Faith Chapel

Free To Use His Name

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dale Leamon


Series Code: FC

Program Code: FC000003

00:29 Hello, I'm Dale Leamon.
00:33 Pastor from Battle Creek, Michigan
00:36 and it's very nice to be with you today
00:38 as we study into God's word
00:41 on the issue of the commandments.
00:45 Some people don't like the commandments very well
00:47 or they think they don't.
00:49 But I hope that as we study together,
00:50 you'll discover that they are beautiful
00:52 and they are all about liberty.
00:56 Let's have a little word of prayer.
00:58 Father in heaven, we are so thankful that in Jesus,
01:02 we have freedom, that the law itself is transformed by Jesus
01:07 into an instrument of peace and harmony and hope.
01:12 And we ask that we may see that today.
01:13 Please use me Lord that your words may come through
01:16 in a way that's understandable
01:17 and--and also powerful to save.
01:21 In Jesus name Amen.
01:26 Well, we are looking specifically today
01:29 at commandment number 3, but before we go to that,
01:33 I want to remind you that the commandments
01:37 are really promises.
01:39 In fact, another name for the-- commandments is the covenant.
01:43 It was in the Ark of the Covenant
01:46 that the Ten Commandments were placed and the covenant
01:49 that was placed in that Ark was of course
01:51 the Ten Commandments.
01:53 Now you remember that the wilderness
01:56 tabernacle had three parts.
02:00 It was the courtyard, which was all walled
02:04 in or fenced in by a-- linen curtain, looked white,
02:10 and beautiful from a distance and everybody, the worshippers
02:14 could come into the courtyard.
02:16 That was where they brought their sacrifices
02:18 for offering and that was where they met together
02:21 with the priest and with one another to praise the Lord
02:24 and to go through the rituals of the temple.
02:27 Now into the most, into the holy place,
02:30 which was inside the-- the-- rectangular smaller building,
02:35 which was actually called the temple of the tabernacle,
02:38 into the first room called the Holy Place
02:41 only the priests could enter.
02:43 And we won't go into a long study of the--of the various
02:47 articles of furniture there, but one of the furnishings
02:50 there was a prayer alter where the priests would offer up
02:57 the prayers for the whole congregation before God.
03:01 And then, through another curtain, you could enter
03:03 into the most holy place.
03:06 And in the most holy place, was a box made of gold
03:11 and covered with a solid gold lid,
03:13 which is called the Ark of the Covenant
03:15 we referred to among the God and the Ark of the Covenant
03:19 symbolized the throne of God.
03:23 In fact, Solomon actually called the whole temple God's
03:26 footstool that is the earthly temple.
03:28 But the heavenly temple when we look into it
03:31 in the books of Daniel and revelation,
03:33 we see that there is a-- throne of God that is portable.
03:37 This is the Ark of the Covenant was--
03:39 and that it is surrounded by cherubims,
03:42 just as the Ark of the Covenant had two cherubims on its top,
03:45 and that--that is where the Father Himself
03:50 sits in His Majesty and in His Authority in heaven.
03:56 But on earth, even in-- this small representation
04:01 of God's throne, the presence of God could actually
04:04 be seen physically in the shining of a light,
04:09 the Shekinah it was called by the Hebrews,
04:13 a brilliant light so much so that the priests were told
04:18 not to enter into the most holy place except
04:21 only for the high priest and he only once a year.
04:24 So this is a very, very sacred place,
04:27 and as you know, inside that box,
04:30 the Ark of the Covenant was the--a stone
04:34 or where the two stones containing
04:37 the Ten Commandments.
04:38 God had written these with His own finger.
04:41 Now even though, they are commandments and God
04:44 wants us to keep them, it's kind of unfortunate
04:47 that we focused mostly on that terminology.
04:50 Because in the temple setting, these--these
04:54 are housed in the Ark of the Covenant
04:56 and they are covered over with a lid,
04:58 which is called the mercy seat.
05:00 So clearly, we see here that they're meant
05:02 to be God's promise to His people,
05:05 for the restoration to the Holiness
05:08 that they lost in Eden.
05:12 Now I don't know if you've ever thought about it,
05:13 but the Apostle Paul says in the New Testament
05:16 that we are the temple of God.
05:20 Of course, when we look at the three parts
05:25 of the earthly temple and compare them
05:26 with the three parts that Paul mentions
05:29 of our human nature, some people can get confused
05:33 and think therefore that-- man has three separate parts
05:35 that could go on living independent of each other
05:38 and that simply is not true.
