:40 that seem to be at a head there in that book namely,
00:46 "Is the Apostle Paul Against The Law of God?"
00:52 If you read the Book of Galatians,
00:54 you will find that Paul indeed appears to be almost
01:00 if not totally antinomian that is against the law of God
01:05 and there is some evidence for that.
01:08 If we look at Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 15,
01:15 we see that Paul makes a statement there
01:18 that could almost be misinterpreted.
01:20 Notice what he says.
01:22 "We who are Jews by birth and not 'Gentile sinners'
01:26 know that a man is not justified by observing the law,
01:30 but by faith in Jesus Christ."
01:34 Over in Chapter 23, or rather Chapter 3
01:39 and verse 23, I should say.
01:42 "Before this faith came,
01:44 we were held prisoners by the law,
01:48 locked up until faith should be revealed.
01:51 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ
01:55 that we might be justified by faith.
01:58 From these and other declarations
02:01 in the Book of Galatians and actually else where,
02:04 one could really interpret
02:06 that the apostle Paul was completely antinomian.
02:09 That he was against the law of God.
02:11 Well, the question then is was he
02:15 or was he not against the law of God?
02:18 From careful reading,
02:19 I believe that in the very Book of Galatians,
02:22 the book that seems to be the most antinomian,
02:26 we can pick up some very, very important clues
02:31 about this position of Paul
02:33 taken that seems to be antinomian.
02:36 And if Paul was talking about the law,
02:40 which he was, then which law was he talking about?
02:44 Was he talking about the Ten Commandments
02:47 or the Ceremonial Laws or all of them?
02:50 There're some very important clues.
02:52 The first clue is found in
02:55 Galatians Chapter 3 and verse 10.
03:01 If we look at that carefully,
03:02 we see a very important clue
03:05 about what Paul is talking about.
03:08 Notice what he says.
03:10 "All who rely on observing the law are under a curse,
03:17 for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone
03:19 who does not continue to do everything written
03:23 in the Book of the Law.
03:27 Clearly no one is justified before God by the law,
03:30 because, 'The righteous will live by faith.'"
03:33 The first clue that we see there
03:35 is this reference to the Book of the Law.
03:39 Clue number two we find in Galatians 5 and verse 6.
03:46 Notice what Paul says.
03:48 "For in Christ, neither circumcision
03:53 nor uncircumcision has any value.
03:58 The only thing that counts is faith
04:01 expressing itself through love."
04:05 So the second clue is one that mentions circumcision.
04:10 And already we can begin to see a direction.
04:13 The third clue is found in Chapter 6, verses 12 and 15.
04:20 "Those who want to make a good impression outwardly
04:23 are trying to compel you to be circumcised.
04:27 The only reason they do this
04:28 is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ."
04:31 And finally verse 15.
04:33 "Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision
04:37 means anything, what counts is a new creation."
04:42 So from these references, we begin to see--
04:46 these clues put together,
04:47 we begin to see a pattern emerging
04:51 that is Paul is talking about "The Book of the Law"
04:55 and circumcision in particular.
04:58 Now if we were to pose this question,
05:00 which law is Paul talking about?
05:03 The clues here definitely point to the Ceremonial Law
05:07 and not to the Ten Commandments
05:09 that he says is not very important anymore.
05:16 If we go over to Exodus 31,
05:20 and we look at a little discourse
05:23 that Moses had with certain of the priests there.
05:28 We find again a very interesting declaration here
05:33 that seems to give us real information
05:36 about why Paul is talking
05:40 so much against the law of God.
05:42 Notice what it says.
05:44 We're looking at Chapter 31 of Deuteronomy
05:49 and we're looking at verses 24 to 26.
05:54 Notice what Paul-- Moses says.
05:57 "After Moses finished writing in a book
06:00 the words of the law from beginning to end,
06:03 he gave this command to the Levites
06:05 who carried the Ark of the Covenant."
06:08 Now he gives them a command
06:09 and notice what the command is.
06:12 "Take this Book of the Law and place it beside
06:18 the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God."
06:21 Now notice what he says next very significant.
06:24 "There it will remain as a witness against you."
06:31 That's very interesting language, isn't it?
06:33 There it will remain as a witness against you.
06:37 If you search the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation,
06:42 you will not find a single reference
06:44 that talks about the Ten Commandments
06:46 as a witness against us.
