Participants: Shelley Quinn
Series Code: EHW
Program Code: EHW000022
00:18 Hello.
00:19 I'm Shelley Quinn 00:20 and welcome to Exalting His Word! 00:23 I'm so happy that you could join us 00:25 for this very special program! 00:27 We'll be discussing 00:29 the joy of repentance 00:31 and how to receive God's complete forgiveness 00:35 and rejoice that 00:36 His compassion's are new every morning! 00:42 First, 00:43 let's review what 00:44 the theme text for this program is. 00:47 That's Psalms 128:2 00:51 And in that verse the Bible says that 00:53 God exalts His name 00:56 and His word above all things 00:58 and that He magnifies His word 01:02 even above His name! 01:04 What that means is that 01:06 God as Commander and Chief 01:08 has promoted His word to 01:10 the highest rank of importance. 01:13 Nothing is more important to God. 01:15 He has given His word transforming, 01:19 life-giving power 01:21 and because of that 01:22 we should Exalt His Word as well! 01:25 Let's go to the Lord in prayer 01:27 and ask Him to bless our study today. 01:32 Heavenly Father, 01:33 we ask in a special way that you would 01:36 send your Holy Spirit to 01:38 anoint our ears 01:39 and plow up our hearts Father. 01:42 And help us Lord to plant 01:44 Your promises in our hearts. 01:46 In the Name of Jesus 01:47 we ask that You would 01:49 sanctify us by Your word, amen. 01:52 Now, let's get started 01:54 and look at our first 01:56 Life Affirmation from Scripture! 01:58 This one says... 02:00 [affirmation on screen] 02:41 Can you see what I've done here? 02:44 Everything that's stated here is 02:46 FROM SCRIPTURE. 02:48 It is simply taking the word of God 02:50 and praying it back to Him. 02:53 And you know, 02:54 I noticed that often when Jesus prayed, 02:57 He prayed to God as 03:00 the Holy and Righteous Father. 03:02 So let's look at this first line... 03:05 "Holy and Righteous Father 03:07 "please search my heart and mind." 03:10 That comes from Psalms 139:23-24 03:16 which says, 03:17 "Search me oh God and know my heart. 03:20 "Test me and know my anxious thoughts. 03:23 "See if there's any offensive way in me 03:27 "and lead me in the way everlasting." 03:31 And in Psalms 19:12 says, 03:33 "Clear me from hidden and unconscious faults." 03:39 The next line of our affirmation says 03:43 "show me the areas in which 03:45 "I fall short of Your glory." 03:47 In Romans 3:23-24 it says, 03:53 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God 03:57 "and are being justified freely by His grace 04:01 "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." 04:05 You know in the Greek that says, 04:07 "All have sinned and are falling short of 04:12 "the glory of God." 04:14 so we have to realize that 04:16 daily we do fall short of God's glory. 04:19 But we want the Lord to 04:21 show us where so that we can 04:23 be lead to Godly sorrow and repentance. 04:27 And that's our next verse or line. 04:30 It says, 04:31 "Please lead me to Godly sorrow and repentance." 04:34 That comes from 2 Corinthians 7:10 and it says, 04:38 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to 04:42 "Salvation and leaves no regret." 04:46 When God brings you to Godly sorrow, 04:48 He'll cause you to turn around and turn back to Him. 04:52 And you wont be beating yourself up 04:55 with guilt and condemnation. 04:57 Romans 2:4 says this... 05:01 "Do you despise the riches of His goodness, 05:05 "His forbearance, 05:06 "and His longsuffering; 05:07 "not knowing it is the goodness of God that 05:11 "leads you to repentance?" 05:15 You see, 05:16 even repentance is something that 05:19 we can't do on our own. 05:20 God is always working to draw us nearer to Him. 05:24 The next line says, 05:25 "Please wash me thoroughly and repeatedly 05:28 "in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. 05:33 "And cleanse me of my sin." 05:35 That comes from Psalms 51:2. 05:38 Where David was praying and he said, 05:41 in the Amplified it says... 05:43 "Wash me thoroughly 05:44 "and repeatedly from my iniquity 05:47 "and from my guilt. 05:49 "And cleanse me and make me holy pure from my sin." 05:53 And then in 1 John 1:7 it says... 05:56 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light, 06:01 "then we have fellowship with Him. 06:04 "And we have fellowship with one another. 06:07 "And the blood of Jesus Christ will 06:09 "cleanse us from all sin." 06:13 The next line of our affirmation says, 06:18 "I want to know Jesus Christ 06:21 "and the power of His resurrection." 