Exalting His Word

Operating By The Mind Of Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000024

00:19 Hello.
00:21 My name is Shelley Quinn
00:22 and I welcome you to
00:24 "Exalting His Word."
00:26 Today we'll discuss
00:28 how we can operate by the mind of Christ
00:31 and increase the measure of our expectancy.
00:36 I'm glad that you've joined us for this wonderful study.
00:41 First let's briefly a review
00:44 what it means to exalt God's word.
00:46 You know the Bible says in
00:48 Psalms 138:2
00:51 that God exalt his name
00:53 and his word above all things
00:55 and that he magnifies his word
00:58 even above his name.
01:01 That means that
01:02 God has given his word
01:04 the highest rank of importance.
01:06 Nothing absolutely nothing
01:10 is more important to him than his word.
01:12 He has assigned it the highest position of praise.
01:16 Because God has granted
01:18 life giving power to his word.
01:22 Power to accomplish
01:24 all of his will.
01:26 I think if the word of God is
01:30 most important,
01:31 what do you think -to him
01:33 what you think should be
01:35 most important to us?
01:37 Let's ask the Lord to
01:39 be with us today in our study time.
01:42 Father God,
01:44 we come to exalt your name.
01:47 And we come to exalt your word.
01:49 Let it be our
01:51 number one priority as well.
01:54 And I pray in the name of Jesus
01:55 you will send the Holy Spirit
01:58 to each one of us now
02:00 and be our teacher.
02:01 In Christ name,
02:02 amen.
02:03 Picture this for just a moment...
02:07 You're seated at a table
02:09 centered on an elevated stage
02:12 and you're in view of
02:13 an audience of thousands.
02:15 And suddenly an old man
02:17 disheveled in appearance,
02:18 shuffles across the stage,
02:20 and he takes the seat right next to you.
02:24 The debate is about to begin.
02:26 The moderator calls on
02:28 the elderly man to speak first
02:30 and he speaks with great authority on
02:33 the theory of gravity.
02:35 Now it's your turn to talk.
02:37 So clearing your throat,
02:39 (she clears her throat)
02:41 you begin...
02:43 Well...
02:44 ...all of these man's teachings
02:46 ...sounds impressive...
02:47 ...I don't believe it can be proven...
02:50 You see...
02:51 ...I just don't think it can be seen.
02:54 I don't think...
02:55 ...There's no real prove...
02:57 ...I don't feel.... uhm...
02:59 ...This information is outdated...
03:01 ...How can we know this for certain?...
03:05 Well,
03:06 the debate goes on...
03:07 Your position is uninformed but fixed.
03:11 His words are beyond your comprehension.
03:16 Let me ask you...
03:18 who do you think would win this debate?
03:21 You or
03:22 Albert Einstein
03:23 the physicist
03:25 and genius Nobel prize-winner?
03:28 There's something peculiar
03:30 about human nature.
03:32 We love to be right.
03:35 Don't we?
03:36 If we formed an opinion
03:38 on a particular topic
03:40 we defend it with
03:42 all of our might
03:43 and we dismiss anyone
03:45 who challenges our ideas.
03:48 Let's face it...
03:49 We can be stubborn as a mule
03:51 when we just KNOW that
03:53 we're right about something.
03:56 You know,
03:57 the Bible says in James 3:13-18
04:01 that there are two kinds of wisdom.
04:04 There's heavenly wisdom
04:06 and there's demonic wisdom.
04:09 We're instructed
04:10 to gain understanding of God's
04:13 righteous ways of doing all things.
04:17 And we're also counciled to
04:20 demonstrate understanding
04:22 by our good works
04:23 done with humility.
04:25 What does this tell us?
04:27 It tells me that
04:29 we should be seeking the mind of Christ
04:33 from the word of God.
04:35 And we should be walking in
04:37 the humility of Christ.
04:39 Lead by the spirit of love
04:42 and holiness.
04:43 The Bible says...
04:46 [Text on screen]
05:30 You know,
05:31 I belive that
05:33 every human being in the world
05:36 suffers from an inward emptiness
05:39 until we develop
05:41 an intimate relationship
05:43 with the Lord.
