Exalting His Word

God Renews Our Thoughts

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000021

00:19 Hello.
00:20 My name is Shelley Quinn
00:21 and I welcome you to Exalting His Word.
00:24 Today we're going to look at
00:26 how God renews our thoughts and our attitudes
00:30 and how we can live in
00:32 the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
00:36 We'll be contructing several
00:39 Life Affirmations From Scripture.
00:40 So you might want to have a note pad ready.
00:43 Before we begin I'd like to take a moment
00:45 just to review the theme text for this program.
00:49 Psalms 138:2
00:52 That verse says that
00:53 God exalts His name and His word
00:56 above all things
00:58 and that He exalts His word even above His name.
01:02 What exactly does that mean?
01:03 It means that God has promoted His word to
01:07 the highest rank of importance.
01:10 It means that
01:11 nothing is more important to God than His word.
01:14 God has granted creative life-giving power to His word.
01:20 Power that will accomplish all of His will
01:24 and because of that
01:26 He has assigned His word to
01:28 the highest position of praise.
01:31 You know,
01:32 if we only could appreciate how important
01:36 the word of God is to us individually,
01:40 our attitudes about Bible study
01:43 and meditating on the word,
01:45 would be forever changed!
01:47 God's word is life to us.
01:50 It's not theory.
01:52 It's not just a bunch of spiritual ideals.
01:56 It is very practical
01:58 and it brings great blessings!
02:02 Let's ask the Lord to be with us today
02:04 and we're going to invite
02:06 the Holy Spirit to be our teacher.
02:08 Heavenly Father,
02:10 we come before you humbly but boldly
02:12 entering your throne room.
02:14 And Father we ask that
02:15 you would send us a special supply of your Holy Spirit
02:19 and that He will be our teacher today.
02:22 And that by His power You might sanctify us
02:25 through Your word.
02:26 Help us to put Your word into practice Father God
02:30 for the glory of your name.
02:32 In Jesus name, amen.
02:36 Now, let's get to our Life Affirmations from Scripture!
02:41 Here's the first affirmation...
02:44 [affirmation on screen]
03:32 Now, let's take this apart line by line.
03:36 We began by saying,
03:37 "My mind is renewed.
03:39 "My attitudes are made new and radically change
03:44 through the power of His word."
03:47 Now, where did I get that?
03:49 Romans 12:2
03:50 In that verse it says,
03:52 "Do not be conformed to this world but
03:54 "be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
03:59 "That you may prove what is good and acceptable
04:03 "and perfect will of God."
04:06 Then the next line we were talking about
04:10 we said,
04:11 "His word sanctifies me.
04:14 "Separating me from the world's view point.
04:18 "I am set apart morally,
04:21 "ethically,"
04:22 and that big word I used...
04:24 "Attitudinally.
04:27 (That means by "in our attitudes")
04:29 "From the world system my conduct
04:32 "and my thoughts are governed by
04:34 "God's administrative system of His Holy Kingdom
04:39 "as recorded in His word."
04:42 Now, where did I get that?
04:44 Let's look at John 17:17.
04:47 The Bible says,
04:48 "Sanctify them by your truth.
04:51 "Your word is truth."
04:52 Do you realize what that's saying?
04:55 It's saying that
04:56 the word of God can sanctify us
04:58 and set us apart from all of the evil of the world.
05:04 It is through His promises that
05:06 we escape evil
05:08 and partake of God's divine nature.
05:12 The next statement was...
05:13 "I am recreated in the image of God."
05:16 Could you say that about yourself
05:18 and feel comfortable?
05:21 If you have accepted Christ as your Savior,
05:24 that is the Bible's testimony about you.
05:27 In Ephesians 4:22-24 it says,
05:32 "Strip yourselves of your former nature."
05:37 Put off the old.
05:38 Discard your old un renewed self which characterized
05:42 your previous manner of life!
05:45 And becomes corrupt through the lust
05:47 and desires that spring from delusion.
05:51 The delusion of human thinking.
05:54 And the Bible goes on to say...
05:55 "Be constantly renewed in the attitude
05:59 "and the spirit of your mind."
06:01 We are to have a refreshed
06:03 mental and spiritual attitude.
06:06 And that scripture goes on and says,
06:08 "Put on the new nature.
06:10 "The regenerated self that is created in God's image.
06:15 "It is God-like and true
06:18 "righteousness and holiness."
06:21 That's what the Bible instructs us to do!
06:24 Then in Ephesians 2:10 the Bible says for
06:29 "We are God's own handy work."
06:32 His workmanship.
06:34 Recreated in Christ Jesus.
06:37 We were born anew that
06:39 we may do those good works which God predestined.