06:48 But you will find references to the Book of the Law
06:51 that is the Ceremonial Law written by Moses.
06:54 You will find references to that law being against us.
06:58 And so for instance, when the apostle Paul
07:03 mentions in Colossians 2.
07:06 We go over to Colossians 2 for a moment.
07:09 He makes an interesting declaration in Colossians 2
07:14 about the law being against us.
07:18 Notice what he says.
07:20 When you were dead-- this is Colossians 2 verse 13,
07:25 "When you were dead in your sins
07:27 and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature."
07:31 See there again is the reference
07:33 to the Ceremonial Law.
07:36 "God made you alive with Christ.
07:38 He forgave us all of our sins,
07:40 having canceled the written code, with its regulations,
07:44 that was against us and that stood opposed to us.
07:50 He took it away, nailing it to the cross.
07:53 And having disarmed the powers and authorities,
07:55 he made a public spectacle of them,
07:58 triumphing over them by the cross."
08:01 This is very, very carefully chosen language
08:05 that is in fact referencing
08:07 what we just read in the Book of Deuteronomy
08:10 that the Book of the Law was to be a witness
08:13 against the people of God.
08:15 Paul is making a reference to that very quotation
08:18 of Moses in Exodus 31, to show us
08:22 that the Ceremonial Law was indeed nailed to the cross.
08:29 And so as he mentions here,
08:32 this code he mentions circumcision,
08:34 of course, you know the Ten Commandments
08:35 makes no reference of circumcision.
08:38 So right away, we see
08:39 that the context is very definitely,
08:42 the law found in the Book of Moses
08:46 or the Book of the Law having cancelled the written code
08:49 with its regulations that was against us.
08:52 That stood opposed to us.
08:53 He took it away nailing it to the cross.
08:56 Now the Ten Commandments, of course,
08:59 are very, very different.
09:01 Because first of all, God did not trust Moses
09:05 to write the Ten Commandments,
09:07 if you go over to Exodus 31,
09:09 you will see that very clearly.
09:11 The Bible says very clearly that God did not allow
09:16 Moses to write the Ten Commandments.
09:19 He wrote them himself and he wrote them on stone.
09:22 In fact, in Exodus 31, the Lord makes a declaration
09:27 about the fourth of the Ten Commandments
09:29 and says, in verse 12 of Exodus 31.
09:33 "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Say to the Israelites,
09:36 'You must observe my Sabbaths.'"
09:38 Notice whose Sabbath it is?
09:40 I always chuckle a little bit when some people
09:43 refer to the Sabbath of creation
09:46 as the Jewish Sabbath but the Lord calls it
09:49 His Sabbath. Notice.
09:51 "This will be a sign between me and you
09:54 for the generations to come,
09:55 so that you may know that I am the Lord,
09:58 who makes you holy or sanctifies you."
10:00 So the Sabbath was a symbol of the sanctification
10:04 that God intended for His people.
10:06 And, of course, it goes on to point out
10:08 that the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest,
10:10 holy to the Lord in verse 15.
10:13 And then in verse 16,
10:14 "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath,
10:16 celebrating it for generations to come as a lasting covenant.
10:22 It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever,
10:29 for in six days the Lord made the heavens,
10:32 the earth, and on the seventh day,
10:34 He abstained from work and rested."
10:37 This, of course, is referring to the Sabbath of creation.
10:40 Now Moses adds a little declaration
10:44 at the end of all of this and says,
10:46 When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai--
10:49 this is verse 18 of Exodus 31.
10:53 "When the Lord finished speaking
10:54 to Moses on Mount Sinai,
10:56 He gave him two tablets of the Testimony,
11:00 the tablets of stone." Notice.
11:03 "Inscribed or written by the finger of God."
11:08 So God took the responsibility
11:11 of writing the Ten Commandments.
11:14 And that is why when we hear
11:16 Paul talking about this law
11:20 that was nailed to the cross that was against us.
11:23 We can find very strong justification
11:25 in the Book of Deuteronomy for saying
11:28 that the law of God that was nailed to the cross.
11:31 And that was abrogated and that was done away with,
11:35 that was against us was not the Ten Commandments
11:38 but rather the law contained in ordinances
11:41 he says or the Ceremonial Law.