05:44 God designed us to be
05:46 filled with His spirit of life.
05:50 He created us in His image to
05:53 participate in his divine nature.
05:56 And, there's a void in us that
06:00 only God can fill.
06:03 You know,
06:04 some people will try to pack
06:06 all the wrong stuff into their lives but
06:08 they can't find the peace and joy.
06:12 And then others recognize that
06:15 only God can satisfy their emptyness but
06:20 they just don't know
06:21 how to be filled with him.
06:24 I meet many who have accepted
06:28 Christ as their Savior.
06:30 But they have rejected His Lordship.
06:34 Then,
06:35 on the other hand,
06:36 there are some poor souls
06:38 who are walking in religion
06:40 instead of realtionship.
06:42 And they're completely unaware of their condition.
06:45 You know this is dangerous.
06:47 Ignorance is not bliss.
06:49 Others realize something is missing,
06:52 and they anxiously struggle to
06:55 change their condition.
06:57 This too can be dangerous.
06:58 The struggle can strengthen us but
07:01 the anxiety is harmful.
07:03 We all need to have
07:05 the assurance of God's promises.
07:08 We need to appreciate
07:10 His plan for our lives
07:12 and the power that we find
07:14 when we're walking in surrender to Him.
07:18 You know,
07:19 if we're arguing against the wisdom of God,
07:22 we won't win!
07:24 The debate must be ended.
07:27 What we need is
07:30 increased faith.
07:31 Because, if our faith is little,
07:33 then we expect little.
07:36 A loving God is
07:38 calling us closer to Him
07:39 and I believe we want to draw nearer.
07:43 But how do we do this?
07:45 There's only one solution for silencing
07:48 the inward struggle of human reasoning
07:51 and drawing nearer to God.
07:54 We have to go deeper into the sweet water...
07:58 of the Lord.
08:00 In the Old Testament book of
08:02 Ezekiel chapter 47...
08:03 We find the record of a vision that
08:07 God gave his prophet.
08:09 And in this vision
08:11 the Lord showed him water
08:14 flowing from the temple.
08:15 And Ezekiel was led through the water...
08:18 At first it was ankle deep,
08:21 then knee deep...
08:22 Soon the water was up to his waist
08:25 and finally the water became
08:27 deep enough to swim in.
08:29 A river so vast that no one could cross it.
08:34 In the Bible,
08:35 water symbolizes two things.
08:38 The Holy Spirit of God
08:40 and the Word of God.
08:42 What God was reavealing to Ezekiel
08:45 was the depths of the knowledge that
08:48 could be found in His Word.
08:52 The further we go into
08:54 his sweet healing streams of water,
08:57 the more refreshed we become
09:00 and the more we're regenerated.
09:03 The deeper we go into God's word
09:05 the more the Holy Spirit
09:07 brings understanding
09:09 and power to our lives.
09:11 The debate of human reasoning is ended.
09:14 The Bible says...
09:16 (text on screen)
09:28 The mind of Christ.
09:31 We need it!
09:32 We want it.
09:33 It's offered as a gift
09:35 and we should line up to receive it.
09:37 If we had the mind of Christ
09:40 we would understand God's plan
09:43 and that old routine of
09:45 three steps forward
09:47 and two steps back
09:48 would come to a halt.
09:50 Jesus said that
09:51 our lukewarm condition repulsed him
09:54 to the point that
09:56 he would like to spew us out of his mouth.
09:59 I've known Christians,
10:00 and I include myself in this category,
10:02 who've been likewise disscusted by
10:06 their state of being hot one day
10:09 and cold the next.
10:10 The blending of these two conditions is
10:13 so distastefully lukewarm that
10:16 we are ready to spit it out.
10:19 We have been given
10:22 the mind of Christ.
10:24 That's what the Bible says.
10:26 We're just not drawing on it
10:29 as we should.
10:31 His thoughts and his wisdom
10:33 are recorded in the Bible.
10:35 The word of God is the mind of Christ.
10:39 The healing water.
10:41 The source of life.