06:44 Which He planned before hand for us.
06:49 Now the next statement
06:52 some people really have a hard time in actually
06:56 declaring God's testimony over their life.
06:59 The statement from our affirmation is...
07:01 "I have been given the mind of Christ."
07:05 Would that make you uncomfortable to say that?
07:07 The Bible says in I Corinthians 2:16
07:12 "We have the mind of Christ."
07:16 That is God's testimony over you.
07:22 Then the next statement is,
07:23 "By the power of the Holy Spirit
07:26 and God's Holy Word,
07:28 "I take every thought captive
07:31 "and make it obedient to the will of Christ my Lord."
07:37 That comes from II Corinthians 10:4,5
07:41 where it says,
07:42 "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but
07:46 "they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds
07:51 "and casting down arguments."
07:53 "And every high thing that exalts itself
07:57 "above the knowledge of God
07:59 "bringing every thought into captivity to
08:03 "the obedience of Christ."
08:06 Now, let's put that all back together
08:08 and look at our affirmation from scripture.
08:12 [affirmation on screen]
08:57 I'll tell you something...
08:58 It is at sometimes uncomfortable when
09:01 we first begin speaking Life Affirmations because,
09:05 we realize we're not there yet!
09:08 But this is God's testimony about you and I
09:11 and what He vows to do in our lives
09:14 if we will just cooperate with Him.
09:18 Well, stay tuned for just a moment.
09:19 We're going to pause for a brief announcement but
09:22 we'll be right back to build some more
09:26 Life Affirmations from Scripture.
09:29 If this dynamic series is making a difference in your life
09:32 then you should know about a special study guide
09:35 written by Shelley Quinn.
09:36 Exalting His Word with Life Affirmation from Scripture.
09:39 Is an in depth study of the word of God.
09:44 Please send your love gifts to
10:00 Let's return to our study.
10:02 The next affirmation reads like this...
10:06 [affirmation on screen]
10:33 Let's take that apart line by line.
10:36 What does is it like for us to say;
10:40 "I am anointed by the Holy One?"
10:43 It almost sounds like we're exalting ourselves but
10:48 that's what the Bible says!
10:50 In II Corinthians 1:21,22 it says,
10:58 "It is God who makes both us
11:02 "and you stand firm in Christ."
11:05 He anointed us.
11:07 Set His seal of ownership on us
11:12 and put His spirit in our hearts
11:14 as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.
11:20 And then in I John 2:20,27
11:24 the Bible says this,
11:26 "But you have an anointing from the Holy One
11:31 "and all of you know the truth.
11:34 "As for you the anointing that
11:36 "you received from Him remains in you.
11:40 "And you do not need anyone to teach you but
11:43 "as His anointing (the Holy Spirit)
11:47 "teaches you about all things.
11:49 "And as that anointing is real,
11:53 not counterfeit,
11:54 "just as it has taught you remain in Him!"
12:00 So we see God does say that
12:03 we are anointed
12:06 and we need to be able to
12:08 accept God's testimony
12:10 and declare God's testimony over us.
12:14 Actually,
12:15 we would be exalting our self if we said,
12:20 "I'm not anointed".
12:22 If we're in Christ
12:23 and we said I'm not anointed
12:24 we would be exalting our knowledge
12:27 above the word of God!
12:29 Now, let's go on to the next line.
12:32 It says that God works in me to
12:35 cause me to desire the right choices.
12:40 To decide to follow His instructions
12:43 and determine to act as He planned for
12:47 His good purpose.
12:49 I walk in deliberate devotion to Him.
12:52 I simply yield and He does the rest.
12:56 Now, where did I get that?
12:58 Well, my favorite verse...
13:01 Philippians 2:13 says,
13:03 "For it is God who works in you to
13:07 "cause you to will and to act
13:10 "according to His good purpose."
13:13 That makes me wanna shout for joy!
13:16 Now, let's put that all together again.
13:19 And it says...
13:21 [affirmation on screen]
13:45 Now here's our next affirmation;
13:48 "I take up my cross daily...
13:51 [affirmation on screen]
14:26 Now, let's take that apart line by line.
14:32 It started of by saying,
14:33 "I take up my cross daily in deliberate determination
14:38 "to crucify my own sin nature."
14:41 Jesus said to us in Luke 9:23;
14:46 "If anyone desires to come after me
14:51 "let him deny himself
14:53 "and take up his cross daily and follow Me."
15:00 Did you know that some people think that
15:04 taking up our cross means that
15:06 we have a certain burden to carry?
15:10 Have you heard people say that?
15:11 We've all got our cross to bear...
15:15 But that's not what Jesus meant.