11:47 Paul in Romans picks up,
11:51 pardon me, this theme of the Ten Commandments
11:55 and the fact that it is still in force
11:59 and still important for us to,
12:01 pardon me, pay attention to.
12:03 And notice what he says in Chapter 13 and verse 8,
12:10 He says the following.
12:11 "Let no debt remain outstanding,
12:15 except the continuing debt to love one another."
12:18 See there is the great law of love on which
12:20 all of the law and the prophet--
12:22 prophets hang as Jesus said in Matthew 22.
12:25 "For he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."
12:31 Now just in case we had any doubt
12:33 about what law he was talking about,
12:36 he goes on to mention several of the laws
12:39 and if you listen to the context carefully,
12:41 you will see that he's talking about the Ten Commandments.
12:44 Notice what he says in verse 9 of Romans 13.
12:47 "The commandments, 'Do not commit adultery,'
12:50 'Do not murder,'
12:52 'Do not steal,' 'Do not covet.'"
12:54 You see clearly,
12:55 we are discussing the Ten Commandments here.
12:57 "And whatever other commandment there may be,
12:59 are summed up in this one rule,
13:02 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
13:05 Love does no harm.'"
13:06 Verse 10. "To its neighbor.
13:08 Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
13:14 In other words, the Ten Commandments
13:16 are an expression of the law of love.
13:20 That's exactly what he's saying.
13:22 The Ten Commandments in essence tell us
13:26 how we are to live if we love God supremely
13:30 and our neighbor as ourselves.
13:32 Isn't that beautiful?
13:33 It defines for us how we are to live in today's day
13:37 and today's age and helps us to understand that.
13:41 In Romans Chapter 7, he also presents
13:45 a little quandary there when he says--
13:49 he talks about struggling with sin, Romans Chapter 7.
13:54 "What shall we say, then?
13:55 Is the law sin? Certainly not!
13:57 Indeed I would not have known
13:59 what sin was except through the law."
14:01 Now he makes it very clear again
14:04 that he is talking about the Ten Commandments
14:07 because you notice what he says next.
14:09 "For I would not have known
14:10 what coveting really was if the law
14:13 had not said, 'Do not covet.'"
14:16 And then of course further on in verse 12 of Romans 7,
14:20 he says the following.
14:22 So then, his conclusion,
14:23 so then is, of course, a term that means
14:27 he is concluding his argument, spiritual argument.
14:30 He says, "So then, the law." Which law?
14:34 The one he was just discussing namely the Ten Commandments.
14:37 "So then, the law is holy,
14:41 and the commandment is holy, righteous and good."
14:46 And then further on, in verse 22,
14:48 he says in this tremendous struggle
14:51 that he's going through.
14:52 He says, "For in my inner being I delight in God's law,
14:59 but I see another law at work in the members of my body."
15:02 And he goes on to describe the war between
15:05 the law of love which is-- the Ten Commandments
15:08 is an expression of that law and the sinful nature.
15:14 So it's very clear that he is discussing
15:18 the Ten Commandments, which were still in force.
15:21 And, of course, over in Revelation 12,
15:24 we find a declaration there of the people
15:28 who are finally going to be saved in the Kingdom of God.
15:32 In fact, in Revelation 12,
15:34 we find that these people belong to God
15:38 and there is someone who is very upset by these people.
15:44 Notice in verse 17. "Then the dragon."
15:49 Now who is this dragon?
15:50 Well, of course, the Bible is its own expositor.
15:53 And in Chapter 12, John very clearly and carefully
15:58 defines who the dragon is?
16:00 Notice in verse 9 of Chapter 12 of Revelation.
16:05 "The great dragon was hurled down--
16:09 that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan,
16:14 who leads the whole world astray."
16:15 Well, there is a very, very clear
16:17 definition of who the dragon is.
16:20 The dragon is the devil or Satan.
16:22 And you will notice that in verse 9
16:23 there of Chapter 12-- Revelation Chapter 12,
16:26 it uses four expressions to help us to realize
16:30 and define who we're talking about,
16:32 John is very carefully defining who this dragon
16:35 is and who he is from the beginning of the world.
16:39 He uses the term serpent, the ancient serpent.
16:42 He uses the term devil. He uses the term Satan.
16:48 And let's see there is one other term, dragon, right?
16:53 Dragon, serpent, devil and Satan.