06:24 I wanna pause 06:25 and I wanna tell you if you pray that to the Lord, 06:29 if you say "Lord I want to know you. 06:33 "I want to know the power of His resurrection." 06:37 I guarantee you 06:38 you're praying according to God's will. 06:41 And the Bible says 06:44 we know that we have the answer. 06:47 That came from Philippians 3:10 06:50 when Paul said, 06:54 "and the power of His resurrection. 06:57 "I want to be more like Jesus." 07:00 And that's our next, um, line of our affirmation. 07:05 And that comes from Romans 8:29. 07:11 The Bible says that 07:12 who God foreknew 07:13 He also predestined to be conformed to 07:17 the image of His son. 07:19 That Jesus might be the first born among many brethren. 07:24 Do you realize that 07:26 your destiny is to become like Jesus? 07:30 If you've accepted Christ as your Savior, 07:33 that's God's plan for your life. 07:35 He is going to conform you to the image of Jesus. 07:39 Hallelujah! 07:40 And it doesn't happen overnight! 07:43 It is a step by step work in progress. 07:47 Now, our next line of our affirmation says, 07:50 "Create in me a pure heart, 07:52 "and consistent actions of faith." 07:55 And I got that from Psalms 51:10. 07:59 And there, David said, 08:01 "Create in me a clean heart oh God 08:03 "and renew a steadfast spirit within me." 08:08 Then we went on on our affirmation to say, 08:12 "I rely on your power to be made perfect in my weakness." 08:17 Of course that's 2 Corinthians 12:9 08:22 when Jesus gave I think 08:24 the most precious promise 08:26 in the Bible when He said, 08:28 "My grace is sufficient for you. 08:29 "For My power is made perfect in weakness." 08:35 Now, that we've disassembled it, 08:38 let's put it all back together again 08:39 and let's take another look at 08:41 that Life Affirmation. 08:43 This is what you can pray to the Lord 08:46 and know He will answer... 08:49 [affirmation on screen] 09:30 What a blessing! 09:31 If you'll make this your prayer 09:33 praying God's word back to Him. 09:35 There is such power in doing this 09:38 and you can be sure that He'll answer 09:39 because you're praying according to His will! 09:42 And He watches over His word to perform it. 09:45 Please stay tuned! 09:47 Well be right back with another Affirmation from Scripture! 09:54 is making a difference in your life 09:55 then you should know about a special study guide 09:58 written by Shelly Quinn. 09:59 Exalting His Word 10:00 and Life Affirmations from Scripture 10:02 is an in-depth study of the word of God. 10:06 Please send your love gifts to Exalting His Word 10:23 Now let's take another look at 10:25 a Life Affirmation from Scripture. 10:28 This one says... 10:30 [affirmation on screen] 11:02 Boy! 11:03 Now, isn't that a very special Affirmation? 11:06 That is what God's words says! 11:09 And I believe that 11:10 if you speak that over your life 11:12 God is going to deliver you from 11:14 that feeling that you cannot be forgiven. 11:20 You know the things I think that 11:21 many people think that our sins are bigger than our God. 11:26 But it's not true! 11:27 God is bigger than any sin 11:29 and He not only will forgive you your sin 11:33 but he'll blot it out! 11:34 So, let's take this apart line by line 11:36 and look at the scriptural support. 11:40 We started off by saying 11:42 "With a humble heart 11:45 "I daily confess my sins 11:47 "and in sincere repentance..." 11:50 It has to be sincere repentance! 11:53 "And in turning away from sin 11:55 "I AM forgiven and the blood of Jesus Christ 12:01 "cleanses me of all unrighteousness!" 12:04 Now I got back from I John I:7-9 that says; 12:12 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light then 12:16 "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us 12:18 "from all sin." 12:22 And he goes on to say that 12:24 "if we say we have no sin 12:25 "we're deceiving ourselves 12:27 "and the truth is not in us. 12:30 "But if we confess our sins 12:32 "He is faithful and just to 12:35 "cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 12:41 Praise the Lord! 12:46 Now the next verse that I took this from is 12:52 And there it says... 12:54 "But if a wicked man 12:56 "will turn from all of his sins 12:59 "keep all of my statues 13:01 "and do what is lawful and right 13:04 "he shall surely live. 13:07 "he shall not die." 13:08 None of the transgressions which 13:10 he has committed will be remembered against him. 13:15 Did you catch that? 13:16 When you turn from your sin 13:18 and confess it in sincere repentance 13:20 God says none of your wickedness 13:23 will be remembered against you! 13:25 And Ephesians I:7 says this... 13:29 "In him we have redemption through his blood, 13:36 "the forgiveness of sins 13:38 "according to the riches of His grace!" 