Faith Chapel

Give Glory

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jack McIntosh


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000015

00:29 Hello, I'm Jack McIntosh, from Weimar Institute,
00:33 Weimar, California.
00:35 And today, we're going to look at a very interesting
00:38 verse of scripture in the Book of Revelation.
00:40 It's probably a verse of scripture that many of you
00:43 are familiar with and we're going to look
00:45 at some of the ramifications and the implications
00:49 of this verse, as it relates to the Lord's coming
00:53 and as it relates to our translation
00:55 into the kingdom of God.
00:58 The Chapter of course is Revelation 14,
01:01 very familiar verses in six and seven.
01:05 It reads like this, "Then I saw another angel flying in midair,
01:11 he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live
01:14 on the earth to every nation, tribe, language, and people.
01:18 He said in a loud voice, 'Fear God and give Him glory,
01:24 for the hour of His judgment has come.
01:26 Worship Him, who made the heavens,
01:28 the earth, the seas, and the springs of water.'"
01:32 The reason, one of the reasons,
01:33 that this is such an interesting verse of scripture
01:37 is because when you look at the Book of Revelation,
01:40 if you've ever looked at the word gospel,
01:44 you will notice that the term gospel is used only one time
01:50 in all of the Book of Revelation.
01:52 And this reference to the gospel is not just
01:57 a casual reference as we see in many other parts of scripture.
02:01 It is referred to as the eternal gospel
02:04 or the everlasting gospel, so there's something about
02:07 this version of the gospel that is going to last forever.
02:10 That's the first thing that we see in verse 6.
02:14 The second thing that we notice about this is that
02:17 it is proclaimed to every nation,
02:20 every kindred, tongue, and people and this version
02:22 it says every tribe, every language, and people.
02:27 What that means of course is that
02:28 it is a universal message and it goes to all the world.
02:33 The third thing that we notice about this is that
02:36 the angle says in a loud voice,
02:38 "Fear God, give Him glory
02:40 because the hour of His judgment has come."
02:43 If you look at the language carefully,
02:45 you'll see that this is not a declaration, but a command.
02:49 Now that's very interesting because in most of scripture
02:52 when you see the gospel mention,
02:54 it's not usually called the everlasting gospel,
02:57 but when you do see it mention,
02:59 it's usually in terms of a declaration about
03:02 the Lamb of God who has given his sacrifice for us,
03:06 who has paid the price for our sins.
03:09 But in this case we see that the gospel is,
03:12 is presented in terms of a command.
03:15 And the command is a very specific command.
03:18 It begins with a phrase, "Fear God."
03:23 If you've ever done a study on what it means to fear God,
03:27 you'll find some very, very interesting things.
03:30 If we go over to the Book of Exodus
03:33 for instance in Chapter 20, that's the famous Chapter
03:39 that presents the Ten Commandments.
03:42 We find that in verse 20 of Exodus 20
03:44 and it's very easy to remember because it's 20:20.
03:48 Good vision, if you will.
03:50 You'll notice that Moses says to the people,
03:55 "Do not be afraid, God has come to test you."
03:59 Now of course, the scene here is at the Mountain Sinai
04:06 when they're receiving the law of God
04:10 and there is a lot of fire and smoke and things going on
04:13 and trumpets blowing and the people are afraid,
04:15 they're trembling with fear,
04:17 as you see in verse 18 of Exodus 20.
04:21 And Moses says to them, "Do not be afraid,
04:25 God has come to test you so that the fear of God
04:30 will be with you to keep you from sinning."
04:34 So when the angel in Revelation 14
04:37 in verse 6, verse 7 says, "Fear God".
04:41 There is a very specific reason
04:45 for commanding us to fear God.
04:49 The command is designed to keep us from sinning.
04:53 And if you look throughout scripture you will also see
04:55 that the fear of God is always,
04:58 almost always connected with the commandments of God.
05:03 If we go over to for instance Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
05:10 and if we look at Ecclesiastes 12,
05:13 we see a very interesting juxtaposition
05:18 of the term "Fear God" noticed in verse 13,
05:23 of chapter 12, it says,
05:26 "Now all has been heard,
05:27 here is the conclusion of the matter,
05:30 Fear God and keep His commandments,
05:33 for this is the whole duty of man.
05:36 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
05:39 including every hidden thing,
05:41 whether it is good or evil."