16:56 So that we will have no question in our minds
16:59 who he is talking about,
17:00 he is talking about Satan, the devil himself.
17:02 Now in verse 17 then, he uses that term dragon,
17:05 which is synonymous with Satan.
17:06 And he says, "Then the dragon was enraged at the woman
17:14 and went off to make war
17:16 against the rest of her offspring."
17:20 And notice who the offspring of this righteous woman are.
17:25 these or they, who obey the commandments of God
17:29 and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
17:34 In other words, in the very end of time,
17:36 the enemy, the dragon, Satan,
17:39 the ancient serpent is upset with the people of God.
17:44 Why is he upset with them?
17:45 Because they keep the Ten Commandments
17:49 which is an expression of the law of love.
17:52 And which, of course,
17:53 is an expression of the character of God.
17:57 Because the Bible says, God is love.
18:02 And so in a very real sense, he is upset with those people
18:06 who are reflecting the character of God.
18:08 And notice, of course, in Revelation 14 and verses,
18:15 let's see, verses 11 and 12,
18:19 I'm sorry not 11 and 12, but rather 12.
18:23 "This calls for patient endurance
18:25 on the part of the saints
18:27 who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus."
18:31 Now the context there of course
18:33 is that the third angel declares
18:36 that if any man worships the beast or his image,
18:40 the same will drink of the wine of the wrath of God.
18:43 So very clearly it's making a contrast
18:46 between those who worship the beast and his image
18:50 and those who keep the commandments of God.
18:53 Very clear reference there.
18:57 Now, in Second Thessalonians
19:00 we have a prophecy that gives us
19:07 some information about the kinds of things
19:09 that will be going on in the very end of time.
19:12 And one of the things that the apostle warns
19:15 the church about, warns the Thessalonian Christians
19:17 about is the fact that in the very end of time,
19:21 there would come a person,
19:24 a being that would be the essence of lawlessness,
19:30 the essence of an antinomian attitude.
19:34 And notice in Chapter 2 of Second Thessalonians,
19:37 he picks up this theme of the man
19:42 of lawlessness in the end of time.
19:44 He made a prediction that he would appear on the scene.
19:47 Don't let--verse 3 of Second Thessalonians 2,
19:50 "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way,
19:53 for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs
19:58 and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
20:03 the man doomed to destruction.
20:04 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything
20:07 that is called God or is worshiped,
20:10 so that he sets himself up in God's temple,
20:12 proclaiming himself to be God."
20:15 Here we have then a revelation of the Anti-Christ
20:19 who takes on the prerogative of God
20:22 and wants to be worshipped in the place of God.
20:25 And then in verse 7, he goes on to say--rather verse 5.
20:29 "Don't you remember that when I was with you
20:31 I used to tell you these things?
20:34 And now you know what is holding him back,
20:36 so that he may be revealed at the proper time."
20:40 In other words, there is a timing that is involved
20:43 in the Revelation of this man of lawlessness,
20:45 this man of sin as the King James says.
20:48 Now notice verse 7.
20:51 "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work,
20:56 but the one who now holds it back
20:58 will do so till he is taken out of the way.
21:02 And then the lawless one will be revealed,
21:07 whom the Lord will overthrow with the breath of his mouth
21:09 and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
21:13 The coming, verse 9, of the lawless one
21:15 will be in accordance, notice, with the work of Satan
21:20 displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles,
21:24 signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil
21:29 that deceives those who are perishing."
21:32 And notice why they perish?
21:34 "They perish because they refused
21:36 to love the truth and be saved."
21:41 "They perish because they refused
21:43 to love the truth and be saved."
21:44 In other words, they followed the man of lawlessness.
21:47 Now the bible has a very interesting,
21:50 and I believe, related, intimately related
21:55 to our discussion of what truth is?
21:57 Over in Psalm 119 and verse 142
22:02 that Bible defines what truth is.
22:04 And I want you to notice very carefully
22:07 what the psalmist, David says,
22:10 in terms of a definition of the truth.
22:14 In Psalm 119 and verse 42, he says this.
22:20 "Your righteousness is everlasting
22:25 and your law is the truth."
22:29 Now we just read here in Second Thessalonians
22:32 that the people who are perishing
22:34 because they are being deceived
22:36 by the man of lawlessness are perishing
22:39 because they failed to love the truth.