05:40 Our mind and spirit and soul are all so much connected
05:45 with our body that God has to resurrect us and bring us back
05:49 to life again after we die.
05:50 We don't have some kind of intrinsic eternity within us.
05:54 But there is an instructive aspect to the three parts
05:57 of the temple on how they relate to our physical selves
06:01 because we do find our public self,
06:04 our physical body related to the courtyard
06:08 where we're to sacrifice our bodies
06:10 and we're to be baptized as they--as they use laver
06:14 in the--in the temple courtyard and then
06:16 we're in the--in the--in the next portion in--in our soul
06:19 or mind is really a better word for it,
06:22 where we are at prayer, communing with God
06:25 and where God finds our personality and our character
06:28 and He cleanses us and He transforms our character
06:31 and then as we are in the--in the very upper most portions
06:36 of our mind, or our brain, where we have communication
06:39 with the Holy Spirit in the deepest sense of what God
06:41 actually lives in us.
06:43 Some people think this is in the frontal lobes of our brain
06:47 and I think that makes a lot of sense because
06:48 that's the part the devil attacks first, isn't it,
06:51 when he--when he inebriates us,
06:53 he wants to cut off our
06:54 communication with the Holy Spirit.
06:56 And it's that part of our mind, which God
06:59 wants to occupy and indwell and it's there were
07:02 He puts his throne.
07:05 But remember that His throne contains
07:06 these great promises, these great covenant
07:08 promises and so I find great beauty there because
07:11 in the New Testament, we're told that,
07:12 you write his law in our mind and in our heart.
07:15 And so I see God putting his commandments
07:19 and they are after all promises of the restoration,
07:25 putting them right inside of our heads,
07:27 so that it becomes part of us.
07:30 We're not trying to do the things God
07:32 wants us to do, but through the great empowering
07:35 and filling of the spirit,
07:36 He is making us desire to do His will.
07:40 In fact, making it part of who we are,
07:42 that we agree with Him totally.
07:45 This is the power that Jesus has to save it,
07:47 so much greater than just saving us from guilt and fear,
07:50 or saving us from damnation but it's also saving us
07:53 from sin and from even our own carnal natures
07:57 and making us like Himself.
07:59 Well, the Apostle Paul who is such a tremendous theologian
08:05 discusses the efficacy and importance of the law
08:08 into the Christian in Romans the 13th Chapter.
08:12 We are going to look together at verse 9.
08:17 "For the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery,'
08:21 'You shall not murder,' 'You shall not steal,'
08:25 'You shall not bear false witness,' 'You shall not covet,'
08:28 and if there is any other commandment,
08:30 are all summed up in this saying, namely,
08:33 ' You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
08:37 That's so beautiful. He is not saying here
08:40 that the commandment to love replaces
08:43 the other commandments.
08:44 He's saying here that the commandment to love sums up
08:49 the other commandments.
08:51 But this is beautiful.
08:52 So we see that those earlier commandments,
08:56 don't commit adultery, don't kill, don't steal,
08:58 don't bear false witness etc, are looking forward
09:04 to and explaining the details of the great law of love.
09:10 And now that Jesus has come and sent his Holy Spirit,
09:14 He fills us with that spirit of love.
09:17 So that keeping His commandments
09:19 is something He does in us.
09:21 What a precious liberty that is.
09:23 See instead of taking away obedience,
09:26 which would leave us
09:27 as dishonest thieves and adulterers,
09:31 He plants obedience deep within us so that we love
09:35 His will and we love what is right.
09:38 And that's what the-- commandments always promised.
09:41 They are His covenant.
09:44 His covenant of a new life through Christ.
09:49 And so we love the commandments
09:50 when we think of them that way.
09:52 The next verse, Romans 13:10 explains
09:56 the motive of the commandments.
10:00 "Love does no harm to a neighbor;
10:03 therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
10:09 And so here we see that-- we are keeping God's love.
10:13 We'll keep it when we love others because
10:17 all the commandments show us
10:20 how to avoid hurting anyone.
10:22 How to helps others.
10:23 How to be a good neighbor and love makes
10:26 it automatic for us to want to do that.
10:29 How precious then that these commandments
10:32 have always looked forward to the deliverance
10:36 which Christ would give us as He pours out His love
10:39 on us and fills us with that Love
10:42 so that we can live lovingly toward others.