05:43 So we see that the fear of God is supposed to
05:45 keep us from sinning and we see that the fear of God
05:49 is supposed to help us, empower us
05:52 to keep His commandments.
05:54 So, the term "Fear God" there is
05:56 a very, very significant term
05:59 and as I said before is almost always connected
06:04 with the idea of keeping God's commandments
06:09 and being obedient to Him.
06:10 You know, the Apostle John says,
06:12 something very interesting.
06:15 He says, "He that does the will of God abides forever."
06:20 The will of God, is of course expressed
06:23 in His commandments and so it is entirely appropriate
06:27 that we should have the fear of God
06:29 connected with the keeping of His commandments.
06:32 Now, the second part of the message,
06:35 the first part, pardon me says,
06:38 "Fear God," the second part says,
06:40 "Give Him Glory," and that expression
06:44 is also pregnant with meaning.
06:47 If we study and look for the references
06:50 that refer to glorifying God,
06:53 we see some very interesting things emerging,
06:57 one of which is found in Exodus, Chapter 33,
07:03 and if we go there for a second,
07:06 we find-- we pick it up with Moses
07:09 making a very specific request from God.
07:14 Now Moses had a very intimate relationship
07:17 with God, spoke to God, face to face,
07:20 it says in other places as a man speaks to
07:22 his friend you can find that in Exodus 33, in fact verse 11,
07:26 the Lord would speak to Moses face to face,
07:29 as a man speaks with his friend,
07:33 so God is our friend and Moses had
07:35 a very special friendship with God.
07:38 Moses made a very special request of his special friend.
07:42 In verse 18 of Chapter 33 of Exodus,
07:47 Moses says to his friend God,
07:50 "Now show me your glory, and the Lord said,
07:55 I will cause my goodness to pass in front of you,
07:58 and I will proclaim my name,
08:00 the Lord in your presence."
08:02 Now if you notice, when Moses makes
08:04 the request the Lord doesn't talk about light,
08:08 as most people would expect him to talk about.
08:10 He begins to talk about his character,
08:13 you notice, I will cause my goodness
08:16 to pass in front of you.
08:17 And then of course, over in Chapter 34,
08:21 the next chapter, God actually causes
08:24 His glory to pass in front of Moses
08:27 and notice what appears to Moses.
08:30 It isn't light per se, what is it?
08:33 Well, it says, verse 5 of Chapter 34,
08:36 "Then the Lord came down in the cloud
08:38 and stood there with him and proclaimed his name,"
08:42 notice his name of course is a designation for his character.
08:47 "And he passed in front of Moses
08:49 proclaiming the Lord, the compassionate,
08:52 the gracious God, slow to anger,
08:55 abounding in love," you see,
08:56 so far we're talking only about character attributes.
09:00 So the glory of God has something
09:02 to do with his character,
09:05 "abounding in love and faithfulness,
09:08 maintaining love to thousands,
09:11 and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin."
09:14 So here we see clearly that giving glory to God
09:18 has something to do with reflecting the character
09:22 of God and that of course is a very significant statement
09:26 for us, as we go back to the verse
09:29 that we're considering here verse 7 of Revelation 14.
09:34 "Fear God and give him glory."
09:36 Now these two requests or commands
09:38 I should say not necessarily request the commands,
09:41 these two commands are given for a reason.
09:45 The next word says, "Because the hour
09:48 of his judgment has come."
09:50 So somehow by being obedient
09:53 to those two commands to Fear God
09:55 and to give Him glory those two things
09:58 are connected to the judgment.
10:00 The reason that we fear God and give Him glory
10:03 is because the hour of his judgment has come.
10:06 Well, you may ask yourself then,
10:08 how is the fear of God and giving Him
10:11 glory connected with the judgment?
10:14 Well, you, you-- the obvious thing here
10:18 of course is that the judgment is presented
10:21 in terms of the everlasting gospel.
10:24 We all know that gospel means good news.
10:26 And here is a very curious thing
10:29 because the term judgment is used
10:33 in terms of the good news.
10:36 Most people of course don't think
10:39 of the judgment as good news,
10:40 in fact in presenting this particular study
10:45 at one to one group recently,
10:48 I asked the question,
10:49 how do we think of the judgment?
10:53 Good news or bad news?
10:54 And the response was we usually think
10:55 of the judgment as bad news.
10:58 However, the Bible clearly shows us
11:02 that the judgment is not necessarily bad news.
