Participants: Shelley Quinn
Series Code: EHW
Program Code: EHW000020
00:19 Hello.
00:20 My name is Shelley Quinn 00:21 and I welcome you heartedly to 00:24 Exalting His Word! 00:25 Do you know what it means to 00:27 be included in Christ? 00:30 Do you know 00:31 how God changes us to conform us to 00:34 the character of Christ? 00:36 I hope you have a pen 00:37 and paper ready because today, 00:40 we'll be discussing these things! 00:42 And we'll be looking at how to tap into 00:45 God's source of power that 00:48 He's made available to us. 00:51 Before we begin, 00:52 let me explain our theme text 00:56 which is Psalms 138:2. 01:00 In that text the Bible says 01:02 God exalts His word above everything. 01:07 And what we want to see is 01:10 what really does that mean? 01:12 You know, 01:13 when I first read this verse 01:16 I missed the impact of it because 01:18 I just didn't quite understand 01:21 the depth of importance. 01:23 But as I studied in the Hebrew 01:25 I've found out something very interesting. 01:27 What that verse is saying is that 01:29 God has promoted as Commander and Chief 01:32 He has promoted His word to 01:35 the highest rank of importance. 01:37 Nothing is more important to God than His word. 01:42 He has given His word life giving 01:47 transforming power! 01:48 Power that is over everything else. 01:50 In fact, we need to ask our self 01:53 why does God exalt His word over everything. 01:57 The answer is really quite simple. 01:59 In I John the Bible says, 02:02 "In the beginning was the word 02:04 "and the word was with God 02:06 "and the word was God. 02:08 "And in Him was life. 02:10 "And in that life was the light of all mankind. 02:15 "And the word became flesh 02:17 "and He gave up His lifeblood." 02:21 Sacrificed His life for you and I. 02:24 That's why God exalts His word above all things; 02:28 and why we should as well! 02:30 Let's go to the Lord in prayer 02:32 before we begin our study. 02:34 Heavenly Father 02:35 we come today asking that 02:38 your Holy Spirit 02:40 would transform us. 02:42 Teach us Father God. 02:43 Help us to tap into the power source of your word. 02:47 And I ask a very special blessing 02:50 on my brothers and my sisters 02:52 who are watching this program. 02:54 And I ask a special blessing over me Lord. 02:56 That you would cause us to be all that 03:00 you've called us to be. 03:01 Help us to walk in step with your spirit. 03:04 Not lagging behind and not running ahead. 03:07 In Jesus name amen. 03:12 Now, let's look at all were first affirmation. 03:17 The first affirmation says... 03:19 [affirmation on screen] 03:52 Do you see what we're doing here? 03:55 What a Life Affirmation is 03:57 it's just taking the Word of God 04:00 and declaring it as our testimony 04:03 speaking God's word back to Him. 04:06 Now, let me show you where 04:08 I got this scriptures for this affirmation. 04:12 The first line says, 04:13 "I am positioned in Christ Jesus." 04:17 That's what God says about you 04:19 if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. 04:22 Let me give you the verses for that! 04:24 Ephesians 1:13-14 says this... 04:30 "And you also were included in Christ 04:35 "when you heard the word of truth. 04:39 "The gospel of your salvation." 04:42 "Having believed 04:44 you were marked in Him with a seal. 04:48 The promised Holy Spirit who is 04:52 a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance 04:56 until the redemption of 04:58 those who are God's possession. 05:02 You are God's possession! 05:04 And He has included you in Christ 05:07 if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. 05:10 I Corinthians 1:30... 05:12 I'm gonna read this from the Amplified because 05:15 it helps us understand it better. 05:17 Says this about you... 05:19 "But it is from Him 05:21 (from God) 05:22 "that you have your life in Christ Jesus. 05:28 "Whom God has made 05:30 (That's Jesus, He...) 05:31 (God has made Jesus) 05:33 "our wisdom from God." 05:36 He has made Him our righteousness. 05:40 (Which means to be... 05:41 (...He has put us in right standing with God.) 05:45 He has made Christ our consecration. 05:49 Making us pure and holy. 05:51 And our redemption providing 05:54 our ransom from eternal penalty for sin. 05:58 So, we see that in this verse 06:01 God has included us in Christ Jesus. 06:04 Now, let's look at the next line... 06:07 And this one is interesting!! 06:09 It says, 06:10 "Because I have received Christ as my Savior, 06:14 "I now have a spiritual union with Him." 06:19 1 Corinthians 6:17 says this... 06:24 "But he who is joined to the Lord is 06:28 "one spirit with Him." 06:30 You know when I first started 06:32 speaking that over my life, 06:34 and I would say 06:36 "Father I thank you because 06:38 "I am joined with Jesus Christ. 