10:47 Well, I'm grateful for the third commandment,
10:51 and in a moment you'll see why because the third commandment
10:56 when we see it as a-- command has one meaning,
11:00 and when we see it as a promise,
11:01 it has a slightly different meaning,
11:03 both stay complementary
11:05 and I think you'll find very, very beautiful.
11:08 Let's look at the third commandment, Exodus 20:7.
11:15 "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,
11:19 for the LORD will not hold him guiltless
11:21 who takes His name in vain."
11:26 Now taken as a command, we see that the Lord
11:31 doesn't like to have His name used lightly.
11:33 Well, do any of us?
11:35 It's very, very much taken as an insult
11:38 or an offense if someone uses our name
11:40 in a unflattering way or in a careless way.
11:44 We like to have people use our names respectfully
11:47 and so does God.
11:49 Especially, of course, He wants this from us because
11:52 His name is the name by which we are saved
11:54 and to use it lightly and to disrespect it,
11:57 is of course to run the danger of not having faith
12:00 in it as we should and therefore losing
12:04 the blessing of His salivation.
12:07 Others have pointed out that this command
12:10 is also a command not to take his name
12:12 upon ourselves in vain.
12:14 That is, not to say I'm a Christian
12:16 unless we actually mean to surrender our hearts to Him.
12:21 And that's an important, very important
12:25 understanding of this verse.
12:27 But we are looking at each of the commandments
12:29 today as promises.
12:32 And when we see this commandment
12:34 as a promise instead, we see Him saying,
12:39 because I've redeemed you, because I've saved you
12:43 by my grace, you won't take my name in vain anymore.
12:49 In other words, whenever you call upon my name,
12:54 I'll answer.
12:57 That's a very biblical point, isn't it?
12:59 That people do find power in God's name
13:03 especially in the name of Jesus.
13:05 You see, He is promising us here,
13:09 the right usage of His name, to use it in faith,
13:13 to use it in respect, to use it in urgent love.
13:19 We'll always call from heaven, power to save,
13:23 and to rescue, and to heal, and to--and to give guidance
13:27 to our lives and so forth.
13:29 What a tremendous promise.
13:31 We won't take His name in vain.
13:34 That's true of every real Christian.
13:36 We wouldn't think of using His name in a careless way,
13:39 but we do think and we do it all the time, don't we.
13:43 Of using His name, when we need His help.
13:46 I don't know about you, but I call upon His--His
13:48 name for help, everyday in many, many ways.
13:53 I--I ask Him to help me to be more efficient
13:55 when I'm running out of time
13:56 and have a certain number of things to do.
13:58 I asked Him to give me more wisdom to know how
14:00 to prioritize things and which things to do first.
14:03 I do this in His name and it is just tremendous
14:05 how he helps me. Even mundane things like trying
14:08 to find my keys when I misplace them.
14:10 I don't feel a least bit embarrassed about asking Him
14:12 who sees everything to help me
14:15 and when I call upon His name, my testimony is,
14:17 He always helps me, of course,
14:22 in much more profound ways as well.
14:24 When we pray for our children in His name, He answers us.
14:30 He is not always able to force them to do
14:32 what He wants them to do, but His spirit
14:35 never ever says no when we pray in His name
14:40 and He would go and talk to them,
14:42 and influence them and--and try to draw them to Himself.
14:49 It's true when we pray for our neighbors.
14:50 It's true when we pray for our spouses.
14:52 It's true when we pray for our own souls
14:55 and He never ever says no when we pray in Jesus name.
14:59 Well, Acts 4:12, makes this a promise very explicitly
15:06 the promise that we see in the Ten Commandments
15:08 is very explicit here.
15:10 Let's read this.
15:11 Acts 4:12, "Nor is there salvation in any other,
15:16 for there is no other name under heaven
15:19 given among men by which we must be saved.
15:24 So Acts 4:12 is telling us that the name of Jesus
15:29 is so powerful that when we use it with the real respect
15:34 and faith that it demands, we must be saved.
15:38 It doesn't just say could be, might be, maybe.
15:41 It says through the correct use of that name,
15:44 we must be saved.
15:46 And oh, how I love that promise and how true
15:49 it is and we have seen it in our own hearts, haven't we.
15:53 The psalmist says something, somewhat like that
15:57 in his reverence for God's name
16:00 and to think that he didn't even know Jesus
16:02 name and yet he had already found
16:05 the power in the name of God. Psalm 20:7,
16:12 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
16:17 but we will remember the name of the Lord our God."