15:16 And during Jesus day when He said,
15:18 "Take up your cross daily..."
15:20 They knew exactly what He meant.
15:23 To take up your cross meant that
15:26 you were getting ready to be crucified.
15:29 So what Jesus is talking about here is that
15:32 we will be ready to be crucified
15:37 to our old sin nature
15:39 and put on our new nature.
15:40 So, the next part of the affirmation says,
15:43 "By the power of the Holy Spirit
15:47 "I put to death my old way of life and burry it."
15:52 You know one of my favorite scriptures is
15:56 Romans 8:13 that says,
16:00 "It is by the Spirit that
16:02 "you put to death the misdeeds of the body."
16:07 You and I can not crucify our old sin nature
16:11 by our own power.
16:12 We need the power of the Holy Spirit
16:15 and by His leading we can put to death
16:18 those old habits and attitudes and things that
16:23 were keeping us from drawing near to the Lord.
16:26 And in Romans 6:4-8 the Bible says,
16:31 "Therefore we were buried with Him
16:35 "through baptism into death that
16:37 "just as Christ was raised from the dead
16:42 "by the glory of the Father,
16:43 "even so, we also should walk
16:48 "in the newness of life."
16:50 "For if we have been united with Him
16:54 "together like this in the darkness of His death,
16:57 "certainly we should also be
17:00 "in the likeness of His resurrection."
17:05 And knowing this that
17:06 our old man was crucified with Him that
17:09 the body of sin might be done away with.
17:13 Then we shall no longer be slaves to sin for
17:17 he who has died has been freed from sin.
17:23 Now, if we died with Christ,
17:26 we believe that we shall also live with Him.
17:32 The next part of our affirmation says,
17:35 "I clothe myself with Christ,
17:38 "that I may live a resurrected lifestyle."
17:42 That comes from Romans 13:14.
17:47 There it says,
17:48 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ
17:51 "and make no provision for
17:54 "the flesh to fulfill its lusts."
17:57 You know, my earnest prayer is that I will be
18:00 continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
18:04 And that's where I got that in the affirmation.
18:08 It says in Ephesians 5:18
18:10 -especially if you read it in the Greek,
18:13 it will really help you to
18:16 understand what the Bible's council is.
18:19 In Ephesians 5:18 it says,
18:22 "Ever be filled
18:24 "and stimulated with the Holy Spirit."
18:28 It's not just a one time filling!
18:31 We have to die daily and then,
18:33 be filled with His spirit again daily.
18:37 The next part of our affirmation says,
18:40 "I'm learning to live in
18:42 "the power of Christ's resurrection by
18:45 "the divine nature of Christ living in me."
18:50 That comes from Romans 6:11 and it says;
18:54 "Even so, consider yourselves dead to sin
18:58 "and your relationship to it broken.
19:02 "But consider yourselves alive to God.
19:06 "Living in unbroken fellowship with Him."
19:09 In Christ Jesus!
19:12 And then in
19:13 Philippians 3:10-11 Paul said,
19:19 "I want to know Christ
19:21 "and the power of His resurrection
19:23 "and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings.
19:28 "Becoming like Him in His death,
19:31 "and so somehow to attain to
19:35 "the resurrection from the dead."
19:38 One thing I think, before I go on...
19:40 I just wanna pause and say
19:43 a lot of us have been taught ironiously that
19:48 once we become Christians
19:49 everything is gonna to be just peachy.
19:53 That there wont be any problems.
19:56 And we almost feel like,
19:57 why are we suffering or
19:59 why are we going through this?
20:01 But the Bible frequently talks about
20:04 sharing in Christ's sufferings that
20:06 we might also share in His glory.
20:09 So it's no surprise if we suffer,
20:11 but the good news is that when we do suffer,
20:15 things that happen in this world that
20:18 God is always there with us.
20:20 He will never leave us nor forsake us
20:23 and He gives us the victory in Christ.
20:27 Well, let's go on.
20:28 The rest of that
20:31 it comes from Colosians 1:27.
20:35 And there it says,
20:36 "To them God willed to make known
20:41 "the riches of the glory of this mystery
20:45 "which is Christ in you.
20:49 "The hope of glory."
20:53 Praise the Lord!
20:54 My only hope of glory,
20:57 your only hope of glory is
20:59 Christ living in you.
21:02 Now let's reassemble that
21:04 and look at the affirmation again...
21:06 [affirmation on screen]
21:57 You know,
21:59 I have made it my daily practice
22:00 since I began speaking affirmations...
22:04 The Lord brings
22:08 these scriptures to my mind in new ways.