06:40 "That I am in one spirit with Him." 06:43 I absolutely knew that 06:46 I was calling things that are not 06:49 as thou they were. 06:50 I didn't feel like I was one in spirit with Him. 06:54 But the more I have spoken that over my life, 06:57 and I've been doing it now for nearly eight years 07:01 God is bringing that into reality. 07:05 God is causing me to 07:09 walk in step with Christ a little more 07:11 each day knowing that 07:13 I am really united with Him 07:17 and one in spirit with Him. 07:19 And He'll do the same for you 07:20 if you'll just start speaking His Word over your live! 07:25 It's wonderful!! 07:26 Now, the next part of our affirmation said, 07:29 "The law of the spirit of life works in me." 07:32 That comes from Romans chapter 7 07:36 and I'm gonna read verses 23-25 of chapter 7 07:40 and also Romans 8:2. 07:44 And this is what the Bible says... 07:46 "But I discern in my bodily members... 07:50 (that's the sensitive appetites 07:52 (and wills of the flesh.) 07:54 A different law, 07:56 a different rule of action that's at war 07:59 against the law of my mind. 08:01 And making me a prisoner to the law of sin. 08:06 See, in our human effort or 08:09 in our humanness, 08:11 we are prisoners to the law of sin. 08:13 But Paul goes on and he says, 08:16 "Who will release and deliver me from 08:20 "the shackles from this body of death?" 08:23 Oh thank God He will! 08:27 How? 08:28 "Through Christ Jesus our Lord! 08:30 "For the law of the spirit of life 08:34 "which is in Christ Jesus is 08:37 "the law of our new being. 08:39 "And that law has freed me," 08:43 Paul said. 08:44 From the law of sin and of death. 08:49 Doesn't that give you hope and encouragement? 08:53 God never intended for us to 08:55 try to walk with him by human effort. 08:59 He will put the law of the spirit of life in us 09:03 and if we'll just learn to rely on Him 09:06 He does the work. 09:07 And praise the Lord 09:09 there is no condemnation for us! 09:11 When we're walking by the power of His spirit 09:15 and His word. 09:16 Now let's go on to our next line. 09:19 It says... 09:20 "When I look into the word 09:23 "I begin to see a vision. 09:25 "A reflection of who I am in Christ. 09:29 "And when I think and act according to the word 09:33 "I am blessed in whatever I do." 09:36 I got back from James 1:23-25 09:42 and let me read that to you... 09:44 "Anyone who listens to the word 09:47 "but does not do what it says, 09:49 "is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 09:54 "and after looking at himself goes away 09:57 "and immediately forgets what he looks like." 10:02 See if we look into the Bible 10:05 when we open this Bible, 10:09 this is the mirror reflection of 10:12 who we are in Christ. 10:14 The Bible describes to us our new nature in Christ 10:19 and some of those things that the Bible says, 10:22 some of God's vows and promises about how He sees us 10:26 they sound incredible to our human minds! 10:30 But God vows this about us 10:33 and if we look into the word 10:35 we'll see this vision of who we are. 10:39 But if we don't go out and put the word into practice 10:41 we're like a man who's looked into the mirror 10:45 and then gone away 10:46 and forgot what he looks like. 10:48 If we're not practicing God's word, 10:51 we forget what God says or 10:54 who God says we are in His word! 10:56 So, he goes on on this verse and He says 11:00 "But the man who looks intently 11:04 "into the perfect law that gives freedom..." 11:08 (Do you remember that? 11:09 (We studied about the law of liberty 11:12 (relying on God to do a great work in us? 11:15 (To empower us to do His will?) 11:18 Anyway, he says... 11:19 "The man who looks into the perfect law that 11:23 gives freedom and continues to do this, 11:26 not forgetting what he has heard but 11:30 doing it he will be blessed in whatever he does. 11:36 Now, let's put that all back together again 11:39 and look at our life affirmation. 11:42 This is what you can say over your life if 11:45 you have accepted Christ as your Savior... 11:49 [affirmation on screen] 12:20 Let me tell you... 12:21 God wants you to know who you are in Christ Jesus. 12:28 If you don't know God's plan for your life, 12:31 and if you don't know who you are 12:34 once you've accepted Christ as your Savior, 12:36 then you're suffering from an identity crisis. 12:39 And the only way that you can overcome that 12:44 identity crisis is to get into the word. 12:48 Let God show you His plan for you life. 12:51 Accept His testimony about 12:53 what God has to say about who you are in Christ. 12:59 We must remember it is dangerous for us to 13:03 reject the testimony of God. 13:05 Because the Bible tells us in I John 5:10 that, 13:10 if we do not accept His testimony, 13:14 it's like we are regarding God as a liar. 13:19 No wonder without faith it's impossible to please God. 13:23 Well please stay tuned because 13:24 we're going to take a quit break for a brief announcement 13:28 and then we'll be right back to do our next 13:30 Life Affirmation from Scripture! 