16:24 Isn't that beautiful?
16:25 Some trust in chariots, some trust in bank accounts,
16:29 some trust in houses, some trust in relationships,
16:32 some trust in brains and education,
16:34 but we will remember the name of the Lord, our God.
16:39 That's where our trust is rightly placed
16:43 and those who have tried that know
16:45 the truth of what we are saying.
16:49 Well, one day I had an interesting experience.
16:55 I was somewhat younger than I'm now and was involved
16:59 in taking a little worship service
17:04 to a nursing home
17:06 where, of course, there were many, many
17:09 senior citizens who were anxious to see me
17:13 because they remembered the-- old hymns that we are saying
17:17 and they remembered the scriptures that we read
17:20 and their hearts were encouraged.
17:22 So we had a lovely worship together
17:25 with many of the seniors in that facility.
17:30 But as I was getting ready to leave, I heard a racket,
17:35 a tremendous racket, down the hall from where we were
17:40 doing our service and it sounded like someone
17:44 was just yelling and hollering for all he was worth
17:47 and I wondered what the problem was.
17:49 So I asked one of the nurses,
17:51 what's going on down the hall?
17:53 Why is that person making so much noise?
17:57 Well, the nurse explained that it was an elderly gentleman
18:01 and that he was apparently dying and that,
18:06 they didn't know what he was screaming,
18:09 but he was probably delirious
18:10 and he was probably out of his mind.
18:13 And he certainly wasn't expected to live long.
18:17 Well, that kind of touched my heart and I thought
18:19 here's this man just shouting at the top of his lungs.
18:22 He is about to die and I thought,
18:24 I wonder if he could be saying anything meaningful.
18:31 And you couldn't recognize or make out the words
18:33 certainly from the distance I was and I went on down then
18:36 and followed the noise and I went on down toward
18:40 the hallway and finally found the right room
18:42 where the noise was--was coming from and went into his room.
18:47 I still couldn't really tell what he was saying.
18:49 It was so indistinct even though loud until I looked
18:54 at his lips and saw them moving and then I saw
18:59 what he was saying and-- my heart just about stopped.
19:03 The man was saying, Jesus save me.
19:09 And I felt so touched by that,
19:13 that I joined my prayer to his,
19:16 and even though he--he didn't probably even know I was there
19:19 and his hands were tied down and he was thrashing back
19:21 and forth in the bed, but I put my hand on his and I said,
19:25 dear Father in heaven, in Jesus name, save this man,
19:30 give him peace of heart before he died.
19:34 And then I had to pack up my things and I had to go.
19:38 I know the Lord arranged it this way because
19:41 He wanted me to hear the end of that story.
19:44 I forgot my Bible.
19:46 I missed it of course after I got home
19:48 but it was rather late by then.
19:49 So I didn't come back until the next day to get it.
19:52 And when I came back for my Bible,
19:54 I was curious about the man.
19:55 I couldn't hear any shouting by that time.
19:57 The noise was--was finished.
20:00 And I thought perhaps he was already gone.
20:03 But I asked one of the nurses at the station
20:06 and I said what about the old gentleman
20:09 that was shouting so loudly last night.
20:12 Is he still alive?
20:15 And she said, yes he is, but he's so weak.
20:19 He must be very close to the end.
20:23 Well, I knew right there that I wanted to go see him,
20:26 and see if anything had changed in his situation.
20:31 And so I found his room again quite easily
20:34 and there he was on his bed,
20:36 know he looked quite different from the night before.
20:39 He was not thrashing about.
20:42 He was no longer had his hands in restraints.
20:45 He actually looked quite peaceful.
20:47 I thought perhaps he was unconscious
20:49 or--or not aware of his surroundings,
20:52 but apparently he really wasn't that aware as I came up
20:55 to his bed he didn't seem to know I was there,
20:58 but his lips were moving
21:03 and they were not moving very--very well,
21:06 very clearly for me to be sure exactly what he was saying
21:09 and yet a little sound was escaping them.
21:12 And so I bent over his mouth and put my ear down
21:17 to hear what he was saying.
21:21 And then my heart rejoiced, because he was saying,
21:26 Thank you, Jesus over and over.
21:31 And I knew that his prayer
21:33 and mine had been answered in the name of Jesus Christ.
21:38 You know, there's so much power in that name.
21:41 People who really believe that Jesus
21:43 hears them are heard by Him.
21:45 And people who call upon that name with sincere hearts
21:50 are never ignored, are never turned away.