22:42 Well, in the very real sense
22:44 what its saying is that these people are perishing
22:46 because they refused to honor the law of God,
22:50 which is the truth.
22:52 And so because they do not love the truth,
22:55 they perish along with this man of rebellion.
23:00 "For this reason." Verse 11.
23:02 "God sends them, because they reject the truth,
23:05 they do not love the truth."
23:06 "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion
23:11 that they should believe a lie
23:14 and that all will be condemned
23:16 who have not believed the truth
23:19 but delighted in wickedness." There it is.
23:23 Those who do not love the law of God and embrace it
23:28 and become a part of the body of believers
23:32 that we know as new covenant believers
23:35 in whose hearts the law has been placed,
23:38 in whose minds, the law has been written.
23:42 Those who do not embrace the law of God and become--
23:46 have it become a part of them will in fact notice,
23:49 receive a powerful delusion that they will believe a lie.
23:54 And you'll notice that this great deception
23:57 concerning the law of God that the man of lawlessness
24:00 will perpetuate on the earth in the end of time.
24:03 You will notice that this great deception
24:05 is connected to the law of God.
24:09 And so there is something about this deception
24:12 that in a very real sense is-- involves lawlessness.
24:18 Jesus, of course, in Matthews 7,
24:20 picked up this very same theme
24:23 and made a very interesting declaration
24:27 about what happens to people who ignore the law of God.
24:32 And notice verse 21 of Matthews 7,
24:35 here's what he says.
24:37 "Not everyone who says to me,
24:38 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven,
24:41 but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
24:46 Many will say to me on that day,
24:48 'Lord, Lord,' did we not prophesy in your name
24:51 and in your name drive out demons
24:53 and perform many miracles?"
24:55 See there is the reference to miracles again.
24:57 The apostle Paul mentions deceptive miracles
25:00 and here again Jesus in the context of lawlessness
25:05 represents these miracles. Notice.
25:09 "Then I will tell them plainly,
25:11 'I never knew you.'
25:13 Away from me, you who practice lawlessness.'"
25:18 And so from this, we can see that this lawless person
25:21 who is involved in the working of miracles,
25:26 deceiving miracles is in fact a power
25:29 that is going to be at work in the very end of time.
25:33 Now in Ephesians 2 and verse 10,
25:37 the apostle tells us very clearly that we are to--
25:43 let's go to Ephesians 2 and verse 10,
25:45 after talking about the grace of God,
25:47 the famous quotation about the grace of God,
25:50 after talking about the grace of God,
25:53 verse 8, "For it is by grace you have been saved,
25:56 through faith-- this is not of yourselves,
25:57 it is the gift of God-- not by works,
26:00 so that no one can boast."
26:02 He says the following in verse 10.
26:05 "For, that is in conclusion, we are God's workmanship,
26:11 created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
26:14 which God prepared in advance for us to do."
26:17 In other words, we are to fulfill the law of God.
26:19 And, of course, in Romans 8,
26:21 Paul picks up that very same theme
26:24 and says in Romans chapter 8,
26:28 and let's see verse 4.
26:34 Well, let's go back to verse 3 there.
26:36 "For what the law was powerless to do
26:39 in that it was weakened by the sinful nature,
26:41 God did by sending his own Son
26:43 in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.
26:46 And so he condemned sin."
26:49 See he didn't condemn the law did he?
26:51 "He condemned sin in sinful man,
26:54 in order that the righteous
26:57 requirements of the law might be fully met in us,
27:02 who do not live according to the sinful nature
27:06 but according to the Spirit."
27:08 And so from these references,
27:10 we see very carefully, we see--not very carefully,
27:14 but we see very clearly rather that Paul is talking to us
27:18 about the law of love, the new covenant law
27:23 that is to be written in our hearts and minds,
27:25 the Ten Commandments which are an expression
27:29 of the law of God.
27:31 Finally, over in Galatians 5 and verse 13,
27:36 Paul says something very interesting.
27:38 He says, "Do not use your freedom
27:43 to indulge the sinful nature,
27:45 rather, serve one another in love."
27:50 And isn't that beautiful?
27:52 We have recognized that the Ten Commandments
27:54 are an expression of the law of love
27:58 and to be obeyed by all of God's people.


Revised 2014-12-17