22:10 And I've made it my daily practice
22:12 when I get up in the morning to
22:15 go before the Lord and say,
22:17 "Father, teach me your will.
22:21 "I am coming before you
22:23 "and I ask you that you will cause me to
22:27 "pick up my cross and die to self
22:31 "by the power of your Holy Spirit.
22:34 "I am asking that
22:36 "you will help me to put to death
22:39 "the misdeeds of my flesh.
22:41 "I want to walk being lead by your spirit.
22:45 "I don't want to run in ahead of your Holy Spirit.
22:51 "I don't want to lag behind the Holy Spirit.
22:53 "And what I want to do Father is
22:56 "just to be lead step by step that
22:59 "you would order my steps."
23:02 And then,
23:03 when I've gone through that part of the process,
23:07 I'll come to the Lord and I'll say,
23:10 "Now Father, help me to
23:11 "clothe myself with Jesus Christ.
23:14 "I ask in the name of Jesus that
23:17 "you would give me
23:19 "a fresh in filling of the Holy Spirit."
23:22 You know we can grieve the Holy Spirit of God
23:25 very easily.
23:27 We can resist the Holy Spirit
23:28 and we can even quench the Holy Spirit of God.
23:33 When Paul said,
23:35 "I die daily brothers, I mean it."
23:38 He knew that everyday when he got up,
23:43 He had to start anew.
23:45 It was a fresh start.
23:47 The Bible says in Joshua 24:15
23:50 "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
23:54 And Paul knew that he had to get up
23:57 and in deliberate determination say,
24:00 Lord I am ready to pick up my cross.
24:04 I am ready to die to self.
24:06 Help me to put to death the misdeeds of my flesh
24:09 by the power of your Holy Spirit.
24:12 And now Lord,
24:14 fill me with power from on high.
24:17 Let me be ever filled and stimulated
24:21 and energized by the Holy Spirit!
24:24 Let me plant this word in my heart Father,
24:28 and let your word be alive and active in me.
24:33 Teach me how to live by the resurrection power
24:39 The same power in person that
24:42 brought Christ out of the grave
24:45 let Him work in me
24:46 and bring me up to walk in newness of life to
24:51 follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
24:55 And Lord,
24:56 let the righteousness that went before Him
24:59 be the path of life that I follow as well.
25:03 I think that Paul more than anyone...
25:07 I love his teachings because
25:09 they were always so balanced.
25:13 He knew that
25:14 we are only made righteous by faith.
25:17 Yet he also often talked about
25:19 the necessity of obedience.
25:22 That we must obey God's laws.
25:25 And there's only one way for you
25:27 and I to walk in obedience.
25:30 And that is to be lead by the Spirit of God.
25:32 It has to be God who is working in us to
25:36 cause us to will and to act.
25:40 And when we learn to
25:41 take affirmations from scripture,
25:44 when we start speaking God's word over our lives,
25:48 then something begins to happen
25:52 inside our hearts.
25:54 First we'll find that sometimes we feel a little guilty.
25:59 And I think, you know,
26:01 some people think that
26:02 any guilt feeling we have is just from the devil.
26:06 But not always.
26:07 Sometimes it's really godly sorrow
26:09 and we realize how far we have fallen short of
26:17 the glory of God.
26:19 But then,
26:20 as the Lord begins working that in us then,
26:24 when we start continue speaking this over our life,
26:27 He brings us to that point of repentance.
26:30 And you know, I've noticed,
26:32 God changes us sometimes in such a simple way that
26:37 we don't even realize it's happening
26:40 until after it's happened.
26:42 I'll share just a brief story...
26:45 I was doing a teaching about 50 miles
26:48 from my home on a weekly basis.
26:51 And I would go up each week
26:53 and I was teaching a group of about 30 people.
26:55 And it was a marvelous teaching that
26:57 the Lord had given me!
26:58 And I was watching people over a period of several months,
27:01 I was watching God change them completely
27:04 and driving home I was going...
27:06 "Oh Lord, change me!
27:08 "What's wrong with me?"
27:09 And the Lord impressed this thought in me.
27:13 He said,
27:15 Do you not yet realize the changes
27:17 I have brought in your life
27:19 and you have yet to thank me.
27:21 You know, I didn't realize.
27:23 I didn't realize because
27:25 God does it in such a gentle way.
27:28 And it all came because
27:29 I was speaking God's word over my life
27:33 and He was watching His word to perform it.
27:35 May He multiply His mercy,
27:37 His love and His grace to you.
27:40 And may you spend your time
27:43 making that which is most important to God
27:48 what is also most important to you.
27:52 Let God's number one priority Exalting His Word,
27:56 become your number one priority.


Revised 2014-12-17