Exalting His Word

Life Affirmations From Scripture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: EHW

Program Code: EHW000018

00:19 Hello.
00:20 I'm Shelley Quinn
00:22 and welcome to
00:23 Exalting His Word.
00:24 Today, we're going to learn how to
00:25 take a Life Affirmation from Scripture
00:28 and pray according to God's will.
00:31 When we pray His promises back to Him
00:34 we know we have the answer.
00:36 We'll learn how to seek God's plan for our life,
00:40 and walk in perfect peace.
00:42 Now, this is going to be
00:43 a 'good ole fashion' Bible study.
00:46 So you might want to take some program notes.
00:49 Before we begin,
00:51 let's review our theme text which is
00:55 Psalms 138:2.
00:56 In that verse the Bible says that
00:58 God exalts His name and His word above all things.
01:02 And He exalts His word even above His name.
01:07 Now, what does that mean?
01:09 It means that
01:10 nothing is more important to God
01:12 than His word.
01:14 He has promoted His word to
01:15 the highest rank of importance
01:17 and He has assigned His word
01:19 the highest position of praise.
01:21 God exalts His word above all things
01:24 because He has granted creative, life giving power
01:29 to His word.
01:30 Power to accomplish all of His will.
01:34 And today you'll learn
01:37 how to exalt God's word
01:39 in a new way that will bring
01:41 victorious overcoming power to your life.
01:45 Let's ask the Lord to
01:47 bless our study before we begin.
01:50 Heavenly Father,
01:51 we come today to open your word
01:54 and we ask that the Holy Spirit
01:56 will be our teacher.
01:58 We ask Father God that
01:59 you will empower us by this word
02:02 and we ask that as we plant
02:04 your promises into our heart Father, that
02:07 you will help us Lord to
02:10 retain your promises
02:12 and to reap a harvest of righteousness.
02:15 In Jesus name,
02:16 Amen.
02:18 Now, let's look at our
02:19 first Life Affirmation from Scripture.
02:23 It says,
02:24 [information on screen]
03:16 Do you see what has happened here?
03:20 The Lord lead me to
03:22 take His scriptures
03:24 and to write them out in the form of a prayer.
03:27 Praying His word back to Him.
03:29 Now, let's take this apart
03:31 line by line
03:32 and I'll show you
03:33 the supporting scriptures for this.
03:35 because I want you to learn how to do this.
03:37 There's so much power in this
03:39 and it pleases the Lord
03:41 when we pray His word back to Him.
03:44 The first line says,
03:45 Heavenly Father
03:47 I am seeking you
03:48 with all my heart.
03:50 I got that in part from Psalms 63:1-4.
03:57 The Bible says,
03:59 "Oh God, you are my God.
04:01 "Earnestly I seek you.
04:04 "My soul thirsts for You.
04:06 "My body longs for you
04:09 "In a dry and weary land
04:11 "where there's no water.
04:12 "I have seen you in the sanctuary,
04:15 "and beheld your power and your Glory.
04:17 "Because your love is better than life,
04:21 "my lips will glorify You.
04:24 "I will praise You as long as I live.
04:28 "And in Your Name I will lift up my hands."
04:34 Then the next line says,
04:37 "Teach me how to draw nearer to you.
04:42 "Teach me how to press in to your presence."
04:45 I got that from two scriptures.
04:49 James 4:8 says,
04:52 "Draw near to God
04:54 "and He will draw near to you."
04:57 And Isaiah 6:1 says,
05:01 "I saw the Lord,
05:02 "sitting on the throne
05:05 "high and lifted up.
05:06 "And the train of His robe filled the temple."
05:10 Isaiah was pressing in to
05:14 God's presence in prayer.
05:17 And as He prayed with all of
05:19 His heart soul, mind, and strength,
05:22 the Holy Spirit lead him in prayer to
05:27 where he really pressed in to
05:30 the throne room of God.
05:32 And he saw the Lord high and lifted up.
05:35 That is a precious prayer experience but,
05:39 it doesn't happen if
05:42 we are just praying nominal prayers.
05:45 It doesn't happen when all we're doing is asking God
05:50 when we bring a shopping list before Him.
05:52 So, it's important that we want God to teach us
05:55 how to press in to His presence.
05:59 The next line says,
06:00 "You have loved me with an everlasting love.
06:05 "Help me to accept your love."
06:07 You know, I got that from Jeremiah 31:3.
06:13 And it says,
06:15 "The Lord has appeared of old to me saying,
06:17 "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
06:22 Therefore with loving kindness
06:25 I have drawn you.
06:26 And Ephesians 3:16-19 is
06:31 where I got the part that says
06:35 help me to accept your love.