11:06 It is bad news for the wicked.
11:08 But I want to show you something
11:10 from the Book of Daniel that clearly indicates
11:14 that the judgment is in fact not bad news
11:18 but good news for the people of God.
11:21 Notice, Daniel 7, pardon me, and verse 21.
11:27 Daniel is talking about a great persecuting power
11:31 that is persecuting the Saints of God.
11:34 "As I watched, this horn was waging war
11:36 against the saints and defeating them,"
11:40 verse 22 says, "Until the ancient of days
11:44 came and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints
11:51 of the most high, and the time came
11:53 when they possessed the kingdom."
11:56 Now obviously, what that is saying,
11:59 is that this particular judgment that God pronounces,
12:03 this judgment that is pronounced
12:05 in favor of the saints allows them
12:08 to possess the kingdom.
12:10 In other words, this judgment actually puts
12:13 the people of God, beyond the reach of Satan forever.
12:18 Well, that's good news isn't it?
12:20 Of course it is and that's why the term judgment
12:23 appears in the context
12:26 of the everlasting good news or the everlasting gospel.
12:29 The judgment is good news for us and we should,
12:34 we should recognize it as such.
12:37 In 1 John, the Book of 1 John,
12:41 just before Revelation, 1 John 4,
12:44 John who was one of the disciples
12:46 that was closest to the Lord Jesus Christ
12:49 makes an interesting declaration in Chapter 4,
12:53 of verse--I'm sorry, Chapter 4 and verse 16.
13:00 He says the following, "God is love
13:05 whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him.
13:13 In this way, love is made complete
13:17 among us, so that we will have confidence
13:20 on the Day of Judgment
13:21 because in this world we are like him."
13:23 What is the character trait that prepares us
13:29 to have confidence in the Day of Judgment?
13:31 The answer is the love of God transferred to human hearts.
13:36 Remember that the context of this statement
13:38 about being ready and prepared
13:40 and having confidence in the judgment
13:44 is in fact the love of God,
13:46 transferred to human hearts.
13:50 The Apostle Peter of course,
13:52 picks up on this theme of this whole idea of love
13:58 being transferred to us and in second Peter Chapter 1,
14:05 he talks about the divine power
14:07 that has been given so that we've everything
14:10 we need verse 3, for life and godliness
14:12 through our knowledge of him who was called us
14:14 by his own glory and goodness.
14:16 Now he says "Through these he has given us
14:19 his very great and precious promises noticed
14:22 that through them you may participate
14:25 or the King James says, partake
14:29 of the divine nature and escape the corruption
14:32 in the world caused by evil desires."
14:35 So we see then that this idea
14:41 that we're to participate in the divine nature
14:44 that the love of God is
14:45 to possess our hearts and minds,
14:47 we see that this is
14:48 really what prepares us for the judgment.
14:54 And John, of course says that when we have
14:56 this confidence in the judgment
14:59 the confidence comes from the fact notice,
15:02 because in this world we are like him.
15:06 Now he just said a couple of minutes
15:09 before that, that God is love.
15:11 But he's really talking about is the fact
15:13 that the people of God have the character of love.
15:17 And so when we see in the context
15:21 of Revelation 14:7, the commands to Fear God
15:25 and to Give Him Glory, we see that
15:29 we not only are obedient to the commandments of God
15:33 because we have the fear of God in our hearts,
15:36 but we also give Him glory by reflecting his character.
15:40 And by keeping his commandments
15:42 and reflecting his character of love,
15:44 we are prepared for the judgment
15:48 and the judgment of course is good news for the saints.
15:51 The Book of Psalms also picks up this idea
15:54 about the judgment being good news for the people of God
15:59 and it's found in no other place
16:02 than right in the very beginning of the Book of Psalms
16:05 that is Psalms, Chapter 1.
16:07 And I can remember when I first discovered this principle
16:11 that the judgment is indeed good news for the people of God,
16:15 I can remember that I was really quite taken by it
16:19 and really desired to study it more.
16:22 You remember that in Psalms, Chapter 1,
16:25 David pronounces a blessing on people
16:28 that for instance don't walk in the council of the wicked
16:33 or stand in the way of sinners.
16:35 In verse 2, he says,
16:36 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord."
16:41 Now remember what Jesus said
16:42 about the law of God, somebody asked him a question once,
16:45 you know, they said, "Now, rabbi, tell us,
16:49 what's the most important commandment in the scriptures?"