13:43 Glory to God! 13:44 I think it is so hard for us to understand that 13:47 God forgives and forgets, that He literally blots out 13:55 our sins from His record. 13:57 But let's look at our next line from our affirmation. 14:00 It says, "He, God, cancels and blots out my transgressions 14:07 for His own sake." "His grace is sufficient to cover all of my 14:14 sins, and He remembers them no more." 14:18 Now let's look at the scriptural evidence for this, 14:22 and I have about six scriptures here: 14:24 Hebrew 8:10-12 "God said now this is the covenant." 14:32 "I will put My laws in their minds, I will write them on 14:37 their hearts, I will be their God, and they will be my people. 14:42 They will all know me He said, and I will forgive their 14:49 wickedness and will "listen," remember their sins no more." 14:56 Glory to God! 14:58 Then in Isaiah 43:25 "God says, I even I am He who blots out 15:09 and cancels your transgressions. Why? For my own sake says 15:15 the Lord, and then He says. I will not remember your sins." 15:22 Then Psalms 103:12 goes on along this line. 15:29 "God says there as far as the east is from the west, 15:34 so far has He removed our transgressions from us." 15:41 Are you beginning to see the picture that the Bible is 15:46 painting for you and I? 15:48 It is so amazing... You know, there was times 15:52 in the past that I would come to the Lord repenting 15:56 and I'd ask for forgiveness, and I'd find that I was asking 16:01 for forgiveness for the same sin from way back in my past, 16:06 over and over and over. I didn't know how to receive God's 16:12 forgiveness. I couldn't believe that a Holy and righteous God 16:17 truly had not only forgiven me, but had blotted it out. 16:22 So let's continue on and look at a few more. 16:25 In Isaiah 44:22 God says, "I have blotted out like a thick 16:34 cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins." 16:40 So He is saying I blotted it out from my memory, 16:43 I blotted it out from my book, your iniquity and your 16:48 transgressions, and your sins, and then goes on in that verse 16:51 and "He says, return to Me, for I have redeemed you." 16:57 There is no reason why your sins... If you have confessed 17:02 your sins before the Lord, and sincerely repented... 17:05 Don't let guilt and condemnation keep you from the Lord, 17:10 He wants you to come back to Him. He is a big God and He 17:16 is bigger than any of our sins. 17:18 In 1 Kings 14:8...Now I want to tell you this 17:23 before I read that, This is what God said 17:28 about David after David had died, 17:32 and if you are not familiar with the record of King David, 17:36 King David had a heart for God. He was a man that truly 17:42 wanted to please the Lord, but boy, he stumbled and fell 17:46 on several occasions. 17:48 He committed adultery, he was guilty of having a man 17:51 murdered, he disobeyed the Lord and numbered the troops 17:55 when God had told him directly not to do that. 17:59 But yet, David repented sincerely before the Lord 18:04 and he turned away from his sin. Now listen to 1Kings 4:8, 18:09 what God said about David, after David died. 18:13 He said, He was sending a prophet to King Jeroboam, 18:18 and here is what He told the prophet to tell 18:21 King Jeroboam. "You have not been as my servant David 18:26 who kept my Commandments and followed me with all of 18:32 his heart, to do only what was right in my eyes." 18:38 Do you see God forgot what David asked Him to forgive, 18:45 and this scripture demonstrates that. No wonder the Bible says 18:52 in 2Corinthians 12:9, "Jesus said, my grace is 19:00 sufficient for you." Oh, let's put this all back together, 19:06 because I believe that if we get this in our hearts 19:10 and in our minds, God can give us a new start, 19:14 His compassions are new every morning. 19:17 Now let's look at this life affirmation from scripture. 19:21 We've seen all the scriptural evidence, 19:24 let's look at it again and see that we can really literally 19:29 claim these things in our life. 20:04 That makes my feet want to do a little dance 20:06 I have to tell you. It just gets me so excited, 20:11 and I want to go on to the next one before I go off to deep 20:15 on this, because they all kind of tie in together. 20:18 If we understand that God will forgive and forget, 20:24 if we don't try to limit God's love for us, we will find 20:30 such joy in our life, and such joy in repentance. 