06:37 The Bible says,
06:38 "I pray that out of his glorious riches
06:40 "He may strengthen you with power."
06:45 How?
06:46 "Through his spirit in your inner being so that
06:48 Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
06:53 and I pray that you being rooted and established in love.
06:58 May have power together with all of the saints to grasp
07:03 how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.
07:11 And to know this love that surpasses knowledge that
07:15 you may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God.
07:24 And then the next line in that affirmation says,
07:28 "You have a plan for my life
07:31 "and it's better than the one I'm living."
07:36 You know, I think each one of us could say this.
07:39 I know that the more I learn about God,
07:43 the more I realize I have yet to learn.
07:48 The more I learn about God's plan for my life,
07:51 the more I realize how little I'm still walking in that plan.
07:58 And I got this from Jeremiah 29:11-14
08:04 It says,
08:06 -This is the Lord speaking,
08:07 "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord.
08:11 "Plans to prosper you
08:13 "and not to harm you.
08:15 "Plans to give you hope and a future.
08:19 "Then you will call upon Me."
08:23 When?
08:24 When do we call upon God?
08:27 When we recognize that
08:29 God has a plan for our lives.
08:31 It causes us to go to the Lord and call on Him.
08:37 And He says,
08:39 "Then you will call upon Me
08:41 "and you will come and pray to me
08:43 "and I will listen to you.
08:46 "You will seek me and find me
08:49 "when you seek me with all of your heart.
08:54 "I will be found by you, declares the Lord
08:58 "And I will bring you back from captivity."
09:02 God wants to bring you back from captivity.
09:07 No matter what circumstances are in your life that
09:13 are holding you captive,
09:14 God can cut the chord of
09:17 the wicked that tries to bind you.
09:20 That's what He says in Psalms 129:4.
09:23 That He is righteous and He will.
09:26 Then the next line of that affirmation says...
09:30 "I only have this lifetime to
09:33 "prepare for eternity.
09:36 "I realize my choices can have eternal consequences.
09:41 "Please cause me to make the right choices."
09:47 If you remember we've been studying that
09:49 God will cause us to be all that He calls us to be.
09:54 And we should be like the Psalmist says.
09:57 He says, "cause me to hear you!
10:00 "Cause me to seek you!
10:02 "Cause me to know you!
10:04 "Cause me Father God to know your will."
10:10 We need to pray that!
10:16 In Deuteronomy 30:19-20 it says,
10:18 "I have set before you life and death.
10:22 "Blessing and cursing,
10:24 "therefore, choose life.
10:27 "That you may love the Lord your God.
10:30 "That you may obey His voice.
10:32 "And that you may cling to Him for
10:35 He is your life.
10:38 And in Philippians 2:13,
10:43 this is where I got the part about
10:45 "Please cause me to make the right choices."
10:48 The Bible says,
10:49 "For it is God who works in you,
10:53 "Both to will and to act for His good pleasure."
11:00 You see the Lord will do both in us.
11:05 He will work in us to cause
11:07 our will to line up with His
11:10 and be in agreement with His.
11:11 And then once He does that,
11:14 all He asks of us,
11:15 once the desires of our heart have been changed,
11:18 once the attitudes of our mind have been renewed,
11:22 what the Lord simply asks is this;
11:26 He won't force us to act,
11:27 He says you just take out one baby step of faith,
11:33 and then I will show up with the power
11:36 and I will empower you to do the will
11:39 -My will.
11:42 The next line says,
11:44 "Teach me Your will.
11:46 "Reveal to me the path that I should walk,
11:51 "to find joy in Your presence."
11:54 I got this from three of my very favorite scriptures.
11:58 Psalms 143:10 says,
12:03 "Teach me to do your will.
12:06 "for you are my God.
12:09 "May your good spirit lead me on level ground."
12:15 And Isaiah 48:17 says,
12:21 "I am the Lord your God
12:23 "who teaches you what is best for you.
12:26 "Who directs you in the way that you should go."
12:31 And then possibly,
12:33 I think sometimes that I...
12:35 You probably hear me say,
12:37 "This is my favorite scripture or
12:39 "one of my favorite scriptures..."
12:41 I have so many!
12:42 But this is one of my favorite scriptures!
12:44 It's Psalms 16:11 and it says,
12:48 "You will show me the path of life,
12:52 "and in your presence is fullness of joy
12:56 "and at your right hand
12:59 "there are pleasures forevermore."
13:01 I have found that is absolutely
13:05 a true and wonderful promise of God.
13:10 The next line of our affirmation says,
13:12 "Cause me to seek you earnestly.
13:16 "God is looking for those
13:20 "who are earnest seekers.
13:22 "Who want to know His plan for their lives.