16:54 And the Lord said, "You shall love the Lord
16:56 your God with all your heart, mind and soul."
17:00 And the second commandment is like it
17:01 you shall love your neighbor as yourself,
17:03 and then he said all the law
17:06 and the prophets hang on these two commandments.
17:12 So the ultimate essence if you will of the law of God
17:17 is to love God supremely and our neighbor as ourselves.
17:20 That is in fact what righteousness is.
17:23 Righteousness in fact is love.
17:26 To be righteous is to have that law of love
17:29 in our hearts and minds and we'll see that in a minute.
17:32 Now let's go back to Psalms, Chapter 1,
17:34 notice what he says,
17:36 "His delight is in the law of the Lord,
17:39 and in his law he meditates day and night."
17:42 Now this person, who is righteous,
17:45 who meditates in the law of the Lord
17:48 further down in verse 5, he says the following,
17:52 "Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
17:57 nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous."
18:02 In other words, there is a judgment for the righteous
18:06 and there is a judgment for the wicked.
18:09 The judgment for the righteous is one that vindicates
18:12 the character of God that demonstrates
18:14 the character of God and in fact shows
18:18 that it is possible for people in human form to live
18:23 the same life that Jesus did by having the law of the Lord
18:27 written in his heart and mind.
18:28 And by the way, that is the definition of righteousness.
18:32 If we go over to, pardon me, to Isaiah,
18:37 and we look at Chapter 51,
18:42 we see a very interesting definition of righteousness
18:46 there in Chapter 51.
18:49 Notice what it says, "Hear me,"
18:53 and the King James says, "Hearken unto me,
18:55 you who know righteousness,"
18:57 verse 7, "the people in whose heart is my law."
19:03 You see that the definition of the righteous
19:06 are the people in whose heart is the law of God.
19:09 That's why when Jesus
19:12 at the last supper lifted the cup,
19:16 he said, this cup is the new covenant in my blood.
19:20 And of course we know from the Book of Jeremiah 31,
19:28 this is the first place that the term new covenant
19:30 appears we know that God made a promise.
19:33 He said I will put my law in their minds
19:36 and write it in their hearts.
19:37 Jesus lifted the cup and the cup represented of course
19:41 the putting of the covenant into effect.
19:45 The ratification of the covenant as the book
19:49 "Desire of Ages" says.
19:50 In other words, by spilling his blood,
19:53 the covenant, the promise,
19:55 was put into effect that he would put his law,
19:57 his character of love, the law of love of course
20:00 is the ultimate law, He would put that law
20:03 in our minds and he would write it in our hearts.
20:06 When we have that law in our minds,
20:09 in other words on the front burner
20:11 and when we have that law written in our hearts,
20:15 the fruit of love springs spontaneously
20:18 from within and that is the essence of righteousness
20:22 and it is the essence of the plan of redemption
20:24 because the plan of redemption involves
20:27 a transfer of character from God to human beings,
20:31 the character of God being one of pure love.
20:35 And when we love God supremely
20:36 and our neighbor as ourselves, guess what?
20:40 We're fitted for heaven.
20:41 God doesn't have to do anything more to us
20:43 because we have His character, we're ready.
20:45 That's why John says, in 1 John 4,
20:48 he says, if you have the character of God,
20:52 you have no fear in the judgment.
20:53 If you've the love of the God in your heart,
20:56 you don't have to fear anything in the judgment
20:59 and that indeed is good news.
21:02 My favorite author puts it this way in the book,
21:06 "Christ's Object Lessons,"
21:07 she says, "Character determines destiny."
21:13 Isn't that beautiful? Character determines destiny.
21:17 And it really does determine our destiny.
21:20 In fact, just to prove what I'm talking about.
21:23 Let's go over to Matthew 25, because in Matthew 25,
21:28 we find a very interesting declaration of how it is
21:33 that people will be accounted righteous or wicked.
21:38 And here in Matthew 25, it begins with verse 31.
21:44 Jesus told several parables to indicate
21:48 how things were going to rap up over time.
21:53 And at the end of the world I should say, not over time.
21:56 And this last parable that he told concerning the sheep
22:03 and the goats is a very, very interesting one
22:06 because what it does is it presents the judgment.
22:09 It shows us the criteria that God is going to use
22:13 to in fact make a judgment about
22:16 who spends eternity with him.