10:43 Now some of us dip our toes into the water.
10:47 Some wade in ankle deep.
10:51 Then there are those of us who
10:53 venture in knee deep
10:55 And there's a number of folks
10:57 I think that have gone in
10:59 up to their waist.
11:00 Oh, but God wants us to
11:04 take the plunge
11:06 and swim in his river of
11:09 healing waters.
11:11 When we step out
11:12 into the depths of His mind,
11:15 the spirit
11:16 and the word will become
11:19 our spiritual inner tube
11:21 supporting us
11:23 throughout our life
11:24 in absolute dependence upon the Lord.
11:29 Well stay tuned...
11:30 We're going to pause for a brief announcement
11:33 and we'll be right back to continue our study.
11:39 If this dynamic series
11:41 is making a difference in your life,
11:43 then you should know about
11:44 a special study guide
11:45 Written by Shelley Quinn.
11:47 "Exalting His Word" with
11:48 life affirmations from scripture.
11:49 Is an in depth study of the word of God.
11:51 And it's available from 3ABN
11:53 for a donation of any size.
11:55 Please send your love gifts to...
12:11 God endowed his word with
12:13 life giving power.
12:16 A creative power that
12:18 reproduces the mind of Christ in us.
12:21 And as we begin to plant God's word into our hearts
12:25 and speak it with our mouths
12:28 we will be changed.
12:30 He will cause us to operate under
12:33 the influence of His understanding.
12:36 He plugs us in to his power source
12:39 and he gives us His strength that we lack.
12:42 His power lightens the lamp of our understanding
12:47 and keeps us fully charged and energized
12:52 to walk by faith.
12:55 He said to us
12:56 my grace is suficient for you for
12:58 my power is made perfect in your weakness.
13:03 That's his promise from 2 Corinthians 12:9.
13:08 My Heavenly Father had to allow me
13:13 to reach the edge of distruction
13:16 before He could teach me
13:18 absolute dependence upon His love
13:21 and his power.
13:22 I cried out in my trouble
13:24 and he delivered me.
13:26 He sent his word
13:28 and healed me.
13:30 I am the redeemed of the Lord
13:33 and I no longer dispute
13:35 his testimony of who I am in Christ.
13:40 It was a hard lesson to go through.
13:42 God escorted me through very difficult terrain.
13:47 But all the while he was craddleing me
13:50 in his love.
13:51 And oh how sweet the victory!
13:53 When he thrust out the doubt and the disbelieve of the enemy!!
13:58 The Bible says in Deutoronomy 33:27
14:03 That the eternal God is your refuge
14:08 and underneath are his everlasting arms
14:11 and he will thrust out the enemy from before you saying,
14:16 Destroy.
14:18 God said, Jesus prayed...
14:22 [text on screen]
14:28 That was Christ' prayer just before
14:30 he entered the Garden of Getsemani.
14:34 He faced the hour of his passion at Calvary
14:38 with his eyes fixed on
14:41 his Holy and Righteous Father.
14:43 But his heart was focused on us.
14:47 He prayed that
14:48 the word of God would make us holy
14:52 because without holiness
14:55 no one will see the Lord.
14:58 in Hebrews 12:14
15:01 He prayed according to God's will
15:04 and he knew his prayer was heard
15:07 and answered.
15:09 God would make us holy by
15:11 the creative power of his word.
15:13 Satisfied Christ pressed on to fulfill
15:18 the plan of his passion offering himself up
15:21 as a sacrifice for our sin.
15:24 And at the cruel cross of Calvary
15:27 God lavished his love on you and me.
15:31 The Bible said God demonstrates
15:33 his own love toward us
15:34 and that while we were still sinners
15:37 Christ died for us.
15:39 That's Roman's 5:8.
15:42 And to win the hearts of sinners
15:44 he gave his all.
15:46 Why would you think that he
15:48 would do anything less for us?
15:50 Now that we've become his children
15:52 an all loving,
15:54 all-powerful God
15:56 is willing to do all things
15:58 in us,
15:59 for us
16:00 and through us.
16:01 He yearns for us to draw on his power.