13:36 If this dynamic series is making a difference in your life 13:39 then you should know about a special study guide 13:41 written by Shelley Quinn. 13:42 Exalting His Word with Life Affirmation from Scripture. 13:45 Is an in depth study of the word of God. 13:51 Please send your love gifts to 14:07 Welcome back! 14:08 Now, here's our next affirmation. 14:13 [affirmation on screen] 14:59 Now, let's take that apart line by line. 15:02 This is something that if we can ever get 15:07 this first part into our mind, 15:10 God will totally change our lives. 15:15 And that is... 15:16 The first line was 15:17 "I am partaking of God's divine nature by 15:22 holding us to His promises." 15:24 I got that from 2 Peter 1:3-4 15:29 and this is what the Bible says... 15:32 "His (God's) 15:34 Divine power has given us everything that 15:37 "we need for life and godliness 15:40 "through our knowledge of Him 15:43 "who called us by His own glory and goodness." 15:47 God has given us everything that we need 15:51 for an abundant life here on Earth 15:54 and godliness to walk in holiness. 15:57 Now this scripture goes on to explain to us 16:00 how we'll do this. 16:02 "He has given us 16:05 "His very great and precious promises 16:09 "so that through them, 16:12 "through His promises, 16:15 "you may participate or partake of the divine nature 16:21 "and escape the corruption in the world 16:24 "caused by evil desires." 16:27 Do you see the power of that promise? 16:31 What God is saying is that 16:34 it is through the transforming power of His word, 16:37 if you plant His promises in your heart 16:41 and speak them back to God, 16:44 then what will happen is 16:47 God is going to make sure that you can escape evil 16:52 and He's also going to help you absorb 16:56 the divine nature of Christ 16:59 through the power of His word. 17:00 All of God's promises are His solemn vows to us of 17:05 what He will do in our lives 17:07 if we'll just come to Him in faith. 17:11 Well, let's go on... 17:12 The next line says, 17:14 "I am planting God's promises in my heart to ensure that 17:20 "I don't sin against Him." 17:22 Now you know where I got that one! 17:23 That's Psalms 119:11 that says 17:27 "Your word have I hidden in my heart that 17:29 "I might not sin against you." 17:33 And you know, 17:35 the more word we speak over our life 17:37 the more word that we hide in our hearts 17:39 the more that the Lord really does help us to 17:43 escape evil and not sin against Him. 17:46 I'll give you just a quick example... 17:48 The Psalmist said; 17:49 "Oh Lord set a guard at the door post of my mouth!" 17:53 And I began confessing that over my life! 17:57 And suddenly I found that 17:59 the Lord started delivering me 18:02 I guess is a good way to say it 18:04 from idle words! 18:06 He delivered me from 18:07 making judgmental comments about people. 18:10 Well, I should say "He IS delivering me!" 18:12 We all have a problem with that, don't we? 18:14 But, God will do a great work in you 18:18 if you will partake of his promises 18:21 and hide His word in your heart. 18:24 Now the next line of our affirmation says this... 18:29 "All of God's promises are mine." 18:32 Yes Amen!! 18:34 So be it! 18:35 In CHRIST! 18:36 Did you know that's what the Bible says about you 18:39 in 2 Corinthians 1:20? 18:43 It says, 18:44 "For no matter how many promises, 18:46 "no matter how many promises God has made, 18:50 "they are YES in Christ." 18:52 And that means to you that 18:55 if you are in Christ 18:56 all of God's promises are yours! 19:00 Our problem is 19:01 we haven't been partaking of His promises 19:04 the way the Bible instructs us to. 19:07 Now, if we do start partaking we can go on with this 19:12 and look at the next line. 19:13 "I eagerly anticipate 19:16 "the fulfillment of God's promises. 19:20 "And this eager expectation 19:22 "this hope is anchor for my soul. 19:25 "Keeping me from being double minded." 19:29 Let me read you the supporting verses for 19:33 this part of the affirmation. 19:36 Hebrews 6:17-19 says, 19:41 "Because God wanted to make 19:43 "the unchanging nature of His purpose 19:45 "very clear to the heirs of what was promised, 19:49 "He confirmed it with an oath! 19:53 "God did this so that by two unchangeable things 19:58 "in which it is impossible for God to lie, 20:01 "we who have fled to take hold of 20:05 "the hope that is offered to us, 20:07 "might be greatly encouraged! 20:10 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul. 20:16 "Firm and secure!" 20:21 Now the next line of our affirmation says, 20:25 "Through obedience faith and patience, 20:30 I am confident 20:31 I will receive what my Father has promised. 20:35 I want to pause for just a second because 20:39 I always like to remind people 20:40 obedience is the pathway to blessing. 