21:54 I'm so happy to able to say that.
21:56 But that work a price that-- promise was fulfilled for us.
22:02 Jesus has fulfilled all of the commandments
22:04 of the Ten Commandments.
22:06 He came. He said, not to do away with them,
22:08 but to fulfill them.
22:10 And he has also fulfilled the third.
22:12 He has fulfilled it in never taking
22:16 his father's name lightly.
22:18 He's fulfilled it in certainly not claiming
22:21 to be a son of the heavenly father without really meaning
22:24 it in the ultimate sense, and he's fulfilled this promise,
22:29 this third commandment
22:31 also by the terrible, terrible
22:37 trial that he went through in having to experience
22:44 a moment when the father's name did not seem
22:52 to bring about any response.
22:57 During all the three and a half years of Jesus ministry
22:59 and certainly in the 30 some years before that,
23:03 He always knew that if He called upon his heavenly father,
23:08 He would receive an answer immediately
23:10 and just the answer He needed.
23:12 He was given wisdom.
23:13 He was given insight.
23:14 He was given strength.
23:15 He was given energy.
23:16 He was given healing power whatever was needed
23:19 when He called upon that name,
23:21 even the power to raise the dead.
23:25 But there was a day, wasn't there,
23:28 when He called out my God, my God,
23:33 Why has thou forsaken me?
23:36 And there seemed to be no answer.
23:40 The sky became black, clouds rolled together,
23:44 lightningflashes struck.
23:48 There seemed to be nothing but blackness
23:52 and we know why Jesus was experiencing
23:55 the second death for us.
23:57 He was experiencing the terrible penalty
24:02 of separation and loss of eternal life
24:07 and the terrible remorse of sin
24:11 that those who reject Christ's grace,
24:14 free grace must experience.
24:16 But Jesus went through that for us.
24:18 So none need go through that.
24:20 And that was the time you see when the father didn't hear.
24:26 But are we grateful that you and I never
24:30 have to go through that.
24:32 He's said you shall not take the name of the Lord,
24:35 your God in vain, and as Christians we love Him,
24:39 we never do, we never can't, because every time
24:43 we take it upon our lips, the answer comes.
24:49 Well, thank God that,
24:50 that wasn't the very end of Jesus experience.
24:53 Thank God that he came through and received the witness
25:00 of the spirit within his own heart,
25:02 that His sacrifice was accepted.
25:07 And we know that by the triumphant way
25:09 in which He finally ended His cross experience.
25:13 By once again taking that name with hope upon His lips,
25:17 and Jesus said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.
25:28 So Jesus knew the power of a name also, didn't He?
25:34 And He's given us a powerful,
25:37 powerful name to call upon.
25:41 He told us Himself in John Chapter 14:13,
25:45 "And whatever you ask in My name,
25:48 I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
25:54 But what're you gonna ask in His name.
25:57 You know, He's ready to give
25:59 you all of the riches of His grace,
26:03 a victory over every sin in your life.
26:07 Oh, it doesn't come all at once folks.
26:09 I'm not preaching that.
26:10 It comes by repeatedly calling out in His name.
26:14 Call out in His name for the power to forgive people
26:16 who've wronged you.
26:18 Call out in His name for the power to overcome habits
26:20 that have plagued you for a long time.
26:22 And when you call out His name,
26:24 know that you have the answer,
26:26 that you have the victory.
26:28 And if you lose that victory, again the next day,
26:31 call out in His name again and gain the victory again.
26:34 Because He's told us that we should repeatedly pray
26:38 for the same blessing until we have it permanently.
26:43 Call out in His name for help.
26:47 Call out in His name for encouragement.
26:51 Call out in His name every time you need anything.
26:58 Because that is the privilege you see of the promise
27:02 of the commandments.
27:03 We let go of our own power to achieve righteousness
27:07 or anything else in this world,
27:08 and steadily take on Jesus as our great provider
27:16 and the one who gives everything we need.
27:19 Well, Jesus has kept the promise of the third commandment.
27:26 He did it for you and He did it for me.
27:29 He took seriously His Father's name and His Father
27:36 was with Him at the very end and all the way through
27:41 except for that little moment.
27:43 And now Jesus will give you that same victory.
27:49 Friend, look into your heart and ask yourself,
27:51 What does His name mean to me?
27:54 If it doesn't mean much as you think it should,
27:56 claim the promise of Jesus
27:57 keeping of the third commandment.
28:01 He did it for you.


Revised 2014-12-17