16:05 He longs for us to come
16:08 and partake of his promises.
16:10 God has included us in Christ as
16:14 co-heirs with his Son.
16:17 He positioned us in Christ.
16:20 If we're abiding in Christ
16:21 we're lined up to receive the blessings that
16:25 flow from the head of his Son
16:27 to each member of his body.
16:31 You know the Bible says,
16:33 in 1 Corinthians 1:30 that
16:36 it is because of God that we are
16:38 in Christ Jesus who has become for us
16:42 our wisdom from God,
16:44 and our righteousness,
16:46 our holiness,
16:48 and our redemption.
16:50 And 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that
16:55 if you are abiding in Christ
16:58 then all of God's promises are yours.
17:02 Yes! And amen!
17:05 And also, that through him,
17:09 the amen can be spoken to
17:11 the glory of God!
17:12 Aren't we instructed in the Bible that
17:16 it is God who works in us
17:19 to cause us to will
17:20 and to act according to his good purpose?
17:25 No wonder Paul could say
17:28 I know whom I have believed.
17:31 And I am persuaded that
17:34 he is able
17:35 to keep that which
17:37 I have committed to him
17:39 until that final day.
17:44 He wrote that to Timothy
17:45 in II Timothy 1:12.
17:47 Let me ask you something...
17:50 what more can we ask for?
17:52 Christ paid the ultimate prize
17:54 to redeem us from sin.
17:57 God includes us in Christ
17:58 when we accept his gift of salvation by Grace.
18:02 We can partake of all of his wonderful promises
18:07 his word,
18:08 and his spirit
18:09 work in us to empower us
18:12 to walk in God's will.
18:15 And above all
18:16 God bows to complete the good work
18:20 that he has begun in us.
18:22 That is,
18:23 if we simply give him permission
18:26 to do this by cooperating with him.
18:30 We have to quit leaning
18:33 on human understanding
18:35 and start leaning on his word.
18:39 Perhaps you're familiar with
18:42 the little book called the prayer of Jabez.
18:44 It made quite a stir in the Christian community
18:47 not long ago.
18:50 When it was first published
18:51 I was flooded with copies from people
18:55 who had been attending my meetings.
18:58 So many thought that I would enjoy reading it
18:59 because it was similar to a message that
19:05 The Lord had earlier impressed this thought on me...
19:10 "Teach my people to
19:11 "increase the measure of their expectations.
19:17 "The measure they use
19:19 "will be measured back to them."
19:22 I only now one way to teach this.
19:26 I encourage everyone
19:28 to get into his word
19:31 and know him for who he is
19:35 and learn who we are in him.
19:38 The word is the answer!
19:41 It gives us the overcoming power!
19:46 It will help us overcome
19:48 our identity crisis
19:49 and as we learn
19:50 who we are in Christ
19:52 we will increase the measure
19:55 of our expectations.
19:57 The word reveals God's plan for our lives
20:00 and it is essential that
20:01 we earnestly seek him
20:04 and exalts his word above all else.
20:07 Listen to the heart of
20:09 a loving heavenly Father
20:13 as recorded in
20:15 Jeremiah 29: 11 through 14.
20:20 [text on screen]
20:51 Are we always mindful that
20:54 our destiny is to become like Jesus?
20:56 We are meant to be part takers of his divine nature!
21:00 We can't complete the work by human effort.
21:04 We need his spirit!
21:05 Christ's power will be made perfect
21:08 in our weakness.
21:09 If we learn to depend totally on him
21:13 we can trust our loving God.
21:16 Every thing that he does in our lives
21:20 is for our eternal benefit.
21:23 You know the Bible says
21:25 in Jeremiah 31:3
21:27 and then Chapter 33 verse 3...
21:31 He says,
21:33 I have loved you with an everlasting love.
21:37 Therefore with loving kindness
21:40 I have drawn you
21:42 call to me and I will answer you
21:45 and I will show you great
21:48 and mighty things
21:49 which you do not know.
21:52 If we will call to God
21:55 he will show us things that
21:58 are fenced in and hidden in his word.