20:45 God's love is unconditional but 20:48 all of His promises are conditioned on our obedience. 20:52 Let me read to you the scriptural support for 20:56 this part of the affirmation. 20:59 Hebrews 10:36-38 says this... 21:04 "For you have need of endurance 21:08 "so that after you have done 21:11 "the will of God you may receive the promise." 21:16 And it goes on to say... 21:17 "For yet in a little while 21:21 "and He who is coming will come and not tarry. 21:25 "Now the just shall live by faith but 21:29 "if anyone draweth back the Lord says, 21:32 "my soul have no pleasure in him." 21:35 But don't miss Hebrews 10:36 there! 21:38 It says, 21:40 "After you have done the will of God, 21:44 "you will receive the promise." 21:46 We plant the promise in our heart. 21:49 We ask God to be all that He has called us to be. 21:53 We ask Him to lead us by the Holy Spirit 21:56 and then, we take that first step of faith 21:59 and God works in us not only to will but 22:01 to act according to His good pleasure. 22:04 And then, after we've done the will of God 22:08 we receive the promise, hallelujah! 22:10 In Hebrews 6:12 says this... 22:14 "Do not become sluggish but 22:17 "imitate those who thru faith 22:20 "and patience inherit the promises!" 22:25 Now, let's put all of those lines back together 22:29 and let's look at our affirmation again because 22:31 this is something that you can declare over your life! 22:36 If you are in Christ Jesus 22:37 this is what the Bible says about you. 22:41 This is God's testimony about you! 22:45 [affirmation on screen] 23:23 Now our next affirmation goes like this... 23:29 [affirmation on screen] 23:54 Now let's take this apart line by line 23:56 and see the scriptural evidence for this affirmation. 24:00 The first line says 24:01 "I am beholding the Lamb of God 24:04 "focusing on His love, 24:06 "light, life, and power." 24:09 I got that from a couple of scriptures... 24:12 John 1:29 24:15 The prophet John said, 24:18 "Behold the Lamb of God who 24:20 "takes away the sins of the world." 24:23 And I think that the Holy Spirit inspired him to say 24:28 "Behold Him". 24:30 Hebrews 12:2 says, 24:34 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus 24:37 "the author and perfector of our faith." 24:41 Now, let's look at the next line. 24:43 The next line said, 24:46 "I become who I behold". 24:48 In other words, 24:49 I develop the character traits of 24:51 the one who occupies my attention. 24:54 Let me give you two verses for that... 24:58 Psalms 17:15 says this, 25:03 "As for me I will behold Thy face in righteousness. 25:08 "I shall be satisfied when I awake with that likeness." 25:14 I can't wait 'til resurrection morning when 25:18 everyone who comes up out of the grave 25:22 will be changed in an instant! 25:24 And they will behold him 25:27 and they will be coming out 25:28 and be satisfied because they were awake in His likeness. 25:34 And in II Corinthians 3:18 says, 25:40 "But we all with unveiled face, 25:42 "beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord 25:47 "are being transformed into 25:48 "the same image from glory to glory." 25:52 You know, glory really can be described 25:57 as God's character. 26:00 So, we're being transformed into the image of Jesus 26:02 from one level of His character to the next. 26:06 And the scripture goes on to say, 26:07 "Just as by the spirit of the Lord." 26:09 It's the Holy Spirit who is leading us. 26:12 And then the next part says, 26:14 "I will focus on His strengths 26:16 "rather than my weaknesses." 26:18 That's one of my favorite verses! 26:20 II Corinthians 12:9-10 26:23 when Jesus said, 26:24 "My grace is sufficient for you for 26:26 "my power is made perfect in your weakness." 26:31 And Paul said, 26:32 "Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly 26:34 "about my weaknesses so that Christ's power 26:38 "may rest on me for 26:39 "when I am weak then I am strong." 26:41 Now, let's put that all back together 26:45 and look at our affirmation. 26:47 [affirmation on screen] 27:08 I don't really understand what it is about humans. 27:13 We think that we need to 27:15 try to do all we can for God in our own effort 27:18 and God never intended it to be that way. 27:21 He wants us to rely on His power. 27:24 I hope that you've enjoyed today's study 27:26 and that you will join us next week when 27:28 we'll see how God renews our thoughts and attitudes 27:31 and how we can live in resurrection power. 27:34 May God multiply His mercy, love and grace to you 27:38 and watch over His word to perform it in your life 27:41 as you cooperate with Him. 27:43 Please remember to spend your time 27:46 making that which is most important to God 27:50 the very thing that is also most important to you... 27:55 Exalting His Word! 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Revised 2014-12-17