13:25 "Who want to know Him better
13:28 "and understand His love."
13:30 I got that in part from
13:32 Hebrews 11:6 and it says,
13:36 "Without faith,
13:38 "it is impossible to please God.
13:39 "Because anyone who comes to Him,
13:42 "must believe that He exists
13:46 "and that He rewards those
13:48 "who earnestly seek Him."
13:52 The next line of our affirmation says,
13:55 "Cause me to trust in Your word."
13:59 Proverbs 3:5-6 is where I got this.
14:03 And it says,
14:04 "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart
14:08 "and lean not on your own understanding.
14:11 "In all your ways acknowledge Him,
14:13 "and He shall direct your paths."
14:17 Let me ask you,
14:18 if God doesn't want us to lean
14:22 on our own limited human understanding,
14:26 what is it that you think He wants us to lean on?
14:30 He wants us to lean on His word.
14:33 We should go to the word for wisdom!
14:36 We should go to the word for understanding!
14:39 Now, let's put all of these back together...
14:43 and see how this affirmation comes out!
14:47 [affirmation on screen]
14:50 (We're going to pray God's word back to Him.)
15:37 Please stay tuned
15:38 and we're going to look at another affirmation
15:40 right after this announcement.
15:45 If this dynamic series is
15:46 making a difference in your life,
15:47 then you should know about
15:49 a special study guide
15:50 written by Shelley Quinn.
15:52 Exalting His Word with
15:53 Life Affirmations From Scripture
15:55 is an in depth study of the word of God.
15:59 Please send your love gifts to...
16:15 Welcome back!
16:16 Now, let's look at another
16:18 Life Affirmation from Scripture.
16:20 This one says,
16:21 [affirmation on screen]
17:02 Now, let's look at that line by line.
17:05 "I am walking in constant peace."
17:10 Wouldn't you like that?
17:11 His peace that guards my heart in all circumstances,
17:15 and is beyond human understanding.
17:18 That comes form Philippians 4:6-7
17:24 and it says,
17:25 "Be anxious for nothing.
17:27 "But in everything by prayer and supplication
17:32 "with thanksgiving,
17:33 "let your request be made known to God.
17:37 "And the peace of God which surpasses
17:41 "all understanding will guard
17:44 "your heart and mind
17:46 "through Christ Jesus."
17:50 The next line says,
17:51 "God keeps me in perfect peace because
17:54 "my mind has a steadfast trust
17:57 "in His Faithfulness."
17:59 That comes from Isaiah 26:3
18:03 And if you don't take any other program note,
18:06 write this scripture down
18:09 It says,
18:10 "You will keep him in perfect peace
18:13 "whose mind is stayed on you
18:17 "because he trusts in You."
18:20 You know whenever I realize that
18:26 I'm loosing my peace,
18:28 I know that my mind is not focused on God.
18:31 And the next verse says,
18:33 "Whenever I begin, or,
18:34 the next line of our Life Affirmation says,
18:36 "Whenever I begin to feel stressed and anxious,
18:40 "I realize my eyes are not focused on my Lord."
18:45 That comes from I Corinthians 14:33.
18:50 And that verse says that
18:51 God is not the author of confusion but
18:54 He is the Author of Peace.
18:57 So, if we're walking in confusion,
19:00 it's not God's fault!
19:01 It's because our eyes aren't focused in Him
19:05 and our mind is not trusting in Him.
19:08 And then,
19:09 the next verse for that is,
19:11 John 14:27.
19:15 Jesus said,
19:16 "Peace I leave with you.
19:18 "My own peace I now give
19:21 "and achive to you.
19:23 "Not as the world gives do I give to you.
19:27 "Do not let your hearts be troubled.
19:31 "Neither let them be afraid."
19:36 Then the next verse or line of
19:40 our Life Affirmation from Scripture,
19:44 says this,
19:45 "I return my thoughts to Him
19:49 "and place my complete trust in Him.
19:53 "He restores my peace
19:56 "causing me to overflow with hope by
20:02 "the power of His Spirit."
20:03 Let me give you the supporting scriptures for that.
20:11 Hebrews 12:2 says,
20:12 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.
20:15 "The Author and Perfector of our faith."
20:19 And if our eyes are on Jesus,
20:22 we'll have a totally different perspective
20:25 about that is going on in our lives.
20:31 Isaiah 30:15.
20:36 I've often called this
20:37 my life verse.
20:39 I'm gonna read it from
20:40 the "Amplified".
20:42 "For thus said the Lord God
20:44 "the Holy One of Israel,
20:46 "in returning to Me
20:48 "and resting in Me
20:50 "you shall be saved.
20:53 "In quietness
20:54 "and in trusting confidence
20:57 "shall be your strength."