22:01 He will show us a plan
22:03 the plan that he has for our lives.
22:06 Aren't we wearied by our limited expectations?
22:10 God wants to fill us with love,
22:14 joy,
22:16 peace
22:17 and expected hope in his promises.
22:20 He wants to fill us with his power!
22:23 And this will only happen if we
22:26 giv him permission to work in us
22:29 and cause us to exalt his word.
22:33 We'll find salvation
22:35 and righteousness from faith to faith.
22:40 In Romans 1:16,17
22:43 Paul said,
22:44 for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of
22:47 Jesus Christ for it is the power of God
22:50 to salvation for
22:53 everyone who believes for in it
22:55 the righteousness of God is revealed
22:58 from faith to faith.
23:02 And as it is written
23:03 the just shall live by faith.
23:06 God says I am the Lord.
23:10 I do not change.
23:12 The Bible says
23:13 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday
23:16 today
23:17 for ever.
23:18 The word who created the entire universe,
23:23 Jesus Christ,
23:24 also created you.
23:27 His passion over you is great.
23:30 He died so that you can have live.
23:33 We don't have to be fearful
23:35 in approaching the Lord.
23:37 We only love him because he first loved us.
23:43 He wants to save us from our limited human reasoning.
23:48 He wants to save us from self-destructive behavior.
23:52 He desires to give us an abundant life
23:55 and a life of indescribable glory in eternity.
24:01 Why would we neglect so great a salvation?
24:06 How will we escape if we ignore his plan?
24:11 We don't have to wonder what his will is!
24:15 It is written and it is written also
24:20 your word a Lord is eternal.
24:22 It stands firm.
24:25 Let's look at what the Bible says
24:27 in Revelation 19...
24:31 [text on screen]
24:49 His word was to the beginning of all things.
24:53 Everything we know came into existence
24:56 by the word of God.
24:57 The miracle of creation is
24:59 wrapped inside his word.
25:01 All of your potential is
25:03 wrapped inside his word.
25:06 His word is final.
25:08 It cannot be altered.
25:09 He is the God of his word
25:10 and he does not change.
25:12 We can have absolute trust
25:14 in his loving kindness.
25:16 It endures for ever.
25:18 We can have absolute faith that
25:20 his word does not return to him empty.
25:24 It's true God watches over his word to perform it.
25:30 I pray that God will give you
25:33 an unquenchable desire for his word.
25:37 I pray that he will raise you up
25:42 as a word warrior
25:43 and empower you to walk as Jesus walked.
25:47 I pray he will multiply his mercy,
25:52 his love
25:53 and his grace to you.
25:54 I want to pray that for you right now...
25:59 Heavenly Father,
26:00 in the name of Jesus Christ
26:03 I ask Lord, you would race up
26:07 my brother and my sister
26:08 who is watching this program today.
26:11 Father give them an unquenchable desire
26:15 for your word.
26:16 I ask the same thing for myself.
26:18 Raise us up as word warriors.
26:21 Father God teach us your plan.
26:24 Teach us your will.
26:26 Teach us who we are in Christ Jesus
26:28 and empower us Lord to finish the work
26:33 here on earth for Christ's soon return
26:37 in Jesus named, amen.
26:41 Come.
26:42 Listen to the heart of a loving
26:44 heavenly Father
26:47 who says
26:48 come now and exalts my word.
26:54 The Bible says
26:56 I will confess
26:58 and praise you oh God.
27:00 With my whole heart
27:02 I will worship toward your holy Temple
27:06 and praise your name
27:08 for your loving kindness
27:10 and for your truth and faithfulness.
27:13 For you have exalted above all else
27:19 your name and your word.
27:21 And you have magnified your word
27:26 above all of your name.
27:29 God is calling to you today.
27:33 He is saying,
27:34 come, exalt my word.
27:37 And if you will,
27:39 God will change your life!
27:42 I pray that you will
27:44 spend your time making that
27:46 which is most important to God
27:49 the very same that is
27:51 most important to you.
27:54 Spend your time
27:56 going before the Lord
27:58 and exalting his word.


Revised 2014-12-17