22:19 And here's what it says,
22:22 "When the son of man comes in his glory,
22:25 and all the angels with him,
22:27 he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.
22:31 All the nations will be gathered before him" verse 32 "
22:34 and he will separate the people one from another."
22:40 Well, that indicates the work of judgment,
22:42 the final separation between the righteous
22:46 and the wicked doesn't it.
22:48 And notice the criteria that he will use to separate
22:52 the righteous from the wicked.
22:55 "He will separate the people from another,
22:57 one from another as a shepherd
22:59 separates the sheep from the goats.
23:03 He will put the sheep on his right
23:04 and the goats on his left,"
23:07 all right sheep representing the righteous,
23:09 "Then the king will say to those on his right.
23:12 Come, you who are blessed of my father,
23:15 take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you
23:19 since the creation of the world.
23:23 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
23:30 I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
23:33 I was a stranger and you invited me in.
23:39 I needed clothes and you clothed me,
23:42 I was sick and you looked after me,
23:47 I was in prison and you came to visit me.
23:52 Then the righteous will answer,
23:54 Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty
23:58 and give you something to drink?
23:59 When did we see you a stranger
24:00 and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you?
24:04 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
24:07 The king replies, I tell you the truth,
24:11 whatever you did for one of the least of these
24:14 my brothers you did it for me."
24:19 And so, we see that this business of reflecting
24:25 the character of God, the compassion of God,
24:29 the love of God, the kindness, the mercy,
24:33 all these things are in fact the criteria for the judgment
24:39 and it is really the transfer of the character of God
24:42 from God himself to us.
24:44 This partaking of the divine nature that Peter talks about
24:49 that really is the bottom line in the judgment, isn't it?
24:52 It's really what will decide our destiny,
24:56 that's why the author of the book
24:59 Christ's Object Lessons says,
25:01 character--character determines destiny.
25:05 So as we go back to Revelation 14,
25:08 we see again that the judgment then,
25:11 the preparation for the judgment is the fear of God
25:13 and giving him glory.
25:15 Now it also says that we should worship him
25:17 who made the heavens, the earth, the seas,
25:19 and the springs of waters,
25:20 well, that's a very interesting thing.
25:22 You see, there are lots of people
25:24 that are worshipping God today,
25:26 but not everybody is worshipping God as the creator
25:31 and if you look at Exodus 20,
25:33 the reason for giving us the commandment to worship God,
25:38 there in Exodus 20, we find that it really talks about God
25:41 as the creator, it gives the reason
25:44 for paying attention to the Sabbath commandment.
25:48 It mentions the fact that God created the heavens
25:52 and the earth and rested on the seventh day,
25:55 so this declaration, this command to worship him
26:00 who made the heavens, the earth, the seas,
26:02 and the fountains of waters is really something
26:05 that goes right back to the law of God,
26:08 the character of God, and the transfer of
26:10 that character to us as human beings.
26:13 So, in conclusion as we look at Revelation 14 again,
26:18 and as we see the three parts of the eternal gospel
26:23 the preparation for the judgment that is,
26:26 to fear God and give him glory.
26:29 We remember then that this involves
26:32 the transfer of character to human beings.
26:35 The love of God is to be in the heart
26:38 according to the new covenant commandment.
26:40 And that these two things the fear of God
26:45 and the glory of God prepare us
26:48 in fact to be declared eternally righteous
26:52 and eternally beyond the reach of Satan forever.
26:55 Worshipping him as the one who made the heavens,
26:59 the earth, the seas, and the fountains of waters
27:03 is also a part of the eternal gospel.
27:06 Some people of course would say
27:07 that worship really has nothing to do with the gospel.
27:11 But apparently, in this declaration of the gospel
27:14 and it is the very last declaration of the gospel,
27:18 we find that worship is very, very important,
27:21 in fact in Revelation rather in Isaiah 66,
27:25 it talks about the fact that one of the things
27:27 that human beings will do when the earth is new
27:30 it says all flesh will come to worship before me,
27:36 so worship is going to be a very, very important part
27:39 of what we--a very important action of what
27:42 we do when the earth is made new.
27:46 And that's why I believe it is included
27:49 in what we now recognize as the last declaration
27:53 of the eternal gospel to prepare us
27:56 for the judgment and for God's kingdom.


Revised 2014-12-17