21:00 Isn't that beautiful?
21:02 That's God's promise
21:03 when we return our focus to the Lord
21:06 and we realize that God is doing everything
21:10 for our eternal benefit,
21:12 we will find quietness and confidence in God.
21:18 And then Isaiah 32:17 says this...
21:24 "The fruit of righteousness will be peace.
21:29 "The effect of righteousness will be
21:32 "quietness and confidence forever."
21:39 Romans 15:13 is
21:44 the next verse for this line.
21:46 And this is a verse that
21:48 I often use at the Holiday time
21:50 during the Christmas Season.
21:53 When I send out greetings
21:54 I write this verse in because
21:56 it's such a beautiful verse!
21:58 It says...
21:59 "May the God of hope
22:01 "fill you with all joy and peace
22:06 "as you trust in Him so that
22:09 "you may overflow with hope
22:12 "by the power of the Holy Spirit."
22:15 Something that's interesting...
22:17 In the Greek,
22:18 hope means "eager expectation".
22:21 God is the God of eager expectations!
22:26 He plants His expectations in us.
22:31 He gives us that expectancy when we know His word.
22:35 When we know that He is
22:37 watching over His word to perform it.
22:40 As we plant His promises in our heart
22:44 and hold fast to them
22:46 and speak them back to the Lord
22:50 we can have hope.
22:51 We can have that hope that just bubbles over
22:56 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
23:00 Now, let's put all of those lines back together
23:02 for our original affirmation.
23:06 [Affirmation on screen]
23:51 You know,
23:53 there is something that I have noticed
23:57 about all people.
24:01 Peace is something that
24:03 very few people are enjoying.
24:05 I know quite a few people
24:07 who seem to have it all as far as material goods.
24:14 They have big houses.
24:15 They have nice cars.
24:16 They can vacation wherever they want.
24:19 But the thing that they're missing is
24:22 the peace of God.
24:25 There is no real joy
24:29 The pleasures that they are entertaining
24:31 themselves with
24:36 leaves them empty.
24:38 And I know that most people
24:43 I believe that you also seek peace.
24:47 We all do!
24:48 We all lose our peace at
24:50 sometime or another because
24:52 there are things that happen that
24:54 will interrupt our focus on the Lord.
24:58 The nice thing about it is that
25:00 if you will particularly take
25:03 Isaiah 26:3
25:04 and speak that over your life saying...
25:07 "God keeps me in perfect peace
25:10 "because I trust in Him.
25:12 "And my mind is steadfastly on Him."
25:15 God will do something interesting
25:17 and I can tell you this
25:19 by personal experience.
25:20 I had been speaking that scripture
25:22 over my life
25:24 for quite some time.
25:26 And then,
25:27 one day something happened that
25:29 was really very distressing.
25:31 I fretted and I fuss
25:33 and I rung my hands
25:35 and I just warded around
25:37 doing all kinds of things
25:38 with absolutely no peace!
25:41 And suddenly
25:42 the Lord got my attention.
25:44 And He impressed this thought on my mind...
25:47 Where are your eyes focused?
25:49 On the circumstances or on Me?
25:53 And you know something?
25:55 As soon as I returned
25:57 my focus to the Lord,
26:00 fixing my eyes on Jesus Christ,
26:02 the Author and Finisher of my faith,
26:05 He did restore my peace!
26:09 My circumstances hadn't changed,
26:12 I was still facing the same battle!
26:16 But all of a sudden
26:18 I knew that God was walking through
26:21 this fiery trial with me.
26:23 I knew that He would never
26:25 leave me nor forsake me.
26:26 I knew that He loved me with an everlasting love.
26:30 And that He was
26:32 a shield of protection over me.
26:36 And He restored my peace!
26:39 And because I was walking in
26:42 the peace of God with hope that
26:44 the Lord was gonna work these circumstances out,
26:48 I was actually able to
26:52 meet these circumstances.
26:54 Meet the challenge with much greater strength
26:57 because I was relying on His power to
27:02 be made perfect in my weakness!
27:03 Well, please join us next week
27:05 when we'll develop affirmations
27:09 about salvation by grace
27:11 and the glorious act of redemption.
27:14 I pray that God will multiply His mercy,
27:19 love and grace to you
27:22 and His peace to you.
27:25 And I pray that
27:26 He will watch over His word to perform it
27:30 in your life
27:31 as you cooperate with Him
27:33 by planting His promises in your heart
27:35 and speaking them back to the Lord.
27:38 Please remember to spend your time,
27:41 making that which is most important to you
27:45 the same thing that is most important to God
27:49 and that is,
27:51 spend your time
27:52 Exalting His Word!


Revised 2014-12-17