20:34 So let's look at this next life affirmation from scripture. 20:38 and it says: 21:04 Now let's take that apart line by line. 21:12 That comes from Romans 8:1-2, and there Paul said, 21:18 "There is therefore no condemnation to those who are 21:24 in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, 21:29 but according to the spirit." 21:32 For the law of the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus has 21:38 made us free from the law of sin and death. Halleluiah! 21:45 Then our affirmation goes on to say: I am quick to recognize 21:52 when I am not pleasing God, and even quicker to repent. 21:58 Let me pause for just a second there, because this is 22:02 important. The more we hide God's Word in our heart, 22:07 the more we speak God's Word over our life. 22:12 The more we see that God's Word is our life, 22:16 God will do something special in each one of us. 22:21 You know, it is the Word that brings that recognition 22:26 that we aren't pleasing God, and it's interesting that 22:31 when that Word's in your heart, if you start to go do something 22:34 that was an old practice that wasn't pleasing 22:38 to the Lord. Boy, I will tell you, the Holy Spirit will 22:41 bring that verse up in your mind, and immediately you will 22:46 recognize that you are not pleasing God, and you will find 22:50 that you are very quick to repent. 22:54 So let's look at this scripture that talks about recognizing 22:59 and being quick to repent. 23:01 This comes from Revelation 3:1-3, 23:07 and this is what the Bible says: 23:09 These are the Words of Him who has seven spirits of God. 23:14 That's the seven fold Holy Spirit of God, 23:18 and here is what Jesus said: "I know your record and 23:22 what you are doing. You are supposed to be alive, 23:26 but in reality, you are dead." And then He councils us 23:31 and He says, "Rouse yourselves and keep awake and strengthen 23:36 and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying. 23:42 For I have not found a thing that you have done, 23:46 not any work of yours that meets the requirements of my God 23:52 or that is perfect in His sight. So He says, call to mind the 23:58 lessons that you have received and heard. Continually lay them 24:02 in you heart and obey them and repent. And He goes on 24:07 and He says: In case you will not rouse yourselves and 24:12 keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief 24:16 and you will not know or suspect at what hour I come." 24:20 Then the next line of our affirmation says: 24:28 I receive His abundant forgiveness. 24:32 Are you receiving God's forgiveness? 24:36 Acts 5: 30-31, is one of the scriptures I use to 24:42 support this. And that says that the God of our forefathers 24:47 raised up Jesus, and God exalted Him to His right hand 24:53 to be Prince and Leader and Savior and Deliverer and 24:59 He is our Preserver in order to grant repentance and to bestow 25:07 forgiveness and release from sins. 25:10 Then 1 John 1:9 says this: "If we confess our sins, 25:19 He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins 25:24 and purify us from all unrighteousness." 25:29 The then the final part or sentence of this affirmation 25:35 says that I rejoice at His compassion isnew every morning. 25:42 That comes from Lamentations 22-23, and there is says 25:51 Because of the Lords, great love, we are not consumed 25:57 for His compassions never fail, they are new 26:03 every morning. Great is your faithfulness O Lord. 26:08 Well, let's put this back together now and see 26:13 what we can claim over our life as a Life Affirmation 26:17 from God. Untied with Christ. 26:45 When the Lord gave me this Life Affirmation 26:49 it was an interesting thing because, what happened for me 26:56 is, I was speaking this over my life and suddenly He was 27:02 bringing it to that point that it was real, 27:05 and I was quick to recognize that and quicker to repent. 27:09 And I learned to receive God's forgiveness, and rejoice 27:15 in the joy of repentance. 27:17 Well, I hope you enjoyed today's study, 27:20 and I hope you will also join us next time 27:23 We are going to be discussing how we can Leave the Past Behind 27:28 and get plugged in to God's power. 27:31 May God multiply his Mercy, His Love, and His Grace to you, 27:36 and may He watch over His Word to perform it in your 27:39 lives as you cooperate with Him. 27:42 Please remember to spend your time on that which is most 27:47 important to God, the very thing that is also 27:52 most important to you. Get into His Word 27:57 and start Exalting His Word. |
Revised 2014-12-17